Page 1: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Spacecraft RF Communication Day 1:

10/30/2013 John Reyland, PhD

• Spacecraft communications introduction • RF signal transmission • RF carrier modulation • Noise and link budgets

Day 2:

Day 3:

• Error control coding • Telemetry systems • Analog Signal Processing • Digital Signal Processing

• Kalman filters • Satellite systems • Special topics

Stop me and ask!!!!

Page 2: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

RF Signal Transmission


.( )tθ

( )v t

( )( ) ( ) co s ( )rv t v t tθ=

Fixed inertial reference frame

Doppler frequency shift and time dilation affect RF channels where receiver and/or transmitter are moving relative to each other

Page 3: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

RF Signal Transmission

Some Definitions:


c = Speed of light, 3e8 meters/second

cf = Carrier frequency (Hz) ( )tθ = Angle between receiver’s forward velocity and

line of sight between transmitter and receiver

( )( ) ( ) co s ( )rv t v t tθ= = Velocity of receiver relative to transmitter

( )df t = Doppler carrier frequency shift at receiver

( )tT t = Transmit symbol time

( )rT t = Receive symbol time

Page 4: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

RF Signal Transmission

Example 1:


cf = 1 GHz = 1e+9 Hz

( )v t v= = 350 meters/second (constant, approx. Mach 1)

( )tθ = 0 (constant, worst case for Doppler shift)

rv v= = Velocity of receiver relative to transmitter

( ) 350 10(350)( ) 1 9 11673 8 3d d c

vf t f f e Hzc e

= = = = = =

Doppler carrier frequency shift at receiver

1( ) 1 61 6t tT t T ee

= = = − =+

Transmit symbol time

350( ) (1 6) 1 (1 6)(1.000001167)3 8

tr r t

vTT t T T e ec e

= = + = − + = − =

Receive symbol time

This means receive symbol time increases by 0.0001167%. - called time dilation

Page 5: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

RF Signal Transmission


d = distance between transmitter and receiver at leading edge of transmit pulsed+vTt = distance between transmitter and receiver at trailing edge of transmit pulse

Transmit Pulse, duration = Tt

Received Pulse, duration = Tr


td vTc+ =

Propagation time at leading edge of transmit pulse

Propagation time at trailing edge of transmit pulse

t td vT vTdc c c+ − = =

Additional time duration of pulse at the receiver

1tt t

vT vT Tc c

+ = + =

Dilated time duration of pulse at the receiver

Page 6: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

RF Carrier Modulation

10/30/2013 John Reyland, PhD

Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK)

( )b n ( )x k( )a n

Antipodal Mapping


cos 2 RlL



( )y l( )p k1 10 1⇒ +⇒ −

k = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 n = 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4

( )x k

( )y l

0 L 2L 3L 4L 5L

-Fb 0 Fb 2Fb-2Fb

0 Fc = RFb Fc = -RFb

R=1 implies one modulating cycle per symbol. R=2.5 in this example

Page 7: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

RF Carrier Modulation

10/30/2013 John Reyland, PhD

Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK)

( )e eb n

( )a n

Serial 2 Parallel


1 10 1⇒ +⇒ −

( )o ob n

( )p k

( )p k ( )Qx l

( )Ix l

cos 2 RlL



( )y l

sin 2 RlL


( )Iy l

( )Qy l

0 L 2L 3L 4L 5L 6L 7L 8L 9L

( )Ix k k = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

n = 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8

k = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

n = 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 ( )Qx k

( )a n 10

( )Iy l

( )Qy l

Presentation Notes
L = samples/symbol, R=1 implies one modulating cycle per symbol. R=2.5 in this example
Page 8: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

RF Carrier Modulation

10/30/2013 © John Reyland, PhD

OFDM starts by converting high speed symbols indexed by n at rate 1/Ts Into parallel blocks indexed by k at rate 1/T = M/Ts In this example, M=4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 120 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3


