Page 1: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

Thomas Jefferson Umvers1ty

Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson in joint sponsorship with

The Voice Fpundatioq, presents:

'ijhe Sheraton Society Hill Hotel Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Robert Thayer Sataloff, M.D., D.M.A.

I Chairman

in collaboration with Graduate Hospital

Ainerican Institute for Voice and Ear Research Temple University

Academy of Vocal Arts


Thomson l...e.anJio&..

Page 2: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

SPONSORED BY: The Voice f-oundnt ion

In Associa tion With: Jdfcrson Med ica l College Crmlu<tte l lospi tnl Americnn Institute for Voice nnd Enr Research The Academy of Vocal Arts


SCIENTIFIC PROG RAM Chris ty Ludlow Ronnld Scherer johnn Sundberg

MEDICAL PROGRAM Michnel Benninger Robert Thayer Sntaloff

VO ICE TH ERAPY AN D PEDAGOGY Ron Bnken l~obert Thnyer Snt<tloff


Ceci li<t W<tgner Boyd Symposium Coordi11ntor Elninc M<trchetti Executive !lssistn11t M<trg<tret Baroody 1\utlio-Visual Coordi11ator Michelle Hormnn Workshop Coordi11ator Reinhardt J. Heuer CEll Coordi11ator Ceci lia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K<trla Kelleher Amy Mnrkiewicz Exewt ille Assista11ts to l~obert T. Sat a/off

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the EssentiillS Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Ed ucation through the joi nt sponsorship of Jefferson Medica l College and The Voice Foundation. Jefferson Medical College of Thomas jefferson University, as a member of the Consortium for Academic Continuing Medical Educiltion, is accredited by the Accredita tion Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to sponsor continuing medical education for physicians. Medica l Education College designates this educational activity for a maximum of 38 hours in Category I cred it towards the AMA Physician's Recognition Awa rd . Each physician should claim only those hours of credit thilt he/she actually spent in the educational nctivity. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Ill / faculty 1mrticipatiug i11 co11ti11uiug medical cducntio11 ncth•ities spo11sorcdl1y jeffersoll Medical College are CXJICCted to disclo~e to tile activity audieuce a11y real or appare11t COIIflict(s) of i11terest related to tile CO IItCIIt of tl1cir presc11tat io11(s). Full disclosure of faculty relatio11sllips will be made at tile activity. ASHA CONTINUING EDUCATION UNITS Temple Uni versity, Department of Communication Sciences, is npprovcd by the CEB o f ASHA to sponsor CE activities in specch­langunge pathology and audiology. This program is offered for up to 3.4 CEUs, in termediate level, professio nal area. ASI IA app roval of CE sponsorship docs not imply endorsement o f course content, specific products, or clinical procedures. GRADUATE CREDIT


Eouc,\TI0:-.1 SI'ONSOI~


1-11 ARI"; A''i<X IAII0 '-1

Graduate cred it may be obtained through independent study from your University's Department of Speech-Lang uage Pathology. Regis tmtion must be completed prior to the first d ay of the Symposium. NEEDS ASSESSMENT The new specialty of voice care involves rapidly advancing technology, new medical and scientific knowledge, and constant advancement in patient care. State-o f-the-art symposia and courses are essential for in terdisciplinary communication and educat ion. For twenty-eight yea rs The Voice Found<ttion's Annu<tl Symposium has been the internationnlmeeting designed to fu lfi ll these needs. COURSE OBJECTIVES + to provid e information regarding recent technologica l, scientific, and clinical advnnces in the

s tudy of the human voice. + to provide informntion regnrding diagnosis and treatment of voice disorders and implicntions of

vocnl fold surgery. + to incrense understanding of various therapies nnd teaching techniques including

cxamination /evaluntion of the voice, through workshops by recognized leaders in laryngology, spcech-langu<tgc pathology, speaking, and sing ing.

+ to foster d ialogue and cooperation <tmong otolaryngolog ists, speech-language pathologists, voice scientis ts, voice researchers, singing teachers, voice trainers, performers, <tnd others who are concerned with care of the professional voice.

+ to increase u nders ta nd ing of the relationship of normal and abnormnl vo ice production through ncous tic, aerodynamic, musculnr, respiratory, anatomic, and videostroboscopic measu res

+ to fos ter npproprinte selection, implemen tation, effectiveness, nnd interpretation of Ia born tory measures by reviewing selected ad vantages and limitations of current technology.

Page 3: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

WEDNESDAY, }liNE 28, 2000 3:00p Regis tra tion opens 4:00p In trod uction and Welcome

Robert Thayer Sntaloff, Chairman 4:15p Anatomy and Physiology of Phonation : An Overview

/~overt T. Sntnloff Prod uction and Perception of Voice: An Overview

Christy Ludlow, l~ona/d Scherer, john11 Su11dberg and Peter Watson 7:15p Adjourn

THltRSDAY, jUNE 29, 2000 7:00a Meeting of the Quintana Voice Research Award Committee

(Locnticlll to /Jc posted) 7:30a Regis tration opens

(Lo/1/J_lf o11tsidc Gm11d Ballroom) 7:45a Opening Remarks

Rol1crt Thayer Sn tnloff, Chairma11 Paul Bmcker, Prcside11t, Thomas jeffcrsoll University


Chairperson: Cl!ristt; Ludlow _

8:00a Vascu lar Altera tio ns in the Hu man Larynx from the Second Trimester Throug h the Ninth Decade: A His tologic Study

Mnnt Beaver, C. Richard Stasnrt;, Dmtiel Vi11ccnt , Jolm Hicks 8:15a lntraepithelia l Neuronal Structu~es of the Hu man Upper Respiratory System

Josef Schlomicher-Thier, Klaus Al/Jegger, Matthias Weikert, Cornelia Hauser­Kroll/Jerger

8:30a Multiple Motor Un it Record ings of Laryngeal Myoelectric Signals Rick Roark, Steven Schaefer, Carlo De Lucn, James Li, Alexander Adam, Hnusin Wong

8:45a Biologica l Substra tes of Neuroplasticity in Skill Acqu isition: From Molecule to Man

Katherine Verdolini, Alvaro Pnswnl-LeOIII! 9:30a Panel Discussion

Modera tor: Christ t; Ludlow Pane lis ts: Mary Beaver, l~ick l~onrk, josef Sch/omicher-Thicr, Katherine Verdolini

lO:OOa Coffee Break Brolltley/Ciaypoole


10:30a The Physiology of Breath Support for Opera Sing ing Pamela Davis, jn11ice Chnpmn11, William Thorpe, Stephc11 Cain

10:45a La ryngea l Fu nction Associated with Changes in Lu ng Volume During Voice and Speech Production in Normal Speaking Women

Claudio Milstein, Yi11gyo11g Qi, Ro/Jert /-Iii/mall 11:00a Effects of Eating a Meal on Trained and Untrained Singers for Select Pulmona ry

and Voice Tasks Julin Edgar, Rnymo11d Dalliloff, Do1111n Eggers

11:15a Value of Cepstral Peak Prominence in Pred icti ng Dysphonia, Breathiness, nnd Roug hness

Yola11da 1-/emnn-Acknh, Deirdre Michael, George Gorli11g


Page 4: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

11 :30a











S:OOp 5:15p 5:30p

Pa nel Discussion Mod erator: Ron Scherer Panel is ts: Pamela Davis, julia Edgar, Yola11da Hemnn-Acknh, Claudio Milstein

Lunch Break (on your own) Meeting of the journal of Voice Ed itoria l Board (Localioll to be IJOsled)


KEYNOTE: The Stockholm Voice Evaluation Approach Brit fa 1-/nl/llllar/Jerg

Fourier Analysis of High-Speed Laryngoscopic ]mage Sequences Sva11le Grmrqvisl, Per-Ake Lindeslnd, Brit fa Hammarberg

Panel Discussion Moderator: joha11 Sw rd!Jerg Panelists: Svnnle Granquist, Brill a 1-/ammarberg

Coffee Break Bromley/Clnypoole


Heari ng in the Analysis of Voice Adrian Fourcin, Evely 11 Abbcrto11

Voice Onset and Offset: Quantitative Measurement By Hig h-Speed Digital Image Peak Woo, Mi11g-Wn11g J-lsiullg

Modal Dis tribution Ana lysis and Synthesis of a Soprano's Sung Vowels Mnuree11 Me/lady, Gregory Wakefield, Freda Herseth

Development and Testing of a New Portable Vocal Accu mula tor Harold Chey11c, J~obert /-I ii/mall, 1-/elell 1-fallsOII, Kem rclh Stevens

Panel Discussion Moderator: Christy Ludlow Panelists: J-lm·old Cheyne, Adrian Fourci11 , Maureen Me/lady, Peak Woo

Presentation of the 10th Annual Van L. Lawrence Award and the Quintana Award Acceptance speech by Q uintana Award Winner Dinne r (on your own)

illfo nllnl mcet i11g of the Va11 L. Lawrence Fellowship Award Wim rers; Meet the Poster Exhi/Jilors


Sheraton Society Hill Hotel: Location to be posted 5:30-7:30 m

Lis t incomplete at the time of printing Clinical Assessment of Voice Treatment Efficacy for Taiwa nese Disorde red Voices by Phonetograms

Sheng Hwn Chen, jui-Li11 /-luang The Effects of Smoking on the Acoustic Characteris tics of the Voice in Young Adults

Shaheen Awn11, Cntlwrine Knych The Ethics of Laryngea l Transplantation

Rui Nu nes, Marina Mnclmdo Hoarseness: An Indian Perspective

A rroop Raj, \lidit Tripnthi Intrinsic Frequency of Spanish Vowels Rela ted to Severity o f Dysp honia

Ann Gloria Ortega


Page 5: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

Laryngeal Valving Stra tegies During Maxjmum Phonation Task Na11cy Solomo11, Silmnw11 Garlitz, Rochelle Mii/Jrntil

Limitation of Using Acoustic Ana lysis to Identify Abnormal Voice Edwi11 Yiu , Kare11 Cilmr

Perceptual Aud itory Analysis and Acoustic D(lta in Down Synd rome Teenagers and Young Adults

Marn Behlau, De1rise Sa11tiliago Respimtory Kinematic and Electromyographic Effects of Voc(l] Training

A11a Me11des, Christine Sapieu:a, Howard Rotl/11/(l/1, W.S. Brow11 Speech Breathing Consequences of Varying Larynge(l ] Airway Resistance

Na11cy Solomon, Jill Marko11 Symptoms and Tre(ltment of Pubcrphonia in the Female Speaking and Singing Voice: Inte rviews with Speech l>a thologists (lnd Voice Teachers

Kristi11 Samuelso11 Vertica l Larynge(l ] Position and Respir(ltory Cha racteristics During Oral and Nasal Inhalation

Jeiiii!J lwarSSOII Voice Therapy Without Voice Therapy? A Study of Voice Characteristics in Young Children's Voices Before and After Family Therapy

/wke Nienkerke-Springer, Anita McAllister, Jolmll Su11dberg Wobenzym (Systemic Enzy me Therapy) as Treatment and Prevention of Voice Pro fessionals Vocal Fold Swelling (Edema)

Zuzmrn Veldovri


Chairperson: folzan Sundberg

7:00p Resonance Properties of the Larynx: In Vivo Laryngoscopic Investiga tion of the Externally Excited Vibrations of the Vocal Folds

Jail Svec, Jaromir 1-lorticek, Frn11tisek Srnm, Jail Vesely 7:15p Quantita tive Study of Mucosal W(lve via Videokymography in Canine and

Porcine Larynges Jack jia11g, C/ring-1 Chang, joseph Raviv, Samecr Gupta, Frnnkli11 Ba11:ali, David Hmrso11

7:30p Quantitative Measurement of Unstable Phonation jack Jiang, joseph /~aviv, Davidl-laiiSO II

7:45p The Influence of Sub-Glottal Resonance on Registers in Singing llarm Schutte, Do1rnfd Miller

8:00p Velum Beha\·ior in Professional Classical Operatic Singing Peer Birch, Bodil Ciimoes, Hamre Stavad, Svend Prytz, Eva Bjorkner, Johan Sundberg

8:15p Si nging Without Auditory Feedback- Assessment of Proprioceptive Pitch Control in Singers

Dirk Miirbe, Fricdemmm Pabst, Cert Hofmamr, Johan S111rdbe1~'5 8:30p A Comparative Study of Vibrato in Professional Singers and Singing Students

Philippe Dejonckerc, S. Reinqui11 8:45p The Effect of Articulatory Context on Measures of Laryngeal Function in

Females w ith Vocal Hyperfunction Claudio Milstein , Moya Andml's, Ralwl Shrivastav

9:00p Panel Discussion Moderator: Johan Sundberg Pnnclists: Peer Birch, Philippe Dejmrckere, Jack Jiang, Claudio Milstein , Dirk Miirbe, /-/arm Sclwtle, Jan Svec

9:30p Adjourn

Page 6: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

FRIDAY, jUNE 30, 2000 7:00a Meeting of the NATS Voice Science Advisory Committee and the Voice Science

Steering Committee (Locatio// to be posted)


Chairperson: Roll Bake11 Sheraton Society Hill: Grand Ballroom

8:00a Prepa ring to begin to commence to think about testing: Background musings R. f. Bnke11

PART l: T he Producers: What They've Got, and Why 8:20a Kay Elemetrics Corporation

joh11 M. CntmJ' 8:40a La ryngograph, Ltd .: "Vowels, connected speech and heari ng in voice ani! lysis"

Ad ria 11 Fou rciu 9:00a Alamed Corporation

Be11 Wntso11 9:20a VoceVista

Oo11 Miller

PART ll: T he Voice Sci en tis ts: What do ana lysis systems do, and don' t. 9:45a Acoustic Pertu rbil tion analysis: Hand le with care.

