  • 1.1 Fast food m-commerce 1 - Decathlon - London 2012 A Bitesize Guide for Brands to the Top 10 Leading Topics, Tools & Techniques In Research & Insight Today MRS, 10am-1pm, 25th July, London 2012 Darren Mark Noyce FMRS MCIM Scott Dodgson MMRS Paula Juson AMRS Founding Partner Director: Research & Insight Director: Research & Insight [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SKOPOS Insight Group City of London Tel: 0207 953 8 359 Pass Move

2. Team Leaders for today Founder & MD SKOPOS Research & Insight Director Research & Insight Director 3. 3 LETS PLAY BUZZWORD BINGO - Cinemisation - Multiplicity - Mood Music - Surveytainment - Relevisation - Heatseeker - Holisticity - Irrationalising - In-the-mouthful - Decathlon - London 2012 Name: 4. Whats coming up. 1 Fast-paced, punchy 20min Discussions 5. Running Order 6. Your 10 Events for Today SESSION A: HOLISTICITY (10mins) 1. Big Data SESSION B: DIGITAL (30mins) 2. Mobile 3. Social Media 4. Digital Communities & Panels BREAK-OUT/DISCUSSION GROUP (20mins with 2min summary) Moderated by SKOPOS, 2min presentation at end, notes and video taken SESSION C: ENGAGEMENT (30mins) 6. Co-Creation 7. Gamification/Surveytainment 8. Multimedia, Video & Research BREAK-OUT/DISCUSSION GROUP (20mins, 2min summary) SESSION D: SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (30mins) 8. Emotions 9. Emotions / Behavioural Economics 10. Neuro/Brain Science/Biometrics FINAL BREAK-OUT/DISCUSSION GROUP (25mins, 5min Key Takeout Summary) GROUP VOTE & MEDAL CEREMONY (Gold, Silver, Bronze awards for topics with most impact for attendees brand) CLOSE & END 1pm 7. 1 8. Think Holistically. .modern commercial research, where the mind of the researcher is finally acknowledged as admissible data. Prior knowledge, pragmatism, experience are all robust grist to the holistic research mill." Virginia Valentine 9. Think Big (Data). Big datais a loosely-defined term used to describe data sets so large and complex that they become awkward to work with using on-hand database management tools. Wikipedia 90% of the data that exists today was created in the last two years 10. The voluminous amount of unstructured and semi- structured data a company creates Often data that would take too much time and cost too much money to (say) load into a relational database for analysis. The Challenge: "Big data" is often large enough that it cannot be processed using conventional methods causing drowning & over-load Market Research & Big Data: Data science skills Context interpretation Representative sampling New Technology can take huge volumes of data and pick out the important patterns and trends We know how to turn data into high-quality information/insights Evidence to enable better decisions Think Big ! Think of all the data a company creates/stores... Aggregation Analysis Action Volume Variety Velocity 11. Video: Big Dashboard Solutions 12. 13 Fast food m-commerce 13 Mobile 13. 14 The Rise & Rise of the Mobile device/channel 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* Per100inhabitants Mobile-cellular subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, 2001-2011* Developed World Developing Source: ITU 14. 15 The Rise & Rise of Mobile APPS 15. 16 The Rise & Rise of Mobile WEB 16. 17 SKOPOS MTrack - Base: 521 (wave 4) (UK Active Digital Society) Q12. Where do you access the internet? SKOPOS MTrack TM Access Internet via Mobile Phone 48% Half the UK Digital Society Use Mobile Web 17. 18 Context: Mobile Multiplicity SKOPOS MTrack - Base: 521 (UK Active Digital Society) - Wave 4 data Q20. What types of information and content do you like to read or access via your mobile? Social networks 43% 2 Music 39% 4 SKOPOS MTrack TM TV news & information 32% 5 News (latest today) 40% 3 Weather 52% 1 Sports news & information 27% 8 18. 19 Augmented Reality Bar Code Scanning (to source products and best prices etc) Personally used via mobile Aware but not used Quick Response (QR) Codes 2% 16% 12% 36% 21% 60% SKOPOS MTrack TM Usage & Awareness of Advanced Mobile Functions low & limited, but SKOPOS MTrack - Base: 521 respondents (UK Active Digital Society) - wave 4 data (Jan 12) Q22. Which of the following have you (a) heard of but NOT used, (b) personally used via your mobile (c) not heard of? Mobile Contactless Payment 4% 67% Presented to GIMRA 19. 20 The channel rather than the topic of Research Focus on Active v Passive Techniques 20. Relevance & fit Reach Response Speed & Real-Time Really handy Richness The 5 Rs that Drive Mobile for Research Audience (e.g. youth) Topic (e.g. mobile) Client (e.g. Vodafone) 95% txts arr in 10 secs 94% of txts are read (v 25% email) 2 x mobiles as PCs No location restrictions All ages Incl hard to reach youth Always with you Un-fixed location Familiar Photos Videos Diaries Apps 21 21. Mobile provides location... 