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Skyward Teacher User Guide

Index: Log in to Skyward ........................................................................................................................... 2 The Home Page Overview ............................................................................................................... 2 Breadcrumbs Explanation .............................................................................................................. 2 Posting Daily Attendance ................................................................................................................ 3 Posting Attendance By Name ............................................................................................. 3 Posting Attendance By Seating Chart ................................................................................. 4 Setting Up A Seating Chart ............................................................................................................. 4 Moving One Student ........................................................................................................... 4 Starting From Scratch .......................................................................................................... 5 Gradebook ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Getting to Your Gradebook ................................................................................................. 6 Yearly Maintenance and Setup ........................................................................................... 6 Category and Weighting Setup ............................................................................... 6 Display/View Options ......................................................................................................... 8 Student View Options ............................................................................................. 8 Assignment View Options ....................................................................................... 9 Grade Period Display Options ............................................................................... 10 Adding an Assignment ....................................................................................................... 10 The Assignments Screen .................................................................................................... 11 Editing Assignments .......................................................................................................... 11 Copying Assignments......................................................................................................... 11 Grading Assignments ......................................................................................................... 12 Assignment Options Screen ................................................................................... 12 Score Entry............................................................................................................. 12 Mass Assigning Scores ........................................................................................... 13 Quick Score Entry .................................................................................................. 13 Letter Grades (Elementary) ................................................................................... 13 Posting Grades ................................................................................................................... 14 Check Grade Posting Status ................................................................................... 14 Grades Posted Message.......................................................................................... 14 Post Grades ............................................................................................................ 14 Grade Comments ................................................................................................... 16 Manual Grade Adjustments ................................................................................... 16 Audit Posted Grades .......................................................................................................... 17 Via Grade Audit Sheet Report................................................................................ 17 All Classes ........................................................................................................... 17 Current Class Only .............................................................................................. 17 For Past Term ..................................................................................................... 18 Electronically – via Other Access .......................................................................... 18 Exporting Data to Excel ................................................................................................................. 19 Reporting Tools ............................................................................................................................. 19 Print Queue ........................................................................................................................ 19 Printing Reports................................................................................................................ 20 Creating Custom Reports .................................................................................................. 20 My Students Area ........................................................................................................................... 21 My Classes Area ............................................................................................................................ 22 Family Access Information ........................................................................................................... 22 Additional Help Resources ........................................................................................................... 23

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Log In to the System:

• From the SISD Home Page, click on the Grades link in the upper right hand corner.

• Verify that the Skyward Login page that appears displays the words Sharyland Student, as we have several Skyward login pages available.

• Enter your username and password, then click Login. TIP – You can change your password here by clicking the Change Password link. TIP – Forgot your login credentials….locked out….do not have an account? - Contact Gayle Acosta in the PEIMS office via e-mail for your credentials. TIP – Want to have Skyward as a favorite or home page? You can click the link to set those here. The Home Page:

• From the home page you can do the following: o My Gradebook lists all of your available

class gradebooks o My Students allows you to choose a student

to view demographic information and run reports o My Classes allows you to view reports for your

classes o Post Daily Attendance will list all of your

classes where attendance can be posted o Teacher Access Tutorial is a great guide for

additional help materials

NOTE – Depending on your position and campus, you may see additional menu options.

• From the Home Page, you can also access your Print Queue to print, view your Login History (very useful if you suspect that someone else may be using your account), and Exit the system.

• The Home Page is also use to relay important information to teachers, and will be updated from time to time by district personnel as necessary.

Breadcrumbs – They can be your Friend:

• Throughout this manual, items will be referred to by path. This path is listed out in the upper left hand corner of the screen.

• Think of this path as your “breadcrumbs” to find your way back to a screen.

• If a breadcrumb is blue and underlined, you can click on it to go back to a previous page

• The Home Page is always the 1st breadcrumb, and is always “clickable”

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Posting Daily Attendance:

• From the Home Page, click Post Daily Attendance. o You could also post attendance from a Gradebook by using the Attendance tab.

