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600-602 PETCHBURI ROAD BANGKOK 10400, THAILANDTELP. (662) 2523135 – 40 EXT. 143, 167, 182E-mail : [email protected]



Day: 1st ENGLISH7th grade


Day/date : Tuesday, June 1st 2010

Time : 08.00 – 10.00 a.m.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:1. Pray before you do the test.2. Read the instruction for each number carefully. 3. Do the test from the easiest one.4. Do not leave any single question unanswered.5. Use a pen to answer the questions.6. Make sure that your handwriting is readable.7. Reread your answer before you submit your answer sheet.8. Part I is a multiple choice test. Just cross the right answer on the alphabet of the options.

In case you want to change the answer, just double cross the previous answer horizontally. Example:Previous answer:

a. c.b. d.

Desired answer: a. c.b. d.

9. Part II is an essay test. You must answer the questions completely according to each instruction.10. Cheating is crime.

I Read all the instructions for each question, then choose the best answer to it.

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Observe the picture, then answer the questions number 1 and 2. 1. Which instruction goes to it?

a. Choose your favorite foodb. Listen to me, pleasec. Shut up!d. Sit down

2. What might the kid say to his mom?a. Nice picture d. I want ice creamb. Let’s go home e. The food is delicious

3. Complete the dialogue with the suitable word group.Your mate : Do you know how to create a new facebook account?You : Sure.

Do you know the 1) ... step?Your mate : Yes.

Go to facebook. I don’t know the 2) ... step.

You : 3) ... the green “Sign Up” button.Your mate : Then?You : 4) ... the registration form.Your mate : May I leave some of the field?You : I suggest that you 5)... all of the fields to continue.Your mate : Then?You : 6) … your email by clicking the confirmation link within

the email that is automatically sent to the address you provided.

Your mate : Is that all?You : No. 7) … some friend requests if people have previously

invited you to Facebook, or you can search your friends.Your mate : Sounds simple.You : It isYour mate : OK.

Thanks. I’ll try it.You : Enjoy it.

a. 5-2-1-4-6-3-7 c. 5-2-3-4-7-1-6b. 5-2-4-6-7-5-1 d. 5-2-4-3-6-1-7

4. Which one is the right instruction?a. Go ahead c. I will go ahead b. I go ahead d. I am going ahead

5. Pay attention to this man. What do you think he will do?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7click next confirm fill out first complete accept

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a. huntb. go scoutingc. go swimmingd. climb a mountain

6. The man doesn’t need these things to do his activitya. rope, hat , stickb. rope, anchor, compassc. back pack, food, compassd. swimming board, umbrella, spatula

7. Complete these sentences with the right group of words.

a. refrigerator, telephone, sun block, matb. air conditioner, tent, mat, telephone c. tent, mat, sun glasses, sun blockd. bed, sun glasses, telephone, tent

8. Which of these persons prepares proper things to do their activity?a. Agatha, ”I will play tennis. Then I need a recket, balls, a hat,

sport shoes and sport clothes.

On Saturday, February 27th, 2010, my family and I visited Khao Kaew Zoo to have camping. I prepared things I need to go camping, such as 1)…, 2)…, 3)… , and 4) … .

To my surprise, I didn’t need all things I prepared. The management has provided the tent, and everything is available inside it. Even, it is completed with air conditioner, telephone, refrigerator and bed. How nice. Now I know why my dad told me not to bring anything.

(editted from Hanif’s assignment)


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b. Brenda, “I will have a picnic next week end. I have to prepare change of clothes and money. I do not have to bring any food or drink”.

c. Candra, “My father and I will go cycling next Sunday. I need to check the gasoline”.

d. Donny, “My mom will make me a birthday cake. She has bought vegetables, nut, eggs, and butter”.

Read the text carefully, then answer the questions on number 9 and 10.

9. How much did the baby weigh when it was born?a. 3 pounds, 8 ounces c. 8 pounds, 3 ouncesb. 7 pounds, 25 ounces d. 20 pounds, 5 ounces

10. How old is the baby now?a. 1 year 3 months old c. 1 year 9 months oldb. 1 year 8 months old d. 2 years old

11. Which group of words is suitable to complete the paragraph based on the information below?


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To 1) ... Alexander Zuckermann who 2) ... 3 years ago, a family and friend celebration will be conducted. The celebration will be in the form of 3) ... and 4) ... . Join us soon.

a. celebrate, dies, cycling, concertb. celebrate, was born, cycling, concertc. commemorate, passed away, cycling, concertd. conduct a concert, passed away, cycling, memorizing

12. Which of these texts is an announcement?




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a. I c. IIIb. II d. IV

Read this text, then answer the questions number 13 and 14.

