Page 1: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

Your trusted pool professionals

Membership Features and Benefits

Page 2: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

Your trusted pool professionals

A complete Domestic Contract Swimming Pool Contract kit, that complies

with the current Queensland Legislation, containing a Government ap-

proved “Consumer Information Statement”, as required by the Domestic Building Con-

tracts Act-2000

Handover & Variation books to protect the Contractors interests

WaterWorks — a Domestic Contract Works & Liability Insurance Scheme

Watertight — Contract Completion Benefits for Consumers

Consumer Advertising & Support

Consumer & Government liaison,

mediation and support

Merchant facilities

E x c l u s i v e t o S P A S A M e m b e r s

What is SPASA?

SPASA is the only industry association

specifically set up for the swimming pool &

spa sector in Queensland, recognized by the State Government. Our industry is made up

of many businesses that source all or part of their income from the construction, installa-

tion, renovation, repair or servicing of swimming pools and spas for consumers and the

businesses that supply the builders, (i.e. manufacturers, installers, renovators, equipment

& chemical suppliers, materials suppliers, retailers, consultants etc). Indeed any pro-

vider of goods or services to the pool & spa industry or the consumers.

It is a fact that any one thing that effects any one part of the industry, has a “flow on” effect

(directly and indirectly) to all of the other industry businesses as a whole (particularly if it is


There is very little doubt, that there are many issues and problems affecting the industry that

are either impossible or too great for any one business to handle effectively on its own.

This is why the industry has a mutually beneficial, co-operative, non-profit association, and

why every business in the industry needs to be a member of its own Trade Association!

Self regulation and self assessment by SPASA members helps to ensure that all members

conduct themselves in all of their business dealings with fairness and honesty towards fellow

members and consumers.

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E x c l u s i v e t o S P A S A M e m b e r s

An effective consumer media

tion service and the adoption

of various codes of practice

has helped the association

reach a point where its mem

bers are now seen by Govern-

ment and Consumers to have an image that promotes confidence and support to consumers

that they will receive a quality product or service at a reasonable price and have somewhere to

go, if they think they don’t.

The provision of Watertight Contract Benefits & WaterWorks Contract & Liability Insur-

ance enhances and reinforces this image in the market place, and is seen by various authori-

ties and consumer groups to be a positive consumer benefit.

Governments at all levels are constantly reviewing and changing legislative rules and regula-

tions, and by having an accepted and recognized industry voice representing the Industry (on

various Government committees), SPASA has been able to ensure that most changes

made have been at the maximum benefit available to our industry.

SPASA has already had a major influence in areas such as pool safety, fencing, chemical

packaging & storage, industry standards, and consumer legislation, construction license and

building contracts. SPASA works towards keeping its members well informed, deals with gov-

ernment and other centres of influence on their behalf, and generally ensures that their inter-

ests are protected.

Only SPASA gives its members confident positive consumer credibility, backed in the

market place with Benefits that NON-Members simply do not have.

Page 4: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

Your trusted pool professionals

Networking with suppliers and peers

Informative industry forums

Membership benefits

Legislative updates

Government lobbying

Rebate schemes

Consumer referrals

Member to member referrals

Industry compliance updates – fencing, Work Place Health

and Safety

Merchant facilities

Group insurances

Fleet discounts

Recognition as professional pool service

W h y y o u s h o u l d b e a S P A S A m e m b e r :

Page 5: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

Up to date information: The Association produces “SPASA Q Update” as an e-newsletter with updates on relevant Association, legislative and general industry events and information. SPASA Q Update is a major destination for Pool, Spa and related industry news. Its ease of access enables management & staff to be informed on various issues and helps improve communication and education within your business. SPASA Q Update promotes special events, updates the calendar of events for the Association, reports on Sector and Committee Meetings, informs on new product information or BSA or Govt requirements, advises of new, resigned or re-located members, provides contact with committees on current projects, and distributes third party industry information gathered form various sources. SPASA Q Update is also a great opportunity for sponsorship.

You and your staff can even find yourselves in the

social snaps or featured on the front cover in full col-

our— just simply by being there.

Consumer Newsletter

Pool owners and interested consumers can now stay up to date with the latest pool news

through the Waterline newsletter. Produced quarterly, the magazine informs readers of

changes to legislation that may impact them, up-

An industry newsletter with up-dates on relevant Association and general industry events

As an Incorporated “non-profit” Association in Queensland, the Association is based on a democratic structure and process that enables all its members to vote and partici-pate in directing the Association in identify-ing and reaching its goals within the Indus-try, the Community and Government. Individual members also have the opportu-nity for personal development through in-volvement in the Governing Council and other sub-committees which work on vari-ous projects developing and building the concepts for the Association, the industry generally and the greater community.

