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1. DOKLMEN NEGARA. umum r KAI (ASIA 13 47. What is the synonym of the word *fresh'? A.OldB.New C.Urgent D.PresentQuestions 48-50 refer to the following announcement! Police are trying to locate Miss Elsie Pcarson.age 70, who disappeared from Kurnias Home for the Elderiy on Wednesday night.Miss Pearson is 165 centimeters tall,weighs 100 kilograms.and has short brown hair.She wears thick glasses.has a light complexion, and brown eyes.When last seen she was wearing a shon blue jacket,brown slack and black shoes. 48. What is the announcement about?A.A missing person.B.A police`s research.C.Kumia's Home for ederly.D.Miss Pearson's appearance. 49. How is Miss Pearsonis appearance?A.She`s overwcight.B.She's ideal weight.C.Shes slim.D.Shes Tiny. SO.Which statement is true aboui Miss Pcarson?A.She is an old lady.B.She vas wearing a blue dress.C.She has brown hair and black eyes.D.She left Kurnia's home in the moming. | ;2-P68-2007;2008 "l lak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan-BALITBANG DEPDIKNAS

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