
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary time


Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace

to people of good will. We praise you, we bless

you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you

thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly

King, O God, Almighty Father. Lord Jesus

Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of

God, Son of the Father, You take away the sins

of the world, have mercy on us; You take away

the sins of the world, receive our prayers; You

are seated at the right hand of the Father, have

mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One,

You alone are the Lord, You alone are the Most

High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, In the

Glory of God the Father.


Collect O God, who teach us that you abide in

hearts that are just and true,

grant that we may be so fashioned by your grace

as to become a dwelling pleasing to you.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the

Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.


First Reading (Jer 17:5-8) A reading from the prophet Jeremiah

The Lord says this: ‘A curse on the man who puts his trust in man, who relies on things of flesh, whose heart turns from the Lord. He is like dry scrub in the wastelands: if good comes , he has no eyes for it, he settles in the parched places of the wilderness, a salt land, uninhabited. ‘ A blessing on the man who puts his trust in the Lord, with the Lord for his hope. He is like a tree by the waterside that thrusts its roots to the stream: when the heat comes it feels no alarm, its foliage stays green; it has no worries in a year of drought, and never ceases to bear fruit,’ The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Responsorial Psalm

Happy the man who has placed his trust in the


Happy indeed is the man

who follows not the counsel of the wicked;

nor lingers in the way of sinners,

nor sits in the company of scorners,

but whose delight is the law of the Lord

and who ponders his law day and night. R

He is like a tree that is planted

beside the flowing waters,

that yields its fruit in due season

and whose leaves shall never fade;

and all that he does shall prosper. R

Not so are the wicked, not so!

For they like winnowed chaff

shall be driven away by the wind.

For the Lord guards the way of the just but the way

of the wicked leads to doom. R

Second Reading (15:12, 16-20)

A reading from the first letter of St Paul to the


If Christ raised from the dead is what has been

preached , how can some of you be saying that

there is no resurrection of the dead? For if the

dead are not raised, Christ has not been raised,

and If Christ has not been raised, you are still in

your sins. And what is more serious , all who have

died in Christ have perished. If our hope in Christ

has been for this life only, we are the most unfortu-

nate of all people.

But Christ has in fact been raised from the dead,

the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.

The word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.

Gospel Acclamation

Alleluia, alleluia!

Blessed are you, Father,

Lord of heaven and earth;

for revealing the mysteries of the kingdom

to mere children.


Gospel (Lk 6:17.20-26) A reading from the holy Gospel according to


Jesus came down with the Twelve and stopped at

a piece on a level ground, where there was a large

gathering of his disciples and a great crowd of

people from all parts Judea and from Jerusalem,

and from the coastal region of Tyre and Sidon who

had come to hear him and to be cured of their

diseases. Then fixing his eyes on his disciples he


“How happy are you who are poor, yours is the

kingdom of God.

“Happy you who are hungry now, you shall be


“Happy you who weep now you shall laugh.

“Happy are you when people hate you, driven you

out, abuse you, denounce your name as criminal,

on account of the Son of Man. Rejoice when that

day comes and dance for joy, for then your reward

is great in heaven. This was the way their ances-

tors treated the prophets.

“But alas for you who are rich, you are having your

consolation now.

“Alas for you who have your fill now, you shall go


“Alas for you who laugh now: you shall mourn and

weep. “Alas for you when the world speaks well of

you,! This was the way their ancestors treated the

false prophets.

The Gospel of the Lord.

Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.

Profession of Faith I believe in one God, the Father Almighty,

maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible

and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus

Christ, the only begotten Son of God, born of

the Father before all ages. God from God,

Light from Light, true God from true God,

begotten, not made, consubstantial with the

Father; through him all things were made. For

us and for our salvation he came down from

heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate

of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our

sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he

suffered death and was buried, and rose again

on the third day in accordance with the

Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is

seated at the right hand of the Father. He will

come again in glory to judge the living and the

dead and his kingdom will have no end. I be-

lieve in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of

life, who proceeds From the Father and the

Son, who with the Father and the Son is

adored and glorified, who has spoken through

the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic

church. I confess one Baptism for the forgive-

ness of sins and I look forward to the resurrec-

tion of the dead and the life of the world to




Though we are many

Though we are many,

we are one body

we come to share

his living bread;

cup of salvation,

shared among all nations,

nourishing us now and evermore.