Association Structure

Page 6: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

Your trusted pool professionals

Training program and workshops are organized to benefit members

with ease of access in relation to time and place as well as providing a

curriculum related directly to industry needs. These topics are based

on the SPASA member recommendations. There are always opportunities for

members to be involved in future curriculum development.

Pool industry topics rather than general building industry items reduces the time

needed for training due to the specialized content, reduces the costs involved, and

increases the effectiveness and productivity. This is important when meeting govern-

ment guidelines in regards to training requirements

Training provided by a recognized industry organization has greater credibility, and ,

is more promotable. Certificates are provided for attendees to display to consum-


The cost of attending workshops for SPASA members is subsidized by SPASA.

Training can also be a type of staff reward that increases their skills & knowledge in

the bosses time which improves their education level as individuals not just as cur-

rent employees. Training, and therefore improved knowledge of industry, promotes

confidence in staff.

Other industry education is actively encouraged by SPASA via members’ networking

functions, trade/golf/social days, through Waterline, technical advice from other

members and informal training through contact with peers.

Industry news and updates of law and legislation is forwarded on to members by

fax, by mail, with newsletters and other notices throughout the year.

I n d u s t r y w o r k s h o p s & e d u c a t i o n

Licensed by the BSA ? (It just isn’t enough)

Only Businesses that qualify with proven stability, proven Consumer relations and proven skills are accepted as SPASA members—which protects the Watertight Trust Fund, and enhances the SPASA Logo generally. Only SPASA Member contractors can offer:

A Contract that complies with the DBC Act

A Government Approved Consumer Information Statement

Watertight contract completion benefits to ensure completion

WaterWorks Insurance benefits to protect the site

Support from the recognized Industry Body, and

Mediation should things go wrong

70% of all domestic pool buyers choose a SPASA Member & want Watertight Benefits

P o o l C o m p a n i e s a r e n o t a l l t h e s a m e

Page 7: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

W a t e r t i g h t C o n t r a c t B e n e f i t s

Your Obligation

The Association monitors Members activities to ensure that all

members comply with this compulsory Membership requirement

and we draw to your attention the fact that as a Member you are

required to have all Domestic Building Contracts covered under

Watertight Benefits.

The SPASA Member must put this benefit in place on behalf

of the customer.

Watertight Contract Completion & Defective Construction Benefits provides a Com-

pletion Benefit and a Statutory Warranty Benefit to Consumers that BSA Insurance

does not, as BSA Insurance only covers residential construction work. These bene-

fits are exclusive to SPASA Members in Queensland who fund the mutual discretion-

ary trust, and provide the completion or rectification of the contracted works, as may

be required.

Watertight Contract Benefits are only available to those consumers who build with a

SPASA Member and it is heavily promoted as such.

There is no other benefit scheme of a similar nature available in Queensland for Swimming

Pool construction.

Watertight provides the consumer with similar benefits to the BSA Home Warranty Insurance

scheme for Contract Completion, and Defective Construction (for the Statutory Warranty pe-

riod of 6 years)

As a direct result of SPASA promotions, consumers now actively look for builders who can

provide Watertight Contract Benefits as they want these benefits.

Watertight Contract Completion Benefit covers the consumer to ensure that their contract is

completed, as per the contract by another SPASA Member in the event that their chosen

contractor dies, disappears or goes into liquidation—at no cost to the Consumer.

Consumers feel less afraid of being financially disadvantaged should such an event arise.

Watertight Defective Construction Benefit then covers the consumer (following Handover) for

the Statutory Warranty period (in the event of the same circumstances) - at no cost to the


Members actively use the Watertight Benefits (logo & brochures) to draw attention in their

own advertising or to close a sale over a non-member builder.

Watertight is the single biggest reason why some consumers only deal with a SPASA Member

Although Watertight is a major Benefit for Builders,

all Members get a spin-off Benefit by their association with

the Association.

Watertight is a great way to give peace of mind to the consumer, another exclusive

Page 8: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

Your trusted pool professionals

Only SPASA members are eligible to advertise in the Association’s annual magazine “Choosing your Pool & Spa in Queensland”. Thousands of copies of this magazine are sent out free to con-sumers each year, as a direct result of SPASA’s advertising on your behalf. Your advertising and credibility is placed directly in the hands of “product ready” customers. A demographic difficult to achieve without the promotional activities of an industry body such as SPASA. Naturally, the magazine is mailed out with a list of current Members. “Choosing your Pool & Spa” is also available to all members as a free hand out to prospective customers as part of their own sales presentation. This strengthens the member’s own image by openly providing important and generic information to assist consumers make an informed decision. In amongst the important generic information and advertising, consumers can

also view the photos of the Members’ Award Win-ning Pools & Spas. Background photos are also taken from the other entries for Awards, which is yet another opportunity to receive free promotion of your top pools.

Each year the front cover features a Member’s

Award Winning Pool, chosen specifically from all

the Award entries to take pride of place as a sym-

bol of excellence.

Another spectacular promotion opportunity free of

charge to members!

