
Beth Brewer,1 Michael Wright,2 Glenn Rice,2 Lucas Neas,3 Linda Teuschler4

1 US EPA, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Fellow, Office of the Science Advisor2 US EPA, National Center for Environmental Assessment3 US EPA, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory4 LK Teuschler and Associates

SOT Risk Assessment Specialty Section Webinar November 9, 2016

Views presented here are of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of the EPA.

Outline• Background

– CRA– Causal inference – Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs)

• Uses of graphical causal models throughout CRA– Planning, scoping, problem formulation– Analysis – Characterization

• Challenges of using graphical methods for causal inference

• Summary


Project Origins


• Argonne National Laboratory• ATSDR• Boston University• DHHS• Emory University, Clinical

Biomarkers Laboratory• Exponent• Gradient Corporation• International Life Sciences

Institute• NIH NIEHS• Stanford University • The Scientific Consulting Group• UCLA School of Medicine,

Division of Cardiology• University of Michigan School of

Public Health• University of Ottawa• University of Pittsburgh

Department of Environmental and Occupational Health

• University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry

• University of Tennessee at Knoxville



LRPCD• EPA ORD OSA• EPA ORD OSP• EPA OSWER• EPA OW• EPA Region 2• EPA Region 3• EPA Region 4• EPA Region 5• EPA Region 6• EPA Region 8• EPA Region 9

Cumulative Risk Assessment (CRA)

• CRAs examine, characterize, and quantify the combined risks to human health or the environment from exposures to multiple stressors – E.g., chemical, physical, biological, and social stressors– May focus on vulnerable populations

• CRAs may utilize many sources of information, toxicology, epidemiology, sociology, clinical studies, ecological data, spatial analysis, etc – Epi - confounding/other potential sources of bias are a


4NRC (2009) Science & Decisions, Ch. 7: Implementing CRA

Causal Inference• Weight of evidence methods broadly used

– Variations of 1965 Bradford Hill criteria • Consistency, specificity, strength of association, biological plausibility,

dose response, coherence, temporality, experimentation, cessation

• Call for better inference methods in risk assessment– Cox (2013); Linder et al. (2010) suggest improved methods for

inference in risk assessment

• “Modern” methods– Potential outcomes framework/counterfactual model/Neyman-

Rubin-Holland model– Structural causal models

• Epidemiology (Greenland et al. 1999), Social research (Morgan & Winship 2007)

5Weed 2005; Pearl 2009; Holland 1986; Neyman 1923; Rubin 1974

Causal inference in CRA

• Make causal inferences using experimental studies, observational data, stakeholder concern– Epidemiological studies will be valuable, but method needs to

be adaptable to incorporate all evidence needed for a CRA

• Levels/types of causal factors important to CRA– Population, individual level– Community, state, federal– Deterministic/mechanical factors (aleatory causality), laws of

nature, fundamental physical connections– Probabilistic/social factors (statistical causality),

• Repeated significant association being “symptoms” of a causal relationship

6Russo 2009

• Wunsch (1995), God gave the easy problem to the physicists…– Isolating causal processes is much easier for objects

than it is for any process involving people

• Purpose and Application– Use graphical causal models to support causal analysis – Describe how the graphs can be utilized throughout a

CRA– Improved causal models for risk assessment



Causal inference in CRA

Graphical Causal Models

• Structuring relationships in a CRA requires several levels of reasoning with corresponding graphical causal models:– The “big picture” or theoretical frameworks

• (e.g., Linder & Sexton 2011; Morello-Frosch and Shenassa2006; Gee and Payne-Sturges 2004; WHO 2008)

– Conceptual models – more specific, structure varies widely

– Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs)…

8Pearl 2000; Greenland et al. 1999; Textor 2011

Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)

• DAG = A graphical causal model comprised of nodes connected by single-headed arrows containing no closed loops– encode assumptions, estimate causal effect

Causal pathway Confounded pathway

9Greenland et al. 1999; Glymour 2006; Pearl 2009

DAGs vs. Other graphical models• Conceptual models are usually displayed as box and

arrow diagrams but can take on many different forms

• Rules for DAGs are rigorous – Uniform structure– No bidirectional arrows

• Nothing can cause itself! Hence “Acyclic”