We gather in this place

round the table of the Lord.

Christ’s presence is revealed

In our communion

and his living word.

Soul of my Saviour

Soul of my saviour sanctify my breast,

body of Christ be thou my saving guest,

blood of my Saviour,

bathe me in thy tide wash with waters

streaming from his side.

Strength and protection

may thy passion be,

O blessed Jesus,

hear and answer me;

deep in thy wounds, lord,

guide and Shelter me,

so shall I never,

never part from thee.

How Great Thou Art

O Lord my God ,

when I in awesome wonder

consider all

the worlds thy hand hath made,

I see the stars,

I hear the rolling thunder,

thy power throughout

Nenagh Parish News 17th February 2019

Parish Finance Meeting

Will be held in Loretto House on 27th February 2018 at 7.30pm

MASS TIMES St. Mary of the Rosary,

Weekend Masses:

Saturday: 10.00am, 6.15pm

Sunday: 8.00am, 9.45am, 12.15pm, 6.00pm

Weekdays: 8.00am, 10.00am

Adoration: Mon - Fri 5.00pm - 7.00pm

Confessions: Saturday after 10.00am Mass

St. John the Baptist, Tyone

Weekend Masses:

Saturday 7.30pm

Sunday 11.00am

CONTACTS Parish Office 067 -31272

Priest on duty: 087 2405762

Email: [email protected]

Parish Pastoral Council email:

[email protected]


Nenagh Parish is on Facebook, please join us

Our live streaming is available by clicking on

MCN media, choose Country - Ireland , County

- Tipperary. St. Mary of the Rosary Church will

appear and you click to open.

New Schedule of Masses in Nenagh Parish Saturday (Vigil)

6.15pm St. Mary of the Rosary 7.00pm Templederry 7.30pm St. John the Baptist, Tyone


8.00am St. Mary of the Rosary 9.30am Curreeny 10.30am St. John the Baptist, Tyone 11.00am Killeen 12noon St. Mary of Rosary 6.00pm St. Mary of the Rosary The schedule will take effect on the first Weekend of Lent (March 9th / 10th).

Dates for your Diary

An opportunity to Calm the mind, Open the heart and Heal the wounds with Martina Lehane Sheahan & Patrick Sheahan. A retreat held over three eve-nings April 7th ,8th & 9th 2019 (7.30pm - 8.45pm) in St. Mary of the Rosary Church, Nenagh.

Traffic Control Barrier

The long awaited Traffic Control Barrier in the grounds of St. Mary of the Rosary church will com-mence operating this coming week. Please be pa-tient!!!

Day of prayer for Survivors of Abuse

During the Penitential Rite at the closing Mass for World Meeting of the Families, and reflecting on what survivors of abuse had told him, Pope Fr ancis implored the Lord’s mercy for the crimes of abuse and asked forgiveness, as follows:

We ask forgiveness for the cases of abuse in Ireland, the abuse of power, the abuse of conscience and sexual abuse on the part of representatives of the Church. In a special way, we ask forgiveness for all those abuses that took place in different kinds of institutions directed by men and women religious and other members of the Church. We also ask forgiveness for cases in which many minors were exploited for their labour.

Lord have mercy; Lord have mercy.

W e ask forgiveness for all those times when, as a Church, we did not offer to the survivors of any type of abuse, compassion and the pursuit of justice and truth by con-crete actions.

We are forgiveness for some members of the hierarchy who took no responsibility for these painful situations and kept silent. We ask forgiveness.

Christ have mercy; Christ have mercy.

We ask forgiveness for those children who were taken away from their mothers and for all those times when so many single mothers who tried to find their children that had been taken away, or those children who tried to find their mothers, were told that this was a mortal sin. It is not a mortal sin; it is the fourth commandment! W e ask forgiveness.

Lord have mercy; Lord have mercy.

May the Lord preserve and increase this sense of shame and repentance, and grant us the strength to ensure that it never happens again and that justice is done. Amen.

