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PROGRAMMING Duke Amarasena 215200017

PORTFOLIO DESCRIPTION This portfolio demonstrates evidence of Android

application programming. It presents the learning of

unit, particularly describing and reflecting on each of

the topics they were required to learn during the

unit, as well as their answers to weekly practical

exercises given throughout the unit.

This also consists of a weekly summary of each

week’s topic, analysing and discussing how the topic

relates to developing mobile application. It also

contains screenshots and images as evidence of

what is learnt and the things achieved during each

week that contains the layouts, design, codes etc.,

involved within the development of android


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Week 1 Summary


This is the beginning of the trimester and the start of SIT207 Android Programming unit, where we

started of the basic history, overview and evolution of android in general. The main focus for this

week was the history in general, but we were also to understand the concept of developing UIs and

creating simple applications. We were to also understand the Java language which is mostly used

within android platforms as well as the architecture of android platforms.

For this week purpose, the main target was familiarising and getting know android studio, which will

be the software that we would be using to create and demonstrate the understanding of specific

content that will produced during each practical activity.

Things Learnt

Android is implemented in the form of a software stack architecture consisting of a Linux kernel, a

runtime environment and corresponding libraries, an application framework and a set of

applications. Applications are mainly written in Java and run within individual instances of Dalvik

virtual machines

JavaScript program is an example of cross platform software. Since as long as the browser you are

using knows how to interpret JavaScript codes, the program will run regardless of the platform. Java

is also considered a cross platform to an extent. Java runs on something called the JVM (Java Virtual

Machine). JVM is software installed on a computer that executes programs like a physical machine

with a reserved memory, such as CPU, as Java combines both the approaches of compilation and


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Prior to what I have learnt from the lecture, the information provided within the android developer

site helps understand the future of the android development and improvement that have been

planned for development of android, things such as design structure a and development stages of

android are understood to be simple, fast and improved for efficiency. With design, there are layout,

styles, animations, usability etc., are just some of things that are considered to improve android


With information provided on the developer site, I have learnt important principles in helping design

an elegant UI

➢ Design

o Layout: Material design layouts encourage consistency across platforms, environments

and screen sizes by using uniform elements and spacing

o Usage: Involves of predictability, consistency and responsiveness

o Structure: Involves of visually balanced design layouts, where the most measurement

align to an 8dp grid applied, which align both spacing and overall layout.

o Pixel density: screen pixel density and resolution vary depending on the platform,

where device independent pixels and scalable pixels are units that provide a flexible

way to accommodate a design across platforms

➢ Usability

o Accessible design allows user of all abilities to navigate, understand and user the UI


o Improvement to product accessibility enhance the usability for all users, such as users

with low vision, blindness, hearing impairments and other disabilities.

o Keep it clear, robust and specific, which helps users navigate the app easier, can

accommodate a variety of users and support assertive technologies specific to your


GitHub and VCS (Version Control System) are similar, where GitHub is basically a website and

service that offers web-based hosting service for version control using Git. It offers all of the

distributed version control and source code management functionality of Git and well as adding its

own features. For example, where developers create an app, they make constant changes to the

code, releasing new version up to date and after the first official (non-beta) release.

VCS basically keep these revision straight, storing modification in a central source, which

allows developers to easily work together as they are able to download a new version of the

software, making changes or uploading the new revision.

Practical Exercises

The focus of this week is to learn how to create an android project and some fundamental tools, as

well as focusing on the learning objectives

- Get exposed to the Android developer site (explore it intensively in the future by yourself.

There are a lot of funny stuff there)

- Create an Android project using Android Studio

- Learn to configure ADT, including Android SDK manager, Android Virtual Device (AVD)

manager, use the emulator to emulate the android project.

- Learn to create a project in Android Studio

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First task was to build our first android app, Hello World

1. Open Android Studio

2. 2. In the pop-up window, select “I do not have a previous version of Android Studio or I do not want to import my settings”, and click OK

3. Wait for it to load

4. After it loads, this windows is popped up, but cancel option it to be selected

5. Select “Do not re-run the setup wizard”, and select OK. This will skip the update process in the future

6. After this, android is loaded and is ready, when the window pops up, we select “start a new

android project”

7. Type an application name to identify the project, such HelloWorld and click next

8. Fill the form, where you select the intended android platform or target

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9. In the activity template, we choose blank activity (I however clicked empty activity, which is

the same)

10. Then configure activity by typing a suitable activity name and click finish

I managed to get the phone layout and he screen layout displayed per to the instructions provided

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The screen below shows the result that were gained from following the right approach, however I

encountered minor errors through this process as I was not able to display the text within phone

layout as a result it did not show up, but with consultation with my tutor, unit chair and my peers, I

was able to fix this issue as the results are presented below.