C h o o s i n g y o u r P o o l & S p a

From the SPASA website and SPASA advertis-ing, there are thousands of copies of this magazine sent out FREE to consumers with a list of SPASA members

The Management Committee’s MISSION STATEMENT:

“To ensure that we have an Association that is held in the highest esteem by it’s

Members, by the Public, by the Thought Leaders, by other Industry Bodies, and by

the Government Agencies & regulators that are influential in formulating the Policies

and Regulations that control or influence the Swimming Pool Industry in Queen-


Page 9: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

Waterworks gives peace of mind to the consumer, another exclusive membership benefit

Contractually, during the course of the contract, the Builder must effect and maintain the follow-

ing insurances:

all insurance required to comply with the WorkCover Act 1996;

all insurances required to comply with the Queensland Building Services Authority Act


Before commencing work under a contract—the builder must effect with a reputable and

financially sound insurer and must maintain during the performance of the contract, Contract

Works and Public Liability Insurances in the names of the owner and the builder for their

respective rights and interest and upon usual and reasonable terms.

Such Contract Works Insurance must be for the full insurable value of the work under

the contract, and must extend until 4.00pm on the date of practical completion.

Such Public Liability Insurance must cover the liabilities of the builder and the owner to

third parties in respect of personal injury, death or damage to property arising out of or in connection with the work under the contract, and

include cross-liability provisions by which the Insurer waives all rights of subrogation

or action which the insurer may have against any of the persons comprising the

insured and by which each person comprising the insured is deemed to be the

subject of a separate policy of insurance; and provide cover in an amount of five

million dollars($5,000,000) for any one occurrence

The builder must provide to the owner copies of the Contract Works and Public Liability Insur-

ances effected by the builder in compliance with this condition.

The above requirements are met absolutely (and exceeded) with WaterWorks.

At the request of SPASA, SRS Underwriting

not only protects the Consumer and the Builder “on-site” for $10,000,000 Public Liability, and Contract Works to the value of the contract,

but also, the spin off benefit to the SPASA Member (that signs up for the scheme) is that the

Member will have Annual Cover for Public Liability and Contract Works and Product Liability .

No additional Insurances are required.

W a t e r w o r k s C o n t r a c t W o r k s & L i a b i l i t y

Consumers are aware of the value of the Asso-ciation's standards. Money simply cannot buy the credibility created by SPASA membership

Page 10: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

Your trusted pool professionals

Each year SPASA organizes several networking events including the

Industry Golf Day where suppliers, builders, manufacturers, distributors and

retailers can get together to develop better relationships between members. Members

are able to improve both business and personal relationships as well as their handicap all

within working hours!

Sponsorship opportunities and prize giveaways at these events promote goodwill and

reinforce the branding with members.

Members have stated that such events are a useful source of informal education and in-

dustry news by keeping in contact with other members.

SPASA functions can also be an industry related opportunity to reward staff or clients.

Team bonding of staff and clients outside the office in a social environment, improves

interaction, group moral, team dynamics as well as ’ownership’ of the business.

Website and links to SPASA Members sites

The strong SPASA promotion and presentation of the internet website provides excellent

opportunities for all members. The internet provides interactive visual advertising (after

business hours, at the consumers’ leisure, in their own home). This is a huge growth

area not to be missed.

The SPASA site not only promotes and lists all members but also provides a link to indi-

vidual members’ sites.

S o c i a l & N e t w o r k i n g F u n c t i o n s

F a c t s h e e t s f o r C o n s u m e r s

Fact sheets are a series of flyers on pool building, maintenance and different systems to

clean and heat pools, explained in generic terms to assist consumers make an informed deci-


SPASA’s “generic” information increases consumer understanding in a non-biased way

which speeds up the process of trust development and therefore their readiness to buy from

a SPASA Member.

Supplying consumers with the SPASA’s Magazine and Fact Sheets is a way for members to

demonstrate to prospective clients the value of choosing a SPASA member and to develop

trust (as you are prepared to offer generic information to back up your opinion or advice).

The Magazine and Fact Sheets may also create a means for the opportunity to “get back” to

customers with a reason for a second sales call.

Use the Magazine & Fact Sheets to inform customers on pool systems and pool care. This

may help to dissolve concerns which may avoid problems later.

The Association has all the fact sheets on the Website at

Page 11: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

The Association seeks out, gathers and passes on information from Government & Legisla-

tive Authorities, Local Councils, State & Federal Regulators, Queensland Building

Services Authority etc as a cost effective service exclusive to members to keep them in-

formed, and to reduce their costs as individual businesses. Topic areas cover issues such as

changes to the Tax system, Fencing legislation, Building permits, Building Licensing,

Construction guidelines and Industry Standards or any other information that may effect

the daily running of your business– whether you are a Builder, Supplier, Pool Technician or

any other trade/service in the Pool Industry in Queensland.

