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Single Camera and Multiple Camera Formats


Single camera formats and Multiple camera formats are the 2 types of camera formats that is utilized in the creative media industry. Both format types are utilized for different purpose and I will provide the purpose of each format as well as the advantages and disadvantages of them.

Single camera formats are essentially productions utilizing a single camera and works at any given moment and the shots are captured in the most economically efficient order, to catch all their footage. They are for the most part used in most production for instance, dramas, documentaries and comedies. All films are single camera. For instance, if a director was filming a comedy film, they will probably use a single camera to produce the film, since it is essential and furthermore it is a great deal less expensive. Single camera set ups can be utilized for video or film production, and the production team can capture shots at various angles of the scene, with that specific camera, by moving positions. For most part, shots are captured in out of sequence and afterward assembled in order, by the editor.

An Example:

A case of a single camera production would be the Netflix original series Orange Is The New Black. In spite of being called single camera production, at times more than one camera can be utilized as a part of a single camera production. Multiple cameras are normally used for scenes that have a ton of action, for example, explosions, crashes etc. since they should be evident from all angles. These are still not quite the same as a multi camera production since they utilize multiple cameras for all scenes.


It permits creative control to translate the script, are effortlessly editable and permit the producers to shoot faster, in one location, e.g. in a house. Because of the way that shots can be captured out of sequence, while utilizing a single camera. This is on the grounds that the shots are taken in a specific order based on the availability of locations, actors and the weather, and in this way the producers can shoot this anytime.

Additionally, this format also spares travel costs for the production teams and works out cheaper. Moreover, if all shots are captured at a specific location, utilizing a single camera, then the producers wouldn’t have to travel back and forth, from places to finish a missing shoot.

It reduces the cost of the entire production. A single camera shots tend to cut individuals out in close-up shot, conversations, meaning that only 1 person is required and another actor in place of the original co-actor in the meantime. Doing this will allow producers save money and actors time, as they will only be paid for the scene they participate in and when working in a large production, including numerous big actors, production costs can be substantial figures. Thus, if the team can fill the place of well-known actors can spare themselves a considerable measure of money and furthermore being able to shoot for the other actor, at whatever point they are available to shoot.

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With the use of just a single camera, the portability of the camera crew and resources is easier, as there aren’t many materials to bear.

The director has more control of what is shot and what occurs in the scenes. This is a favourable position on the grounds that the director can pick what is selected and filmed within the scenes.


Scenes must be shot repeatedly, so there are more takes and clips to record.

The utilization of single camera techniques consumes more time to edit, due to the fact that there are more clips to collect and filter through.

The camera should keep altering angles amid shooting, in order to capture the complete scene.

The fact that there is only 1 camera, there are no back up shots to substitute scenes that have gone wrong, so the crew must be more cautious to capture the correct shots.


Happy Days, Bewitched and The Munster’s are few of the examples of video/films which have used single camera formats. Genres filmed using a camera are typically prime-time dramas, music videos, and commercial advertisements.

Multiple Camera Formats

Multiple-camera shots are the utilization of numerous cameras, capturing the similar shot or as it is occurring live, however from various angles, so it can be edited and gathered later in the production procedure. Producers are very familiar with this kind of format, when they are attempting to capture a large action scene that is taking place at once. By utilizing this technique, producers and film-makers can gather the footage all together and afterward pick which parts they want to broadcast. They normally edit and assemble clips that will keep up the viewer’s interest and only show what the viewer need to see. Multiple camera formats are basic in sports event, reality TV shows and live events, for example, Big Brother and Football.

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The procedure is significantly easier, quicker and effective than the single camera format as it is in real time. This is due to the fact that the lighting doesn’t have to be changes, sets don’t have to be set up again and more so and continuous shooting can be done using the scope of cameras. Therefore, less time is needed and production can be completed in no time. None of the actors are included in multiple camera productions.

Because of the set-up of the cameras, the shots can be mixed live and edited from various cameras for a better impact. Multiple-camera format set-up, the 2 outer cameras are utilized for close-ups and the 2 inner cameras are utilized for long and medium shots, it can be quite tricky to use all the footage gathered by it, accordingly the director can pick and select the shots as fitting.


Tools, for example, microphone booms and lighting rigs can't be veiled, while they can be hidden when utilizing a single camera. Due to the dimensions and area of space that a sing camera captures, if very little, contrasted with the amount the multiple cameras cover, and it is difficult to not demonstrate an element which is on show, in spite of its motivation of being present.


Sports events like the Olympics and reality shows like Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Big Brother and X-Factor. The first, earliest example of this format was the production of The Queens Messenger, in 1928, where 3 cameras were first used. The fact that these events are filmed in real time, it gives the impression of the show being broadcasted live.

BIBLIOGRAPHIES: (1996). Single-Camera Production - Interactive TV Course. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Jan. 2017].

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