Then I created a virtual machine through which is required to run the app on an emulator, this is

called AVD (Android Virtual Device), which we must create in order to select the device of our

choice and configure to different specifications, this also helps run the created app.

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Virtual devices is created and shows the detailed description of the created device.

After virtual device was created, it was then time to run the app, giving the issue I had, although it

was not perfect or the right result, I managed to get the app running.

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Week 2 Summary


The focus of this week was the android studio environment and configuration, file structure of an

android project and android XML layout. Apart from these main topic we covered and learned some

element in regards to APKs and SDKs tools in which are both considered to be essential part of an

android app. This week we touched on the environment of Android Studio, on the locations of

certain options and tools are placed in the software.

The configuration of android studio is vital as it demonstrate and display the each project according

to the specific configuration, such as importance on file structure and how these displayed within

the application resources. Significance of naming attributes proves vital as each name must match

the other elements.

Things Learnt

Generally a manifest file in computing is a file containing metadata

for a group of accompanying files that are part of a set or coherent

unit. Every application must have an AndroidManifest.xml file in

its root directory. This file manages icons, labels, permissions,

libraries, intent filters and many other configuration parameters related to application. The manifest

presents essential information about the application to the Android system, information the system

must have and need before it can run any of the application's code.

The structure is also consists and precise as it vital to predefine names of folders and insert different

types of resources in their corresponding folders. Android users the folder name to locate resource

files as these folders are used managing the structure of a particular project, folders also help

organise the each file with groups and configures them accordingly to their structure.

In an android project, there are resources that help configure a

project, which are manifests, java and res. Resources are basically

anything that is not code, which include XML layout files, language

packs, images, audio/video files etc., these recourses are defined

in the res folder of the project. The res file structure,

• Contain all application resources

• Include directories

o Drawable: for images, such as BMP, JPG etc.

o Layout: XML files complied into screen objects

o Menu: XML files defining application menus

o Values: XML files containing string values

o Mipmap: place to put the launcher icons

There are issue with running android applications which number 1 issue being heterogeneous

devices, where an android application might run on heterogeneous device with different

characteristics, such as screen size, language support, keyboard type, input devices etc.

This the biggest issue so far, however there are solutions to this cause, which are,

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• Traditional Solution:

o Foresee all the alternative in Java code

o The code is full of if-else cases

o Recompile when need to change layout or add a new language package

• Android Solution:

o Separate code from application resources

o Use declative XML-based approach to define resources (image, files, layout, text


The two type of group is android, which are View and ViewGroup, view is the base class for widgets

which are used to create interactive UI components, ViewGroup subclass is the base class for layout,

which are invisible containers that hold other views or other ViewGroups.

View objects are used specifically for drawing content onto the screen of an Android device.

While you can instantiate a view in your Java code, the easiest way to use them is through an XML

layout file. An example of this can be seen when you create a simple "HelloWorld" application in

Android Studio.

The layout file is the one named activity_main.xml, looking something like this.

A ViewGroup is an invisible object used to contain other View and ViewGroup objects in order to

organize and control the layout of a screen. ViewGroup objects are used for creating a hierarchy

of View objects (see below) so that you can create more complex layouts. That said, the more simple

you can keep a layout, the more performant it is.

Android consists of variety of layouts which helps structure the project and configuration better,

which are,

• Linear Layout: This is a ViewGroup that will lay child View elements vertically or horizontally.

Layout and the result of which

the information or content will

be presented in the final result.

This is also the comparison

between the two different

types of orientation and how

the difference of information

will be presented.

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• Table Layout: This ViewGroup will lay child View elements into rows and columns, controlled by attributes

• Relative Layout: This allows you to layout child elements in positions relative to the parent

or siblings elements.