Michael Knrne/1 10:15a Coffee Break

Bromley/Cinypoole 10:45a Bugs in the system: entomology and cu res

Euge11e Buder

PART lll: The Clinicians 11 :30a Discussion: Wha t do we want, w ha t do we not, and How can we get it?

Moderator: Ro11 Bnke11 12:00p Lu nch Break (on your own)

Meeting of The Voice Foundation Board of Directors (Locatio// to be posted)


(concurrent with Session VIB) Chairperson: Mara Belrlau Sheraton Society Hill: Grand Ballroom

l :OOp The Charismatic Voice: Can It Be Defined ? llownrd Rothmn11, W.S. Brow11

1:15p Discri mina tion Functions: Can They Be Used to Classify Singing Voices? Molly Erickso11, Sw:n11 Yoder, Stephe11 1-lnlldel

1:30p Perceptua l/ Acoustic Qualities of the Broadway Voice Before and After Performance Peak Woo, Rosemary Ostrowski, jncqueli11e Moliue, jackie Schnefer-Mojica, Amy Mi11nsin11

1:45p A Report on the Acoustica l Characteristics of Singers' Formant: A Perceptua l Study of Center Frequency and Amplitude

KelTic Obert Michael Tmdenu Kare11 Peeler Eri11 0111111iRn11 Arick Forrest 2:00p Comparison of Singer 's Forma~t, Speaker 's' Ring and LTA Spectrum A~1ong

Classica l Singers and Untra ined Normal Speakers Vivin11e Bnrriche/o, l~eiuhnrdt Heuer, Carole Oen11 , Robert Snta/off

2:1 5p An Acoustic Study of Vowels Produced by Female Opera Singers: Cul tura l and Stylis tic Differences

Wc11-Hui Su, julia Rademacher


Page 7: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

2:30p Rnted "Nasnlity" of Point Vowels Sung by Professio nal Singers at Varying Vocal Intensity and Pitch

julia Edgar, Raymo11d Dn~liloff, Do1111a Eggers 2:45p Fragments of a C reek Trilogy: Impact on Phonation

Carol Ferro11e Lormi11e R11mi<;; Grace Lru111: 3:00p Coffee Break ' ' ' '

B ro111l ey /Cia ypoo/e 3:30p A Comparison of the Stability of Basal Pitch Measures of Young Adult Singers

Wc11-J-fui Su, julia Rademacher 3:45p Talkativeness and Vocal Loudness: Do They Correlate With Laryngea l

Pa tho logy? A Study of the Voca l Overdoer/Underdoer Continuum l~obcrl B11stia11, james Thom11s

4:00p Preva lence of Vocal Symptoms nnd Voice Disorders Among Future Teachers nnd Preschool Tenche rs

Sus01111a Simbag, A1111cli Lai11e, Eeva Sa/a, /\111111-Maija Riil1111.'111all 4:15p Pre-School Tencher's Voice at Work - Evaluntion of a Voice Accumu lntor Device

A1111ika Szabo, Brilta J-fammarbcrg, M11ri11 Sodersle11, f-la11 s Larsso11 4:30p Voca l Load ing nnd Voice Disorders of Day Care Center Teachers

Eeva S11l11 4:45p Voca l Behaviors nnd Vocal Londing Factors in Kindergarten Teachers nt Work

Maria Soderslc11, Britto 1-/allllllllriJcrg, A1111ika Szabo, Sv1111te Gm111)Vist S:OOp Adjourn


(concurrent with Session VIA) Chairperson: janiua Casper Sheraton Societ Hill: Grand Ballroom

l:OOp The Relationship Among Voice O nset, Voice Quality, and Fundamenta l Freque ncy: A Dynamic Perspective

Kimberly Stci11hauer, Judith Graylwck 1:15p Effect of Microphone Type on Acoustic Measures of Voice

\lijay P11rs11, Do11ald jamieso11, Brad Prelly 1 :30p Mu lt i modal Objective Measurement to Dete rmine the Efficacy of Trea tment and

Progression of Disease in Voice Disordered Subjects DCCJIII P11te/ , Mary A11dria11opo11los, Claudia Eit11ier

1:45p Investiga tion of Perceptual Correlntes of Voice and Speech With Respect to Lung Volume

Claudio Milstei11 2:00p An Improved Outcome Measure for Voice Disorders

Clark /~ose11, Thomas Murry, Tho11111S Zullo 2:1 5p Assess ing Dysphonic Patients Using a Voice Activity <md Participation Profile

Estella Ma, Edwi11 Yiu 2:30p Outcomes Assessment in the Treatment of Dysphonia

Alison Behrma11, All1111 Alnm11so11, K11thcrine Free111an 2:45p Outcomes in the Trea tment o f Vocnl Fold Nodules

Janina Casper, Ray111ond Colton, l~ic/wrd Krlley, David Brewer 3:00p Coffee Break

B ron1ley /Cia ypoo/c 3:30p Mind-Body Medicine: Application for Voca l Training and Rehabilitation

Keith Saxon, Pamr/11 Harvey, Ka therine \ladolini 3:45p The Effects of Message Type nnd Cogni tive Cues on Voca l Va riability

Moya Andrews, Rlllwl Shrivastm•, Eva \lau Lea 4:00p Efficacy of Behnviora lly-Bnsed Voice Therapy for Vocal Nodules: Progressive

Chnnges in Voice Quality and Vocnl Physiology Eva llulmbcrg, /~o/wrt 1-/illlllllll, Brilla 1-/amluar/Jerg, Maria SiMcrsten, Patricia Doyle


Page 8: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

4:15p The C linica l Efficacy of Resonant Voice Therapy in the Treatment of Pa tients With Sulcus Vocalis




6:00p 7:15p 8:30p

Hiroya Yamaguchi, Ral111l Shrivnslav, Moya Andrews An Alte rnative to the Yawn-Sigh Technique

Jo Estill, Steven Kmucha Voice Therapy and Parkinson Disease: Measures of Voca l Fold Adduction

Kurt Garren, Gnyle Brosovic, Mann Abnzn, Lormine Rnmig Adjou rn


Cocktails Entertainment in the Grand Ballroom Dinner


(concurrent with Medical Session IB) Chairperson: Normmr Hogilojnll Sheraton Society Hill: Grand Ballroom

8:00a Allergic, Dietary, Chemical, Stress, And Hom1onallnAuences i.n Voice Abnormalities Wnllace Rubin

8:15a Fungal lnfections of the Larynx in lmmunocompromised Patients: Three Unusual Presentations

Cnlhoun C111111illglwm, Luci11dn l-lnlstend 8:30a Factors That Govern Occupational Risk in Vocalization

lngo Titze, Shannon /-Iollis, Andrew Behnke 8:45a Acoustica l Aspects of Vocal Function Following Radiotherapy for Early T-1 A

Laryngeal Cancer /-I .A. Leeper, Vijny Pnrsn, Dcmnld }nmicson, /-1 . Heennmnn

9:00a Correlation Between The Vo ice Handicap Index and Objective Acoustic and Aerodynamic Measurements

Anoop Ahujn, Michnel Beiiiiinger, Cynthin Grywnlski 9:15a Ana lysing Asymmetrical Laryngeal Behavior

A11n G/orin Ortegn 9:30a Bilateral Mixed Laryngoceles: Simultaneous Strobovideola ry ngoscopy and

Externa l Video Examination in a Trumpet Player with Pectus Excavatum Holly Gnllh•nn, Gregory Gnllivnn

9:45a O bjective Classification of Glotta l Configuration: Pa rt 2 Rnymo11d Co/loll, }n11i11n Cnsper, Riclwrd Kelley

lO:OOa Battery Driven " Pocke t" Strobe Unit Using Light Emitting Diodes (LEOs) Mnrkus Hess, Miclwe/ Ludwigs

10:15a Prelimina ry Report of La ry ngeal CT Scan for Voice Disorders: Vocal Scan 30 }en11 Abitbol, A/lJcrl Cnstro, Rodolphe Gom/1ergh, Pntrick Abitbol

1 0:30a Coffee Break Broiiiley/Ciaypoole

MEDICAL SESSION IB (concurrent with Medical Session IA)

Chairperson: Frmu;oise Clmg11oll Sheraton Society Hill: Grnud Ballroom 8:00a Adenoidectomy and Tonsillectomy in Performing Artis ts

john jnrboe, Steven Zeitels, Bnrbnm Elias 8: I Sa Voca l Effects of Tonsillectomy on Professional Voice Users

Snnford Archer, Brinn Owens 8:30a Lase r-Assis ted Uvulopa latoplas ty and Voice Fatigue in Voice Professionals

jea11 Abitbo/, Pntrick Abitbol


Page 9: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

8:45a Microsurgica l Treatment of Associated Benign Lesions of the Vocal Fold s Andrea Maccarini, Mauri: io Accardi, Dclfo Casalino

9:00a Direct Autogenous Fat Implantation for Augmentat ion of the Vocal Folds 1/an•ey Tucker

9:15a Response of Recurrent Respiratory Papillomas to Cidofovir: A Preliminary Report Lucinda 1-/a/stend

9:30a Clinical vs. Patholog ic Diagnosis of Vocal Fold Cysts Linda Cnn·o/1, Peak Woo, Margaret Brn111iwie11, Eli:n/Je/h Urlm11 , /~osemary Ostrowski

9:45a Changes in Laryngeal Signs and Vocal Functions in GERD Patients Wi th and Without Anti Reflux Med ication: A Prospective, Randomized, Placebo­Controlled Study

A/ian Khidr, Peter Noorrl:ig, james l~ei/J<'i, Paul Lel'ille 10:00 Gastroesophageal Reflux and Contact Granuloma

Riilln Ylitnlo, Stig Rnmt'i, Per Li11destnd 10:15 The Prevalence of Helicobacte r Pylori in Patients with Benig n Laryngeal

Conditions or Head and Neck Cancer joh11 Rubi11, A11drew Prior, Elliot Bmjami11, jeremy Lnvy

10:30 Coffee Break Bromley/Cinytwole

MEDICAL SESSION lA and IB Sheraton Society Hill: Grand Ballroom

G. Paul Moore Lecture 11:00a lnterdisciplin;uy Collaboration in the Teaching and Ca re of Voice ­

Whence and Whither jcn11 Westerman Cregg

12:00p Lunch Break (on your own) Meeting of the Voice Laboratory Representatives (Locntioll to be posted)

WORKSHOPS Locntio11s to be posted

SESSION I 1 :00 - 1 :45 Singing Voice

Freda Herseth Breathing and the Singer

Everett McCon•ey An Approach to Stabilizing the Singer 's Larynx

Lrslie Cui1111 Spectography: A Practical Voice Training Tool

Cnrytlr Nair Acting Voice: Resonance Explorations with Text

jn11et Fei11del Solving Vocal Technique Problems for Musical Theater and Pop Singers

jenllllette Love/ ri Rehabilitation of the Injured Voice

jn11et Graves-Wright Soft vs. Loud: Choosing Appropriate Therapy Approaches

jmri11n Casper n111l Lorrni11e J~nm ig

Singing Voice Costn11zn Cuccaro

SESSION II 1 :50 - 2:35


Page 10: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

Trad itiona l Vocal Technique for Contemporary Music Katherine Ciesinski

A Workshop on the Female Singing Voice BeverleiJ Rinaldi

Presence in Performance Meri!Jeth Bunch

Integrating Singing into Theatre Voice Training joan Mellon

Voca l Support for Actors: A Workshop and Demonstra tion Bo11 11 ie Raphael

Voice Theril py - Unlocking the Biomechanics to Vocal Health Alfred Lavorata

Evaluatio n of Injured Sing ing Voices Deanna McBroo111

SESSION Ill 2:40 - 3:25 Sing ing Voice

Lindsey Christ iansen Karen Peeler George Shirley

Belting for Musical Theater Lisa Popeil

Acting Voice Rocco Dal Vera

Body Awareness: The Alexander Technique Diane Gaary

Shortcuts in Voice Therapy Daniel R. Boone

Deactivation-Selective Acti va tion Mode l: Training Principles fo r Injured Singers Ka theri 11e \lerdol in i

SESSION IV 3:30- 4:15 · Singing Voice

Horst Giinter Cynthia 1-lofflllann

Handling the Male Passaggio Ja111es McDonald

How to Coach the Non-Clnssical Singer Tho111as R. Blaylock

Speaking a nd Acting Voice Kate Wilson

Voice ilnd Speech Exercises for the Professiona l Voice User Jmwt l~odgers

Rehabi litation of the Injured Voice Kathleen Treole

Scar a nd the Singing Voice Specialist: Singing Exercises a nd Genera l Strategies for the "Scarred Voice"

Margaret Baroody

SESSION V 4:20 - 5:05 Vocal Regis ters: Give Me A Break!

