  • The SORTA Board of Trustees may go into Executive “Closed” Session under the Ohio Open Meetings Act: Section 121.22(G)(1) To consider appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee…; Section 121.22(G)(2) To consider the purchase of property for public purposes….; Section 121.22(G)(3) Conferences with an attorney for the public body concerning disputes involving the public body that are the subject of pending or imminent court action; Section 121.22(G)(4) Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees…, Section 121.22(G)(5) Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or regulations or stat statues; Section 121.22(G)(6) Details relative to the security arrangements and emergency response protocols for a public body or a public office; Section 121.22(G)(8) To consider confidential information related to the marketing plans, specific business strategy, production techniques, trade secrets…



    CINCINNATI, OHIO General Items: Call to order Pledge of Allegiance Recite Mission and Vision Statement 1. Approval of Planning & Operations Committee Minutes: February 12th, 2019 Briefing Items

    2. Fare Deal Program Update (Lisa Aulick) 3. Transit Bus Stop Benches Update (John Edmonson) 4. Marketing and Communications Update (Dave Etienne) 5. Mobility as a Service Update (Khaled Shammout)…To be presented at meeting 6. Ridership Reports for February 2019 (Mark McEwan)… To be presented at meeting 7. Quarterly Rail Update and Letter Review (Paul Grether) … To be presented at meeting

    Action Items:

    Other Items: Adjournment

    The next regular meeting of the Planning & Operations Committee has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 9th, 2019 at 9:00 a.m., the SORTA/Metro Board Room,

    602 Main Street, Suite 1200, Cincinnati, Ohio

  • 1



    COMMITTEE/BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Heidi Black, Brendon Cull, Allen Freeman, Roderick Hinton, Kreg Keesee, Mary Miller, and Kathleen Wyenandt COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Blake Ethridge STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Darryl Haley, Donna Adkins, John Edmondson, Dave Etienne, Dan Feldman, Heather Norris-Garcia, Pat Giblin, Paul Grether, Adriene Hairston, Caprice Jones, Maria Jones, Mark McEwan, Ted Meyer, Mike Nagy, Cindy Resor, John Ravasio, David Riposo, Shannel Satterfield, Khaled Shammout OTHERS PRESENT: Kim Schaefer (Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease, LLP) and Carolyn Miller (LWV) 1. Call to Order

    Mr. Cull called the meeting to order.

    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

    3. SORTA’s Vision and Mission Statements

    SORTA’s vision and mission statements were not recited.

    4. Approval of Minutes of January 8th, 2019

    Mr. Freeman made a motion that the minutes of the January 8th meeting be approved as previously emailed and Ms. Wyenandt seconded the motion. By voice vote, the Committee approved the minutes.

    5. RTC Quarterly Update

    Mr. Nagy provided a brief update regarding the RTC repairs. The update consisted of all completed task and those in progress. The total completion date is mid to end of March and the elevators will be complete in June due. The Committee accepted the report as presented.

    6. MaaS Schedule Update

    Mr. Shammout discussed the implementation and next steps of the Mobility as a Service schedule. The schedule included procurement related deadlines, consultant selection, design phases, fare structures, Title VI meetings etc. The Committee accepted the report as presented.

    7. FaStops Project Update

    Mr. Shammout provided the FaStops Pilot Update. This presentation addressed completed tasks that began July 2017, public outreach activities, and next steps. The pilot will take place between March and May 2019 and the system-wide stop spacing analysis will be completed in June 2019. The Committee accepted the report as presented.

  • 2

    8. Service Change Opportunities/Mobility on Demand Update

    Mr. Shammout and Mr. McEwan reviewed the Rt. 1 & 50 statistics, reporting that both routes ridership is very low and sporadic and neither routes provide enough density for route deviation service. Mr. Shammout discussed three “on demand service” strategies: point deviation flex, anchored dial a ride, and dynamic flex which could possibly meet the transportation needs of current riders. He also addressed cost associated with flex route alternatives, how it impacts the organizations, implementation needs such as hiring a consultant, software and the timeline. The Committee accepted the report as presented.

    9. Ridership Reports for January 2019

    Mr. McEwan presented the January 2019 ridership reports. Total ridership for the month of January was 1,048,156 which was above budget. On-time performance was 83.9% for local routes, against a goal of 88%. Local routes are carrying 16.7 passengers per hour, against a goal of 20.7 and express routes are carrying 13.9 passengers per trip, against a goal of 16.2. Missed Trips for the month was 140 against 64,875 total trips.

    The January Access ridership report; total ridership for Access was 18,433, 0.2% below budget. On-time performance was 92.0% against a goal of 93.0%.

    The Cincinnati Bell Connector ridership report for January 2019; total preliminary ridership was 22,362, 16.5 and 3,172 above budget. Average Headway (Peak/Off Peak) was 13:28/15:39 against a goal of 12:00/15:00. The Committee accepted the report as presented.

    10. Proposed Resolution: Approval of 2019-2021 Title VI Program Update

    Mr. Shammout requested approved of the 2019-2021 Title VI Program Update which is due to the Federal Transit Administration on April 1, 2019. The Committee agreed to recommend this resolution to the SORTA Board for approval.

    This item was moved to the February Board Consent Agenda.

    11. Proposed Resolution: Approval to Purchase In-Ground Bus Lifts at Queensgate Garage

    Mr. Nagy requested approved of a five (5) year contract with OTT Equipment Service Inc. for the removal and replacement of in-ground bus lifts, at a total cost of $110,119 per unit and total contract value not to exceed $1,321,428 for the purchase of a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of twelve (12) bus lifts. The Committee agreed to recommend this resolution to the SORTA Board for approval.

    This item was moved to the February Board Consent Agenda.

    12. New Business

    The next regular meeting of the Planning and Operations Committee has been scheduled for Tuesday, March 12th, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.

    13. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 10:03 A.M.

  • March 2019



    • Operational Excellence • Innovation

    RECOMMENDATION This is a briefing item. No action is required at this time.


    • Presentation to discuss improvements within the fare deal program.


    Lisa Aulick Director of Accessible Services

    Attachments: Presentation

  • Fare Deal Program Update March Planning & Operations Committee

  • Objectives

    Be proactive to customers’ needs by …

    • Extending eligibility periods

    • Improving access to the program

    • Expanding options for purchasing monthly stickers

  • Program improvements effective April 1

    • New - Card design

    • Portrait orientation for easy identification by operators

  • Program improvements effective April 1

    • New - Extend eligibility for people with permanent disabilities and aged 65 and older from 2 to 5 years

    • New - Extend eligibility for all others from 2 to 3 years

  • Program improvements effective April 1

    • New - Location and extended hours for dropping off applications and taking ID photos

    • Metro Sales Office across from Government Square

    o 2nd and 3rd Tuesday each month from 7 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.

    o 2nd Saturday each month from 9 a.m.- noon

  • Program improvements effective April 1

    • New - Monthly stickers available by mail, phone or in-person at Silverton center

    • Still available in-person at Sales Office downtown

    • Price unchanged: $38.50 for unlimited monthly travel on all Metro routes and Cincinnati Bell Connector streetcar

  • Questions

  • March 2019



    • Operational Excellence • Innovation

    RECOMMENDATION This is a briefing item. No action is required at this time.


    • Presentation to discuss new bus stop benches, advertising space, placement process, community involvement and next steps.


    John Edmondson Director of Procurement

    Attachments: Presentation

  • Transit Bus Stop Benches

  • Project Summary

    • Objectives – To provide more amenities, improve rider

    experience, enhance Metro’s community image, and develop a sustainable way to acquire and install new benches

    • 50 New Benches by 4/30/2019

  • Project Summary

    • Requirements – 25 or more avg. weekday boardings – City of Cincinnati guidelines – Maximum allowable advertising space

  • The New Bench • Manufacturer: Armor Metal Group

    (local company)

    • Powder-coated black slatted metal

    • Size: 72” long x 24” deep x 34” high

    • Ad size: 65” long x 16” high

  • Placement Process

    • Locations must conform to city permit process • No new benches at locations with compliant

    community-provided benches • City to remove non-compliant benches after

    approval of new installation • Exclusions: Govt. Sq., Uptown TD, MetroPlus Stops

    (existing shelters equipped with benches)

  • Community Involvement

    • City Planning Commission Meetings • Neighborhood Business District Meetings • Communication with Community Councils • Public Meeting (Metro Hosted 3/5) • Neighborhood Summit @ Xavier (3/16) • Planning Commission to vote on approved ad

    space revisions in April 2019

  • Next Steps

    • Permit applications filed with the City (completed)

    • 5 permits issued as of 3/5/19 (completed) • Installation to begin 3/8 • Planning Commission approval

  • Next Steps

    • Solicit Contract for Ad Vendor • Ad Placement • Project Management

  • Questions

  • March 2019



    • Operational Excellence • Innovation

    RECOMMENDATION This is a briefing item. No action is required at this time.


