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Spiritual Insight for New Converts in Christ Jesus

Minister Annesah Nasheed A.U.G.

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Author’s Note to Readers

Thank you for taking the time to read the Sneak Peeks to my books The Gospel Truth Made Simple,

Just Like God Planned It. This work is a complete series of four volumes. We strongly recommend our readers

follow the Scripture references when you come to them to get the full benefit from this work. Simply reading

the work without going to the Scripture references as suggested may cause vital Truth’s to be missed. The

Gospel Truth Made Simple, Just Like God Planned It Volumes One through Four will answer many of the

questions new converts and struggling Christians may have.

You will find Scriptural Truth that the majority of churches do not clarity allowing the reader to make

sense of Scripture for themselves. We discuss many Doctrinal subjects including Dispensations. Readers will

see the importance of distinguish the differences between Law and Grace. The Gospel Truth Made Simple,

Just Like God Planned It, is a great resource tool for Christians of all ages guaranteed to bring readers to a new

awareness in Truth as it is laid out in Scripture.

The objective of Born-Again believers is to grow in Grace as they journey down the road to Christian

maturity. Growth like Salvation is a continual process and the Holy Spirit is nudging the church of man to

awake from their satanic slumber, and adjuring the Body of Christ to seek Truth for them self to avoid their

suffering loss. Believer’s has to choose Truth to hear what the Spirit is saying to His Church. The hour is later

than we realize; the watchman cries on the wall pleading with the church of man to make its path straight and

to put on Truth’s garment.

The church of man is in spiritual bondage, and blind to God’s whole Truth. The church of man is

deceived and those who are deceived are deceiving the people of God in many areas. If you have plans to

participate in the wedding feast of the Lamb, the Spirit of God says each participant must be clothed in Truth,

being without spot or wrinkle. I have been walking in the liberty of Christ Jesus for many years, but I would still

be in bondage to man’s church if the Holy Spirit had not brought me into Scriptural Truths that made me free.

Now, I am obligated to share what the Holy Spirit has showed me with others, this is why He has set

Scripture passages in place to back up every word written on the pages of this work. He is leaving whatever

disputes, issues, controversies, and arguments that arise from this work, not with me as the author, but with

Him. Throughout this work the Holy Spirit gives spiritual nourishment to the desiring soul; educating,

correcting, encouraging, and blessing the reader with Truth that makes you totally free.

Our Apostle Paul encouraged Timothy to follow his example as he followed Christ. We can’t follow

man’s example today they are way off base building their own kingdoms on earth. Leaders of the church of

man will quickly say to their followers, “Don’t follow me follow Jesus.” Although there is a smidgen of Truth to

that statement, we were given our very own Apostle by God to follow but how many of us have been told this

simple basic Truth.

Satan will always add a smidgen of Truth to his mountain of lies; he knows exactly what is needed to

make any truthful teaching false. Christ said it take a little leaven, to spoil the whole lump. Satan uses just

enough error to distort God’s Truth, and the majority of believers are falling for it, hook, line, and sinker. The

church of man is filled with defeated Christians in need of Truth to walk in the liberty wherein Christ Jesus has

made us free. Christ said, “Whoever does not receive me, nor heed my words, as I go out of that house or that

city, shake the dust off my feet as a testimony against them.”

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Truth, when sought makes us free, and the words on these pages will be the beginning step in the right

direction for many. The Body of Christ is the Church Christ is building, a spiritual building not one with physical

walls. It is a spiritual house of living stones joined together with mortar of love forming the spiritual structure

with Christ Jesus the foundation man is to build upon. The Church our Lord is building is not a building made

with hands; we are a spiritual building, and the Holy Spirit of God dwells in us.

It is Truth we know and substantiate by Scripture that will not go up in a puff of smoke when evaluated

by the penetrating eyes of Christ Jesus. Truth provides believers with the building materials needed for liberty

found in Christ, and Christ’ liberty makes us free to serve the Father in spirit and Truth. I do not forsake the

assembling of myself with other believers, and I do not apologize for not having an interest in the steeple

monuments built by man called church. I am the Church that Christ is building, the church is in me. I am the

temple of the Holy Spirit.

Truth allows believers to stand when the consuming evaluating fire reveal our work done on earth

whether it was done for the glory of Christ or the glory of man. I happily confess that I no longer buy into a

denominational affiliation designed by man for his profit. My Lord put a stop to that when He revealed to me

Truth. Christ Jesus is not coming back to receive a church building, or a paid affiliation; He is coming back to

receive a spiritual house. The church of man is not producing what our Lord is expecting at His appearing, and

many sincere believers are caught up in a religious pretence. They think they are making the mark, but in

reality they are far from it.

Satan’s hands are all in man’s church, and man’s fleshly desires cause him to fail to respond to God’s

call for Truth. Resisting the Truth instead of the devil has hardened the people’s hearts, and the Spirit of Truth

who called us out of darkness into His marvelous Light is being ignored and trampled underfoot. We have this

brief season to get it right, our eternity has begun. The day we were Born-Again we were made Ambassadors

for Christ Jesus; Minister’s of the Reconciliation. The church of man cannot compare their church assemblies

to God’s blueprint for His true Church because it will always be found wanting. The church of man withers

spiritually due to its starving for God’s Truth.

You may be asking yourself, who or what qualifies me to write these things? My credentials did not

come from a man. My calling is from the Master Educator, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and as a result, I

hold the highest degree in the land. I am approved unto God. I hold an, A.U.G. My credentials come from the

Institution of Highest Learning. Back when the Holy Spirit initiated this work, He did not stop there; He was

with me the entire time. He carried out this work from beginning to end. Truthfully speaking, I am an ordinary

woman who was miraculously saved and delivered out of demon possession and filled with a genuine love for

all people.

The Holy Spirit made me concerned first for my own spiritual growth, health, and well-being; and now

yours. I tell you the Truth, the Holy Spirit is saddened by the quality of believers the church of man is

producing; and I am saddened to see how few believers are concerned with securing their destiny in Truth,

being content believing everything that come out of the mouth of man. This is a big mistake that the masses

are making. I have been a Born-Again Christian for over 29 years and the same man-made teachings that I was

taught back then are still being taught to new converts today.

My many un-answered questions were the motivating factor that sent me into the study of God’s

Word for myself. Back when I was following man as my leader instead of the Holy Spirit, I had many questions

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and I asked questions receiving conflicting answers that made no sense to me, and literally kept me baffled,

speculating, bound, and confused. I cried to God so much until the Holy Spirit placed a true man of God and a

woman of God in my life as spiritual mentors, and from that time to the present; I have been a devoted and

dedicated student of the Holy Spirit. Truth is here and available to those who seek it. Truth never change, and

Truth will be standing when all else has fallen. I choose God’s Truth over man-made fiction, and you as a Born-

Again believer would be wise to do the same.

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Spiritual Insight for New Converts in Christ Jesus

Minister Annesah Nasheed A.U.G.

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This book is written in loving memory of my late parents, Alexander Wilbert Stevens and Lucille

Stevens. It is dedicated to my family and all the readers who are seeking spiritual growth and

knowledge in Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit in Truth.

© December 11, 2006 LOCCN TXu1-329-969 - ISBN - 978-0-9792970-VOLUMES1-4 Published by Fruits of Liberty Association of Five Fold Ministries

All rights to these works belong to Christ Jesus, and given to the people of the world. Permission is granted to

share this work as long as it is done without charge and in its original context. My personal belief is that the

Word of God cannot be sold; it is a gift to you and me from God the Father, and our Lord Christ Jesus. The

Truth comes to the seeking man from the Holy Spirit without charge, to the glory of God for man’s awakening

and renewing. Quotations in articles and reviews concerning these works are acceptable and welcomed, in

accuracy. None of these works may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted in any form, or

by any means electronic, mechanical, recorded, or other without written permission from Fruits of Liberty

Association of Five Fold Ministries.

This book was manufactured in the United States of America. All Scripture quotations within are from the Amplified Version of the Bible except where otherwise indicated. Author: Minister Annesah Nasheed-Bullock Cover Design: Christian Graphics

Editor: Gloria Murray – Southfield Michigan

Footnotes: Luchyna Kimbrel – Knoxville, TN

Book Design: Minister Annesah Nasheed-Bullock

Contact Information: Fruits of Liberty Association of Five Fold Ministries

Attention: Minister Annesah

Web Page:

Email Address: [email protected]

Permission Notifications - Art - Christian Graphics Deluxe

William J. Murray Story - RFC -

Bill & Margaret Agards –

Art Graphics: Armor man - Wolf - Cat-o-nine-tails are by UN-know Artist

- R K Campbell’s Believers Bookshelf - /

Disclaimer: My brethren, if anyone among you strays from the Truth and falls into error and another [person]

brings him back [to God], Let the [latter] one be sure that whoever turns a sinner from his evil course will save

[that one’s] soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins [procure the pardon of the many sins committed

by the convert] (James 5: 19).