Stephen Austin Demythologizing the Vocal Resonance System

Klam Meyers The Applica tion of Speech Science to Singing Voice Ins truction

Kathleen Wilson Pop Sing ing in the Musical Thea tre Context

Mark Meylau


Page 11: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

Acting Voice Lucille Rubin

Feldenkrais as a Complement to Vocal Training Bob Chnpm

Singing for the Injured Voice Slwron l~ndionoff

Meditation and Mindfulness in Voice Training Pn111eln 1-lnn>elf nnd Keith Snxon

5:15p Dinner (on you;-own) Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board (Location to be posted)

SPECIAL EVENING SESSION Sheraton Socie Hill: Grand Ballroom

6:30p Medical Evalua tion ilnd Treatment of Professionill Singers: An Overview Robert Thayer Sntnloff

9:30p Ad jou rn

SltNDAY, }liLY 4 2000 7:00a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Internationa l Associa tion of Phonosurgeons

Presentiltion of "New Investigator Research Forum" by Kathleen Treole to selected members of the Scientific Advisory Boilrd (Locations to be posted)

MEDICAL SESSION II Chairperson: Robert Sntaloff Sheraton Society H ill: Grand Ballroom

8:00a Pane l: Medical Prob lems in Perform ers Moderator: C. Richard Stnsnelf Pilt1clis ts: Snnforrl Archer, Roy Cnsinno, Lucinda 1/nlstend, Gwen Korovin, john

Rubin, Blnke Si111pson, I Inns von Leden 9:00a Panel: Voice Surgery

Moderator: Robert Sntnloff Pa nelists: Mona Alm:a, jean 1\/JitlJol, Marws I less, Pcnk Woo, Steven Zeitels

10:15a Coffee Break Brollllcy/Clnypoole

10:45a Panel: Complications in Voice Surgery Moderator: Clnrk /~osen Panel is ts: Miclmel Benniuger, Rolwrt Sntnloff, josqJ/1 Spiegel, C. l~ichnrd Stasney,

Steven Zeitc/s 12:00 Lunch Break (on you r own)

Meeting of the Symposium Pla nning Committee (Locat ion to be posted)

MEDICAL SESSION lilA (concurrent with Medical Session IIIB)

Chairperson: Luci11dn Halstead

1:00p Management of Vocal Fold Scar w it h Autologous Fa t Implanta tion: Perceptual and Acous tic Resu lts

Michael Neuenschwnnrler, Mnry 1/nwkshnw, Mona 1\/mzn, Ro/Jcrt Sntnloff 1:15p Reinke's Space Edema Associa ted with Polyp: An Identity: Laser Strategy

jean Abitbol, Pnt rick Aliilbol 1:30p Fat Injection Thyroplas ty for the Aging Larynx

C. Richnrrl Stasney, jo/111 Hicks, Dnnirl Vincent , Mary Benuer 1 :45p Fat Extrusion Following Lipoinjec tion of the Voca l Fold

Rnul Castillo, Clnrk Rosen, Tho111ns Murry


Page 12: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

2:00p Phonosurgical Reconstruction of Glottic Cancer Defects john jar/Joe, Steven Zeitels, Robert Hillman, Glenn Bnntiltg

2:15p The Evolving Etiology of Bi latera l Vocal Fold Immobility fohn Feehery, Edmund Pribitkin, Ryan Heffelfinger, Victor Lacombe, Dnttiel Lee, Lo11is Lowry, William Keane, Robert Sntnloff

2:30p Analysis of Voice and Quantitative Measurement of Glottal Ga p After Thyroplasty Type I in the Treatment of Unilateral Vocal Pa ra lysis

Soon Nnm, Young Chang, Boo fee, Yang Song, Se11ng Yoo, Sang Kim 2:45p Effect of Adducting Sutu re Placement on Resul tant Arytenoid and Vocal Fold

Position in the Human Cadaveric Larynx Ingrid Iwnnow, Peter Rigby, Albert Alexander, Pn11l Friedlander

3:00p Mini-Fenestra Gore-Tex® Thyroplasty C. Richard Stasney, Dnttiel Vincent, M. Beaver

3:15p Med i<tliza tion Laryngoplasty with Gore-Tex for Voice Restoration Secondary to Glotta l Incompetence

Steven Zeilels, Joint Jarboe, Ro[Jerl 1-/il/mnn

MEDICAL SESSION 1118 (concurrent with Medical Session IliA)

Chairperson: Clark Rosen

1:00p Metamorphosis of the Human Larynx Infras tructure from the Second Trimester through the Ninth Decade: Histologic Study

Dmtiel Vittcettl, C. Richard Stasney, Mary Beaver, joint Hicks 1:15p Mechanisms of Wou nd Hea ling: Implications for the Exercise Hypothesis in

Voice Therapy Katherine Verdolin i, Keith Saxon

1:30p Voice Evaluation on Patients Submi tted to Functiona l Endoscopic Sinus Surgery R. Soneghel, R. Snttlos, Gerhard Friedrich, Mara Beltln11, Walter 1-lnbemtntlll , A. Prutsclt

1:45p Laryngeal Manifestations in Post-Poliomyelitis Syndrome Pa tients Mona Abnzn, Robert Sntaloff

2:00p Acoustic Modeling of Spasmod ic Dysphonia Gregory Wakefield, Mnuree11 Me/lady, Norman Hogikya11

2:15p Unilateral vs. Bila tera l Injections of Botulinum Toxin in Patients with Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia

Steve11 Bie/nmowicz, Andren Badillo, Sheila Singer, Alexis Godlewski 2:30p Longitudinal Effects of Botulinum Toxin Injections on Voice-Related Quality of

Life (V-RQOL) for Patients with Adductory Spasmodic Dysphonia Normn11 Hogikya11, Walter Wodchis, Constn11ce Spnk, Paul Kile11y

2:45p Spastic/Spasmodic Vs. Tremulous Vocal Quality: Motor Speech Profile Analysis Donna Lundy, Sohmn Roy, / tnt X11e, Roy Casia11o

3:00p Deep Brain Stimula tion for Vocal Fold Tremor Gordon Baltuch, Robert Sntnloff, Reitt!mrdt Heuer, Tnnyn Silllltlli, Brett Skolnick, Howard Hertig, Matthew Stem

3:15p Quality of Li fe Assessment in Patients with Uni lateral Vocal Fold Paralysis Before and After Medialization Laryngoplasty With or Without Arytenoid Adduction

Brinn Spector, James Netten;il/e, Timothy Smith, Cheryl Billnnle, jayne Moore

3:30p Coffee Break B rom/ ey /Cia ypoo/e

4:00p Master Class Cla11dia Catania

S:OOp Closing Remarks Robert T. Satnloff

S:OSp Adjourn



Page 13: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

·.Mona Abaza, M.D. The Denver Center for !he Perform1ng Arts 420 East 9th Avenue. B205 Denver. CO 60262 (303)315· 7966. Fax (303)315·6767 [email protected]

Evelyn Abber1on Un1versily College London Department of Phonetics and Linguistics Gower Street London WC1E 6BT ENGLAND (44)·171·360-7401 , Fax (44)·171·363-0752

Jean Abitbol , M.D. Faculty of Medicine of Paris t, Rue Larg1lliere 75016 Paris FRANCE (33·1 )4647·9169. Fax(33·t)4527·7230 [email protected]

Patrick Abilbol ReSident • ENT t , Rue Largilliere 75016 Pans FRANCE (33·1)4647·9189 F~x(33·t )4527· 7230

~ Allan L. Abramson, M.D., F.A.C.S Cha1rman Department ot Otolaryngology

and Communicative Disorders Long Island Jewish Medical Center 270·05 76th Avenue New Hyde Park. NY tt042 (7t8)470·7555 [email protected]

Maurizi o Accardi Director, Phoniatrivc Med. Ctr. President. International Assoc. of

Phonosurgeons V1a Frassanelle n°3t Cervarese S. Croce (PO) padova, ITALY

II Alexander Adam, MS Neuromuscular Research Center Boston University t9 Deerfield Street Boston, MA 02215 (617)353·5737 [email protected]

V Anoop Ahuja, M.D. Department of Otolaryngology Henry Ford Hospital 2799 W. Grand Blvd. DetrOit. Ml 48202 (313)9t6-3282 [email protected]

Klaus Albegger, M.D. St. Johann's Hospital Salzburg ENT Department Muellner Hauptstrasse 48 A·5020 Salzburg AUSTRIA 43·662·4482·400 1. Fax 43·662·4882 [email protected]

Albert Alexander, M.D. Dept. of Otolaryngology &

B1ocommunications Louisiana State Umv. Med. Ctr. 2020 Gravier Street, SUite A New Orleans, LA 70 t 12 (504)568·4785. Fax (504)568·4460

Fat'tt/I!J ' ..{,oya Andrews, Ed.D., CCC·SLP

Professor Indiana Un1vers1ty Dept ot Speech & Heanng Sc1ences 200 South Jordan Avenue Bloom~ngton, IN 47405 (6 t2)855·0230. Fax (612)855·0285 Andrews@ 1nd1ana .edu

• Mary V. Andrianopoulos, Ph.D. Associate Professor Umvers11y of Massachusells·Amherst Department of Commumcallon D1sorders 6 Arnold House Amherst. MA 01003·0410 (4t3)545·055t mva

i,...68nford M. Archer, M.D., F.A.C.S. J • Associate Professor

Department ot Otolaryngology-HNS Unrvers11y of Kentucky Chandler Med. Ctr. 800 Rose Street. Room C236 Lex1ngton, KY 40536·0293 (606)257·5097. Fax (606)233·5096 smarch t @

, Siephen F. Austin, M.M., Ph.D. Assoc1ate Professor of Vo1ce Lou1siana State Un,vers1ty 305 School Of MUSIC Baton Rouge. LA 70803 (504)366·2641 mustep@umx t

\- Shaheen N. Awan, Ph.D., CCC/SLP Dept. of Audiology & Speech Pathology Bloomsburg Umvers11y Bloomsburg, PA t78t5 (570)369·4443 sawan

vA'ndrea Badillo, M.D. Voice Treatment Center 01vis1on of Otolaryngology·HNS The George Wash1ngton Univ. Med. Cntr. 2150 Pennsylvama Avenue. N.W. Washington. D.C. 20037 (202)994·9916. Fax (202)994·6979

yflon J. Baken, Ph.D. Department of Otolaryngology New York Eye and Ear lnf~rmary

310 East 14th Street New York. NY t 0003 (2t2)979·4541 , Fax (212)979·4315 rbaken

V 'Gordon H. Balluch, M.D., Ph.D. FRCS AsSIStant Professor ot Neurosurgery 330 South 9th Street. 4th Floor Ph1ladelph1a. PA 19t 07 (215)829·7144, Fax (215)629·6645 baltuch

1,~Frank li n M. Banzali, Jr., B.A. Northwestern Umversity Med1cal School Searle Build1ng 303 East ChiCago Avenue Chicago, IL 606t1 (847)473-0065

Viviane M. Oliveira Barrlchelo, B.D. A. Maranhao. tOt ap.t t H,g,enopolis, Sao Paulo SP 01240·001 BRAZIL (55)011·2565845


J,argarcl Baroody, M.M. S1nging Voice Specialist 1721 P~ne Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 (215)790·5195, Fax (2t5)790·1192

,/Robert W. Bastian, M.D. Loyola School of Med1c1ne 2160 S.W. t st Avenue Maywood. IL

Mary E. Anderson Beaver, M.D. Texas Voice Center 6550 Fanmn. Suite 2001 Houston. TX n030 (713)796·2001 [email protected]

Mara Behlau, Ph.D. Speech Patholog,st Centro de Estudos da Voz • CEV Rua D1ogo de Farm. 231 04037·000 Sao Paulo BRAZIL (55) 11·575· 17 t0 [email protected]

Andrew Behnke Department of Speech Pathology & AUdiology

JXSvThe Umvers11y of Iowa 330·WJSHC Iowa C1ty. lA 52242 (319)335·6600

Alison Behrman, Ph.D., CCC/SLP O~rector. Schein Vo1ce and Laryngeal Center

Department of Otolaryngology and Communicative Disorders

Long Island Jewish Medical Center 270·05 76th Avenue New Hyde Park, NY 11042 (716) 470·8892 abehrman

Elliot Benjamin Royal Nat1onal Throat. Nose and Ear Hosp1tal

330 Gray's Inn Road London WCtX BOA ENGLAND

Michael Benninger, M.D. Chairman. Sc,ent1flc Advisory Board The Vo1ce Foundat1on Department of Otolaryngology Henry Ford Med1cal Hospital 2799 West Grand Boulevard Detro11. Ml 48202 (313)876·3272. Fax (313)876· 7263 [email protected]

,/ Steven Biclamowicz, M.D. Voice Treatment Center DiviSIOn of Otolaryngology·HNS The George Washington Univ.

vo,ce Treatment Center 2150 Pennsylvama Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20037 (202)994-9918. Fax (202)994·6979 [email protected]

fiheryl Billante, Ph .D. Vanderbilt Umvers11y Med1cal Center Dept. of Otolaryngology t30t 22nd Avenue South, Su1te 2900 Nashville. TN 37232·5555

Page 14: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

Peer Birch The Royal Academy of Musoc. Aarhus Fuglesangs aile 26 DK-6210 Aarhus V DENMARK

Eva Bjorkner KTH Vooce Research Cenlre Department of Speech Musoc Hearong Stockholm SWEDEN

0""!:homas A. Blaylock, M.A. Executove D~rector

Northwest Institute of Voico 4645 S.W. 191st Avenue Beaverton. OR 97007·2424 (503)649·6716 [email protected]

Daniel A. Boone, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Dept. of Speech & Hearong Scoences Unoversoty of Arizona 5715 N. Genematas Drive Tucson, AZ 85704 Phone/Fax (520)293·8661 [email protected]

\; Margaret Brandwein, M.D.

