
by Specialty Answering Service

Success Lessons

for the Small Business

from the Animal Kingdom

Vision and Strategy

Don’t Get Disheartened by Tough Beginnings – It Can Build Robustness to Survive Future Shocks

A new born giraffe is kicked

repeatedly by its mother in order

to help it to be able to stand up

and run within an hour of being

born. This helps a new born giraffe

to learn rapidly to survive among

its predators in the wild.

Transformation Maybe Painful But Essential for Growth

The transformation from

caterpillar to butterfly is one of

the most exquisite phenomenon's

in the insect world. However, when

a caterpillar metamorphoses itself

into a beautiful butterfly, it has to

first digest itself, releasing enzymes

to dissolve all of its tissues.

Have a Bold Vision For Your Business and a Bird’s Eye View of the Industry Landscape

Eagles’ eyes have a million light-sensitive cells

per sq. mm of retina, 5 times more that of a

human’s. This gives eagles extremely keen

eyesight and enable them to spot even

well-camouflaged potential prey from a very

long distance. Some eagles can spot an animal

the size of a rabbit up to two miles away!


There are No Shortcuts to Ongoing Success

When you watch ducks, it looks as

though they are smoothly gliding

along the surface of the water with

very little effort.  However, a closer

inspection reveals that they are

paddling hard under the water to

get where they need to go.

Financial Management

Eagles’ eyes have a million light-sensitive cells

per sq. mm of retina, 5 times more that of a

human’s. This gives eagles extremely keen

eyesight and enable them to spot even

well-camouflaged potential prey from a very

long distance. Some eagles can spot an animal

the size of a rabbit up to two miles away!


Plan Your Cash flows and Save Up for a Lean Spell

Squirrels collect and store nuts

in autumn so they'll have food

to last through winter. That

thriftiness benefits the squirrel,

just like diligent cost management

will benefit your business.

Be Prepared and Never Lose an Opportunity to Make a Sale

A spider painstakingly builds a web and waits

for its prey. The moment an insect gets caught

in any part of the web. The spider feels the

motion and briskly makes its way to the

vibration source. In this manner, the web

extends the spider's sensory presence over

a much wider area.




Optimize the Speed of Every Transaction – Run Like a Cheetah

The cheetah is the fastest land

animal in the world, reaching

speeds of up to 113km/h. They can

accelerate from 0 to 100km/h in

just 3 seconds.



A spider painstakingly builds a web and waits

for its prey. The moment an insect gets caught

in any part of the web. The spider feels the

motion and briskly makes its way to the

vibration source. In this manner, the web

extends the spider's sensory presence over

a much wider area.


Have the Memory of an Elephant – Measure, Record and Improve Workflows

Elephants are among the world's most

intelligent species. They are well known for

their amazing memory. With a mass of just

over 5 kg (11 lb), elephant brains have more

mass than those of any other land animal.

Their brain is similar to that of the human

brain in terms of structure and complexity.


People Management

Lead Your Employees with a Common Goal and Motivate Them to Work Towards it in Unison

A wild herd of horses is led by the alpha mare

who is familiar with the terrain and resources

available. She determines the route when

the herd moves between locations.

Higher-ranked members of the herd are

followed by other herd members.


Elephants are among the world's most

intelligent species. They are well known for

their amazing memory. With a mass of just

over 5 kg (11 lb), elephant brains have more

mass than those of any other land animal.

Their brain is similar to that of the human

brain in terms of structure and complexity.


Encourage a Culture of Knowledge Sharing

Humpback whales are known to

learn songs from each other, as well

as share feeding techniques that

allow them to survive better in a

changing ecology.




Prize the Rare Bird in Your Organization

As the population of Mountain Blue Birds

have started dwindling, many breed in

artificial nest boxes, which tend to be situated

in more open areas and have smaller openings

to keep out marauders and bad weather.

Construction of nest boxes in suitable habitat

has also provided a population boost.

A wild herd of horses is led by the alpha mare

who is familiar with the terrain and resources

available. She determines the route when

the herd moves between locations.

Higher-ranked members of the herd are

followed by other herd members.