    • Presentation to discuss commuter campaign objectives, new messaging, and internal initiatives.


    Dave Etienne Director of Marketing and Communications

    Attachments: Presentation

  • Marketing & Communications Update March Planning & Operations Committee

  • External initiatives

  • Commuter campaign objectives

    • Target commuters in vehicles behind Metro buses

    • Use creative and eye-catching advertising to present the benefits of transit v. driving

    • Save money by using existing resources for maximum exposure

  • Message development

    • Simple and direct copy to be read in short amount of time

    • Messaging focuses on things a commuter can do on a bus that a commuter in a car cannot

    • Heavy references to current pop culture for timeliness

    • Key message: you should be riding this bus

  • The campaign

    • Launched Feb. 1

    • 50 total buses, including 22 commuter buses to ensure highway commuting exposure

    • Total cost: $5,250 for vinyl output and installation

    • All creative executed in-house

  • The ads

  • The ads

  • The ads

  • The ads

  • Extending the message

    Bus shelters

  • Extending the message


  • Extending the message


  • Government Square banners objectives

    • Target downtown workers and visitors

    • Enhance the image of Government Square

    • Highlight benefits of going Metro

  • The campaign

    • Launched Feb. 1

    • 8 banner sets, 2 per pole

    • Total cost: $1,280 for printing and installation

    • All creative executed in-house

  • The banners

  • The banners

  • The banners

  • The banners

  • Cincy EZRide ceiling ads objectives

    • Increase awareness of mobile payment app

    • Use under-utilized space in innovative way

    • Create messaging to attract attention and motivate action

  • The campaign

    • Launched Feb. 1

    • 20 total buses

    • Total cost: $1,960 for vinyl output and installation

    • All creative executed in-house

  • The message

  • Riders Advisory Committee

    • Vendor selected to manage process - Cohear

    • First meeting held March 6 at 6 p.m. with low-income riders at Main Public Library

    • Other meeting dates include March 20 and April 4

    • Future meetings will include students/Millennials, seniors, and downtown workers (diverse groups including riders and non-riders)

  • Internal initiatives

  • Attendance campaign objectives

    • Personalize customers use of Metro to encourage attendance and customer service

    • Help ALL employees realize the connection between their jobs and how that impacts our customers

    • Use real customers that operators will recognize and relate to

  • The campaign

    • Launches March 18 on Transit Drivers Appreciation Day (national APTA event)

    • Communications team will be at both garages handing out cookies – you’re all invited to attend

    • 3 banners in each garage – 2 in operations, 1 in Maintenance

    • 1 each on 11th and 12th floors in Gwynne Building

  • The ads

  • The ads

  • Extending the message

    • Table tents

    • Digital screens

  • Questions

  • March 2019


    • Operational Excellence

    RECOMMENDATION This is a briefing item. No action is required at this time.


    • Presentation to discuss the purpose of the mobile app, main functionalities, and implementation schedule.


    Khaled Shammout Director of Transit Development

    Attachments: Presentation

  • 1

    REGIONAL TRIP PLANNING AND FARE PURCHASE APPLICATION (MaaS) Planning and Operations Committee March 12, 2019

  • Presentation Outline


    • Project Update – Mobility as a Service (MaaS) App – Development of Regional Fare Structure

  • Mobility as a Service App


  • Purpose of Project


    • Connect the region’s transit systems • Improve customers’ convenience in purchasing fares • Improve planning of trips • Combined with a new fare structure, provide better and

    more diverse fare products • Increase ridership • Critical component to future network enhancements

  • The Need to Replace Current App


    • Existing Trip Planner App – No real-time prediction – No schedules available – Can’t select location from map – Single mode planner – Not a regional trip planning – No detailed maps – Lacks alarm/notifications settings

    • Existing Fare Payment App – No regional fare payment – Doesn’t track usage by route, location,

    date/time – No 3rd party billing – Lacks Marketing analysis and targeting

    • Proposed Trip Planner App – Regional trips – Multi-modal – User friendly O-D selection – Set arrival alarms – Look up schedules – Provides real-time arrival info – Save favorite locations – Detailed maps

    • Existing Fare Payment App – Regional fare payment – Provides transactions by route, location,

    date/time – Sophisticated 3rd party billing – Exceptional Marketing Analysis and

    Travel Relationship Management – Sophisticated reports & analysis tools

  • Proposed App


  • Proposed App


  • Proposed App


  • Proposed App

    Analytics & Reporting


  • Expected Benefits of App


    • With better, more sophisticated, and user-friendly app, it is expected that: – Most riders will use the app and our passes – Ridership may increase (research shows passengers making 15% more

    trips when using passes) – Non-riders will use transit (connecting with Uber/shared car/bike) – We will strengthen regional partnership – We will be provided with critical data for planning and marketing – Provide flexibility in fares (structure and special events)

  • What the Public Wants


    FDOT-Mobile Fare Payment Technology Phase II

  • Cost


    Unit Cost Number of Units

    SORTA's Expected Share

    $89,295 80% $71,436$10,671 80% $8,537

    $531,700 80% $425,360

    Included - IncludedIncluded - IncludedIncluded - Included

    Included - IncludedIncluded - Included$53,170 80% $42,536

    $2,150 80% $1,720$1,200 80% $960

    $84,132 80% $67,306Included Included

    - $772,318 $617,854

    $1,846 40.00 $73,840$691,694



    Regional Trip PlanningReal-Time Bus InformationFare Payment

    Traveler Relationship Manager

    Back Office EquipmentOther Hardware (Define)Installations

    MiscellaneousLicensesInterfaces/IntegrationProject ManagementTrainingManuals


    Handheld ValidatorsPhase 1-Grand Total

    Help Desk Support

    Base System Sub-Total

    Annual Maintenance & WarrantyYear 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

    Annual Fee 128,020$ 135,982$ 144,835$ 154,658$

    • Total Warranty & Maintenance cost: $563,495

    • Total 5-year investment (SORTA): $1,255,189 • Current App maint. costs is: $375,000

    ($75,000 * 5yrs) • Total additional cost is: $880,189

    • Increased annual cost is: $176,037



    Regional Trip Planning and Fare Purchase Application

    RFP 73-2018 Price Proposal


    The pricing spreadsheet has been updated to reflect a 5 year contract. You are requested to provide a revised proposal to show the following: 1) what costs are fixed; 2) what costs are variable; 3) what costs are a one time charge; and 4) what costs are recurring for the five years. If costs are variable, provide an explanation of why.

    Proposer: Bytemark Inc.


    Base System (TNCs, Bell Connector, Butler, Clermont, SORTA, Tank)Comments

    Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5

    DescriptionNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) cost


    Regional Trip Planning0.75$89,295$66,971F0.7$40,183$28,128F0.7$41,389$28,972F0.7$42,631$29,842F0.7$43,910$30,737F

    Real-Time Bus Information0.75$10,671$8,003F0.7$5,448$3,814F0.7$5,612$3,928F0.7$5,781$4,047F0.7$5,955$4,169F

    Fare Payment0.75$531,700$398,775F0.7$44,000$30,800F0.7$45,320$31,724F0.7$46,680$32,676F0.7$48,081$33,657F

    Hardware- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0

    Handheld Validators40.00$1,846$73,840F50.0$166$8,300F50.0$171$8,550F50.0$177$8,850F50.0$183$9,150F

    Back Office Equipment- 0$0F- 0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F

    Other Hardware (Define)- 0$0F- 0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F

    Installations- 0$0F- 0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F


    Licenses (Butler, Clermont, SORTA, TANK)- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F

    Interfaces/Integration- 0$0$0V- 0$0$0V- 0$0$0V- 0$0$0V- 0$0$0VThird-party costs for an interface to existing systems are not included. Bytemark assumes that driver, block/route, stop or GPS will be available via J1708.

    Project Management0.80$53,170$42,536F0.7$4,400$3,080F0.7$4,532$3,172F0.7$4,668$3,268F0.7$4,809$3,366F

    Training1.00$2,150$2,150F0$0$0V0$0$0V0$0$0V0$0$0VAdditional training available upon request.



    -Other (Define) Traveler Relationship Manager1.00$84,132$84,132F1$14,786$14,786F1$15,230$15,230F1$15,687$15,687F1$16,158$16,158F

    Help Desk Support1.00$0F1$42,908$42,908F1$49,345$49,345F1$56,747$56,747F1$65,260$65,260F

    - 0

    Base System Total$677,368$131,816$140,922$151,116$162,497

    Optional Items

    Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5

    DescriptionNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) cost

    Software (Trip Planner, Real-time Info, Fare Payment)

    Optional Modes (Zip Car, Red Bike, Dearborn County, Warren County bus service)0.7$28,361$19,853F0.7$12,075$8,453F0.7$12,438$8,707F0.7$12,812$8,968F0.7$13,197$9,238F

    Future Modes (eScooters, Parking Garages, Greyhound, Bulter Flexible Route service)0.7$16,848$11,794V0.7$3,370$2,359V0.7$3,472$2,430V0.7$3,577$2,504V0.7$3,685$2,580VModules for additional modes are included; three partner interfaces have been included. If partner does not use a standard or existing interface spec, integration pricing would be provided on a per partner basis.


