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A Software Engineer conductsresearch; designs; and evaluates,integrates and maintains softwareapplication, technical environments,operating systems, embedded software,information warehouses andtelecommunications software.

TasksResearches, designs, writes and testsnew software programmes;Develops existing systems by analysingand identifying areas for modification;“Bolting Together” existing softwareproducts (getting incompatibleplatforms to work together andcreating code to link them);Maintains systems by monitoring,identifying and correcting softwaredefects;Investigates new technologies;Creates technical specifications andtest plans;Consults clients/colleagues concerningthe maintenance and performace ofsoftware systems to obtain information,clarify details and implement solutions.

Basic Educational RequirementA bachelor’s degree, usually in

computer science, computer systemsengineering, software engineering ormathematics is required. Knowledge inMicrosoft and Oracle programs willdefinitely be an advantage.

Skills and CompetenciesMust be able to create functional andtechnical design specifications fordevelopment efforts;Must have proficient programming skills,including familiarity with data types,syntax and control structures;Must be able to analyze and prioritizeinformation to make appropriaterecommendations;

Must also be adept at debuggingcomplex application problems and beable to produce quality softwaredocumentation, including requirementsspecifications, design documents andunit test plans;Problem solver;Ability to work in a team.

Physical Attributes and CharacteristicsEnthusiasm and knowledge of projectcycles;Attention to detail, even in pressuredsituations as deadlines approach; Alogical mind;Numeracy aptitude;Good interpersonal andcommunication skills (especially theability to understand client needs andcommunicate proposed solutionseffectively).

Salary/CompensationIn the local labor market, a Software

Engineer receives around P40,000 -60,000per month, depending on the experienceand the level of knowledge in thebusiness.

In the U.S, the median earnings of afull time Software Engineer is about$74,930 (P3,821,430) annually or $6,244(P 318,452) per month.

Prospects for Career AdvqancementEntry level Software Engineers are

likely to test and verify ongoing designs.As they become more experienced, theymay become involved in designing anddeveloping software. Eventually, theymay advance to become project

manager, manager of informationsystems, or chief information officer. Somecomputer software engineers with severalyears of experience or expertise findlucrative opportunities working as systemsdesigner or independent consultants orentrepreneurs with their own computerconsulting firms.

Employment OpportunitiesEmployment of Software Engineers is

expected to increase much faster thanthe average for other occupations, asbusiness and other organizations adoptand integrate new technologies and seekto maximize the efficiency of theircomputer systems.

Cost of Education *In a public educational institution, it

will cost only around P25,000 to finish acourse in Computer Science. PrivateSchools charge higher rates ranging fromP152,000 to P228,000.

* Based on tuition fee rates for school year 2007- 2008

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