Download - Solubility

Page 1: Solubility

Could something dissolved in the Snake River have caused the fish kill?

Page 2: Solubility

These attractions make it possible for water to dissolve lots of different things.

Polar molecules attracted to other polar molecules or ionic compounds

Dissolving NaCl (table salt) video

Page 3: Solubility

No positive or negative ends]

Nonpolar dissolves in nonpolarPolar dissolves in polar

Rule: “Like dissolves Like”

Nonpolar compounds

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Page 5: Solubility

Why does sugar dissolve in water but not in cooking oil?

Page 6: Solubility

Solubility of Solids

Will more sugar dissolve in 1 Liter of water or 2 Liters of water?

Will more sugar dissolve in cold water or hot water?

Page 7: Solubility

Solubility curveShows how much solute

will dissolve in a given amount of water at a certain temp.

Page 8: Solubility

How much

potassium nitrate

will dissolve at 60

degrees Celsius in

100 ml of water?

How much

potassium nitrate

will dissolve at 60

degrees Celsius in

200ml of water?

At what temperature can you dissolve 220g of potassium iodide in 100ml of water?

Page 9: Solubility

As temperature increases, what happens to the solubility of solids?

As temperature increases, solubility of solids increases.

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Solubility of gases

How much Oxygen will dissolve at 40 degrees Celsius in 100 ml of water?

At what temperature can you dissolve 1.0 mM of Carbon Monoxide in water?

Page 11: Solubility

Solubility of gases

As temperature increases, the solubility of gases decreases

“Warm pop goes flat faster!”

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