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Activity 1Look at the picture!

Answer the following questions orally!

1. What pictures are they?

2. Do you like jokes or do you like comic strips?

3. What comic strips do you usually read? Garfield, Snoopy, Peanuts, or Donald Duck? Or maybe you still like Japanese comic strips like Kobo Chan, Doraemon, or Sin Chan?

4. What do you feel after you hear or read a joke or funny comic strips?

5. Do you think that you can learn something from them?Speech Function

Activity 2

Expressing Embarrassment

Read the dialogue below with your partner!

Vira:You know what? Something really terrible happened in my last Chemistry exam.

Hana:You tried to cheat and were caught by the supervisor, didn't you?

Vira:No, it's not about cheating thing, not at all.

Hana:So what happened?

Vira:Listen! I was sitting next to Erin in front row.

Hana:Eh em ....

Vira:All of a sudden, I felt something crawling across my foot.

Hana:Something what?

Vira:Something crawling across my foot.


Vira:I looked down and, there I saw a dirty big cockroach.

You know how I hate it.

Hana:What did you do then?

Vira:Well, I screamed and jumped on the chair. And you know what? I knocked all Erin's paper off into the bin beside him.


Vira:Yes... and you can imagine what an idiot I felt when the supervisor came running over. Everybody was lookt at me. I was so embrassed. You know ... you can't really sneeze or cough or anything in those exam rooms.

Hana:Wow ... what an embarassment situation!

Vira:It was! I think this could only happen to me, it really makes me ashamed.

Activity 3

Answer the questions according to the dialogue above!

1.What experience did Vira tell to Hana?


2.Where and when did the incident happen?


3.What was crawling across Viras foot?


4.How did she react?


5.How did she feel? How do you know?


6.Why did she feel so embarrassed?


7.Find the expression of embarrassment in the dialogue!


8.Give other examples of expression of embarrassment!


Activity 4

Learn the expression of embarrassment below!

Expressing Embarrassment

Have your ever been embarrassed in front of your friends or have they ever been in an embarrassing situation? In order to show that kind of feeling, we can use certain expressions of embarrassment. Here are some of them.

What an embarrassing situation!

Im so embarrassed!

Its so embarrassing!

Im so ashamed.

It makes me feel so ashamed.

I was so embarrassed.

Activity 5

Make the dialogues using the expression of embarrassment based on the situations below.

1. You had your first date with your girl friend. You invited her to get dinner in a luxurious restaurant. When you wanted to pay the bill, you realized that your wallet was left.


: Your girl friend:



Your girl friend:

2. Your friend invited you to join his/ her party. You thought that its just a party as usual. You dressed up casually. You just wore jeans and t shirt. You were surprised that the party is very formal.



Your friend




Your friend


3. You saw a young girl in a mall. From behind she looked like your friend. You clapped her shoulders and called her name. Then she turned her head to you. To your surprise she was not your friend.



A girl




A girl

: Grammar Focus

Activity 6

Study the sentences below!

In 1980. I had a show in Jakarta. While I was singing my favourite song,

a truck hit the stage, it completely fell

down and I was seriously injuredGrammar SummaryThe Simple Past and The Past ContinuousThe Simple PastThe Past Continuous

Used to describe:

completed actions that took place at a definite time in the past.

e.g.I was naughty when I was a child.

permanent situations in the past

e.g.John lived in Ireland for 15 years. (He doesnt live there anymore.)

past habits or repealed actions in the past.

e.g.When I was in Elementary school, I often played in the yard.

Used to describe:

an action that was in progress at a definite time in the past.

e.g. This time last Monday, I was seeing the doctor.

actions happened at the same time in the past.

e.g. While I was reading, he was talking to my mum loudly.

a lengthy action that was in progress when a shorter or sudden one interrupted it. The longer action is in the Past Progressive and the shorter one is in the Past Simple.

e.g. They were having dinner when I came.

Time Expressions

Yesterday, ago, last month/night/week, etc.While, when, as, etc.

Activity 7

Put the verbs into the correct form, past continuous or simple past!

1.Donny .................. (listen) to his walkman when I .................. (arrive).

