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Some Thoughts

to Elaborate

the Friendship

with Spouse

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Some Thoughts to Elaborate the Friendship with SpouseaI remember a strange question once asked to a candidate facing interview, “tell me something about your best friend in life” and the candidate started explaining all the good qualities of his wife. The interview stopped him and asked, “I asked about your best friend”. With the great confidence the candidate replied, “Sir, I am replying your question only. My wife is my best friend.” Can you guess what the result was? The candidate was selected with highest marks in interview. 

The candidate was truly right…

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in regarding his wife as his best friend. Maintaining a healthy and friendly relationship keeps you physically and mentally fit. You find yourself in the strength that you are able to face all the odds of life.

Here are few tips with the help of whom you may strengthen friendship with your spouse. 

Maintain Trust and Honesty

The truthfulness, building trust, loyalty and honesty are heart…

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Some Thoughts to Elaborate the Friendship with Spousea

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of every healthy and friendly relationship. Even a slightest lack in this regard turns the relationship sour for ever. So, to always remain in the inner feelings of your spouse; confess, be true and say everything to your spouse without any hesitation. Even if you have committed a blunder, it will be cured with the universal medicine of ‘pardon’ by the other partner. You are the human being and likely to commit errors and mistakes. But hiding them will ruin your relationship. Remember the saying, “We love the person whom we trust”… 

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Spend Quality Time Together

It is seen many times that the couple who were known for their love before marriage, get indulged in to various pangs of life and fail to maintain a healthy friendship between them. So, to avoid it, they need to take some time out of their busy schedule and spend together. They may go for late night date, to see a favourite movie or any other thing of their choice. Spending quality time together keeps both the partners on close friendly relationship. …

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Be Gentle and Caring to Each Other

If one spouse is disagree with other due to some reason over some issue, he/she must put forward his view openly and without any inhibitions. If he/she starts shouting on other or impose his/her ideas a true friendship is hurt. The voice of both the partners must be polite enough and an opportunity must be afforded to other for putting his/her views. Remember, the injury caused by words of mouth usually takes longer time to heal that the same caused by sword. …

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Engage in Healthy Daily Habits

If both the partners are of religious bend of mind, they may spend daily sometime together in offering prayers to the God. They may also help each other in cooking and doing something related to their hobbies. So, be good friends to your sweet heart always.  

Learn to Give, Not to Take

You are already aware; the true friendship has no place of account as to who did what? The account comes…

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in mind when friendship goes sour. So, even if something goes wrong on the part of other spouse, don’t criticise or discourage, rather encourage for his/her efforts and gaining an experience. Even the small gifts like cards and flowers good impact. Have the feeling of sacrifice, true intentions and expect less from your spouse and give him/her more. This will raise your standards and loyalty.  

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