13. Who send(s) a greeting card?a. Ova c. Fiar and Haninb. Fiar d. Hanin adn Ova

14. What occasion is the greeting card for?a. Birthday c. Graduationb. Success d. New born baby

15. Complete these sentence(s) with the suitable group of words.

a. Congratulations, May, fulfill, b. May, Congratulations, accomodatec. Congratulations, May, accomodated. Congratulations, Hope, accomodate

16. Whose greeting makes sense?a. Edgar, “Congratulations on your graduation. May I call you?”

Dear Ova,


Fiar & Hanin

To Mr. Gunawan,

1)... for your new posting as the principal of SIB, and join us in educating the students.2) ... you be able to bring us to success, 3) ... our need.

The teachers of SIB.


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b. Fanny, “Congratulations on your new baby born. May you be successful”.

c. Herbert, “Congratulations on your new position. Don’t forget to pray to God”.

d. Ghea, “Congratulations on your being the winner of the contest. I’m proud of you”.

Read this text, then answer the questions number 17 up to 19.

..My Idol..

Justin Bieber is a pop-R & B singer from Canada who was born in Stratford, Ontario on March 1st, 1994.

He began his career at the age of 12 years. After that he has a motivation to hone the talent to sing and also play musical instruments, e.g. drums, guitar, piano, and trumpet.

So far he only lived with his mother named Pattie Mallete.One moment, Justin enrolled in a local singing competition and won at Stratford as a runner-up. At the end of 2007, Pattie began uploading videos of Justin to YouTube.

Scooter Braun, a former marketing executive saw the video and immediately flew to Atlanta, Georgia and met with the singer and writer of Usher. A week later, Justin called to follow the tape with Antonio LA Reid at Island Records. At that time Justin and his mother began to move to Atlanta, Georgia with Usher and Braun to continue his career.

Now he is busy preparing his second album of expenditure which is "My World Part 2" a continuation of his first album entitled "My World". Justin Bieber is very famous in the world as a young singer who has a lot of capabilities in the field of music that comes from Canada.

I’m one of his fans. I like him because he’s so cute and multitalented singer, although he is still young.I hope Justin Bieber will come to Indonesia and I can meet him.

(Edited from Hany’s assignment)

17. Which paragraphs describe the beginning of Justin’s career?a. I and II c. III and IVb. II and III d. IV and V

18. Paragraph II tells us ... .a. Justin’s business b. The identity of Justin Beiberc. The success of Justin’s careerd. The starting point of Justin’s career

19. The finding of Justin by a producer is stated in paragraph … .a. I c. IIIb. II d. IV


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20. What does the text above want to describe?a. Justin’s fameb. Justin Beiberc. Justin’s careerd. Justin’s mom’s effort

21. Which sentence makes sense of a descriptive text?a. Justin Beiber was a young famous singer.b. Justin Beiber is a young famous singer.c. Justin Beiber will be a young famous singer.d. Justin Beiber is going to be a young famous singer.

22. Which sentence makes sense of a descriptive text?a. Justin Beiber was very cute.b. Justin Beiber has blonde hair.c. Justin Beiber lived with his mom.d. Justin Beiber combed his hair forward.

23. What is the structure of the text?a. Identification-Descriptionb. General statement-Eventsc. Orientation-Complication-Resolutiond. Identification-Description-Conclusion

Read this text, and answer the questions number 24 up to 26

How to insert SIM Card Cell phone

Cell phone is a modern communication device which connects one to the others by voice, written message and data. However this device cannot work until the SIM card is inserted. When inserting the SIM Card to cell phone, make sure that the cell phone has been switched off and follow the direction bellow:

First of all, press the locking catch and slide the cover then lift it off the phone. After that, push two catches in the opposite directions and remove the battery. Next, slide the SIM card carefully into the slot and make sure that the golden connect arson are facing to the connector of the phone. Then, put the battery and align it until snaps into its place. Finally, insert the two catches of the back cover corresponding slot in the phone and slide the cover forward button of the phone until locks into place. Don't forget to switch on the cell phone. Wait until it is ready to use.

24. What should we do first, before we insert the SIM card in the cellphone?a. Remove the battery.b. Switch on the cellphone.c. Lift the cover off the phone.d. Put the battery into the cellphone.

25. What should we do before we use our cell phone according to the text?a. Don’t forget to switch on the phone.b. Wait until the cell phone is ready to use.c. Wait until the SIM card is ready to use.