    Vehicle Tracking System- 0$7,476$0F- 0$2,524$0F- 0$2,600$0F- 0$2,678$0F- 0$2,759$0F

    Onboard Readers400.0$2,200$880,000F400.0$89$35,600F400.0$92$36,800F400.0$95$38,000F400.0$98$39,200F

    Readers Installations357.0$450$160,650VAssumptions: available and suitable handrails/poles are assumed to be available onboard and are not included in the proposal. Horizontal mounting and handrails can be proposed on request.

    Near Field Communication/Bluetooth/Other- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F


    Data Subscription - Onboard Readers (Machine to Machine data plan)357.0$0F357.0$87.00$31,059F357.0$87.00$31,059F357.0$87.00$31,059V357.0$87.00$31,059VMobile contracts are available for 2 years; future carrier pricing and government assessed fees may change.

    Data Subscription - Handhelds Inspection Devices (2GB Plan)50.0$0F50.0$180.00$9,000F50.0$180.00$9,000F50.0$180.00$9,000V50.0$180.00$9,000VMobile contracts are available for 2 years; future carrier pricing and government assessed fees may change.

    Data Subscription - Vehicle Tracking System (unlimited data plan)- 0$0F- 0$360.00$0F- 0$360.00$0F- 0$360.00$0V- 0$360.00$0VMobile contracts are available for 2 years; future carrier pricing and government assessed fees may change.

    Licenses - Dearborn County- 0$0F- 0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F

    Licenses - Warren County- 0$0F- 0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F

    Warranty - Additional Year0.7$261,180$182,826V0.7$00.7$0$00.7$0$00.7$0$0Future fees are dependent on selected options.

    Warranty - Additional 2 Years2.0$02$02$0$02$0$02$0$0

    Warranty - Additional 3 Years3.0$03$03$0$03$0$03$0$0

    Optional Items Total$1,255,122$86,471$87,996$89,531$91,076

    TOTAL PROPOSED PRICE (includes Base and Options)$1,932,490$218,286$228,918$240,647$253,573



    Regional Trip Planning and Fare Purchase Application

    RFP 73-2018 Price Proposal


    The pricing spreadsheet has been updated to reflect a 5 year contract. You are requested to provide a revised proposal to show the following: 1) what costs are fixed; 2) what costs are variable; 3) what costs are a one time charge; and 4) what costs are recurring for the five years. If costs are variable, provide an explanation of why.

    Proposer: ___DoubleMap, Inc.__________________________________


    Base System (TNCs, Bell Connector, Butler, Clermont, SORTA, Tank)

    NotesYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5

    DescriptionNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) cost


    Regional Trip Planning0.70$54,089.22$37,862.45F0.70$54,089.22$37,862.450.70$54,089.22$37,862.450.70$54,089.22$37,862.450.70$54,089.22$37,862.45

    Real-Time Bus Information0.70$43,333.31$30,333.32F0.70$43,333.31$30,333.320.70$43,333.31$30,333.320.70$43,333.31$30,333.320.70$43,333.31$30,333.32

    a)Fare Payment0.70$ 105,093$ 73,565V0.70$ 105,093$ 73,5650.70$ 105,093$ 73,5650.70$ 105,093$ 73,5650.70$ 105,093$ 73,565


    Handheld Validators50.00$901.00$45,050.00F$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Back Office Equipment$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Other Hardware (Define)$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00



    Licenses (Butler, Clermont, SORTA, TANK)357.00$96.66$34,507.62F$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00


    Project Management0.70$322,509.08$225,756.36F$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00




    Other (Define)$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Help Desk Support$0.000$0.000$0.000$0.000$0.00


    Base System Total$824,224.24$141,760.87$141,760.87$141,760.87$141,760.87

    Optional Items

    Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5

    DescriptionNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) cost

    Software (Trip Planner, Real-time Info, Fare Payment)$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    c)Optional Modes (Zip Car, Red Bike, Dearborn County, Warren County bus service)0.70$85,415.07$59,790.55V$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    d)Future Modes (eScooters, Parking Garages, Greyhound, Bulter Flexible Route service)0.70$93,759.48$65,631.64V$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00


    Vehicle Tracking System- 0$611.63$0.00F$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Onboard Readers400.00$1,079.00$431,600.00F$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Readers Installations357.00$300.00$107,100.00F$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Near Field Communication/Bluetooth/Other$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00


    Data Subscription407.00$120.00$48,840.00F407.00$120.00$48,840.00407.00$120.00$48,840.00407.00$120.00$48,840.00407.00$120.00$48,840.00

    Licenses - Dearborn County- 0$159.66$0.00F$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Licenses - Warren County- 0$159.66$0.00F$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Warranty - Additional Year0.70$38,899.35$27,229.55V$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Warranty - Additional 2 Years- 0$38,899.35$0.00V$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Warranty - Additional 3 Years- 0$38,899.35$0.00V$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Optional Items Total$740,191.73$48,840.00$48,840.00$48,840.00$48,840.00

    TOTAL PROPOSED PRICE (includes Base and Options)$1,564,415.97$190,600.87$190,600.87$190,600.87$190,600.87

    Pricing Clarifications


    1. No costs were entered for the following items in the Cost Table. Please confirm that they will be provided without additional cost:


    Manuals and Chase Paymentech integration would be part of Masabi’s fees as submitted. There is no cost for DoubleMap's

    Other Hardware (Define)

    No other hardware is included as part of this proposal.

    Integration with Chase Paymentech

    There is no fee for integration with Chase Paymentech.

    2. Your proposed data subscription is at $180/device/year. Can you provide data subscription at a substantially lower cost?

    Data subscription has been reduced to $10/device/month, i.e., $120/device/year.


    a)Fare revenue would be calculated as 2.75% of the total value of tickets managed by the Justride platform, invoiced monthly.

    b)If there are any additional interfaces/integrations that are needed or and changes, there may be adjustments to the cost

    c)Cost may vary depending on access to vendors API or relavent info or if additional modes are included

    d)Cost may vary depending on access to vendors API or relavent info or if additional modes are included

    *Masabi provided pricing on a fixed basis as this was noted as a requirement during the submission phase of this procurement. In an effort to pursue this business and given the 1-year (plus 1 optional year) contract term, Masabi provided fixed pricing. However, it is unable to do so on a 5-year basis.

    Given SOTRA, TANK, and Butler County’s willingness to now accept variable pricing, Masabi respectfully submits the revised pricing proposal. The benefit of this revised variable pricing is that this now unlocks the ability for SORTA to leverage the SDK for other integrations beyond the Doublemap integration.



    Regional Trip Planning and Fare Purchase Application

    RFP 73-2018 Price Proposal


    The pricing spreadsheet has been updated to reflect a 5 year contract. You are requested to provide a revised proposal to show the following: 1) what costs are fixed; 2) what costs are variable; 3) what costs are a one time charge; and 4) what costs are recurring for the five years. If costs are variable, provide an explanation of why.

    Proposer: __Passport Labs, Inc.


    Base System (TNCs, Bell Connector, Butler, Clermont, SORTA, Tank)

    Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5

    DescriptionNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) cost


    Regional Trip Planning0.70$12,000.00$8,400.00F0.70$12,000.00$8,400.00F0.70$12,000.00$8,400.00F0.70$12,000.00$8,400.00F0.70$12,000.00$8,400.00F

    Real-Time Bus Information0.70$12,000.00$8,400.00F0.70$12,000.00$8,400.00F0.70$12,000.00$8,400.00F0.70$12,000.00$8,400.00F0.70$12,000.00$8,400.00F

    Fare Payment0.70$114,117.00$79,881.90V0.70$114,117.00$79,881.90V0.70$114,117.00$79,881.90V0.70$114,117.00$79,881.90V0.70$114,117.00$79,881.90V


    Handheld Validators50.00$960.00$48,000.00F50.00$960.00$48,000.00F50.00$960.00$48,000.00F50.00$960.00$48,000.00F50.00$960.00$48,000.00F

    Back Office Equipment- 0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00F0$0.00F0$0.00F

    Other Hardware (Define)400.00$1,900.00$760,000.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00F0$0.00F0$0.00F



    Licenses (Butler, Clermont, SORTA, TANK)unlimited$0.00$0.00Funlimited$0.00$0.00Funlimited$0.00$0.00Funlimited$0.00$0.00Funlimited$0.00$0.00F


    Project Management0.70$0.00$0.00F0.70$0.00$0.00F0.70$0.00F0.70$0.00F0.70$0.00F




    Other (Define)- 0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00F0$0.00F0$0.00F

