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?K Nifl

ffcc Palladium. Malone, Thursday, Sept, 26,1907

XOTICB.—Subaertoero not reeerrtat their paper eguhu-ly will confer afavor by glTtntt notice: of the

act at UU» office. .1*1 1 ) IIP „ I I M


K>R COUNTY -JCDCfc. F R E D E R I C K t l . P A D D O C K .

JOB MBMBKB or AMXMBLY. I I A H K V m. H i t t l E V .


T h e S t a n d a r d OH C o m p a n y .

Hearing to New York in- the suit J brought by the government $9 dissolve;

* the Standard' Oft Company because- ifc is a monopoly brought out disclosures lastl .week Which seem, motet marvelou* thanf .evenvthe. fable, of Aladdin;* lamp,' The profits oif the corporation for th§ past

- seven years areshown to have: been just under half a pillion dollars,, of whlcfi.a sir^leiodivjdual^the&eqlpF RcOkefeJler, f. of course—.received ssvepty-seves-. "null-ion dollar* in dividend^ and in> twenty'* six yearsttecompany^aprofitsj}iV0beep nine''hundred •.million", dollars, *t **"** shown al*? that the Standard Absolutely' control^.nineteen subsidiary eprppanies, and that: it, owns, large blocks: of stock J. in Rome fifty other similar corporations

' nnJoubtedly tbe. Standard} Oil Com­pany is.the"worst.'and nlost widely bated corporation in the .'- worlds and the popular inclination is therefore'. to e0n-

. demo it o f f e n d , and to regard its .enp> . mBus earnings as in themselves proof ofj

wrong doing and extortion. Tbe fact is n8*ertheles3 undeniable .that the 'price Of oil has long been;, arid is', materia ally lower'than it was when, there was real competition; intfie basness,and the defenders of the. corporation fnsistefltly; maintain.that its. operations rhave been

- unquestionably of public benefit. 'Upon J. the other, band j it is argued, with ujucb force and Bo little plausibility that had real competition teen; permitted to con­tinue, prices would: rbs: materially jp'wer: than they are; and we do not Supppse

.;tbat: any one will contend that s the Standard's policy; in dealing, with rivaij^j has not been hithless-^-Bot to say unscru-puioias—and^.thati ts success, at one time1

at"least, was assured' mainly by tho en­joyment of relations with railroads which qnder the present laws would" be

...a crime. ;'-//' jj.'^-i..;.;..!"..- J—Zl^'Ix-»^~,i Of course thei'c6n«Jeria ^ wblcff: the "pecif

pis legitimately have in' tbe 'matter turns-wbolly upon the question whether the Standard is within that class of corpora tionS that are of at leas6Va seniJ:pablic character, bound by • privileges; which government h ^ granted, to serve; the publioas weH.sis itself, and tb earb'-oHly, a reasonable and fair return upon its ioV vestm-nt and for the ability Hr~ genius displayed in its management. ' if,, for illustration, the concern were dealing in manufactured or. agricultuiS! products; only, it would: simply bei nobody's busi-* nesa what prices -it obtained,: of wb ai earnings it realLzad." i t ik dnly when, a corporation is charged by peculiar, -cpndt". tions, or by the very fact of powera cofc.

- ferred upon < it by tbe St^te, with the obligation to jfegard the paWio. interest that the people caii hare «ny right J0; inquire into its methi ds pr its percentage 6f profits, or .to attempt %t<> ,cadl it t» account. Railways and all common carriers, a M public lighting and water, companies, are unquestionably within this category, and the disposition gener-

__ eraily is to hold that the Standard Gil and the coal mining companies are also. .ajrirfln,ora goli mining corporation is viewed.. •" ", '_-.' ,"•. - ;

- The distinction is important, and ought to be borne' in!mirid:in :judging*all corporations. * * ..""*•

"-'" ——:—~ .. • » ^ — ' — • . ' . , . ' ' . i : .'. -- _•"

,The Farmer^ paragraph iii its issue of last-week misintetpr^ted the facts .and

; the•e.ffecJLs io'f the recent eqiiali?ati6h' of: * as>e^ments byXheSUite board. /In 10,03-

thts board; adopted the view' that, on the? average, real estate in; Franklin county was assessed at 7(5 per cent, of .its,,actual, value in the case. Of transactions between

. willing sellere and willing bbyere,. - Upon, this conclusion'the.table worked out t o add in tbe State eqaallzation $1,440,000

. to the .county's assessment.. .This year the sama body,' but/compose^ almost entirely ..of new- members, decided. that our assessment (notwithstanding it b&d;

- been increased by^ about §100,^00.over:the previous, year), really a verged only €-JI per cent, of troe value ,• and . tbe resultJs-1 that - in - equalizing the .amount; ^ a.dded to oiir assessruent is §$,01 ,5Sd-, br nearly four: times-the increase' that was put

; upon ua • in lOOO. . There la no present inijpdrtance'io the matter because,, no

V directState••tax he raised tWs year, ; but if there w&re we should, nave-, to'pay

one dollar in every $43j? of'.the atnounti whereas the proportion a year ago would* have;been only One<dollar iti^every ^599.' Tbe feonclusions reacbed" by %hb State boarcl this year: were based upon; reports, of actaal .sales compared "with the asseas-

^ menta'-xi.f the same propertiea This would ^e nianifestiy a fair tnethod; if, the transaetfons wererin towns 'whose as^esS-

.ments average, up ^ith that of property jo'-|tJtB cOfinty as a^wbole, but it they occurred in ,tow&* .~whe*e the general

• rate of assessment was, low a /very false showing would of course cccitf. In the

. event of a. 'direct State tax ever being again Imposed;it W0Qld become, the duly of our S8Sesgors'»nd;stipe.rvi3ors to eeik, ttt correct: any iniseoheeption iHsit th$ Statfr board may entertain regarding the/ t&e, of assessments here «s compared »itfe true \*lueS; t)f course we do »ot undertaLke, wftb iBadequate information

~npott thepointi to say that mch miacon. ception doe* exwt, but if inwwtigation Sbotdd eatawisb it, then, in the event of * direct State tax bejtng levied, the county could be saved a very considerable sum by uemonWrating tbet fact to the State board!,