• Frame Layout: This layout arranges child View

elements relative to top left point. Views that you

add to a Frame Layout are always anchored to the

top left of the layout.

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Practical Activities

Objectives for this week are,

• Leaning to use Balsamiq, which wire framing tool for mobile app development

• Designing android app UI

• Exploring file structures of android project

The focus was developing an UI for FishTrap app using Balsamiq, which the UI should look something

similar to this (shown below),

The tutorial provided demonstrate the use of software and creating the UIs, this particular software

has availability of different options and icons that can be used develop different types of UIs. I

personally have used similar software to design UIs as the tutorial provided with detailed

information on mastering the software. The screen below my understanding of Balsamiq and how

managed to developed the UI.

Registration page for

new customers

The login page, existing


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Week 3 Summary


This is week involves of understanding some significant principles that are vital in android

programming. Classes, objects, package, inheritance, interfaces and nested classes demonstrates the

development of an android app. These prove very important as it is essential to understand theory

of these concepts which will help better understand development protocols and programming in the

app development.

The concepts defined above will demonstrate the use of software and the ways to apply those in

building an app, but we also covered the language as this crucial in terms of adding functionality to

an app. The language and these concept help design and implement android application for mobile

devices, as we will look further details into the development stage of mobile apps.

Things Learnt

Classes and Objects:

• An object is a thing that we teach the computer to do something, so that the computer

knows exactly what it requires. For example, bicycle as we first define the object and its

properties as we also define its attributes and the method in which to implement it into

action. Attributes of a bicycle could gear or speed and the method should be what these

attributes should do when it’s implemented. The bicycle example can be implemented by

producing the following code:

• A class can be considered as a template, a prototype or a blueprint of an object, which

basically is a method for a particular object. It should define the characteristics of the object

and can define specific action the object should and can do and is the fundamental structure

in object-oriented programming.

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• A special method which can detect an object, it has the same name as the class is called a

constructor. When you use the new keyword, which initiates the newly created object, an

example would be MyClass myClassObj = new MyClass();, as this example results in a

new MyClass object being created. The bicycle example can be demonstrated with these the

constructor, which is shown below,

Naming conventions:

• Class names: Must be represented in the mixed case starting with upper case

• Variable or Object Names: These are in mixed cased staring with lower case, such as bicycle

or circle.

• Method Names: Represented in verbs and written in mixed case starting with lower case,

such as getName(), computeTotalWidth().


• Packages can contain more than one class definition

• These are often contain libraries an can be defines in hierarchies

• This is a namespace that organise a set of related classes and interfaces.

• Keep set of data in organised manner in package can be similar to folder that are presented

in a computer.


• This is basically the process of when one class obtain the properties of another, such as

method, fields or attributes

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• The use of inheritance helps with the information being more manageable in categorised


• With inheritance we are able to extend the code that is already written in the manageable


• A class that inherits the properties of other is known as a subclass and the class whose

properties are inherited is known as superclass (base class, parent class).

• We declare subclass as class B extends A { . . . }, meaning B is a specialisation of class A, a B

object is an A object and class B inherits the attributes and methods in class A.

• Example shown below shows classes inherit the attributes of all ancestor classes


• Basically a special language keyword that modify the behaviour of a class, method or a


• There are three common modified used in programming language, which are public, private

and protected, however we use only three modifiers that appear at the beginning of a class,

which are abstract, public and final.

• Defining a class with these modifiers as each are different,

o Public: makes the class visible to classes that not in the same page

o Abstract: specifies that the class cannot be instantiated

o Final: identifies that the class cannot be extended

• All modifiers are essentially optional, however it is suggested to add them as they will best

describe the intended whatever is being declared.

• Generally access modifiers defines the program, public is the rule for methods you want

others to use. Private is the default for class-level variables and for variables you don't want

subclasses to directly access. Protected is typically used within related classes to allow

internal access to data but kept away from outside users.

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Abstract Classes:

• These classes basically classes that contain one or more method

• An abstract method is a method that is declared, but contains no implementation.

• Abstract classes may not be instantiated, and require subclasses to provide implementations

for the abstract methods.

• A method that has been declared but not defined is an abstract method

Examples of an abstract class, as this example is an method of making animal noises

Public abstract Animal


Pubic void eat (Food food)


// do something with food….