2.What .................. (you/do) this time yesterday?

3................... (you/go) out last night? No, I was too tired.

4. Was Tony at the party last night? Yes, he .................. (wear) a really nice dress.

5.How fast .................. (you/drive) when the accident .................. (happen)?

6.When I was young, I .................. (want) to be a police officer.

7.Mozart.................. (write) more than 600 pieces of music.

8.I.................. (walk) along the street when suddenly I .................. (hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody .................. (follow) me. I was frightened and I .................. (start) to run.

Activity 8

Cross out the wrong answer!

I was getting/got out of the taxi and walked/was walking into the airport. There were being/were a lot of people waiting for their flights. Some of them chatted/were chatting, some of them were sleeping/slept and some children were running/ran around shouting at the top of their voices. I wanted/was wanting to ask If my flight was going to be delayed so I was going/went straight to the information desk.

Activity 9Rinas DreamInsert the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Continuous) of the verbs in brackets!

Tommys wife, Rina, had a dream which she told Tommy about next morning.

Rina:I (1) .............. (have) a wonderful dream last night! I (2) ..................... (dream) that I was a lady of leisure who (3) ................. (not do) any housework! You (4) .................. (do) it all instead! I (5) .............. (dream) that while I (6) ............ (lie) in the sun, you (7) .... (cut) the lawn. While I (8) ....... (relax) in the bath, you (9) ............. (iron) the shirts. While I (10) .............. (take) a swim in the pool, you (11) ..................... (hang out) the washing. While I (12) (watch) TV, you (13) .(cook) the meal. While I (14) ................ (buy) new clothes in town, you (15) ................ (clean) the house. Wasn't that a marvelous dream?

Tommy:And while you (16) ...................... (dream), I (17) .................... (have) an even better one. I (18) ...................... (dream) that I (19) .................... (become) a king with beautiful ladies around me. But, I (20) .................. (not find) you among them.


Read the text and learn the generic structure.

TitleA Bumpy Flight

Orientation"This is your captain speaking. We have had a failure in one of our engines. There is no cause for alarm as we still have three engines left. Unfortunately this means that we will be one hour late

Event 1A short time later the captain again spoke to the passengers: There is no cause for alarm, but we have just lost another engine. We will now be two hours late.

Event 2When the captain spoke to the passengers for the third time, he again had bad news. Ladies and gentlemen, I assure you that we are in no danger, but I must inform you that we have had another engine failure. This means that we will now be three hours late.

Event 3Finally, the captain announced that the fourth engine had failed.

TwistOne of the passengers turned to another passenger and said, Oh no! That means well be four hours late!

(Taken from English Elements 3)Activity 11

Answer the questions according to the text above!

1.Who were the participants in the story?


2.Where do you think the story happened?


3.When did the story happen?


4.What tense is mostly used in the story?


5.Which part of the story is funny?


6.How many events are there in the story?


7.Why do you think the story is funny?


8.What is the purpose of the writer telling the story?



The text above is called a spoof. It retells an event with a humorous twist. Thats why the story is funny. Sometimes, we can also find spoof in a sport conversation or in a cartoon.


Read the text and analyze the generic structure of this story!

Label the parts of the spoof in the spaces provided.Smartest Man in the World

A doctor, a lawyer, a little boy, a priest were out for a Sunday afternoon flight on a small private plane. Suddenly, the plane developed engine trouble.

In spite of the best efforts of the pilot, the plane started to go down. Finally, the pilot grabbed a parachute, yelled to the passengers that they had better jump, and bailed out.

Unfortunately, there were only three parachutes remaining. The doctor grabbed one and said, "I'm a doctor, I save lives, so I must live," and jumped out.

The lawyer then said, Im a lawyer, and lawyers are the smartest people in the world. I deserve to live." He also grabbed a parachute and jumped.

The priest looked at the little boy and said, "My son, I've lived a long and full life. You are young and have your whole life ahead of you. Take the last parachute and live in peace."

The little boy handed the parachute back to the priest and said, "Not to worry, father. The smartest man in the world just took off with my back pack."

Activity 13

Answer the questions according to the text above!

1.Who were the participants in the story?


2.Where do you think the story happened?