IbWgh President Roo*e*eH has been nominally on vacation at Oyster Bay dur­ing the summer, tbe fact is said to be that tbe time that he has not bean really employed upon public btuinens of one •ort or another has been next to nothing-, and he purpose* now to take a genuine rest. His plans wars to leave Oyster Bay to-day for Washington, and on Sunday next to start on his Western and Southern speech-making tour. On October fourth or fifth he is to go into camp in the north* eastern corner of Louisiana for a seven­teen days' bant in tbe cane-brakes, where bear are said to afeound with an occasional wild boar, wolf *rjd panther. The oaae (vows to a height of ten to fifteen feet, and Is almost impenetrable except where tbe wind has blown it down, opening avenues through it, The hunting will probeJMy be d©» altogether on lwreebeok. O* October ttsfctbe President is due to

- syMkkk at Vic*****, after wbieh « • - wiU

gone once more. Haiesie ua« >t« big crowds, and satisfaction with ta* fair jsgeneraL Although the record attend­ance of last year was not equaled, prob­ably on account of the. Ottawa and Can­ton fairs being held the same date, yet it was fully up to, if notabovet theaverage* On Tuesday the gate receipts were about |6$ larger than those of the same day last year. Wednesday and Thursday the attendance was hearty as large a* last year and JPriday it was considerably larger than a year ago,

Year by year the. great crowds that coxae here; attest the popularity and per-jBaneaof of f hftjexbibitiioo:, It appeals in a peculiar sense t& the fawaer and stock breeder, m& the exhibition of stoclc, farm producte #nd farm machinery will always occupy a place o.f prQtuiaeiice> But it must not be inferred that IHfAiotte fair la *; mere/stock sh&w, for i t is tasily jftow, it. appeal ta the artlsMhe »rU* San, the merchant, the spottstaah, and the amnaetaenl lover. In a i^ord, there la variety though to the- programme lo ihterest everjobp.

The attitude of Malone merchahfa In esiubltuig' *nd toaMfig advertising dis»j plays i$. parfitftilarjy comthendable* In mechantcs **l l * n d ffb»al half* numerous booths, attractls^ itt ammgemeht «ud desijlh. which feet^ flHed with varlouit kinaa<if mierehacdike on, whiclg^emlums

|:<vfire.: 6flrer'4d,. howed" that- Malsttis mier-; 'chants are awafce to p e i r oppprtuuStlftB. They regiiie mora and more that they qm iecretee their fcxisfasss and b«Jp ImTO dptheh'tQwn by being: alert,, energetic J and up-tthdats in tseij1 commeroia! iif«. this-attitu/dsinuicat^ t h a t thej "belieira iaq ounee of ]pash ias^wortii a ©ft of kttoclj* the samp, spftit w&sshcHrtiatthe iaff bj tl^omerchantaaswa$ present last Fo'lrrth-6f July wheo they arraogedi ^ucfi asptett :aid,lot of. adver^ang IJoatS. - ."^«" |b lija.V45.] the favorable ftitentioa- attrast|tl aatfthe air Of 094x1a loyadiy ahd.enterprfee that such things fiive a tbWnt^viil 'weUtsp&y every eiTQ|it inad;a forA^edltableexhibit.

In the/varisaa departments of floral ball the" uiatplay »aa excellanf. '- Mecfcan« ifeahall waa-uatisoaily «<»d» andpuiBltr^ ial i good. Vegetabte -Mit 4ralt halls"J reacted the"tiof4rofaul8 S&Sstm to bnly a fair showing; The livo-eW>ck eatnibi^ tipO^aSdf itsosuainij-h elass*,^ • / ",' The racing.- psrogiroSQtBO • ftj* -the., entire

* a » t sEasafeaj kesJuavei-^eeb at/liEaloTlJB

M a l o u e F » i r O n c e 0 *;

More « B i g g n g g e e s .

pUrs-G—*~TimeU tUcot* L«wW««. *Eug»»e Hoe, psiacipat; Misa JUlfclan Will fiamfBn, katerraaiiatejs^d Wm lean SU-

Franklin County fak hw come a n M ^ e n S , ' prtmarV. "Ifclwit" llalewe I p l "* ^ «5"r-?*„. _ - . _ _ .

Game called a,%$m P* ML Therel will foe a danee in *he evening.

Thieves broke into the atom > >f P. S. Smith near the/ station latt Taursday olght and stole <jIotoirig„ tobacjeo and i cigars, Btnonoting to about- fJo; They a!i»iop/fca-faot?g and carriage fwtonging t& 0, G« Masonj driving i& to the rtoviucm line and leaving i t at Jawssoais store. Will Downer* who- is in 4h.pi employ 0* Sir.' Mason, tells a strauge story) cf two rtnen who- were working in the ^asrry eeojp/eHuag him t& hreai? Info Smith* storsand belpthgra take"tne gocda and he not prflytteg t^f the burglary. Ho infora/ied 5lr» Smith abon$ (iva o'clock on

f riday morning* - • - .1

^ E and Miii, Will HoPcsnalil and

oa Depot street, Th&ju«tDJf oAs&ballflmft of ^awrcnee-

villo played the North lawrgace Coys o» tho echool groaiitla'iast Batnrday after-

lnsxsn.Th0gatue»a»a very iawrtstiogone, ^the-ficofo being U to '10 la favor of the

horoft team. The peopteof lAvrdBe&viUti «IU give a

itec'-'ptlon-for Dr. Kerritt Proctor and feriae in Harmon^ Bali on Friday night. Ml are very cordially invited joattead.,

JRBV, Mp, Marghall, tfas Baptist -pastor J t h 8 " " d e « ¥ J ^ " V h e i r ^ k ^ ^ preached in the Oaion

;fair:' ""On ;F«W ay-in -tho' t'&$•%6*4U jace, jarheiB Fa*li>y, dW vin^' J his phSBomenai patje^r^udex^Won: thu raoo against! Sire starters, towering t&« irac& r&toi$. Jtiere

foT .a:mU0 tofi^m^: ihfi mihmim^ of ^e-CfOwdrwaSunbfOjided^nd/E'ariei* wag febeergd'to "the eohor' Throughout the J weeK tho..racih.g'«a^qis

; es6eptBaar fnter-| ea-ahdquaiitj?, I t d r ^ iinrOeniedia>wd»^ andevgrySpectator sfas..oiofe .than -:eatis-ffed, - a b o n g thf> specif'nttracflona. P>df. Babcock in hiS" lopb the loop act pltased and thrilled the great crowds Id the utinOStr, -Hift ac t * a s S iSpienaid drawing/card, Hh$~4&&t tn^.- the OiaB#-agemeht arranged to. hayO bjjri -do i t twice/ on Thursday: was generaQyj *ppr^ ciated.; \