    Help Desk Support2.00$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00F0$0.00F0$0.00F

    Base System Total$1,325,481.90$144,681.90$144,681.90$144,681.90$144,681.90

    Optional Items

    Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5

    DescriptionNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) cost

    Software (Trip Planner, Real-time Info, Fare Payment)

    Optional Modes (Zip Car, Red Bike, Dearborn County, Warren County bus service)0.70$0.00$0.00F0.70$0.00$0.00F0.70$0.00$0.00F0.70$0.00$0.00F0.70$0.00$0.00F

    Future Modes (eScooters, Parking Garages, Greyhound, Bulter Flexible Route service)0.70$0.00$0.00F0.70$0.00$0.00F0.70$0.00$0.00F0.70$0.00$0.00F0.70$0.00$0.00F


    Vehicle Tracking System- 0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F

    Onboard Readers- 0$1,900.00$0.00F0$1,900.00$0.00F0$1,900.00$0.00F0$1,900.00$0.00F0$1,900.00$0.00F

    Readers Installations- 0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F

    Near Field Communication/Bluetooth/Other- 0$200.00$0.00F0$200.00$0.00F0$200.00$0.00F0$200.00$0.00F0$200.00$0.00F


    Data Subscription407.00$108.00$43,956.00V407.00$108.00$43,956.00V407.00$108.00$43,956.00V407.00$108.00$43,956.00V407.00$108.00$43,956.00V

    Licenses - Dearborn CountyUnlimited$0.00$0.00FUnlimited$0.00$0.00FUnlimited$0.00$0.00FUnlimited$0.00$0.00FUnlimited$0.00$0.00F

    Licenses - Warren CountyUnlimited$0.00$0.00FUnlimited$0.00$0.00FUnlimited$0.00$0.00FUnlimited$0.00$0.00FUnlimited$0.00$0.00F

    Warranty - Additional Year357.00$0.00$0.00F357.00$153.00$54,621.00F357.00$0.00$0.00F357.00$0.00$0.00F357.00$0.00$0.00F

    Warranty - Additional 2 Years- 0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F

    Warranty - Additional 3 Years- 0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F

    Optional Items Total$43,956.00$98,577.00$43,956.00$43,956.00$43,956.00

    TOTAL PROPOSED PRICE (includes Base and Options)$1,369,437.90$243,258.90$188,637.90$188,637.90$188,637.90

    Token Transit


    Regional Trip Planning and Fare Purchase Application

    RFP 73-2018 Price Proposal


    The pricing spreadsheet has been updated to reflect a 5 year contract. You are requested to provide a revised proposal to show the following: 1) what costs are fixed; 2) what costs are variable; 3) what costs are a one time charge; and 4) what costs are recurring for the five years. If costs are variable, provide an explanation of why.

    Proposer: Token Transit


    Base System (TNCs, Bell Connector, Butler, Clermont, SORTA, Tank)

    Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5

    DescriptionNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) cost


    Regional Trip Planning0.70$20,000.00$14,000.00F$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Real-Time Bus Information0.70$24,000.00$16,800.00F0.70$24,000.00$16,800.00F0.70$24,000.00$16,800.00F0.70$24,000.00$16,800.00F0.70$24,000.00$16,800.00F

    Fare Payment0.70$512,000.00$358,400.00V0.70$512,000.00$358,400.00V0.70$512,000.00$358,400.00V0.70$512,000.00$358,400.00V0.70$512,000.00$358,400.00V


    Handheld ValidatorsIncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded

    Back Office EquipmentIncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded

    Other Hardware (Define)IncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded



    Licenses (Butler, Clermont, SORTA, TANK)IncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded


    Project ManagementIncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded




    Other (Define)IncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded

    Help Desk SupportIncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded

    Base System Total$389,200.00$375,200.00$375,200.00$375,200.00$375,200.00

    Optional Items

    Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5

    DescriptionNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) cost

    Software (Trip Planner, Real-time Info, Fare Payment)

    Optional Modes (Zip Car, Red Bike, Dearborn County, Warren County bus service)includedincludedincludedincludedincluded

    Future Modes (eScooters, Parking Garages, Greyhound, Bulter Flexible Route service)includedincludedincludedincludedincluded


    Vehicle Tracking Systemincludedincludedincludedincludedincluded

    Onboard Readers400.00$8,800.00$3,520,000F$0$0$0$0

    Readers Installationsincludedincludedincludedincludedincluded

    Near Field Communication/Bluetooth/Other357.00$250.00$89,250.00F357$250.00$89,250.00357$250.00$89,250.00357$250.00$89,250.00357$250.00$89,250.00


    Data Subscriptionincludedincludedincludedincludedincluded

    Licenses - Dearborn Countyincludedincludedincludedincludedincluded

    Licenses - Warren Countyincludedincludedincludedincludedincluded

    Warranty - Additional Yearincludedincludedincludedincludedincluded

    Warranty - Additional 2 Yearsincludedincludedincludedincludedincluded

    Warranty - Additional 3 Yearsincludedincludedincludedincludedincluded

    Optional Items Total$3,609,250$89,250$89,250$89,250$89,250

    TOTAL PROPOSED PRICE (includes Base and Options)$3,998,450$464,450$464,450$464,450$464,450



    Regional Trip Planning and Fare Purchase Application

    RFP 73-2018 Price Proposal


    The pricing spreadsheet has been updated to reflect a 5 year contract. You are requested to provide a revised proposal to show the following: 1) what costs are fixed; 2) what costs are variable; 3) what costs are a one time charge; and 4) what costs are recurring for the five years. If costs are variable, provide an explanation of why.



    Base System (TNCs, Bell Connector, Butler, Clermont, SORTA, Tank)

    Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 55-Year TOTAL

    DescriptionNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) cost

    Base System Total

    BytemarkInterface with AVL is extra$ 677,368$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 131,816$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 140,922$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 151,116$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 162,497$ - 0$ 1,263,718

    DoubleMapAdjusted 2.7% Fare to $105,093 as was in their original proposal;Selecting server option (without interface to onboard AVL) will lower this to $700,000$ 824,224$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 141,761$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 141,761$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 141,761$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 141,761$ - 0$ 1,391,268

    Passport$ 1,325,482$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 144,682$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 144,682$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 144,682$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 144,682$ - 0$ 1,904,209

    Token Transit$ 389,200$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 375,200$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 375,200$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 375,200$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 375,200$ - 0$ 1,890,000

    Average$ 804,068$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 198,365$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 200,641$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 203,190$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 206,035$ - 0$ 1,612,299

    Optional Items Total

    BytemarkThis could be $2.3 M due to potential entry error$ 1,255,122$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 86,471$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 87,996$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 89,531$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 91,076$ - 0$ 1,610,197

    DoubleMap$ 740,192$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 48,840$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 48,840$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 48,840$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 48,840$ - 0$ 935,552

    Passport$ 43,956$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 98,577$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 43,956$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 43,956$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 43,956$ - 0$ 274,401

    Token Transit$ 3,609,250$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 89,250$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 89,250$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 89,250$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 89,250$ - 0$ 3,966,250

    Average$ 1,412,130$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 80,784$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 67,511$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 67,894$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 68,281$ - 0$ 1,696,600

    Total System Cost

    Bytemark$ 1,932,490$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 218,286$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 228,918$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 240,647$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 253,573$ - 0$ 2,873,914

    DoubleMap$ 1,564,416$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 190,601$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 190,601$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 190,601$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 190,601$ - 0$ 2,326,819

    Passport$ 1,369,438$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 243,259$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 188,638$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 188,638$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 188,638$ - 0$ 2,178,610

    Token Transit$ 3,998,450$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 464,450$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 464,450$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 464,450$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 464,450$ - 0$ 5,856,250

    Average$ 2,216,198$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 279,149$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 268,152$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 271,084$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 274,315$ - 0$ 3,308,899



    Regional Trip Planning and Fare Purchase Application

    RFP 73-2018 Price Proposal


    The pricing spreadsheet has been updated to reflect a 5 year contract. You are requested to provide a revised proposal to show the following: 1) what costs are fixed; 2) what costs are variable; 3) what costs are a one time charge; and 4) what costs are recurring for the five years. If costs are variable, provide an explanation of why.

    Proposer: Bytemark Inc.