3.When did the story happen?


4.What happened with the plane?


5.Why did not all passengers get the parachutes?


6.Who jumped out for the first time? Why?


7.Who was the smartest person in the world?


8.Is he really smart? Why?


9.Why did not the little boy want to accept the parachute from the priest?


10.Why do you think the story is funny?


Activity 14

Rearrange the following paragraphs into good and meaningful story. Then put in the text organization of Spoof!

-Three days later the farmer called again and said, Youve got to do something about these drivers. The School Crossing sign seems to make them go faster. So, again, the sheriff went out and put up a new sign: SLOW: CHILDREN AT PLAY

-So he called the sheriffs office and said, Youve got to do something about these people driving too fast and killing all my chickens. So the next day the sheriff went out and put up a sign that read: SLOW: SCHOOL CROSSING

-A farmer lived on a quiet rural highway. But a new expressway bypass meant an alarming increase in traffic. In fact, it so heavy and so fast that his chickens were being run over at a rate of three a day.

-Finally, the telephone calls stop, and the sheriff becomes very curious. So he drives out to the farmers house, and there on the edge of the road he sees a new sign. Its a whole sheet of plywood. And written in large yellow letters are the words: SLOW: NUDIST COLONY

-No good. So, the farmer calls again...and again, every day for three weeks, but the sheriff just doesnt have time to put up signs every week.A Smart Solution





Why do you think the story is funny?


Do you have a funny experience in your life? Tell it to your friends in front of the class. Don't forget to use some expressions for telling the story!Don't forget to use conversation gambits in your story.

Action in orderTelling a storyFinishing your story

First of all ..

Then ..

Next.After that

Finally ..FirstFirst of all..

To begin with


After that..To cut along story .So in the end..

So, in short.

So, ..

So then

At the end


Begin your story like this

Good morning, my dear friends. This time I want to tell you a funny story about

Well to cut up the long story,

OK, that's the end of the story, thank you.



Short Functional Text

Activity 1

Look at the pictures!

Activity 2

Answer the questions below!

1.What pictures are they?


2.Where can you find the pictures?


3.Do you think that the pictures are funny?


4.Can the content of these pictures motivate you?


5.What for do people usually put on this picture?


6.Do you have the picture which is like them?


7.Where do you usually put on it?



The pictures above are Posters.

A poster is any large piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface. Typically posters include both textual and graphic elements, although a poster may be either wholly graphical or wholly textual. Posters are designed to be both eye-catching and convey information. Posters may be used for many purposes, and they are a frequent tool of advertisers (particularly of events, musicians and films) to communicate a message.

Working with WordsActivity 3

Write the correct word in each blank! A dash ( _ ) is shown for each missing letter and some letters are given in each word.

Tony:I cant stop laughing. There are some excellent j _ _ _s in this rnagazine.

Martha:Yes, I also like the c_rt_ _ _s by Gibbs. Hes very funny and hes an excellent artist, too.

Tony:I like his sense of h_m_ _ _. Hes never unkind.

Martha:Yes, I b_ _ _t out laughing when I saw his book,

Tony:Its very f_ _ _y. I couldnt stop laughing, either

Martha:Have you heard Gibbs speak? Hes very w_ _ty.

Tony:Yes, he is. He sometimes gives lectures. I must say all his lectures are very a_ _ _ing.

Martha:In his last lecture he talked about a pr_ _t_c _ _ joke he played when he was a student. He pretended to be a general with a wooden leg.

Tony:Hes made a couple of films; both are c_m_d_ _s.

Martha:Yes, I enjoyed them a lot. I envy him. I wish I could make people I_ _ _h.

Tony:Do you know any good r_ d_ _ _s?

Martha:Yes, whats black and white and red (read) all over?

Tony:A newspaper

Activity 4

Complete the passage below by listening to your teacher.

English humor is often difficult to (1) ................. A lot of (2) ................ depends on the use of (3)..................... which sound the (4) ................ but have different meanings. For example, when someone said he was on a seafood diet, everyone thought that the person (5) When he was asked what (6) ......................of seafood he ate, however, the (7) ................. replied, Its very simple indeed. When I (8) .................. food, I eat it. That's a see - food (9) ...................