An uhfortunate/featai'Oofthe, falr^bvit one wWeh-tiie local '•maaftge.niehfA-"cauM.] in notvisn bje held responsible t&f, wasthe latgo n n k t o of thfeye? aftd nfefc|f(|olE0t|i who wetoher© lp;pfey upoiS thd people, 'abmo-^era: arre^d- natotueia wet&ttot}, and at least one bouse robbeijr was *& *ery serionsmatte/f,, I t i a t o the cffedit'of tbe Malone police; department that they handled the cxowd3 go well and wero as vigilant in- finding1 and ^topping5 law breaSing acta as they were, ,""' ' ;PpIlp,*ving i3.J*e 8onimary.of/th& t&ee&i, • '••'[ ""'-, ••-'•-:. TU&Sp&L - '••' • • r . ,* 3."'MjjEi.Wr.v*onnty .Jta.c6 i-f i i9 i ?" • ''

•ifcEsr W.b. h.;. JO&KIES . . . . ' , . , . 1 - l t ttoflbozi, tir. -g.,-: J d a e n ' .v: . '>• • - 1-' 13 3-Jfj.

Cafrtg'N.,-, .b.'m., cuasi ...... *.. .» sua .•r6trsjpy-tT.„ b. 'g., iitvyw'-w ... ... ,, &4 5

UtaJ-etl'C©' «., b. ,.S„ «,C«4SiJJtS 'A- '•, O fy 'i . -'S-TCotOtil .Tl-OJ.ftfts St2&f>$X0~ ••'•

Aqw^Uj/?>U6.';la.,' i<oana*<3" ,*"» . , ; , . . XI3? Aufrerft, Jr., <^i.. :brf Jlurttfy -..• ...• S-iiZ--.-'- '-Ttnse,- asS^i 2%2>x "2-:^>x: '- . •.: ,'•' T : •-• & £ * Facp-fpspi. • . , j iJeawji , j j . • 61... pr;isviiet' i .»-** , . . . •

"Arta '3(ki?3, > . to., Mart in" . .-•; . ' . Beatttjr B a d . ' . i t . O},,,.pr&i?jlin: ,;• { irento # \ , . -6r„. m. y c a J i y . . . . tii-*.

- XttrLe, *l2Ji»4.-.to2»j, i ' & j i i ' ' •-,-'-»- •tt'ii'DNEaiM.JJ.. v ~ 4 .

. - ' . • Ssa T m i - j M O . , - • -Owea, tm^JRoieiTb. b . . Bitc | i ' j ta<r "% 1.1 1 a i a x y i t , tf.''4B.,--crawrpy. .^ ; . l l # a s : F a n o e « 3 liit&f b i t ta-, SUv*s .4-6 27 2* K'thj? Aiksi ,; b'j».' b'.v J l a w t a . ; « S ' i ? . J .tiJwbrtW, b'r ." m.-,'M'ii'*.-..,»'..> I^l&n Oarrl&. A. S t V-imjesiii . i . ' ... .... 3 4 4 4 4 V.aup^ ^kwcirti iy, cb. g.i Fafl&y- C 1 o D 7

'-• Tirnd. •S-SS.Vu ."2-.21 .'2:£fti,- 2;32%* 2:2^4- -.' •. . 2;U , P a « , c - * * , • ,,

'Ehva•.£>.,< Ttt.rg.,; I'^raser:. ,-. . . .^ • a iajor BarUSo, fek. s / , HU;i>to . . . •,

'rh,ij- .t icssist. "' b.. ..tL', 'WSlCb i-. " .. • .N.vujo'' 3:£-b. . - tn. i l y t i r k ^ , .»• ./ > : t , fe3te a i c t a f a , . U.-ta.,: Pa«3;UUito '.' " - -TUbo, '•2:Ute," 202 , ZiCVt,

i-/,aaa O.,,. jjr.' m., Wfe^er . ; . . ', MTakWftr, b. '• g:, • i J o u g r ^ • ,., iy-> li<tgfSR&{\. iff, '-in.,. ii£Ki,pkx-

H i

4 3 1

. p i.

in H I 9 * ' »

<ieo. S t evens , - ,br.. «/, - XoBC'ilo; Mfeialiic, tit: .&.> '2Iar§te& >. . .

• ' ' . • • >WMH-tiSM.*¥ --.•;• • • '• - •- p i f i t W » - * i 0 f c . - • 4. A ,<>.,' &. ^., ,-tt*>ay . . . »yt%5 't-saso:, t5r, et,- H«a»j3& '-. ^ t n s l » W & e b , felt. h.,v.4«£iir1to *» uriu.'a. iJelte-, clw ro., Jfffsvc-ji , . <~hlti.W, Jr.. t>. «f.,. J,ohjl*on J , . . iiwpfcriSr « o y J>.' g;,. jU^ullqr, ;, Com, to, S-f HHtOB*. . - ^- ... - . . 4lattf l i&mm«r« , brr H.» i8iu«r ^ Barofcesff 6Uj3it!yar f « ? . m., JFiaci

•*jnVi 2;»'J, i'a^'L '-JilPA, tA%-

IJ-'fiSi .N<?oi>, pr, .ttu, to l s^r ». ^

itirJou ,H. 0. m.» J->*«T*r .. ». .ilajor" Vk'eiiiostett, br, «., Mairttft Ji. Winirt<»;a,b. m., "\V'a.ta<« ..

:atne, psai'if U-.1B&, &to!Sv 2dI»U-*_ ' t':23 P*:t~^.«i

iy tw v.- Wiikmei. cb, "ta.,B<je!»alUtoti i l l J, c. ^Qlcer, t>, fc-, £Htts'<s;Z., . itetSfcs JP., b, B t , l't;Jki;y • , : #+ . 5 . VJtt&oSt, b . h.» «5Kjyy, , . ,; KKtuw.r, ij. nx, rjfttwwa' •. .« .. . JOJJrt B o p t f q , ft, ll.r Bi^jf»r4 ,-KeooWa. br.. i>.,. i la.daan, , . „„ . Hii-tnmnrk, br. Jt4 J 5 » ;, , . . .