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Thanks again for purchasing The Gospel Truth Made Simple, Just Like God Planned It. Our main

intention is to enlighten believers and bring to them fresh revelation that will set them on course. My prayer

is that all who read these pages would find the Knowledge and Truth needed to walk in the Liberty wherein

Christ Jesus has made us free. The center of attention is towards new converts in Christ Jesus and those

struggling in their daily Christian walk.

May God bless you as you experience The Gospel Truth Made Simple, Just Like God Planned It. I must

admit to you that some controversy may arise due to the Truth that some of these writings go against the

grain of the masses. When people do not know Truth, it is because they have not dug deep down into the

Scriptures causing different reactions especially on topics such as: How Did We Get in This Mess, The

Unpardonable Sin, Two Sabbaths, and Giving under Grace.

These works have been in the making for many years, and all of the contents have Scripture references

in place to confirm and assure readers that what is said can be easily traced in Scripture for Truth and

accuracy. I rejoice in knowing that whatever arguments may arise from this work can all be settled in the

Word of God as the final authority. Each reader is asked to verify Scripture references using as many Biblical

translations he or she may choose. Doing this will help the reader to see the Truth more clearly.

The Scripture references in these writings are taken mostly from the Amplified Bible unless otherwise

indicated. I really love the Message Bible and you will get a kick out of its translations also. Searching out the

Scripture references for each section as you arrive at them is beneficial to the understanding process of this

work. Reading the Scriptures as you arrive at them allows the reader to not only know and understand what I

am saying, but to also know and understand what the Word of God says on the particular subject. God’s Word

is quick, powerful and sharper than any two-edge sword. Scripture does not need to be defended by me or

anyone; God’s Word is capable of defending itself.

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My Doctrinal Statement of Faith

I believe there is One God eternally existent in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God

the Holy Spirit who are infinite, eternal and unchanging in holiness, power, wisdom, goodness, justice and

Truth. I believe the Bible is God’s inspired Word, the only inerrant, authoritative rule of faith and obedience;

and that it is without error in the original manuscripts. I believe that God made everything for His good

pleasure and that for the display of His eternal power, wisdom and goodness.

I believe man was created perfect, sinless and immortal in His image, and that He charged man, both

male and female together with the care of the world to govern and preserve it for His glory. I believe that

humanity as a whole fell from that perfectness becoming a fallen race of sinners because of Adam’s willful and

conscience decision to disobey his Creator and sin making all of humanity guilty and fallen. I believe in the

Deity of our Lord Christ Jesus, in His virgin birth, sinless life, His miracles, and His atoning death through His

shed Blood for all choosing to make Him Lord and Savior. I believe in His bodily resurrection and ascension.

I believe in the Power of Christ’s Resurrection, and His intercessory work. I believe that Salvation is by

Grace alone through faith in the finished work of Christ Jesus, and that faith without works is dead. I believe

Christ Jesus is seated on the Father of Creation’s right hand, making intercessions for all believers; and that as

a believer in Christ Jesus, we have an adversary, Satan. I believe that Satan accuses believers of sin crimes

before God night and day. I believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit and by His indwelling believers,

we are enabled to live a godly life. I believe in the spiritual unity of believers and that the Kingdom of God’s

dear Son will consist of all past and present saints.

Eschatological speaking, I adamantly believe the Body of Christ will be Caught Up to meet Christ Jesus

after the deceased in Christ are resurrected first, all to occur prior to the seven years of Tribulation. I believe

that at the catching away every Blood bought, Blood washed believer will receive rewards from God along

with their new body fit for eternity. I believe that all the Body of Christ will be with Christ Jesus when He

returns the Second time in all of His glory to finalize the Tribulation with the Battle of Armageddon. I believe

that when the Battle of Armageddon ends, Christ Jesus sets up His Kingdom on Earth.

I believe that believers are not appointed to God’s wrath as His sons. I believe Satan will be

incarcerated for a short time and that the Body of Christ will reign and rule with Christ during that thousand

years, and after the rebellion led by released Satan is completed, every single lost person, who loved darkness

rather than Light will have his or her moment before the Judge. I believe in the resurrection of both the just

and the unjust. I believe that man will be either saved to the resurrection of life or lost to the resurrection of


I believe the Lord Christ Jesus Himself at the Great White Throne Judgment will judge unbelievers of all

generations separating them for their final destination. I believe at which time the lost will receive a new body

designed for their eternal destination. I believe every earth born person will receive just rewards according to

the deeds done in their body while here on earth. I believe that Hell was not prepared for man, but because of

man’s earthly choices, many will end up there.

I believe that Satan, and his cohort’s will all go to their place, the Lake of Fire. I believe that Hell and all

of its occupants will be thrown into the Lake of Fire and when all is done, the earth will be delivered from the

bondage of corruption into liberty as Christ Jesus, delivers the earth and man from the curse; restoring all

things to its original Creation as intended by the Father as "The kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of

our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever" (Revelation 11: 15).

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Taken from Volume One

How Did We Get In This Mess .................................................................................................................... 12

Taken from Volume Two

What Foundation Are We Building On ....................................................................................................... 21

Taken from Volume Three

Purpose of the Tithe .................................................................................................................................... 27

Taken from Volume Four

Haven’t You Heard ........................................................................................................................................35

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From what we know from Scriptures, it all started with Adam and Eve. The Book of Genesis tells the story of how

God created a perfect world in six days. God working six days, and resting on the seventh day set the workday pattern

for how man’s work is to be an outline for them to follow.1 Genesis talks about the primary responsibilities that God

gave to Adam before Eve came along.2 Genesis tells believers just how sin entered into a world that God created to be

perfect. This is where we will begin.

Looking at Genesis 2: 21-24, these verses describe just how the woman, who was in Adam when he was created,

got out of him. We will be taking this topic from another standpoint than many may be accustomed to hearing. As we

launch out into the deep, we will feast on God’s Word together. In this Scripture, we find the word rib. Rib is described

as the part of man God used to create the woman. To find Truth, we must go deeper. We need to first see what the

Hebrew translation is for the word rib. Rib, is translated in the Hebrew, as tesla, and it means side.

This same word, tesla that is translated side has another Hebrew meaning when referring to the Ark that was

built by Noah. This translation means the chamber. When using both of these translations together, it becomes side

chamber. This is because both words come out of the same root (rib). The Scripture now reads, “And the Lord God

caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam; and while he slept, He took one of his ribs or a part of his side and closed up the

[place with] flesh. And the rib or part of his side which the Lord God had taken from the man He built up and made into

a woman, and He brought her to the man.”3

We all know from our finite thoughts, and from what we know about conception that it would take more than a

rib to create and form a woman. We know that when God created Adam, He created Him with something inside of that

side chamber, or part of his side that would be the most beneficial portion of procreation. This Truth makes it easy for

believers to comprehend just how the woman was made. What was inside of the side chamber of Adam is what God

used to form the very first woman.

God had His very own reasons why man had to be created first. It is for this reason; the fall of man cannot be

blamed on Eve, although she ate the fruit first. It wasn’t until Adam ate the forbidden fruit that the whole human race

was plummeted into sin’s darkness, or spiritual death. Eve played a huge part in the fall, not because she ate the fruit,

but because she came out of Adam, just as you and I came out of our parents.

Going into the genealogy of Christ Jesus, Luke shows how our Lord enters the priestly office as our Great High

Priest.4 Going down the family tree, when we get to verse 38, the Scripture does not say that Seth was the son of Adam

1(Genesis 1: 26-28; Exodus 20: 9-11) 2(Genesis 2: 15) 3(Genesis 2: 21-22 NIV) 4(Numbers 4:3; Hebrews 3:1, 4:14-15, 5:5, 8:1, 9:11, 25, 10:19-22; Colossians 1:18)

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and Eve, although he was. It says, speaking of Seth: “The son of Adam, the son of God” (Luke 3: 21-23, 38). God was

Adam’s Father by creation, and He is the Father of all Christians by the Born-Again experience. If sin had not entered

into the world, all of humanity would have brought in sons and daughters of God by procreation, but because of the

debut of sin, our children cannot be born in the image and likeness of God, we are born in sin with the character and

attributes of the god of this world. To become a child of God, we have to be transformed into His likeness and image by

being Born-Again.5

Eve, as part of the human race was the only exception to this rule because she was already in Adam when he

was created.6 Adam had to be God’s first human creation, in order for him to be the original Federal Head of the human

race. It had to start somewhere. The Federal Head position Adam received was not just over men, but also over women.

God is ingenious in His creativity, more than we could ever imagine. He could have made anything He wanted out of a

rib, even a woman, but in his brilliancy, God placed something in the side chamber of Adam that was more essential to

human conception and reproduction than a rib.

