Page 1: sixth sunday in epiphany - JIPC


PRELUDE Meditation Camille Saint-Saens



INTROIT Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore Kathleen Cashdollar, soprano

*CALL TO WORSHP Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD of hosts. The whole earth is full of His glory. I will praise You, Lord, with all my heart. I sing praises and give thanks to Your name, For the steadfast Love of the LORD endures forever. Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD our God in Whom we move and breathe and have our very being. Let us worship the Lord our God!

*HYMN 1 Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty nicaea

Kids for Christ and Children’s Choir Both groups meet Sunday afternoons starting at 4:30 p.m. All children are welcome: visitors and members alike. Bring a friend to share the fun! Contact Elizabeth Nix, [email protected] for more children and youth group information, or contact Sarah Smith for choir information, [email protected].

Today 4:30-6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall February 17 4:30-6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall February 24 4:30-6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall

Bible Studies and Small Groups All classes are open to new attendees each week. Are you are interested in a small group study, but don't see what you're looking for? Please speak with Elizabeth Nix, as she can share with you about several additional small group study ideas that are in the works!

The Women’s Bible Study will meet February 12 at 10 a.m. with a new study by Jim Cymbala, Life-Changing Prayer. Contact Alice Hills, 843-568-6687, for more information. The Tuesday Night Small Group will meet February 12 at 6:30 p.m. Contact Jan Eubank, [email protected], for more information. The Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study will meet on Thursday, February 14, at 8:00 a.m. Contact Charlie Larsen, [email protected]., for more information.

Souper Bowl Special Offering The Generosity Committee thanks each and every person in our congregation: $1,470.25 was raised !! That's a huge help for the Hebron-Zion Presbyterian Emergency Food Pantry. Thank you so much!

Are You Interested In Joining JIPC? There are three ways to become a member of our church: 1-Profess your faith in Jesus Christ and be baptized; 2-Reaffirm your faith if you have already been baptized; 3-Transfer your membership from another church. If you want to learn more, contact Tina Marshall, [email protected], or Dr. Laurey Murphy, [email protected].

Make a Joyful Noise! Have you considered singing with our choir but weren't sure you could make a weekly commitment? Have you wished you could try singing with our choir? Have you ever imagined the Spirit within as you join your voice with others to worship and praise our Lord? We invite you to join our choir for the season of Lent and experience the powerful journey to the cross through song. Contact Sarah, [email protected], or talk to a choir member if you are interested in order that we can be sure to have enough sheet music for everyone.

Handbells Anyone? Not into singing? We are always in search of new handbell ringers to add to our group, as well as to our sub list. If you are interested in ringing with us on a regular basis, or on an "as-needed" basis, please contact Sarah, [email protected], or speak to any of our ringers.

Be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart.

Ephesians 5:18-19



Dr. Laurey Murphy

Director of Music

Sarah Shayban

Dir. of Christian Education

Elizabeth Nix


Elaine Earl

Admin. Ass't.

Fran Coyle

Clerk of Session

Charles Larsen


Debbie Melson

Assistant Treasurer

Ruby Jenkins


Joann Brown

Marya Smith


Annette Pye

session committees

Christian Education

Sally Rhodes (2019)

Ron Schildge (2021)

Congregational Care

Johnsie Mason (2020)

Kay Hudson (2020)


John Feldman (2019)

Tom Stallings (2019)

Missions & Outreach

Wally Meggs (2020)

Linda Mecchi (2021)


Pete Hubbard (2019)

Raymond Lightfoot (2021)


Jacob Henley (2020)

Betsy Quinn (2021)

Endowment Fund

Charles Larsen

Flower Chairperson

Patty Anderson

Prayer Team Coordinator

Judy Meggs

Wedding Coordinator

Betsy Quinn

Elders Emeriti

Leonard Buckner

Tom Burke

Doris Hardy

Mary Hills

Aaron Leland

Lydia Pedersen

Eugene Rutland

Today's Fellowship Hostess is: Rebecca Wick

2550 Bohicket Road, Johns Island, SC 29455 843-559-9380

The CHIP Ministry: [email protected], 843-203-6592 Prayer Requests: [email protected]

Worship Schedule: Worship 8:30 and 11 a.m. Fellowship 9:40 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m.

Holy Communion Is Gluten-Free Celebrated the first Sunday of every month

sixth sunday in epiphany February 10, 2019 8:30 and 11 a.m.