Information is sent out in edited form to be relevant to the Swimming Pool & Spa Industry,

rather than just general construction industry related.

Newsletter subscriptions to Legal, Accounting and other

Trade organizations are maintained and appropriate ex-

tracts forwarded on to members. Information is sought from

specialists in the Pool Industry, and other third party organi-

zations to obtain opinions and views on upcoming develop-

ments and to create awareness of relevant legal industry

changes and current litigation outcomes.

Media watch & access to Association by consumers

SPASA not only keeps you up to date on industry issues

and events being reported by the media, but also answers those media concerns on your


Stay in touch with what consumers are hearing and reading. Members are informed on these

issues in SPASA Q Update and other mail outs during the year.

The association actively engages with the media and promotes the Benefits of Dealing with a

SPASA Member across the State, which generates requests for thousands of Magazines (and

a List of Members) each year.

I n d u s t r y U p d a t e s

Associate Suppliers and Retailers are

encouraged to take advantage of such

captured market events for their brand

reinforcement by sponsoring events,

meetings and functions conducted by the


Sponsorship of functions can incorporate

a time for guest speakers, space for dis-

playing products, banners, hand outs or

giveaways or brand promotion of a logo

on the SPASA invitation etc.

O p p o r t u n i t i e s t o S p o n s o r

Page 12: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

Your trusted pool professionals

The credibility of being a SPASA “Award Winner” gives consumers

a confidence in your product quality and design skills, which adds to the

credibility of your sales presentations and your credibility as a SPASA Member pool


The awards create a designed focus in SPASA’s advertising to draw consumer attention

which can develop positive discussion during a sales presentation that can support and

speed up the closing of a sale.

The Awards can also be a bonus for those consumers to own an award winning pool as it

improves their house’s resale promotion. You can also increase the value perception of

your pools by offering award winning designs to new customers.

Photographs of all entries are publicly displayed by the Association at every oppor-

tunity, which stimulates enormous consumer interest and enquiry. High quality printing of

Award winning pools are featured in the Association’s magazine.

The Awards are a stimulus to take photographs for general promotion and advertis-

ing, as well as a catalyst for staff to aim to design award-winning pools. This could lead

to building the pool that will be featured as the front cover of the magazine and also used

by SPASA in their advertising during the year.

Building award winning pools improves moral and group dynamics of staff.

An excellent opportunity to get together, network and celebrate with winners!

P o o l a n d S p a A w a r d s o f E x c e l l e n c e

Some members say that an Award of Excellence has the same value as an additional sales-

man for them. Nevertheless, the Annual Industry Awards are another SPASA promotion that

is well received by the Industry, the Consumers and Government.

These Awards are featured in the Association’s magazine and certainly promote the types of

popular pools in Queensland.

The Awards Gala Evening—is another magnificent night of winners.

Page 13: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

SPASA Complaints and Mediation Service is a major benefit promoted to consum-

ers by the Association and Government which provides a complaint resolution proc-

ess free of charge for those consumers that deal with a SPASA member, and ap-

proved Mediation where necessary.

Consumers do feel more confident in dealing with a member who is supported by a third party mediation service of trained and experienced staff (should they have any concerns with their contract or sale) and by providing and promoting this service to your customers, it shows your confidence in your own commitment to customer ser-vice. Should mediation be required, the SPASA mediator may arrange for a independent site inspection by an “industry expert” free of charge to both parties to assist in the resolution of the complaint. Complaints handled by the SPASA Mediator not only reduce your own office and legal costs (equalling better profits for your business), but also enhance your profes-sional image in the market place. Fair & just mediations reduce costs instead of just fixing - regardless of fault. Consumers are

better satisfied with external mediation and a happy customer is your best type of advertise-

ment, even if there was a problem.

S P A S A M e d i a t i o n S e r v i c e

The Association actively seeks out and develops various projects with Government and Com-

munity groups. Involvement with such projects enables the Association to organize and pre-

sent industry feedback from our members to those bodies, whilst at the same time often gain-

ing media coverage.

Projects have been and are currently being undertaken with such organizations as the Royal

Life Saving Society, Standards Australia, Queensland Building Services Authority and various

Government departments. The results of these joint ventures are forwarded on to members

and include, resuscitation posters, fencing brochures, pool check services, water quality, op-

erational guidelines for pools and spas etc.

Consumer recognition of the organizations we work with enhances the Association’s image,

and that of its members. Such industry links would not be possible on an individual business

by business basis. They are also developed so that SPASA members can be seen to be

meeting and exceeding their responsibilities within the community for the community, as the

recognized leaders in the pool and spa industry in Queensland.

J o i n t P r o j e c t s a n d P r o m o t i o n s

Complaints/Disputes handled by the SPASA Mediator not only

reduce your own office and legal costs but also enhance your

professional image in the market place.

Mediation enables complaints and disputes to be resolved and

Contracts to be satisfactorily completed in a short time.

