
Site Review 311 Mapleton Ave. Neighborhood Meeting January 25, 2016 N BVCP Land Use Public/Semi-Public land use designations encompass a wide range of public and private nonprofit uses that provide a community service. This category includes municipal and public utility services such as the municipal airport, water reservoirs, and water and wastewater treatment plants. Public/Semi- Public also includes: educational facilities, including public and private schools and the university; government offices such as city and county buildings, libraries, and the jail; government laboratories; and nonprofit facilities such as cemeteries, churches, hospitals, retirement complexes and may include other uses as allowed by zoning. Open Space - Other: Other public and private land designated prior to 1981 that the city and county would like to preserve through various preservation methods including but not limited to intergovernmental agreements, dedications or acquisitions. Open Space designations indicate that the long-term use of the land is planned to serve one or more open space functions. However, Open Space designations may not reflect the current use of the land while in private ownership. Existing Zoning Existing Zoning N Public (P): Public areas in which public and semi-public facilities and uses are located, including without limitation, governmental and educational uses Residential Low 1 (RL-1): Single-family detached residential dwelling units at low to very low residential densities Concept Plan Review Purpose ( B.R.C. 1981) Determine a general development plan, including: Land uses Arrangement of uses General circulation patterns Methods of encouraging alternative transportation General architectural characteristics Environmental preservation Intended to give the applicant comments from the public, city staff, and Planning Board early in the process No formal action: approval or denial on the application Review Process Concept Plan (heard 11/5/15) Feedback/ comments only Site Review Requires PB hearing for height modification 30-day city council call-up period Use Review for Congregate Care use Rezoning Requires PB and CC hearings Ordinance may be required same process as rezoning Review Criteria Site Review (9-2-14, B.R.C. 1981) Consistency with BVCP, Site Design (Open Space, Landscaping, Circulation, Parking, Building Design) Use Review (9-2-15, B.R.C. 1981) Must provide service to surrounding area OR foster a BVCP policy, be reasonably compatible with and have minimal negative impact on the use of nearby properties, not significantly adversely affect the infrastructure, not change the predominant character of the surrounding area Rezoning (9-2-18, B.R.C. 1981) Must demonstrate that the proposed rezoning is necessary to come into compliance with the BVCP map; Ordinance May be required to allow Therapy Pool, other non-residential uses not allowed in P zone No specific review process or criteria considered as part of Site Review requires council action Legislative Agreement similar to annexation where community benefit must be demonstrated Congregate care facility means a facility for long-term residence: 1.where at least eighty percent of the occupied units are occupied by at least one person who is sixty-five years of age or older; 2.the facility is in compliance with the requirements of the federal Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. 3601, et seq., and the Colorado Housing Practices Act, , et seq., C.R.S., with respect to housing for older persons; and 3.which shall include, without limitation, common dining and social and recreational features, special safety and convenience features designed for the needs of the elderly, such as emergency call systems, grab bars, and handrails, special door hardware, cabinets, appliances, passageways, and doorways designed to accommodate wheelchairs, and the provision of social services for residents which must include at least three of the following: meal services, transportation, housekeeping, linen, and organized social activities. Per section 9-8-6(f), B.R.C. 1981, In congregate care facilities, five sleeping rooms or accommodations without kitchen facilities constitute one dwelling unit, three attached dwelling units constitute one dwelling unit, and one detached dwelling unit constitutes one dwelling unit. 83 assisted living units w/out kitchen = DUs 150 attached independent living units = 50 DUs Traffic Impact Study (section 2.02 of the DCS) required at Site Review. The consultant will work with staff to determine study parameters prior to initiating the study. A Transportation Demand Management (TDM) plan required - strategies to mitigate traffic impacts created by the proposed development and implementable measures for promoting alternate modes of travel. A Parking Study (section 9-9-6(d)(6) of the BRC) is required to support the vehicle and bike parking being proposed for the site as well as the on-street parking being proposed for Maxwell Avenue. Traffic Study Height Modification Request to allow for buildings to reach up to 55 in height where 35 is the maximum permitted Section 2 of the height ordinance allows projects to request a height modification in all zoning districts, if the request is to allow the greater of two stories or the maximum number of stories permitted in section in a building and the height modification is necessary because of the topography of the site. Building Height Height means the vertical distance from the lowest point within twenty-five feet of the tallest side of the structure to the uppermost point of the roof. The lowest point shall be calculated using the natural grade. The tallest side shall be that side whose lowest exposed exterior point is lower in elevation than the lowest exposed exterior point of any other side of the building. Building Height N Inclusionary Housing Required to include at least twenty percent of the total number of dwelling units as permanently affordable dwelling units (no on-site requirement for rental units) Typically not determined until building permit City cannot require on-site affordable units Trees Healthy, long lived tree means a tree that is: 1.Healthy and classified as being in fair or better condition (typically meaning more than sixty percent of the root and canopy structure are intact as determined by an expert in tree or landscape appraisal); 2.Not listed on the state of Colorado noxious weed list; 3.Not listed by the city manager as a noxious weed or undesirable tree; and 4.In a sustainable location that does not threaten the public health, safety, and welfare. Discussion

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