yGienn Bunting, M.S. Vooce and Speech Laboratory Massachusetts Eye and Ear lnformary Vooce Dosorders Center 243 Charles Street Boston, MA 02114 (617)573·4050, Fax (617)573·3066 Stephen Cala The Unoversoty of Newcastle Suote 4/14·16 Jarrell Street North Gosford NSW 2250 AUSTRALIA (61 )2-4325· 1551

./Linda M. Carroll, M.Phil., CCC/SLP Voice Pathologist Grabscheid Voice Center Mount Sinai Medocal Center 424 West 49th Street. Suote 1 New York, NY 10019 (2t2)459·3929. Fax (2t2)459·3929 [email protected]

r( Roy A. Casiano, M.D. Professor Department of Otolaryngology University of Miamo P.O. Box 016960 (D-46) Miamo, FL 3310t (305)243·5290 rcasiano@mednet Department of Pathology

Box 1194 ~Delio Casalino Mount Sinai Medical Center 1 Gustave Levy Place New York. NY 10029 (212)241 ·5955. Fax (212)860·7851

v David W. Brewer, M.D. Department of Otolaryngology & Communication Scoences

SUNY Health Science Center Syracuse, NY 13210 (315)464·7269. Fax (315)464·7282

l Gayle Brosovic The Denver Center for the Performong Arts 420 East 9th Avenue. B205 Denver, CO 80262

VW.S. Brown, Jr., Ph.D. Department of Communication Scoences & Dosorders P.O. Box 117420 Unoversoty of Florida Gaonesvolle. FL 32611 ·7420 (352)392·2034 [email protected]

,./Paul Brucker, M.D. Presodenl Thomas Jefferson Unoversoty 1020 Walnut Street. Room 641 Pholadefphoa. PA 19107·5587 (215)955·6617

Eugene H. Buder, Ph.D. Assistant Professor The Unoversily of Memphis School of Audiology & Speech· Language Pathology 25 Campus Postal S1ation Memphos. TN 38152·3610 (901)676·5853, Fax (901)525·1262 [email protected]

Merlbe1h Bunch, Ph.D. 12A Crediton Hill London NW6 1 HP ENGLAND (171)435·6179, Fax (171)916·2905 [email protected]

Director of ENT Department Bufaloni Hosp .. Cesena, Italy Via Roncali t312 Bologna. ITALY

\_,Janina K. Casper, Ph.D. Department of Otolaryngology and Communocation Sciences

SUNY Health Scoence Center Syracuse. NY 13210 (315)464·7334. Fax (315)464-7262 casperj@

v Aaul Castillo, M.D. Unoversoty of Pollsburgh Voice Center Dept. of Otolaryngology-HNS Unoversoty of Potlsburgh Schl. of Med. 200 Lothrop Street, Suite 500 Ponsburgh, PA 15215 (412)647·2112. Fax (4 12)647·2060 Albert Castro, M.D. Aadoologost Centre d'lmageroe Medocale Numerosee 105, Boulevard Mafesherbes 75006 Paris. FRANCE (33) t4299·5555. Fax (33)142995533 [email protected]

v Ciaudla Catania Mezzo-Soprano 253 West 72nd Street. Apt. 31 1 New York, NY 10023 (212)767·0532 Fran~oise Chagnon, M.D. Montreal General Hospital Dept of Otolaryngology Suite A2 14t 1650 Cedar Avenue Montreal, Quebec H3G 1 A4 CANADA (514)937·6011. Fax (514)934·6200 Karen Chan Department of Speech & Hearing Scoences Tho University of Hong Kong 5/F Prince Philip Dental Hospital 34 Hospital Road HONG KONG (652)2659·0572, Fax (852)2559·0060 [email protected]

1./ Ching·l B. Chang, B.A. Northwestern Universoty Medocaf School 244 E. Pearson St .. Apt 601 Chocago, IL 60611 (3 12)951·0883 [email protected]

Young Chang, M.D. Department of Otolaryngology Asan Medical Center Unoversoty of Ulsan College of Med. Seoul. KOREA Janice Chapman 33 Cann Hall Road Loytonstone, London E 11 3HY ENGLAND (44) t81·555·1980, Fax (44)181 ·534-4703

Bob Chapra MedocaiTowers Buoldong, ~ 1306

255 S. 17th Street Suote 1306 Pholadefphia, PA 19103 (215)732·9173 [email protected] Sheng Hwa Chen Department of Otolaryngology Veterans General Hospotaf· Taopei Taopeo. Taiwan I)EPUBLIC OF CHINA

-,/Harold Cheyne Speech and Hearing Sciences Program MIT-Harvard Division of Health

Sciences & Technology The Voice and Speech Laboratory Massachusens Eye & Ear fnhrmary 243 Charles Street Boston, MA 02114 (617)573-3832 [email protected]

V Donald G. Childers, Ph.D. Unoversoty of Fforoda 2126 Crimson Lane Keffer, TX 76248 (8t7)581·3486

lindsey Christiansen Professor, Chairperson Vooce Department Westminster Choir College of

Roder Universoty Pronceton. NJ 08540 (609)921· 7100

Katherine Ciesinski, M.M. Associate Professor Chaorperson, Vocal Studoes Area Moores School of Music Unoversity of Houston 2t45 Kopling Houston, TX 77204·4201

• V ' 3)743-3 t57 Raymond H. Colton, Ph.D. Professor Department of Ololaryngology &

Communication Sciences SUNY. Health Scoence Center Am. 156 WK. 766 frvong Avenue Syracuse, NY 13210 (315)464-7252 [email protected]

/ John M. Crump President Kay Efemetrics Corp. 2 Bridgewater Lane Uncoln Park, NJ 07035·1486 (973)628·6200, Fax (973)628·6363

Page 15: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

v 'costanza Cuccaro Professor of Music-Voice School of Music Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47405 (8 t 2)855-5823 [email protected]

.,Calhoun D. Cunningham, 111, M.D. Resident Dept of Otolaryngology & Comm. Sciences Medtcal University of South Carolina t 7 t Ashley Avenue Charleston, SC 29425 (843)792-7162. Fax (843)792-0546 [email protected]

V Rocco Oaf Vera 2972 Morningview Lane Ctnctnnati, OH 452tt Phone/Fax (513)556- t981

'4~aymond Daniloff, Ph.D. Depariment of Communication Disorders School of Allied Health Lou•s•ana State Untversity Health Sctences Center

1900 Gravter Street New Orleans, LA 701 t 2 (504 )568-4335 [email protected]

'-- Pamela Davis Assoctaie Professor Dtrector, National Voice Centre The Raglan Street Building (G 1 0) The University of Sydney NSW 2006 Sydney AUSTRALIA (6 t 2)9351 -5352 [email protected]

.~,Carole M. Dean, M.D., FRCS Laryngology Fellow Amencan Inslitute lor Voice & Ear

Research 1721 Ptne Street Phtladelphia, PA t 9 t 03 (2 t 5)545-3322. Fax (215)790-1t 92

Phi lippe H. Dejonckere, M.D., Ph.D. The Institute o f Phoniatncs Utrecht Universily. A.Z.U. F.02.504 P.O. Box 85500 NI 3508 GA. Uirechi THE NETHERLANDS (3130)250-7736. Fax (3130)252-2627 [email protected].

·/ c arlo J. Deluca, Ph.D. Neuromuscular Research Center Boston University 19 Deerfield Street Basion. MA 02215 (617)-353-9757 [email protected]

~r in Dunnigan Student Research Assisiant 1517 Enchanted Fares! South Bend. IN 46637 (219)243-8241


y Julia D. Edgar, Ph.D. Department of Communication Disorders School of Allied Health Louisiana Slate Untversity Medical Ctr 1900 Gravier Street. Am 9A-18 New Orleans, LA 70112-2262 (504)568-4343 jedgar@

t/' Donna Eggers, B.F.A., B.A. Deparlment of Communication Disorders School of Allied Health Louisiana State Universily Health Science Center 1900 Gravter Streel New Orleans. LA 70112 (504 )568·4348

vCiaudia Eitnier, M.A. Mercy Hosptlal Weldon Center lor Rehabtlttation 233 Carew Street Springfield. MA 01 t 02-90t2

~,/Molly Erickson, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Universily of Tennessee. Knoxville Audiology and Speech Pathology 457 South Stadium Hall Knoxvtlle. TN 37996 (423)974-9895 [email protected]

Barbara S. Elias Medical Siudent Umversl!y of Groningen THE NETHERLANDS

,/Jo Estill Founder Eslill Voice Training Systems 35 Atrport Blvd. East Sania Rosa, CA 95403-8003 (707)528-6338, Fax (707)528-2052 7504I [email protected]

v John M. Feehery, M.D. Dept. of Oiolaryngology-HNS 925 Chestnut Street. 6th Floor Phtladelphta, PA 19107 (215)955-6784, Fax(215)923-4532 John.Feehery

~anet Feindel Assoc. Professor of Voice and Speech School of Drama College of Ftne Arts Carnegie Mellon Univcrstty Piltsburgh, PA 15213-3890 (412)268-3491, Fax (412)621-0281 l':)ndel+@

v(:arol Ferrone, MS, CCC/SLP 830 Columbus Avenue, #5G New York, NY 10025-4508 1212)666·0656

vL· Arick Forrest, M.D. Director OSU Votce lnstttute 4100 University Hospitals Clinic SUite 4A 456 Wesi 1Oth Avenue Columbus. OH 43210- t 282 (614)293·4238 forrest. t

Adr ian Fourcin University College London Department of Phonetics and Linguistics Gower Street London WC 1 E 6BT ENGLAND (44)-1 71-380-7401. Fax (44)-171-383-0752

,J Katherine Freeman, Dr. P.H. Direclor. Biostalistics Monteftore Medical Cenler ollhe Albert Etnstein College of Medtctne 111 East 21 Oth StreeJ Bronx. NY 10467-2490 (718)231-6704 [email protected]

~au! L. Friedlander, M.D. Dept. of Oiolaryngology &

Biocornmunications Louisiana Slate Univ. Med. Clr. 2020 Gravier Street, Suite A New Orleans, LA 70112 (504)568-4785. Fax (504)568-4460

Gerhard Fried rich, M.D., Ph.D. Professor. Dept. of Phonlatrics University Hospital Graz,

Univensty of Graz. Medical School Auenbruggerplatz 20 A-8036 Graz AUSTRIA (433)1638·52579. Fax (433)1638-53549 [email protected]

-..Jl:iane Gaary 120 E. Montgomery Avenue #407 Ardmore. PA 19003 (61 0)642-8267 [email protected]

u_.Gregory J. Gallivan, MD, FACS, FCCP "'Thoracic. Voice & Airway ReconsJructive

Surgeon Mercy Hospttai!Wtng Memonal Hospital Springfteld and Palmer, Massachuselts Assistant Pro fessor of Clinical Surgery University of Massachuselts Medical School

Worcester. Massachuselts Medtcal Dtrector: Voice. Speech & Swallowing Program

Healthsoulh/Rehabilitation Hospital of Western MA

Ludlow. Massachuselts 299 Carew SJreet. Suite 404 Springfield. MA 01104-2361 ,(413)785-1667. Fax (413)747-8828

\/Kathleen Holly Gallivan, M.D., M.P.H. Chief Resident Department of Otolaryngology-HNS Thomas Jefferson University 925 Chestnut Street. 6th Floor Phtladelphta. PA 19107 (215)955-6784. Fax (2t5)923-4532

1/ Shannon J. Garl itz, B.S. Graduate Student in Audiology Departmenl of Communication Disorders Untverstty of Mtnnesota 607 Washtngton Street Northfield. MN 55057 (507)664-084 t [email protected]

J'Kurt Garren, M.D. The Denver Center for the Performtng Arts 420 East 9th Avenue. B205 Denver. CO 80262

, ,tGeorge S. Goding, Jr., M.D. v; University of Minnesota

Department of Otolaryngology Lions 5M International Hearing Center

Medical School Box 396 Mayo Memorial Buildtng 420 Delaware Street S.E. Minneapolis , MN 55455

<tJ Alexis Godlewski, M.D. V01ce Treatmenl Center Divtsion of Otolaryngology-HNS The George Washington Umv. Med. Ctr. 2150 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037

Rodolphe Gombergh, M.D. Radiologist Centre d'lmagerie Medicale Numerisee t 05. Boulevard Malesherbes 75008 Paris. FRANCE (33) 14299-5555. Fax (33) 14299-5533

Page 16: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

Svantc Granqvist Department of Speech Musrc Heanng Royallnstrtute of Technology Box 604 00 SE-104 01 Stockholm SWEDEN (46)8790·7561 [email protected]

lfJanct Graves-Wright, M.M., M.S. Speech-Language Pathologist Director. lntraComm 240 North Avenue, SUite 202 New Rochelle. NY 10801 (914)633·9012. Fax (914)636·5223 [email protected]

'/Judith P. Grayhack, Ph.D., CCC·SLP Assrstant Professor Dept. of Communication Scrence &

Drsorders 4033 Forbes Tower Prllsburgh, PA 15260 (412)647- t356 [email protected]

/ Jean Westerman Gregg, M.A., M.S., CCC·SLP Development of the Srngmg Vorce Nafl Assocratron of Teachers of Srnging Amencan Academy of Teachers of SmglllQ Speech-Language Pathologrst Specialist, Voice Therapy and Rehab. American Speech·Languago·Hearing Assoc.