He created Adam with the reproduction organs of the woman inside of him! The reproductive segment was

place in the side chamber of Adam for God to use at a future time. When that time came, the reproductive portion was

removed from Adam, and used by God to form a woman. God created the first woman and the second human being to

live on the earth. The reproductive process of every one of God’s living creations is based on the principle of


The reproductive organs are the heart of all procreation, and when God removed that segment of Adam’s

anatomy, and surrounded it with a body of flesh, there appeared woman. We not only have man as God’s creation, but

also a woman capable of reproducing more humans. Adam was not complete until God created and brought him his

help-meet. She was created to be his helper and complement. When Adam saw her, he said: “This [creature] is now

bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman’ because she was taken out of a man.”7

The Hebrew name Adam means man or mankind. According to the Bible, Adam was created by God’s own hands

and formed in God’s own image and likeness.8 God planted a garden for him to live in and called it Eden. Eden was

located somewhere in the ancient city of Mesopotamia, which is known today as Haran. God included in this Garden

many beautiful trees that produced only the choicest of fruit. In the midst of the trees in the beautiful garden, God set

two trees:

� The Tree of Life, which had the capability to give Eternal Life, and (Genesis 2: 9, 3: 22)

� The Tree of Conscience, which gave knowledge of both good and evil (Genesis 3: 22).

5(Romans 12:2) 6(Genesis 1: 27) 7(Genesis 2: 23)

8(Genesis 1:27, 2: 7; I Corinthians 15: 45-49)

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The Garden was created solely for Adam’s pleasure. He was to enjoy it along with all of its wonderful

provisions.9 When God placed Adam in the Garden, He gave him lordship of all created things.

10 Adam was the

original king of the world having dominion over everything in it. Whatever Adam called a thing that is what

their name became.11

His only responsibilities in the Garden were to care for it, and to eat the items that grew


Along with the status that came with being lord of creatures under God, there was one prohibition

issued to Adam from God. God commanded Adam, saying: “You may freely eat of every tree of the Garden;

but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and blessing and calamity you shall not eat, for in the day

that you eat of it you shall surely die”.13

Adam was lord of the creatures and king of the world, but there was

something missing in his life. There was no companion for him.

That was not a good idea and God made a companion for him, forming the woman from Adam’s side.14

In the day when God created Adam, He created him both male and female.15

The female reproduction organs

were in Adam before Eve was later created. Eve was not in Adam physically, but the instrument of

reproduction was within him. If Eve had not been in Adam at the time he was created, God would have had to

provide a separate Redeemer for the female species when sin entered the world.

Rather than just having one Redeemer for all mankind there would have been a need for two. Man

would have been one species in need of a Redeemer and woman another. Eve was in Adam from the very

beginning making it possible for the man to be the Federal head of the human race.16

Scripture says, when

God created Adam, “He created them male and female and blest them and named them [both] Adam [Man]

at the time they were created”.

This means that when Eve was in Adam, she was called Adam. When Eve was taken from the side, the

side chamber, Adam called her woman. She was not called by the name Eve, until after the fall.17

The name

Eve means, mother of all living, which is what she became. Eve was taken from Adam’s side, formed into a

woman and given to the man.18

Because Adam was her head, it was his responsibility to communicate God’s

9(Genesis 2: 8-9)

10(Genesis 1: 26-29) 11(Genesis 2: 19-21) 12(Genesis 1: 28, 2: 15-16) 13(Genesis 2: 16-17) 14(Genesis 2: 18) 15Genesis 1: 27) 16(Genesis 1: 27, 5: 2) 17

(Genesis 3: 20) 18

(Genesis 2: 22- 23)

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restrictions to her concerning the trees in the Garden; specifically the restrictions concerning the forbidden

Trees of the Garden as they were issued to him. When the serpent came to Eve, it totally contradicted what

God had commanded.

Eve was deceived into believing that if she ate the fruit off of the tree of knowledge, she would be like

God. Eve believed this fabrication and ate the forbidden fruit and persuaded her husband to eat also.19

Scripture says, “When the woman saw that the tree was good (suitable, pleasant) for food and that it was

delightful to look at, and a tree to be desired in order to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she

gave some also to her husband, and he ate”.

This Scripture makes us aware of three key points that are tactics Satan still use today to lead men and women

astray and into defeat, these points are:

� The woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food denoting a physical desire or

attraction. Representing the lust of the eyes.

� This fruit was pleasing to the eye denoting a visual attraction, revealing the lust of the flesh, and

� This fruit was desirable for gaining wisdom denoting the desire that man has for position and

power, which is the pride of life.

These three are true representations of human desires and passions. Before the fall, Adam and Eve had

no need for knowledge of evil – this trait was something they never knew. All they had known up until that

time was goodness and integrity. The Garden was filled with the presence of God and His holiness, evil had no

place there. When they ate the forbidden fruit and obtained the sin nature; misery and sorrow were the

direct result of their eating the forbidden fruit. The outcome of their eating from this tree did not add:

� Any more wisdom to that which they already possessed

� It did not increase their goodness, or integrity, nor

� Did it deepen the knowledge they already had concerning God

Eating the forbidden fruit simply opened their eyes to evil, and they became:

� Afraid, and

19(Genesis 3:2; John 8:44)

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� Ashamed

Before they fell in sin by accepting Satan’s lie as Truth disobeying God, they welcomed His gracious presence day

after day in the Garden. The entrance of sin into humanity is attributed to Eve’s being deceived by the serpent and

causing her husband to be disobedient to God. Adam’s disobedience act immediately entered his consciousness making

him aware of his crime against God, which is why he hid himself.

The mere thought of death, which was the unknown coming, terrorized him to the point of hiding himself from

the presence of God.20

The sinful nature not only introduced them to sin, it also introduced them to fear. Adam and Eve

were accustomed to having face-to-face fellowship daily with God their Creator. Now that their nature has changed,

their first instinct was to run and hide from the LORD GOD as one would run and hide from an ax murderer.21

God is Omniscient and He did not have to call out to His Creations asking, where are you. Their reaction to God’s

call proves man’s first position, which is heavenly, and his daily practice, which is spiritual, was compromised and now

lost, along with his earthly dominion. Adam was no longer prince and lord of the earth under God. His dominion passed

to another spiritual being Satan, who now reigns as prince of this world. Sin had quickly reduced Adam into a pathetic

being filled with guilt, fear and shame.

Adam’s decision to sin labeled him a man without honor; a man full of fear, naked, and hiding behind a tree as

God called out to him. Whether save or lost, all men are precious to God. The lost sheep is precious to the shepherd, the

prodigal was dear to his father, and the lost coin was precious to the housewife; so also the sinner is precious to the

LORD, which is why God made garments to cover their nakedness.22

Their disobedience caused God to expel them from

the Garden. After banishing Adam and his wife from the Garden, the Father lovingly opened another door for mankind

to enter into His presence.23

Sin’s entrance into humanity is attributed to Eve’s being deceived and because of that act of disobedience; all

the evils of humanity have their roots in man’s will and cannot be blamed on God.24

The point of sin’s entrance marks

the date the guilt conscience was born causing God to appear in a new and unfamiliar form to the man, and this brought

on fear in Adam. God’s voice did not change Adam did. The humanity as a whole is descendents of Adam and Eve, and

because of our relation to them; everyone is included in the fall and comes under God’s judgment regarding sin.25

Their disobedience caused their eviction from the only home they had known, falling from the bliss and splendor

of paradise, landing condemned into a life of suffering and hard work.26

Eating the forbidden fruit wasn’t as satisfying as

20(Genesis 3: 8) 21(Genesis 3: 8) 22(Luke 15:3-7, 8-10, 11:24; Genesis 3: 7, 21) 23(Genesis 3:22; Romans 5: 17-19) 24(Genesis 3: 8-19) 25(Romans 5: 12-17) 26(Genesis 3: 23-24)

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Eve thought it would be. Instead of increasing wisdom and knowledge, and bringing them closer to God, it pushed them

farther away beginning the curse of physical and spiritual death for every man. Their newly attained knowledge of sin

left them feeling lost, ashamed and discouraged. Sins effect on them can be seen in their fear of what lie ahead for them

apart from God’s presence. God’s creating Adam from the dust of the earth gives us an idea about His power and might

as Creator. When He sought Adam in his fallen and lost condition in the Garden is the evidence of God’s Grace and love

for every man.27

Adam and Eve’s choice for evil in the Garden is what Christendom refers to as the fall of Man. This term fall of

Man identifies four specific effects that resulted from the fall:

� Loss of innocence

� Man’s subjugation to sin

� Spiritual death, and his

� Ultimate physical death (Psalm 90: 10)

