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Application Note

Cisco Smart Net Total Care Aggregated Report

This document provides an overview of the Aggregated report available in the Cisco®

Smart Net Total Care Service. The following information provides details to help

customers understand this feature, along with instructions on how to use it.

The Aggregated report provides a comprehensive list of the customer’s collected installed base and associated

contracts. This “collected contract” view will include all devices on a contract as long as at least one device from

that contract is found in a collection. This means that not every device on contract has to be collected for it to

display as part of the report. The Aggregated report is available as both an online and an Excel offline report.

In situations where a contract has multiple end-users (MEUs), such as when the entitled resale partner keeps

devices from many individual companies on a single Cisco contract, Smart Net Total Care will maintain customer

confidentiality by withholding that data. If a collection results in finding contracts with MEUs, the Aggregated report

will not include additional devices from such contracts. Customers who wish to see their devices that happen to be

on these shared contracts should contact their Cisco Services resale partner to have the situation rectified.

Note: An Aggregated report consolidates all contracts and uploaded inventories for an Entitled Company. If a

company has multiple collectors which upload collections into separate inventories, the Aggregate report will report

all the inventories uploaded along with associated contracts.

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Using the Aggregated Report

To access the Aggregated report, click Reports tab in the portal and select Aggregated report.

Figure 1. Navigating to the Aggregated report

In-Scope Contract Modification

In-scope contracts are those used to identify non-collected items from Cisco’s databases. The devices that are

found in an in-scope contract and identified in the IB database, but not collected by collector, are reported as non-

collected items.

Customers can choose which contracts are included as part of an Aggregated report by making them in-scope.

By default, the system automatically selects the in-scope contracts as the list of all contract numbers that cover

5 percent or more of the items found in the given collection. Users with the role Customer Administrator and

Application Admin can modify the selection of in-scope contracts using the Modify In-Scope Contracts hyperlink.

Figure 2. Modifying In-Scope Contract Hyperlink

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Users can remove contracts from the in-scope contracts list or add from contracts associated with the collected

network. When an Aggregated report is requested, any additional requests for the report are not accepted until the

initial request is completely processed.

Figure 3. Modifying In-Scope Contract

Note: Please consider the following when modifying the in-scope contract list.

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Users will see MEU contracts marked with “#” in the list of contracts identified in the collected network.

These contracts cannot be added to the in-scope contracts list.

The parent company is called the “end-user”. Each end user is assigned a unique identifcation number,

called a global ultimate (GU) ID. An MEU contract is a contract that has more than one GU number.

When a Customer Administrator modifies in-scope contracts, all Customer Administrators, including the

administrator who changed the in-scope contracts, will be notified via email. When a Application

Adminchanges the list of in-scope contacts, all Customer Administrators related to the Entitled Company

will be notified via email. To see how the in-scope contract list has changed, the most recent 20 changes

are available in a list available on the Modification History popup. Users can view the history of in-scope

contract changes from the Modify In-scope Contracts View.

Customer users and CBR users can only view in-scope contracts, and cannot modify them. Hence they

will see a View In-Scope Contracts hyperlink instead of Modify In-Scope Contracts.

Online Report Navigation

This section provides information on navigating the online version of the Aggregated report, starting with a top-level

view and then getting more information with detail- and device-level views.

Top Level Views - Source View and EOX View

The Aggregated report allows users to see Source View and EOX View.

Figure 4. Top Level Views- Source View & EOX View

Source View allows the user to browse through collected or uncollected device details. Alternatively, the user may

choose to see all devices in the report.

● Collected: Display details of all devices that are collected from customer network.

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● In IB and Not collected: Displays details of all devices that are in Cisco’s databases and on one of the in-

scope contracts, but not collected by collector.

● All: Includes devices from above two categories.

Figure 5. Source View

Alternatively, the user has the option of selecting the EOX View. This view allows users to view the devices details

related to one of the following categories:

● Not past End Of Sale

● At or Past End Of Sale

● At or Past New Service Attach

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Figure 6. EOX View

Figure 6 highlights three types of information that can be found in the EOX View:

● Not Past EOX Sale: Displays details of all devices that are not past the last date to order the product

through Cisco point-of-sale mechanisms. The product is no longer for sale after this date.

● At or Past EOX Sale: Displays details of all devices that are at or past the last date to order the product

through Cisco point-of-sale mechanisms.

● At or Past New Service Attach: Displays details of all devices that are at or past the last date to order a

new service contract or add the equipment and/or software to an existing service contract.

The Source View and EOX View display the timestamp when the report was generated. The Aggregated report

output changes whenever there is a change to in-scope contracts. Users can request a new report with the latest

data by clicking on the hyperlink provided. The portal will notify users who made requests by email when the report

is ready for viewing.

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Figure 7. Latest Report Hyperlink

1st Level Drill Down View – Device List View

From the Source View or EOX View main pages, users can select a category by clicking on the arrow icon for more

detail. A device list will appear that displays all devices. It lists the parent items (chassis) at the top level, and users

can navigate to a child (card) item by clicking on the expand button on the parent. If any standalone (items without

a parent) items are identified, those will be listed as parent items.

If the validated serial number (SN) is not available, it will be marked as Not Available with a corresponding icon.

Placing the cursor over this icon will display the collected SNs and collected PIDs in a hover box.

A quick-launch feature in Device List View allows users to filter the device list based on the following categories:

● IP Phones

● CTS TelePresence

● Call Manager

● Other Devices

Standard and advanced search capabilities allow users to filter results based on different report attributes.

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Figure 8. Device List with Quick Launch Icon

2nd Level Drill-Down View – Details View

When the user clicks on Details in the List View, the Details View is displayed. Depending on whether the device is

a chassis, card, IP phone, Communications Manager Server, TelePresence Endpoint, or UCS server the

information shown in the Details View will vary.

Details View for Collected Devices

The following screenshot represents the device details for a chassis. It is similar to the Chassis Details View found

in other reports. The only difference is that EOX details are also displayed in this report if the device exists in the

Cisco database. The EOX details category can be used to view Last Day of Support date, End of Sale date and

End of New Service Attach date for a specific device.

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Figure 9. Chassis Details View for Collected Devices

The Card Details page is similar to the Chassis Details page. However, the Card Details page doesn’t display the

following items: cards list, device configuration details, software details, and exception details.

Details View for Non-Collected Devices

For devices that are in the installed base and not collected from the customer network, installed base instance

details are displayed. Contracts and EOX details are displayed in the Details View where users can drill down to

view contract details and EOX details.

Figure 10. Chassis Details View for Uncollected Devices

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Online Report Auto Refresh

The Aggregated report output changes whenever there is a change in in-scope contracts, or there is a request for

a new report with the latest data. If the latest report data is available when the user is viewing the report, the

system displays an alert message to the user with Yes or No options. Selecting Yes allows users to retrieve the

latest Aggregated report data available. Selecting No allows users to continue with current report data.

Figure 11. System Alert Message

Offline Report

An offline Aggregated report is available in Excel format. It is generated on demand only. Click Export to generate

the offline report. There are two options available: “This report in XLS” and “XLS with latest data”. Clicking on

"report in XLS" generates an Excel report based on what is currently in the portal. Selecting "XLS with latest data"

will get the latest changes from the C3 database, merge them with the existing collected data, and then generate

the offline report. Like other reports, the user will be notified via email when the report is generated.

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Figure 12. Offline Report Creation

For More Information

To learn more about Cisco Smart Net Total Care Service, visit or contact your local

account representative.

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