    Base System (TNCs, Bell Connector, Butler, Clermont, SORTA, Tank)Comments

    Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5

    DescriptionUnit CostNumber of UnitsSORTA's Expected ShareIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) cost


    Regional Trip Planning$89,29580%$71,436F0.7$40,183$28,128F0.7$41,389$28,972F0.7$42,631$29,842F0.7$43,910$30,737F

    Real-Time Bus Information$10,67180%$8,537F0.7$5,448$3,814F0.7$5,612$3,928F0.7$5,781$4,047F0.7$5,955$4,169F

    Fare Payment$531,70080%$425,360F0.7$44,000$30,800F0.7$45,320$31,724F0.7$46,680$32,676F0.7$48,081$33,657F

    Hardware- 0- 0- 0- 0


    Back Office EquipmentIncluded- 0IncludedF- 0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F

    Other Hardware (Define)Included- 0IncludedF- 0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F

    InstallationsIncluded- 0IncludedF- 0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F


    LicensesIncluded- 0IncludedF- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F

    Interfaces/IntegrationIncluded- 0IncludedV- 0$0$0V- 0$0$0V- 0$0$0V- 0$0$0VThird-party costs for an interface to existing systems are not included. Bytemark assumes that driver, block/route, stop or GPS will be available via J1708.

    Project Management$53,17080%$42,536F0.7$4,400$3,080F0.7$4,532$3,172F0.7$4,668$3,268F0.7$4,809$3,366F

    Training$2,15080%$1,720F0$0$0V0$0$0V0$0$0V0$0$0VAdditional training available upon request.



    Traveler Relationship Manager$84,13280%$67,306F1$14,786$14,786F1$15,230$15,230F1$15,687$15,687F1$16,158$16,158F

    Help Desk SupportIncludedIncludedF1$42,908$42,908F1$49,345$49,345F1$56,747$56,747F1$65,260$65,260F

    - 0

    Base System Sub-Total$772,318$617,854$131,816$140,922$151,116$162,497

    Handheld Validators$1,84640.00$73,840

    Phase 1-Grand Total$691,694




    Regional Trip Planning and Fare Purchase Application

    RFP 73-2018 Price Proposal


    The pricing spreadsheet has been updated to reflect a 5 year contract. You are requested to provide a revised proposal to show the following: 1) what costs are fixed; 2) what costs are variable; 3) what costs are a one time charge; and 4) what costs are recurring for the five years. If costs are variable, provide an explanation of why.

    Proposer: Bytemark Inc.


    Base System (TNCs, Bell Connector, Butler, Clermont, SORTA, Tank)Comments

    Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5

    DescriptionNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) cost


    Regional Trip Planning0.75$89,295$66,971F0.8$40,183$32,146F0.8$41,389$33,111F0.8$42,631$34,105F0.8$43,910$35,128F

    Real-Time Bus Information0.75$10,671$8,003F0.8$5,448$4,358F0.8$5,612$4,490F0.8$5,781$4,625F0.8$5,955$4,764F

    Fare Payment0.75$531,700$398,775F0.8$44,000$35,200F0.8$45,320$36,256F0.8$46,680$37,344F0.8$48,081$38,465F

    Hardware- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0

    Handheld Validators40.00$1,846$73,840F40.0$166$6,640F40.0$171$6,840F40.0$177$7,080F40.0$183$7,320F

    Back Office Equipment- 0$0F- 0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F

    Other Hardware (Define)- 0$0F- 0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F

    Installations- 0$0F- 0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F


    Licenses (Butler, Clermont, SORTA, TANK)- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F

    Interfaces/Integration- 0$0$0V- 0$0$0V- 0$0$0V- 0$0$0V- 0$0$0VThird-party costs for an interface to existing systems are not included. Bytemark assumes that driver, block/route, stop or GPS will be available via J1708.

    Project Management0.80$53,170$42,536F0.8$4,400$3,520F0.8$4,532$3,626F0.8$4,668$3,734F0.8$4,809$3,847F

    Training1.00$2,150$2,150F0.8$0$0V0.8$0$0V0.8$0$0V0.8$0$0VAdditional training available upon request.



    -Other (Define) Traveler Relationship Manager1.00$84,132$84,132F0.8$14,786$11,829F0.8$15,230$12,184F0.8$15,687$12,550F0.8$16,158$12,926F

    Help Desk Support1.00$0F0.8$42,908$34,326F0.8$49,345$39,476F0.8$56,747$45,398F0.8$65,260$52,208F

    - 0

    Base System Total$677,368$128,020$135,982$144,835$154,658

    Optional Items

    Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5

    DescriptionNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) cost

    Software (Trip Planner, Real-time Info, Fare Payment)

    Optional Modes (Zip Car, Red Bike, Dearborn County, Warren County bus service)0.7$28,361$19,853F0.7$12,075$8,453F0.7$12,438$8,707F0.7$12,812$8,968F0.7$13,197$9,238F

    Future Modes (eScooters, Parking Garages, Greyhound, Bulter Flexible Route service)0.7$16,848$11,794V0.7$3,370$2,359V0.7$3,472$2,430V0.7$3,577$2,504V0.7$3,685$2,580VModules for additional modes are included; three partner interfaces have been included. If partner does not use a standard or existing interface spec, integration pricing would be provided on a per partner basis.


    Vehicle Tracking System- 0$7,476$0F- 0$2,524$0F- 0$2,600$0F- 0$2,678$0F- 0$2,759$0F

    Onboard Readers400.0$2,200$880,000F400.0$89$35,600F400.0$92$36,800F400.0$95$38,000F400.0$98$39,200F

    Readers Installations357.0$450$160,650VAssumptions: available and suitable handrails/poles are assumed to be available onboard and are not included in the proposal. Horizontal mounting and handrails can be proposed on request.

    Near Field Communication/Bluetooth/Other- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F


    Data Subscription - Onboard Readers (Machine to Machine data plan)357.0$0F357.0$87.00$31,059F357.0$87.00$31,059F357.0$87.00$31,059V357.0$87.00$31,059VMobile contracts are available for 2 years; future carrier pricing and government assessed fees may change.

    Data Subscription - Handhelds Inspection Devices (2GB Plan)50.0$0F50.0$180.00$9,000F50.0$180.00$9,000F50.0$180.00$9,000V50.0$180.00$9,000VMobile contracts are available for 2 years; future carrier pricing and government assessed fees may change.

    Data Subscription - Vehicle Tracking System (unlimited data plan)- 0$0F- 0$360.00$0F- 0$360.00$0F- 0$360.00$0V- 0$360.00$0VMobile contracts are available for 2 years; future carrier pricing and government assessed fees may change.

    Licenses - Dearborn County- 0$0F- 0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F

    Licenses - Warren County- 0$0F- 0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F

    Warranty - Additional Year0.7$253,107$177,175V0.7$00.7$0$00.7$0$00.7$0$0Future fees are dependent on selected options.

    Warranty - Additional 2 Years2.0$02$02$0$02$0$02$0$0

    Warranty - Additional 3 Years3.0$03$03$0$03$0$03$0$0

    Optional Items Total$1,249,471$86,471$87,996$89,531$91,076

    TOTAL PROPOSED PRICE (includes Base and Options)$1,926,839$214,491$223,978$234,367$245,735



    Regional Trip Planning and Fare Purchase Application

    RFP 73-2018 Price Proposal


    The pricing spreadsheet has been updated to reflect a 5 year contract. You are requested to provide a revised proposal to show the following: 1) what costs are fixed; 2) what costs are variable; 3) what costs are a one time charge; and 4) what costs are recurring for the five years. If costs are variable, provide an explanation of why.

    Proposer: ___DoubleMap, Inc.__________________________________


    Base System (TNCs, Bell Connector, Butler, Clermont, SORTA, Tank)

    NotesYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5

    DescriptionNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) cost


    Regional Trip Planning0.70$54,089.22$37,862.45F0.70$54,089.22$37,862.450.70$54,089.22$37,862.450.70$54,089.22$37,862.450.70$54,089.22$37,862.45

    Real-Time Bus Information0.70$43,333.31$30,333.32F0.70$43,333.31$30,333.320.70$43,333.31$30,333.320.70$43,333.31$30,333.320.70$43,333.31$30,333.32

    a)Fare Payment0.70$ 105,093$ 73,565V0.70$ 105,093$ 73,5650.70$ 105,093$ 73,5650.70$ 105,093$ 73,5650.70$ 105,093$ 73,565


    Handheld Validators50.00$901.00$45,050.00F$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Back Office Equipment$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Other Hardware (Define)$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00



    Licenses (Butler, Clermont, SORTA, TANK)357.00$96.66$34,507.62F$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00


    Project Management0.70$322,509.08$225,756.36F$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00




    Other (Define)$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Help Desk Support$0.000$0.000$0.000$0.000$0.00


    Base System Total$824,224.24$141,760.87$141,760.87$141,760.87$141,760.87

    Optional Items

    Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5

    DescriptionNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) cost

    Software (Trip Planner, Real-time Info, Fare Payment)$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    c)Optional Modes (Zip Car, Red Bike, Dearborn County, Warren County bus service)0.70$85,415.07$59,790.55V$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    d)Future Modes (eScooters, Parking Garages, Greyhound, Bulter Flexible Route service)0.70$93,759.48$65,631.64V$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00


    Vehicle Tracking System- 0$611.63$0.00F$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Onboard Readers400.00$1,079.00$431,600.00F$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Readers Installations357.00$300.00$107,100.00F$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Near Field Communication/Bluetooth/Other$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00


    Data Subscription407.00$120.00$48,840.00F407.00$120.00$48,840.00407.00$120.00$48,840.00407.00$120.00$48,840.00407.00$120.00$48,840.00

    Licenses - Dearborn County- 0$159.66$0.00F$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Licenses - Warren County- 0$159.66$0.00F$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Warranty - Additional Year0.70$38,899.35$27,229.55V$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Warranty - Additional 2 Years- 0$38,899.35$0.00V$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Warranty - Additional 3 Years- 0$38,899.35$0.00V$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Optional Items Total$740,191.73$48,840.00$48,840.00$48,840.00$48,840.00

    TOTAL PROPOSED PRICE (includes Base and Options)$1,564,415.97$190,600.87$190,600.87$190,600.87$190,600.87

    Pricing Clarifications


    1. No costs were entered for the following items in the Cost Table. Please confirm that they will be provided without additional cost:


    Manuals and Chase Paymentech integration would be part of Masabi’s fees as submitted. There is no cost for DoubleMap's

    Other Hardware (Define)

    No other hardware is included as part of this proposal.