People often begin to (10) ......... jokes by saying, Have you (11) ....... the one about (12) .........?

Grammar Focus

Activity 5How do you say about somethings feelings?

How do you say about the things which cause such feelings?

Adjectives ending in -ing or -edExample: - The questions are confusing.

I am confused about the questions.

- Her performance was disappointing.

I am disappointed in her performance.

Form -ing or -ed adjective from these verbs and makes sentences!






6.astonish ....................................

7. satisfy ....................................


9. delight....................................

10. terrify....................................

Activity 6Learn the explanation!

Activity 7

Complete the following pairs of sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets. You must use the -ed form for one sentence in each pair and the -ing form for the other!

1. a.I had nothing to do. I was.... and lonely. (bore)

b.I had only one book with me but I didnt read it. It was so....2. a.I enjoyed Dinas visit. She is a very.... speaker. (interest)

b.We invited them to join us, but they werent really....3. a.The bad news was very.... (depress).

b.It was a bad day. We were all thoroughly....4. a.I enjoyed the film. The monster was absolutely.... (terrify)


We were told there was a bomb in the building. Everyone was absolutely....5. a.We were rather.... with the results. (disappoint)

b.The result was very .

6. a.We were dreadfully late. It was very.... (embarrass)

b.Tommy made a perfect fool of himself. He was awfully....7. a.The article in the Daily News is very.... (annoy)

b.People are.... with the article.

8. a.The letter is very.... He is awarded a scholarship, (surprise)

b.He is very.... at the letter.

Activity 8

Look at the verbs in the box. Fill in the blanks with the correct -ing and -ed adjectives formed from the verbs!

1. Unemployment is on the increase. A ... number of young people, in particular, are finding themselves out of work.

2. When you are ...., you feel tired and impatient because you have nothing to do.

3. If you are ...., you feel very surprised.

4. Im very .... about the chance of playing for our school team.

5. Scientists say that there is no ... evidence that consuming a lot of onion leads to cancer.

6. When you find something funny, you are ... by it.

7. If something makes you very worried, you are .... by it.

8. There is nothing more than queuing when you only want to pay a bar of chocolate.

9. If something makes you sad and unhappy, you feel ....

10. The report on the increasing air pollution is ....


Activity 9

Read the text and pay attention to the generic structure!TitleAren't you his Mother?

Language Features


(who, when, where)A young boy was playing with a ball in the street. He kicked it too hard, and it broke the window of a house and fell inside. A lady came to the window with the ball and shouted at the young boy, so he ran away, but he still wanted his ball back.

Adverb of Time

(in bold)

Action Verbs

(in italic)

Saying Verbs

(in italic)

Event 1A few minutes later he returned and knocked at the door of the house. When the lady answered it, he said, "My father's going to come and fix your window very soon."

Event 2After a few more minutes a man came to the door with the tools in his hand, so the lady let the boy take his ball away.

Event 3

When the man finished fixing the window, he said to the lady, "That will cost you exactly ten dollars.


(the funny part)"But aren't you the father of that young boy?" the woman asked, looking surprised, "No." he answered, equally surprised. "Aren't you his mother?"

Activity 10

Answer the questions according to the text above!

1.Who were the participants in the story?


2.Where do you think the story happened?


3.When did the story happen?


4.What tense is mostly used in the story?


5.Which part of the story is funny?


6.How many events are there in the story?


7.Why do you think the story is funny?


8.What is the purpose of the writer telling the story?


Activity 11

State true (T) or False (F) the sentences below according to the story above!

1.A young boy broke the window consciously.

( )

2.A young boy came back to the ladys house to take his ball.( )

3.His father came to the ladys house and fixed the window.( )

4.The man fixed the window costless.

( )

5.The man thought that the lady was the young boys mother.( )


Activity 12

Read the text and analyze the generic structure of this story!Label the parts of the spoof in the spaces provided.Do You Speak English?

I had an amusing experience last year.

After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language.

Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey.

I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, Do you speak English? As I soon learned, he was English himself!

