
D a l k e i t h H i g h S c h o o l

Spring 2014


Age: 18

Class: 6D

Favourite Subject: History or Music (tough call).

Interests: Watching rugby, as well as coaching and playing it.I love food and enjoy cooking and, more importantly, eating it!In my spare time I enjoy watching films, listening to music and spending time with my friends.

Hobbies: My main hobby is music. I’ve been playing guitar for around 9 years and have been in a band for 5. We’ve gigged a lot and played in several clubs in Edinburgh. This month we are supporting Frankie Coccozza (who was on the X-Factor) when he plays in Edinburgh.

Achievements: I’ve won awards at the Model United Nations representing the school ( a debating competition with schools from around the globe) and was the first DHS student to do so.In 2012, I won ‘Nittens Got Talent’, playing my own song. I bought a new guitar with the prize money.

What do you want to do after school?: I have an unconditional offer to study Law at Edinburgh University, which I am going to accept. If being a lawyer doesn’t work, then my plan is to become a Rock Star!

Favourite TV Programmes: Fresh Meat, Sherlock, How I Met Your Mother, Game of Thrones.


As part of our induction for pupils moving from S5 to S6 in June 2014, we are piloting a new programme designed to increase pupils’ confidence and skills and to give them a further opportunity to pick up a valuable life experience.All S5 who intend to return for a sixth and final year have been asked to arrange a week-long placement, from 16th - 20th June 2014, which could involve shadowing someone in the career they are considering going into.We asked pupils to take greater responsibility for arranging their placement than in S4 so that they thereby further develop real skills that will be of value to them on completion of their school education. Pupils needed to contact potential placements, hand in the forms for the employer to complete, and then collect them and bring them into school.All completed work experience forms needed to be handed into school by March 28th 2014 (before the Easter Holidays) so that they could be submitted to Midlothian Training Services who carry out the necessary checks.We hope that this will be a great experience for pupils, which could subsequently be part of a university personal statement, a college application or used in a CV when applying to training or employment.













We have had an excellent start to our Centenary year at Dalkeith High School. The Burns Supper was popular and our students were a credit to the community. The Evening News article highlighted the success of the event and my thanks to our former English teacher, Mr Robertson, for his immortal memory to Burns, to Tom Wilson our piper and to the PTA for their contribution to the organisation of the occasion. I would also like to extend my gratitude to James Cockburn & Son, Butchers in Dalkeith, for donating the haggis. Special mention should also be made to Mr Robertson, PT Home Economics, without whom the Supper would never have occurred. Photographs can be viewed on page 15 of this newsletter.

I am in the process of proof reading ‘100 years of Dalkeith High School’ by Alan Mason and we are confident of it being published on Monday, 2 June. Moreover, a reminder that the tickets for the Centenary Dinner will be on public sale in the next few weeks. I will write to parents with the exact date. Mark Greenaway is our headline act in the kitchen and the aptly named ‘Flavours’ will be our showcase band on Friday, 6 June. The following morning will be a free cake and coffee morning with a celebration of ‘Dalkeith High through the decades.’ There will be photos and memorabilia aplenty for the latter event.

I am acutely aware of the pressures our S4-6 students are under at this time. I have enclosed a copy of the Easter revision programme and the weekly study clubs. I would encourage our pupils to access these supports during the holidays and during term time or exam leave. S4 parents should have received a letter from me about study leave for the new national qualifications. Meanwhile, although our tracking information is indicating excellent results for our youngsters, the next few months will be crucial for individuals and their own personal targets. We wish them well.

Finally, updating the website was integral to this session’s school improvement plan. I can confirm that major progress is being made and that this will be achieved by the end of this session. A school app will also be in place.4


I’d like to thank everyone from the PTA, Parent Council, staff, pupils and Ceilidh Caleerie band for the fantastic Burns Night recently. Not only was this a great event, but it very successfully kicked off our fund raising to mark the DHS Centenary year. Watch out for other centenary events to follow!At our most recent Parent Council meeting, we had a discussion about our ‘online presence’ with regard to our website, smart phone apps and also possibilities around having a Facebook page. If any parent has skills, ideas and / or time that they could give, we would be very glad to hear from you, so please get in touch.School office: [email protected] Council: [email protected] wishesCaroline Pearson (Chair)




Congratulations to David Kerr, 5D2, and Megan McCulloch, 5D1, who have been chosen to attend this year’s summer camps in Perthshire. The Esk Valley Rotary Club staff were very impressed by the high standard of all the pupils they interviewed and had a very difficult choice to make. Well done to all pupils. Full reports on how David and Megan got on at the camps will appear in the Autumn Newsletter.