Customer Management

Have Impressive Marketing Collateral: First Impressions are Crucial to Win Clients

Both males and female parrots are

attracted to those who have the

most brightly colored plumage,

which glows by absorbing ultra

violet light.

As the population of Mountain Blue Birds

have started dwindling, many breed in

artificial nest boxes, which tend to be situated

in more open areas and have smaller openings

to keep out marauders and bad weather.

Construction of nest boxes in suitable habitat

has also provided a population boost.

Unleash Your Creativity and Have a Unique Feature That Differentiates Your Offering from Competition

The most elaborate courtship display in

the animal kingdom is that of the bowerbird.

These birds build complex structures to

impress their females, some males will

decorate their nests using twigs and shiny

objects, while others will fill their nest with

blue items.


Customize Your Products and Services to Suit Your Client Needs

The Tungara frog bellows loud croaks to

attract a mate. Females choose males on the

basis of the best calls - which, may not always

be the loudest or the deepest. Each female

prefers a unique sound. It's up to the males to

try to find the perfect pitch to seduce her.

Similarly, successful businesses customize

service offerings to suit client needs.



Listen To What Your Customers are Saying

Elephants use not only their ears but also

their trunk and feet to listen. They can hear

frequencies twenty times lower than us.  

Their exceptional hearing ability helps them

‘tune into’ things such as thunderstorms and

helps them to be the first animal to move

towards rain.



The most elaborate courtship display in

the animal kingdom is that of the bowerbird.

These birds build complex structures to

impress their females, some males will

decorate their nests using twigs and shiny

objects, while others will fill their nest with

blue items.


Don’t Make the Sale and Vanish: After-sales service is Key to customer-retention and reputation.

Among seahorses, it is the male

who gets pregnant. Once the male

is pregnant the female stays by his

side until birth, visiting daily to

ensure that he will continue to

protect their eggs.



The Tungara frog bellows loud croaks to

attract a mate. Females choose males on the

basis of the best calls - which, may not always

be the loudest or the deepest. Each female

prefers a unique sound. It's up to the males to

try to find the perfect pitch to seduce her.

Similarly, successful businesses customize

service offerings to suit client needs.



Offer Creative Freebies and Offers to Your Most Valued Customers to Retain Them for Life

Many species exchange gifts to attract

a female as part o their courtship display.

Among penguins it is common for males to

collect pebbles to give to females to fill nest

rings with, this helps keep the eggs and chick

up off the ground.




Photo CreditsSlide 3: Giraffe: By John Storr (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Slide 4: Butterfly: By Kenneth Dwain Harrelson [GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Slide 5: Soaring Eagle: By Thimindu Goonatillake from Colombo, Sri Lanka (Soaring High Uploaded by snowmanradio) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (],

via Wikimedia Commons

Slide 6: Falcated Duck at Slimbridge Wildfowl and Wetlands Centre, Gloucestershire, England.�Taken by Adrian Pingstone in February 2004 and released to the public domain

Slide 8: Red Squirrel: By Pawel Ryszawa (Own work) [GFDL (, CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or CC BY-SA 2.5-2.0-1.0

(], via Wikimedia Commons

Slide 9: Spider Web: By Gnissah (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Slide 11: Cheetah – Credit:

Slide 12: Elephant - By Yathin S Krishnappa (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Slide 14: Running Horses: by TNS Sofres [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via

Slide 15: Humpback whales: By Whit Welles Wwelles14 (Own work) [GFDL ( or CC BY 3.0 (],

via Wikimedia Commons

Slide 16: Mountain Blue Bird: By Elaine R. Wilson (NaturesPicsOnline) [CC BY-SA 2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Slide 18: Colourful Parrot: By Tobias [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Slide 20: Tungara Frog: By brian.gratwicke (Tungara Frog Engystomops pustulosus) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Slide 21: Indian Elephant: By Thomas Schoch [CC BY-SA 2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Slide 22: Pregnant Seahorse:

Slide 23: Penguins:

Elephants use not only their ears but also

their trunk and feet to listen. They can hear

frequencies twenty times lower than us.  

Their exceptional hearing ability helps them

‘tune into’ things such as thunderstorms and

helps them to be the first animal to move

towards rain.



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