Channel 0 SymbolsChannel 1 Symbols

Channel 2 SymbolsChannel 3 Symbols

Each channel now transmits QPSK symbols at block rate Fs/M

( ) ( )i qb n jb n+


(4 3)b k +(4 2)b k +(4 1)b k +

(4 )b k

(4 3)s k +(4 2)s k +(4 1)s k +(4 )s k

Page 9: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

RF Carrier Modulation

10/30/2013 © John Reyland, PhD

Advantage: Bit polarity can match alternating I,Q polarity Disadvantages: To detect bits, have to know where two bit pattern boundaries are. Even/Odd bits cannot interchange Important: This signal has only one bit of modulo phase memory, i.e. current phase transition only depends on previous phase.

Page 10: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Noise and Link Budgets

10/30/2013 © John Reyland, PhD

Important antenna specifications:

• Beamwidth: Angular field of view • Gain: Increase in power due to directionality • Sidelobe rejection: Attenuation of signals outside beamwidth

Page 11: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Error Control and Channel Coding

10/30/2013 © John Reyland, PhD

Time Diversity:

After receiver reassembles, all errors can be corrected See [R5] and [R6]

Page 12: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Error Control and Channel Coding Maximum Likelihood (ML) detector:

10/30/2013 © John Reyland, PhD

Detection mechanism uses the log-likelihood ratio, for detection filter output rrec:

( )( )

1 1

0 0

|log log


p r S pLp r S p

= =

Log-likelihood ratio sign is most probable hard decision

Presentation Notes
SD=0 means receiver has no confidence in bit decision, obliviously true
Page 13: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Error Control and Channel Coding ML decisions in a general N dimensional signal space:

10/30/2013 © John Reyland, PhD

( )( )

( ) ( ) ( )







1ln | ln2

k mkr SNN



m k mkk

p r S eN

Np r S N r SN



− −




−= − −

The most likely transmitted signal Sm minimizes the Euclidian distance:

( ) ( )2



m k mkk

D r S r S=

= −∑

Presentation Notes
SD=0 means receiver has no confidence in bit decision, obliviously true
Page 14: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Error Control and Channel Coding Maximum a posteriori (MAP) detector:

10/30/2013 © John Reyland, PhD

Start with Bayes rule:

( )( )

( )( )

( )( )

1 1 1

0 0 0

| |log log log

| |MAP

p S r p r S p SL

p S r p r S p S

= = +

MAP Log-likelihood ratio = likelihood ratio based on observation + a priori information ratio

( ) ( ) ( )( )


p r S p Sp S r

p r=

( )( )

( ) ( )( )

( ) ( )( )

( ) ( )( ) ( )

1 1

1 1 1

0 00 0 0

|| |

|| |

p r S p Sp S r p r p r S p S

p r S p Sp S r p r S p Sp r

= =

A priori: Information knowable independent of experience A posteriori: Information knowable on the basis of experience

( ) ( )1 0if MAP MLL L

p S p S=


Presentation Notes
SD=0 means receiver has no confidence in bit deci sion , obliviously true ML = MAP is symbols are equiprobable
Page 15: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Error Control and Channel Coding Concatenated coding for Voyager mission to Saturn and Uranus

10/30/2013 © John Reyland, PhD

Power efficiency is extremely important: Coding gain of 6dB can double the communications range between spacecraft and earth ([C8], page 172) Voyager telecommunications achieved 10-6 BER at EbN0 = 2.53dB, 2Mbits/sec. What system considerations are not very important?