    Integration with Chase Paymentech

    There is no fee for integration with Chase Paymentech.

    2. Your proposed data subscription is at $180/device/year. Can you provide data subscription at a substantially lower cost?

    Data subscription has been reduced to $10/device/month, i.e., $120/device/year.


    a)Fare revenue would be calculated as 2.75% of the total value of tickets managed by the Justride platform, invoiced monthly.

    b)If there are any additional interfaces/integrations that are needed or and changes, there may be adjustments to the cost

    c)Cost may vary depending on access to vendors API or relavent info or if additional modes are included

    d)Cost may vary depending on access to vendors API or relavent info or if additional modes are included

    *Masabi provided pricing on a fixed basis as this was noted as a requirement during the submission phase of this procurement. In an effort to pursue this business and given the 1-year (plus 1 optional year) contract term, Masabi provided fixed pricing. However, it is unable to do so on a 5-year basis.

    Given SOTRA, TANK, and Butler County’s willingness to now accept variable pricing, Masabi respectfully submits the revised pricing proposal. The benefit of this revised variable pricing is that this now unlocks the ability for SORTA to leverage the SDK for other integrations beyond the Doublemap integration.



    Regional Trip Planning and Fare Purchase Application

    RFP 73-2018 Price Proposal


    The pricing spreadsheet has been updated to reflect a 5 year contract. You are requested to provide a revised proposal to show the following: 1) what costs are fixed; 2) what costs are variable; 3) what costs are a one time charge; and 4) what costs are recurring for the five years. If costs are variable, provide an explanation of why.

    Proposer: __Passport Labs, Inc.


    Base System (TNCs, Bell Connector, Butler, Clermont, SORTA, Tank)

    Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5

    DescriptionNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) cost


    Regional Trip Planning0.70$12,000.00$8,400.00F0.70$12,000.00$8,400.00F0.70$12,000.00$8,400.00F0.70$12,000.00$8,400.00F0.70$12,000.00$8,400.00F

    Real-Time Bus Information0.70$12,000.00$8,400.00F0.70$12,000.00$8,400.00F0.70$12,000.00$8,400.00F0.70$12,000.00$8,400.00F0.70$12,000.00$8,400.00F

    Fare Payment0.70$114,117.00$79,881.90V0.70$114,117.00$79,881.90V0.70$114,117.00$79,881.90V0.70$114,117.00$79,881.90V0.70$114,117.00$79,881.90V


    Handheld Validators50.00$960.00$48,000.00F50.00$960.00$48,000.00F50.00$960.00$48,000.00F50.00$960.00$48,000.00F50.00$960.00$48,000.00F

    Back Office Equipment- 0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00F0$0.00F0$0.00F

    Other Hardware (Define)400.00$1,900.00$760,000.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00F0$0.00F0$0.00F



    Licenses (Butler, Clermont, SORTA, TANK)unlimited$0.00$0.00Funlimited$0.00$0.00Funlimited$0.00$0.00Funlimited$0.00$0.00Funlimited$0.00$0.00F


    Project Management0.70$0.00$0.00F0.70$0.00$0.00F0.70$0.00F0.70$0.00F0.70$0.00F




    Other (Define)- 0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00F0$0.00F0$0.00F

    Help Desk Support2.00$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00F0$0.00F0$0.00F

    Base System Total$1,325,481.90$144,681.90$144,681.90$144,681.90$144,681.90

    Optional Items

    Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5

    DescriptionNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) cost

    Software (Trip Planner, Real-time Info, Fare Payment)

    Optional Modes (Zip Car, Red Bike, Dearborn County, Warren County bus service)0.70$0.00$0.00F0.70$0.00$0.00F0.70$0.00$0.00F0.70$0.00$0.00F0.70$0.00$0.00F

    Future Modes (eScooters, Parking Garages, Greyhound, Bulter Flexible Route service)0.70$0.00$0.00F0.70$0.00$0.00F0.70$0.00$0.00F0.70$0.00$0.00F0.70$0.00$0.00F


    Vehicle Tracking System- 0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F

    Onboard Readers- 0$1,900.00$0.00F0$1,900.00$0.00F0$1,900.00$0.00F0$1,900.00$0.00F0$1,900.00$0.00F

    Readers Installations- 0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F

    Near Field Communication/Bluetooth/Other- 0$200.00$0.00F0$200.00$0.00F0$200.00$0.00F0$200.00$0.00F0$200.00$0.00F


    Data Subscription407.00$108.00$43,956.00V407.00$108.00$43,956.00V407.00$108.00$43,956.00V407.00$108.00$43,956.00V407.00$108.00$43,956.00V

    Licenses - Dearborn CountyUnlimited$0.00$0.00FUnlimited$0.00$0.00FUnlimited$0.00$0.00FUnlimited$0.00$0.00FUnlimited$0.00$0.00F

    Licenses - Warren CountyUnlimited$0.00$0.00FUnlimited$0.00$0.00FUnlimited$0.00$0.00FUnlimited$0.00$0.00FUnlimited$0.00$0.00F

    Warranty - Additional Year357.00$0.00$0.00F357.00$153.00$54,621.00F357.00$0.00$0.00F357.00$0.00$0.00F357.00$0.00$0.00F

    Warranty - Additional 2 Years- 0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F

    Warranty - Additional 3 Years- 0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F0$0.00$0.00F

    Optional Items Total$43,956.00$98,577.00$43,956.00$43,956.00$43,956.00

    TOTAL PROPOSED PRICE (includes Base and Options)$1,369,437.90$243,258.90$188,637.90$188,637.90$188,637.90

    Token Transit


    Regional Trip Planning and Fare Purchase Application

    RFP 73-2018 Price Proposal


    The pricing spreadsheet has been updated to reflect a 5 year contract. You are requested to provide a revised proposal to show the following: 1) what costs are fixed; 2) what costs are variable; 3) what costs are a one time charge; and 4) what costs are recurring for the five years. If costs are variable, provide an explanation of why.

    Proposer: Token Transit


    Base System (TNCs, Bell Connector, Butler, Clermont, SORTA, Tank)

    Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5

    DescriptionNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) cost


    Regional Trip Planning0.70$20,000.00$14,000.00F$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00

    Real-Time Bus Information0.70$24,000.00$16,800.00F0.70$24,000.00$16,800.00F0.70$24,000.00$16,800.00F0.70$24,000.00$16,800.00F0.70$24,000.00$16,800.00F

    Fare Payment0.70$512,000.00$358,400.00V0.70$512,000.00$358,400.00V0.70$512,000.00$358,400.00V0.70$512,000.00$358,400.00V0.70$512,000.00$358,400.00V


    Handheld ValidatorsIncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded

    Back Office EquipmentIncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded

    Other Hardware (Define)IncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded



    Licenses (Butler, Clermont, SORTA, TANK)IncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded


    Project ManagementIncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded




    Other (Define)IncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded

    Help Desk SupportIncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded

    Base System Total$389,200.00$375,200.00$375,200.00$375,200.00$375,200.00

    Optional Items

    Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5

    DescriptionNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) cost

    Software (Trip Planner, Real-time Info, Fare Payment)

    Optional Modes (Zip Car, Red Bike, Dearborn County, Warren County bus service)includedincludedincludedincludedincluded

    Future Modes (eScooters, Parking Garages, Greyhound, Bulter Flexible Route service)includedincludedincludedincludedincluded


    Vehicle Tracking Systemincludedincludedincludedincludedincluded

    Onboard Readers400.00$8,800.00$3,520,000F$0$0$0$0

    Readers Installationsincludedincludedincludedincludedincluded

    Near Field Communication/Bluetooth/Other357.00$250.00$89,250.00F357$250.00$89,250.00357$250.00$89,250.00357$250.00$89,250.00357$250.00$89,250.00


    Data Subscriptionincludedincludedincludedincludedincluded

    Licenses - Dearborn Countyincludedincludedincludedincludedincluded

    Licenses - Warren Countyincludedincludedincludedincludedincluded

    Warranty - Additional Yearincludedincludedincludedincludedincluded

    Warranty - Additional 2 Yearsincludedincludedincludedincludedincluded

    Warranty - Additional 3 Yearsincludedincludedincludedincludedincluded

    Optional Items Total$3,609,250$89,250$89,250$89,250$89,250

    TOTAL PROPOSED PRICE (includes Base and Options)$3,998,450$464,450$464,450$464,450$464,450



    Regional Trip Planning and Fare Purchase Application

    RFP 73-2018 Price Proposal


    The pricing spreadsheet has been updated to reflect a 5 year contract. You are requested to provide a revised proposal to show the following: 1) what costs are fixed; 2) what costs are variable; 3) what costs are a one time charge; and 4) what costs are recurring for the five years. If costs are variable, provide an explanation of why.



