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How to Use the Most Important

Convergence of Search and Social

JD Rucker

Director of New Media

Social Signals

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Becky Ross

Marketing Manager

Office: (303) 228-8753

[email protected]

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JD Rucker

Director of New Media

Office: (774) 538-9338

[email protected]

Twitter: @0boy

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Today’s Questions

• What is the Conspiracy Theory? • What are Social Signals? • Why (and How) Do They Work? • Why Aren’t You Successful (yet)? • What Content is Worth Sharing? • What Are Power Accounts? • What Can You Do TODAY?

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Red Penguin



We’re actually working with two major algorithm changes and Penguin

is the front-facing component.

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Immediate Impact: May

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What Are Social Signals?

• Top Level • Google+ Shares (Google Only) • Facebook Shares (Bing Heavy) • Twitter (Works for Both Equally)

• Second Level • Pinterest and Instagram • LinkedIn

• Third Level • Tumblr (Not the Blog Links) • Delicious, Reddit, StumbleUpon

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Why/How They Work

• For the Page • 30%-35% Content • 30%-35% Links • 30%-35% Social

• Social = Search • Google’s and Bing’s

love for crowdsourcing • Trust factor without

the gaming • Verifiable authority

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Why/How They Work

• For the Domain • Page Authority

transferred through links

• Domain Authority permeates throughout

• Consistent flow is better than bursts, but…

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Your Challenge

• Buttons Are Not Social Media • Real people don’t share inventory • Real people don’t share specials • Real people don’t share testimonials

Give real people real content worth sharing.

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Content Worth Sharing

• It doesn’t have to be in the menu. In fact, it often shouldn’t be.

• What content would YOU share? • Great pictures of cars • Great pictures of your city • Local events and organizations • Infographics

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The Reality of Power

• Not all accounts are created equal.

• Sharable doesn’t mean that it’ll be shared.

• “Fake it ‘til you make it.”

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Building Power

• Employees have power.

• Friends and family have power.

• Use events to bring the power to the store.

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Final Words

• “There’s a perception that everything will

go social and links will be obsolete but I

wouldn’t write the epitaph for links just yet.”

~ Matt Cutts, Google

• Do NOT ignore this thinking that your

competitors won’t do it.

• Think quality over quantity when creating


• Get HELP! (the heartfelt pitch for DU)

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