  • 1. Societal Changes
    Population Shifts
    Evolution of Labor
    The spread of Industrialization
    Specific Changes of the Industrial Revolution
  • 2. Our Objective
    Before you leave here today, you will be able to describe
    The Growth of the population
    Rural to urban migration
    The growth of cities that came with industrialization
  • 3. 1800s
    There are more people than ever!
    Improvement to agriculture
    Eliminated periodic famines
    From 1700-1850
    England's population nearly tripled
    Population Boom
  • 4. Before industrialization where did most of the people live?
    Small farms and rural areas
    By the mid 1800s
    Half of the people lived in cities
    By 1900
    Most of the population of Europe had moved from farm towns to large cities
    Rural to Urban Migration
  • 5. Enclosure Movement
    Factories developed
    People needed to be in one place close to the factory
    Factories popped up and cities developed around the factory
    Why did the people move to the cities?
  • 6. Any Guesses?
    Lots of people living close together
    Houses and apartments are cheaply built
    Industrial pollution
    Air and water
    Terrible sanitation
    Streets full of waste
    Contaminated the water
    So What are the cities like?
  • 7.
  • 8. Diseases spread
    What are the implications of so many people living so close together?
  • 9. Chills
    High fever (104 degrees Fahrenheit)
    Joint pain (arthralgia)
    Lights that appear very bright; light may hurt the eyes
    Low blood pressure
    Rash that begins on the chest and spreads to the rest of the body (except the palms of the hands and soles of the feet)
    Severe headache
    Severe muscle pain (myalgia)
    The early rash is a light rose color and fades when you press on it. Later, the rash becomes dull and red and does not fade. People with severe typhus may also develop small areas of bleeding into the skin (petechiae).
  • 10. Cholera
  • 11. Influenza
  • 12. The Evolution of Work and Labor
  • 13. SWBAT see how work changed for laborers because of industrialization
    Objective #1
  • 14. Is it okay for a company to do anything in order to make profits?
    Think Pair Share
  • 15.
  • 16. The slave trade helped industry
    But industry soon made more money than the slave trade
    1800s England abolished the slave trade
    The US & much of Europe followed
    Moral Issues?
    Demise of the Slave Trade
  • 17. Immigrant labor
    Especially in the US
    From Europe and Asia
    More than 2,000 a day
  • 18. Very divided social classes emerged!
    Wealthy business owners & factory owners make up the upper class
    Professionals, teachers, lawyers, shop keepers make up the middle class
    Factory workers, and laborers make up the lower/working class
    Division of Labor
  • 19. So what is a Labor Union?
    What kinds of problems do factory workers face?
    Workers start forming unions to fight for workers rights
    Unions use UNITY to get what they want
    Labor Union Movement
  • 20. What was abolished during the Industrial Revolution?
    Who made up the majority of the Laborers in the factories?
    Who made up the Upper, Middle, & Lower Classes?
    What emerged to fight for workers rights?
    Check for Understanding
  • 21. SWBAT understand the connections among natural resources, entrepreneurship, labor, and capital in an industrial economy
    Mini Objective #2
  • 22.
  • 23. SWBAT understand how capitalism came about and the other economic systems that emerged because of it
    Mini Objective #3
  • 24. Economic system based on freedom
    Businesses own
    Buy the natural resources
    Have complete control
    Make all of the money!
    What is the main goal of a business in capitalism?
    Social Darwinism
    What is Capitalism?
  • 25. How did Scrooge live?
    How did the laborers live?
    Who worked harder?
    Do you think that the living conditions for both were fair?
    In a Christmas Carol
  • 26. So they developed
    In response to capitalism
    Well, neither did a lot of people
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. SWBAT describe the emergence of Romanticism in art and literature, social criticism, and the move away from classicism in Europe
    Mini Objective #4
  • 30. Romanticism Celebrates!
    TPS-Try saying something that you like about living in the US.
    Social Criticism complains about society!
    TPS-Try saying something that you dont like about living in the US.
    HUH?What are you talking about ?
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33. Ordinary People
    Beauty of Nature
    Artists Celebrated!
  • 34. Problems of Society
    Suffering of the poor
    Artist Criticized

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