Bandwidth efficiency, not many other users out there. Delay, waiting time for image reconstructions is OK

Presentation Notes
Used to protect data on CDs, the outer coder is a Reed Solomon block coder k = number of payload bits in block, n = number of coded bits in block, n-k = number of parity bits in block rows with >nb elements interlaces code word bits
Page 16: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Error Control and Channel Coding Turbo coding basic concept explained by an example

10/30/2013 © John Reyland, PhD

Presentation Notes
Even if there is a terminating input bit sequence (i.e. returns coders to all zero state) because of the interleaver it is nearly impossible to return both coders to all zero state.
Page 17: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Error Control and Channel Coding

The maximum a posteriori (MAP) log likelihood ratio:

10/30/2013 © John Reyland, PhD

( )( )

( )( )

( )( )

1 1 1

0 0 0

| |log log log

| |col col rowMAP ML AP ML EXT

p S r p r S p SL L L L L

p S r p r S p S

= = + = + = +

Turbo Decoder diagram for this example:

Presentation Notes
Even if there is a terminating input bit sequence (i.e. returns coders to all zero state) because of the interleaver it is nearly impossible to return both coders to all zero state.
Page 18: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Error Control and Channel Coding Log likelihood ratio of modulo two addition of two soft decisions (see []):

10/30/2013 © John Reyland, PhD

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )( )0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1min ,L r r L r L r sig nL r sig nL r L r L r⊕ = =

This addition rule is used to combine data and parity into extrinsic information Extrinsic means extra, or indirect, information derived from the decoding process

Presentation Notes
Circle with plus sign means modulo 2 addition
Page 19: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Error Control and Channel Coding

10/30/2013 © John Reyland, PhD

Presentation Notes
Even if there is a terminating input bit sequence (i.e. returns coders to all zero state) because of the interleaver it is nearly impossible to return both coders to all zero state.
Page 20: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Error Control and Channel Coding

10/30/2013 © John Reyland, PhD

Column decode generates new extrinsic information

Page 21: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Error Control and Channel Coding

10/30/2013 © John Reyland, PhD

Column extrinsic information can be feedback to row decoder for a new iteration

Page 22: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Error Control and Channel Coding

10/30/2013 © John Reyland, PhD

Final turbo decode output is derived from all available statistically independent information:

Note how confidence levels are improved

Page 23: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Channel Equalization Techniques

10/30/2013 John Reyland, PhD

Raised cosine pulses have an extremely important attribute: at the ideal sampling points, they don’t interfere with each other

Over an ideal channel, delayed transmit signal will be observed at the receiver.

Ideal channel: ( ) ( )received transmits t s t δ= −

Presentation Notes
Example pulse has 0 excess BW
Page 24: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Channel Equalization Techniques

10/30/2013 © John Reyland, PhD

See [E1] and [E2]

A decision feedback nonlinear adaptive equalizer:

Presentation Notes
Linear and nonlinear part adaptation can be separate There is an error propagation problem with the nonlinear part
Page 25: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Analog Signal Processing

10/30/2013 © John Reyland, PhD

For gain planning, receiver has to cope with contradicting requirements ADC Input: Only one optimum power level for best performance = Max ADC input – received signal peak to average power ratio (PAPPR) Antenna Input: Needs to handle wide range of inputs from -100 dBm or less to 0dBm or more


10 3 13

10log 0.001 100.001

100 10 10 10 0.10 1


dBm wattsPP P

dBm picowattdBm milliwatt

− − −

= = − ⇒ = =

Presentation Notes
CDMA base station mitigates power variation problem by closed loop power control of handsets
Page 26: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Analog Signal Processing

10/30/2013 © John Reyland, PhD

A complex representation is required at baseband because the modulation will cause the instantaneous phase to go positive or negation:

( ) ( )( ) co s ( ) sin ( )BBj tBB BBe t j tθ θ θ= +

Because the phase is now always positive, complex exponential terms are redundant ( ) ( ) ( )( ) co s ( ) sin ( )RF BBj t t

RF BB RF BBe t t j t tω θ ω θ ω θ+ = + + +

( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )cos ( ) RF BB RF BBj t t j t tRF BBt t e eω θ ω θω θ + − ++ = +Signal now can be real:

This forces the existence of a negative image (ignored for most analog processing):

Presentation Notes
Note: the conjugate would be a single complex tone on the negative frequency axis Note that has exponential spins faster, it moves further out on the axis Centered at 0 Hz, an arbitrary signal must have arbitrary positive and negative spectral components The only way to represent that is with a complex exponential
Page 27: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Analog Signal Processing