Page 14: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

Your trusted pool professionals

P o o l S a f e t y I n s p e c t o r s

Automatically on joining SPASA, Pool Safety Inspectors will be allo-cated to 2 points towards your continuing professional development as implemented by the Pool Safety Council. SPASA endeavours to run information sessions, tele-conferences and webinars in order to assist members in achieving the remainder of the required points at little or no extra cost.

P o o l S h o p s & T e c h n i c i a n s

SPASA members enjoy quality referrals from our website and are recognised as being well respected and trusted professionals within the industry thanks to exten-sive campaigns which have been run over many years. This has instilled in pool owners that it is worth dealing with a SPASA member for peace of mind.

In the same way that the pool shops and technicians benefit from the SPASA name, our associate members and trade contractors also receive plenty of value through referrals for services such as pool fencing, concreting, plumbing and electrical work to name just a few.

A s s o c i a t e t r a d e c o n t r a c t o r s

S u p p l i e r s

Our supplier members benefit greatly through our networking and sponsorship opportunities to develop a one on one personal relationship with their custom-ers outside of the normal business operations. Our industry forums present occasions to showcase new products of interest to a target audience that is motivated to learn or access new technology as it be-comes available.

Page 15: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

Builder Pool Techni-cian or shop

Safety Inspector



Networking with suppliers & peers

● ● ● ● ●

Informative industry fo-rums

● ● ● ● ●

Membership Plus benefits ● ● ● ● ●

Legislative updates ● ● ● ● ●

Government lobbying ● ● ● ● ●

Rebate schemes ● ● ● ● ●

Consumer referrals ● ● ● ● ●

Member to member refer-rals

● ● ● ● ●

Compliance updates ● ● ● ● ●

Merchant facilities ● ● ● ● ●

Group insurances ● ● ● ● ●

Fleet discounts ● ● ● ● ●

Recognition as profes-sional pool service

● ● ● ● ●

Watertight benefits ●

Waterworks insurance ●

SPASA recommended contracts

CPD Points on joining ●

CPD Program ●

Your trusted pool professionals

B e n e f i t s o f M e m b e r s h i p

Page 16: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

Your trusted pool professionals

M e m b e r P l u s B e n e f i t s S c h e m e

Members Plus is an association loyalty program within Australia which is now part of your membership and included at no additional cost. Member Plus is a purchasing service that sources amazing prices and deals from suppliers around Australia. Members can potentially save thousands of dollars on their everyday purchases each year. Member Plus harnesses the combined pur-chasing power of over three and a half million members! Member Plus provides great savings across a wide range of quality products and services. Chances are they can help with whatever you are looking to buy. Just some of the products and services that can be sourced include but is not lim-ited to:

Members can placed orders on behalf of family to take advantage of the great deals. SPASA Members will be able to offer your staff additional Membership Plus cards un-der your membership at a small cost so that they and their families can also take ad-vantage of the savings on offer!

Electrical goods Computers Furniture Baby goods Groceries Mowers Optical Concert tickets

Cameras Travel Accommodation Manchester Perfumes Pharmacy Sewing machines Flowers

Motor vehicles Hire cars Floor coverings Jewellery Mobile phone plans Theme park tickets Wine Cabinetry

Page 17: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

Your trusted pool professionals

By-Law 1.

1. The SPASA Logo may only be used by current and financial members of the Association,

and only in respect to that business member and its authorized category of membership

2. Whenever used the SPASA Logo:

3. a) must be in the authorized colour and complete form. Including the word “Member”,

b) must be positioned and used as close as possible to the member’s own business name

to clearly indicate that this business is the member of SPASA,


c) may only be displayed on the premises and vehicles, and/or used on printed promotional

material and advertising of the SPASA member, in relation to that member’s authorized cate-

gory of membership

4. The SPASA Logo may not be used in any way whatsoever that could lead to a perception

that the Association guarantees, authorizes, recommends or endorses in any way, any prod-

uct, service, contract, other business, or other item which is owned, controlled, produced or mar-

keted by the SPASA member

5. In all advertising where a price is shown, then an adequate and appropriate description of

the product or service must also be shown. In the case of a Pool or Spa-its dimensions.

U s e o f t h e S P A S A l o g o & A d v e r t i s i n g

Money simply can’t buy the credibility created by SPASA membership. The whole is greater

than the sum of its parts. SPASA’s promotions ensure that consumers are aware of the

SPASA benefits before your standard sales presentation is commenced, and are often look-

ing for SPASA members over non-members regardless of price or product.

Consumers are aware of the value of the Association’s standards and services. They are

also aware that not all businesses qualify for SPASA membership, which makes them feel

comfortable and confident in dealing with you as a member. The technical skills & profes-

sionalism of SPASA members is promoted and perceived to be greater than non-members

which reinforces the perception of greater protection for the consumer.

