


So.Re.Com. Joint-IDP: activity report for month 42 (March 2017)

As foreseen by the So.Re.Com. Joint-IDP timeline ( the following activities have been realized and implemented during the month of March 2017: 1.  Early-Stage Researchers’ 33rd month of activities

2.  Development of the SoReCom “A.S. de Rosa” @-library

3.   Meetings of the ESRs with the Director of the Department (Rome - Italy, 13th and 27th March 2017), the members of the Sapienza Supervisory Board and administrative personnel

4.  Joint supervision meetings of the tutors Annamaria Silvana de Rosa and Elena

Bocci with Ioana Guraliuc, Maryia Kukharava, Teresa Forte, Aminat Ramazanova and Carlos Filiberto Miguel Aguilar

5.  The Project Leader Annamaria Silvana de Rosa’s presentation at the

Commemoration of Serge Moscovici in Paris. 6.  The ESR Maryia Kukharava’s presentation at the Narrative 2017 Conference

in Kentucky, USA, chairing a session on social representations.

7.  Dissemination of the SoReCom Joint-IDP project information and of the integrated scientific community belonging to the SoReCom THEmatic NETwork through the SoReCom.THE.NET.@-NEWS and the dedicated web site

8.  Day-to-day management of the SoReCom Joint-IDP (correspondence with partners, facilitating the early stage researcher’s needs, dealing with the department administration and EC project officer, conference calls with the enterprise working on the platform, website updates, administrative management…..)

So.Re.Com. Joint-IDP Institutional News

Supervision meetings with ESRs March 2017


The So.Re.Com Joint-IDP Management Activities

Datesandlocation ESRs SapienzaSupervisoryBoardMembers



•  AminatRamazanova(10:00-16:30)•  MaryiaKukharava(12:30-16:30)•  TeresaForte(13:30-15:00)absent(in


•  ElenaBocci(Sapienza)•  LauraDryjanska



MultimediaLab•  CarlosMiguelAguilar•  TeresaForte

•  LauraDryjanska(Sapienza)



•  AminatRamazanova(14:00-16:40)•  MaryiaKukharava(14:00-16:40)•  TeresaForte(14:00-16:40)connected


•  AnnamariadeRosa(Sapienza)

•  ElenaBocci(Sapienza)•  LauraDryjanska




•  CarlosMiguelAguilar(10:00-16:00)fortechnicaltraininginpreparingtablesrelatedtotheresultsprocessedbyRsoftware

•  LauraDryjanska(Sapienza)



•  CarlosMiguelAguilar(10:00-16:00)fortechnicaltraininginrevisingthetablesrelatedtotheresultsprocessedbyRsoftware

•  AminatRamazanova(on-lineguidancefortechnicaltraininginrevisingthetablesrelatedtotheresultsprocessedbyRsoftware

•  MaryiaKukharava(on-lineguidancefortechnicaltraininginrevisingthetablesrelatedtotheresultsprocessedbyRsoftware

•  TeresaForte(on-lineguidancefortechnicaltraininginrevisingthetablesrelatedtotheresultsprocessedbyRsoftware

•  AnnamariadeRosa(Sapienza)

•  ElenaBocci(Sapienza)•  LauraDryjanska


Supervision meetings with ESRs March 2017


The So.Re.Com Joint-IDP Management Activities

Datesandlocation ESRs SapienzaSupervisoryBoardMembers


•  AminatRamazanova(on-lineguidancefortechnicaltraininginrevisingthetablesrelatedtotheresultsprocessedbyRsoftware):h:13:30-17:00

•  ElenaBocci(Sapienza)


•  AminatRamazanova(on-lineguidancefortechnicaltraininginrevisingthetablesrelatedtotheresultsprocessedbyRsoftware):h:11:30-13:30

•  IoanaGuraliuc(13:30-17:00)

•  ElenaBocci(Sapienza)


•  MaryiaKukharava(fullmorningdedicatedtotherevisionoftheppt.fortheNarrativePsychologyConference,US)