• All of your classes that post attendance will list

o If you are missing a class, contact your campus administration, as an edit to your course

setup may be necessary on their end.

• To quickly list your class roster and post attendance, click By Name

• Select Absent or Tardy for any students that are Absent or Tardy

o NOTE – Be sure to check your local campus policy for Tardy procedures. In many

cases, you may need to change an Absence to a Tardy if a child arrives to your classroom by a specified time.

• Click Save to post your attendance Attendance is NOT posted until you click the Save button!

• Skyward also displays a history of the past 2 weeks of Attendance. This is useful for tracking patterns, remembering to ask for Admit Slips, etc. Be sure to follow your campus procedures for Attendance.

Verify That Your Attendance Has Posted:

• From the Home Page, click Post Daily Attendance, and the classes that have already had attendance posted will show the time posted.

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Posting Attendance By Seating Chart:

• Skyward also allows teachers to post attendance via a seating chart. o You can print this chart for a substitute

• From Post Daily Attendance, click By Seating Chart o From a Gradebook, you can use the Attendance tab.

• Your seating chart will appear, with an attendance dropdown option. o To setup this chart, see the Setting Up a Seating Chart section of this guide

• To print a substitute teacher copy of this chart, click the Printer Friendly Listing link

• If your campus has set it up, your chart will display Absence and Tardy counts

• Select Absent or Tardy from the dropdown menu for each student

• Click Save to post attendance Attendance is NOT posted until you click the Save button!

Setting Up a Seating Chart:

• Skyward allows you to setup a seating chart for your class. If your campus has chosen to activate this feature and setup the classes to allow seating charts, it can be a useful tool.

• From the Post Daily Attendance Screen, click Assign Seats o You can also get to this screen from a Gradebook by using the Attendance tab

• Optional Features – Not On All Campuses: o If your campus has activated Student Pictures in Skyward, you can display them on your

seating chart by clicking Show Pictures o Your campus may also choose to list attendance totals on your seating chart. Cumulative

Absences and Tardies would display when you post attendance by seating chart if this option is selected by your campus Administrator.

• To setup your specific room layout, fill in the Number of Rows and Number of Seats Per Row fields and click Refresh.

Moving One Student:

• To move one student, click the Select button in that Student’s box

o Click either Swap Seats (if the seat is occupied by another student) or Fill Seat (if the seat is already empty) to move the student


…and move

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Starting from Scratch:

• To start from “scratch”, click the Clear Seating Chart link.

• Click Yes at the confirmation prompt. o If you get the following error message, be

sure to have filled in the room layout (Num Rows, Num Seats per Row)

• An Unassigned Seats box will appear.

• To Manually assign seats o Click on the Select button for each student,

then click Fill Seat where you wish to place the student

• To Auto Assign seats o Click on the Auto Assign Seats dropdown, and

select an option. � By First Name � By Last Name � Random

o Click the Process Button NOTE – Be sure to click Save to save your changes when you are finished.

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Teacher Gradebook: Getting to Your Gradebooks:

• From the Home Page, click the My Gradebook link

• Skyward will list Gradebooks for all campuses that you may teach at.

• Click the Secondary Gradebook link for a class

• If there has been an error in your class or security assignment,

you may see a No Security Clearance notification in place of the Secondary Gradebook link.

o Contact your campus administration to have this remedied

• If you have gradebook history, click the Prior Years Classes tab to see these gradebooks.

Initial and Yearly Category Maintenance:

• These steps need to be performed for a new gradebook, and at the start of each school year to verify that they have not changed.

• You need to repeat these steps for ALL of your classes Failure to complete these steps may result in incorrect grade posting!!!!

