
Species Extinctions Species Extinctions rising, experts warnrising, experts warn

‘Red List’ grows to 16,306 animals and plants seen

as threatened

International Union for Conservation of Nature



Webquest Objective:Objective: •To assess the conservation status of six species.•Total of three questions

Webquest Directions:Visit the link the link

1.1. Identify the Habitat, Threats, Population, and Status of Identify the Habitat, Threats, Population, and Status of the following organisms: the following organisms:

– Tinostoma smaragditisTinostoma smaragditis

– Atelopus varius Atelopus varius

– Ursus maritimusUrsus maritimus

– Three more organisms of your interest Three more organisms of your interest

2.2. Identify two corrective measures required to protect Identify two corrective measures required to protect each of the above six organisms. each of the above six organisms.

• (virus free pdf file)RedList/redlistcatsenglish.pdf (virus free pdf file)

3. Identify the differences between the following criteria

• ExtinctionExtinction• ThreatenedThreatened• Critically Critically

EndangeredEndangered• EndangeredEndangered• Vulnerable Vulnerable • Near ThreatenedNear Threatened• Least concerned Least concerned

Gallery Photos

Western Lowland Gorilla

Sumatran Orangutan

Eastern Chimpanzee

Yangtze River Dolphin

Speke’s Gazelle

Mauritius Parakeet

Egyptian Vulture

White-headed Vulture


Santa Catalina Island Rattlesnake

Humphead Parrotfuish

Banggai Cardinal Fish

Floreana Coral

Galapagos Coral

Wellington’s Solitary Coral

Galapagos Kelp

Links:• Article:• Video Video


• Helpful Links: Helpful Links: http://www.iucnredlist.org


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