•  AnnamariadeRosa(Sapienza)


•  CarlosMiguelAguilar•  (11:00-16:30)fortechnicaltrainingin


•  16:30-17:00forrevisionoutlineofthethesis

•  ElenaBocci

(Sapienza)•  AnnamariadeRosa



•  CarlosMiguelAguilar(11:00-16:30)forcheckingtheworkdonefollowingthetechnicaltraininginrevisingthegraphsrelatedtotheresultsprocessedbyRsoftwareandfeedbackonthethesisstructure

•  IoanaGuralic(15:00-17:00)forrevisionthesis’schapter

•  ElenaBocci

(Sapienza)•  AnnamariadeRosa



•  Teresa Forte (14:00-17:00) for checking the work done concerning the interpretation of the results processed by R software

•  ElenaBocci

(Sapienza)•  AnnamariadeRosa


Special administrative meetings with ESRs March 2017


The So.Re.Com Joint-IDP Management Activities

Datesandlocation ESRs SapienzaSupervisoryBoardMembers


Adminsitrative meeting with the Head of the Department and

members of the Supervisory Board and administrative officer

3 key points:1)  deadline for thesis submission

already approved by the tutor and co-tutor

2)  time sheet to document full time work on the 3rd year since 1st July 2017-03-13

3)  Acknowledgment and I.P.R. to be enclosed in the thesis

•  AminatRamazanova(11:00-13:00)•  CarlosMiguelAguilar(11:00-13:00)•  TeresaForte(12:30-13:00)•  MaryiaKukharava(11:00-13:00)•  AnaTomicic(11:00-13:00)•  BorjaDeMadaria(11:00-13:00)•  FilomenaBerardi(latearrival


•  AdelaGjorgjioska(absent)•  LauraArhiri(absent)•  IoanaGuraliuc(absent)•  MihaelaGherman(absent)•  MonicaPanzaru(absent)

•  Alessandra Talamo•  AnnamariadeRosa

(via Skype from Paris)

•  Mauro Sarrica, •  ElenaBocci,•  Fabio Tufilli (RAD) •  Robert Barakat

(project administrative manager)


Additional administrative meeting with the Head of the Department and members of the Supervisory Board and administrative officer

3 key points:1)  deadline for thesis submission

already approved by the tutor and co-tutor

2)  time sheet to document full time work on the 3rd year since 1st July 2017-03-13

3)  Acknowledgment and I.P.R. to be enclosed in the thesis

•  AdelaGjorgjioska(11:00-13:00)•  LauraArhiri(11:00-13:00)•  IoanaGuraliuc(11:00-13:00)•  MihaelaGherman(11:00-13:00)•  MonicaPanzaru(11:00-13:00)

•  AlessandraTalamo•  AnnamariadeRosa•  ElenaBocci,•  FabioTu\illi(RAD)•  ElenaMarsico


29March2017Dept.P.P.S.S.-viadeiMarsi Special

administrative meeting with the Head of the Department

•  AgnesePastorino(11:00-13:00)

•  Alessandra Talamo•  Fabio Tufilli (RAD) •  Elena Marsico

(department administrative manager)

Colloque International en hommage à Serge Moscovici

Paris, March 16-17, 2017

An International Conference to commemorate Serge Moscovici took place in Paris, at the wonderful location Maison de l'Amérique latine on March 16-17 by the initiative of his sons Pierre and Denis, in collaboration with the FSMH. Among top scientists who have been inspired in their intellectual life by Serge Moscovici and in some cases have dedicated their lives to develop and disseminate his thought through scientific and institutional significant initiatives, disciples and scholars from all over the world gathered sharing their memories and reflections upon the influence of this great thinker in their lives and research. The following pages include snapshots from the program of the event and its invited speakers.