(Source: Practice and Progress, 1979)

What is funny from the story?Answer:


Activity 13

Do you find the stories above are interesting and surprising to you at the end? Why do you think so? It absolutely depends on how you tell the story. Here are the features of how to write a good story:

*An interesting beginning, which attracts the readers attention and makes him want to read on.

*A well thought-out development Events should follow each other in a logical order. Start a new paragraph for each new stage in the story,

*A good ending. Always leave yourself plenty of time for this - there is nothing worse than reading an exciting story which just stops in mid-air!

Now try to write your own three or four paragraph story. You can choose one of the following topics.

1.The most embarrassing moments in my life or in my friends life.

2. The funniest film or story I have ever seen or read.

Use the writing planner below:



Event 1 :

Event 2 :

Event 3 :



I. Choose the correct answer by crossing the a, b, c, d, or e.

Text 1

One of my students could not take my university seminar final exam because of funeral.

I suggested him to make up the following week. That week come, and again he couldn't take the test due to another funeral. Then, I insisted him to take the exam early the following week. He said that he might be able to sit in the exam it there was no one died.

By now I was suspicious how so many people he knew could die in three weeks. I started to find out what actually happened. I went to administration office to find what actually the student did. I found out later that he was a gravedigger, and of course he didn't know the people who died.

1. Why the student couldn't take the final exam?Because ....

a. He had to bury the dead person.

b. He had to see the funeral

c. He had to dig a hole for the dead person

d. He had to visit his friend who died

e. He had to visit his teacher

2. What did the lecturer suggest him?

a. Not to take the final exam

b. Not to come to the following week

c. To bury the dead person

d. To go to the administration office

e. To take the exam the following week

3. "He said that he might be able to sit in the exam..." (par.2 sentence. 4)

What does "he" refer to?

a. the lecturer

d. the reader

b. the student

e. the professor

c. the writer

4. What did the lecturer do to find what the student do?

a. He went to the cemetery

b. He asked the student

c. He went to the administration office

d. He went to the student's house

e. He asked the student parents

5. What did the student actually do?

a. He was a lecturer

b. He was a teacher

c. He was an officer

d. He was a farmer

e. He was a gravedigger

Text 2

English Custom

This story is about two Indians settled in England. One had been living there for some years and had picked up some of their quaint euphemisms. The other, recent settler, was as yet unaware of them. They were invited for dinner by their English friends. After they had had their drinks, their hostess asked then, "would you like a wash before I serve dinner?"

The knowledgeable one replied, "No, thanks". The new settler replied, "I wash my hand before I came."

On their way back after dinner, the older settler admonished his friend, "My dear chap, in England, 'would you like a wash' doesn't mean 'would you like to wash your hands.' it is a polite way of asking 'would you like to urinate?". The new settler made a mental note of it.

Some days later he was invited by another English friend and after he had his drinks he was asked by his hostess: "Would you like a wash before I serve my dinner?"

He replied promptly, "No, thank you, Madam. I washed against a tree before coming to your house."

6. X: How many people are there in the text?

Y: There are ... people.

a. Two

d. five

b. Three

e. six

c. Four

7. What is meant by 'a wash' in English custom?

a. Washing the hands

b. Washing the clothes

c. Taking a bath

d. Urinating

e. Cleaning the hands

8. "The new settler made a mental note of it." (par.3 sentence.3)

What does 'it' refer to?

a. No, thanks.

b. I washed my hands before I came.

c. My dear chap.

d. Would like to urinate?

e. The advice of the old settler

9. What kind of party is it in the text?

It is ...

a. Dinner party

d. tea party

b. Birthday party

e. evening party

c. Wedding party

10. The phrase "made a mental note" has the same meaning with...

a. Say

d. remember

b. Write

e. record

c. Recognize

11. Who was invited by another English friend some days later?

a. The Indians

d. the hostess

b. The older settler e. the customers

c. The new settler

Text 3

A Private ConversationLast week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seal. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were fitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. "I cant hear a word!, I said angrily. "Its none of your business," the young man said rudely. This is a private conversation!"