• Steps applied to DAG to identify if causal effect is estimable– Not possible with conceptual model, unless conceptual

model is essentially a DAG in its construction

10Shrier & Platt 2008; Pearl 2009; Greenland et al. 1999

Causal Inference w/ DAGs: Key Elements• 3 basic structures

– Causal pathway X → A → Y• A is an intermediate• Do not adjust for A

– Backdoor (biasing) pathway X ← A → Y• A is a confounder• Adjust for A

– Blocked pathway X → A ← Y• A is a collider• Do not adjust for A

• Identify and block backdoor pathways to estimate causal effect


DAGs and Causality: Key Elements

• Identification of causal effects

• Observed association can be causal relationship + spurious association– Remove confounding, leaves causal effect

• Main points:– Increase confidence that estimation model will accurately

estimate causal effect– Increase confidence that risk management

plan/intervention will have intended effect– Be explicit about uncertainties


Causal DAG

• What makes a DAG a causal DAG?– All variables significant to relationship, measured and

unmeasured, along with common causes, are depicted in the graph

– Causal model will correspond to the underlying causal structure of a relationship to the extent that the relationship can be accurately observed and approximated

• Cannot convey magnitude of risks, distribution of variables, functional forms of relations (nonparametric)

• Note: graphical causal model vs causal model (mathematical equation)


Overview of CRA

14EPA 2003

Goal: Show potential utility of DAGs throughout process

Example: Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation

• Hypothetical population– Community near a concentrated animal feeding operation

(CAFO)– Extensive research to support links between numerous

exposures and numerous adverse health effects

• Risk hypothesis: Air emissions from the CAFO are causing an increased incidence of chronic bronchitis in the surrounding community

15Flora et al. 2002; Herriges et al. 2005; Howard et al. 2010a; Howard et al. 2010b; Merchant et al. 2002; PCIFAP 2008; U.S. EPA 2004; Wing et al. 2008; Wing et al. 2013

Phase 1: Planning, Scoping, Problem Formulation

• Initiating factors, stressor or effects based assessment, stakeholder concerns– Increased prevalence of chronic bronchitis– Effects-based– Odors, economic impacts from CAFO, etc

• Major outputs– Conceptual model– Analysis plan



Conceptual Model for CRA of a CAFO

Human Health Effects


Ecological Effects

Economic Effects

Major Emissions



Other Stressors


Other Existing Community/IndividualLevel stressors•Poor housing quality •Food desert•Low income •Minority•No affordable health care •High meat/fast food


Manure lagoon/manure spray ODOR/GAS Carcasses




NOAntibioticresistant bacteria

Community economic impacts•Decline in travel, tourism, fishing, water recreation •Consumer avoidance of downwind business •Less use of outdoor greenspaces •Decreased aggregate employment

Individual economic impacts•Decreased property value•Increased home costs: fly, rodent control, air cleaners •Increased electricity costs

PM 10, 2.5

Livestock losses from heat waves

Chronic Individual


Individual Allostatic




•CHRONIC BRONCHITIS•Skin rash •Asthma •Eye irritiation•Headache •Gastrointestinal illness•Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning (subsistence fishers)•Increased risk of Methemoglobinemia (Infants)•Decreased neurocognitive function•Chronic mucous membrane irritation

Dermal InhalationIngestion

Fish/shellfish killsAlgal blooms -

algal toxins


Increased fly & rodent population

Overfertilization of praries


Seepage into surface and groundwater

•State/local infrastructure•Zoning regulations•Economic Incentives•Environmental Statutes/Regulations

Nutrient loading of soil & waterways

Swine & Feed Dust

Pathogens Heavy Metals,Dioxins,




Worsened air pollution (Textor 2011)

DAG for CRA of a CAFO

DAG in Planning, Scoping, Problem Formulation

• Concisely diagram scope of assessment

• Opportunities for risk management input

• Facilitate planning of data collection activities


Facilitate planning of data collection activities

• Literature-based data analyses, collection and analysis of samples (biomarkers)

• What variables need to be observed to estimate causal effect – Choose variables to measure based on cost or



Minimally sufficient adjustment sets


• Confounding = alternative source of explanation

• Adjustment sets = variables that can be adjusted to reduce bias

• Land Use/Zoning• Education Level

Adjusting variables to control confounding in DAG



Adjusting variables to control confounding in DAG

Adjusting variables to control confounding in DAG


Adjusting variables to control confounding in DAG


Phase 2: Analysis

• Evaluate confounding in individual studies

• Determine if study data are generalizable

• Testable implications add to WOE– Iterative approach to DAG, revise based on most

robust evidence

• Identify is causal effects are estimable:– Total, direct, indirect, effect modification, interactions

26Bareinboim & Pearl 2013a; Bareinboim & Pearl 2013b

Testable Implications Add to WOE

• Testable implications– Translate causation to statistical language– X → A ← Y

• Data must show X and Y are associated when adjusting for A

– Education Level ⊥ Perception of Health Risk | Odors

• Conditional independency derived from DAG structure

• Makes sense intuitively – May not be able to check in data– Qualitatively adds to WOE


Analysis: are causal effects estimable from available data?

