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Music Video Script Adam Grundy

Spor - EmpireFt James Hadouken!Sotto VoceFirst Draft

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Music Video Script Adam Grundy

Video Title: Spor Ft James Hadouken – Empire



1. 0:00 – 0:30 – Start on a black screen that would fade into the artists logos/ artists faces cut in half (One on the left and the other on the right) and then fade into a WS of a hallway of two characters in hoodies facing away from the camera. Moving on to a zoom to MS of the two hooded blokes as they start to walk down the hallway slowly. As the two walk down the hallway the video will transition into a TRS of the two walking without revealing who they are. The next shot would be a POV of one of the characters as he looks at his friend, it would start as they stop, he would look down at his toes and then look at his friend and then straight forward as they look towards the end of the tunnel. Then the next show would be OTS shot placed in the middle of the two characters. Then there would be a MS of the two from the front and then move into TS on an angle as they look towards up towards the wall as they see a small poster with the spor logo, then a CU as one of the characters grabs the poster and as he grabs it the video shot would change back to a MS shot as the character looks down and then cut to a POV to look at the poster, at this point the camera shot will change to a TRS as someone hands the other character the same poster that the guy is holding and go into a CU as he is handed the poster.

Instrumental Start

You think you’re such a fucking

white boy.

White boy, join the ruckus.

I’m a sufficient baller.

White boy.

My time, mic’d up, come join the

fight club.

Continue Instrumental

2. 0:30 – 1:00 – The next shot would be of them two finishing walking down the corridor which will take place in a WS as they walk in separate directions as one walks

They call me frank cause i lamp

hard, standard. Going in studs

up, higher than the shard. I

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left and one walks right. There would be TRS as the two walk in the different directions. Then it would go into a CU as one of the characters would put in his earphones then cut to another close up as one of the characters selects the song “Spor - Empire” and as it starts to play it would change to Over the Shoulder Tracking shot as he starts to continue walking down the pathway. It would then shortly cut to the other character as he walks down the street in a TRS style, it would cut to another TRS but with the other guy walking the opposite way to the first. Then it would cut to an OTS as the character without earphones would meet up with a friend who also would be hooded, it would flash to a TS as the two go to handshake and then CU on the handshaking. Then to a cut to a MS of the two walking down the pathway, Finally the three characters will meet up another character in hood on a field carrying a bag. It’ll show the character on a WS by cutting from left to right to middle then cutting to another WS as the three walk together towards the character. After the four meet it’ll cut to a HAS as the four greet. The newest member of the group will drop the bag to reveal what's inside which will include alot of posters of spor’s caligo tour and logo, bats or something similar and cans and drinks. (Will be shot as a CU as the bag falls and lands). Next it will be a TRS of the four as they relax drinking, at which point of of them will stand up and grab a bat.

take it down to the wire Cause

this is my empire.

Instrumental Continues

3. 1:00 – 1:30 – Then next it’ll cut to a MS as he run towards a can and then swing to hit it, and just before he hits it cut to a CU taken from multiple angles as he hits the can just as the drop kicks in. It’ll then cut to a MS as he starts to run and dance and then cut to another MS as it pans back to the other three as they looked shocked but then get up and do the same, all repeated in a CU shot. It’ll

Instrumental Ends

I take it down to the wire

Cause this is my Empire

Cause this is my Empire.

Instrumental Starts

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then cut to a TS as two of the characters will pick up a can or two, as they walk towards their little group it’ll be in a WS, Continuing the WS will be a shot of the four in a circle looking down, Next will CU of the bunch of cans and bottle and would pan up as all of them look down. Then it would cut to WS as the four turn walk away and then stop.

4. 1:30 – 2:00 - Then it would cut to a CU of of the characters as only one of them turns around. Then in a MS style it’ll show one of them in front of the rest as they look towards the the cans and bottles but the camera will be facing their sides and then for a second cut to a HAS as they look towards the cans and bottles, and then cut to a OTS Tracking Shot as he is passed a bat and then walks towards the cans, it’ll cut to a MS as he gets close and then to a CU as he hits the stack, this will all be taken from multiple angles so it will have to be recorded multiple times, and then a CU of a can/bottle in the air. There will also be another close up of one of the bats hitting a bottle. There will be MS shots of the others standing still and waiting to have a go as they watch.

Instrumental Ends

You know we’re mighty on a mad

beat like a tyrannosaurus rex.

I’m never ever going to tread


5. 2:00 – 2:30 - Next shot would be a of a HAS as they pack their bags and get ready to leave, then there would be a CU of the bag on the floor where the camera would be as well. Then one of the posters would fall out with the camera following it with a PS with a WS of them walking of away from site and then a CU of the poster, which would be of his caligo tour then it would fade to black. Then we have the four walking in a line down an alleyway with their hoods up, then would go to a MS & TRS as the four walk down and then cut to the back of them keeping with shot style and then edging into a CU. We would then see one of them split of as they would walk towards the wall with a poster (Which they would be holding when the shot starts) which

Writing on this track I keep it

Spiky, I’m spitting on Your


They call me Frank cause I lamp

hard, standard

Going in studs up, higher than

the shard

I take it down to the wire

Because this is my Empire

Do you think i’m going to tread


Do you think i’m going to tread


Do you think i’m going to tread


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would be shot using a MS. We will see the three of them stop for them as it pans from the character to the group and then back to the character. We will see the poster being stuck to the wall in a CU but only focusing on the poster and not the character.