Tim*, •t:Wl, 1-J$%. *-.&%

j u d e i , j>. « . , *\vrley . , . , H a r r y I / , fc, «"•, l'Va.^or ». KoiUiet , b. » . , WeJcli , . Jili>U«f, b i t « . , B o w r k y , ;» Kpatallc, b . m „ t«on«, .,

T ime , 3;««4, ^:08^4. 2:W%, 2:16 T r o t — 9 m

jandver, b, jr., Dougr<*jr •• J*W Bsjoee , : bk. g„ H u d s o n , i tosena, br^ m., M a r t t o . , , F r m c e C br. h.. B t c K a m * Time , 2:19%, r.l7»i, 2:11%.

J:U> P*C*-*W KHig Hrltio, b. gr., Potvrn Orutfel, b. g., U t w n , Tot»*y DiUftrd, b. n>., Queae •• • . W**ie K., K. m., Crowley, . . . . B«ti Fototer , b . * . , MclCobert .. J>m $ . b. r BflMfciHton iSlfthmartc, br. ft., l>nimrfl, . . . . « » »

Time. Ztl«H. 2:17^. flT*

a m i *J a * ** , * 5 * t

8 C 7 »

»i >J r,


0 . 1 1 1 l » - a

4 4 3 1



r. 5 3 1 1 1 . 4 1 2 2 3 ,. 3 U 3 2 . . 2 6 5 1 *

. . I 2 4 ells IM% I'M


J i l l 1 2 1 1 4 S S * 3 4 4 4

1 1 1

<«* 9 4 3 S 3 4 4 i 8

' B a n f f .

wi The » i l l M e sgsjpoU mtMjtm^ Monday t g t h e foUejWing perps ^Tteachers:

M*$tag . r - - • -—.- _ t h e r of •tuJwitB gejlag to Malone the nan* is tasger tkan last yet*. C.S.

Chapman has been appointed janitor. Mr. Henry Hall, of Ware, Haas., a for­

mer resident of Burke, called on old friends last week.

Mrs. Coggia Finney and sonjJohn, of Leominster, Mass., are upending a few days in town. |

Miss Anna Burke has returned from the Adirondack**, where she event the summer* 1

C M» Paina Is occupying his new resi­dence #ast of Oeo. A Smith « store.

A. J. PilttBg, of Russell, Ont.,' Is visit­ing friends in town. He and hisibrother, Chaa. Pilling, went to Spring Cove on Monday on * Hunting trip. :

W, L. Hedding waa home fro<u- High-gate, Vt., during fair, returning to High-gate on Friday evening.

Akmzo Dickey, of Watertowiji, Mass., Is the guest of Mrs. Sarah Shonyd,

Alf. Hewitt,, of Boston, Mk*»., i* a-visitor in town.

Mrs. Wallace Danford and duaghter,,} Franceffj of Hillsboro, J»» H-.arit guest* at the home of HTH. S. Weaver.

Albert Martin, of Springfield, 'W*s» * i« vWting io town- j

Misses Irene and loon R-?st l|ave .re-turned to tbehome Of Bev, Sv Ol Otrley for the winter. j

There wilt be;». base-ball garxie ;on f»e .*tnle^<> grouada near thadepot atj Burke-, Friday th« 27th, BeHmont v$ | fiurke.

few days in Burfoa&d vicinity] . , The f riends of 5fi» and Mrs. -O. v*. Say, of/Eayrn,oudviUe,wer0 pained ta|iear-of

daoght«r ol S&.and Mr* Will Jo^.'wWeh.

••:- K o r t l i B a n g o r .

Jir.and; Sfrs, CJfVttslii EMre'd ninjf.two

fhildren, Of Schenfictady.-are spending heJ^abmiai vacation/at th»homd of Joe.

:EIdred. •-••"- - - " • * " ] -> 3ir3.-Edwih;Elch,of Sp»ir$u^W, lf$m,i h agriesti o | frieada hereandO* Soath Bangor. " ' '-"- I .' ' 'ittr.aad'Brs* (b..%: flastteg9,~lof *f»>. lone, spentSdadaJ with. S. W, J&jys -*ad famiiy, ' - ... -

vtyxora Ti\todb^nish9.hwivphaX |pg'fiO»-

church hero lasCSuaday. i Al tera loog *0d palrrM i iQfiJS -Wrh. Clark pafts&d away a6 tbo-hcrhe of bis.soh, P. H, €Iart»00 foittaday last. ^f. Clark

Lteaa abaatsatjenty y^ars ef age, And for toany y^sirs lived at* leoqudls, Uaoa'i|ai The fanetat wa8 held atthe" family resi-denee on Saturday arCemoo'p, EevvBli*," PhJlUpS, pastor of thfe_ Mv E. chusth*. 6fHcI:itiDj?, assisted by-ftev, Mf*Ojro?<^of Ifioholvlljfe, andlrtev. B.M- Boa*, of IAW-' |*6nce.'.- ' -PT£. ' '

— i , — . » . . •• . — „ ^ •

Constaiile. , .,-

mer at Chateau- Frontfenao, Quellfta,-«ia jreturhedfaom& . - ' - .. •

JflbSJean JloKenzie.of Burkel was a -«l leyift»wn$atnrd»y. . . ": -1 • ,

J, Mr. and M13, " Cap." Holden ahA eon, Sidney, returned to. their hjSme tefBoston Saturday-evening. ; - t , CHIbjn Hyde, Watts Barrttmi ay« Will-lam' Plumb *peht .3- few days Ink. »eek, taihttn^tJDeer ftiver^ --•.».;" ; Mr. and Mrs. f. W. Wileox, of Ray-nolfetou.-spehiB 'Sunday with'-^liridat in-t O W P . - " / . ' . ( • • „ " . '.-''•

; F«shfeJfiBwyerretu«hedfolS'e# totk Saturday evining, after a few: dayti' v*ea-jHon,at^ilsold home, -•" : "f - ' ; Fraclc Beshai? has p uKfiasBd -4he srflall builiJlcgeastoISieenbiirge's st^rti and is fitting up the same -for a atom-' L . ^jf. 8..Stee»berg^ UrS. EfiachsM'&ita WbltheyfiB6nta-to» daya last weefe in-

; ijouglaa Barlow^ of SbJyoiFe^iMasa.^ .Sgentt-ft few.days laat.wefefe wftit his brother, Horace, of thl3plac?,'aud|tttcaii-f n g t t f a f ^ i r . '- •* -' 'i •-•'• -\!to»aLffllfrrf' Baxle* ca«eil"bu Mr..

andMrs^ WornetBildreth Tuesday. CfcaWsy and Willie Jallesb, wnb Isavo

einploymjBnt atSarteao liake* weis homo overSanday. ••• • J,- -:> Interest ia'gejwsst. In; .tbtt W. Q. t*V; convention to be held here on ; jE*Wday. Ar|rj^gement3 hate been mada tOr enter-, taSjd a wi-go crowd. ! f - , .