11 Old Quarry Road Woodbndge. CT 06525 (203)393·0030

./Cynthia Grywalski, MA, CCC/SLP Department of Neurology Henry Ford Hospital 2799 W. Grand Blvd. Detrort. Ml 48202 (313)916·1161

\ I Leslie W. Guinn, B.A. Professor of Voice Vocal Health Center Voice Training Specialist University of Michigan Medical School 1601 Broadway Ann Arbor, Ml 48105 (734)769·7978 [email protected]

Bodil Gumoes Royal Academy of Music Copenhagen

Horst Gunter Professor. Musrkhochschule Unterer Hermbach Weg 5 Aubei D· 79280 Freiburg GERMANY 490·7614·03296

1s amccr Gupta, B.A.

' Northwestern University Mcdrcal School 215 E. Chicago Ave., Apt. 1106 Chicago, IL 60611 (312)475·1036 sameer·[email protected]

Walter Habermann, M.D., Ph.D. ENT-Unrversity Hosprtal Graz,

Unrvensty of Graz. Medrcal School Auenbruggerplatz 20 A·8036 Graz AUSTRIA (433)1638·52579, Fax (433)1638·53549 [email protected]

..;lucinda Halstead Associate Professor MUSC·Medical University of South Carolina Dept. of Otolaryngology & Communicatrve Sciences 171 Ashley Avenue Charleston, SC 29425·2242 (843)792·7162. Fax (843)792·0546 Halstead

Brltta Hammarberg, Ph.D. Professor of Speech Language Pathology Karohnska lnslltute Depanment of LogopediCS and Phoniatrics Huddrnge Universrty Hosprtal SE-141 86 Huddinge SWEDEN (46)8·5858·1543, Fax (46)8·5858·1505 [email protected]

../stephen Handel Professor Unrversrty of Tennessee, Knoxvrlle Psychology 303 A Austrn Peay Knoxville, TN 37996 (423)974·3297 shandel

'+ David G. Hanson, M.D. Northwestern Universrty Medrcal School 240 E. Huron St., #1311 Chrcago, Illinois 6061 t (312)503·0458 [email protected]

~elcn Hanson, Ph.D. ~' Sensrmelncs Corporallon

48 Grove Street Somervrlle, MA 02144 (617)625·0600, ext. 239 [email protected]

..f.amela Harvey, M.A., CCC·SLP Associate Director Vorce, Speech and Swallowrng Division Beth Israel Deaconess Med•cal Center Harvard Center lor Vorce Drsorders Harvard Medical School Lowry Medrcal Office Burldrng, Suite 8C ItO Frances Street Boston, MA 02215 (617)632·7400 [email protected]

Cornelia Hauser-Kronberger, Ph.D. lnshtule of Pathology St. Johann's Hosprtal Salzburg Muellner Hauplstrasse 48 A·5020 Salzburg AUSTRIA 43·662·4482-4731 , Fax 43·662-4482·882 [email protected]

Mary Hawkshaw, R.N., B.S.N., CORLN Amencan Institute lor Vorce

and Ear Research 1721 Pine Street Phrladelphia, PA 19103 (215) 545·3322. Fax (215) 790·1192

H. Heeneman, M.D. Department of Otolaryngology Unrversrty of Western Ontano London, Ontario N6G I HI CANADA (519)641·3644 Heeneman@

v Ryan N. Heffelfinger, B.S. Dept. ol Otolaryngology-HNS Thomas Jefferson Univcrsrty Hospital 925 Chestnut Street, S•xth Floor Philadelphia, PA t9107 (2t5)955·6784, Fax (215)923·4532


-/Yolanda D. Heman·Ackah, M.D . Unrversity of Minnesota Department of Otolaryngology Lrons 5M lnternahonal Hearing Center

Medrcal School Box 396 Mayo Memonal Buildrng 420 Delaware Street, S.E. Minneapolis , MN 55455

\(Freda Herseth, M.M. Associate Professor of Voice The School of Musrc The Unoversrty of MIChigan Ann Arbor, Ml 481 09·2085 (734)764·5589 [email protected]

/ Howard Hertig, M.D. 330 South 9th Street 2nd Floor Department of Neurology Ph•ladelphra, PA 19107 (2 t 5)829·8407, Fax (215)829·6606 [email protected]

Markus M. Hess, M.D. Dept. of Phonialrics & Pedaudiology Abteilung fUr Hor·, St•mm-und Sprachheilkunde Unoversrtats·Krankenhaus Eppendorf UnrversrtAI Hamburg Martinistrasse 52 D-20246 Hamburg GERMANY (4940)42803-2365. Fax (4940)42803·6814

./Reinhardt Heuer, Ph.D. Speech-Language Pathologist Vorce Research Associate Arnencan Institute lor Voice

and Ear Research 1721 Pine Street Phrladelphia, PA 19103 (215)790·5179, Fax (215)790·1192 [email protected]

\J M. John Hicks, DDS, MD, PhD Associate Professor, Dept. of Pathology

Baylor College of Medicine Associate Director. Anatomic Pathology

Dept. of Pathology, Texas Children's Hosp. Drreclor. Ultrastructural Pathology,

Dept of Pathology, Texas Children's Hosp. Adtunct Professor, Dept. ol Pedratric

Dentistry, Dental Branch, University of Texas, Houston· Health Science Center

6621 Fannin Street, Sto. AB·195 Houston. TX 77030 (713)770·2250

1Aobert E. Hillman, Dir., Ph.D. Department of Otology and Laryngology Harvard Medical School Communication Scrences and Disorders MGH Institute of Health Professions The Voice & Speech Laboratory Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary 243 Charles Street Boston, MA 02114 (617)573-4050, Fax (617)573·4060 [email protected]

\ Cynthia Hoffmann Chair, Voice Department The Juilliard School 60 Lrncoln Center Plaza New York, NY 1 0023·6590 (212)799·5000

Page 17: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

Gert Hofmann Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology. Techmcal University of Dresden, Germany

Studio fur Stimmforschung dcr Hochschule fUr Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden. GERMANY

.I Norman D. Hogikyan, M.D., F.A.C.S. D~rector. Vocal Health Center Department of Otolaryngology-HNS The Un1versity of M1ch1gan Med. Ctr. t 904 Taubman Center 1500 E. Med1cal Center Dnve Ann Arbor, Ml 48109·0312 (734)936·9598, Fax(734)936·9625 [email protected] Shannon Hollis Department of Speech Pathology & AudiOlogy The University of Iowa 330-WJSHC The University of Iowa Iowa City, lA 52242 (319)335·6600

Eva B. Holmberg, Ph.D. Department of LogopediCS & Phomatncs Karohnska Institute The V01ce and Speech Lab Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary Department of LogopediCS & Phomatrics Hudd1nge University Hospital SE-141 86 Huddinge SWEDEN (46)8585·81590. Fax (46)8585·8t505 [email protected]

Jaromi Horacek, Ph.D. Engineer Institute of Theromechamcs fv::adem.J of Sciences of the Czech ReputU: Dole)~kove5

182 00 Prague 8 THE CZECH REPUBLIC (420·0)·66053 t 25, Fax (420·2)8584695 [email protected]

Ming-Wang Hsiung, M.D. Department of Otolaryngology Tri·Service General Hosp1tal 8, Section 3, Ting-Chiou Road Ta1pei. Taiwan REPUBLIC OF CHINA (2)2368·1502, Fax (2)2368·0014 hsiunm01

Jui·Lin Huang Department of Otolaryngology Veterans General Hosp1tal· Ta1pe1 Ta1pe1. Ta1wan REPUBLIC OF CHINA

./ingrid C. lwanow, M.D. Dept. of Otolaryngology & Biocommunications

Louisiana State Univ. Med. Ctr. 2020 Gravier Street, Suite A New Orleans, LA 70 112 (504)568·4785, Fax (504)568·4460

Jenny fwarsson Speech Music Hearing, KTH SE-1 00 44 Stockholm SWEDEN (468)790-7876, Fax (468)790·7854 [email protected]

Donald Jamieson, Ph.D. Director National Centre for Aud1ology Elborn College University of Weslern Ontano London, Ontario N6G 1 H 1 CANADA (519)661 ·390 t [email protected]

\/'John K. Jarboe, M.D. Department of Otology & Laryngology Harvard Medrcal School DIVISIOn of Laryngology Massachusetts Eye & Ear lnf~rmary 243 Charles Slreet Basion. MA 021 14 (617)573·3557, Fax(617)573-3068 Boo Hwan Jee, M.D. Department of Ololaryngology Asan Med1cal Cenler Umversrty of Ulsan College of Med. Seoul KOREA

4ack J. Jiang, M.D., Ph.D. Dept. of Otolaryngology·HNS Northwestern Un1vers1ty Med1cal School 303 E. Chrcago Avenue Ch1cago. IL 60611 (312)503·0088. Fax (312)503·1616 [email protected]

j/Michael P. Karnell, Ph.D. Dept. of Speech Palhology and Aud1ology University of Iowa Hosp11a1s and Clinics 200 Hawkins Drive, E230 GH Iowa C1ty. lA 52242· 1 078 (319)356·2292. Fax (319)353·6739 michael·karnell@uiowa edu

/ William M. Keane, M.D. Dept. of Ololaryngology·HNS Thomas Jefferson Univers11y Hosp11a1 925 Chestnut Street. 6th Floor Ph1ladelph1a. PA 19107 (215)955·6784. Fax (215)923·4532

.!RichardT. Kelley, M.D. Department of Otolaryngology

and Commun1cation Sc1ences SUNY Health Sciences Center Syracuse. NY 13210 (315)464·4636

[email protected]

Aliaa A. Khidr, M.D., Ph.D. Umversity of Virginia Dept. of Comm. D1sorders 2205 Fonta1ne Avenue Su1te 202 Charlottesville, VA 22903 (804)924-7838. Fax (804)924·461

,;;:k2x@virg~nia .edu Paul R. Kifeny, Ph.D. Department of Otolaryngology University of M1ch1gan Med1cal Center 1904 Taubman Center 1500 E. Med1cal Center Dnve Ann Arbor. Ml 48109·0312 (734)936·9598. Fax (734)936·9625 [email protected] Sang Yoon Kim, M.D. Department of Otolaryngology Asan Medical Center University of Ulsan College of Med. Seoul, KOREA

/ steven T. Kmucha, M.S., M.D., F.A.C.S. Clinical Instructor Department of Otolaryngology Stanford Un1vers1ty School of Med1c1ne 1800 Sullivan Avenue. Su1te 604 Daly C1ty, CA 94015


._/'Catherine L. Knych, M.S. Dept. of Audiology & Speech Pathology Bloomsburg Univers1ty Bloomsburg. PA 17815 (570)389·4443

V Gwen Korovin, M.D. Attending Otolaryngologist Lenox H1ll Hosp1tal Ames Vocal Dynam1cs Laboratory 47 East 77th Street. Su1te 201 New York. NY 10021 (212)879·6630, Fax (212)650·9736

\,1""Victor G. Lacombe, M.D. Dept. of Otolaryngology-HNS Thomas Jefferson University Hospital 925 Chestnut Street. 6th Floor Philadelphia. PA 19107 (215)955·6784. Fax (215)923-4532 Anneli Laine Departmenl of Otorhinolaryngology Turku University Central Hosp1tal Turku, FINLAND Hans Larsson Karohnska Institute Department of LogopediCS & Phomatrics Hudd1nge UniverSity Hospital S·141 86 Hudd1nge SWEDEN

/ Alfred S. Lavorata, Ph.D. Speech·Language Pathologist 8530 Wilshire Blvd .. Suite 201 Beverly H1lls, CA 90211 (31 0)854. 5 702 [email protected]

Jeremy Lavy, F.R.C.S. Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital

330 Gray·s Inn Road London WC1X BOA ENGLAND (44·17)1915·1313

..;Daniel Lee, M.D. Dept. of Otolaryngology-HNS Thomas Jefferson Un1vers1ty Hosp1tal 925 Chestnut Streel. 6th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215)955·6784. Fax (215)923·4532 H.A. Leeper, Ph.D. School of Communication Sc1ences

& Disorders Elborn College University of Western Ontano London, ON N6G 1 H 1 CANADA (519)661·2111 [email protected]

{ Grace Leung 1230 Amsterdam Avenue Suite 907 New York, NY 10027

c Paul Levine University of Virginia Dept. of Comm. Disorders 2205 Fontaine Avenue Suite 202 Charlottesville. VA 22903 (804)924·7838. Fax (804)924·461

James CL li, M.D. New York Medical College 170 Munger Valhalla. NY 10595 (914)595·3217 [email protected]

Page 18: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

Per-Ake Lindestad, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Speech Music Heanng KTH Vorce Research Centre Dept. ol Logopedics & Phoniatncs. B 69 Huddrnge UmverSI!y Hosprtat SE-141 86 Huddrnge SWEDEN (46)8585-81501. Fax (46)8585-81505 [email protected]

...,<Jeannette Lovetri Consultant. Grabscherd Vorce Center Mt. Srnai Hospital VoiCe Faculty, NY University, Musrc Ed. Dept. and Tisch School of Arts Drama Dept.