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d. Return the battery into the cell phone.

26. The battery is returned to its place after … .a. the cell phone is switched off.b. the cell phone is ready to use.c. the cover of the cell phone locks it. d. the SIM card is inserted into the cell phone.

27. The text above tells us how to ... .a. use a cellphoneb. make a call with a cellphonec. intall a SIM card in the cell phoned. insert a SIM card into a cell phone

28. Which of these words is not related with procedure text?a. Method c. Way b. Technique d. Plan

29. This is not the social function of a procedure text ... .To tell us ... .

a. how to do somethingb. how something is donec. how to make somethingd. how to entertain someone

30. Which of these sentences does not make correct instruction?a. First, fills out the registration form.b. Then, attach your photo on the card.c. Don’t forget to signature your card.d. You are now a member of the library.

Read the text carefully, then choose the right word to fill in the blanks. This is to answer question number 31 up to 34.

Do you know how to ride on a horse?

First 31) … the saddle on the horse and tighten the girth belt Then put on your protective hard hat and leather soled riding

boots Now 32) … on the left side of the horse and put your left foot in the

stirrup. Hold onto the reins and the saddle and 33) … your right leg over the

horse. Gather the reins into your hands and gently squeeze the horse with

your thighs to start walking forward. 34) … the reins gently to stop.

31. a. Place c. Swingb. Take d. Throw


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32. a. Sit c. Standb. Knee d. Dance

33. a. Jerk c. Foldb. Swing d. Walk

34. a. Pull c. Hitb. Push d. Tap

35. Rearrange these sentences into a coherent descriptive text. 1. It's nothing fancy, just a Yamaha guitar. 2. My most valuable possession is an old, slightly warped blond

guitar--the first instrument I taught myself how to play. 3. At the top is a bramble of copper-wound strings. 4. The body of the Yamaha is shaped like an enormous yellow pear,

one that was slightly damaged in shipping. 5. The strings are stretched down a long, slim neck.

The best arrangement for these sentences is … .a. 2-3-5-4-1 c. 1-2-3-4-5b. 2-1-5-4-3 c. 1-2-5-3-4

Read the text carefully, then choose the right word to fill in the blanks. This is to answer question number 36 up to 39.

Central World

CentralWorld 31) … the 2nd largest shopping mall complex in Southeast Asia after SM City North EDSA of the Philippines. The complex, which 32) … a hotel and office tower, is owned by the Central Pattana. In 2006, after three years of design and renovation, the expanded, 550,000 square metres of shopping mall and 1,024,000 square metres of complex was 33) …, topping its nearby rival Siam Paragon.

Aimed squarely at Bangkok's middle classes and any passing tourists, this enormous mall is a good place to go if

you are looking for a "shop until you drop" experience. It's not as cheap as MBK, and not quite as supermarket as nearby Siam Paragon - but it 34) … feature a couple of large department stores, a "Toys R Us", 3 decent English-language bookshops and a multiplex cinema - as well as more stores than you can count, never mind get around in a day. You won't generally find many (any?) fake goods here - rather this is a good place to look for genuine brands. Lots of places to eat and drink as well, and it's also a good place to go for a wander in the daytime, when it's too hot outside!


36. a. is c. will beb. was d. are


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37. a. included c. includingb. includes d. include

38. a. open c. openedb. opens d. opening

39. a. do c. doneb. did d. does

40. Rearrange these sentences into a coherent procedure text. 1. Here are the steps.2. Planting chili is a nice activity in our spare time. 3. The following is guided information on how to plant a chili-plant easily. 4. Next, wait it.5. Firstly, dry a handful seeding under the sunlight.6. Secondly, put the seeding on the soil. 7. It should be in open area.8. Finally, put it in another big pot. 9. There will come out the sprout after that let it be bigger.10. It will soon grow bigger and bigger and yield us some fresh chilies soon.

The best arrangement for these sentences is … .a. 2-5-7-6-4-9-8-10-3-1 c. 2-1-3-5-6-7-4-9-8-10b. 2-3-1-5-7-6-4-9-8-10 d. 2-3-1-5-6-8-7-10-9-4

II Answer all the questions completely according to each instruction.

1. Make 2 instructions based on these white board-book-open-door-switch on-air conditioner-hot-garbage-recycle bin-put-in

2. Make an announcement related with your school.

3. Write a greeting card on Lebaran event.

4. Observe this picture, then describe it in at least 5 sentences.

5. Look at these list of things. What can you do with it? Write a good procedure text. Don’t forget to write the goal, materials and the steps how to do it.


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