DofE BRONZE PRACTICE EXPEDITIONThe new Bronze D.of.E group took to the Pentland

Hills on 14th and 15th March in order to complete their practice expedition. The group set off from Flotterstone and headed over the hills to the Bonaly camp site. Other than some very strong winds, the weather was dry and mild for the whole weekend. The pupils were able to practice their navigation skills along the way and are now all expert map readers! The 19 pupils then had to put in place the camp craft skills that they had learned at school. This included pitching tents and cooking their evening meals on their camping stoves. The group then set about building a camp fire and toasting some marshmallows before the camp fire songs kicked in! Next step for the Bronze group will be to undertake their assessed expedition, which will take place later next term. Well done to all those who took part and keep up the good work!


Killer Queen and Commander Khashoggi are plotting the Global Soft take-over of Dalkeith High… Can Britney, Galileo, Scaramouche, Meat and the Bohemians find Rhapsody or will they be cast into the Seven Seas of Rhye? Preparations are coming on apace! We are looking for any old denim, leather jackets, tutus or luminous coloured tops, socks, leg-warmers that can be customised for costumes. If you can bear to part with these precious items, please arrange for these to be brought to Miss Milne in Music. Otherwise…Watch out for ticket information and book your seat to Dalkeith High’s Centenary Show, “We Will Rock You” (although be prepared to not use your seat, as you will be dancing in the aisles!).

CENTENARY SCHOOL SHOW - 25th to 27th JUNE 2014

Caitlin Portlock, a pupil at Dalkeith High School, Midlothian, was named as one of Scotland’s Top Hospitality Students.Described as “always being extremely able and confident in home economics”, Caitlin, along with a pupil from Notre Dame High School in Greenock, achieved the highest mark for the Intermediate 2 Hospitality

Practical Cookery course. As one of Scotland’s Top Hospitality Students, Caitlin received an award of £250 from Quality Meat Scotland (QMS). Dalkeith High School also received a special £100 meat voucher to purchase beef, lamb or pork for use in classes.


The Dalkeith High School's presentation of “We Will Rock You.”

Presented by permission

STUC SONGWRITING FESTIVAL 2013Dalkeith High School was contacted by the STUC in Glasgow and asked to participate in a songwriting festival. Pupils were to write and record a song about ‘Social injustice’. The songs were showcased at an event held in the STUC centre in Glasgow. Schools from all over Scotland as far away as Shetland were featured at the event. Dalkeith High had two song entries: ‘Who Cares’ by Ryan Hunter and ‘Twisted World’ by James McQueen. The songs were played to a group of professionals in the Music industry today including: Dave Hook from group Solar Eye, Ron Howie, from Educating Scotland, and Gerry Dammers and Rab Noakes from the Musicians Union. The songs were well received and both pupils were given great praise from both the professionals on the panel and pupils from other Schools. There was a lovely lunch laid on for everyone, followed by a question round to the panel. James and Ryan brought home a lovely glass engraved trophy for Dalkeith High School. A very successful and enjoyable day was had by all.

CAREERS CONVENTION 2014On Wednesday 12th March, the campus hosted its annual Joint Careers Convention with St David’s High School. The turnout this year was up on last year and presenters reported that they were kept very busy on the night and that this was testament to the excellent preparation done by the pupils before attending this event. As always, the evening gave pupils and parents a chance to get quality up-to-the-minute information on educational opportunities, employment training, apprenticeship openings, and career path guidance. This year there were even some interactive opportunities, including a chance to complete a sample aptitude test for MacTaggart Scott Engineering. Special thanks should go to S5 students Charlotte Waugh, Hannah Smith and David Kerr for their excellent work on the night, welcoming visitors to the campus and providing them with coffee and snacks. Everyone left the event with something of real worth – including free keyrings, free pens, free badges… but most importantly, free in-depth information on future career pathways. Don’t miss out next year when we will do it all over again, just for you – and next year we are hoping the event will be even more interactive!