Dir. of Vocal Studres. Brooklyn Youth Chorus

D~rector, The Vorce Workshop 317 West 93rd Street. #3B New York. NY t0025 (212)662-9338, FdX {212)662-9462 [email protected]

v (ouis D. Lowry, M.D. Dept. of Otolaryngology-HNS Thomas Jefferson Unrversrty Hospital 925 Chestnut Street, 6th Floor Philadelphia. PA 19107

.~,f2 15)955-6784, Fax {215)923-4532 .1'Christy L. Ludlow, Ph.D. v Voice and Speech Sectron

NIDCD-NIH 10 Center Dnve, MSC 1416 Bethesda. MD 20892-1416 (301 )496-9366 [email protected]

Michael Ludwigs, Dip!. fng. Fakfenhagener Straf3e 33 D- 13585 Berlin GERMANY

v Donna S. Lundy, M.A., CCC Adjunct Assistant Professor Department of Otolaryngology Umversrty of Mrami P.O. Box 016960 (D-48) Mramr, FL 33101 (305)243-5291

..___ Estella Ma Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences

The Umversrty of Hong Kong 5/F Pnnce Phrhp Dental Hosprtal 34 Hosprtal Road HONG KONG (852)2859-0572. Fax(852)2559-0060 pmma Marina Machado Umversrty of Oporto, School of Medrcme European Umon PORTUGAL Jill Rentmeester Markon, B.S. Graduate Student 1n Speech-Language Pathology

Department of Commumca!lon Drsorders Universrty of Mmnesota t 15 Shevlin Hall 164 Prllsbury Drive, S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612)624-9027 [email protected] Anita McAllister, Ph.D. Logopedrcs & Phoniatrics Huddinge Hospital SE-1 41 86. Huddinge SWEDEN (468)5858-1534

£canna McBroom Dept. ot Music College of Charleston 66 George Street Charleston. SC 29424 (843)953-4914 mcbroomd@

" Everett McCorvey, Ph.D. D~rector of Opera Protessor ot Voice Unrversrty ot Kentucky 214 East Belle Court Lexmgton. KY 40508 Phone/Fax (606)257-9331 edmccoO 1

~ames McDonald Protessor ot Voice lndrana Umversity School ot MUSIC Bloomrngton, IN 47405 (812)855- 1133 1ammcdon

V Maureen Mellody Applied Physics Program The University ot Michigan Randall Laboratory 500 East University Dr . Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1120 (734)763-9074 [email protected]

vfoan Mellon, Ph.D., A.D.V.S. Assocrate Protessor Coord rna tor ol Voice & Movement Dept ot Theatre & Dance Cahforma State Univ-Fullerton PO Box 6850 Fullerton, CA 92834-6850 (7 t4)278-2164. Fax (7t4)278-7041 [email protected]

v Ana Mendes, Ph.D. Dept. Sp. Ed. & Clinical Services lndrana University ol Pennsylvanra 203 Davis Hall lndrana. PA t5705-t 087 (724)357-5687. Fax (724)357-77 16 [email protected]

./ Klara Meyers Professor of Voice Esther Boyer College of Musrc Temple Umversity Phrladelphia. PA 19132 {215)887-893t Mark Meylan 54 Fernlea Road Balham, London SWt2 9RN ENGLAND {44-208)673-4482. Fax(44-208)673-5858 [email protected] Deirdre D. Michael, Ph.D. Unrversrty ol Mrnnesota Department ol Otolaryngology Lions SM International Heanng Center

Medrcal School Box 396 Mayo Memorial Buildmg 420 Delaware Street, S.E. Mrnneapohs . MN 55455

.Rochelle L. Milbrath, M.A. Graduate Student in

Speech-Language Pathology Department of Communication Disorders Umversity of Minnesota t t 5 Shevlin Hall 164 Prllsbury Dr., SE Mrnneapohs, MN 55455 (6 t 2)625-9326 [email protected]


Donald G. Miller, M.D. Groningen Voice Research Lab Department of Medical Physrofogy Faculty of Medicine Unrversrty ol Groningen Bloemsrngel tO, NL 9712 KZ Gronmgen, THE NETHERLANDS {31·50)363·2688, Fax (3 t -50)363-2688 [email protected]

Y Cfaudio F. Milstein, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Speech and Hearing Center Department of Speech and Heanng Scrences

lndrana Umversity 200 South Jordan Avenue Bloommgton, IN 47405 (812)855-037 t ' (812)855·5531 [email protected] Amy Rader Minasian, M.S., CCC/SLP The Grabscheid Voice Center Mount Sinai Medrcal Center Frith Avenue at 98th Street Box I 191 New York, NY 1 0029 (2 t 2)24 t -9425, Fax{212)360-6965 [email protected]

Jacqueline Moline, MD, MSC Assrstant Professor Department of Communrty &

Preventrve Medrcine Box t057 Mount Srnar Medrcat Center One Gustave L Levy Place New York, NY t0029 {212)241-4792, Fax (2 t2)996-0407 [email protected]

vd'ayne Moore Vanderbrlt Unrversrty Medrcal Center Dept. of Otolaryngology 130 I 22nd Avenue South, Suite 2900 Nashvrlle. TN 37232-5555 Dirk Miirbe Department ot Otorhrnolaryngology Technrcal University of Dresden Fetsherstr. 74 D-0 1307 Dresden GERMANY Fax (351 )458-4326 [email protected]

\/ Thomas Murry, Ph.D. Univ. of Pittsburgh Voice Center Department of Otolaryngology-HNS Univ. of Prttsburgh Schl of Medicine Eye & Ear Institute, Surte 500 200 Lothrop Street Prttsburgh, PA 15215 {412)647-21 12 Gary1h Nair Associate Professor of Music Drew Umversrty Madrson. NJ 07940-4000 (973)70 1-2329 [email protected]

Soon Yuhf Nam, M.D. Department of Otolaryngology Asan Medrcal Center University of Ulsan College of Med. Seoul, KOREA [email protected] James L. Netterville, M.D. Vanderbilt Universrty Medical Center Dept. of Otolaryngology 1301 22nd Avenue South, Suite 2900 Nashville, TN 37232·5555 {615)322-7267, Fax (615)343-7604

Page 19: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

~chael C. Neuenschwander, M.D. Dept. of Otolaryngology·HNS Resident in Otolaryngology Thomas Jeflerson University Hospital 925 Chestnut Street, 6th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215)955·6784. Fax (215)923·4532

Anke Nienkerke-Springer Universrty of Dortmund ~RMANY

,)'eter Noordzig University of Virginia Dept. of Comm. Disorders 2205 Fontaine Avenue, Suite 202 Charlottesville, VA 22903 (804)924·7838, Fax (804)924-461

Rui Nunes, M.D. University of Oporto School of Medicine Estrada da Circunvalaci10 9925 4250·1 50 ·Porto European Union PORTUGAL Fax (351 )2·5573469 [email protected]

·/k errie Beechler Obert, MA, CCC/SLP Speech Language Pathologist OSU Voice Institute 4 t 00 University Hospitals Clinic Suite 4A 456 West 1Oth Avenue Columbus. OH 432 1 0·1282 (614)293·7796, Fax (614)293·8507 obert. [email protected]

Ana Gloria Ortega Licenciada en Fonoaudrologia Jose Federico Moreno 1 880.5500 Mendoza REPUBLICA ARGENTINA (54 )26 I ·4234585, Fax(54)26 I ·423848 I [email protected]

.,.Aosemary Ostrowski, MM, MS, CCC/SLP The Grabscheid Voice Center Mount Sinai Medical Center Fillh Avenue at 98th Street Box I 191 New York. NY 10029 (2 I 2)24 I ·9425, Fax (2 I 2)828·4 I 8 I

,IR. Brian Owens, MS, CCC\SLP Assistant Professor Divisron ol Communicative Disorders College of Allied Health University of Kentucky Chandler Med. Ctr. 740 South Limestone. B·3 I 7 Lexington, KY 40536·0284 (606)257·3390. Fax (606)323·5483 [email protected]

Friedmann Pabst Studio lur Stimmlorschung der Hochschule fur Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden, GERMANY

Vijay Parsa, Ph.D. Research Engineer National Centre for Audrology Elborn College University of Western Ontario London. Ontario N6G 1 H1 CANADA (519)661·21 I 1x88947 [email protected]

/ Alvaro Pascuai·Leone, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor ol Neurology Harvard Medical School

._..../Julia Wood Rademacher, M.M., M.A., CCC-SLP

Drrector. Laboratory for Magnetic Brain Stimulation

Director of Research. Behavioral Neurology Unit

Beth Israel Deaconess Medrcal Center 330 Brookline Avenue Kirstein Building KS 452 Boston. MA 02215 (617)667·0203. Fax (617)975·5322 [email protected].

/ Deepa Patel, M.A. Unrversity of Massachusetts-Amherst Department of Cornmunrcatron Disorders 6 Arnold House Amherst, MA 01003·04 10 (4 13)549·1543 clot eel @

\)<aren Peeler, D.M.A. Professor of Music The Ol1io State University School of Music I 866 College Road Columbus. OH 4321 0 (614)292·9638. Fax(614)292·1 102 [email protected]

v l isa Popeil, M.F.A. Voice Works 14 t62 Valley Vista Blvd. Sherman Oaks. CA 91423 (818)906·7229. Fax (818)906·1220 [email protected]

Bradley Pretty Engineer Honda ol Canada Manulactunng, Inc. Alliston, Ontario CANADA [email protected]

.;Edmund A. Pribitkin, M.D. Dept. of Otolaryngology·HNS Thomas Jeflerson Universrty Hospital 925 Chestnut Street. Srxlh Floor Philadelphia, PA 19 I 07 (215)955·6784, Fax (2t5)923·4532

Andrew Prior Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital 330 Gray's Inn Road London WCIX 8DA ENGLAND

A. Prutsch Speech Pathologist Phoniatric Department Unrversrty of Graz Auenbruggerplalz. 20 A·8036 Graz AUSTRIA (43)3 163·852505

Svcnd Prytz KTH Voice Research Centre Department of Speech Music Hearing Stockholm, SWEDEN

Yingyong Oi, Ph.D. Department ol Speech & Heanng

Sciences and Department of Eleclncal and Computer

Engrneering P.O. Box 210071 University ol Arizona Tucson, AZ 8572 t ·007 I (520)621· 1095. Fax (520)621·9901 yqi @ U.Anzona.Edu


109 E. Chester Drive Ellettsville. IN 47429 (812)876-6736 Julwood@

V Sharon Radionioff, Ph.D. Drrector, Sound Singing lnsl. Singrng Voice SpecialisWoice Technologist Afliliate Artist. Moores School ol Music Universrty of Houston Faculty. Shepherd School of Music Rice University 24 t 2 Yorktown, #342 Houston. TX 77056 Phone/Fax (71 3)960· I 648 [email protected]

Anoop Raj, M.D. Professor, Deptartment of ENT Maulana Azad Medical College 198, Rouse Ave. New Delhi, t1 0002 INDIA 9 I ·323·84 I 3 dranoopraj@

Stig Ramel, M.D., Ph.D. Dept. of Gastroenterology K 53 Huddrnge University Hospital SE-141 86 Huddinge SWEDEN ( 46)8585·86932 [email protected]

./.Lorraine Olson Ramig, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Research Advisor Unrversity of Colorado-Boulder Dept. of Comm. Disorders & Speech Sciences

Campus Box 409 Boulder. CO 80303 (303)446-4836. Fax (303)499·6742 [email protected]

J Bonnie Raphael Professor ol Dramatic Art University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 27599 (919)962·2495 [email protected]

'foseph A. Raviv, B.A. Northwestern Universrty Medrcal School 1844_ N. Mohawk Chicago, IL 6061 I (312)482·8473 j·[email protected]

.;l'ames Reibel University of Virginia Dept. of Comm. Disorders 2205 Fontaine Avenue Surte 202 Charlottesville, VA 22903 (804)924·7838. Fax (804)924-461

S. Reinquin The Institute ol Phoniatrics. University Medical Center Utrecht University THE NETHERLANDS

Andrea Ricci·Maccarini, M.D. Executrve of Phoniatric and Phonosurgic

Servrce ol ENT Department Bufalini Hospital, Cesena. Italy Viale llalia noo45 480 I 5 Cervi a (RA) ITALY

Page 20: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

v Peter Rigby, M.D. Dept. of Otolaryngology Lou1s1ana State Umv. Med. Ctr. 2020 Gravier Street. SUite A ~w Orleans. LA 70tt

'/Beverley Rinaldi Professor of Voice Cleveland Institute of Music t t 02t East Blvd Cleveland, OH 44t 06 (2t6)79t·5000. Fax (2t6)79t·3063 b;[email protected]

vRick M. Roark, Ph.D. New York Medical College t70 Munger Valhalla. NY t0595 (9t 4 )594·4820 [email protected]

Janet Rodgers Head of Voice & Speech Training Virginia Commonwealth University 922 Park Avenue Richmond. VA 23284 Phone/Fax (804 )355·5305 [email protected] edu

Anna·Malja Ronnemaa The Student Health Service TurJw. FINLAND

.-clark A. Rosen, M.D., F.A.C.S. University of Pittsburgh Voice Center Department of Otolaryngology·HNS Univ. of Pittsburgh Schl of Medicine Eye & Ear Institute Bldg. 200 Lothrop Street, Su1te 500 Pittsburgh. PA t52t5 (4t2)647·2tt2. Fax (4t2)647·2080 [email protected]

\..- Howard B. Rothman, Ph.D. Dept. of Communication Sciences &

Disorders P.O. Box t t7420 University of Flonda Ga1nesv1lle. FL 326tt-7420 (352)392·2tt3. Fax (352)846-0243

[email protected]

Soham Roy, M.D. Resident Department of Otolaryngology University of Miami P.O. Box Ot6960 (0·48) Miami, FL 33t 0t (305)585·6934 [email protected]

John S. Rubin, M.D., FAGS, FAGS Royal National Throat. Nose and Ear Hospital

330 Gray's Inn Road London WCtX BOA ENGLAND (44-t7)tgt5·t3t 3

t);'licille S. Rubin, Ph.D. President. Professionally Speaking, NYC Faculty, Cirde-in-lhe-Sqr Theatre Schl, NYC Speaking Voice Spec1alist Voice Consultant Dept. of Otolaryngology Lenox H1ll Hasp .• NYC t t 9 West 57th Street. SUite 820 New York. NY t00t9 (2t2) 245-5944, Fax (2t2) 307-5072 [email protected]

' Wallace Rubin, M.D. 3434 Houma Boulevard Metairie, LA 70006-4226 (504)888·8800. Fax (504)455·6796 [email protected].