Tax Back 2018-20

The Tax Back Form(CHY4) is now available for col-lection from the Parish office. Please drop into the office and your form will be ready to collect . Thank You. (Return date 15th March)

READER ROTA Readers - St. Mary’s Vigil: Sean Dwan 8.00am: Margaret Grace 9.45am: Sean O’Gara 12.15pm: Noel Tomlinson Readers - St. John’s Vigil: Pat Ryan 11.00am: Patricia Fitzgerald EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS ROTA Next weekend: 1 Weekdays 2

ANNIVERSARY MASSES Monday 18th February - Sunday 24th February

St. Mary’s Mon 10.00am George Mason (A) Tom & Annie Sheary (A’s) Tues 10.00am Paddy Ryan Moss (A) Willie Kearney (A) Thurs 10.00am Francie Sage (A) Fri 10.00am Denis & Margaret Gleeson (A’s) Sat 10.00am Jim Goggin (A) Gerald Byrne (A) Sat 6.15pm Noel McGrath (MM) Sun 8.00am Joe & Maurice O Connor (A’s) Sun 9.45am Patsy Barrett (A) Sean & Teresa Gleeson (A’s) Billy Barry (A) Sun 12.15pm Bridget ( Bridie) Kennedy (1st A) Michael (Boysie) Hogan (1st A) also Bridie Ryan (A) Joan Minogue (A) Jean Morrissey (A) Martin Ryan (A) Sun 6.00pm Sean Boyle (MM) Janette Bourke (A) Gerard Gleeson & his sister Bridget (A’s)

St. John’s Sat 7.30pm Vally & Nancy Moran (A’s) Margaret & Richard Ryan & their son John (A’s) Sun 11:00am Pat & Nora Mary Crowe & their son John (A’s)

Suaimhneas Síoraí Tabhair Dóibh, a Thiarna


We welcome the following into the Christian commu-nity through the sacrament of baptism

Denis Marcel Croídhe Kelly

Have you a baby for Baptism? The next meeting which is considered compulsory to prepare for the Sac-rament of Baptism will be held in the Pastoral Centre Monday 11th March at 7.30pm. Please bring a copy of your baby’s birth certificate on the night.

FINANCIAL MATTERS The offertory collection last weekend amounted to


Míle Buíochas.

Coeliac Notice: Coeliacs who wish to receive Communion are asked to approach and receive from the celebrant who will have gluten free hosts.

The Parish Shop We have signed Mass cards such as sympathy, anniver-sary, thank-you, get well, exam, mass bouquets. All of the above may also be purchased in the parish office which is opened Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm, closed for lunch from 1.00pm - 2.00pm.


Rose O’Carroll

May Quigley

May they rest in Peace

Tax Back 2018-20

Parishioners who contribute €250 or more per annum through the Parish Envelope Collection facilitate the parish receiving a rebate from Revenue. This is an im-portant source of income for our parish and we thank all those involved in this scheme for this generosity and invite anyone who may be interested to contact the par-ish office.

Pharmacy on duty : Ryans

No Rambling House for the month of February it will re-sume the end of March.

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes This Monday 11th February World Day of Prayer for the Sick is the 161st Anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Lady to St. Bernadette in Lourdes. This year’s Diocesan Pilgrimage will leave Shannon on Tuesday 25th, returning on Sunday June 30th. The cost this year is €725 per person sharing. €20 discount for online booking at Booking forms can be obtained from: Joe Walsh Tours, 143 Lower Baggot St, Dublin 2, 01 2410810. A limiter number of sick or assisted pilgrims will be accommodated in the Sanctuary of Lourdes at a cost of €626. Applications for sick pilgrims only to Fr. Tom Ryan, Pilgrimage Director, Cathedral House, Station Rd, Ennis, Co. Clare. 065 6824045. Families or individuals of-ten sponsor a family member, parents, or a friend on the occasion of an anniversary or Jubilee with a visit to Lourdes. Sponsorship for sick people is always welcome. For more info visit

Fatima, Lisbon, Cascais & Sintra 8th - 14th August 2019. Spiritual Director Fr. Tom Hannon. Afternoon flights from Dublin €935. Includes return flights (Dub - Lisbon) 4 nights half board in Estoril on the sea, two nights full board in Fatima, coaches, 20k baggage fees, full religious programme, guided tours, full time accompaniment. For info contact Mary 087 1247669