Membership fees cover the administration of the whole association and the associated pro-

motions, which is of benefit to you, even if you don’t supply the particular product or service,

as you still get the credibility of other members who do! Smaller members get the credibility

and advertising “spin off” of the larger members. The image and perception of the overall

association will increase your own credibility as a member.

Membership gives the added benefit of referrals from other members with similar ethics, prin-

ciples and quality of all work. This supports a consumer concept that all SPASA mem-

bers work together with a shared pride in the project which can include separate members

for the fencing, landscaping, paving, pool covers, heating and on-going maintenance etc.

Members are regularly reminded of their responsibility to consumers and their membership

commitments, to increase the level of service and professionalism of Association members,

making a good Association even more promotable.

Page 18: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

1. To hold inviolate the concepts of free enterprise and unselfish service to the public

2. To operate at all times in a manner that will enhance the reputation of the swimming

pool & spa industry in the local community and across the nation

3. To make the largest contribution possible to the health, safety and welfare of the public

in the installation, maintenance and operation of swimming pools & spas, and to com-

ply with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations

4. To support all efforts to improve swimming pool & spa products and service, and to

encourage research and the development of new materials and methods

5. To advertise and sell the merits of products and service and refrain from making un-

warranted criticism of competitors or reflecting unfairly on their products, service or

methods of doing business

6. To advertise only bona fide prices and products and to refrain from using innuendos in

advertising and selling that may cause our customers to be misled

7. To ensure that all material facts are revealed, and to avoid accusations of concealment

of information in any dealings

8. To co-operate and assist where possible with all levels of Government in connection

with their dealings with the swimming pool & spa industry

9. To fulfil all contractual obligations, and offer a reasonable warranty on products or ser-

vices, and to perform on such warranty, either written or implied, when and where justi-

fiable claims are in order, and to do so promptly

10. To take no action or make any statement that may be construed to prejudice a pre-

existing contract for the construction or supply of goods or services pertaining to the

swimming pool & spa industry

11. To act fairly and properly at all times towards fellow members of the Association

and when a member is called upon to advise, consult, rectify or otherwise take any

action in relation to products, services or works provided, to carry out such works or

action or advice on behalf of the consumer in a professional and unbiased manner

M e m b e r s ’ C o d e o f E t h i c s

SPASA Members can be seen to be meeting and exceeding their responsi-bilities within the community, for the community, as the recognised leaders in the pool and spa industry.

Page 19: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

Your trusted pool professionals

S P A S A R e c o m m e n d e d C o n t r a c t s

Now is the time to consider becoming a member of SPASA, the only Govt. recognised

peak body for the Swimming Pool Industry in Queensland

Swimming Pool—Construction, Installation and Renovation

The purpose of the Domestic Building Contracts Act 2000 in regulating domestic

building contracts, is to achieve a reasonable balance between the interests of build-

ing contractors and building owners and to maintain appropriate standards of conduct in the building


Contractors licensed for Swimming Pool Construction, Installation, and Maintenance or

Renovation are bound by this Act.

The members of the Swimming Pool & Spa Association of Queensland Inc. working with our legal

advisors and the various government authorities involved have developed a series of specific Con-

sumer Contract Packs (Preliminary Agreements, Contracts, Approved Consumer Information State-

ments and “Handovers”) for the Swimming Pool Industry in Queensland that comply with the govern-

ment’s requirements, and ensure the protection of the rights of both of the parties involved. The Act

requires that a government approved Consumer Information Statement is given to consumers, and

that it also provides for a 5-day cooling off period (prior to entering into a Contract).

SPASA Recommended Contracts are only available to SPASA members and they:

1. meet all of the requirements of the new legislation,

2. are acceptable under the SPASA Watertight Contract Benefits Scheme,

3. are insurable under the WaterWorks Insurance program,

4. include a Government Approved Consumer Information Statement and

5. include a dispute resolution process as required by the Act.

To our knowledge,

- these are the only Contracts specifically written for Swimming Pool Construction,

- are the only specific Contract for which a specific “Consumer Information Statement” has been

approved by the BSA for the Swimming Pool Industry,

- are the only Contract that has the support of the Government acknowledged peak body for the

Swimming Pool Industry in Queensland—SPASA.

Consumers upon becoming aware of their rights under the Act, will demand to see a government

approved Consumer Information Statement, together with a written contract that complies with the

Act that is specifically written for the Swimming Pool Industry in Queensland.

Check out the Act and the penalties imposed on contractors for non-compliance.

Being a member of SPASA, the only Government recognized peak body for the Swimming Pool

Industry in Queensland—definitely has its advantages—as a Self Assessing and Self Regulating

section of the Building Industry.

Get with the Strength of Numbers and become involved.

Make sure your opinion and voice is heard.

Page 20: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

Appl ica t ions

The name, operating address and owners of each applicant business is circulated to existing

members for comment, as part of the application process.