When the decision was made by Adam to obey his wife instead of God, his choice not only affected him but it

affected the whole creation.28

God’s judgment to Adam may have been hard on him, but this was not a judgment

intended to drive them into despair or hopelessness. This judgment was intended to hasten them to look ahead for

Eternal Life in the promised Seed of the woman. Satan used a woman to initiate and successfully bring about the

downfall of the human race, and a woman would be used by God to bring forth the Redeemer of the world. By this

Redeemer a new and living way into the holiest would be opened for all mankind.29

In judgment for their disobedient act God cursed the serpent;30

He then pronounced judgment on the woman

and man.31

The judgment that was placed on Adam and Eve travels down each generation settling on every human born

through them. Their disobedience caused immediate spiritual death, and physical death to come upon all of humanity at

a later time.32

The consequences of disobeying our loving God are:

� Forfeiture of His Presence by spiritual death

� Alienation from our Creator without redemption, and (Genesis 3: 24)

� Physical death

27(Genesis 3: 9) 28(Romans 8:22; Genesis: 3: 14-19) 29(Genesis 3: 14-19 Hebrews 10:19-20) 30(Genesis 3: 14-15) 31(Genesis 3: 16-19) 32(Hebrews 9: 27; Psalm 90: 10)

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Because of man’s fall, God’s Grace is now required for every person desiring Salvation, Eternal Life, and entrance

into God’s presence. This Salvation comes only through the shed Blood of Christ Jesus.33

The longer any man or woman

remain in sin, sins deceitfulness causes the heart to harden more and more against their Creator making it difficult for

that man or woman to see that he or she are sinners and that they are in need of a Savior. The lost man doesn’t realize

that it is Satan, that same old cunning serpent who deceived Eve back in the Garden, is the same devil that tempts and

keeps men blind to their sins, and their need for a Deliverer.34

Satan promised Eve that eating the forbidden fruit would cause them to be as gods, but what they discovered

from believing this deceiver was that sin only made them miserable companions to one another.35

As days past, and life went on, Adam and his wife produced many children. Their children produced children and the

population soon exploded. During that population explosion, sin worsened, getting so bad that God destroyed the

whole human race with a Universal Flood. He saved 8 people, Noah and his family.36

God placed a rainbow in the sky as a memorial to Himself and a constant reminder of His oath that he made to

never destroy the world again by a Flood.37

After the flood waters rescinded, Noah and his family exited the Ark,

stepping out onto a whole new world. Nothing was as they remembered. They were entering into a whole different

dispensation. They stepped into a dispensation with a different administration and a different set of circumstances from

those that existed prior to the Flood.

The generations of people that came out of the sons of Noah were a rebellious people who thought they could

build a tower that would reach Heaven. This tower was called, the Tower of Babel. The determination in their effort

caused God to confuse their language so that not one man understood the other.38

After God confused their language

making it many, He later called the man Abram promising to make his descendents into a great nation.39

God fulfilled

this promise in the birth of Abraham, Isaac, and later Jacob. It was through the offspring of Jacob that the twelve tribes

of Israel became a national people.

Jacob’s son Joseph didn’t become a tribe; instead his sons Ephraim and Manasseh became two separate tribes.40

Abraham’s descendents became great nations just as God promised.41

By and through the birth of Christ Jesus, a direct

descendent of Abraham, all the nations of the earth are still being blest today, with Salvation.42

God’s original plan was


(I Corinthians 15: 1-4; Hebrews 10: 18) 34

(Romans 7:11; Hebrews 3:13) 35

(Genesis 3: 1-5, 9-13, 22-25) 36

(Genesis 7: 13) 37

(Genesis 9: 8-17) 38

(Genesis 10: 32, 11: 1) 39

(Genesis 12: 2-3, 13: 14-17) 40

(Genesis 25: 11) 41

(Genesis 18: 18) 42

(Acts 3: 25)

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to create and deal with one special race of people, the Jews. He was going to use this special people to bring other

nations to Him. These people were called by many different terms. They were known as:

� The chosen race

� The Israelites

� The house of Israel

� The Covenant people, and

� The children of Israel

They were a Covenant people because they received a Covenant with God. A Covenant is a written agreement

or promise under seal between two or more parties, specifically for the performance of some action. The Abrahamic

Covenant is the foundation upon which all the other Covenants with God’s people are based. The Covenant that God

made with the children of Israel was an everlasting covenant. Everlasting meaning that the Covenant made between the

two would last throughout all times.

With the word, Everlasting, God pledged His ongoing relationship with the people of Abraham to be their God. It

was about 1500 B.C. when God called Moses to be the leader of Israel. Moses was from the tribe of Levi. God later chose

this tribe to be the priestly tribe representing Israel, the nation He would use to evangelize all the other nations of the


Moses was the Old Testament deliverer God called to give Israel the Law. Back then the Law was different from

the Law practiced by Jews today. The Law given to Israel back then is still applicable for the Jews today; those Jews who

have not come into the saving knowledge of Christ Jesus under Grace. For those who lived under the Law at that time

was to live under a constant threat of death. The Law had many conditions and rule stipulations that pertained to the

Sabbath Day.

Nothing could be done on the Sabbath Day and if anyone was caught in violation of any Sabbath Day Law, his or

her crime was punishable by death. Mercy was not an option for the Jews under the Law; all violators without exception

were severely punished. The Truth’s of the Law are very significant pieces of knowledge for Grace Age believers:

� The Law and the Prophets of the Old Testament points forward to Christ Jesus, and

� The Epistles of Paul, the New Testament writings points back to

Christ Jesus

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Everyone stands guilty before God without Christ Jesus because we are all born in sin; thus being

sinners. There will be no acceptable excuse for rejecting Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior under Grace; He is

God’s Gift to this dying world.43

Every human being on earth is living in one of two options:

� They are a sinner, born into sin, or

� A Born-Again believer, saved by Grace with the simple acknowledgement and acceptance of God’s Gift

to the world (I Corinthians 15: 1-4)

Christ Jesus is the only hope for the world.44

The lost man cannot live for Christ because he is dead in sin and

without a spiritual intervention he will continue down the broad road that leads to self-destruction.45

Many un-saved

people think that a mixture of good works and faith will earn them Salvation, this is not true. No amount of good works

will save a man or allow them entrance into Heaven. The natural or un-saved man receives nothing from the Lord.46

It is by free Grace that we are saved, delivered from judgment, and made partakers of Christ’s Salvation through faith.

Salvation does not come to anyone by our own doings; it is a Gift from God.47

No one is exempt from Gods’ judgment on sin; no one.48

Every person that passes through earth’s portals will

have a day of reckoning before our Creator. The person who is not a Born-Again believer at that time has been a victim

of spiritual robbery. Their earthly choices have allowed Satan to steal their victory; as a consequence they remain in

their state of birth, lost, condemned before God, and defeated.49

43(Romans 1: 20) 44(I Corinthians 1: 17; Galatians 6: 14) 45(Ephesians 2: 1; Matthew 17: 3) 46(I Corinthians 2: 14) 47(Ephesians 2: 8-10) 48(Romans 14: 6) 49(John 3: 18, 5: 23)

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Believing the Gospel is the foundation of the Christian faith. As we live our life, we are building daily on that

foundation.1 Christ Jesus and the finished work of Calvary is the groundwork that was laid for Christians.

2 Believers

cannot begin to build on that foundation until we have experienced the New Bith.3 After God imparts Salvation to us, His

power is released into our very existence making the believer a new creature in Christ.

Our Lord expects the believer to serve Him wholly4 as we journey down the road towards Christian maturity. On

this road, we learn to die daily to self while utilizing the building materials God has provided for believers to grow

spiritually.5 The spiritual building materials that we use here on earth as a spiritual people will determine our rewards

for Eternity.6 The building materials that God has provided for believers use, spiritually speaking are:

� Wood

� Hay

� Stubble

� Gold

� Silver, and

� Precious stones

When we put forth little or no effort and energy to do the things that please God, we are building with materials

that will fail. All of our earthly work will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test, critique and appraise the character

and worth of each person’s work.7 When we use wood, hay, or stubble, as building materials, these combustible

materials will be consumed in fire. In order for our Christian work to count with God, and accumulate gold, silver, and

precious stones, every believer must use great effort and energy as he or she builds for the Kingdom of God’s Dear Son.8

Believers who utilize the building materials that have the ability to withstand the sizzling flames of the judgment

fire are sure to please God. The flames of judgment will not penetrate the works of those using gold, silver, and precious

stones as their building materials. Their work is saved from the judgment that comes by the piercing and penetrating

1(I Corinthians 3: 11) 2(Matthew 7: 24) 3(I Corinthians 15: 1-4) 4(I Corinthians 3: 9-12) 5(I Corinthians 3: 12-13) 6(I Corinthians 3: 14)

7(I Corinthians 3: 13)

8(I Corinthians 9: 24; Colossians 1: 13)

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eyes of Life’s Judge, Christ Jesus.9 At the time of judgment, Christ gazes upon the believer that is before Him with eyes

of fire that will penetrate their works, leaving only that which was pleasing to God.10

This event takes place at the Bema

Seat. The Bema Seat is where all Christian’s earthly deeds will be reviewed.