• From the Main Screen of the Gradebook, click the tab

• Verify that the Score Method is correct o Elementary Campuses: Use total points to calculate grades o Secondary Campuses: Base grades on percents assigned to categories

o If your method is incorrect, click Change Score Method

NOTE – This guide is an overall resource. It does not cover special circumstances. In very rare cases, your class may use a different method from the norm. Verify this with your campus administration.

o Change the score method, and click Save

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• Verify that the correct categories are displayed, and that they have the correct weights. o If you are using the Total Points method, you will only be able to select categories.

o If your categories or weights are not correct, click the Add/Edit Categories button. o Check/Uncheck categories as necessary

� TIP – Use the Select All / Unselect All buttons to speed up the process

o The following steps would be used to change the Participation Grade to 40% and add the Daily Work Category, weighted at 10%. They must be followed in the correct order.

1. Check the Daily Work category 2. Change the Participation category weight to 40% 3. Change the Daily Work category weight to 10% 4. Verify that the Current Percent Allocated and Modified Percent Allocated are

both at 100% 5. Click Save

NOTE – Skyward will never allow the Modified Percent Allocated to exceed 100%. Attempting step 3 before step 2 would result in the value not changing, and it would appear as if Skyward was “broken”.

o If your categories and weights are identical for all of your classes, click the Use These Categories For My Other Classes button.

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Student View Options:

• Click the Students link, or click the (Display Options) tab and select Student Display.

• The Student Display screen will appear

• The Name Display area allows you to choose how student names will appear

• The Display Options area allows you to add the student ID and grade to your gradebook display NOTE – If you select Dropped Students, your dropped students will appear in your gradebook as grayed out. Once displayed, you can run reports on these students. TIP – If you choose to always display dropped students, you may wish to manually sort them to the bottom of your gradebook by using the Sort By Gradesheet option.

• The Sorting Options area gives you several options for sorting students o Sort by Assigned Seat will be alpha unless you have setup a seating chart o Sort by Grade…. will update the student sort on each gradebook load. It will not

automatically re-sort when you enter a new grade. – This is a useful sort when you display by ID number, as your class order will change frequently.

o Sort by Gradesheet Sequence is useful if you utilize a paper gradebook or wish to move dropped students to the bottom of your roster

� Click the Modify Gradesheet Sequence link, then drag students into the order that you wish to have them displayed

• Click Save to save your changes

• Click Restore Defaults to revert back to the settings displayed above.

Tip – Use the Suppress

option with the Student ID

box checked to display your

gradebook by Student ID.

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Assignment Display Settings:

• From the Display Settings tab, select Assignment Display

• The Assignment Display Options area:

o Select your viewing options, keeping the following in mind

� If you select the Only show recent… option, it will override the Grade Period Display setting and must be unchecked here if you wish to view all terms.

� The Sort Assignments also controls the Term sort order � Do not change the Microsoft Office option for viewing

• The Assignment Defaults and Score Entry areas:

o You can change the Max Score with each assignment…this setting is only the default o If you choose the Suppress… option, Skyward will NOT notify you if you accidentally

enter a 999 instead of 99, or other obvious typo. Please be careful when choosing this option.

• The Assignment Heading area:

o Many users find the Show Category color in Assignment Headings only option to be

useful for viewing assignment scores.

• Click Save to save your changes.

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Grade Period Display Options:

• From the Display Options tab, select Grade Period Display

• The Grade Period Display window:

o Check the grade periods that you wish to display and click Save o If a grading period has an * next to it, you cannot hide that grading period. o Remember that this setting is overridden if you setup the Assignment Display to only

show 2 weeks worth of grades (Only Show Recent Assignments) Adding Assignments:

• From the Assignments tab, select Add Assignment

• Fill in the required fields for the assignment

• The Assign Date field determines which term the assignment is placed into.

• All assignments are automatically posted to Family Access

• The Assignment Group is optional o useful tool if you need to sub-group a category

� example – Quiz Category could contain Pop Quiz and Announced Quiz Groups o Skyward allows you to sort your assignments by Group (see Assignment Display)

• Click Save and Back, Save and Add Another, or Save and Score to save your assignment.