SPASA membership is only granted to a single recognized business name or trading style, for

its appropriate Classification and Category in the market place.

Where a principal or company has multiple business names, trading styles or trades in several

categories, each one will require a separate application and assessment for membership, rela-

tive to the activities of that business.

I n te rv iew s

Each applicant will be required to be interviewed, tested and assessed (as may be applicable)

by a Sub-Committee of peers convened for the purpose, in respect to the applicant’s:

1. Skills and Trade Knowledge

2. Business Knowledge and Viability

3. Engineering Plans, Contractual Obligations

4. Consumer and Industry Obligations

5. Past Business, Education or Trade experiences

6. Current Insurance Requirements (Contractor’s All Risk, Public Liability, WorkCover


7. Current Licensing Requirements

8. Past Client comments

9. Reason for wanting SPASA Membership

10. Determination of Membership category for listing

11. Understanding and Acceptance of :

SPASA Code of Ethics, Rules and Regulations, Mediation and Disciplinary Obligations, Statu-

tory Requirements and Watertight Benefits

Following this interview,

and having considered all other appropriate information, this Sub-Committee will make

a recommendation to the Management Committee to accept or reject the application.

The Management Committee (in its Sole Discretion) will offer Membership in a Category

and Class of Membership that is deemed appropriate for the Applicant’s business.

M e m b e r s h i p A p p l i c a t i o n G u i d e l i n e s

Your application is private and confidential

Page 21: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

Your trusted pool professionals


All admissions are granted on a provisional basis for the member’s first membership year, during which time the management committee may review, confirm or reject such application as it deems fit under the Association Rules. The Category and Classifications of Membership granted will be at the sole discretion of the management committee, based on the applicant’s business operations within the Pool and Spa Industry in Queensland. Membership is normally granted for the applicant business, in the category and classifi-cation of membership as assessed and recommended by the Sub-Committee, ap-pointed for the purpose—based on the information provided by the Applicant. If additional membership is required for another business name, or in another or addi-tional category or classification—a separate application must be submitted for assess-ment, which is then subject to an additional membership fee for that category or class. Membership Classifications

There are Four (4) basic Membership Classifications:

1. MEMBER being a business that is BSA Licensed for Pool Building OR deals 70%+ with Pool & Spa consumers. Is a Full Member, has a vote, can be appointed/elected to the Management Committees, and has access to all Association services. Is listed in the published list of members, contributes to and enjoys the benefits of Association promo-tions and advertising. Pays an annual category fee (based on their annual turnover in the Pool & Spa Industry in Queensland), together with a Levy (based on Consumer Sales).

2. ASSOCIATE being a business that deals 70%+ with the Pool & Spa Industry(Manufacturers, Distributors or Retailers of Associated Materials or Equipment) or Trade Contractors to the Industry. Is a Full Member, has a vote, can be appointed/elected to Management Committees, and has access to all Association services. Is listed in the pub-lished list of members, contributes to and enjoys the benefits of Association promotions and advertising. Pays an annual category fee (based on their turnover in the Pool & Spa Industry in Queensland), together with a Levy (based on Consumer Sales).

3. SUBSCRIBER being a business (in Australia or Overseas), who has an interest in the Pool & Spa Industry in Queensland, and/or shows business operations are not able to be identified or classified under 1. or 2. above. Is a member, but has no vote, cannot be ap-pointed/elected to Management Committees, can be appointed to Sub-Committees, and has limited access to Association services. Is listed in the published list of members. Pays a fixed annual Subscription, together with a fixed annual listing fee.

4. POOL SHOP (or Mobile Technician) being a business that deals 70%+ with consumers in testing and balancing pool water. Is a Full Member, has a vote, can be appointed/elected to the Management Committee and has access to all Association services. Is listed in the published list of members, contributes to and enjoys the benefits of Associa-tion promotions and advertising. Pays a fixed annual category fee, together with a fixed Levy.

M e m b e r s h i p A p p l i c a t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n

Page 22: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits

Qualifying Associate Suppliers that conduct operations from a Queensland HO in more than one or more States of Australia may also apply for recognition in all States as a SPASA National Member. Is a full member, has a vote, can be appointed or elected to the Management Committees, and has access to all the Association services. Is listed in the published list of members. Pays an annual membership and advertising fee (based on the total turnover in Australia), which is shared proportionally with the other State Associations.


The Four (4) basic Classifications of Membership are then broken up into Categories,

to reflect the actual activity of the business within that Industry Class. e.g.

BSA Licensed Builder MEMBERS may specialize in Concrete Construction, Pool Reno-

vation, FRP Installation, or Landscaping etc, and are Licensed to contract to Consum-


* These applicants must hold a BSA Licence for the selected category and must also provide de-

tails of three (3) past consumer clients, from whom information regarding the satisfactory comple-

tion of the contracts can be obtained for projects that are able to be assessed by the Sub-

Committee. Applicant must derive 70% (or more), of their annual turnover, in the selected cate-


Retail MEMBERS may specialize in Pool Chemicals, Pool Equipment, Pool/Site Fenc-

ing, Pool Heating/Cooling, DIY Kits (Pools, Spas, Saunas, Hot Tubs etc).

