
Soaring Highwith Blogging

Beth Lamb

Soaring High with BloggingBeth Lamb

About Me

I teach 6th grade Earth Science at William James Middle School in Statesboro, Georgia. I teach 105 students during four 70 minute classes.I have been teaching at WJMS since 2000.I was named TOTY for 2011.

Blogging in the Classroom…Why Use

Communication Tool with ParentsClass newslettersClass calendars

4th grade


Blogging in the Classroom…Why Use

Teaching ToolHomework assignmentsSupplemental websites

Blogging in the Classroom…Why Use

Student involvementCommenting on postsContent specific questions for students to answer

What I Use

WordpressVery easyCan add pictures, videos and text with just a few clicksCan tag posts so that if someone searches, only the ones related to the search are visible

How I Use Blogging in My Classroom

Videos off of YouTube– Filter ads

Websites that I use in lessonsClass questions on earth science topicsCurrent events in earth science Organize resources

All resources of these types are in a common location Easy for students and parents to find

Screen Shots of Blog

You tube videos

Management Issues

Permission formsLetter

How to access blog and why we are using blog

Spreadsheet to keep up with permission to publish and bonus points

I give bonus points for students that participate in the blog They do not have to be able to publish to receive the points

Management Issues

Can access blog at school, home, public library, etc. Comments

ModerateCan still participate if not publishOnly publish first name and last initial

Student CommentsEnd of 9 weeks question

Water Cycle Song

Current Events

Space Probe Current Event

Divisions of Earth Science

My Contact Information

Elizabeth LambWilliam James Middle SchoolEmail: [email protected]: http://lambsearthscience.wordpress.comSchool website:– Teacher websites– Click on Elizabeth Lamb


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