TIP – If you have the same

assignment for multiple classes,

you can select those classes at the

bottom of the screen and Skyward

will automatically place copies of

this assignment in those


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The Assignments Screen:

• From the Assignments tab of the Gradebook, click List Assignments.

• The Assignments screen will appear, listing all of your assignments for the terms displayed on your Gradebook.

o NOTE – If it appears that you have

assignments “missing” from your listing, check the Assignment Display and Grade Period Display setups from the main Gradebook screen.

• From this screen, you have the following options: o Add – adds a new assignment o Edit – Edits the selected assignment o Clone – Creates a copy of the selected assignment and opens it for editing o Delete – Deletes the selected assignment o Report – Currently, you can only run an assignment listing report o Score Entry – Opens up the current assignment for score entry

� You can get to the entry screen from the main Gradebook by double-clicking an assignment header or assignment grade.

o Mass Assign Score – Opens up the current assignment for editing with the Mass Assign window available

� TIP – For assignments where all students “should” be getting a 100%, use this tool to give all students their grade, then edit the 1 or 2 students that did not earn the grade.

o Assignment Display – Opens the Assignment Display settings window o Clone From Existing Gradebook – Allows a teacher to clone an assignment from any

other gradebook. � TIP – In situations where students are going to be “shuffled” between classes,

one teacher could create all assignments, then another could clone them. That way when a student is transferred, all of their grades will transfer with the student, as the assignments will be identical.

Editing Assignments:

• From the Assignments screen, click on the assignment that you wish to edit.

• Click the Edit Button

• Make your changes to the assignment, then click one of the Save options. Copying Assignments:

• From the Assignments screen, click on the assignment that you wish to edit.

• Click the Clone Button

• Make your changes to the new assignment, then click one of the Save options. NOTE – Skyward will allow you to have multiple assignments with the same name/date/etc…be sure to make your changes to the new assignment BEFORE saving.

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Grading Assignments: The Assignment Options Screen:

• From the Gradebook, click on any Assignment Header to be taken to that Assignment’s Options screen

• The Assignment Options Screen will appear

• Add, Edit, Clone, and Delete all function the same as from the Assignments screen

• Chart – Creates a Grade Distribution Chart for this assignment that you can print.

• Mass Assign Scr – Opens the assignment for grading with Mass Assign options

• Score Entry – Opens the assignment for scoring o TIP – Clicking a grade instead of the Assignment Header will open the assignment in

Score Entry mode. Score Entry:

• Quickly access by clicking a grade from a Gradebook

• Can also be accessed from the Assignment Options screen (Score Entry button)

• Fill in the assignment grades (use * for unscored)

o NOTE – By using the Mark un-scored as 0 and Missing you can quickly update an assignment

• You can add special codes as necessary, or check the No Count or Missing boxes.

• If you choose to add comments and you want parents to see the comments in Family Access you need to check the box in your assignment setup

• Click the Save button

Click Here

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Mass Assigning Scores:

• Click an Assignment Header to bring up the Assignment Options screen

• Click Mass Assign Score

• Skyward will open up a screen similar to the Score Entry screen, but instead of Special Codes, the Mass Assign Options will display.

o NOTE – You cannot add Special Codes from the Mass Assign Score screen

o TIP – You can edit individual grades from this screen.

• Set your options: o Assign All Scores – enter a value o Overwrite Scores – checking this will erase and

overwrite any grades that you may have entered already o Remove All Scores – Replaces all current scores with * (un-scored value) o Set All to / Remove All No Count and Remove All Missing – add/remove checks

� TIP – To MAKE all students missing, you would have to Remove All Scores, and then click the Mark un-scored as 0 and Missing button.

• Click Apply

• Click Save

NOTE – Clicking Apply does not save the scores…you must still click Save Quick Score Entry:

• From the Gradebook screen, click the button

• The Current Term will display like a spreadsheet for data entry CAUTION – Skyward does not communicate with your computer while you are filling in this data! You need to Save within your 10 minute time out period, or your work will be lost.