The So.Re.Com Joint-IDP Dissemination Activities

Colloque International en hommage à Serge Moscovici

Paris, March 16, 2017

Opening Session •  Pierre MOSCOVICI (Commissaire européen) •  FMSH : Michel WIEVIORKA (Président), Jean-Pierre DOZON

(Vice-président) •  EHESS : Pierre-Cyrille HAUTCOEUR (Président) •  REMOSCO : Nikos KALAMPALIKIS (Vice-président) •  Projection d'un film inédit sur Serge Moscovici •  Allocution d'Alain TOURAINE (EHESS)


The So.Re.Com Joint-IDP Dissemination Activities

Colloque International en hommage à Serge Moscovici

Paris, March 16, 2017

L’homme Moscovici Président de séance : Nikos KALAMPALIKIS (Université Lumière Lyon 2) •  Évocation de la relation entre Serge Moscovici et Paul Celan

Bertrand BADIOU (ENS, Paris) •  Un homme de silence et de présence

Denise JODELET (EHESS, Paris) •  "La chose raciale… je l’ai sucée avec le lait de ma mère"

Maurice OLENDER (EHESS, Paris) •  Remembering Serge Moscovici and the Making of EASP

Gina PHILOGENE (Sarah Lawrence College, New York, USA)


The So.Re.Com Joint-IDP Dissemination Activities

Colloque International en hommage à Serge Moscovici

Paris, March 16, 2017

Écologie politique Présidente de séance : Laurence TUBIANA (Sciences Po Paris) •  The legal and the legitimate: extending Moscovici’s reading of

Antigone for revisiting the climate change and biodiversity debates Paola CASTRO (Université de Lisbonne, Portugal)

•  L'écologie politique comme anthropologie Pascal DIBIE (Université Paris Diderot-VII)

•  L'implication de Serge Moscovici dans la presse et les mouvements écologistes Laurent SAMUEL (Réseau Mémoire de l'Environnement)


The So.Re.Com Joint-IDP Dissemination Activities

Colloque International en hommage à Serge Moscovici

Paris, March 16, 2017

La psychologie sociale Président de séance : Thémis APOSTOLIDIS (Aix-Marseille Université) •  Le défi de l’étude des phénomènes collectifs : le groupe en

psychologie sociale Ewa DROZDA SENKOWSKA (Université Paris-Descartes)

•  Serge Moscovici: the constructive maverick Georges GASKELL (London School of Economics, UK)

•  Serge Moscovici et le Bulletin de psychologie Jean-Pierre PÉTARD (Bulletin de Psychologie)

•  Les émotions collectives Bernard RIMÉ (Université de Louvain, Belgium)


The So.Re.Com Joint-IDP Dissemination Activities

Colloque International en hommage à Serge Moscovici

Paris, March 17, 2017

Influence et minorité Président de séance : Saadi LAHLOU (London School of Economics, UK) •  La Dissidence d’un Seul

Ivana MARKOVA (Université de Stirling, Ecosse, UK) •  The shoulders of a giant: Homage to Serge Moscovici

Charlan NEMETH (Université de Californie, Berkeley, USA) •  Se représenter l'influence : vers un dualisme théorique ou la

bilatéralité de la pensée sociale ? Stamos PAPASTAMOU (Université Panteion, Athènes, Greece)


The So.Re.Com Joint-IDP Dissemination Activities

Colloque International en hommage à Serge Moscovici

Paris, March 17, 2017

Les représentations sociales Président de séance : Thémis APOSTOLIDIS (Aix-Marseille Université) •  For a biography of a theory : from Serge Moscovici’s visionary mind

to the world-wide dissemination of the social representation theory and its impact within and beyond social psychology Annamaria Silvana DE ROSA (Université La Sapienza, Rome, Italy)

•  The Power of the Idea: The legacy of Serge Moscovici Sandra JOVCHELOVITCH (London School of Economics, UK)

•  Pour une psychologie sociale de la connaissance Nikos KALAMPALIKIS (Université Lumière Lyon 2)