22 22. Mobile surveys getting richer & better... *Courtesy of Fly Research 23 23. VIDEO: Mobile Survey In Action 24 24. Customer journey Absorbing Planning Obtaining Sharing How encountered? Which brand encountered? How this makes you feel? What did you do as a result of the encounter? trigger trigger trigger trigger I am not interested I am interested Questions asked at each brand interaction: The physical location of all brand interactions are mapped Through the use of the mobile platform, SKOPOS can physically map the customer journey - asking participants to record each brand interaction (and the action taken) in relation to a specific category (e.g. utilities). Im an advocate Opportunity: Mapping Customer Journeys by Mobile Paths to purchase In the moment, in the emotion, in the mouthful ! 25. 26 SKOPOS ChatTrack - Base: 521 respondents (UK Active Digital Society) - wave 4 data Q30. Do you use social network sites? Q16. Do you use social network sites on your mobile? Almost All Use Online Social Networks Now half using Mobile to do so too SKOPOS ChatTrack TM 88% 50% SoGoMoGoLo. 26. A Simple Definition Social media means websites that allow average users to create pages, photos, videos and other stuff, share it openly, connect with each other and develop conversations. Social means people interacting with each other. Media (plural for medium) means the types of material used to create artwork and communicate information or ideas. Media can include video, photography, graphic design, writing, oil paints, etc. 27. The First Social Olympics ? NEW: direct access to athletes as well as teams/brands. Olympics 28. 30 53% Twitter...connected & informed SKOPOS MTrack - Base: 171 (Twitter Users) Wave 4 Q34. You mentioned that you use Twitter, for what reason(s) do you use it? 45% Latest news & gossip from stars/celebrities 3 SKOPOS ChatTrack TM 30% Enjoy telling people what I am doing 5 See whats trending globally 38% 4 Latest news/ information 2 46% Socialise with friends 53% 1 29. Social Networks connecting communicating sharing promoting helping listening engaging Brands Consumers impressing informing responding 30. Social Media for Research Buzz monitoring is the tracking of consumer responses to commercial services and products, to establish the marketing buzz surrounding a new or existing offer. Similar to media monitoring it is becoming increasingly popular as a base for strategic insight development alongside other forms of market research involves the checking and analysis of myriad online sources such as internet forums, blogs, and social networks. Wikipedia 1/. Listening 31. Social Media for Research EVALUATION: Good for tracking high level sentiment & for identifying invisible or urgent topics/trends Additional and supplementary, but not a replacement for market research Some issues Passive not Active (you listen to what people want to talk about only) Sources & Sampling (only certain information accessible, not everything) Computer v Human Coding (Accuracy, 30% v 80%?) Volumes of Automated Data (with no interpretation & little insight) Ethics, Privacy, Informed Consent, etc. 1/. Listening 32. SKOPOS ChatBack is our unique full service Buzz/WOM social media monitoring system, enabling instant and ongoing capture of opinion, sentiment, comments and associations in relation to brands, media campaigns and/or products SKOPOS ChatBackTM 33. 35 Current buzz & sentiment Sensitive Sentiment measurement Get a quick overview of the current buzz around your industry and brand SKOPOS ChatBackTM 34. 36 SKOPOS ChatBackTM Plus Overview Dashboard Reporting + In-Person Insight Debriefs 35. Social Media for Research Engagement Panels Communities Forums Blogs Access Engagement Activity Tasks 36. Open v Closed Soft v Hard Recruited v Transferred MROC = more Qual Panel = more Quant Quant v Quant/Qual v Qual Online-only or Online + + Digital Panels & Communities 37. Community As with panels, plus 1. On-going, iterative & online 2. Enables you to do research you wouldnt typically have time or budget for 3. Ability to be able to genuinely listen to customer views, thoughts & opinions 4. Lets you continuously infuse the customers voice within the company 5. Lets you have a richer relationship and three way dialogue - delivering user generated insight (UGI) Panel 1. Larger quantitative base, plus intimate discussions 2. Provides faster and cheaper access to your customers 3. Target who you want to hear from 4. Provides deep profiling for sampling and analysis 5. Less investment cost (financial & resource) compared with a full community Panels v Communities Disadvantages: You don't truly know the panel members Predominantly quantitative research No direct interaction between panel members On-going panel maintenance Disadvantages: Needs to be constantly fed (& monitored) i.e. new discussions/topics added more frequently Greater on-going maintenance, and therefore, investment 38. Profiling - participant profiles can be created, so that you can learn more and create richer, deeper, relationships. Live Focus Groups - content, ideas, concepts can be posted and you can observe your respondents sharing their feedback in real-time. The sessions are recorded and transcripts logged. Forums - discussions can be broadcast to large