At & tulet-homa %edtllag l e w on Tufii. day -atternoon, Mm. ipll* A» Smith, a ;b4gbly «espected»'womaaotth.|ff place, tse-' Oaroc the/; wffo'ot' Sope^viaor-J; tji: Wilt-jdmsoa, of mionei,'''Ctorjgratulatleins,

;'SEront.S^Tcr* *1i

t - Ifed^y-fieiliy. of Santa Clara, i-f ispen^*. 'tag two-weeks herO jvith, frlenosr i - /. r Sfjrs". Bariiard, nf: ..Manchester .'/N't H.,. twna, the guislk of ;her cephaw, Charley MdaibbOB,ttrthepiisilweek. -J ' . -

l » $rakey f of Holyoke, Mass.» i s , call­ing hero on old friends* •" f, f Mr. 'and Mra,- SeorKe Kdg^w, of 1 Hart* fbrd, Coniji, arespehilinffth^ * « k here ftlthMr.BQgeT&'pafcritsi. • .Mrs. John- McCaffrey, of , Bfyydk&t

Mass., wa» the guest of r;elatlv.«j over Sunday. *- I :

Miss Anna S u g h ^ o f this p iafeand Hiss tAKm TJeyine, of Constltbtej spent Sunday to Montreal. j

Augusta Eogers^and Mr*, Thc#. itogers, of l o n g Lako, are visiting-relatives here; MMEogera will lemaia Beta with her sisterj Mb. Bennop, • I

David McCartby,of Tapper t*Sep,wa» tbe,gne|t;of his sfster, Mw. Edward Mo-C3ffreyk on Thursday and Friday.

Carlton £>al?ell aad friend, e f - Ujag hks, spentftpwfc of hit nmt %m %l bis home, J

Mrs. John Martin and family, of Ban* gor, spent Sunday here with her parents*

Hr. «hd; Mw. h, h. Tatnery of mlone , sriete th© gnesta of Mrs. Turner'* saother, Mra M. J, Elliott-,, over Sunday. ,

Herb Uogers, of Springfleld, Mas».»i« hereto spend a month' with hi* pa renW, Mr. and Mrs P- Rogers. i

D0notfr McCarthy and *Tster, Kate, of Constable, Spent last Sunday here with

Irelatlves* j Blary Ann and Florence MoF^tdden

have returned from Saranac IJske, where htbey havo been spending the summer. FfoiSBtfe and rfster, tattle, will attend Fart'Covington High School this fall.

John BoOibbon and Mis» Edith 'Arm­strong "wwe. qnletly married on Wednes­day Sept. 17, at Cosatable, by Rev. Mr. Walker. The young couple are highly

pe&pected b y * *ti&& circle of friends who join in wishing them many yeah* of wedded happiness. Mr* and Mrs. McOib-bon will rnaia f heir home In Manchester, S . H . j

in.. , , ,- ,,, u » - I W « 8 t C o n s t a b l e .

s, Mass.,

The Urge barn belonging to Thomas Conley, about two miles wett 0/ Hogaiw-burgb, was strnok by lightning test week Monday noon, and borned with 90 toot of hay, a qaentliy\ of grain and farming tools, with a M a i toes of about X.Oeo, and $900 iassrranoe. Iighrnlng also strudt other plaoes but wftb very Uttie damajn.

n,\im te itttmf tne Ofdeaebani iair aad horse show thtt 1 grand ofsAaie

aad talis) in the

Joseph Walker, of Cbioopee Falls arrived Jn town last week Monday to visit old neigbors and to call on friend* He spent one day at the Halot e fair, j

George Walker and wife and children, of Chicopee Falls, Mass., arrived In town last week Monday to spend three or* four days calling on old neighbors and friends. They will leave for their home on Friday afternoon. j

Wm. Wiley, of Windsor Locks, Conn., arrived in town on Wednesday to visit his brother, S. H. Wiley, at Westville Center, and his mother at West Constabl -.

Charles Cusbman, of Hartford, Qonn., arrived in town last Wednesday to |pend a few days with his mother, Mrs. Martha Oushman, and three brother* and their families and other friends here. t

George Elliott is improving the looks of LbJs dwelling noose by painting it. j I Louis Oraton has been very siok the I past week. * John B. Nilea ia iasaMndag fasti He

was up and around the house the mast of IM« w#©k< /

The revival meetings held at the" byterian otraroh by tbe Bar. C O . Wi proved to be qatt# inteteetiag. were eta wnt\ teistons /

James Shannon and wife, of leid, have been spend »n» the day* with friends and rehsMres here.

Quite a few of our towaspeopU from the Kranklia eouaty fate smiling faose, aa tbere^wwre • mare ioma given to thepeoolaof tbie Iowa they Save erw raoaiyed btfote.

Pealtoa to t o s n kM* week t» tak* lw fls^^* ^s^^W H f ^ P v * " ^R'^^^^^ ^sssfl^W

L a w r e u c e v i l l e .

Mir. a»d Mrs. Bert Ham mil attended the! Ottasra fair last week. «. '*

OMs> Gibson, of Fort Jackson, WSNI in towa last week.

Leon Tracy, of Worcester, Mass., is vis-Hieg bl»mo»her here. -

K. y . H i U has recovered from his re­cent illness and is out again,

Our school was closed ia»t Thursday to give the teachers and pupils an opportun­ity of attending the fair at Malone,

Mrs. Ei ten L i very has, returned from BalUton Sjja, after spending % few weeks with her son et that place.

Miss Florence Clsrk, who is attending school at Potsdam, spent Saturday and Sunday here. ©

Mrs. Marion Day, of New Haven, Cone., in. visiting her sinter, Mr*. Carlos Ross,

M, H, Boss has returned from his hunt­ing trip,

Mw. W. C. Burt spent part of l»-t week in Maloot*.

