Page 1: Slavery in Ancient Egypt BY: GIZHEL SHANTEL SALDIVAR GROUP: UCSF DATE: 12/4/14 – 12/15/14

Slavery in Ancient Egypt



DATE: 12/4/14 – 12/15/14

Page 2: Slavery in Ancient Egypt BY: GIZHEL SHANTEL SALDIVAR GROUP: UCSF DATE: 12/4/14 – 12/15/14


Hi! Today, I’ll be talking about the ancient Egypt slavery. I’ll mention how they would usually how their daily lives were, and what types of people would usually get enslaved. I’ll also include how and where they lived, and what jobs they would usually have. I’ll also explain how they would end up becoming slaves. What I mean by how their daily lives were, I mean like what would they end up having to do all day, how would they be treated, or like how much respect were they given by their owner. When I had said what type of people would get enslaved I don’t mean like if they were good or bad people. I mean people from what countries would usually get enslaved and why. By that I mean like what would these people do to deserve becoming slaves. What did these people do? Were they just enslaved because the people felt like torching them for the fun of it, or was there a reason why? Anyways lets go ahead and get started off now. I hope you learn just as much as I did.

Page 3: Slavery in Ancient Egypt BY: GIZHEL SHANTEL SALDIVAR GROUP: UCSF DATE: 12/4/14 – 12/15/14

What were reasons they would get enslaved?

When I found out why they would end up getting enslaved, I honestly thought those reasons were just ridiculous. For instance, I read that very often if a child was part of a poor family he or she would get sold into slavery by their family. Some slaves would end up becoming slaves because they were sold into slavery by other questions. Some slaves were commonly prisoners from wars. If you were captured at war not only would you become a slave, but so would your wife and children.

Page 4: Slavery in Ancient Egypt BY: GIZHEL SHANTEL SALDIVAR GROUP: UCSF DATE: 12/4/14 – 12/15/14

What were reasons they would get enslaved? Part 2

Another way to get enslaved was if you barrowed too much money and then never paid it back you would end up becoming a slave. Another way you would end up getting enslaved was if you stole something. That last one was like the only one that I really thought was sane, but really other than that one I thought they were pretty ridiculous. Although there was this one that I thought was the worst of all. The fact that if you were born and your parents are slaves that would automatically make you a slave as well. I honestly disliked that one because you didn’t do anything to deserve this, you shouldn’t be punished for something you didn’t do or cause. As soon as you tuned to an age where you can start working you would become a slave just like your parents.

Page 5: Slavery in Ancient Egypt BY: GIZHEL SHANTEL SALDIVAR GROUP: UCSF DATE: 12/4/14 – 12/15/14

They would work as…

During this time not too many jobs are that different than the ones we have today, although there are a few jobs most of us now in days don’t really do. For example, some of them would work as house servants, they would basically just took care of stuff around the house and made sure everything is how it’s supposed to go. Almost like a maid or in other words like a mom. Others would be musicians so they would play music for their owners when asked.

Page 6: Slavery in Ancient Egypt BY: GIZHEL SHANTEL SALDIVAR GROUP: UCSF DATE: 12/4/14 – 12/15/14

They works as… Part 2

Some would even become accountants, that one kind of surprised me. I never really thought they would’ve had accountants at that time. Anyways there was also a few people who ended up working as a scribe. Now a scribe is someone who would keep track of the items people traded, government officials, keep records, and other documents. Becoming a scribe was a way to kind of move up in social classes. Anyways, other jobs they would have was being a dancer, they helped priest take care of gods and their needs, or they also might work on his or her owner’s field. Some of them would be owned by just one person meanwhile others would be owned by organizations.

Page 7: Slavery in Ancient Egypt BY: GIZHEL SHANTEL SALDIVAR GROUP: UCSF DATE: 12/4/14 – 12/15/14

They worked as…Part 3

Slave women might clean houses or just be there to take care f it almost like a house servant, but not exactly. Something I found out about the slaves’ jobs is that they never really did make the pyramids. They always considered building the slaves a great honor, and slaves didn’t have the honor or the quality of work. When they worked they only worked set hours pretty much like workers today. So as you can see their jobs aren’t very different than the ones we have today.

Page 8: Slavery in Ancient Egypt BY: GIZHEL SHANTEL SALDIVAR GROUP: UCSF DATE: 12/4/14 – 12/15/14

Types of people they would enslave

There was quite a few people that would end up getting enslaved from Meroe, Kush. I also found out that there’s actually a lot of people from Libya would also end up becoming slaves. Although most of their slaves were from that hometown, Egypt. There was one thing that I kind of figured, but still kind of shocked me. That was that in ancient Egypt slavery was a very usual or common thing. When I heard that I felt so bad for all those people who would end up as slaves.

Page 9: Slavery in Ancient Egypt BY: GIZHEL SHANTEL SALDIVAR GROUP: UCSF DATE: 12/4/14 – 12/15/14


There was one thing that I kind of figured, but still kind of shocked me. That was that in ancient Egypt slavery was a very usual or common thing. When I heard that I felt so bad for all those people who would get enslaved. I also found out that the slaves never really had total ownership. So, it was like they could never really call anything theirs to own.

Page 10: Slavery in Ancient Egypt BY: GIZHEL SHANTEL SALDIVAR GROUP: UCSF DATE: 12/4/14 – 12/15/14

Enslavement Part 2

One thing that I really found interesting was that it wasn’t until the middle kingdom that large groups of slaves were present in Egypt. At first I had thought what made them want to start enslaving people, then I kept reading and I found out that they started enslaving people because the rich people started getting tired of doing their own work. So, the started enslaving people to do the work for them.

Page 11: Slavery in Ancient Egypt BY: GIZHEL SHANTEL SALDIVAR GROUP: UCSF DATE: 12/4/14 – 12/15/14

What would the owners do to them?

The owners were able to do just about what ever they wanted with the slaves. They were able to exchange their slaves for money, in other words they were able to sell their slaves. They were also able to trade them with other people. With the female slaves there was men who would marry them which were pretty much twice there age. The reason the men would marry girls half there age was because their youth would make them easier to control. Some female slaves gave birth to boys who were raised to a status of adopted sons.

Page 12: Slavery in Ancient Egypt BY: GIZHEL SHANTEL SALDIVAR GROUP: UCSF DATE: 12/4/14 – 12/15/14

What would the owners do to them?Part 2

Although, not everything the owners did was so cruel and mean. Some of the things that the owners would do was actually kind of nice. For example, some of the owners would buy a slave from someone else and just set them free. Slaves would also be housed, fed, and would be given breaks throughout the work day. Owners would also protect their slaves from other difficulties. Owners would also give rights to their slave sound like they are. Some owners are actually very king and heart warming.

Page 13: Slavery in Ancient Egypt BY: GIZHEL SHANTEL SALDIVAR GROUP: UCSF DATE: 12/4/14 – 12/15/14


In conclusion, this is what I’ve found out about why they would get enslaved, who they would enslave, what they worked as, and the other things that would go along with what or how their daily life was. Also, whether the slaves actually did create the pyramids or if people just said they did. From this assignment I have found out things that I never really thought that I what’ve known about. I hope that you liked finding out about the slavery in ancient Egypt just as much as I did.

Page 14: Slavery in Ancient Egypt BY: GIZHEL SHANTEL SALDIVAR GROUP: UCSF DATE: 12/4/14 – 12/15/14


Page 15: Slavery in Ancient Egypt BY: GIZHEL SHANTEL SALDIVAR GROUP: UCSF DATE: 12/4/14 – 12/15/14

The end

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