ASSOCIATE Suppliers, Manufacturers, Distributors may specialize in Pool Chemicals, Pool

Equipment, Pool/Site Fencing, Pool Heating/Cooling, DIY Kits (Pools, Spas, Saunas, Hot Tubs

etc), Pool Building Materials or Industry Consultancy etc, or, may be appropriately qualified to

provide Trade or Sub-contract work to the Industry

* These applicant must be able to be recognized as a Manufacturer, or Distributor, or Supplier, or

Retailer, or Trade Contractor in the selected Category, and, must also provide details of three (3)

past clients (Industry or Consumer), from whom information regarding past services can be ob-

tained. Applicants must derive 70% (or more), of their annual turnover, in the selected category

Poolshop or Mobile Technician MEMBERS may operate from a shop front or a mobile vehicle or

have elements of both.

* Applicants must derive 70% (or more), of their annual turnover in this Domestic Pool service/

maintenance Category, and, must also provide details of three (3) past consumer clients from who

information regarding past services can be obtained.


1. It is acknowledged and accepted that some applicants (due to the nature or size of their

total business), may be able to qualify for classification as both a member and an Associ-

ate (as the business applicant trades with both consumers and the industry with difference

products or services). Separate Applications are required for each.

2. If an International, Overseas or Interstate Subscriber Member commences trading in

Queensland, they are obliged to advise the Association, and request transfer to full mem-

bership of the business in Queensland.

M e m b e r s h i p A p p l i c a t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n

Page 23: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits


By a State-wide, voluntary, self-assessing and self-regulated body (with National and International affiliations), whose members agree to abide by its rules, regulations and a strict Code of Ethics, in the conduct of their business

SPASA Members have access to technical training and educational pro-grammes designed to ensure their construction, sales and support staff perform with technical excellence

To gain acceptance to SPASA a Contractor must provide evidence of competent trading, acceptable credit, acceptable skills assessment and adequate public liability insurance to ensure protection of Customers

The SPASA Office is available to Members and their Customers to assist with any concerns


Members are subject to continuing assessment by their peers as to busi-ness acumen, professionalism, consumer relations and trade skills

Members are subject to continuing assessment by the Association man-agement as to their consumer and peer relationships in accordance with the Members’ Code of Ethics

Your trusted pool professionals

C o n s u m e r s d e a l w i t h S P A S A m e m b e r s b e c a u s e :

Swimming Pool & Spa Association

IA: 17568 ABN: ABN: 13 935 751 789

PO Box 2123, Fortitude Valley, Queensland 4006 — Australia

Phone: (07) 3252 6777 Fax: (07) 3252 6700

Email: [email protected]

Pool Professionals you can trust.

Page 24: SPASA Qld Membership Benefits


Watertight Contract Benefits

The BSA Statutory Insurance Scheme does not cover Swimming Pool Construction

Only SPASA Members are able to provide the Benefits that will complete the Contract and then stand behind the SPASA Member’s contract for the Statutory Warranty Period (up to 6 years) for Defects—if the Contractor is unable to do so for reasons of death, disappearance or insolvency

WaterWorks Contract & Liability Insurance

In conjunction with SRS Underwriting only SPASA Members are able to provide WaterWorks insurances for both the Customer and the Contractor in respect of personal injury, death or damage to property arising out of or in connection with work under the contract—until 4pm on the Date of Prac-tical Completion

Finance for the Lifestyle you would like

In conjunction with Citibank, only SPASA Members can assist you to use the equity in your property to fund Pools and other home improvements to suit your individual needs

Specific Contractual Documents

That comply with Queensland Legislation, suited to the purpose, which are constantly reviewed to protect the rights of the Customer and the Contrac-tor


Members are supported and so are their Customers.

The SPASA Office provides a Consumer Complaints process and a sys-tem of facilitative assistance that endeavours, in the event of a dispute, to arrange for a Mediator to assist the parties to reach a solution that is ac-ceptable to both sides. This usually avoids costly and traumatic litigation

SPASA Staff are trained and experienced for this purpose and are avail-able to assist the Customer and the Contractor in reaching an understand-ing and an agreement with their concerns.

Your trusted pool professionals

Swimming Pool & Spa Association

IA: 17568 ABN: 13 935 751 789

PO Box 2123, Fortitude Valley, Queensland 4006 — Australia

Phone: (07) 3252 6777 Fax: (07) 3252 6700

Email: [email protected]

Pool Professionals you can trust.

C o n s u m e r s d e a l w i t h S P A S A m e m b e r s b e c a u s e :

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