• WOE for each relationship

• Uncertainties in each study

• Comparisons facilitate choice of studies to derive the dose-response estimate

• Use DAGs in same manner to determine if direct, indirect, effect modification, and interactions are causally identified


Total effect

• Yes• Adjust for either

Land/Use Zoning, Education Level, or both

• Effect exposure has on the outcome through all pathways present in the graph

• Combination of direct and indirect effects


Direct effect


• Yes• Adjust Smoking and

Exhaled Nitric Oxide to block associations from all open indirect causal pathways

Indirect effect

• Mediation analysis– Indirect pathways pass through intermediate variables– Odors → Perception of Health Risk → Chronic

Individual Stress → Smoking → Chronic Bronchitis

• Relationships between intermediate and E/O need be identified– Perception of Health Risk - YES– Smoking - NO

31Imai et al., 2010; Pearl, 2012; Pearl, 2014; VanderWeele & Vansteelandt, 2014; Shpitser and Vanderweele, 2011; Breen et al., 2013

Effect Modification• Statistical concept

– Indicates presence of underlying biological mechanism

– Difference in magnitude of association within levels of 3rd variable (smoking)

• Is effect modification by smoking causally identified?– No– Estimate would be biased

because it’s a collider


Interaction (Joint Effects)

• Smoking– Yes – But only if Chronic

stress can be measured (or an appropriate surrogate)


Notes on estimation• Derivation of “causal” regression models

– Causal interaction effect Chronic Bronchitis = β0 + β1Odors + β2Smoking + β3Education Level + β4Chronic Individual Stress + β5OdorsXSmoking + ε

• SEMs and Bayesian networks (BNs) use directed graphs as their computational structure – Use SEMs when there is an interest in a range of different effects and

pathways – Causal DAG can be combined with parameter estimates in a BN (causal

BN), and can be used to estimate causal effects

• Using DAGs for causal effect identification before applying other estimation techniques can increase confidence that an estimate is a causal effect


VanderWeele 2012; Davis 2012; Levy et al 2015; Best et al. 2005; VanderWeele 2009; Zabinski et al. 2016

Other approaches/modifications

• Modular approach– Characteristics/vulnerabilities of population– Biological mechanisms, tox interactions

• Modify/annotate arrows to add information (+/-, color, thickness, etc)

35Joffe & Mindell 2006; Suter 1999

Phase 3: Risk Characterization

• Scoping decisions and assumptions are explicit– Boundaries of assessment– Causal ordering– Relevant mechanisms

• Insight into uncertainties and variability– Can’t control confounding = uncertainty



• Dawid (2009), Beware of the DAG! – Inductive approaches using DAGs are controversial – Not recommended, but useful for (if interested in investigating)

alternate causal hypotheses• Revise based on experimental studies

– Hybrid inference approach

• Krieger & Smith (2016), The tale wagged by the DAG…– Examples where flawed logic and incomplete explanations,

represented in DAGs, led to flawed conclusions– “Triangulation” or evidence integration, “Inference to the Best



Disagreement on methods for causal inference


“Boy, these academic disputes are fun! Such vitriol! Such personal animosity! It's better than reality TV. Did Rubin slap Pearl's mom, or perhaps vice versa?”…


• Your model is correct!

• Happens with or without a DAG, assumptions about cause and effect are made, management plans are made, interventions are implemented, regulations/policies are made

• Make all assumptions (statistical and causal) explicit


Summary: DAGs for Causal Inference in CRA

• Use DAGs, in addition to WOE techniques, to make inferences about relationships– Unobserved confounders make causal effects unidentifiable, but may be a

way around it, graph to be sure – What variables need measurement to estimate causal effect

• Effects of intervention are important inputs for causal models– Revisions to DAG based those findings can add to validity of model

• Functions as a guide to more effective regulatory interventions– Iterative, represents state of science, assumptions

• User friendly options (DAGitty)

40Brewer et al. (In review 2016)

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• Support was provided in part by an appointment to the Research Participation Program in the Office of the Science Advisor, US EPA, administered by ORISE through an interagency agreement between the U.S. Department of Energy and US EPA.


Thank You!


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For more information on Human Health Risk Assessment Project 6: CRA Methods and Applications:

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