Eeva Sala Turku Unrvers1ty Central Hosp1tal Department of Otolaryngology & Phon1atncs

Tornrnkatu t a A2, FIN-20500 Turku FINLAND (358)505 t6·4525, Fax(358)225 1-73t 9 [email protected]

~ristin Samuelson, M.M., Ed.D Franklin and Marshall College and Columbia Unrvers1ty

375 R1vers1de Dnve, #2F Now York. NY t0025 (2 t 2)678·8699

v Aonald C. Scherer, Ph.D. Bowf1ng Green State University Dept. of Communrcabon Disorders Bowl1ng Green, OH 43403 (4t9)372-7t89, Fax (4 t9)372·8089 [email protected]

Josef Schlomlcher-Thoir, M.D. Austrian Voice lnstiluto Hauptstrasse 34 A-5202 Neumarkt. Salzburg AUSTRIA (43)-62t6-4030. Fax (43)·62t6-4020 [email protected] Harm K. Schutte, M.D. Voice Research Lab

Denise Santhiago, SLP Department of Medical Physiology Centro de Estudos da Voz - CEV Faculty of Medicine Rua Diogo de Faria 23 t Univers1ty of Groningen Siio Paulo 04037-000 SP Bloemsingel tO. BRAZIL NL 97 t 2 KZ Groningen. (55)tt-575-t7t0 THE NETHERLANDS A. Paula Santos, M.D. (3t-50)363-2688. Fax (3t-50)363·2688 ENT Dept. of Universidade Federal [email protected] de Siio Paulo/EPM /George I. Shirley

Fellow of the ENT Dept. Professor of Voice Un1versity of Graz. Austna Univers1ty of Michigan AI Jau. t767- t~andar. 2324 Earl V. Moore Bu1ld1ng Ot420·002 Sao Paulo Ann Arbor. Ml 48t09-2085 BRAZIL (734)764-5595, Fax (734)7635097 (55)· t t-8539223 [email protected] [email protected]. V Rahul Shrivastav, M.S.

-./christine M. Sapienza, Ph.D. Doctoral Student Dept. of Communication Processes & Department of Speech and Hearing D1sorders Sciences Umvers1ty of Florida lnd1ana Un1versity 63 Dauer Hall 200 South Jordan Avenue Ga1nesv1lle, FL 326tt-7420 Bloom1ng1on, IN 47405 (352)392-2046, Ext. 22t [email protected] [email protected] Susanna Slmberg ~obert Thayer SataloH, M.D., D.M.A. Turunmaa Hospital

Chairman. Board of Directors Koulukatu 23 B 25 Tho Voice Foundation 20t00 Turku Ch FINLAND a11man. Dept. of Otolaryngology·HNS (35)8223_3 t ttB Graduate Hospital s· b .,. Prof. of Otolaryngology, pusana. 1m erg .... abo.h Thomas Jefferson Unrv J~· Blake Simpson, M.D. Adjunct Professor of Otolaryngology-HNS, ASSIStant Professor Unrversity of Pennsyfvanra and Dept of Otolaryngology·HNS Georgetown University Univ of Texas Health Sciences Ctr

Faculty, Academy ol Vocal Arts 7703 Floyd Curl Drive Faculty, The Curtis Institute of Music S<jl'l Antomo. TX 78284-7777 Chairman. American lnst1tute for Voice J,Zt 0)567·5655. Fax (2t 0)567-36t 7 and Ear Research Tanya Simuni, M.D. t72t P1ne Street 330 South 9th Street Philadelphia. PA t 9t03 2nd Floor (2t5)545-3322. Fax (2t5)790-tt92 Department of Neurology [email protected] Philadelphia, PA t9t07

... Keith G. Saxon, M.D., F.A.C.S. (2.t5)829·8407, Fax (2t5)829·6606 President, Saxon Med1cat and [email protected] Saxon Lifetime Center V Brett Skolnick, Ph.D. tt 00 West College 330 South 9th Street L1berty. MO 64068 2nd Floor (8t6)4t5-9tt9, Fax(8t6)792·0408 Department of Neurology [email protected] Philadelphia, PA t 9t07

/ s teven D. Schaefer, M.D. (2 t5)829·8407. Fax (2.t 5)829·6606 New York Medical College J;>[email protected] t70 Munger V Timothy L. Smith, M.D. Valhalla. New York t 0595 Vanderbilt University Medical Center (9t4)594-32t6 Dept. of Otolaryngology [email protected] t30t 22nd Avenue South, Suite 2900

Nashville, TN 37232-5555 , Jackie Schaefer-Mojica, MS, CCC/SLP '-'The Grabscheid Voice Center Maria Sodersten, Ph.D.

Mount Sinai Medical Center Karolinska Institute Flflh Avenue at 98th Street Department of Logopedics & Phoniatrics Box t 191 Huddinge University Hospital New York. NY t 0029 S-t 41 86 Huddinge

SWEDEN (2 t 2)24 t ·9425, (2t2)360-6965 (46)8585·8 t 534. Fax(46)8585-81534 [email protected] [email protected]


Page 21: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

/ Nancy Pearl Solomon, Ph.D., CCC-SLP '---Hanne Staved Department of Communication Disorders Royal Academy of Music. Copenhagen Univers1ty of Minnesota ~MARK 164 Pillsbury Dnve. S.E. v Kimberly M. Steinhauer 115 Shevlin Hall Ph.D. Candidate Minneapolis, MN 55455 Dept. of Comm. Sciences & Disorders (612)624-1010. Fax (612)624·7586 4033 Forbes Tower [email protected] Pittsburgh, PA t5260 R. Soneghet (41.2)647- 1356 Speech Pathologist [email protected] Universidade Federal de Sao lvMatthew Stern, M.D. Paulo/EPM 330 South 9th Street Fellow of the Phoniatric Dept. 2nd Floor University ol Graz. Austria Department of Neurology Av. Albert Einstein Ph1ladelph1a. PA 19107 1009 Sao Paulo 05652-000 (215)829·8407, Fax (215)829·6606 BRAZIL j)[email protected] (55)11 -3742·3608 V Kenneth Stevens [email protected] Sensimetncs Corporation Yong Jin Song, M.D. Speech Communication Group

~epa~medent 01fCOtotlaryngology ~~~a~~~~~:ts Institute of Technology

san . ICa en er 77 Massachusetts Avenue Umvers1ty of Ulsan College of Med1ne Cambridge. MA 02139 Seoul. KOREA (617)253-3209

'/Constance Spak, M.A., CCC-A [email protected] Department of Otolaryngology A en-Hui su University of Michigan Med. Cntr. Doctoral Student 1904 Taubman Center Indiana Univers1ty 1500 E. Medical Center Drive Department of Speech & Heanng Ann Arbor. Ml 48109·0312 Sciences (734)936-9598, Fax (734)936-9625 200 South Jordan Avenue [email protected] Bloomington, IN 47405

vflrian C. Spector, M.D. (812)857·6815 Vanderbilt University Medical Center Wsu @ Dept. of Otolaryngology Johan Sundberg, Ph .D~ 1301 22nd Avenue South. SUite 2900 Professor of Music Acoustics. KTH Nashville. TN 37232-5555 KTH Voice Research Centre

..,loseph R. Spiegel, M.D., F.A.C.S. Speech MuSIC Hearing. KTH Associate Professor of Otolaryngology SE-100 44 Stockholm Thomas Jefferson University SWEDEN Vice Chairman. Department of (468)790·7873, Fax (468)790·7854

Otolaryngology-HNS [email protected] Graduate Hospital Jan G. Svec, Ph.D. -American Institute for~ and Ear Research Centre for Communication Disorders 1721 Pine Street Medical Healthcom. Ltd. Philadelphia. PA 19103 ~e~ovska 10/491 (215)545·3322, Fax (215)790· 1192 181 00 Praque 8 [email protected] THE CZECH REPUBLIC Frantisek Sram, M.D., Ph.D. (420)2855·0339, Fax (420)2855·0339 Centre for Communication Disorders [email protected] Medical Healthcom. Ltd. Annlka Szabo Ae~ovska 10/491 Karolinska Institute 181 oo Praque 8 Department of Logopedics & Phoniatncs THE CZECH REPUBLIC Hudd~nge University Hospital (420)2855·0339, Fax (420)2855·0339 S-141 86 Huddlnge

~amfr@ SWEDEN (46)8585-87421, Fax (46)8585·81505

' ' heifa Stager, Ph.D. [email protected] Voice Treatment Center Division of Otolaryngology-HNS The George Washington University 2150 Pennsylvania Avenue. N.W. Washington. DC 20037 ~02)994·99 18 , Fax (202)994-6979

.-'C. Richard Stasney, M.D. Clinical Associate Professor, Dept. of

Otorhinolaryngology and Communicative Sciences

Baylor College of Medicine Adjunct Professor, Rice University Director. Texas Voice CtrNan lawrence Voice lnst. Baylor College of Medicine

Texas Voice Center 6550 Fannin. Suite 2001 Houston, TX 77030 (713)796-200 1

.,.James P. Thomas, M.D. Oregon Health Sciences University 3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Road Portland, OR 97201

William Thorpe Senior Lecturer. National Voice Centre The Raglan Street Building (G 1 0) The University of Sydney NSW 2006 Sydney AUSTRALIA (612)9351·9682

lngo A. Titze, Ph.D. National Center for Voice and Speech Dept. of Speech Pathology & Audiology 330-WJSHC The University of Iowa Iowa City, lA 52242 (319)335·6600 [email protected]


~athleen Treote, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Assistant Professor Dept. of Communications Sciences

& Disorders East Carolina University Belk Annex #5 Greenville, NC 27858 (252)328-4404 [email protected]

Vidit Tripathi, M.D. Department of ENT Maulana Azad Medical College 198. Rouse Avenue New Delhi 11 0002 INDIA

/ Michael D. Trudeau, Ph.D., CCC/SLP Associate Professor OSU Voice Institute 41 00 University Hospitals Clinic. Suite 4A 456 West 1Oth Avenue Columbus. OH 43210-1282 (624)293·71 t9 trudeau.1 @

_/Harvey M. Tucker, M.D., F.A.C.S. Centers for Otolaryngology St. l uke's Medical Office Building Suite 322 t t 20 t Shaker Blvd. Cleveland. OH 44 t 04 (216)72 1-1040, Fax (216)721·1072

\. Elizabeth Urban, MS The Grabscheid Voice Center 189 Claremont Avenue, Apt. #45 New York, NY 10027 (212)932-8035 [email protected]

~a Van l eer Clinical l ecturer Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences Indiana University 200 South Jordan Bloomington. IN 47405 (812)856·5282 [email protected]

Zuzana Vetdova, M.D. Aud1ocentrum TV Dukelskych hrdinu 33 t 70 00 Prague 7 THE CZECH REPUBLIC (0042)02·769466

..,J.f.tdova@ Katherine Verdolini, Ph.D., CCC/SLP Asst. Professor, Otology and Laryngology Harvard Medical School

Research Associate, Voice and Speech Lab Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Research Coordinator Voice/Speech/Swallowing Beth Isreal Deaconess Med. Ctr. and

Brigham & Women's Hospital Communication Sciences and Disorders

MGH Institute of Health Professions 101 Merrimac Street Boston, MA 02114 (617)726·2207, Fax (617)726·8022 verdolini.katherine@ Jan Vesely Engineer Institute of Thermomechanics Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Dolej~kove5 182 00 Prague 8 THE CZECH REPUBLIC (420-2)660·53903, Fax (420-2)858-4695

Daniel A. Vincent, Jr., MD, PA 505 Deleon Street, Suite 6 Tampa, Fl 33606 (813)258·0404. Fax (813)258·0361

Page 22: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

~s von Leden, M.D. 8631 West Third Street. #625E Los Angeles. CA 90048 (310)854·5450

/ \,Gregory H. Wakefield, Ph.D.

Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Kresge Hearing Research lnslitule Dept. of Media & Music Tech. The School of Music The University of Michigan ATL Building. 1101 Beal Avenue Ann Arbor, Ml 48109·2110 (734)647·2045 [email protected]

/sen C. Watson, Ph.D. Alamed Corporation 1 Solar Avenue PO Box 260 Vega. TX 79092 (914)594·4821 [email protected]

.._,p{t'er J. Watson, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Communication Sciences Case Western Reserve University 11206 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44106 (216)368·5381. Fax (216}368·6078

Matthias Weikert. M.D. Kumpfmuehler Strasse 3, D-9304 7 Regensburg GERMANY m.weikert.hno·[email protected]

J<1lte Wilson The Julliard School Drama Division 60 Lincoln Center Plaza New York, NY 1 0023·6588 (212)802·4549

vKathleen Wilson, Ed.D., Ed.M. Voice Faculty University of New Hampshire St. Mary's College of Maryland 1331 19th Road South Arlington, VA 22202 (703)241·8168 [email protected]

~alter P. Wodchis, M.A. Department of Otolaryngology University of Michigan Med. Cntr. 1904 Taubman Center 1500 E. Medical Center Dnve Ann Arbor, Ml 48109·0312 [email protected]

J Hausin Wong, BS New York Medical College 170 Munger Valhalla, NY 10595 (914)594·3218 hausin_wong@

v!"eak Woo, M.D., FACS Director of Clinical Services. The Grabscheid Voice Center, and Associate Professor of Otolaryngology The Mount Sinai School of Medicine Department of Otolaryngology Box 1189 Mount Sinai Medical Center Ftfth Avenue at 1 OOth Sueet New York, NY 10029·6574 (212)24 1·5935, Fax (212)831·3700 [email protected]

' Jun W. Xue, M.D. Research Associate Department of Otolaryngology University of Miami P.O. Box 016960 (D·48) Miami. FL 33101 (305)243·5290 [email protected]

v Hi roya Yamaguchi, M.D., Ph.D. Adjunct Professor Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences Indiana University 200 South Jordan Avenue Bloomington, IN 47405 (812)855·4156 [email protected]

Edwin Yiu, Ph.D. Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences TI1e University of Hong Kong 5/F Prince Philip Dental Hospital 34 Hospital Road HONG KONG (852)2859·0599, Fax (852)2559·0060 [email protected]


Riitta Ylitalo, M.D. Dept. of Logopedics & Phoniatrics B 69 Huddinge University Hospital SE·141 86 Huddinge SWEDEN (46)·8585·81506, Fax (46)8585·81505 [email protected] Susan Yoder

v CJniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville Psychology 401 C Austin Peay Knoxville, TN 37996 (423}974·3328 syoder@

Seung Joo Yoo, M.D. Department of Otolaryngology Asan Medical Center University of Ulsan College of Medine Seoul KOREA

v Steven M. Zeitefs, M.D. Associate Professor Dept. of Otology and Laryngology Harvard Medical School Director. Division of Laryngology, Head & Neck Surgical Oncology, Laryngology

Professional and Performing Voice Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary 243 Charles Street Boston. MA 02114 (617)573·3557, Fax (61 7)573·3068 [email protected] /

·tThomas G. Zullo, Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh Voice Center Department of Otolaryngology-HNS University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

The Eye and Ear Institute Bldg. 200 Lothrop St., Suite 500 Ptttsburgh. PA 15215 (412)647-2112, Fax {4 12)647-2080

Page 23: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

HONORED MASTER CLASS TEACHERS Renata Scotto 1984 john Moriarty 1985 john Wustman 1986 Anna Moffo 1987 Phyllis Curlin 1988 Max Rudolf 1989

G. Paul Moore 1981 Hans von Leden 1982 Friedrich Brodnitz 1983 IIMry Hollien 1984 john A. Kirchner 1985 Henry j. Rubin 1986 Minoru Hirano 1987

Frank Guerarra 1990 Craig Rutenberg 1991 Barbarn Silverstein 1992 Harold Evans 1993 Phyllis Curlin 1994 George Shirley 1995

G. PAUL MOORE LECTURERS David W. Brewer 1988 joha n Sundberg 1989 Oskar Kleinsasser 1990 Wilbur J. Gou ld 1991 lngo R. litze 1992 Harvey M. Tucker 1993 Robert T. Sataloff 1994

Rut h Falcon 1996 Cynthia Hoffmann 1997 Sherrill Milnes, 1998 Leslie Guinn, 1999 Claudia Catania, 2000

Richard Miller 1995 Nobuhiko lsshiki 1996 Aat lo Sonninen 1997 Steven Gray, 1998 joel Kahane, 1999 jean Westerman Gregg, 2000

QUINTANA VOICE RESEARCH AWARD RECIPIENTS Kenzo lshizaka 1989 Gunnar Fant 1990 lngo R. litze 1991

Kenneth Stevens 1992 Martin Rothenberg 1993 jan Gauffin 1995

Aalto Sonninen 1997 Donald Chi lders 2000


Helen Hnyes 1988 Walter Cronkite 1989 james Earl jones 1990

jessica Tandy 1991 C. Everett Koop 1992 jack Klugm11n 1995

Nancy Snyderman, M.D., 1999


Lois Yadeau 1991 Raquel Corlina 1992 Karen Peeler 1993 Lynelle F. Wiens 1993 Kenneth Bozeman 1994

janette Ogg 1994 Thomas llouser 1995 Sue W. Snyder 1995 Ruth Golden 1996 Freda J-lerseth, 1997

Marvin Keenze, 1998 Kathleen Wilson, 1998 jeannette Lovetri, 1999 Steven Austin, 1999


Wnlter Cronkite 1979 Isadore Rosenfield, M.D. 1980 Andrew Heiskell 1981 Lowell Thomas 1981 lion. C. Douglas Dillon 1982 Sir Jan Trethowan 1982 William M. Ellinghaus 1983 Donald R. Seawell 1983 Roger L. Stevens 1984 Gordon Getty 1984 Kitty Carlisle Hart 1986 Alice z. McHugh 1986 lion. Edward N. Ney 1987 Raymond Sackler, M.D. 1987

Anna Moffo S11rnoff 1996

Williilm F. Buckley, Jr. 1988 Anna Moffo Sarnoff 1988 Wilbur james Gould, M.D. 1989 Raoul j. Fernandez 1990 Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. 1990 Geraldine Dietz Fox 1990 Enrico Manca 1991 Anthony Quinn 1993 Dan Rather 1993 Anna Moffo Sarnoff 1993 Adele Warden Paxson 1993 John R. St<~fford 1994 Alan King 1994 Phyllis Curtin 1Q94



Rotan E. Lee 1994 David W. Brewer, M.D. 1995 Ma lcolm Poindexter 1995 Brian McDonough, M.D. 1996 Licia Albanese, 1997 Serle Schiller, 1997 Leon Fassler, 1998 Sherrill Milnes, 1998 Grace Bumbry, 1999 Matina Horner, 1999 George Shirley, 1999 Richard Leech, 2000 David Bradley, 2000

Page 24: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

Bnome a SIIJJJJOI'Iillg Mnu/Jrr 0/ Tllf VtJite FotmflalilJJ/ The Voice Foundation invites you to become an active, supporting Member. Join with us. Your Membership will he lp the Foundation fund research and educational projects, benefitting millions of Americans, and peoples around the world.

Associate Membership-550 annual contribution domestic 575 annual con tribution fore ign Benefits

1 - 10% discount on registr<ttion to the Foundation's A111111nl Symposi11111: Cnrr of 1/w Profrssiollnl Voice, the meeting for voice experts from all over the world.

One-year subscr ip tion to The Voice Found<ttion's Newsletter. Keep cu rrent with the lates t developments in voice science, c<~re and training through informiltive articles on health tips, voice care and much more.

10% discount on purchases from the Founda tion's catalogue of videot<tpes and tmnscripts.

Adv<tnce Notice of <til Founda tion events.

Certifica te of Membership <tnd L<tpel pin .

Sustaining Members hip-5125 annua l contributio n (domes tic and foreign) Benefits ALL Associate level benefits, plus ...

A 525 extra discount on registration to the Found<ttion's A111111nl Symposi11111: Cnrr of tlzr Profrssionnl Voice, the meeting for voice experts from <til o\·er the world .

Professional Membership-5250 annual cont ribution (domestic) 5275 annual contribution (foreign) Benefits ALL Associate level benefi ts, plus ...

A 20% discount o n Symposi11111 registmtion fees.

1\ compliment<try annual subscription to the jo11mnl of Voice, the Found<ttion's officia l, schol<trly, quarterly public<t tion.

Insti tutional Membership-5500 annual cont ribution (domestic and fo reign) Benefits All Professional level benefits, plus ...

20% Symposi11111 discount fo r 2 <t ttendees.

Corpora te Membership-52,500 minimum annual contribu tion (domestic and foreig n) Benefits ALL Profession<tllevel benefits, plus ...

1\ 25'7o d iscount on exhibition displ<ty fees <tt the Symposi11111.

Sponsorship credit o f " Symposi11111 coffee-break for a 55,000 contribution.

Life Membership-55,000 one-time contribution, ind iv id uals only Benefits ALL Profession<~ I level benefits, for life.

(Please note: These c<t tegories, benefits <tnd fees are va lid until June 30, 2001)


Page 25: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

ADVANCE REGISTRATION (P<~-tmarknl l>v Mav 26tlll

fl'trlltllt'lll """' h· n"ll·i~·ed u;1llr rt'S'"'tmli(m.J

Category Full Course

PHYSICIANS US 5700 hndud,-. 1 lick<'! It> ~.11.11


LATE OI~ ON-SITE REGI STRATIO lf'll,ttmrrkt'd a(ta May 26th or at tit, · .t,~>r)

Category Full Course

PIIYSICIANS US 5800 lindml<'> I tKkct lu ~.11.1)


STUDENTS (mu'l 'end pnK>f of cnur-.c "1:"1r.1tllml US 5175

GALA CONCERT AND BANQUET (june 30th): 5100 Please reserve early-sealing limited

YES '\0


Life ~lembc"'hip Corporate Membership 1nslilulionall\1cmbcrship

5i,OOO 52,500


Professional 1-.lcmbcrshtp _ Su>laining ~lembcrship

_ A'>a<:ialc ~lembcrship

5250/275 5125 S50/7i

Daily Circle Day(s)

S2.'i0 TFSS

$100 T F S S

550 T F S S

Daily Circle Dayls)

5275 T F S S

5150 T F S S


Rl GISTRAliO:\ 11 I'

Subtr<lc.t IA'<vunt


DISCOUNTS (dclt~ ,.,, dJ'I'IY ''' GnlaJ \'oicl•l·oundat1nn Mcmllcr-.htp Ft't.' Voice roundo~t ion i\'soci.tte Members - tor uff Snnpt"IUnl f\.""gl .. trahon (('C.

Voice roundJtion Susto1ining i\ lcmbers- 10' plu~ l;S S25.00 off Sympc..,..1um n.~t .. tr.ltum f~..--e. TQ11\L __ _ Voice found.Jiion Profession.JI Members or gn.'.ll('r lcvd- zor- off Symposium r\.hlslrJhnn fl"C L----------------' Registered for NATS Convention and Voice round.atiun Symposium - 204 JJ"'('Ount uU f\.'h1"tr.lhon fN-.

Check enclosed Mr.1wn on a United States bank} in the .:1mount of USS _________ (P.l\'<lble h) Tlrt' \'twc· ftmiiiMitclll)

~1oncy Order enclosed in the .1mount of USS

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Fir.t (Cn·cn) t-.11ddl~ Jnill.ll F.1mtlv N,111\l'

Mouhn~ Addn. .... c.. O itomt.•

Telephone (w) __ (h) _____ _

Mail to:

The Voice Foundation,

CANCELLATION POLICY Received before May 191h · full refund Bel ween ~lay 201h and June 9th · so•.

After June 101h • no refund

FAX _ _ ______________ _

(OffiCI! '"" only)

Reg No: I 72 1 Pine Strcel,

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 U.S.A. Tel : (2 15) 735-7999 FAX: (215) 735-9293

Dale Rc\'d:

Dato Cnfrmd:

Page 26: Singular - National Center for Voice and Speech...Cecilia Wngner Boyd CMI: Coordi11ator Rhonda K. Rulnick [xlli/Jit Coordi11ntor Allyson Cooney Mary llawkshaw K

Hotel At:COJJ1,J170dall011S The Sheraton Society Hill Hotel, located at 2nd and Dock Streets in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has been chosen as our host hotel. Located on the Delaware River waterfront, in the heart of the Historic District, the 365-room luxury hotel offers guests 24-hour parking and in-room computer access.

The comfort and convenience of The Sheraton Society Hill Hotel is avai lable at special rates for Symposium attendees. In order to receive these special rates, you must mention that you are attending The Voice Foundation Symposium and make your reservation by May 26,2000.

single guest room: $145.00 per night; double guest room: $165.00 per night; triples and quadruples are also avai lable

For reservatio11s, please co11tact: Sheraton Society Hill Hotel Reservation Office, One Dock Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 Telephone: (215) 238-6000, Toll-Free: 1-800-325-3535, FAX: (215) 922-2709

For in[ormatio11 abo111 dormitory housi11g, please contact: The Voice Foundation, 1721 Pine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 (215) 735-7999, FAX: (215) 735-9293

Deadline for hotel or dormitory reservations is May 26, 2000.

FLYUSAIR! As the official carrier for The Voice Foundation's 29th Annual Symposium, will offer you rates lower than you can obtain on your own. US Air will give you a 5% discount off any published fare; 10% off full w1restricted fares. You will receive a 10% and 15% d iscount respectively with a 60 day advance purchase. Just travel to Philadelphia on USAAirways, USAirways Express or USAirways Shuttle or MetroJet by USAirways from June 25- July 5, 2000 and receive your discount! To obtain the best fares and/ or schedule information, call Circle Travel at 1-800-665-3490 in the continental United States between 9:00 a.m.-5:00p.m. Eastern Trme, Monday­Friday. Remember to refer to The Voice Foundation's 29th Annual Symposium for all applicable discounts. They will take care of everything!

Arrangements made by other travel agencies must be verified through the USAir Meeting and Convention Reservation Staff at 1-800-334-8644 .. Refer to Gold File Number 19191393.

~ ~

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