10/30/2013 © John Reyland, PhD

Voltage Sampling: Undesired signals are all aliased at full power:

Current Sampling: Images at multiples of sampling rate are attenuated:

Page 28: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Analog Signal Processing

Compete Transmitter

10/30/2013 © John Reyland, PhD

Let’s discuss the function of the reconstruction filter and the bandpass filter…

Presentation Notes
LTC5588 is Quad Mod example, TI DAC 5681 is DAC example
Page 29: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Digital Signal Processing

We will organize our DSP discussion around the digital receiver architecture below:

10/30/2013 John Reyland, PhD

This setup is suitable for many linear modulations. Nonlinear demodulation would replace the equalizer with a phase discriminator and also probably not have carrier tracking.

Presentation Notes
We will go over each block but maybe not in that order
Page 30: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Digital Signal Processing

10/30/2013 John Reyland, PhD

Intermediate center frequency Fif = 44.2368 MHz. Does this mean sampling frequency Fs > 88.4736 MHz ? No, we can bandpass sample, by making Fs = (4/3) Fif = 58.9824 MHz. This has advantages: • Lower sample rate => smaller sample buffers and fewer FPGA timing problems • Fif can be higher for the same sample rate, this may make frequency planning easier Disadvantage is that noise in the range [Fs/2 Fs] is folded back into [0 Fs/2]

Page 31: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Digital Signal Processing

10/30/2013 John Reyland, PhD

Complex basebanding process in the frequency domain, ends with subsampled Fs = 29.491 MHz

Page 32: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Digital Signal Processing

10/30/2013 John Reyland, PhD

Halfband Filter response Typical Matlab code:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-0.2




0.6HalfBand filter Impulse Response, Order=11

0 3.6864 7.3728 11.0592 14.7456 18.432 22.1184 25.8048 29.4912-40





Frequency (MHz)


, dB

0 3.6864 7.3728 11.0592 14.7456 18.432 22.1184 25.8048 29.49120



Frequency (MHz)


, line


Fss = 58.9824e6; % Setup halfband filter for input subsampling PassBandEdge = 1/2-1/8; StopBandRipple = 0.1; b=firhalfband('minorder', … PassBandEdge, … StopBandRipple, … 'kaiser'); % Check frequency response [hb,wb] = freqz(b,1,2048); plot(wb,10*log10(abs(hb))); set(gca,'XLim',[0 pi]); set(gca,'XTick',0:pi/8:pi); set(gca,'XTickLabel',(0:(Fss/16):(Fss/2))/1e6);

Page 33: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Digital Signal Processing DSP Circuits for IF to Complex BB process

10/30/2013 John Reyland, PhD

Inphase Halfband Filter

HI(z) = h0 + z-2h2 + z-3h3 + z-4h4 + z-6h6

Quadrature Halfband Filter

HQ(z) = h0 + z-2h2 + z-3h3 + z-4h4 + z-6h6

Fs/4 Local Oscillator

I(n) + jQ(n) = [1+j0,0+j1,-1+j0,0-j1,1+j0, ...]
































Page 34: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Digital Signal Processing

10/30/2013 John Reyland, PhD

Input Samp. Index @ Fs

Local Oscillator: I(n) + jQ(n) =

Mixer Output Quadrature Halfband Filter Tap Signals Quadrature Half Band Output @ sample rate = Fs/2