• Click Save to save your work and continue editing (resets timeout timer)

• Click Save and Back to save your work and return to the normal Gradebook

• Click Show ‘Cell’ Details to add comments and other information about this grade

Using Letter Grades Instead of Numbers (Elementary Only):

• If your class is supposed to post letter grades, it will display as Dept 099 on the My Gradebooks screen.

• Enter grades as a number, and Skyward will make the conversion to a Letter grade.

• For averages (Terms and Final), Skyward will take the average of the numbers that you input when you created the assignment.

• To display the number instead of the Letter, change the display method in Assignment Options from Grade Mark to Score

o Even if you are displaying scores, report cards for Dept. 099 classes will print letters

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Posting Grades: Checking Your Posting Status:

• From the Home Page / My Gradebook area, hover your mouse over the Grade Posting Status button

• Select the Grade Period that you want to check o In this case, Midterm 1

• The Grade Post Status Screen will appear for that term

• Scroll Right to see the last few columns

• Here you can see when this class was last posted. If you need to post multiple times, there is

also a check box that you can check as a reminder to you that your posting is complete.

• You can export this screen by clicking the Export To Excel button. Display the Grades Posted Message:

• From the Home Page / My Gradebook area, click the Show Grades Posted Message link

• Skyward will add a line of text under each of your gradebooks, stating when the gradebook was last posted.

• You can turn this off by clicking the Hide Grades Posted Message link

Posting Grades:

• In a Gradebook, click the Posting tab and select Post Grades.

o NOTE – Not all campuses have multiple choices. You may just have a tab named Post Grades.

• Skyward will display the Post Grades Screen with the following information

o � Click Post Grades to post grades for the current term � NOTE – Be sure to check the dates if multiple terms are open. If your campus

has multiple terms open, you could post to the incorrect term.

o � Click Display Class to show a screen with any current grade average. � You cannot edit or save any information on this screen

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o � Click Display Grades to show a screen with the POSTED grades for this grade

period. � You cannot make any changes to this screen � This screen shows the posted grade, and will not reflect any changes that you may

have made to your gradebook since posting.

• Click Post Grades in an Open Term.

o At the top of the screen, Skyward displays the posting dates for this term.

� PLEASE VERIFY if your campus has multiple terms open o Green Grades / Comments – Indicates that these grades / comments have already been

posted. � You can only make changes to comments on this screen. The grades reflect the

average of your gradebook.

• See the Electronic Grade Auditing section for information on changing the posted grade.

o Red Grades / Comments – indicate newly entered / calculated grades that do not match what is currently on record as being posted.

o Save button – You MUST click the Save button to actually “post” these grades. o Back button – Clicking the Back button abandons all current changes and DOES NOT

post your grades. Skyward will display the following error message:



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Grade Comments:

• Comments are entered on the Post Grades screen

• You can add both pre-made campus comments and freeform comments o Be careful with freeform comments. Skyward does not have Spell Check

• To View Comment Codes o Click the View Comment Codes link o Skyward will display all available

“canned” comments

• To enter Pre-Defined comments for students o Under the C1, C2, or C3 columns, enter the Comment Code o To mass assign a comment to your class, click the pulldown

under C1, C2, or C3 and select the comment to assign.

• To Enter Free Form Comments, click in the comment box, and either type or Paste (CTRL-V) a comment.

o TIP – If you pre-create your comment in Word, you have the advantage of Spell Check. Also, if you need to re-use a free form comment over and over, you can just paste multiple times. Simply Copy (CTRL-C) from Word, and Paste (CTRL-V) into Skyward. Remember that there is a character limit in Skyward.

o If you click the Expand box (see arrow), the comment will pop-up in a new window so that you can see the entire comment. Otherwise, the comment will scroll in the comment field.

Making Manual Grade Adjustments (prior to Posting):

• To make an adjustment to your calculated grades, pull down the Options menu on a term, and select Enter (term name) Grade Adustments

• Enter the new grade, or the percentage to adjust, or select Incomplete from the dropdown box.