Public void sleep (int hours)




// 1000 millisecond * 60 secs * 60 mins * hours

Thread.sleep (1000 * 60 * 60 * hours);


catch (InterruptedException ie) {/* ignore */}


Public abstract void makeNoise();


• You cannot instantiate (create new object) an abstract class as he computer does not know

how to deal with the methods with unknown behaviours.

• Abstract classes can be subclassed, an abstract method only has signatures.

• These classes are beneficial in defining a general category containing specific concrete


Interface Class:

• An interface class in java is a reference, which it is similar to a class as it is collection of

abstract methods

• With the abstract methods, an interface may also contain constants, default method static

method and nested types

• This can contain any number of method

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• This can declare methods but does not necessarily supply bodies for them.

interface KeyListener {

public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e);

public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e);

public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e);


• Written in a file with .java extension and byte code of an interface appears in a .class file

• Interfaces appear in packages, however it is important to known that interfaces are different

from a class

• You cannot instantiate an interface and all the methods are implicitly public and abstract.

• In android you may extend a class, but you implement an interface, such as class

MyListerner implements KeyListerner, ActionListenner{- - -}

• When saying a class implements an interface you are promising to define all the methods

that were declared in the interface

• We use interface because a class can only extend on other class, but it can implement

multiple interfaces, also you can write method that work for more than one kind of class.

Anonymous Classes:

• These classes are used if an object to be create, but there is no need to name that object’s


• The class definition is embedded inside the expression with the new operator.

• An anonymous inner class can be useful when making an instance of an object with certain “extras”, such as overloading methods of a class or interface, without having to actually subclass a class.

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• Anonymous inner classes are useful in writing implementation classes for listener interfaces in graphics programming and interpretation.

• Anonymous inner classes are

mainly created in two way, class

(abstract or concrete) or


Java Comments:

• Comment within a code or documentation is important and essential as it produce the


• There are three types of commenting in java,

o Single Line: commented within a single line, such as // this is a C++

o Multi Line: couple of lines are used to comment the lines of code, such /* this is Java

example */

o Documentation comment: these are mostly written in a few lines or a small

paragraph, such as /** this is an example of special java doc……… */

Practical Activities

This week was the focus of creating out first UI (User Interface), the interface can be created

however we like as we are also to follow an instructive video on creating an UI, but had a choice as

we did not necessarily have to follow the video and it was presented as a guide.

The code below provides the basic email login screen with a email address input section and a login


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The screen below show the result when ran through the emulator, however the login button has no

functionality as this is just design process.

The code below add more functionality to the previous as it adds the two page view links, as the

layout changes are also applied to the basic view of the page.

Ideally a valid email address is to be

entered when login in, however the

validation functionality is focus in this


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This is basically the result which the above code produces as there are changes significant

The result of the code here produce the

page with email option with a login option

of which can be accessed with a valid

email, although that functionality has not

been added to this particular code.

The code is demonstration of the

previous layouts being altered to make a

new page with the addition of more

interactive elements, result of this is as


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This is a demonstration of the similar idea of a login options but with the addition of more options

with adds functionality.

The result of which produce the above outputs

although this is not completed layout as it

should also consist of gender prompt and with a

female option as well, but this is the general

idea of the task

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Week 4 Summary


This week’s focus on the UI development and the uses of the basic UI widgets, on how to

implement them on our design. This was main focus due to fact that UI development is involved in

our project development. The uses of the basic input controls such as text fields, text view, buttons,

checkbox, radio buttons etc., were the focus as it is heavily involved in the process of the design

process. I personally learned a lot of about the hotkeys and how it plays an essential part in the

design process and how it is helpful.

We also discussed on the functionality side which is essential in the developing an app and

the implementation process of adding the functionality with adding xml codes to the design process.

Finally the importance of the manifest.xml file was addressed and discussed as this file present

essential information about the application.

Things Learned

The basic input controls basically define or displays how the UI design will be presented to user and

each of these inputs have different purposes and a variety in the implementation process.

TextView & TextFields:

• TextView is used to display text on screen and does not allow editing in itself

• TextField will allow to users to type text, which can vary from a plain text, a person name, a

password etc.