participant groups in an engaging environment, to explore relevant topics. Segmentation - participants can be grouped into specific sub-communities and assigned particular tasks and exercises (this also aids back-end analysis & reporting). Messaging - the messaging functionality enables us to contact participants via their email in-boxes - to prompt response and/or update them on new assignments. Auto Reporting - custom reports can be extracted to Excel mid consultation, or upon conclusion of consultation period. Surveys & Polls - quantitative tools, such as surveys and polls, can be utilised to provide the hard numbers. Media Sharing - rich multimedia can be broadcast, whilst participants can also upload home-made media clips quickly and easily. Customisation - platform can be customised (& re-skinned) with unique banners, login pages, branded emails, etc. Participation Management - the admin centre facility allows you to review and probe the latest responses, as well as manage participation in one seamless environment. The features... Digital Community Platforms 39. Best Advice for Digital Community Success Provide & facilitate engaging interactions Informing community panel members of relevant news Providing an opportunity to outline some topline outcomes from recent studies, so community panel members can see that their feedback is directly informing business decision making Gives the opportunity to PR any relevant products/services via viral marketing Acting as a bridge for any gaps in the schedule of the research programme Enabling prize draw winners to be announced to all community panel members - with associated positive quotes included Immersion rather than frustration 40. Richer experiences Our community panel platform can utilise the full gamete of multimedia capabilities - further enhancing the participant experience. Insight illumination The flexibility and functionality of the platform (incorporating the auto-reporting tools) aids the analysis and insight identification process. Intuitive Interfaces An easy-to-use platform for clients and participants alike, so neither waste valuable time getting to know the technology. Always on availability Access to the community panel platform portal is available 24/7. Tailorability Configurable to suit the needs of the client, the people (customers, stakeholders & client team) and processes. Safe & secure Data remains safe and secure during and after your project using the latest and greatest techniques & technologies available - encryption, multi-site back-up and password protection. Optimum Community Panels Provide 41. VIDEO: Community Showcase (Mock Up) EXAMPLE MOCK-UP 42. Into your teams then Breakout / Discussion On Holisticity/Big Data/Digital 1/. Share your thoughts & experiences (11:00) Split into three equal groups. Then each Group to nominate a chair/speaker, plus start to consider the One Tool/Topic that will have the greatest potential impact, for nomination later. 15mins 43. Harnessing customer creativity Co-Creation: Customer Collaboration Co-creation refers to joint client/customer initiatives. With the rise of the internet and social media, it has evolved into a mostly (but certainly not always) digital method to jointly create and develop new ideas in collaboration with selected customers. 44. 1. Specification & Selection of Consumers e.g. top X% of target market with required affinity and abilities to co- create with you and your brand 2. Task & Experience Creation An experience that engages users, experts and clients. 3. Task & Insight Triggering Stimulation of participants to declare and illustrate their thoughts, feelings and experiences 4. Joint Engagement Insights stimulate all parties to work together to create new ideas. 5. Evolving the Best Ideas All parties select optimum ideas and evolve. 6. Choice & Decision Best ideas are chosen and pitched to client decision team. Co-Creation: Customer Collaboration 45. Co-Creation: Customer Collaboration An illustrative example of a typical co-creational screen output: Infographic: Co-creation Hub 46. Gamification works by making technology more engaging Gamification & Surveytainment Gamification typically involves applying game design & thinking to non-game applications to make them more fun and engaging. Gamification has been called one of the most important trends in technology by several industry experts. Gamification can potentially be applied to any industry and almost anything to create fun and engaging experiences, converting users into players. Gamification and Surveytainment are clever tricks to encourage people to take part in market research Simply, making things more fun to do - Bespoke every time? Efficient? - More for younger audiences (at present)? 47. What is Surveytainment? Improving visual appeal Implementing interactive elements Visually supporting participants answers a principally layout and usability driven enhancement (revision) of the traditional online survey, that has been driven by methodological thoughts, approaches and evidence from past experience. 