Tbe Lawrenceville pnpils who are at-tendin^ the Brighton High School en­joyed a vacation last Thursday »nd Fri­day,

Jbawjr«neej-ille was well represented at Che Franklin county fair Jest week^as

• c a r stoa*. H e a r t h e T t t l a « e .

A kMge, blaok anUdal, resembltog a (bear, was seen in the thick wooda and

jT H o g a n s b u r g .

brus* west of tbe village of Hogwseburg by a a j n d k » named Big Timber while out hunting last Thniedsy. Tbe Indian^ at­tention was attracted by a noise ta the thick brush, and on approaching nearer the spot from .whence the sound pro­ceeded, saw the animal above described, apparently making a meaf of some ani­mal which it bad destroyed. Big Timber badly frightened, ran in great haste from tbe #pot, dropping his gun on tbe way. Later a party armed with rifh-s and re­volvers caut'ously drew near the place where the animal had been seen, but the sninul h*d n>di leaving part of the e»r-

|caiss of a yearling heifer, which later was found to belong to Big Timber, a id which had been running in the adjoining pas­ture. Indications showed that the heifer had be«n dragged for some distance after i t had been killed. Others have had glimpwis of th» animal since that time, but bate not been able to get near enough tosecure a *ho.t at it, Thw may account

por the':-roy5terqua disappearance of so TJt^ m « « v l ^ Z S t Z i«JL U 3 * T ^ « * l « » » y 'iatfe in this vicinity lately. The slay being the favorite day.

Mrs. &'•£• Harmon and daughter, Paul m«r, and Master Rupert RcMi ^pent Tues­day a o d w e d o M a j te Ogden«b«r^ and Pr?scott.

Br. and Mrs. Cuq nlngham, af Warrens-fitirgt S , V., were. In Lawrencevuie Iwt wsjek. renewing old acquain^ttiees, the former liavibg been principal of the Law-1 renceville academy «ome twenty years ago.

Qa WednesJay -of last week* in f t e Cbarch of tb»%an8ligurat" occurred t to marriage of PiOCfor, of this place, to SUas T h e r m Hfokok. We Are glad to wetconie Mrs, Prootor to our village*

Mrs, May Wtieks spent last weefc vfc^ Ing x«IatH'es aadtrieafein Mafene.

.. .j?rlev#d brftted pianist, Mr^Johnsott, is to l e a r n s in the near future. Those <«uo hive heard Mm sing and play faavei

;isten tendeKda mm tteat. His ability

- ^^nstBbIei!ita9-w&il-T«j3r«tenfed'*t4h& fair In Malone, and a g o o d a a o y tetand/ feecofid premihriia were awarded to those who had exhibifa from hero. ,

•4*30: elder bjuther of Moses Penesha, Mr", Nelsoft Denesha»ef Montreal* t«i spendfflg ttfewdaya Jothfe section Tisitisg lilm-OBtl other near relative^. • :

; •; Arthur Iisyhdn Is borne from the Es»i. • ,-M»-;Dr^'Bates and ilttio.. uaugoter, Blahohf, gf BoBtpo, a w guests• o i l i e r si?' teri Mm. Jerry Layhon, , Susla jQosIingi wbo*has. bfeen at Saranao t&kQ thts;1 etimmcr, Is honia foir a fchesrt vawrtJpj;.,- / •

l Mfss Kajt« Humphrey opened*ho school fin the I&pgood disMtct on MOBdayv 1 Union Mm School comni.eaeeu ita

winter fission-AhUf w&k «ith-'Waldo 1 B^ell as principal, Miss Mae I . Wliber, i n JthQ iotermediat^-Miaa iillt?9 MqCartbjIrj. the prirhary departmeots. Tne-rte^v globe, « i toaand boot*arrivedoa. Monday.- -

The Mlssei* Florence tand 31au?e Start Icawahoma. from Saranao Lato Imvvenk for a week's vacation. Tn&y return this "wcelc;. - . . * - -•-' ...., :

Mrs,Clifford; Oafeesflttd little daughter* » f jSaraoijo ILake, ha te been ispendfng a * few days "ht-Michael whtmyte. Mr. G a t e called -for » ehflt* ttm$ and' accom. panieathem,b,Qmev .-, - ,, %. , . . '

Miller Bruce, of Vermont, called oft old BeJgbbors and Mends here last. week.

Mr, and, Jttra, S . .B . Wright, of -Burke, weroin.fioa'riOBSSatnrday,, • •- c •> ,.

A.W.StlcfeB9y and wife,, o r Malone* were in town oh Sunday.

. MissITellieBMop,.of Massaehugeif&vla' vMtfcg her Jfather» Wells B. Bishop;

; Mrs, JHcaSel Biwku fj snterteiuifig: w ibroilaer this weefc. from abroad. r - Pastor Scoft, of the M, E. church, an-nniaicesthe/engngement of Ihe £e«v$,* Fergnsgn, a^Bcceaefal cvangiellst/io-cbjit dtict ofeBln|t meej3ng« In the ohnr^b, 'eomtaeoBWiA" Sunday ovenlhfc 'Oct. C|b^ continuing for two -weeks, • Every am Is insire<lto attendtbefe meetings aud-j®-qdested to notify f«BBds and neighbors,

wat^r Barges?, wife asd two Uttln cjuildteh, i>Z Maiotti?, dfent? Sanday heto with itls -patents 3lt« And Mr . Marshall Bargess. . • • • - • •

The .^ block *yift;m" teie^raph has been Inaugurated on Slhe Central J&. B»,

land Agent: Baell is 00 duty from CiXV {A.BI,to«.J3vF.H.

Oar popular *utltrmaker^ Wm, Skb-hi»s» fa basing: h « aew- hoais' painted wfdte. .-, . .;, ....»L-':J J

.WesfAiae )" ' 1 , , , : : ' / ] ' '

Mr. arid Mrs. Samnel Avery were the gaeeteof Mr* and SJlrs. Herbert Janes one

I day recently, ' Mrs. William WyJla was the guest of Hr uiWKuter, Mrs. EugeBft Soadiey*on Wednesday.

Herbert Claflio te now ot fipme, the guestofhis'-parentff,3|ft and Mrs,..Joel Ciaflfn* • . - .

Urn, Lydla A- Claflia is at Joseph Hoadley% caring for the »dcfc.

WLwPearlNokes, daughter of Mrv and M M . K. Nokes, had the misfortwtfe to step op a rusty nail last •week, the nail penetrating her foot deeply. '

filroy Nok », from the Ti4str Is ie t<3wn again for a short vacatiob, . |!