x(n) I(n) Q(n) Ib(n) Qb(n) h0 0 h2 h3 h4 0 h6 x(0) 1 0 x(0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x(1) 0 1 0 x(1) x(1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 x(1)*h0 x(2) -1 0 -x(2) 0 0 x(1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 x(3) 0 -1 0 -x(3) -x(3) 0 x(1) 0 0 0 0 -x(3)*h0 + x(1)*h2 x(4) 1 0 x(4) 0 0 -x(3) 0 x(1) 0 0 0 x(1)*h3 x(5) 0 1 0 x(5) x(5) 0 -x(3) 0 x(1) 0 0 x(5)*h0 - x(3)*h2 + x(1)*h4 x(6) -1 0 -x(6) 0 0 x(5) 0 -x(3) 0 x(1) 0 -x(3)*h3 x(7) 0 -1 0 -x(7) -x(7) 0 x(5) 0 -x(3) 0 x(1) -x(7)*h0 + x(5)*h2 - x(3)*h4 +

x(1)*h6 x(8) 1 0 x(8) 0 0 -x(7) 0 x(5) 0 -x(3) 0 x(5)*h3 x(9) 0 1 0 x(9) x(9) 0 -x(7) 0 x(5) 0 -x(3) x(9)*h0 - x(7)*h2 + x(5)*h4 -

x(3)*h6 x(10) -1 0 -x(10) 0 0 x(9) 0 -x(7) 0 x(5) 0 -x(7)*h3 x(11) 0 -1 0 -x(11) -x(11) 0 x(9) 0 -x(7) 0 x(5) -x(11)*h0 + x(9)*h2 - x(7)*h4 +

x(5)*h6 x(12) 1 0 x(12) 0 0 -x(11) 0 x(9) 0 -x(7) 0 x(9)*h3 x(13) 0 1 0 x(13) x(13) 0 -x(11) 0 x(9) 0 -x(7) x(13)*h0 - x(11)*h2 + x(9)*h4 -

x(7)*h6 x(14) -1 0 -x(14) 0 0 x(13) 0 -x(11) 0 x(9) 0 -x(11)*h3 x(15) 0 -1 0 -x(15) -x(15) 0 x(13) 0 -x(11) 0 x(9) -x(15)*h0 + x(13)*h2 - x(11)*h4

+ x(9)*h6

Page 35: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Spacecraft Downlink Tracking Downlink Doppler measurements: Range rate and uplink pre-compensation

10/30/2013 John Reyland, PhD

Page 36: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Kalman Filters A Kalman filter estimates the state of an ‘n’ dimensional discrete time process governed by the linear stochastic difference equation:

10/30/2013 John Reyland, PhD

( ) ( 1) ( 1) ( 1)x k Ax k Bu k w k= − + − + −

Discrete time state vector is not directly observable, however we can measure: ( )x k

( ) ( ) ( )z k Hx k v k= +

( )v k

( )w k

is a random variable representing the normally distributed measurement noise

is a random variable representing the normally distributed process noise

( )( ) ~ 0,p v N Q

( )( ) ~ 0,p w N Q

(n by n)A = Represents the system dynamics of the system whose state we are trying to estimate. Control input matrix is optional (n by l)B =

(m by n)H =

Page 37: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Kalman Filters Kalman filter prediction/correction loop: Inputs current time flight dynamics, outputs prediction of t seconds ahead position:

10/30/2013 John Reyland, PhD

Page 38: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler

Special Topics

NASA Space Telecommunications Radio System (STRS)

10/30/2013 John Reyland, PhD

Presentation Notes
Each “radio supplier can encapsulate company proprietary circuit or software designs, provided the modules meet the specific architecture rules and expose the interfaces defined for each module.”
Page 39: Spacecraft RF Communications Course Sampler


10/30/2013 John Reyland, PhD

General-purpose Processing Module (GPM): Supports radio reconfiguration, performance monitoring, ground testing and other supervisory functions Signal Processing Module (SPM): Implements digital signal processing modem functions such as carrier estimation, equalization, symbol tracking and estimation. Components include ASICs, FPGAs, DSPs, memory, and interconnection bus. Radio Frequency Module (RFM): Provides radio frequency (RF) passband filter and tuning functions as well as intermediate frequency (IF) sampling. Also includes transmit RF functions. Components include filters, RF switches, diplexer, LNAs, power amplifiers, ADCs and DACs.

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