• Enter a comment by clicking on the Cmt row (paper icon)

o This comment will display in Family Access

• Click Save


o If your gradebook does not match the posted grade, your Semester, Year, and Final calculations WILL NOT match what you posted

� Example – Student A has earned 65% all year, but you have changed grade to 70% for report card. When Skyward calculates the Semester grade, it will post a 65% instead of the 70%.

� Please Note that this is a Violation of UIL Academic Eligibility Laws.

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o Your campus may only allow you to change a grade to an Incomplete. You may need to complete a form to have the grade adjusted when the student has completed the necessary work.

o When you alter a grade, Skyward will add a Report Card column next to your grade, and add an * to the grade.

� This is a reminder that you are not in Sync with the student report card o TEA requires that your gradebook be in sync with all posted report card grades, so any

changes to an actual grade would need to be reflected in your gradebook. � Example – If your term grade is less than 50%, and you need to make the

gradebook adjustment, you can do it this way, but at a later date, you need to add an “adjustment” assignment to mathematically make the grade work.

Auditing Posted Grades:

• Both of the procedures listed below will only work after you have already posted grades. Auditing via Printed Grade Audit Report:

• Print Audit Sheets for all Classes o From the Home Page / My Gradebook screen

hover over the Reports for All Classes button and select Grade Proof Sheet.

� It is listed at the bottom � You may have to scroll down to

see it o There are two pre-defined reports that

will list

� 900 – Prints all terms up to and including the current term (by today’s date)

� 910 – Only prints the current term (by today’s date)

o Click on the 910 sequence o You can Select which classes to print for

by clicking the Select Different Classes button and checking your classes.

o Click the Print button o Skyward will create a PDF document that

you can save or print.

• Print Audit Sheet for Current Class only o From a Gradebook, hover over the

Reports tab, and select Grade Proof Sheet o Follow the instructions as above o In this report, you can select a subset of students to run the report for by clicking the

Select Different Students button

Print Options

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• Print Audit Sheet for a Past Term (and only one term) o Used if you are print Audit sheet after the term has changed, and your campus only

allows one term to list. o Go to the Grade Proof Sheet report, as shown previously o Select the 910 Sequence# o Click the Clone Template button o Name your Template – In this case, Term 4 is the name, as it will list Term 4 auditing.

o Dropdown the Term selection list, and select

the term that is needed o In the Options area, be sure that the

Display Only the Selected Term is selected (checked).

o Click Save o Select this new report, and click Print

Auditing Posted Grades Electronically:

• The procedure listed below only works when a grade period is open for posting.

• From a Gradebook, hover over the Other Access tab and select Report Card Posting

• The current report card period will display. You can verify this at the top of the screen.

• To change the grading period, hover over the term

displayed, and Skyward will display a dropdown listing of all available terms.

• Click on the term that is open for posting.

• Make your changes to the listed grades

• Notice that all changes appear in red until saved

• Click one of the Save options to save your work

• Notice that after the save, all items will turn green.






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Exporting Data to Excel:

• Skyward offers three ways to export data to Microsoft Excel

• From a Gradebook

o Click the button o Skyward will popup a window o Click the Open the Export File link o Skyward will initiate a file download o Click Save to save a copy, or Open

to open the export in Excel

o If the save fails, check your Assignment Display settings to see if your selection for

Program for Viewing Excel Exports is set to Microsoft Office.

• From a Report o NOTE – This is not available for ALL reports. o See the Printing Reports area of this document for additional information on using the

Print Queue. o Run your report by clicking Print

o After the report lists as Completed in the Print Queue, click the button to create an Excel download file.

• From a Listing o If a screen displays an Export to Excel icon, clicking that icon will export the

screen contents to an Excel file Reporting Tools: The Print Queue:

• All reports are usually saved in the Print Queue for 2 business days.