Floyd Avery, of Springfield, M4ss..l» tbe guest of hfe parent.*, Mr, and Mw. Charles Avery.

Mrs. Abraham Collins is entertaining her jaughter, Mrs, Lucy Cavevtof Burke, for a few days. v

Mrs, Clsra Conger and daughter, Nins, ate xpending a fe»r days In Malone, with h*r sister, Mr«. Gibb Croshy; and also iselpiog care for her father who is ill. .:

North Bangor Grange met Saturday evening. Tbe programme was arranged by the Wortby Ceres. All who were present report a pleasant time.

Elmer Barton did business in MaloBe a couple of days last week.

Harold Turner ha* returned to his ! home in Montreal, where a position await* him. He has worked for Walter Shanty the past season on the farm.

School in Dist, 8 conimeuced Monday, Sept. 23, with Miss Gertrude M. Orton as teacher.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Nokes were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Beet on Sunday.

Mrs. John McCaffrey, of St. Paal, was called borne by tbe Ulneist of her mother, Mrs. Lewis Dueil, of Cooks Oornots. She bad a stroke of paralysis about a week ago. Viourt.

Mahoney**. store to see-Mm pettoxm. mil mim him muah* It

[was hoped that the open *lr concert &whieb he CDBtemplated giving befoio his departure could be pulled off, butibosud­denness of his going will necessitate a postponement of the game. ThQ young people, here intend giviDE a banquet-to; 1 Wa hooor Rome eight] nexfe1 wreek. 1 MUehelt ;Rene and family haver^tarned to Hogansburg*-to ispend >he winter. t Broderici Cohrier* of Beep Qreefe; Montana, passed fhroogb her© last Wed­nesday in his automobile oa 'nta'way to Bangor, Maiae. ,,-• Mr. and Mis,Uewey,,Of Lowell, Mass., have m»v£d into tho house vacated by Sidney LsBrake. ~, 1 Miss Maud i y a ; o f Tyo To^n, Canada, f visited nef sister, Mtis, John B« BerOi this weefc. „-,'. -i -. .

Mr. paymenVof fienver, Colorado.'the champion bicycle fider ni tjioworfd>?peBt a'few days ia-jo.wn last week. '. .

Or. Butte, MoBtana, b is heeniipeBrliBga f e # weeks here, vis* itteg relatwes. Meieft for homaon Mont* rfay.- "' , . .i - - . . . ' . . - , . . -.:. •>IA.oumberftsuxUeraattended ihofeura jit Malon&aBd Ottawa lasl wsei.' Those

, wo^gttendis&ftoeiair atrMalono ik» last day say-that on the return nemo .-the walking was ;good from. Nyando t o Hogansbttrg. **JoIip W-'* especially ea-

4$jed llistri)/, Jahn-'E.'B«o naad/o |ba raaad,tr4ptp Otfiswa by way .ol Mass.ena iast'week. r .-: ••'. -' ..,.,.- . "

S. G.'Growand wifespfentisf q«jple Of 84ys fisnfng on fhe £%. •L%,WI&JN& htii week. ; - , ;.. ,.". •-..- '. •-. ., Mrs, Wool and lister, Mra, Yates* arei

|#isiting Mra. WooFs daughter, Mra: Ed-J

jwirifJrriw.. ..'/ • - >.•-..: • -> .. U ^ ^ J p > s W.,Bero5.afld Sotti Chester, spent Saturday In Massena. , ,. / Mfe»4da Bero and Miss Mosff-takfey spent Saturday at Fort.Covlagton,

'Mrs. JanieaBeifo, of Braslier»,*pHnt $at-arday an#3nn<laF -with feer p a r e n t Dr.. upd Mrs. Shannon. . <./. /. Durlpg tbeelectrlo*g|orm which owepi over; this section last wsek Monday^barns helotigtcg;' to TShomaaf Connelly were stKucfe*yiightfiiagand wltlt tfielr ooB' ttntsw'ere totally destroyed.

James BMy fe. again confined la the housefiysickness. -,4l - .' -"-

Mre^TOge^of'Constalilayfliejig visit­ing Dr. Charles MeCcnnell thlat wefeK. '

•MlssLerrett* Mtrrphy, who ia attend­ing eohool at St . Joeeph'a Aeadenjyj at" Brasher, was home over/Sunday* - Mis^-Afeois Simpson ^m$ friend, ^fr. Scott, o f Massena, were gpwta afr Hotd Cunatogham Sunday, ' -"School Opened MoBday. with Iv*. K.

• —, - - . ---• --»• - . .

E U e a b u r g b Centor .

here at-

order bring

Quite a large delegation from tended Malone fair last week),

Potato digging will be next ia and it is reported that tubers will a good price this fall.

Mrs. Robert Boldeo, who has been vis­iting relatives here, returned to her home In Plattsburgh thie wea«.

Mesars. M. W. MoOauiley and R. J. Du fllgat attended the Ottawa fair last week,

and Mrs. Wilson, of Lowell, »»*• ba«n tift *?*** M ***** ******

MB.aadMmOaew MUoWL of Ma lone, haja bee« vWMa&ralaUvaala towtt.


not ie^va their hbu-ws at Bight Mka ivlla May MoBonaid and slater,

Mary, are. homft from the Thousand Islands*!'' _ -' •:

Alfred ^Fulton was in- Cornwall Thurs­day of fef week;

Mr* Feek.of Cornwall, OnU was aguest at Hotel Con Bingham last Friday.

Mrs/ J. -F. Lantry and sister. Miss Alecia Slmpaon/: were in town Thursday.

The iaiiles of the Village; improvement

W c w t B a a g o r .

Mra, Betsey Petry ««d family are eBter-talaJag beid»«ght***«m Vermont.

Mrs. Florette Bewlee and son, of the soutH village, visited Russ Bowles and family last Batorday.

Sidney Sargent aad Jamas Quinn, Prushtoo, were in town the guests friends last Monday.

Mrs. John Baker and Mrs. Nellie Jos-lyn are visiting Eugene Baker and family in Malo. e.

Albert Lawrence left for New York l a s t F r i d a y e v e n a , g .

Lightning damaged the Washburn house on tbe South road during Monday s thunder storm. Mr, Wells and wife were absent from home at the time. Thi bouse was found on fire by people pass­ing and ,the blaze extinguished before much harm was done.

