Page 1: Social media marketing strategies

*Social Media Marketing Strategies for Autopartsmate

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* Maximum engagement if you know few things about your TG

Who is your audience

When do they come online

What time works for you

How to engage them

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* Applications Based Facebook Plan

Campaign Name: “Road Rash”

Campaign Type: Life Time

Concept: Two Types

1- Based on Game: We can develop the game on facebook based on point. We need few information from audiences name, email id, Phone number, country.

Game Type: More about product knowledge, experience, service OR only entertainment based.

Objective: Build the database, Engagement Rate , Social Promotions, Product/ Business marketing, Game build the Revenue.

2- More Play get more Points in your account: Here We can integrate the product in to swap and fix the value. If Some one playing the game and they have crossed the level and they ll get auto points in the account and they ll claim for it on site.

Example: Many travel agencies or online gaming sites are providing this options and they are growing.

Note: Game concept is generating revenue. I have good skill in Facebook game.

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* Contest: Tag your Friends

Campaign Name: Crazy Connections

Campaign Type: Weekly, Monthly

Example of the Game:

1. Same as the 1st contest; Number will be announced on the wall, e.g. 7

2. Fans will have to tag 7 of their friends as comment.

3. Fastest will win.

4. Prize could be credits

Objective: Idea is to go viral, more and more people will get to know about the page as fans keep on tagging.

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* Character Launch

We can have those 3 characters launched on the Autopartsmate•We will ask fans to mention(tag) their one friend who they think resembles the most with the character and why.•Fans will have to give reasons of why they chose that particular friend.•Most hilarious comparison will win credit points•Objective: Concept of different characters can be very well clarified with this type of launch. We will also be able to know how fans are seeing/associating these characters. We can introduce our product and business by character.•Success Characters: Vodafone ZooZoo, Goibibo etc.

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* Polls

*What will you do if you win $10,000 today?

Play Bingo Saving PartyDon’t know


Objective: Polls are capable of reaching out to the masses because FB gives option of ‘Ask your friends’; in this way reach of polls is higher.

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* Photo Uploads

On regular basis photos should be uploaded.Photos could be of:• Various Cars, Vintage car, Favotite Model in BMW, AUDI, etc..•Contest winners•Top fans•Autopartsmate related•Pictures can be wall photos or album uploads

Objective: Photos generate more impressions, that’s why it is suggested to upload pictures on regular basis. Or wall updates should have pictures attached to them.

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* Grab the Hottest Autopartsmate Offers:

Approach the audiences with Best offers in Facebook.

1- Give the extra benefits with Unique Code offer on Auto parts.

Suggested tab:

1- Welcome page

2- Product Show Case

3- Customer Support

4- Cross connections to the the Blog, Twitter site.

5- Campaign Result

5- Testimonials/ Customer Express

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* Attract more fans through Ads

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* Twitter Plan

1. Use the #tag with keywords for tweet.

2. Follow the right audience.

3. Retweet the other relevant content.

4. Reply to the people with @(Mention).

5. Follow the twitter trend from advance search.

6. Promote the Autopartsmate site, event, offers & services in real time online groups.

7. Use the shortner link in Twitter post.. Measure the analytic from shortner.

8. Maintain 7-8 tweets a day and 5-6 Re-tweets.

9. Promote your real business link in Twitter atleast 45 re-tweets on your business link.

10. Use the Unique code for shopping on site “AUTOPARTSMATE” for Twitter & Facebook

Objective: Twitter is the best place for the promotion of the money exchange, trend, product service provider etc.

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* LinkedIn, YouTube,& G+ Plan:

* LinkedIn is the real business networking site. Here we can promote our business in real person.

* Follow the relevant group.

* Create the conversations in the group.

* Reply to the right person with link.


1- Connect the YoTube channel to Facebook and post the best Road rash videos on the YouTube business profile.

2- Boost the Youtube Subscriptions with best videos.

3- YouTube Views and Impression are provided the Google/other search ranks in top.


1- Now G+ has a good place for the marketing point view.

Here we can promote our brand and business as Facebook and we can connect to the people.

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* Final Social Circle

* Integrate the Blog in website and post the research content in the blog.

* Blog can generate the unique traffic from referral site to website.

* Use the Social Book marking sites for the online presence.

* Example: Stmpleupon, Reddit, PR sites etc.

* Use the social plugin in the site.

* Integrate the Pop-up your latest campaign in the site.

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*ROI measurement

*Let me first address the ‘Can’ part first:

*If you are selling a product or service, the easiest way to calculate the ROI of your social media efforts is by tracking the visitors that come to your website via social media channels and how many of them convert into customers.You can track this using any advanced Analytics tool. Even Google Analytics can help you track it.

*If you are running a discount campaign, you can use Facebook Offers. Your ROI here will involve the amount of time and ad money you spent on promoting the offer and the total profit earned by selling those products.You will be using specific discount codes when running Facebook Offers, so you can easily track the sales by tracking the redemption of those codes.

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*Thanks LumanRajeev Ranjan Singh


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