• This can be editing via variety of properties, such as height or width

• Can be used to display text as a prompt, such as an user name

This is the view,

where information is

shown in a TextView

TextField properties are

here as they come in a

variety of attributes,

which can be used for

designing an interface

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• These allow users to have action in an app, which adds functionality and action to a

particular element

• They vary in different attributes each with different types, such as normal, image, toggle and

radio buttons

• Each of these types of buttons rely on different xml classes as they can used to present the

buttons with more consistency

Image View:

• This view will display image views that have been placed in the


• The displayed view would be like an artifect which can be

adjusted in XML file

• This view displays any image as it can be an image or an icon

based image, which is edited through code

• Scaling, resizing and placement of the image can be edited

through its attributes

• Layout of the image may vary due to difference of the base

layout (relative, linear etc.)

Layout Creation:

• Focus was the MainActivity class this adds funtionality to the app, to always keep in mind

the name of the activity, which is showen as package com.example.activityname

• This class will always declare attributes, such as public class and then the activity name, which

helps inform the coder identify the variables.

• Defining variable that represent the widgets help identify the specific widgets which are used

in the layout

Using UI Widgets:

• Initially before placing widgets, it is important to create XML layout and then to specify the

necessary attributes, such as android:id=”@+id/newID”, android:layout_width/height

• Then focus on developing the Java layout by defining all the attributes, which can vary from a

button to linear layout.

• The Java layout should have data type, type casting and return a generic view object.

• Finally implement the widgets wihtin Java by configuring UI elements with usign the get and

set methods, this allows user to create a specific action to their widgets.

Toggle button, allows options for users with

an indicator highlighting the option selected Radio buttons allows users select from

variety of options as these are presented in a

circular shaped element and the selected

option would be highlighted in a colour

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• This is summarized as a single thing that the user is able to do, it provides the user screen to

the user who is able to interact

• Each activty in presented in an assigned window as the content on the window is

implemented in subordinate views.

• An activity lifecycle is a set of states and methods performed at each state, where the

android OS notices user when there is change of activity.

• Multiple activities can also be started, where an application can have multiple activities that

users are able to move in and out

• However, an application always starts with a main activity.


• These are messages which allow android component to request functionality from other

components of the android system.

• These are essential in requesting information, computing and event signalling.

• This implemented on android studio like this, android.content.Intent


• Every application contain the this file as it significant to have this in the application

• This present very essential information about the system application, as these information

can be essential in running the application

• Application should declare everything to the androidmanifest.xml file

Practical Activities

Practical tasks for this week covers things that are essential in UI development which are,

• Learn to insert portrait and landscape layouts

• The use of Intent

• The use of the action bar

• Creating a list dialog

The tasks done will demonstrate the layout changes and the implemented process when the layouts

are specified to look in variety of view, such as portrait and landscapes. We also covered the

These two views

demonstrates the views

that will be presented

within assigned window

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implementation process of the format of the code and the scripts on how to define to specific


The process will result in the producing two view which are first and second view, which the aim

being when the button is clicked it transitions to the next frame or view.

The result of which produces the first view of the first activity which include the action button to

transition to the next view/frame.

As for now the button is not active as it is not link

to the next frame, it is yet to be created.

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This creates the second view layout which allows transition back to the first activity and java code

used allows the transitions, which is public void GoToSecondActivity(View v).

Gotosecond allows the interaction between

the two frames, which it simply just

proceed to the next screen with the click of

the button

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This will modify the existing layout code to display the layout in landscape format when the phone is

flipped to horizontal view.

The code below demonstrates the use of intent filter and defining strings to specific views.

The code is similar to above the

only difference being the value of

the margin top set at 90dp

Every defined strings are processed

from here as in the code you can refer

to a specific string with an @ sign

The intent filter usage applies to the

action of the main and category

based launcher

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This is the final view of the completed two view layouts which are functional via clicking button of

that specific activity.

The final layout views of the two screens which

will transition between them if the buttons are

clicked as this is the basic aim of this


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Week 5 Summary


We covered the significance of intent, which basically can be defined as bundle of information as it

contains information of interest the component that receives the intent. We also addressed the

implementation of the intent as to how to process it on the android studio. Stack was also on the

agenda as they basically the activities which are organised and displayed in a form information

stacks but these activities arranged in the order of when it is opened.