    Base System (TNCs, Bell Connector, Butler, Clermont, SORTA, Tank)

    Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 55-Year TOTAL

    DescriptionNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) cost

    Base System Total

    BytemarkInterface with AVL is extra$ 677,368$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 128,020$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 135,982$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 144,835$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 154,658$ - 0$ 1,240,864

    DoubleMapAdjusted 2.7% Fare to $105,093 as was in their original proposal;Selecting server option (without interface to onboard AVL) will lower this to $700,000$ 824,224$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 141,761$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 141,761$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 141,761$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 141,761$ - 0$ 1,391,268

    Passport$ 1,325,482$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 144,682$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 144,682$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 144,682$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 144,682$ - 0$ 1,904,209

    Token Transit$ 389,200$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 375,200$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 375,200$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 375,200$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 375,200$ - 0$ 1,890,000

    Average$ 804,068$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 197,416$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 199,406$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 201,619$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 204,075$ - 0$ 1,606,585

    Optional Items Total

    BytemarkThis could be $2.3 M due to potential entry error$ 1,249,471$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 86,471$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 87,996$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 89,531$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 91,076$ - 0$ 1,604,545

    DoubleMap$ 740,192$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 48,840$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 48,840$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 48,840$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 48,840$ - 0$ 935,552

    Passport$ 43,956$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 98,577$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 43,956$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 43,956$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 43,956$ - 0$ 274,401

    Token Transit$ 3,609,250$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 89,250$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 89,250$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 89,250$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 89,250$ - 0$ 3,966,250

    Average$ 1,410,717$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 80,784$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 67,511$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 67,894$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 68,281$ - 0$ 1,695,187

    Total System Cost

    Bytemark$ 1,926,839$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 214,491$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 223,978$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 234,367$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 245,735$ - 0$ 2,845,409

    DoubleMap$ 1,564,416$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 190,601$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 190,601$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 190,601$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 190,601$ - 0$ 2,326,819

    Passport$ 1,369,438$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 243,259$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 188,638$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 188,638$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 188,638$ - 0$ 2,178,610

    Token Transit$ 3,998,450$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 464,450$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 464,450$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 464,450$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 464,450$ - 0$ 5,856,250

    Average$ 2,214,786$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 278,200$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 266,917$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 269,514$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ - 0$ 272,356$ - 0$ 3,301,772



    Regional Trip Planning and Fare Purchase Application

    RFP 73-2018 Price Proposal


    The pricing spreadsheet has been updated to reflect a 5 year contract. You are requested to provide a revised proposal to show the following: 1) what costs are fixed; 2) what costs are variable; 3) what costs are a one time charge; and 4) what costs are recurring for the five years. If costs are variable, provide an explanation of why.

    Proposer: Bytemark Inc.


    Base System (TNCs, Bell Connector, Butler, Clermont, SORTA, Tank)Comments

    Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5

    DescriptionUnit CostNumber of UnitsSORTA's Expected ShareIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) costNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal CostIdentify Fixed (F) or Variable (V) cost


    Regional Trip Planning$89,29580%$71,436F80%$40,183$32,146F80%$41,389$33,111F80%$42,631$34,105F80%$43,910$35,128F

    Real-Time Bus Information$10,67180%$8,537F80%$5,448$4,358F80%$5,612$4,490F80%$5,781$4,625F80%$5,955$4,764F

    Fare Payment$531,70080%$425,360F80%$44,000$35,200F80%$45,320$36,256F80%$46,680$37,344F80%$48,081$38,465F

    Hardware- 0$0- 0- 0- 0- 0


    Back Office Equipment- 0$0F- 0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F

    Other Hardware (Define)- 0$0F- 0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F

    Installations- 0$0F- 0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F


    Licenses$0- 0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F- 0$0$0F

    Interfaces/Integration$0- 0$0V- 0$0$0V- 0$0$0V- 0$0$0V- 0$0$0VThird-party costs for an interface to existing systems are not included. Bytemark assumes that driver, block/route, stop or GPS will be available via J1708.

    Project Management$53,17080%$42,536F80%$4,400$3,520F80%$4,532$3,626F80%$4,668$3,734F80%$4,809$3,847F

    Training$2,15080%$1,720F80%$0$0V80%$0$0V80%$0$0V80%$0$0VAdditional training available upon request.



    Traveler Relationship Manager$84,13280%$67,306F80%$14,786$11,829F80%$15,230$12,184F80%$15,687$12,550F80%$16,158$12,926F

    Help Desk Support80%$0F80%$42,908$34,326F80%$49,345$39,476F80%$56,747$45,398F80%$65,260$52,208F

    - 0

    Base System Sub-Total$772,318$617,854$128,020$135,982$144,835$154,658

    Handheld Validators$1,84640.00$73,840

    Phase 1-Grand Total$691,694

    Annual Maintenance & Warranty

    Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5

    Annual Fee$ 128,020$ 135,982$ 144,835$ 154,658


  • Next Steps


    • Completed negotiations

    • Identify funds to move the project forward

    • Contract approval & signing (Phase 1)

    • Kickoff meeting

  • Development of Regional Fare Structure


  • Development of Regional Fare Structure


    • RFP Released February 7th, ’19 • Proposals due March 7th, ’19

    – 3 Proposals Received • Next Steps

    • Proposals evaluation March 30th, ’19

  • App. Implementation Schedule (weeks)


    Procurement of App Evaluation & Contract


    Finalize Design

    App Development

    Merchant Account Setup

    Handheld Validators


    Subsystem Testing • App Modules • Desktop version • Businesses Partners • Handheld validators

    Acceptance Testing


    RFP Development

    Regional Fare Structure & Model Development

    Kickoff Consultant Selection

    Preliminary Fare Structure

    Title VI • Onboard Fare Readers • Boards Approvals • City Council Approval

    A u g u s t F e b r u a r y M a r c h A p r i l M a y J u n e J u l y

    Consultant Procurement

    S e p t e m b e r

    Passport Contract Expires

  • Thank you


  • March 2019



    • Operational Excellence RECOMMENDATION This is a briefing item. No action is required at this time.


    • This report provides a summary of monthly ridership information, both on fixed route (Local/Express), Access services, and Cincinnati Bell Connector.

    • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as: Average Fixed Ridership, Passenger per Hour, Passenger per Trip, and Cost per Passenger are provided to show ridership trends and variances.


    Mark McEwan Manager of Service Analysis

    Attachments: Presentation

  • February 2019 Ridership



  • Local/Express Ridership



    TOTAL 1,053,659 1,064,988 -1.1% -11,329 1,092,444 -3.6% -38,785 LOCAL 984,808 994,908 -1.0% -10,100 1,020,215 -3.5% -35,407

