  • 8/10/2019 Sir Shapoor Reporter and 1953 Coup in Iran 2


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    Full Text (first

    edition) in the form

    of PDF

    Table of:Contents

    I, and Shapur


    Light switch of

    life Shapur



    document Shapur

    Reporter in MI 6

    The first years of

    working in the



    Head of RadioFarsi Delhi

    Mission in


    Tehran Tehran


    Mission in Hong

    Kong and



    Secretary of the

    Indian Embassy

    Head Shapur Reporter

    coup 28 Mordad 1332

    Part II

    Shapur Reporter Byvgrafyg in my document. IP. 6

    The evidence that is presented, eg Shapur Reporter documents in the British intelligence[service (MI6) that the life of Shapur and responsibilities of the states. [33

    :The explanation is necessary in connection with this document

    The first document is two pages typed and signed without the leaves where Shapur is presented abrief biography. It is common practice for the intelligence services and, for security reasons,

    usually, except in special cases, essential, including official correspondence, without letterheadand signed important documents and any other symbol set.A I found the comparison to an

    internal CIA documents related to the coup of 28 Mordad 1332 I cited. This document, the firstpage of the history of operations August 28 coupthat Donald Wilber by the doctor for the Central

    Intelligence Agency (CIA) is provided. View the document similar to the document, eg Shapur.Reporter is apparent

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    in Tehran

    Teaching in the


    Tutor Queen


    Climb Churchill

    and Eisenhower

    Mohammad Reza

    Pahlavi is a


    The mission of

    the Department

    of State

    According to

    John F. Shapur



    difficulties in MI6

    Honour for man

    who made

    millions of

    pounds of benefit

    to the UK

    s Intelligence'Service and the

    CIA coup


    Donald Wilber, a

    history of coups


    The hiding place

    of Shapur


    Brothers Bvskv""

    exclusive agents

    of the CIA in Iran

    Shapur Reporter

    and embrace the


    Afshartvs and

    place of death


    Index images history of coups attributed to Donald Wilber

    The second document eg but a careful study of Shapur no date can be set when it is determined


    at the beginning of the document, the degree of Shapur Reporter " General"is mentioned. 1Frontispiece illustration of the uniform of the British Armyat the time of taking the picture

    behind it Shapur autograph 1969 AD,is mentioned. This image is in the Appendix of Volume II,The Rise and Fall of the Pahlavi dynasty(along with a photo of Lord Victor Rothschild) has released

    me. In the photo of colonel allAhvaz is clearly visible. Thus, after removal of these photosbelong to Shapur Biographical document that is about the time that Shapur was promoted to the

    .rank of brigadier general

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    Phil defiance " "

    " to " embrace


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    10/13/2014 Sir Shapoor Reporter and 1953 Coup in Iran 2 4

    (Shapur Reporter in uniform British army colonel grade all (1969

    In the first row, eg documents, Shapur as having "demonstrated outstanding service- 2(DSO)is introduced. The official policy of the party in the UK that are listed after the name. So,

    this document belongs to the time of Shapur's still "the British Empire (OBE) notreceived, a member of path of the British Empirein the unborn, and the higher, the path of

    knighthood of the British Empire (KBE), have not been upgraded . Shapur on November 11,1969/19 Persian date Aban 1348 the British Empire from Queen Elizabeth II at

    .Buckingham Palace received

    Join the British Empire was Shapur Reporter Drtryqt signed by Queen Elizabeth II (top) and

    Prince Philip Supreme Master Cult Amsay above (below), dated November 11, 1969

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    Comparison of the above makes clear that the colonel of Shapur Reporter in early 1969, shortly - 3after was promoted to the rank of brigadier general in November 1969 / Persian date Aban 1348

    .the British Empire (OBE) he received 1348 /1969.


    [Translated document]

    A Brief History of General Shapur. Reporter, having[demonstrated outstanding service . [34

    Born in Iran (Tehran) in 1920, the son of the late SirArdshyrjy Reporter has revealed KCBE (Baronet) and

    [sweetest lady Lydia. [35

    Westminster and King's College of Cambridge Universityand in 1939 graduated magna cum laude in political

    science, history, English language and literaturegraduated. The time he graduated from the Departmentof Labor's Bureau of Special Services [36]was proposed

    .by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


    Was appointed in October 1943 in New Delhi, where theSpecial Service of Radio Farsito Iran and Afghanistan,

    .organized and managed

    In 1945, the Department of Services for Persian Gulf(Bahrain) was appointed and a year later was sent to

    China, where the [impressive activity in an echo ofevents to receive the special service citation was


    In 1947, the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs wasappointed the first secretary of the senior official of the

    .Indian ambassador in Tehran, Iran served

    He was in charge of operations in the period that led tothe overthrow of Mossadegh [37]it was responsible.