Do you think i’m ever gonna?

6. 2:30 – 3:00 - Then the character will catch up with the group which at that point will carry on moving while being filmed in a MS. Then the same thing will happen again as another character (Yet again holding the poster but also the bag) would split off and stick the poster on the wall using a CU though this time they would carry on walking, it would cut to a MS as the rest continue to walk towards their destination and then would cut back to the single character in CU as they would take their hood down to reveal themselves fully and would then roll up their sleeves at this point it would Pan to the poster and then fade to black. It would fade back as the three left would walk back to the starting place in LAS. Then it would cut to A new character which at this point would be holding just a small television who would also be wearing a hoodie but wouldn’t matter if it was up or not. It would show him in a MS as he slowly walks to meet them holding the Tv in one hand. The character would put down the TV and as he does that it would be a TRS as it tracks him but then as it gets put down would turn to a CU on the TV. It would become a WS of all four of the characters as they all come in view, which at this point they would start conversation which you won’t be able to hear, The characters will all look to their left/right (Depending on the camera angle) and notice the spor poster. the final character who go left behind would come in behind the single guy in the style of a MS, he would drop the bag which would like before reveal the contents of the bag.

Do you think i’m ever gonna

tread lightly

Do you think i’m ever gonna?

Do you think i’m ever gonna

tread lightly?

Do you think i’m ever gonna


Do you think i’m ever gonna

tread lightly?

Do you think i’m ever gonna


Do you think i’m ever gonna

tread lightly?

Do you think i’m ever gonna


Do you think i’m ever gonna

tread lightly?

Do you think i’m ever gonna


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Music Video Script Adam Grundy7. 3:00 – 3:30 - The next shot would

be a TS as the last guy and the single guy would shake and and to discuss a deal. Then one of the guys in the three would look at the TV which would first do a CU of their face, and then the TV from two different angles, first from the side and then from the back in a CU shot again as they will notice it is faulty. This point it’ll cut to a MS on the group of three as he’ll notify them about what he noticed and while not letting the others know, we’ll know that they won’t know because it’ll briefly cut to a TS of the other two as they have their conversation. Then one of the three will shout the other member of the group to notify which will be shot in a MS which will instantly cut to his reaction in another MS which he will turn his head towards the camera as he looks shocked and angry, then in a HAS he will push the single guy (Dealer) and in a CU you will see the dealer get pushed up against the wall by one of the group, Then it would cut to a HAS as two of the group will go into the bag to grab the two bats, as their hands get into the bag it will cut to a CU from above as they take the bat out and look at the one of the members from a MS at this point it’ll Pan towards the dealer being held up and then back to the character it was looking at as he points the bat at him angrily. Then it would fastly zoom in on the bat and follow it down to the hand then moves up to the hood. It will then focus back to the dealer as he is being held up against the wall as he gets dropped to the floor in the shot MS.

Do you think i’m ever gonna

tread lightly?

Do you think i’m ever gonna


I take it down to the wire

Cause this is my empire.

Instrumental Ends

8. 3:30 – 4:00 - As he drops to the floor it’ll cut to the TV in a CU and then quickly cut to a WS as the two characters with bats prepare to hit the TV. It’ll then cut to a LAS as one hits the TV and then the other but just before it hits, a CU shot would happen so we can see the effect of the bat on the TV zoomed in, then from a HAS we will see the

Cause this is my empire.

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other batsman hit the TV, the next shots will include LAS/HAS/CU/MS of of the the TV being hit by the two characters with bats, just get get it captured in different angles to make it more intensive and more professional. During the shots it will include a CU of the dealers face as he watches in horror.

9. 4:00 – 4:30 - Continuing with the batsman would a LAS (Possible MS) aiming at both the bag, the TV being hit and the dealer on the floor at an angle where you could see them all. Next would be a MS of them dropping the bats after finishing and looking tired then move to a CU of one of the batters taking of his hood, then it would pan to the other batter who would also drop his bat, it would then briefly cut to a HAS of the group and the wreckage and then cut to a WS as the group walks of leaving their items and then cut to another HAS of the dealer then cut to a CU as the spor poster drops into his lap and another CU of the poster and then it would fade to black to mark the end of the video.

Instrumental ends


I take it down to the wire.

Cause this is my empire.

Song Fades out

10. 4:30 – 5:00 -

11. 5:00 – 5:30 -

12. 5:30 – 6:00 -

13. 6:00 – 6:30 -

14. 6:30 – 7:00 -

15. 7:00 – 7:30 -

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