The So.Re.Com Joint-IDP Dissemination Activities

Colloque International en hommage à Serge Moscovici

Paris, March 17, 2017 Moscovici, une pensée mondiale Présidente de séance : Denise JODELET (EHESS, Paris) •  Le pouvoir heuristique de la pensée de Serge Moscovici en

contexte maghrébin Dorra BEN ALAYA (Université de Tunis-El-Manar, Tunisia)

•  La pensée de Serge Moscovici au Brésil Brigido Vizeu CAMARGO (Université Fédérale de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brasil)

•  Serge Moscovici et les représentations sociales au Mexique Martha DE ALBA (Université autonome métropolitaine – Iztapalapa, Mexico)

•  Moscovici et Naples : l’histoire d’une relation infinie Ida GALLI (Université de Naples - Frédéric II, Italy)

•  Le développement des recherches sur les représentations sociales dans le contexte indonésien et asiatique Risa PERMANADELI (Centre d'Etudes des Représentations Sociales, Indonésie)

•  Echoing the thinking of Moscovici in Argentina Susana SEIDMANN (Université de Buenos Aires, Argentina)


The So.Re.Com Joint-IDP Dissemination Activities

Colloque International en hommage à Serge Moscovici

Paris, March 17, 2017

Sciences sociales et histoire des sciences Président de séance : Pascal DIBIE (Université Paris Diderot-VII) •  Quand un Serge rencontre un autre Serge : les groupes brisent

spontanément leurs symétries Serge GALAM (CNRS)

•  Penser les Sciences avec Moscovici Jorge JESUINO (Université de Lisbonne, Portugal)

•  Sociologie des sciences : une nouvelle époque Michel WIEVIORKA (FMSH, Paris)


The So.Re.Com Joint-IDP Dissemination Activities

Colloque International en hommage à Serge Moscovici

Paris, March 17, 2017

Closing session: Présidente de séance: Denis MOSCOVICI •  Allocution d'Edgar MORIN (EHESS)


The So.Re.Com Joint-IDP Dissemination Activities

Scientific Committee: Pascal DIBIE, Jean-Pierre DOZON, François HARTOG, Denise JODELET, Nikos KALAMPALIKIS, Saadi LAHLOU, Denis MOSCOVICI, Pierre MOSCOVICI, Maurice OLENDER, Alain TOURAINE and Michel WIEVIORKA.

International Conference on Narrative 2017 Lexington, Kentucky, March 23-26

Maryia Kukharava, one of the 13 SoReCom Joint-IDP Early Stage Researchers, participated in the 2017 International Conference on Narrative held at the Downtown Hilton in Lexington, Kentucky, March 23-26. Link: Maryia chaired the session “Empirical Research on Narrative”, where she also presented on the topic of “Genesis and Development of the Narrative Paradigmatic Approach to Social Representations in More than 50 Years of the Development of the Theory”. The conference - sponsored by the University of Kentucky, with Alan Nadel (University of Kentucky) serving as Conference Coordinator - was organised by the International Society for the Study of Narrative (ISSN), a nonprofit association of scholars dedicated to the investigation of narrative, its elements, techniques, and forms; its relations to other modes of discourse; its power and influence in cultures past and present. From 1981, the annual International Conference on Narrative has served as an important focus of ISSN activities.


SoReCom Joint-IDP Dissemination Activities

The So.Re.Com. Joint-IDP

Upcoming International Event 2017

Scientific Program

33rd International Lab Meeting - Spring Session 2017

Title: The “Socio-Dynamic” paradigmatic approach to Social Representations

Tuesday, April 18


Time Topic/Event TeachingStaff


Social Representations of Human Rights:

The Development of a Socio-Dynamic Framework

Dario Spini

and Leila Eisner University of Lausanne,

Switzerland 10:30-11:00

Questions from participants in a face-to-face context and via the web-auditorium and forum discussion with the keynote speakers

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break


Between the biography of the theory and the personal intellectual auto-biography

Video-Interview with Dario Spini

University of Lausanne, Switzerland

by Annamaria Silvana de Rosa (Sapienza University of Rome,

Italy) 12:30-14:00 Lunch Break


The importance of common sense understanding of

social phenomenon in India: the background of social psychology scenario and how SRs theory gets

established in coming times in India.