12. Where did the writer go last week? the play

b. to the theatre

c. to the movie

d. to the private conversation

e. to a business

13. Who was sitting behind him?

a. the writer

b. the listener

c. Me

d. a couple of lovers

e. A businessman and a businesswoman

14. What did the young man think of the sentence This is a private conversation?

a. He didnt want him to hear their conversation

b. The conversation was important

c. They were spies

d. They were not interested in the play

e. The play was very boring

15. Why did the writer say I cant hear a word to the man and the woman behind him?

a. Because he wanted to interrupt

b. Because he wanted to know the conversation

c. Because he was jealous of their conversation

d. Because it was prohibited to speak in the theatre

e. Because he couldnt listen to the play

16.What does the writer intend to the readers?

a. inform


c. persuade

d. describe

e. aim

17.Which term does not belong to spoof?



c. event 1

d. event 2


18. The main different between recount and spoof lies on ....






19.Dina:When did you ... your new car?

Dody:I ... last month. - bought

b. to buy-buy

c. to buy-buying

d. was buy-was bought

e. buy-bought

20.Mr. Brown ... from England last week.

a. to return

b. returning

c. returns


e. was returning21.Doly :My sister ... want to see her friend yesterday.

Leiy : Why?

Doly : Because she ... angry.

a. didnt -is

b. didnt - was

c. doesn't - is

d. dont - is

e. wouldn't - was

22.When I ... home last night, my sister TV

a. come - is watching

b. came - watched

c.came - was watching coming - is watching

e. doesnt - is

23.Yesterday, I came late. When I entered the classroom, my teacher... a story.

a. telling

b. was telling

c. tells

d. told

e. tell

24. The students ... while the teacher was speaking to the guest.

a.were discussing

b. was discussing

c. are discussing

d. is discussing

e. have discussing

25.Mary is going to Indonesia for the first time next week.

It will be an ... experience for her.

a.excite d.excites

b.excited excite


26.I feel ... because this book is so ....

a.bore; bore

b.boring; boring

c.boring; bored

d.bored; boring

e.bored; bored

27.Samson last his ... when Delillah cut his hair.





e.strengten28.Rika:I wish I could have covered my face.

Delon:Don't wory. Its not that bad.

Rika expresses her ....



29.Johan:Hi, Jane!

What are you doing here?

A girl:Oh ... I am not Jane.

Johan:Ups ................................................................. sorry.

a.I don't agree with you

b.I love it

c.Don't worry

d.I was so ashamed

e.Calm down

30.What can you learn from the poster?

a.we must follow other people

b.It's not good to be a leader

c.Imitating somebody else is good

d.Don't be a leader

e.It's better to be a leader

II.Answer the question correctly!

1.Mention the generic structure and language features of spoof text!


2.Change the word in the brackets into simple past of past progressive!

a.I .... (read) the novel, while I .... (wait) for the bus.

b.They .... (have) breakfast when I ... (come)

3.Form -ing or -ed adjective from these verbs and makes sentence!

a.amuseb.charm4.Complete the dialogue using the embarrassment expression:

Rida : Hi look at your zipper. Youve forgotten to close it.

Sita : .5.What is meant by posters?


Adjectives ending in -ing or -ed

I watch cartoons on TV every evening.

The films always interest me. --- The film is interesting.

Many adjectives are derived from verbs, and ending in -ing and ed

"-ing" adjectives are used to describe the effect that something has on peoples feeling.

bore--> boring



interest -->interesting

excite -->exciting

Example:I hate Mathematics class because it is boring. We must do calculation all the time.

Other -ing adjectives are used to describe something that continues over a period of time.

increase -->increasing

exist -->existing

live -->living

-ed adjectives are used to describe peoples feelings. They have the same form as the past participle of a transitive verb and a passive meaning.

bore -->bored




Example: I was very surprised the young tennis player defeated the Wimbledon champion.

worry astonishannoy amuseconvince




Social Function:to tell an event with a humorous twist

Text organization:-Orientation

(who were involved in the story, when, and where)


(tells what happened in a chronological order)


(provide the funniest part of the stories)

Language features:-the use of action verbs (walked, laughed, ran away)

-the use of connectives (first, then, finally)

-the use of adverbial phrases of time and place

-the use of simple past tense

The participant

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