• To access the Print Queue o From any screen in Skyward, click My Print Queue o The print queue will show any documents

printed by you for the past 2 days. o To re-print any document, simply click the Report Description, and Skyward will

generate a PDF document � Alternate method – Select the document and click View

o To export most reports to Excel, click the Convert To Excel Button. o To force deletion of a report prior to the 2 day purge, select the

document and click Delete

• TIP – You do not have to wait on reports to process. Once the Print Queue appears, and the Status is listed as Pending or Processing, you can close the Print Queue and come back to the report later. This will allow you to send several reports to Skyward quickly.

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Printing Reports:

• From any Gradebook, the My Students area, the My Classes area, or the My Gradebook area, hover over the Reports tab, and select a report to run.

• The Reports screen will appear

• Select a Sequence for that report

• Use the Select Different Classes or Select Different Students buttons to filter your report.

• Click Print and the report will be sent to the Print Queue Creating Custom Reports:

• You can either Clone an existing Sequence or create your own report from scratch o If a report is “almost perfect”, it is best to clone it o If there is not a sequence that looks like what you want, it is best to start from scratch.

• If you are cloning a template, select that template and click the Clone Template button

• If you are starting from scratch, click the Add a New Template button.

• Name your report

• Change the Sequence #, or stay with the default

o Reports are listed by Sequence #

• Click Save

• Choose your report parameters

o Many reports require you to select a Term o Most reports will display how many characters that you have remaining. Once you

exceed the maximum characters for Landscape, Skyward will display this error

� You would need to unselect one or more options to remove this error.

• Click Save.

• Notice that now when you select this report, you have a Modify parameters of Template button that you can choose to edit the report template.

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My Students Area:

• The My Students access allows you to view information about an individual student, as well as view Family Access information.

• From the Home Page, click My Students

• Select a student to view, and click Select o Search for students by entering their last name, or by selecting a letter of the Alphabet.

• The Profile screen will appear

o TIP – You can also get to this screen from any Gradebook by clicking the student name, then clicking the student’s name a second time when the demographics screen appears

o By clicking the dropdown arrow to the right of the student name, you can quickly change

students. � NOTE – You cannot use this feature if you access the Profile via a Gradebook

• Use the menu to access the different areas available to you. Most are self-explanatory, so only a few are outlined here.

• Test Scores – contains all test scores for this student. You must expand (+) each test to see detail

• Graduation Requirements – is only used at the HS

• Family Access Display – Allows you to view the same data that parents can see in Family Access

• Family Access History (###) – displays login counts for Family Access. You can see when the most recent login was by clicking this link and viewing the information displayed.

• Multi-Class Progress Report – Displays progress reports for multiple classes that you have with a student. This report does not list student classes that you do not teach.

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My Classes Area:

• Gives you the ability to view class data, such as attendance, Test Scores, etc.

• From the Home Page, click My Classes

• Select a class to open

• Skyward will open the Class Options screen

• To access screen data, click a link from the menu (just as in My Students)

• To run Class Reports click the Reports link o Note that these reports mirror what is available in your Gradebook

• To open the actual class Gradebook click My Gradebook

• To Post and Edit Report Card grades for an open term, click Report Card Posting o TIP – This is the only area where you can edit and post from the same screen

Family Access:

• This system allows parents to view grade and attendance information for their student

• To view the Family Access gradebook screen (and verify what a parent can and cannot see), use the Family Access Display menu option in the My Students area.

• The Family Access Gradebook Area will appear

• By clicking the Notebook ( ) icon, parents can view details for that term

Quick TIP – by utilizing the Student dropdown menu,

you can quickly change from student to student within

the Family Access display area.

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• Parents can also click the Term (not Progress Report) or Semester headers to view details.

• By checking the Calculate Progress Report Grades box, parents can see a “snapshot” of what their child’s grade would be if grades were posted at that second.

• By clicking on a score, a parent would see additional details.

Additional Help:

• From the Home Page click the link

• From almost any other page, click the link

• These will launch the SkyDoc help system. In many cases there is a printed how-to guide or video that you can view to assist you.

• If a tutorial starts and has a Print this Tutorial button, click it to produce a PDF file that can be saved or printed.

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