Jyoti Verma

Patna University, India


Questions from participants in a face-to-face context and

via the web-auditorium and forum discussion with the keynote speakers

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break


Between the biography of the theory and the personal

intellectual auto-biography

Video-Interview with Jyoti Verma

Patna University, India by Annamaria Silvana de Rosa

Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

The So.Re.Com. Joint-IDP

Upcoming International Event 2017

Scientific Program

33rd International Lab Meeting - Spring Session 2017

Title: The “Socio-Dynamic” paradigmatic approach to Social Representations

Wednesday, April 19


Time Topic/Event TeachingStaff


Social representations and social psychology:

a theoretical and methodological opportunity for the social sciences?

Dario Spini

University of Lausanne, Switzerland


Questions from participants in a face-to-face context

and via the web-auditorium and forum discussion with the keynote speakers

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break


Introduction to classical meta-analysis •  The basics of a meta-analysis •  Steps for a MA. •  Understanding meta-analysis data •  Forest Plot •  Publication bias

Weaknesses and strengths of MA

Hilda Gambara

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain


Questions from participants in a face-to-face context

and via the web-auditorium and forum discussion with the keynote speakers

12:30-14:00 Lunch Break


Presenting the classical meta-analysis

with an empirical example

Hilda Gambara

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain

Questions from participants in a face-to-face context and via the web-auditorium and forum discussion with

the keynote speakers

The So.Re.Com. Joint-IDP

Upcoming International Event 2017

Scientific Program

33rd International Lab Meeting - Spring Session 2017

Title: The “Socio-Dynamic” paradigmatic approach to Social Representations

Thursday, April 20


Time Topic/Event TeachingStaff


Seminar on transferable skills How to get EC research funds

in several disciplinary and cross-thematic domains

Emanuele Gennuso

International Relations Area Sapienza University Rome (Italy)


Questions from participants in a face-to-face context

and via the web-auditorium and forum discussion with the keynote speakers

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break


Seminar on transferable skills

Post-doc career grants opportunities: How to get post-doc EC grants

Emanuele Gennuso

International Relations Area Sapienza University Rome (Italy)


Questions from participants in a face-to-face context and via the web-auditorium and forum discussion with the keynote speakers

12:30-14:00 Lunch Break

14:00-15:30 Presentations by

European/International Joint PhD in S.R. & C. Research Trainees

Hiram Reyes Sosa (Mexico) Shiella Balbutin (Philippines)

Jessica Breau (Canada) Valeria Cuevas (Mexico) Razvan-Andrei Dobrea

(Romania) Nathalie Plante (Canada)

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

Call for Applications for the a.y. 2017-18

The European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and Communication is open to applicants from both EU and non -EU countries, without limitation in terms of age and nationality. Applicants may also belong to Universities who are not part of the European/International Joint PhD network. Deadline for submission: 31 May 2017 For detailed information see:


The So.Re.Com Joint-IDP Management Activities

The So.Re.Com. Joint-IDP

Upcoming International Events 2017

We are pleased to announce the

Upcoming international events:

23rd International Summer School 2017 Title: Social Representations in the social arena faced with social demand:

the impact of this supra-disciplinary research field on the wide range of societal

issues investigated in the various thematic areas in multiple applied contexts

Location and Date: Rome - Italy, 18th - 24th June 2017


The So.Re.Com. THEmatic NETwork Scientific Activities

Upcoming International Events 2017

V international seminar:

“Political and economic self-constitution: Citizenship identity and education”

will take place at University of the Peloponnese on May 26th, 2017 in Corinth, Greece

Seminar is co-organized by University of the Peloponnese (Prof. Despina Karakatsani), Institute of Social

and Political Psychology, NAES of Ukraine (Prof. Vadym Vasiutynskyi, Associate Prof. Irina

Bondarevskaya), Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu & EPIA, Romania (Prof. Eugen Iordanescu), CISES s.r.l.