Twenty S4 pupils accompanied by 5 staff spent 2 days in March at Broomlee Outdoor Activity Centre participating in outdoor group work problem solving and intense Maths exam preparation. Whether getting through the Spider’s Web without ringing the bell or competing in Maths treasure hunts or doing past paper practice or eating jam donuts without hands, the pupils were active all weekend and fun was had by all. Most agreed that the Maths work undertaken over the weekend will make their preparation for the upcoming National 5 exam more focused and meaningful. Thank you to Miss McLeod, Miss Duffin, Miss Wilson, Mr Shannon and Mrs Harpur, as well as to the S4 campers!Don’t despair if you missed Maths Camp (or were not eligible for it)! Easter revision days are in the diary… Watch out for details.

On the 18th February, the Intermediate 2 Travel & Tourism class spent the day in Edinburgh undertaking research for their Unit 2 NAB on Business Practices in Travel and Tourism. We started with a tour of Visit Scotland’s Information Centre on Princes Street, then spent an hour in the Balmoral Hotel where we were lucky enough to be shown around some of the suites where lots of famous people have stayed. We then walked up the

Royal Mile, conducting tourist surveys on our way to Edinburgh Castle, where we were given a tour by a member of Historic Scotland’s Education Team. The day culminated with a visit to Edinburgh Dungeons ( ... where some of the boys appeared to be a lot more scared than the girls!) and a meal at Nandos. A good day was had by all and the pupils are now busy writing up their projects in class.




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Once again, the Modern Languages department spent March in avid preparation. The time of year came around once more where pupils ranging from fourth to sixth year were required to sit their oral exams, which contribute to their overall grades. A key revision technique to which the department attributes its academic success is the annual French and Spanish

Immersion Weekend; this year’s being just as successful and just as exciting.The weekend of study began on Thursday 6th of March as a large group of pupils and teachers travelled to a youth hostel in Stirling, just a short walk from both the town centre and Stirling Castle. Pupils, therefore, had plenty to see and do during their spare time. The first task of the day was revision - in which pupils spent time with teachers and helpers, focussing on key aspects of their speaking exam such as pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. The study timetable was agreed to be a resounding success for the pupils’ learning as they were able to gain more knowledge and encouragement, thus becoming more confident to sit their exam and more able to hold a conversation in another language.Whilst revision remained an important aspect of the trip, pupils were given the chance to undertake other excursions which Stirling had to offer. During free time, pupils could go to the town centre and explore Stirling’s extensive shopping mall, its cafes and attractions. Food was another appealing aspect of the trip for many – despite the lack of nuts on offer – as crepes and tortillas remained the sweeping favourites of the weekend. The group then spent their Friday evening in a salsa class lead by Mr Valdera, accompanied by a glass each of sangria. Then, before leaving on Saturday afternoon, the group were fortunate enough to have a tour of Stirling Castle, during which only French was spoken. This gave pupils the opportunity to put what they had learned to the test whilst immersing themselves in history.Teachers and pupils alike returned home boasting the benefit and entertainment which this year’s Immersion Weekend had to offer and the assistance it gave to the pupils’ preparation for their speaking exams.




‘Champions in Schools’ is an initiative which allows pupils to work with athletes who are champions in their Sport. Adam Mackenzie is a Scottish International Hockey player who visited Mr Agnew’s S2 elective group during January for the first of three sessions. Adam represented Scotland at the 2010 Commonwealth games and is hoping to make the squad for the 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth games. Adam discussed with pupils the importance of Goal Setting in sport and in life outside of sport. The pupils involved agreed that it is crucial to set goals so that you are motivated to do well and can stay focused to meet your targets – whatever they may be. Pupils then took part in a fun and exciting hockey session with Adam where they

got to try out lots of new skills he had taught them. Adam will be coming back in April for the second session which will focus on the importance of keeping fit.


At the beginning of February, Dalkeith Campus hosted an event with author and Rap Artist Steven Camden who visited the first year pupils to talk about his book - Tape.The first years from both St David’s High School and Dalkeith High School were asked to pick their favourite novel and create a short rap to go with the book. The best raps from each class were then recorded and played, not only in front of the entire first year group, but before Steven Camden himself, who could not decide on a winning entry. Places were therefore decided by the schools’ English Departments and winners were awarded WH-Smith vouchers for their efforts.On the day, Steven Camden spoke not only about his book, but also performed his rap poetry. He also challenged the pupils to create ideas for their own stories.The winning Dalkeith High School pupils were Lauren Binns, Carli Moffat, Rebecca Cooney, Jackson Rice and Sophie Anderson.