Safeguarding Training Killaloe Diocese is organising Safeguarding Training Days for parish workers & volunteers (Priests, Parish Reps., Youth Ministry & Children’s Groups) working directly with children and vulnerable adults. Details are as follows: Saturday March 2nd Oakwood Hotel, Shannon. Application forms available from Killaloe Diocesan Office ([email protected])

Glenstal Abbey, Saturdays exploring selected scriptural passages, as they have been interpreted through Icons, art, drama, liturgy, music & cinema. March 30, April 13, May 11, June 8. €70, lunch, teas & coffees incl. Registra-tion 9.00am, finish 5pm. Vespers 6pm. Info & booking: [email protected]/,/061 621005.

Medjugorje Pilgrimage from Shannon, 4th - 11th Septem-ber, for further information please contact Sean O’Gara 067 32160

Pilgrimage to Rome led by Bishop Fintan Monahan for all those who pass on the Faith to our Youth. €599 April 23rd - 26th, 2019. For further information contact Joanne O’Brien 085 8749207

Summer Pilgrimage to Lourdes 22nd –29th July (7 nights ) 4* Astrid hotel . Full board €739pps or €689 if booked before 17th March. Full religious programme. Spiritual director Fr. Tom Hannon , Marian Pilgrimages guide throughout. For more information contact : Phil Robinson (Kinnity) 086 3956299 .

EVENTS IN THE PASTORAL CENTRE Monday 18th February - Sunday 24th February

Mon Art classes 10.00 -12.30pm Parkinson Association 2.00pm - 4.00p m Tues Exercise classes for the older person 12 noon Mindful Meditation 11.00am-12.00noon Nenagh Holy Spirit Charismatics Renewal 8.00pm Wed I.W.A 10am-3.30pm Weight Watchers 5.00pm - 6.30pm AA 8.30pm Thurs Al Anon 1 1.00am - 12.00noon Red Cross 8.00pm Folk Choir 8.00pm Fri COPD 11.00am - 12.00noon AA 8.30pm Sun Polish Charismatic 8.00pm For info and/or booking of the Centre contact Rita/Lisa, Mon-Fri 9.00am-1.00pm on 067 37590.

EVENTS IN NEW INSTITUTE Tue COPD 10.30am Fri Country Market 8.30am - 1.30pm Fri Bingo 8.30pm–10.30pm Sat Basketball 8 to 14 years 5.00pm -6.00pm

For info and/or booking of the New Institute contact John, Monday to Friday 9.00am-5.00pm 0863986943

The Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary are prayed in St Mary of the Rosary every Sunday at 3.00pm.

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes This Monday 11th February World Day of Prayer for the Sick is the 161st Anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Lady to St. Bernadette in Lourdes. This year’s Diocesan Pilgrimage will leave Shannon on Tuesday 25th, returning on Sunday June 30th. The cost this year is €725 per per-son sharing. €20 discount for online booking at Booking forms can be obtained from: Joe Walsh Tours, 143 Lower Baggot St, Dublin 2, 01 2410810. A limiter number of sick or assisted pilgrims will be accommodated in the Sanctuary of Lourdes at a cost of €626. Applications for sick pilgrims only to Fr. Tom Ryan, Pilgrimage Director, Cathedral House, Station Rd, Ennis, Co. Clare. 065 6824045. Families or individu-als often sponsor a family member, parents, or a friend on the occasion of an anniversary or Jubilee with a visit to Lourdes. Sponsorship for sick people is always wel-come. For more info visit

Cycle against suicide will visit Nenagh Sunday April 28th 2019. Can you donate a bed for one night? CAS needs your help to accommodate this year’s cyclists and crew. Please contact [email protected].

Fatima, Lisbon, Cascais & Sintra 8th - 14th August 2019. Spiritual Director Fr. Tom Hannon. Afternoon flights from Dublin €935. Includes return flights (Dub - Lisbon) 4 nights half board in Estoril on the sea, two nights full board in Fatima, coaches, 20k baggage fees, full religious programme, guided tours, full time accom-paniment. For info contact Mary 087 1247669.

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