The works that survive this examination will bring that believer great rewards or great loss. Those individuals

that were building with wasteful materials will fail the test and their works will burn up.11

The gold, silver, and precious

stones will all have lasting value, and as believers come before the Bema Seat, we will all have our moment in the

spotlight of Christ Jesus’ penetrating eyes.12

As He glances upon each individual, his or her work will be revealed,

appraised, and judged by its character, truth and worth. All the contaminate will burn off exposing only the pure gold,

silver and precious stones that remains.

It should be made clear to believers that the Body of Christ is literally working for Heavenly rewards. It is sad to

see that so many in the church world are placing more value on earthly possessions than on their soul.13

This is why

dying to self cannot be an option for believers.14

If the believer has lived 72 to 80-years or more; and has only

accumulated works done with wood, hay, or stubble during earth’s test. When this individual stands before the Lord to

be evaluated, their works will burn up and disappear in a puff of smoke.

Everything that was accomplished on earth was all done for naught, regardless of the sincerity of heart. All

works of the flesh seeks its own glory, not the Glory of God.15

The persons building with these materials will make it into

Heaven, but he or she will be disappointed and ashamed not having earned any rewards.16

The Judge sitting on the

Bema Seat determines who receives rewards.17

Believers are not rewarded with earthly rewards while on earth for their spiritual works because all the promises

God made to believers are spiritual.18

The Jews received the earthly promises from God, and they have them today

because they are His chosen earthly people.19

The believer that:

� Boasts on themselves and things they have attained

� The one who does things for show, loving for people to know about the deeds they’ve done

9(Revelation 1: 14; I Corinthians 3: 11-15)

10(I Corinthians 3: 14) 11(I Corinthians 3: 15) 12(Revelation 1: 14) 13(I Corinthians 3: 13; Romans 12: 2) 14(Romans 6: 11) 15(Matthew 7: 26-27; Psalm 90: 10) 16(I Corinthians 3: 15; Colossians 3: 24-25; II Timothy 2: 15) 17(Revelation 22: 12) 18(Ephesians 2: 19) 19(Deuteronomy 4: 38)

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They receive their rewards of praise from man in that moment because man, is who they esteemed worthy of

their praise. These accolades of man will be all the rewards they will receive. These individuals sought and preferred

man’s praise rather than God’s. They enjoyed seeing the envy of some and receiving the praise from others.20

All of their

earthly services they assumed were being performed for the Lord’s glory will prove to have been done with wasted

materials that will disappear in a puff of smoke.

True believers receive their rewards at the end of this life, as they are the Spiritual House that Christ Jesus is

building. On that day when the trumpet sound and the dead in Christ rise first and all those who are alive and remain are

caught up, Christ brings their rewards with Him. God rewards their efforts because they have been consistent in using

the building materials of value. Their works on earth:

� Have touched the life of many, and they have

� Won many souls to God’s glory by introducing and leading them to Christ Jesus

These will receive rewards credited to them for their obedience in sharing the Gospel of God’s Grace.21


generations of true believers that follow them will benefit greatly from everything that was taught to them about the

building materials used to withstand fire and heat. The opposite is true of those teaching error; when their actions goes

unchecked, their false teachings affects the spiritual condition of people for generations to come.

Those who teach error do not care anything about the Truth of God’s Word; they passed erroneous doctrines

down to believers as Truth.22

These false teachings will go to their credit of misleading and misinforming the people of

God. They found satisfaction in using building materials that cannot withstand heat.23

The good or bad that believers do

in Christ has a rippling out effect on each addition to the church.24

It really does matter how we spend our time on earth; our time here determines three factors for entrance into


� How we lived our life on earth

� How we treated others while on earth, and

� What building materials were used while working for the Kingdom

To receive rewards from God:

20(Matthew 6: 1-4) 21(Matthew 6: 4; I Corinthians 15: 1-4; James 5: 20) 22(Proverbs 16: 25) 23(Galatians 5: 9) 24(II Corinthians 2: 14)

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� One must learn to deny self

� Commit our ways to death, and

� Forsake the things this world offers (II Peter 1: 10; Romans 6: 8-11)

Believers are not to place hope in our own efforts.25

Our hope is in Christ Jesus.26

By denying ourselves and

taking up our Cross-for Christ, we shift the cares of the world along with our natural passions and desires onto Christ


Another saying of A.W. Tozer is, “Among the plastic saints of our times, Jesus has to do all the dying, and all we

want is to hear another sermon about his dying.”

The first thing believers must do to build successfully is to assign to self, the death sentence and die daily to the


Believers cannot take hold of the prize without proper preparation for running the race.29

There are four

prerequisites one needs to fulfill before running the Christian race set before us, these prerequisites are:

� Proper nutrition, without proper nutrition a runner will not get far if he has not fed his or her

spirit the right things. To run this Spiritual race we need bread and water (John 4: 13-14, 6: 35,

48). We need milk and meat (I Peter 2: 2; Hebrews 5: 14). We must hunger and thirst after

righteousness (Matthew 5: 6).

� Proper training – Believers must be willing to hear the Lord and do His will in our life. Proper

training includes studying to show oneself approved unto God, a worker who will not be ashamed

by rightly dividing the Word of Truth. We must be willing to count the cost (Luke 14: 26-33;

Revelation 2: 10). Proper training requires a daily regimen in order to compete (I Corinthians 9:

26; Romans 8: 13; I Thessalonians 5: 6). Believers are to have a definite aim, and (I Corinthians 9:


� A proper can do attitude that says I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.

Believers must be determined to see Christ Jesus’ face and hear Him say, well done my good and

faithful servant. It is not only good to run, but to finish the race and obtain the prize.

� Proper attire is very important (Matthew 22: 11-13). Believers are to put on Christ Jesus, God's

whole armor and draw boundless strength from Him (Galatians 3: 27). Believers are to wear the

armor God has provided as a heavily armed soldier (Ephesians 6: 10-18), why, so:

25(Proverbs 25: 27) 26(Galatians 6: 14) 27(Luke 14: 25-33; I Peter 5: 7) 28(Galatians 5: 24; I Peter 2: 24) 29(Hebrews 12: 1, 5: 12-14)

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� That you may be able to stand successfully against all the strategies and the deceits of the devil

� That we may be aware that we are wrestling against a spiritual tyrant who is cruel and against

master spirits, who are world rulers of this present darkness

� That we may be able to stand toe to toe against the spirit forces of wickedness in the

supernatural sphere

When believers put on Christ Jesus, God's complete armor, believers are able to stand our ground on

the evil day, having done all the crisis demands, to stand firmly in position. As we hold our ground, we are to:

� Tightened the belt of truth around our loins

� Put on the breastplate of integrity, moral rectitude and right standing with God

� Have our feet shod in preparation to face the enemy with firm-footed stability, promptness,

and readiness produced by the good news of the Gospel of peace.

� Lift up the covering shield of saving faith, upon which we can quench all the flaming missiles of

the wicked one

� Take the helmet of salvation, and the

� Sword that the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and

� Pray at all times on every occasion, in every season in the Spirit, and

� To keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance, interceding on behalf of all the

saints, God's consecrated people

The Apostle Paul uses the illustration of one who competes in the Olympic Games. He says the

competitors compete for a corruptible crown, but we, who are in the Body of Christ for an incorruptible

crown. In order for believer’s to receive this crown, we must do what is necessary to win. It is not possible to

skip over the disciplines of Christianity to pursue shortcuts.

This means the individual must bring his body into subjection to God’s will. By doing this, he or she

prepares himself to run this Christian race faithfully. When error is taught and taken to heart by new converts,

this error becomes the only Truth the new convert knows. They are receiving error as their spiritual food

because they have not begun to study and find Truth for them self.

They do not realize that what they are receiving is merely superficialities from past generations that

were passed down by un-learned men. These babes in Christ have to be taught to Truth search, for them self

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or prepare to repeat the cycle of re-learning what the Truth of God’s Word actually is.30

It will certainly be a

sad day for those stuck in error if Truth is not realized before the day comes when we must all make and

account to God.

After life is finished here, I pray that no man will stand at the Bema Judgment seat empty. What little

accomplishments we think we are making on earth must be done according to the Word of God and to the

Glory of God, with lasting materials. All those done to the glory of man will turn out to be works accomplished

with perishable materials, and will count as nothing to God.