    During this period, he was also the headquarters of theRoyal College [of war], he taught at Tehran

    correspondent for The Times(London),Yu. S.. News.World Report, [38]and other newspapers

    At the end of his mission at the Embassy of the UnitedStates, United States Department of State in

    recognition of "outstanding service," Mr. Reporter

    "common goals" [American and British] as a permanentmember of the United States Department of State, and.the citizenship granted to her

    He was promoted to the rank of colonel, and in allofficial liaison officer [British intelligence] to His

    Majesty the King[ 39]was appointed. within thecapabilities of a large share of their direct and crucial

    .links [ 40]service [British intelligence] with Shah

    The General Reporter, has demonstrated outstandingservice, often seeing London and Washington, but also

    sustainable trust the Shahin Tehran is a city of greatdistinction, where he serves. His main adviser to the

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    chairman [of Britain's Intelligence Service in mattersrelating to Iran and the Shah 's. Him because of his

    ethnic and religious ties with Iran shall meet thisresponsibility very serious and merit are abundant. He

    .is married and has two children

    Hobbies: She has written several books about English-.Farsi terms

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    In my brief biography of Shapur Reporter. IP. 6

    Biographical Shapur document of historical significance is enormous , especially in the Shapur'sposition as the head of internal operations (operations of the) CIA and I have a joint

    plan. IP. 6 to 28 Mordad 1332 coup expressed there. relied on this evidence, we can drawthe unknown dimensions and new to the coup of August 28. In the coup, the United States code-

    named "Operation T. Follow. Jaks" [ 41]The English name "The Boots" [ 42] were based on it,Kermit Roosevelt,the CIA and Christopher Vvdhavsof my hand. IP. 6 had a higher

    responsibility. The two Authorities in the region and their intelligence services and the operation of ,.the coup during a brief periodin Iran were deployed


    :Reporter's role is Shahpur. Vvdhavs writes

    Robin] Zhnr also a Parsi from Mumbai, who were classmates Shah [43]].introduced me to

    At the time of compiling the rise and fall of the Pahlavi monarchyVvdhavs reviewer said about this:lost following

    It did not leak ... including Vvdhavs randomized and evaluated in thecontext of information collection diversion is to divert attention from the

    role and importance Shapvrjy was published. This information suggeststhat the diversion Shapvrjy apparently insignificant factor in my native.

    [IP. 6 that his communication was provided by Robin Zhnr. [45

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    Biographical Shapur Reporter assess the validity of the document and the author proves his leading.role in the coup operation is confirmed

    .An image of Shapur Reporter by an artist in the early 1320 s. Plotted

    Other documents in the collection Shapur Reporter documents that confirm the exact contents ofthe document, eg more. On the basis of these documents and other sources of information in

    .early childhood Shapur Reporter try to be reviewed

    :Subtitles and references

    Center Institute for Iranian Contemporary Historical Studies, Document 1 32-129 A, pp 47113- 33.47,114

    34. Distinguished Service Order (DSO)

    .The British military which is awarded for outstanding service operation

    might have been mistaken regulatory document to his chief knight of the British Empire (Knight 35Commander of the British Empire) is the abbreviated name of the KBE is not KCBE. Shapur

    Reporter later, in 1973, achieved the rank of knight of the British Empire was the commander of.the path

    Baronet class is the Lord (Baron) and Shahsavar (Knights), and because the owners do not have amembership in the House of Lords . Baronet of all ranks of knighthood, but the knight of the garter(Knights Gartr), is preferred. Baronet , like Knight , with the title "Sir" is known to be the women

    they "Lydia" called. This title was created on May 22, 1611 at the time of James I Stuart. Britishcourt appearance was due to the financial need to sell it overseas titles and positions at court on

    .the one hand and on the other extreme movements forced

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    36.Special Duty

    37. Field Operations

    38US Report and World News

    39Liaison Officer

    40 Vitally important links

    41Operation Ajax Tp-

    42Operation Boot

    As in the rise and fall of the Pahlavi dynastyalso noted my classmates claim is not true and King 43.Shapur Reporter

    Christopher M.. Vvdhavs, work boots, translated by F. Shakur, Tehran: Light Publishing, 1367, 44.pp 20 -21

    .(The Rise and Fall of the Pahlavi dynasty, vol 2, pp 178- 179 (footnote 45

    Part III

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    htt // h hb i / /R t 2 ht 10

    Friday, February 20, 2009th : Date of Last Edit.Contents of this page to Abdollah Shahbazi All rights reserved

    E-mail address:[email protected] articles cited references is allowed. Articles published in book form is prohibited

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