The other significant aspect of coding was bundle class which allows data to be stored using key

value pair. This function will essential in helping passing data using intent as this can prove to be

useful when developing a game functionality, which some games keeps record of player data. We

addressed intent but there is also implicit and explicit intent which are slightly different to intent. As

always we addressed the importance of the manifest.xml file as it present essential information on

the application.

Things Learnt


• Bundle of information

• Information on the components that receives intent and information that interest the

android system

• Action to be taken and the data to act upon the specific action

• Simple message which communicate which the android components such as activities.

• This is also used to transfer data between activities.

Implicit Intent:

• These must know the action type they want to be done for them

• You define the action that you want to perform for different activities

• It specifies an action that can invoke any app on the device to be able to perform the


• This can be useful when your app cannot perform the action you request but the other apps

are able to perform, they are also useful in re-using code and launching external applications

• These do not specify a components as they must include enough information for the system

to determine which available components I best suited to run the intent.

Explicit Intent:

• These explicitly define the component

that needs to be called by the Android

system, meaning that the system

defines components at default.

• It can be used to launch a specific app

component, such as a particular

activity or service in your app.

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• The activities are arranged in a stack, which are called task, in the order in which each

activity is opened.

• When the current activity starts another, the new activity is pushed on the top of the stack

and takes focus. The previous activity remains in the stack, but is stopped.

• Can be also defined as data structure, which is the structure of which the data displayed.

Some commonly used intent and

functionality of each one the


Some of the intent used and that implementation

process of intent in android

A basic stack that allows

displays the structure of the


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• Basically the allows you to store data

• Each stored data can be altered and modified by user depending the defines attributes

Intent Filter:

• This can be described as the actions or services that an activity can perform and the types of

data that an activity is able to process.

• Each of these filters are defined and displayed by an <intent-filter> element in the manifest

file of the app.

• A single <intent-filter> may include more than one <action>, <category> and <data>. In this

case the target component must be able to handle any or all combination of Intents.

• To allow several specific combinations of these you must define multiple intent filters.

Practical Activities

There were no practical activities for this week

Data passing through use of bundle

and implementation process of

compiling data together

Different usage of the intent process

and the purpose and functions are

demonstrated here

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Week 6 Summary


This is week focus was on list view which is significant in developing UI as we covered the

importance and the significant difference between the default and customised list view. There are

different attributes that unique each of the view layouts which perform differently depending on the

specifications. The custom view and working with view were also addressed as different view and

layout will respond differently to the functionality and points out ways to implement these to a

specific standard.

Event handling was also addressed as this concept is also significant in the functionality of app

development, which provides vital purpose of handling when a significant new event occurs in the

script. The purpose the event handler in vital as it helps in handling event with the code that can be

new or specified by the user to check or can be detected by the system if there were to have a new

event exist in script.

Things Learnt


• Android studio enables user to create or view list view

• List view is scrollable, which display number of items in one list, this is useful as it also allows

to provide further details on particular item.

• This view considered to be most commonly used in developing and designing UIs

• Creating the list involves writing code and script which can be user defined

• The created list can be modified and altered to different specification to suit different


Able to present detailed

information with description

with list view such as this, as

details are significant to users

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• The screen shown above demonstrate the customised list view which are modified and

contains user defines values and attributes

• Shows that the customised list view system provided different functionality and layouts

String[] value = new String[], this allows the user to

define variable of their choice, it will display the list

in simple list form. It will ensure the list is displayed

the defined variables

This will display a costumed view list display as the

attributes of these element is user defined and

displayed to specific layout.

Each defined layout should contain an android id

which can help identify which layout is being


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• ArrayAdaptor use TextView to represent the list item

• SimpleCursorAdaptor used with SQLite databases and content providers by converting

cursor row to list items.

• Adaptor can be implemented by ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new

ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, values);

• User setListAdapter() to inflate the list view using the adapter

• If the user select in the list a list entry the method onListItemClick() will be called. This

method allows to access the selected element.

View Class:

• This class is the base class for widgets which are used to create interactive UI componets

such as buttons, text fields, radio buttons etc.