48. Simple Surveytainment 49. More Advanced Surveytainment 50. More Advanced Surveytainment 51. More Advanced Surveytainment 52. More Advanced Surveytainment 53. Simple Surveytainment 54. SKOPOS SketchpadTM is an innovative online tool used to evaluate web pages, adverts, direct mail pieces, packaging concepts, logos, etc. A respondent places post-it notes and emoticons onto the stimulus, enabling a richness of response to be gained as well as directional guidance in relation to gross likes/dislikes, areas for improvement, etc. SKOPOS HeatseekerTM - deployed in combination with SKOPOS SketchpadTM - determines the areas of greatest clicks and commentary (via a heat map). This technology enables clients to establish which areas of the creative are the most likely to grab attention. Advanced Surveytainment 55. Advanced Surveytainment SKOPOS Replikator is an online page-turning technology that allows us to replicate as closely as possible the actual experience of flicking through and browsing a magazine, brochure, or other publication. This tool is used to determine recall of various sections or articles within a publication. To see the Replikator in action, click the image. 56. Surveytainment Works Simply, this is why investing 30 more minutes in designing or programming your online survey is more than worth considering Source: SKOPOS, 2012 Increases Survey Satisfaction Richer Opens Improves Perceptions 57. Multimedia includes a combination of text, audio, still images, animation video or interactivity. Multimedia is usually recorded and played, displayed or accessed by information content processing devices e.g. Computerized Electronic devices Live performance Multimedia, Video & Research 58. Video & Vox Pops: The real Voice of the Customer Capturing real customer emotions, in a real environment (usually at home, but sometimes on the go) works very powerfully with clients. Customer videos have been used (with appropriate customer permission) for team training, marketing and testimonials. Karen Lord Sugar The Customer 59. Control know the needs: what, why & when (specification) What examples/messages/stories/verbatims/quotes/behaviour? Why? Pitch or presentation? Stand alone or for PPT? Etc. Create/Capture including photos/stills, video via mobiles/iphones/cameras, downloads from Google/youtube, rips from DVD, etc. Clip/Cut quickly trim in Quicktime, or edit in iMovie or Windows Movie Maker (WMM) Collate/Convert collate in iPhoto (into a slideshow) or edit in iMovie or WMM Convert to required file format now if required/best, e.g. Windows Media Video (.wmv) is best for insertion into PowerPoint, .mov or .mp4 for Mac. Connect Insert (embed) or hyperlink into PPT. Inserting looks better, but (Hyper)Linking keeps PPT file size low Images can be hyperlinked too, e.g. a Video icon to start video. Store inserted/linked clips in same folder as PPT. Colour enhance the video/slideshow/presentation via animations/transitions, Titles, Captions/Subtitles, music, audio/narration. Editing software will allow simple insertion of these Compress reduce file size if required by exporting to new format or saving as. See above re insert v hyperlink. Complete be proud and happy with what you produce/deliver Check it fits need, it works & recipient can view/is happy Video & Vox Pops: A Kwik Checklist Compatibility testing is key Both hardware and software 60. iMovie Quick time Windows movie maker Final Cut Express Computer Operating System Mac Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Mac Variety of effects Basic Basic Basic Professional Final file Small Small Small Larger (Effects) Type of video editing PP Presentations PP Presentations PP Presentations Movie creation (Short or Long ) *WMM highly recommended to beginners VIDEO EDIT SOFTWARE OPTIONS 61. Multimedia: Prezi, the zooming presentation creator Source: 62. Example: A Prezi Animated Presentation (video) 63. Cinemisation & CineSKOPE SKOPOS CineSKOPE insight in a motion picture With trends towards concise reporting, precise recommendations, and engaging visual delivery, SKOPOS CineSKOPE is the logical development. Our new system uses video inputs, video content analysis and movie-style presentations to deliver both a direct view of the audience - without filter, with real test persons and precise engaging reporting. Win-Win client/respondent engagement. 64. Price Sensitivity & Elasticity Action Prioritisation Grid (APG) TURF Analysis Derived Importance Conjoint (trade off) Analysis Correspondence Mapping Engagement: Analysis, Content, Substance too 65. Have the tools and techniques to uncover true customer insight; naturally enlightening the delivered insight & advice Use narrative & multi-media to bring the insight to life, and ensure ideas & inspiration are heard and acted on Believe in always fully uncovering client needs, challenges (in their market context) and providing appropriate solutions A New Philosophy: Immersive Illuminating Storytellers. 