30(Hebrews 5: 12)

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There was a purpose in giving ten percent back when tithing was mandatory under the Law. The ten

percent that was mandatory to give under the Law did not consist of money; what the tither’s gave back then

was food. The poor of that day never had to tithe because they were needy. Usually out of the tithes

collected, five categories of people benefited from the tithes given.1 The five categories of people were:

� The Levites

� The aliens

� The temporary residents

� The fatherless and

� The widows

Scripture says, When you have finished setting aside a tenth of all your produce in the third year, the year of the

tithe, you shall give it to the Levite, the alien, the fatherless and the widow, so that they may eat in your towns and be

satisfied.2 The tithe system under the law had a meaning and purpose and the collected tithes were shared

with others that were less fortunate.

We understand how Israel gave under the Law Dispensation; the question that needs to be answered

for members of the church of man is how are Gentiles supposed to give under Grace? Because tithing under Grace is

such a touchy topic, we will do what few are inclined to do. We will allow Scripture to show us the Truth concerning this

topic. For true Born-Again believers, Scripture is always the final authority and determining factor for all things. Tithing is

not a legal term or practice for Grace Age believers. The tithe had a specific purpose when it was originated:

� Another time, which was the Law Dispensation, and for

� Another people, which were the Jews

The tithes were:

� Collected back then to be a blessing to the Levites who were without an inheritance, and were to

� Assist the poor and less fortunate

1(Deuteronomy 14: 22-29) 2(Deuteronomy 26: 12)

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The total opposite is true today. The church of man has made the tithe a practice for Grace Age believers adding

their spin to how it’s done with no respect for the Truth of giving found in the writing of our Apostle for this time of

Grace. According to the Scriptures, tithing is not prescribed for the Body of Christ.3 If tithing were God’s way for a

believer to give it would have been outlined in the New Testament writings of Paul our Apostle as it is with everything

else that pertains to the Church that Christ Jesus is building.

The masses of Christendom are being taught error in giving as with many other topics in the church of man. The

people of God are being duped by man in this area for one purpose and that is to satisfy the spirit of greed. An account

will be given to God by every so called tither under Grace who has chosen to believe a lie instead of Scriptural Truth. The

church of man has chosen to take an Old Testament practice and force it on the people of God under Grace. They have

taken the acceptable tithe of old that were:

� Products from the fields

� Oils from the trees, and

� Cattle from livestock, and have turned it into money calling it a tithe offering

Money was not a tithable commodity when the ordinances pertaining to it under the Law was given and

practiced. Calling an offering tithes and making new converts believe that they are to be obedient to this lie is

abominable, and ordained by Satan, not Scriptural and unacceptable to God. People are more apt to believe a lie rather

than the Truth and it has always been this way.

The position you have taken on the subject is yours to make, but out of obedience to the Holy Spirit I have to lay

out what Scripture says about tithes for the believers who truly don’t know, or are too lazy to study the topic for them

self to be made free by its Truth. Grace Age tither’s have stepped out of their position in Christ to follow a practice of

Law making them guilty before God of the whole Law. Born-Again believers are to walk in spirit and Truth but instead

many believers have chosen to believe the tithe lie that dethrones Christ and position that believer under the bondage

of the Law.

Believers are to give, but not as if we are under a law to do so especially a Law that was given under another

dispensation to another people. We have to remember that a new dispensation brings in a totally new administration

and everything in it starts new and fresh. Nothing is taken from the previous dispensation and made to sit comfortably

into another as man has done with the tithe. That is simply not how God planned it.

There is an order to change and God the Creator laid the order down from the beginning in what is called

Dispensations. The tithe was an Old Testament mandatory Law given to the Children of Israel under that dispensation.

3(II Corinthians 9: 7)

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The commandments given under the Law by God were to the Hebrew people and were given to them with conditional

promises of great blessings from God if, the Laws were fully and completely observed.

Christ Jesus died on the Cross to do away with the Law, and believers under Grace are not to conform to any

part of it. Grace Age believers are to be led by the Holy Spirit in all things including their giving practice under Grace;

which by the way is voluntary! Man’s greed has made the tithe a mandatory practice for all believers who are caught up

in it. Like many believers in Christendom, I was caught up in tithing at one time, until I was made free by the Truth.

God has purpose and order for everything He does and giving is no different. There was a purpose for the Old

Testament tithe and the priesthood that carried out its official duties. The Old Testament Laws that were given to the

people of Israel covered every aspect of daily living. These Laws included:

� Tithing

� Instructions of care for the Levitical priesthood

� Release from debt

� The practice of not borrowing from others, and this included money

During the time tithing was actually active and required, it consisted of:

� The yearly issue of tithes

� The three year issue of tithes

� The seven year requirements of tithes, and

� Caring for the poor, widowed and orphans

There was no tithe law instituted until after the Mosaic Law was in effect. There was no tabernacle or

temple for the priesthood to carry out the official duties. No regular sacrifices were commanded at that time

by God. Once the commandments for the sacrifices were given, the requirements of compliance were great.

The tithe process involved providing a continual supply of animals, grains and oils per year. Up until the

Temple was built, there was no mention in Scripture of an anointed priesthood.

The Levites were ordained by God to be the High Priest. All of the High Priests came from the lineage of

Aaron. Aaron and his sons held the sole right of collecting these offerings and sacrifices a rite reserved solely

to them, and brought terrible consequences upon those who were not priests of the Levitical lineage who

were brazen enough to attempt to collect tithes from the people going against God’s command (II Chronicles

26: 19; I Samuel 13: 7-14).

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Before the Law and the Levitical priesthood were established, the firstborn of each family gave

sacrifices in their own cities and in their own houses. Many of the Old Testament examples such as:

� Noah

� Abraham

� Job

� Isaac, and

� Jacob offered personal sacrifices to God

This changed with the giving of the Law. The firstborn of each family no longer gave sacrifices in their

cities and homes. A new Covenant was made by God at Mount Sinai when He appointed Moses as mediator

over Israel. Moses in turn selected various men from among Israel to perform the office of priests (Exodus 24:

5). Melchizedek is the other priest mentioned in Scripture and he is presented as a type of Christ (Hebrews 6:

20, 7: 1-3). The tithe, according to the Law of Moses was products produced by the land such as:

� Fruit

� Corn

� Grains, and

� The first born of animals

The tithe under the Law was noted in Scripture as belonging to God, and the tithes under the Law had

one distinct purpose. The original purpose was to care for Aaron and the Levite priests who were given no

inheritance from God (Numbers 18; Nehemiah 10: 37). The Levites were assigned to do the services of the

tabernacle of the congregation, and bear their iniquities as a statute forever throughout their generations. The

priestly duties of the Levites were:

� To keep themselves pure enough to enter the Tabernacle

� Perform very specific procedures

� Ceremonies

� Rituals, and

� Sacrifices to the letter, or face death

Their role was to:

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� Care for the Temple which was the abode for the presence of God

� They were required to offer gifts of thanksgiving, and

� Sacrifices for sins (Leviticus 17: 11)

The Levites duties also included their being:

� The head of all religious affairs

� The judges for the Jewish nation

� The head of all the other priests (Deuteronomy 17: 8-12)

� To teach the children of Israel the statutes of the Lord, and to

� Settled their controversies (Leviticus 10: 11; Deuteronomy 33: 10)

Once the Levites received the tithes from the Israelites, the priests were required to give away ten

percent of what was given to them (Numbers 18: 21-28). Every third year the tithes were celebrated as a

festival tithe. Everything the people tithed to the Levites they shared with others who were less fortunate.

Their purpose for doing this was to provide:

� The strangers

� The orphans

� The widows, and

� The communities poor the opportunity to come, eat and be content (Deuteronomy 14: 27-29;

15: 1-7; 26: 12-15)

The Truth is this festival was provided for the people of Israel, and an opportunity was given to those

capable of giving a tithe to go and sell their tithes spending their money purchasing anything they desired to

share at the festival. This is not an option for Grace Age believers in the church of man. The Truth never

changes and the Bible warns us NOT to covet anything at all; we are also warned concerning the works of the

flesh and its consequences (Deuteronomy 12: 15, 20, 21, 14: 26; I John 2:15-17; Galatians 5: 16-18-21).

The churches of man teach and Christendom assumes that every Israelite under the Law gave ten per

cent of his money, back then money given as tithes were never a consideration. The tithe had one opportunity

to be converted into money and that was only if a person had to travel a great distance with their tithes and

for those keeping a portion of their tithes back, a redemption fee was paid by them at the fixed rate of five

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shekels a head, for the first-born of man or beast, and a levy for spoils of war (Numbers 18: 14-19, 31: 25-47;

Leviticus 27: 5, 30-33).