• It will understand the widgets and how they are presented in the app

• Represent the basic builing blcok for UI components

• This occupies a rectangular area on the screen and is responsible for drawing and event


• Implementation fo view class is achieved by,

o Extend view cass or is subclass

o Override some mehods, suchas draw view onDraw() and event handling


• Use the new in your layout

• Below shows the implementation process of which the view class can be processed with the

The use of adaptor array can

be implement through this

code and the script

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The override the callback function method consists of

two sub-processes, draw and event handling

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas), this method

gives a canvas object on which to you can draw your


public boolean onTouchEvent (MotionEvent event)

interprets the touch event of the activity and can

identify the touch pattern on the screen

The use the view as content of the activity, as this will allow

the view to displayed within the content.

MyCustomView myCustomView = new MyCustomView(this);

setContentView(myCustomView);, this will display the user

costumed view to the layout, the view will display the


This the view class which is implemented through

overriding some methods,

public class MainActivity extends Activity, this define

the activity class which is the main body class of the


class MyCustomView extends View allows to view

costumed class, which can be specified to some action

or acting upon an action

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Practical Activities

The focus for this week was developing UI and debugger, which consists of,

• Development of UI and Listeners

• The use of the Android Debugger

• Using the Android Hotkeys

The development of UI and the use of debugger is demonstrated within the following activity as it

shows the use of UI elements and running the app through debugger to help identify any significant

errors or bugs that may cause the app not to function properly.

This creates the main UI design which displays all

the content, as for this purpose it will display

numbers in the text fields which is defined by

the input type

In the code we have defined all the variables which

corresponds to all the UI elements defined in the

design as this will calculate sum between two


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The result of the above code gives the following output of the design which we managed create.

Original displays of

which we created as

this is how it will be


When the design is processed and run through the emulator, this is what will

be displayed which the user will type a number in which the automated

number pad will pop up which helps the users types two number in the first

two field in which the result will be calculated displayed in final field.

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Week 7 Summary


The key focus for this week was persistence which is defined as the continuance of an effect after its

cause is removed, although in the computing field it refers to data surviving after the process with

which it created has ended. We also covered saving data in android as there are number of ways in

which android allows the data to stored and using the right method of data storing is essential.

The primary topics covered for this week involves of storages and the types of storages and ways to

implement these in android studio. Apart from these we touched the android debugging but the

lecture mostly involves the storage techniques which are significant but each method defines

differently when implemented within a process. We also address the SQL database which can be

essential in development the app in which to store specific data content.

Things Learnt


• It does not change as is not somethings that is accessed regularly

• Contain essential information that categorised as significant data

• Data that is stored in an actual format and that will stay there unless told otherwise

• Non-volatile

• When stored it will remain in one location for extended period of time as the data will not

change at all.

• Guaranteed durability with the comings and goings of new devices and data can be


• Be confident that the changes to the data will not be lost and available for later use.

Persistence Issue:

• When orientation of the screen is changed, the activity is destroyed and opened again

• Data can be stored with onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) and be read with

onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle), although this is held temporary

Shared Preferences:

• Lightweight mechanism to store private primitive data in key value pairs in hard drive.

• A general framework that allows you to save and retrieve persistent key-value pairs of

original data types and strings.

• This data will persist across user sessions even if the application were to crashed or killed.

• Data types such as user name, password, email address or high scores can be stored in

shared preferences.

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• As shown above the getSharedPreferences attribute is defined with a string name and an int

mode. Read and write modes of this particular attributes is also mentions as the use of the

editor is an essential for this process.


• Internal storage is for private data, by default files save to this are private as they restrict

access to other applications, although files will be deleted if users uninstalls applications.

• External storage are for publicly shared where it support multiple devices and is able to

access them from any device as this type of storage come in all form of hardware, such as

USBs, SD cards etc.

Storing files involves the writing a

file then read making sure to also

close the files as shown, also file

choosing file modes involves the

android.content.Context line in the

Java script

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• Implements lightweight SQL database engine and is the most widely used SQL database in

the world

• It is embedded in android as it is open source database and available on every android

device, however SQL statements must be defined for creating and updating the database.

• This technique has method to create, delete, execute SQL commands and perform other

common database

• The only negative of this concept would be that it only allow 2GB for the database size most

of the time.


• Collection of organised data which is stored in a database as it can be modified and alter

with implementation of database techniques.

• The table consists to row and columns which can altered and modified to suit specific data

entries, as each data collection is broken to fields.