THE PUPIL VOICEMy name is Damon Kent and I am an S1 Pupil Voice member. This is my first time in a council and I am really enjoying it. I am proud to be part of it and to be able to share my ideas at the meetings. It’s great fun and a good experience. I feel more confident each time I attend a meeting. We have meetings once every two weeks. At the meetings I get to see how amazing we all work together but still keep focussed. If anything it teaches me to be more responsible. As well as the school, we focus on local places such as Woodburn.Every pupil has a voice and our job is to make sure everyone is heard. That is why we are called the Pupil Voice, and we never go ahead with something unless we have your support. We listen to what you say and try to improve things. If you have an idea, please tell your Guidance Teacher or Pupil Voice member. We will take them in even if we have already, as this shows how much demand there is.Being part of the Pupil Voice also allows you to get volunteer experience which is really important. It might even help you to get a job. The time spent volunteering can count toward a Saltire award from the Volunteer Centre.Overall it’s great being in the Pupil Voice and I strongly suggest to anyone who is interested to apply next year as it is a lot easier to get your ideas through and you can do something fun at lunchtimes.

The competition was held at Beeslack High School and nine schools were represented. This year’s challenge was to design a mechanical arm that could remove radioactive material, a tennis ball, from a confined space and place it safely on a target. The pupils then had to build and put their designs to the test, each team being judged by professional engineers from the Institute of Structural Engineers. There were three categories:

Basic - for pupils in S1/S2; Intermediate - for pupils in S3/S4; Advanced - for pupils in S5/S6

Congratulations to both the Dalkeith S2 and S4 teams who beat off some tough competition from eight other schools to win their respective categories in this year’s challenge.

The winning Basic team was Judy Jiang, Scott Miller, Cormac Greig, Rory Duncan

The winning Intermediate team was Ryan O’Neill, Robert Williams, Cameron Evans

Our senior team, Selena Heck, Rebakah Cameron, Gavin Baxter and Mark Stadnik competed very well and were narrowly beaten in the Advanced competition.



Congratulations to the under 15s football team for reaching the semi-final of the Edinburgh League Cup. The boys take on Musselburgh and will be hoping to repeat their 8-0 victory to reach the first final of the season. In addition, the boys are top of the league with one game remaining and could win the league this weekend if rivals Craigmount drop points against either Portobello or Gracemount in the

next two matches - if not, then the boys will play ‘a winner takes all match’ before the Easter break! The boys are top of the league after 11 games having won 10 and drawn 1,

which extends their unbeaten run in the league to three years! They also have an impressive goal difference of plus 50 goals in the league. This season has been a resilient effort from the boys who have never looked back following their exit from the Scottish Shield and they are now looking to complete the double in style!

The under 16s football team started off the year with an away fixture to Firhill High School. This proved to be the best performance to date. Despite losing an early goal, Dalkeith battled back into the game with some quick passing moves, creating a number of chances. By half time Dalkeith found themselves 2-1 up and this momentum continued into the

second half. Further goals from Ryan Letson (who ended up with a hat-trick!), Kieran Lunn, Thomas Prior and Ciaran Lawrence meant the game ended with a convincing 6-2 victory. Despite some strong performances since, the Under 16s have not added any further points. A closely fought game against Royal High looked to be heading for a 0-0 draw until the Edinburgh side snatched a winner with 5 minutes to go. With two league games left, the boys are hoping they can turn some good performances into more positive results and lift themselves further up the table.




A small team of 6 pupils attended the Scottish Schools’ Indoor Athletics Championships in the Commonwealth Emirates arena, Glasgow. Ellen Kristoffersen, S6, started the day with Long jump, finishing a respectable 4th after a series of no jumps. She later went on to win a bronze medal in the High jump. Amy Frankland, S6, ran a fantastic heat in the 1500m winning with a confident run. She was outkicked in the final, finishing just out of the medals. Matthew Smith, S3, returning from a year of injury, ran a superb personal best in his 800m race. Kyle Hutton, S4, and William Hutchison, S5, clocked personal bests in their 60m races. William then went on to run a great 200m race with team mate Ryan Weston, S5. A great day was had by all!