This penalty existed only for the person who did not want to pay his tithe as ordained in agricultural

produce, but made the decision to give money as a substitute. That person was penalized and made to add a

fifth part of the estimated value to the amount he paid. The usurping of the tithe practice from the Law is

done in total disregard to the Law’s Creator and those who are complying with tithing as a Grace Age practice

are closing their eyes to the Truth of the Law, and in the words of our Apostle Paul, crucifying Christ afresh.

Under the tithe law, if a person had less than ten cattle born to him in a given year, that person was

exempt from the tithe that year (Leviticus 37: 32). Think about it; how many of our Christian brothers and

sisters actually own cattle? How many of those owning the cattle produce more than ten a year and keep a

written record? If the answer is none, then that is exactly how much you and I should be paying as a Christian

tither under Grace.

Grace Age tithes is not the vision God saw for His people, this is the vision and sad reality of man

perpetrated on the majority of believers who have chose tithing as their method of giving for them self. The

conditional promise of great blessings is not for the church of man, but for Israel and was an issue that stayed

before the faces of the Hebrew people. Their main concern was not being able to keep all the Law of Moses,

and this should be the concern of Christian tither’s today (Deuteronomy 4: 1-6, 8, 5: 32; Malachi 4: 4). The

prophet in Malachi is reminding Israel to remember the Law of Moses, God’s servant, which was commanded

in Horeb for all Israel, along with the statutes and judgments.

The Jews 613 commandments are a breakdown of the Law of Moses. It is very clear that many of the

laws could not be kept by a man then, and certainly not today because there is currently no Temple in

Jerusalem. I read somewhere that less than 300 of the 613 Laws can be kept by Jews living in Diaspora.

Diaspora in Greek means a scattering of seeds in any movement of a population that shares a common

national or ethnic identity.

Refugees may or may not settle in a new geographic location. The term Diaspora refers to a people

who are permanently displaced and relocated collectively. Practicing Jews will tell you that the 613 Laws were

not for Gentiles to observe; why? Because the Law of Moses was given specifically to the Jews and Christ

abolished the Law at the Cross. Only Jews were required to keep the Law. According to Scripture God

promised and provided another way independent of man's ability or inability to keep the Law, but dependent


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� God Himself

� His Promises, and

� His Righteousness

The patriarchs of faith under the Old Covenant were saved by faith as we are, not by keeping the Law.

The Levitical priesthood was chosen by God and was given solely to the Hebrew people for a very specific

purpose. No other tribe could fulfill this calling; it was and is specific to Israel. Their activities as Levitical priest


� Bearing self wickedness, and that of Israel

� Giving acceptable sin offerings before the Lord, and

� Making atonement for their souls (Leviticus 16: 17)

Are the leaders in the church of man that are collecting tithes accepting this responsibility for all of

earth’s Gentiles? No, because Christ Jesus paid it all as the sacrifice for sin under Grace, but they will be held

accountable to God for this world-wide deception. Aaron and his sons were the instruments God used to

uphold every obligation of the priesthood as Levitical Priest they were the innovators God set apart from the

rest of Israel (Exodus 29: 7; 30: 23; Leviticus 8: 12; Numbers 8: 6-22, 18-24).

Only Levites were allowed to enter the tabernacle, and only the High priest could enter into the inner

sanctuary. The high priest alone was permitted to enter the holy of holies, on the Day of Atonement, which

fell once a year (Hebrews 9: 7-13). God decided whom He wanted to perform temple services and He put it in

writing, and has not changed it to include a man or woman under Grace collecting them. This law is still in

effect and valid in this hour.

The masses in Christendom have become comfortable with man under Grace reinventing Scripture to

serve himself financially from regulations that were given to another people under another dispensation. Tithe

collecting was a service given to the Levites by God. It was their job to collect tithes and oversee the Levitical

priesthood as a whole. Ministries today collect a tithe in name only with no resemblance to the tithe of


Tithing under Grace is not found in New Testament Scripture and is not patterned in any way after the

tithe practice under the Old Mosaic Law. The tithing practice under Grace is a replacement for the sacrifice

that supports the New Testament in Christ Blood; the Truth is tithing under Grace go against all that God

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provided for believers under Grace. The blood of animals simply covered sin in the Old Testament, as opposed

to the Blood of Christ Jesus, that takes sin away under Grace.

Giving under Grace is voluntary so why does the church of man make tithing mandatory. Christian in

churches around the world are demanded to tithe and are oblivious to the Truth that Old Testament tithes are

not a product of Grace. Grace-Age tither’s minimize the work of the Cross performed by Christ Jesus. Tithes

under Grace originated from the spirit of GREED and that spirit is alive and well in the church of man.

This demand on the people did not come from God, but from Satan. What makes Grace Age tithing so

bad are the claims ministries make pertaining to the return. This is designed to keep the people of God in

bondage and in compliance to their view. What they have done by this is made everything God promised

specifically to Israel somehow applicable to Grace Age believers in the name of God and for God. Either the

Grace Age tithe can be seen in Scripture as something God ordained for Christians according to Scripture, or

He did not.

When judging the validity of a tithe law under Grace by the Word of God, is proved to be fictitious. The

Church of Christ is about Truth, but the church of man are teaching lies as Truth and those teaching this lie as

doctrine under Grace are all in bed with the father of lies. A Christian tithe under Grace is one of the greatest

lies told in Christendom. When a lie this big goes on so long without being publicly challenged or questioned,

only proves how far away from God the church of man has taken the peoples. The church of man has been in a

demonic sleep almost from conception and now the Spirit of Truth is awakening those with willing hearts and

opened ears to hear.

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I know you have wondered, just as I have, what happens to the innocent person in the middle of Africa who has

never heard about Christ Jesus? R.C. Sproul pointed out; “the innocent person has nothing to fear, there’s none

innocent; anywhere”. The question is will all those people who have never heard of Christ Jesus be sent to Hell.

I do not think so because the Bible says, God will judge all people righteously.1 It will be a stricter judgment for those

who have rejected the Gospel of Christ Jesus than for those who have never heard the Gospel.2

Paul tells us that those who have never heard the Law is not imputed sin under the Law and that those who

practice the Law will be judged by it.3 I believe that God will judge people who never heard the Gospel message by the

law He placed in their hearts.4 John the Baptist was born to bear witness of the coming Light, Christ Jesus and that all

men through Him might believe.5 After his assignment ended, the Apostle Paul was appointed to serve as Christ’s

minister to the Gentiles.6

Of course there are spiritually dark places in the world where people may never hear the Gospel of Grace, but

knowing God as a righteous God, He would never send those who have not heard the Gospel to an Eternal Lake of Fire.7

Scripture says every man born in this world has received the Light. When Christ Jesus came, Scripture says, “His light

lighteth every man that cometh into the world.”8 This Scripture wasn’t just speaking of those living in Israel in Christ’s

time, but it spoke of those coming into the world even today, all people have received the Light.9

The Grace of God has appeared to all men.10

Man today, is not under God’s wrath, but His Grace. Because His

wrath is getting closer, every day there will be a complete unveiling of His knowledge leaving the entire human race

without excuse for their sin crimes. The Truth that there will be severe consequences to sin is the message the Body of

Christ should be carrying to the lost world with urgency. In God’s higher way of thinking, He knows exactly what to do to

get the Gospel of Grace to those down in the jungles of the Amazon Valley and into other spiritually dark places.11

As it is, man is incapable of comprehending God, there are two Truths known for sure about God:

� God is never unfair, and that

1(Romans 2: 5-7; Psalm 98: 9)

2(John 3: 36, 12: 48)

3(Romans 2: 11-12, 5: 13, 4: 15)

4(Job 19: 25)

5(John 1: 4-9)

6(John 1: 7-8; Acts 23: 11, 26: 16-18)

7(I Corinthians 15: 1-4; Revelation 20: 11-15)

8(John 1: 9)

9(Titus 2: 11)

10(Romans 1: 18, 20; Psalm 19: 1-4) 11(Romans 9: 20)

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� He will not allow anyone into Heaven without going through Christ Jesus

(Romans 2: 11; John 14: 6)

With this, you may ask, how did the Old Testament believers get into Heaven? We know that it was not because

they knew Christ because He had not come in the flesh or died for the world’s sins. The Old Testament saints were saved

just as believers are today by faith. Our faith is in Christ Jesus, but their faith was in God. Old Testament believers had

faith that He would provide a Redeemer to take away their sins.12

They had faith and trusted God to redeem them, so they were saved just as we are today, by faith, not works.

The Law did play a part in their Salvation because the people demonstrated their faith by following the Law that God

commanded. If they refused to follow the Law, that simply said they no longer had faith or believed God. The same is

true for believers today when a believer goes back into sin taking up his old ways of life; he is saying in essence that he

no longer has his trust and faith in Christ Jesus.