66. Breakout / Discussion On Respondent/Client Engagement 2/. Share your thoughts & experiences (11:45) Split into three equal groups. Then each Group to nominate a chair/speaker, plus start to consider the One Tool/Topic that will have the greatest potential impact, for nomination later. 15mins 67. Advertisers Use Emotions 68. Advertisers Use Emotions All the Time, shouldnt we? Evians Live Young Campaign Uses imagery that speaks directly to the brain: It gets your attention (The rugged older guy with the cute baby t-shirt.) Induces emotion. (imagery used makes you smile or laugh) The advert makes you feel happy (The stronger an emotion is felt during an experience, the greater the chance its recorded to memory therefore this Evian advert is more memorable). They used the metaphor to illustrate their brand reviving the youth in you Live Young 69. Contextualising (or Irrationalising) Research Providing the emotional & attitudinal mood music Are we likely to get the same response with each emotion? Why are moods, feelings, emotions important? People respond differently depending on their mood, whether they are happy vs. sad, content vs. annoyed or tired vs. rested, etc. We need to consider this for both the design and the interpretation of research The Relevisation of Research? 70. Key principles: in reality, we are not rational beings, we take shortcuts, and we are easily influenced by others Market research can consider integrating (irrational) behavioural models from psychology with traditional (rational) economic theory. Behavioural Economics studies the consequences of our social, cognitive, and emotional influences on our spending choices Behavioural (Emotional?) Economics 71. Neuro / Brain Science / Biometrics Attention, Emotional Engagement & Memory Retention are keys to an individuals purchase intent. Source: Nielsen 72. Decisions are made from the subconscious mind. In order to improve your ability to sell to your customer, you need to speak the language of his/her subconscious. Neuro / Brain Science Attention, Emotional Engagement & Memory Retention are keys to an individuals purchase intent. 73. Neuro / Brain Science Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system (linking the brain & behaviour) Considered helpful in Market Research when 1.Dealing with sensitive material. Neuroscience can be a way to bypass the social desirability bias that arises from traditional qualitative and quantitative research on sensitive subjects. 2.Dealing with abstract or higher order ideas. Consumers are not naturally able to articulate the complexity of their reaction to, and their understanding of, brands. 3.Probing for transient responses to ads or brand experiences. Consumers themselves are reductive when describing how they reacted to an ad or how they decided to purchase something. Shopping is particularly suited to neurometric research: with much of the buying process is subconscious, and consumers cant recall let alone articulate the dozens of products they saw but passed over when deciding which product to buy. 4.Giving more detail on consumers feelings. Neuroscience can provide timelines of emotional responses, which is perfect for assessing consumer response to television commercials. 74. Neuro / Brain Science Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system (linking the brain & behaviour) 75. Biometrics Identification & Authentication based on human characteristics or traits Retina Scan 76. Biometrics Retina Scan (or RFID?) Automated Advertising (& research?) Identification & Authentication based on human characteristics or traits RFID = embedded chip holding (personal) information (chipping) Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is the use of a wireless non-contact system that uses radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data from a tag attached to an object, for the purposes of automatic identification and tracking 77. "The engineering is the art, and the art is the engineering." Cecil Balmond, structural engineer, designer and artist, who together with Turner prize-winning sculptor Anish Kapoor created the Orbit to commemorate the 2012 Olympic games in London. 78. Breakout / Discussion on Science & Tech, THEN ALL TOPICS 3/. Share your thoughts & experiences (12:25) Then Each Group Nominate Your Decathlon Winner! Each Group to Discuss & Nominate the One Tool/Topic that will have the greatest impact, then we will vote 25mins 79. Gold, Silver , Bronze awards for topics with most impact for brands Group Vote & Medal Ceremony (12:50) Three Nominated Winners Group Vote Awards 80. The Finish Line Sometimes you just have to let the fluffy dog beat you ! Darren Fluffy dog 81. 85 Fast food m-commerce 85 - Decathlon - London 2012 Thank You We hope youre not too exhausted! The SKOPOS Team Darren Mark Noyce FMRS MCIM Scott Dodgson MMRS Paula Juson AMRS Founding Partner Director: Research & Insight Director: Research & Insight [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SKOPOS Insight Group City of London Tel: 0207 953 8 359 Pass Move 82. 86

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