Congratulations to Jack Morgan who was selected by the Scottish Football Association to attend the U15 (1999) International Camp in Antalya, Turkey, in February.

Amy Frankland, S6, Matthew Smith, S3, and Lauren Pearson, S2, headed through to a very cold and windy cross country course in Irvine on Saturday the 8th March. Lauren was first to run in her first experience of a cross country race of this calibre, finishing strongly against over 200 pupils from all over Scotland. Matthew, who was one of the youngest in his race, clocked a great time in the harsh conditions to finish in the top 30. Our Head girl, Amy Frankland, finished off the day’s success with a great run, finishing with a silver medal. Well done to all involved and to their coach, Linda Smith from Lasswade AC , who was also very proud.



Dalkeith High School Sports Day will take place this year on Friday 27th June.This will take the format of a house athletics competition with S1-S6 open to compete. There will also be some surprises and fun activities on the day.Spectators are welcome, so please come along with your picnic blanket and suncream!






A team of 8 U16 boys headed to Penicuik to play in the Midlothian tournament on 28th February. The boys played out of their socks! After a few dramas with buses and loss of strips, we arrived just as the games were starting. This didn’t put the boys off and they started their campaign with a win against Newbattle, scoring 11 tries to none. The second game, against Penicuik, showed the pupils’ stamina and skill level, picking up 12 tries and only conceding 1. The last Match, against Beeslack, showed real determination and drive, winning with another strong game, resulting in 11 tries and none conceded.Newbattle 11 tries. Penicuik 12 tries 1 conceded. Beeslack 11 tries.

Fourteen S1/2 pupils attended the Midlothian Giant Heptathlon competition at Lasswade HS. They competed against all 6 schools in Midlothian in 7 events - standing long jump, 30m sprint, 60m hurdles, standing triple jump, shot putt and endurance

challenge. The pupils worked as a group to gain as many points as possible in all events. With some outstanding performances, Dalkeith finished 1st place to qualify for the Regional event at Meadowbank athletics stadium, against the Edinburgh and West Lothian finalists. The same team ventured to the regional final at Meadowbank on the 13th March to compete for the last place in the Scottish final. All pupils performed amazingly! The events were changed the week before the competition started, but our pupils adapted brilliantly to gain a 5th place finish above our Midlothian rivals, Lasswade HS.

On a blustery Friday afternoon, the Dalkeith High Senior Rugby team took part In the Midlothian Schools Rugby Sevens competition. The team, made up of nine S5 and S6 players, two of whom had never played rugby before, enjoyed victories against Penicuik High School and Edinburgh Development team before facing Lasswade

High in the final. In a closely fought match, both teams scored 3 tries; however Lasswade clinched the shield winning by the last conversion. Special mention must be made of Archie Scott who gallantly played for Newbattle who were a man down, Tony Milne for scoring a hat trick of tries in his first every rugby tournament, Pierangelo Gorgone for following team instructions and getting stuck in, and Stephen McMillan for his calm leadership. Well done to all the team. Made me very proud!



SCOTTISH SCHOOLS’ ALPINE SKI SERIESAfter finishing in first place in their qualifying event, the DHS ski team made it to the final of the Scottish Schools Alpine Series which took place at Cairngorm Mountain. The team left school at 5.30 and made the long journey up the road to Aviemore in time for the start of the race. Teams from all across Scotland were in attendance and there were several skiers who were part of the Scottish junior ski team also racing. The course was a steep and tight giant slalom course set up on the famous White Lady run on Cairngorm Mountain. After two runs each, our boys’ team finished in 8th place and the mixed team in a very respectable 5th place! This is a truly remarkable result considering the level of competition. Well done to all the competitors!

DHSDalkeith High School2 COUSLAND ROAD


TEL: 0131 654 4701

Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Service has issued tickets like this one, when they have answered emergency calls to Dalkeith High School Campus.The tickets were placed on vehicles that had been parked inconsiderately and had caused an obstruction to fire appliances.Please think of access when parking. Do not obstruct fire hydrants, do not double park and under no circumstances use the green bay marked for emergency vehicles.Thank you for your cooperation.

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