Every person knows about God without hearing about Him from another.13

God’s Word says that no man will

have an excuse. This assures believers that all those who have not heard the name of Christ Jesus have surely heard the

name GOD. The Father God has a way to do for those people located in spiritually dark places what He has done in the

past for the people in the Old Testament who did not know Christ in the pardon of their sins. Their belief in the True God

serves without them ever knowing who Christ Jesus was.14

God was sending Jonah an Old Testament personality who was a Jew to preach to the Ninevites who were

Gentiles. Jonah had serious issues with that because he did not want Gentiles to be saved.15

Jonah knew God would

forgive and accept them if they repented so he done all he could to avoid going to them with the message from God.

When Jonah finally went to Ninevah and preached, his message was not on repentance he simply told the people they

were going to die and they believed God and repented.16

Jonah did not give the Gentiles the Jewish Law to follow, neither did he tell them God would save them from

their sins; he just preached that God was going to destroy them and that word caused their repentance. Sin and its

consequences is the message of the hour that must be preached, simply telling the people is all it will take to cause

repentance. People need to know their sin will bring on their destruction and God’s wrath. Preaching about sin is the

only way to bring the lost to God’s saving Grace.

Preaching the Gospel Truth to God’s people, sharing the consequences of violating God’s laws by living a life

style of sin, and the torment and reality of Hell’s fire has to re-emerge because people are under the impression that

12(Romans 3: 28; Hebrews 11: 4-19; Job 19: 25-27) 13(Romans 1: 20) 14(Romans 10: 14-15, 15: 2) 15(Jonah 4: 1-3) 16(Jonah 3: 4-5)

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their goodness is good enough to gain them admittance into Heaven. The leaders that are not teaching their followers

that sin and Hell, sin lead to eternal damnation will be accountable.

These messages must catch on fire and spread just as rapidly as the erroneous prosperity message has spread

throughout Christendom. Those preaching prosperity as a doctrine preach these messages to increase their financial

base, and many people are seeing how this message conflicts with Scripture. Some ministries have begun to weigh their

message to see which weighs more heavily on the heart of God, money for earthly pleasures or souls for the Kingdom of

His dear Son.

Sin and Hell is the message that will convict, and convince lost souls to repent. Soul success is what turns God

on, not how much wealth one can build on earth only to leave it behind to corrupt others. The people’s priority is their

own, not God’s. To begin to bring glory to God man has to let people know they can be saved.17

God is merciful, He is

just, and He is compassionate. He will judge people only on what they know, not on what they do not know.18

Examples taken from the Old Testament shows that people can trust in God, and place their faith in Him, even if

they never had the opportunity of hearing the Gospel of Grace. Which brings another question to mind, which is, how

does this statement compare to Christ’s own words that says “I am the Way the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the

Father except by (through) Me.19

Looking at the Temple in Jesus’ days there was a section called the Holy of Holies. This was where the Ark of the

Covenant was housed. 20

The ark was the mercy seat where God’s glory rested. This area was off limits to everyone

except the High Priest who entered in, only once a year with a sacrifice.21

No one else was allowed into the presence of

God until after Christ Jesus’ death.22

The curtain that kept everyone out of the presence of God except the high priest was split from top to bottom

opening up a way for everyone to come boldly into the presence of God.23

When Christ told the thief on the cross he

would be with Him that day in paradise; He literally meant it.24

The people believed that Hades had two compartments:

� One compartment was Hell, where the unsaved went to await judgment and

� The second compartment was called both Abraham’s bosom and Paradise

17(Mark 8: 36) 18(James 3: 1) 19(John 14: 6) 20(Exodus 28: 35) 21(Exodus 30: 10; Leviticus 16: 34) 22(Matthew 27: 50-51) 23(Exodus 26: 33; Hebrews 6: 19-20, 10: 18-21) 24(Luke 23: 43)

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People went to Paradise because the Blood of Christ had not yet paid for their sins. They were the captives waiting for

their Redeemer to set them free and in doing so; Christ led captivity, which was Satan captive freeing the saints.25


though Heaven is not mentioned in the Old Testament as a dwelling place for believers, going there would have meant

going beyond the veil into the presence of God.

At that time, the Holy of Holies was off limits to man. Man was not allowed to go there, but when Christ Jesus

paid the ransom price for sin with His own Blood; that opened the way into God’s presence for every man. When the

curtain was torn, He took those who were waiting in Paradise with Him to Heaven to be with the Father.26

Christ Jesus

opened the way to God for those who are deep in the Amazon Valley, and for those who are in spiritually dark places of

the world.

Because God offered Salvation to the Old Testament saints who had not heard the Gospel of Grace but simply

placed their faith in Him, He does the same for those today who have not heard or understood the whole Gospel

message, but have placed their faith in God.27

Even those who have died that were possessed with demons by no fault

of their own, and those precious babies that were aborted never having the opportunity to grow up and hear the

Gospel, receives God is mercy because He judges only what man knows.

There is wiggle room allowed because Scripture suggests that we are judged on the basis of what we know and

how we act with that knowledge. I certainly believe that Christ Jesus is the only way to Heaven. I also believe all who

have heard the Gospel of Christ and refused to believe it have set their fate and are doomed. These will fall under the

condemnation of God for their rejection of His provision for sin.28

The atheists are without excuse. Many of them are more knowledgeable than thirty-year-old saints of the

church of man that have been in the Word of God for years and they still outwardly reject God.29

Perpetrators of evil

who are without knowledge of God’s Grace will definitely be condemned because they have violated their God-given

conscience willfully doing what they know to be wrong.30

Those playing church on Sunday and living apart from a true

relationship with God throughout the week will be condemned.31

I believe there are four absolutes in the Bible, they


� Without the shedding of the Blood, there can be no remission of sin (Hebrews 9: 22)

� Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11: 6)

� God can do anything but fail and (Hebrews 13: 5)

25(Ephesians 4: 8) 26(Luke 16: 19-31) 27(Hebrews 13: 8) 28(John 3: 36, 12: 48) 29(Romans 1: 18-20) 30(James 4: 77) 31(Matthew 7: 21-23)

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� With God all things are possible (Matthew 10: 27)

These four absolutes lead to God’s Sovereignty. He knows what decision an individual will make prior to their

birth, for Him or against Him and He judges accordingly. Those possessed or killed in isolated countries without

knowledge of Him have already received the Light of God when they came into the world.32

I know this from my own

personal experience. When God allows them into Heaven; it will be through and by the Blood of Christ that was shed for

all. Many people are not aware that Jesus is not the Biblical name of our Lord and Savior. He was born a Hebrew and His

name is Yeshua. Yeshua translated into English is Joshua.

The Greek transliteration is Iaysous and in three verses of the New Testament, Iaysous is translated Joshua since

the text refers to the Old Testament saints.33

The word Christ is not Jesus’ last name but His title. The Greek word

Christos is translated Christ in English meaning Messiah, the anointed one. Which is why the writings of Paul often refer

to Jesus as Christ Jesus, which means Messiah Jesus and God is able to understand whom we are talking about and He

saves us accordingly.

Job was another personality from the Old Testament who was saved by faith. He did not know the name of our

Savior and Lord, but what he did know was His Redeemer lived, so it will be with those who never heard the name Christ


32(John 1: 9) 33(Luke 3: 29; Acts 7: 45; Hebrews 4: 8) 34(Job 19: 25)

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“The Gospel Truth Made Simple, Just Like God Planned It”, is a self help resource tool that tells

the powerful story of Truth as it is laid out in Scripture. Many of the Truth’s exposed on these pages have

been missed by the masses in Christendom. Written in a no non sense style, straight to the point and each

chapter builds upon the next allowing the reader to see a clear picture as they read. You will not want to put it

down as you move from Genesis through Revelation discovering nuggets of fresh revelation as you go. This

work is a wonderful Christian resource that can be used to assist believers at every level in spiritual

growth. Pastors and ministry professionals will find this work ideal for teaching new converts class’s,

even Bible studies.

This work was designed specifically with new converts and those struggling with Biblical

comprehension in mind. “The Gospel Truth Made Simple, Just Like God Planned It” is written so

plainly that a child can understand it and walk away with clarity and a divine assurance that they are

being made spiritually free. The exciting Truth’s found in this work are the result of years of seeking

God for answers to questions that had me confounded back when I first began my spiritual pursuit

for Truth many years ago. If you are ready to discover Truth, this is the book for you! Individuals will

find that this work will enlighten them enhancing their spiritual base resulting in growth; families will

find they can also use this series for personal family time together with the Lord. “The Gospel Truth

Made Simple, Just Like God Planned It”, can be given to those we love as an introduction into the

things that really matter giving a jump-start into Biblical Truth and the Christian way of life.

“The Gospel Truth Made Simple, Just Like God Planned It”, will deposit a wealth of

comprehensible knowledge into those desiring to eliminate the confusion experienced by most “new

converts” and seasoned believers alike in the church of man.

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