    EXPRESS 68,851 70,080 -1.8% -1,229 72,229 -4.7% -3,378

    YTD TOTAL 2,101,815 2,112,531 -0.5% -10,716 2,186,873 -3.9% -85,058 Current Year

    Prior Year



  • Local/Express KPIs


    PASSENGERS PER HOUR (LOCAL) 18.0 20.7 -2.7

    PASSENGERS PER TRIP (EXPRESS) 14.5 16.2 -1.7

    AVERAGE RIDERSHIP (WD) 46,546 47,369 -823

    AVERAGE RIDERSHIP (SA) 18,153 17,594 559

    AVERAGE RIDERSHIP (SU) 12,532 11,808 724

    Current year Prior year KPI/Budget 3

  • Local/Express KPIs




    COST PER PASSENGER (LOCAL) $5.90 $5.57 +$0.33

    COST PER PASSENGER (EXPRESS) $11.44 $9.00 +$2.44

    28.0%28.0 ++ COST RECOVERY (LOCAL) 34.2% 28.0% +6.2%

    COST RECOVERY (EXPRESS) 33.1% 35.0% -1.9%

    ON TIME PERFORMACE (LOCAL) 83.7% 88.0% -4.3%

    ON TIME PERFORMANCE (EXPRESS) 81.1% 88.0% -6.9%

    Current year Prior year KPI 4

  • Local/Express Missed Trips


    MISSED TRIPS (ALL SERVICE) 307 59,742 99.7%

    Current year Prior year





    OTHER 7 2.3%



  • Access Ridership


    TOTAL 18,170 17,296 5.1% 874 17,658 2.9% 512 WD 16,876 16,409 2.8% 467 SA 779 739 5.4% 40 SU 515 510 1.0% 5

    YTD 36,601 36,108 1.4% 493 36,137 1.3% 464

    Current Year Prior Year Budget


  • Access KPIs


    COST PER PASSENGER $35.47 $32.00 +$3.47

    ON-TIME PERFORMANCE (OTP) 91.2% 93.0% -1.8%

    PASSENGERS PER HOUR 2.31 2.20 +0.11

    COST RECOVERY 11.7% 14.0% -2.3%

    Current year KPI 7

  • Cincinnati Bell Connector

  • CB Connector Ridership


    TOTAL 24,708 22,554 9.6% 2,154 22,428 10.2% 2,280

    FYTD TOTAL 309,707 334,105 -7.3% -24,398 346,730 -10.7% -37,023

    Current Year

    Prior Year



    Current Year

    Prior Year


  • CB Connector KPIs


    COST PER PASSENGER $11.96 $4.10 +$7.86

    AVERAGE HEADWAY (PEAK/OFF-PEAK) 13:30/15:18 12:00/15:00 +1:30/+0:18

    PASSENGERS PER HOUR 21.5 52.8 -31.3

    COST RECOVERY 5.1% 14.3% -9.2%

    Current Year

    Prior Year




    Current Year

    Prior Year


  • Monthly Route Performance Measures


  • Route Passenger KPIs - February

    12 KPI Av erage Minimum Standard Benchmark

  • Route Cost KPIs - February

    KPI Av erage Minimum Standard Benchmark13

  • Route Revenue KPIs - February

    KPI Av erage Minimum Standard Benchmark14

  • Route Revenue KPIs - February

    KPI Av erage Minimum Standard Benchmark15

  • Route OTP KPI - February

    KPI Av erage Minimum Standard Benchmark16

  • March 2019



    • Strategic Partnering• Operational Excellence


    This is a briefing item. No action is required at this time.


    • SORTA has executed two intergovernmental agreements with the City of Cincinnatidefining roles and responsibilities for the Cincinnati Bell Connector.

    • SORTA is the FTA Grantee for the Cincinnati Bell Connector.

    • SORTA is responsible for the management of streetcar assets and the operation andmaintenance of the Cincinnati Bell Connector.

    • SORTA staff provides quarterly updates on the Cincinnati Bell Connector to the Board ofTrustees and monthly updates to the Cincinnati City Council.


    Paul Grether Director of Rail Services

    Attachments: Presentation

  • Streetcar Update

    Review of February 2019

  • Schedule Change Proposal

  • Existing Schedule • Span of Service

    – Sunday/Holiday: 9:00am – 11:00pm – Monday-Thursday: 6:30am – midnight – Friday: 6:30am – 1:00am – Saturday: 8:00am – 1:00am

    • Frequency – Base Frequency: 15 minutes – Peak (Monday – Friday 11am – 7pm): 12 minutes

  • Contract 43-14 Transdev Services, Inc. • Performance contract

    – Fixed detailed scope of work with performance measures

    • Service levels (frequency/span) set in Modification #1 – Fixed price – Minimal specifications – Not units of service based – Budget certainty

    • Supplemental service rates – Special events

  • Request

    “Please provide three cost neutral changes to the streetcar schedule to improve ridership”

  • Methodology

    • Ridership analysis – Reviewed previous analysis – Developed updated average ridership per hour for CY 2018

    data • Recommendations to improve productivity and

    ridership – Based on current conditions, e.g. fare policy – Move service hours from low productivity times to higher

    • Primary recommendation with two alternatives – Schedule and run cut – Transdev Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)

  • Analysis Results

    • Lowest ridership is late nights • Saturday highest demand and loads • Friday evening high demand after 7:00pm • Sunday mid-day high demand • System varies from 10 ppvsh to 90 ppvsh

    (pax per vehicle service hour)

  • Primary Recommendation

    • Reduce span very late night service all day types

    • Extend third vehicle block Friday & Saturday – Operate until 10:00pm

    • Introduce fourth vehicle block Saturday – Operate 1:00pm – 8:30pm – Ten minute frequency

  • Primary Recommendation Schedule • Span of Service

    – Sunday/Holiday: 9:30am – 10:00pm – Monday-Thursday: 6:30am – 10:30pm – Friday: 6:30am – 12:30am – Saturday: 8:30am – 12:30am

    • Frequency – Base Frequency: 15 minutes – Peak (Monday – Thursday 11am – 7pm): 12 minutes – Peak (Friday 11am – 10pm): 12 minutes – Peak (Saturday 1pm – 8:30pm): 10 minutes

  • Cincinnati Bell ConnectorPassengers per Vehicle Service Hour by Hour of the Day

    Average Average Average AverageRiders Riders Riders Ridersper Hr. current proposed per Hr. current proposed per Hr. current proposed per Hr. current proposed

    1:00 AM to 2:00 AM - 5.4 2 5.2 2 12:00 AM to 1:00 AM 3.1 2 12.6 2 2 19.5 2 2 11:00 PM to 12:00 AM 5.7 2 23.2 2 2 42.0 2 3 4.0 2 10:00 PM to 11:00 PM 13.5 2 2 37.3 2 3 63.6 2 3 7.7 2 2

    9:00 PM to 10:00 PM 15.2 2 2 44.3 2 3 63.6 2 3 15.1 2 2 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM 17.4 2 2 44.9 2 3 72.1 2 4 25.3 2 2 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM 19.3 2 2 50.1 2 3 93.8 2 4 29.4 2 2 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM 19.8 3 3 44.5 3 3 68.8 3 4 24.0 3 3 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM 25.1 3 3 40.7 3 3 75.7 3 4 30.3 3 3 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM 26.2 3 3 41.9 3 3 90.9 3 4 51.9 3 3 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM 23.7 3 3 44.2 3 3 92.1 3 4 59.6 3 3 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM 25.2 3 3 46.0 3 3 95.8 3 4 55.6 3 3 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM 26.8 3 3 45.1 3 3 84.6 3 4 51.6 3 3

    12:00 PM to 1:00 PM 26.6 3 3 47.0 3 3 64.6 3 3 48.8 3 3 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM 24.5 3 3 38.0 3 3 49.5 3 3 33.0 3 3 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM 19.6 2 2 29.3 2 2 43.3 2 3 25.1 2 2

    9:00 AM to 10:00 AM 16.4 2 2 20.2 2 2 20.2 2 2 13.6 2 2 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM 17.4 2 2 17.8 2 2 11.9 2 2 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM 11.2 2 2 10.8 2 2 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM 11.3 2 2 9.1 2 2

    Key less than 10 passengers per vehicle service hour10 to 20 passengers per vsh20 to 30 passengers per vsh30 to 50 passengers per vsh50 to 70 passengers per vshgreater than 70 passengers per vsh

    estimated daily vehicle service hours 46.0 42.0 48.0 50.0 44.0 56.0 38.0 36.0

    estimated weekly vehicle service hours 314 310

    # of Cars # of Cars # of Cars # of Cars

    Mon-Thur Friday Saturday Sunday

  • Key Assumptions

    • Transdev Contract – Negotiated scope only change order – Performance requirements changes

    • Fourth vehicle availability – Fleet reliability must improve for four car service – Fleet Management Plan update

    • Civil Rights Title VI – not a major change

  • Alternative Changes

    • End service one hour earlier all day types • Alternative #2

    – Extend block 3 two hours all day types – No fourth block

    • Alternative #3 – Extend block 3 later Monday-Thursday/Friday – Start block 3 earlier Saturday/Sunday – No fourth block

    • Further development on request

  • Next Steps

    • Transdev Discussions

    – Negotiate contract change order • City Council and SORTA Board of Trustees

    Approval • Update Fleet Management Plan • Inform FTA

  • February 2019 Operations Update

  • Safety Metrics: Near Miss Near Miss Incident Breakdown

    • 13% decrease near-miss events year over year (2018 versus 2019) – None at 5th and Main in February

    2019 • Majority caused by other vehicles

    attempting to maneuver around streetcar or running red signals

    • Tuesday/Friday peak days • Noon to 17:00 peak times

    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec2016 4 10 11 18 29 16 11 27 12 12 20 212017 18 24 18 19 30 27 35 32 28 46 36 332018 17 13 20 23 24 33 33 36 24 23 22 142019 20 14 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0





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