This code demonstrate the SQL implementation and

the implementation of the SQL command in the

android studio, as there is only minor difference in

executing the code in Android.

This method will insert the data in

the database, each of the attributes

are defined to their corresponding

elements in which the data will be

displayed with right context

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Practical Activities

The practical tasks for this week involves the development of more UI design and functionality

element in will provide much more dynamic look and feel of a particular app. We covered,

• Using Lists in Android

• Custom Adaptor Implementations

The task below involved the use of list view and list activity, but with more functionality on providing

specific action, it also involves of creating array adaptor to the display and view the list view.

This creates list using array adaptor as it

can define how the layout is displayed

in this case we created row layout. The

purpose of which is converts an list of

objects into view items loaded into a

list container

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The tasks done below demonstrate the developing the same task with the same functionality,

however we have implemented custom array adaptor.

Week 8 Summary


We discussed significant concept in android, which will help develop applications in handling certain

situations. The main concept of process vs threads are essential in the development of an

application as the focus for this week was primarily on multi-threading. We also covered the

techniques used to handle specific message and significance of handler loop messages. Examples of

each of these techniques and concepts being used was also demonstrated throughout the lecture

these demonstrations prove to be essential in developing a functional application.

Things Learnt

Timesharing Operating Systems:

• Enables users to use specific system in a computer at the same time.

• Allows users to multi task as the same time.

• Process within the system are mainly managed by the system, some being handled or

executed by user.

• System switches between threads and processes fast so that it appears to be multiple

process running is on a single process system.

• Parallel processing and threads allocated across processors is on multi-core or multi-

processor system.


• Defined as an execution of a single program on a computing device

• Scheduled by the OS and owned by user or the OS

• They can have a long lifetime (a web server) or a short lifetime (one run of a short program)

• These don’t share memory between each other as most OS support inter-process


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• This can be initiated or terminated by a user or another program and can also be a program

running in the background of a computer.


• Can be described as a component of

a process.

• Considered the smallest unit that can

be planned by an OS.

• Ability to share memory and

instruction with other threads in the

same process and support inter-

thread communication.

• Set of instructions that is

programmed which can be managed

individually by a part of an OS.

• Share executable code and values,

which can simply be a running code

or a written program.

Timer Thread:

• This a runnable object, this calls schedules

tasks for one-time execution or for situation

that repetitive at regular intervals

• The java.util.Time, provides facility for thread

to plan tasks for future execution in a

background thread

• Used by thread to plan a task, such as running a code, each time object is associate with a

background thread that is responsible for execution of all tasks

• Can be used with timer(), timer(boolean isDaemon), timer(String name) or time(String

name, boolean isDaemon).

• Timer class used is shown in the example below,

import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; class Helper extends TimerTask { public static int i = 0; public void run() { System.out.println("Timer ran " + ++i); } } public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Timer timer = new Timer(); TimerTask task = new Helper(); timer.schedule(task, 2000, 5000);

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} }


• Enables to send and process Message and Runnable object in relation with thread.

• As new Handler is created, it is bound to the thread and message queue of the thread.

• Delivers message and runnable to the message queue, which then it will execute them.

• For each activity only one handler is required.

Message Class:

• Defined as a message containing a description and random data object which can be sent to

a handler.

• Message.obtain() or Handler.obtainMessage() methods allows to gain access the message



• Able develop multi-threading programs

• Consists of two or more parts that are able to run in parallel and able to handle different


• Multiple process share common processing resources such as CPU

• Similar to multi-tasking, where it goes beyond of able to subdivide specific operations within

single application in individual threads.

• Enable to write in way where multiple activities can process in parallel within the same


Practical Activities

This week practical focused on looking at how to use android SharedPreferences class to

store and retrieve application specific persistent data. The task involves of developing and

experimenting with an UI design to implement these functions with UI by adding functional buttons

that use these techniques.

First the method should be created to save data in SharedPreference object

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Method to retrieve data from SharedPreference object should be defined

Then the data in the SharedPreference object needs to be cleared

Specific key values can be removed

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• Freepik Company S.L. 2018, android free icon,, retrieved 3rd September 2018,

• Tutorialspoint 2018, Java Multithreading,, retrieved 3rd September 2018,

• GeeksforGeeks 2018, Java.util.Timer Class in Java,, retrieved 3rd September


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