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Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in

February 2004. Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg. A

January 2009 study ranked Facebook as the most

used social networking service by worldwide monthly active users.

Facebook launched a high-school version in September 2005.

Facebook later expanded membership eligibility to employees of

several companies, including and Microsoft. Facebook

was then opened on September 26, 2006, to everyone of age 13 and

older with a valid email address. On October 24, 2007, Microsoft

announced that it had purchased a 1.6% share of Facebook for

$240 million, giving Facebook a total implied value of around

$15 billion. In September 2009, Facebook said that it had turned

cash-flow positive for the first time. In early 2011, Facebook

announced plans to move to its new headquarters, the former Sun

Microsystems campus in Menlo Park.California.

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Dorsey introduced the idea of an individual using an SMS service to communicate with a small group. The original project code name for the service was twttr. Work on the project started on March 21, 2006, when Dorsey published the first Twitter message. In October 2006, Biz Stone, Evan Williums, Dorsey, and other members of Odeoformed Obvious Corporation and acquired Odeoand all of its assets–including and–from the investors and. In June 2008, Twitter launched a verification program, allowing celebrities to get their accounts verified. On September 7, 20011, Twitter announces that it has 100 million active users logging in at least once a month and 50 million active users everyday.

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Google+ is a social networking and identity

service owned and operated by Google Inc. It is

the second-largest social networking site in the

world, having surpassed Twitter in January 2013. It

has approximately 359 million active users.

As of May 2013, it had a total of 500 million

registered users, of whom 235 million are active in

a given month. Google has described Google+ as

a "social layer" that enhances many of its online

properties, unlike conventional social networks

generally accessed through a single website.

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Social networking

sites, over the past few

years, have increased

in popularity so much

that many are

wondering why???

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They do not charge a single penny

to create an account, update status

or to upload pictures and videos

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Uploading videos, sharing

photos, playing games, chat with

friends etc…

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Social networking sites help you get in touch with those people whom you no longer meet in your everyday life such as buddies from

school, colleges or work…

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• Most of the companies are turning towards

these sites for advertisement purpose.

• Ads targeted for people belonging to

certain area have ultimately helped the

companies in maximizing profit.

• Use of these sites for the purpose of

targeted ads and publicity.

• The geographical information about a

person is known.

• Marketing: moreover, it helps in spreading

the word all over the world

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Youngsters often call their friends ‘un cool’ if they don’t have a face book account (or

social networking sites). It’s pretty much a basic requirement, these days, if you want

to get on with people. There have been several reports regarding sexual predators and safety issues due to which, many of the social networking sites have tightened their policy and security guidelines. Still, social networking sites can reach to huge number of people with varied interests. As a result, Social networking sites continue to rise in


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Phishing is the attempt to obtain confidential user information by

camouflaging as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication,

usually in the form of an e-mail or instant messenger. This is where URL

spoofing comes into play. Electric communications substituting as

messages sent from companies such as eBay, PayPal, Youtube and online

banks are a common camouflage for scam artists.

The infected e-mails or messages usually direct a user to enter confidential

information into an illegitimate website, where the attacker can easily gain

access the users details.

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Cyber stalking is literally harassing and following another

person online. Social networking sites open up many doors for

cyber stalking.

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URL spoofing is when one website poses as another website for malicious reasons. This assail involves the cloning of a legitimate web page, such as a bank site. The cloned site is created on another server under the control of the scam artist and is created to deceive users into believing they are on a trusted site. Users then proceed using passwords or account details on this cloned website, allowing the attacker to happily steal and utilize the information for illicit reasons.

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•Guard your financial and other

sensitive information

•Picture social networking sites as

billboards in cyberspace

•Be cautious about meeting your

new cyber friends in person

•Think twice before clicking on links

or downloading attachments in


•Protect your computer

•Beware of con artists

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