Worship Leaders 8:30 a.m. Jacob Henley 11 a.m. John Feldman

Last Week Offering $11,730 Souper Bowl Offering $1,470 Attendance 65, 135 Groups & Sunday School 95

{Visit to give online}

Page 2: sixth sunday in epiphany - JIPC

Whether you're here for one Sunday or a lifetime, we are delighted you've chosen to worship with us! If you are visiting, we invite you to sign the green Friendship Pad at the end of your pew, and introduce yourself to our Pastor and others around you. You are cordially invited for coffee

and conversation in our Fellowship Hall between services.

Please pray for

The Foster Family Rick's mother, Jennylee Foster, joined The Church Triumphant on February 1,

2019. A memorial service was held on February 9th at Wightman United

Methodist Church in Prosperity, South Carolina.

Heaven now gets the pleasure of this wonderful soul. May the

memories of love shared strengthen all during this difficult time.

Flowers The flowers are placed in the Sanctuary today to the Glory of God and in honor of her mother-in-law, Ada Rast, by Debbie Rast.

During This Church Season of Epiphany that began with the story of God’s epiphany to the Wisemen, our scriptures have taken us through epiphany moments in the Bible. Epiphany carries a range of meanings, including "an intuitive grasp of reality," "an illuminating discovery, realization, disclosure, or insight," or simply "a revealing scene or moment." For the preacher today, a favorite definition of an epiphany is "a moment of sudden or great revelation that usually changes you in some way." What has been an epiphany in your life?

Sunday Small Groups All groups meet at 10 a.m. New members are always welcome! We have three Children's classes:

Nursery Class meets in Fellowship Hall; ages 0-3 years The Elementary Class meets in Fellowship Hall; 4 year old-3rd grade) The Tweens Class meets upstairs in the Annex of the Sanctuary in the room over the kitchen; 4th-8th grades)

We have three Adult classes: The Seekers meet in Fellowship Hall today to continue their study of Genesis: In the Beginning. The Heavenly Hopefuls meet in the History Room in the Annex of the Sanctuary and continue their discussion of 1 Samuel. Contact Skip Grooms for more information, 843-901-4533. The Library Class meets in the Library/Parlor of the Administration Building and will be discussing upcoming studies. Contact Tim White, [email protected], for more information.

PRAYER OF CONFESSION Almighty God, So often when we come here and raise our voices in words and songs of praise to who You are, the truth hits home in our hearts of who we are. Our cry is like those who have come to You before us, “Woe is me for I am one with unclean lips” Our sins are upon our hearts, Lord, hear our prayers. (Time for silent prayer)


*GLORIA PATRI, No. 591 greatorex


PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION Lord, whose star of glory illumines our darkness, may the radiance of Your Word pierce our hearts with the dawning of its truth upon our souls. By the Spirit, may You shine upon us. Amen!

SCRIPTURE Isaiah 6:1-8 Pew Bible pg. 597 OT Luke 5:1-1 Pew Bible pg. 58 NT

This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

CHILDREN’S MOMENT ►At the end of our children's moment, all gathered for worship are invited to participate in the prayer by repeating each line after the leader.

ANTHEM We Walk His Way Anders Nyberg

SERMON “The Catch of Our Life!” Rev. Dr. Laurey Murphy


*HYMN 649 Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound amazing grace

*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH The Apostles' Creed I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy catholic church; the communion of the saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

COSTA RICA COMMISIONING Neil Haynes, Ruby Jenkins, Charlie Larsen, Mary Alice Meise, Laurey Murphy


OFFERTORY An Appalachian Air Gilbert Martin

*DOXOLOGY, 606 old hundredth

*PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING O Lord, we give in response to Your Word in Jesus Christ with blessings that abound in our life. May the eyes of our hearts be open to see as You see. May these offerings be used like our lives to serve where there is a need. Glory be to You, O God Amen.

*HYMN 697 Take My Life hendon


*POSTLUDE Sonatina Carlo Calegari


*An Asterisk means the congregation should stand if able. Bold type means this is said in unison by everyone. Bold and Italics means this is sung by everyone. Do you have family serving in the Armed Forces? Add their name by emailing the church office, [email protected].

Continuing Prayer Concerns Leonard Baxley, Linda Baxley, Joann Brown, Al Harris, Rosie Hay,

Ada Rast, Rowan Rice, Don and Vera Jean Ruff, Rev. A. Clark Wiser

Missionaries: Rev. Mark Adams, Lynn & Sharon Kandel, Steve Semler

Armed Forces: CPT Holly Demmert (Gerry Brokaw & Kay Hudson), Maj. Gen. Charles L. Moore, Jr.

(Mellen Moore), SSG Thomas Ritchie (Nancy Anne Ritchie), ETN3 Howard Schiman (Bill & Mary

Torello), Col. Tara White (Scotty & Betty White)

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