& PSIOP, Italy (Dr. Alessandro De Carlo), Institute of Social Sciences, Serbia (Senior Researcher Bojan

Todosijevic), University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland (Prof. Beata Krzywosz-Rynkiewicz),

Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuania (Associate Prof. Aldona Vaiciuliene), Center for

Social Representations Studies, Indonesia (Dr. Risa Permanadeli).

Psychologists, political scientists, historians, anthropologists and economists are invited to discuss various

topics including:

Social representations paradigm for research in political and economic psychology Participation fee 20 euros covers seminar proceedings publication. Seminar proceedings will be published in English. Travel, meals and accommodation should be paid by participants. For registered participants Organizing Committee will provide information about travel, meals and accommodation in Corinth. Abstracts guidelines: approximately 1200 words, please avoid footnotes, figures and bibliography. References should be inserted in the text (surname, year). On the top of abstracts: authors’ name and surname, scientific degree, title, position, affiliation. Theoretical study should include: 1) introduction, 2) objectives, 3) results, 4) conclusions. Empirical study should include: 1) introduction, 2) objectives, 3) method and procedure, 4) results, 5) conclusions. These units should be clearly separated in the text. Abstracts should be sent to email: [email protected] in *.doc, *docx by April 10th, 2017.

Contacts for information: Irina Bondarevskaya, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher of Laboratory of Mass

Communication Psychology and Media Education, Institute of Social and Political Psychology, National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

Tel. +38 067 714 0886; e-mail: [email protected] Despina Karakatsani, Professor of Pedagogy and Citizenship Education, Department of Social

and Educational Policy, University of the Peloponnese Tel. +30274174984 / 74991; e-mail: [email protected]

Seminar’s web site


The So.Re.Com. THEmatic NETwork Scientific Activities

Upcoming International Events 2017

We are pleased to announce that The 3rd International Conference on

“Changing Cities: Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socio-economic Dimensions”

will be held in: Syros - Delos - Mykonos Islands, Greece, 26-30 June 2017

The main conference theme is:

“European cities & Migration; Spatial impacts of immigration and out-migration”

For detailed information see the following link:


The So.Re.Com. THEmatic NETwork Scientific Activities

Upcoming International Events 2017 Additional SoReCom Joint-IDP Dissemination Activities

We are pleased to announce that the

Congreso Interamericano de Psicologia will take place in Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico

from the 23rd to 27th of July 2017

The congress will be organized in accordance to the following main


I.  From the past of the discipline towards new horizons in search of

more just societies

II.  Psychological Subjects and Processes: Taking Down the

Inequality Gaps

III.  Social Institutions, Creative Processes and Minorities: Creation of

Strategies for Inclusion and Equity

IV.  Inclusion and Equity from the Community, Sexuality, Rights and

Environment More information can be found on the website of the event:


The So.Re.Com. THEmatic NETwork Scientific Activities

Upcoming International Events 2017

We are pleased to announce that

The IV National Conference on Social Representations Research

Will be held in:

Monterrey, Mexico, 4-6 October 2017

The main conference (organized by RENIRS-CEMERS, México) theme is:

“Problemáticas contemporáneas: representaciones y prácticas sociales”

For detailed information see the following link:




The SoReCom Joint-IDP 2014-2017 MAIN TRAINING EVENTS

European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and Communication

For the past and forthcoming events see the website: • •

SAVE DATES in your Agenda PROFESSORS AND EXPERTS belonging to the So.Re.Com. Joint-IDP Partner Organisations from the Academic and Private Sectors are strongly invited to SAVE THE ABOVE DATES IN THEIR AGENDA to participate actively in the Training Scientific Events and in the coordination Meetings of the Supervisory Board.

POTENTIAL APPLICANTS interested in participating in one or more of the planned events are INVITED TO APPLY by sending the application form to be

downloaded from the web site (see above web-addresses) and send it via e-mail to: [email protected]

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