Mrs. Ru-sel Board way is entertaining her sister from the East.

Hiss Lillian Spaulding has returned from her visit of several weeks with friend* in Burlington, Vermont.

Clark Orvis, Mw, Nellie Perry, Misses Florence Brown and Alma Spaulding, re­turned from Hiawatha Lodge last wtefc,

Mr. and Mrs. Fioyed Burgees, of Win-throp, sisjttd their mother, Mrs. TrumaB Adams, fast week and- attended Malone

[fair. Miss Bessie Bancroft left for her Home

in CMMwofd last Saturday, Fred Muiholiand, of Oswego, was the

guest of hie sister. M M , Charles Smith and family last <x^k,

John Cuibmans of Springfield, Mass., joined his wife in tbi* village last week. ... Mr, and Mrs. Milo Rood attended the toaeral of Mrs. Grant 1hornas. last week," at Skerry. -.' - . .At*

J WANT COLUMN f CbA9ftIt?lKD AOVKlKf lS!f«JM$; "

;" '•' «>SB.CENV A WORD, ./

--: --- m & m Wanttd, to #eU, to rent,- lost,

fonuif, money to loan , l iclp wanteds a n d advertisements o f« . slmilmr cbarArter 1 cent * word for each Insertion, S o _>

>d. taken for less than 2S eenta. J , ,«^*,,»u.*,l,^tct,,n.t^. | ,t ,^^.^n , ,i ,ifc l ,t , , ! t f lj (a^rM ,j , ,^,, ( .u ,„,,^

%H .*l*T(yps.*»&:*Iog joacMna opemtors. o « * r woiisvass better prices. tbaU overalls or ms

Wad, of uQdc-rwear. «tea«yr employment UuiaJ HjiesssntfisnjUtlOTi vntHMW MF«-., St, Alb&fe

-. - _ L . ..•_.. ;•• twit -

l-. •„',:"; -"j: cBtmhtOUt «"./'._ -' j - J J

Mrs^ Florence Brush and family spent Saturday in Mdira, guests of Mrs, W. S,

fLawtence, , "'. ' . '*',-' '' '-''Sir, and Mrs- Austin,of Boston, who have been spending soma time at £he< BrushtQnSottse,f«tnrnedhomeSatur4ay,

Bert Orlop left Monday for Kew. Ybrk and Albany on a busipesa (rip.

Mrg. Warren Smith and Mrs, Martin are<epondlBg a few daya in Jjowville, the guesta of Mrs. Will Sutchinis.

3irs. Peter Qoinn is visitin|r her cousin, iFatherSatltvan, in <?f<»wn Point, for; a 'couple of «eeks.. I Otto Quinu and Otover Prow played battlnOanton last week during the fair,

1 alio af Sor wo^d Saturday. Mis* Ethol Feck was home from. Rens-

^elaer Falls fot a few dayalast weelt, -- Paul Schneider is hdmetfr/om Utica for a few days, visiting &U'family,

Retf, A. IX Fortinfs visiting his aaoge* ter,Mrs> fjpthbertaon, in Chicago* 111,, for a few days. Be hopfes to return home

JSaturday^ Thuschoolwas closed hpre. latt week,.

Thursday find Friday foj* the-Malopa fair. {/A number from this place attended the fair and all rep- rt a good time. ' Ro?coe Harris left for Norwood Satur­day, wherehe will help bis brotlier, Roy, in.the Whitney House. t*ox.

Born* DS.<KB.-tn H»lone,N. Y.,on Tuesd*y, Sept, XT,

lue*. * ,1a aglUer t> Mr. »aa Mr*. o«ren Prtke. AXUENV-In Brtt-iitoD, K. V,. <M ftldny, Hep-

» m i * r U, Ji«r,.» «*oKhter ty Mr, aa<J Mr*, ftws JWt-fl.

XcBf tKai .u . - in Bnuhton. » . Tt.< on Thut*}*y, S.-'rt.}a, IMyr.asoo to Mr. and Un. Rojsl Mftton-

lAtJt\-E.-U Tujiper U k e . H . V , on SaesMar. * p t - ', lKfl", * ilausbter (0 Mr.taJ Mm. rrant

f TTIOK »*JWE*«Farm-oi W acres un ier a a a b fJP « i t e o f caittvatfen.ttiatwaiisarry twenty cows ipditeaffl, *tu»*09a boHtubra. baa W-ton afiapweU at uouso and bBrc.nmntog water i n two pagiure^a £rt*\A arrtF1ttr«ir\i '>(*iv«'f «r»™tl!.*»**«r*******—ti*«- «*. .~~i • —

LABOClC-rln gl. tlKfr,

1. Beti* rua, K. v., on aatartUr. m to Hr. aiut JtrTlwIry Sej>t, If

COf)K.-Io St. K««Hi r«Jta, K. T-, on Mottiay,BeJ)t. 10, law. » S-JU ta Mr. MM! Mm. t u t s w Cook.

CKSTK.-In Santa Clar», N. Y„ oe gunday, Sept. 1, IW, acU-JKlittr l« Mr. mid Mr*. Juste Panue.

VAftTty . - l i t Santa Clani,^. "ST., on Wwtae»d»r. Aujt. a , 18Q7. « <t»«»h'er Kj Mr, «s<] Mrs. Ale i , Martlo.

CH*Sl£.-lBS&rJt(i Clara, N.V, ii.\ iter, * goo to Mr. slid kin. Burton cbaae.

on Sunday, Amt.

B O Y E * , - I D Malude. N. 1% on Sunday. Sept. 15, 1W, a mm torMr. aad Mr*, t, W. Boyea.

BARTOK'.-ln North BaBgor. N. y . , 6 s Friday, Sept. 13, l.'HC, a daughter tu Mr. and Un. Mnum Barton.

WiLOOTT.-ln tawrenceyllle, N. T., on Sunday, Bept. L tarr, a aon, tieraM Xrerett, to Mr. and Mra. Kverett t , Waleou.

DOWNF.R.-IB S t Beew ralla, N. TM R«pu 1H, iMOT, a *oa to Mr. and Mn. Downer.

M A N t r x v . - i a Maiooe, K. T-, oo Tburaday. A « . HWr.niiontoMr.and Mra. Jobn Maoaely, Jr.

on Monday, Wallace W.

Married. K S A^B^^«Jte., s '^ W , brair. CartesSuCoWaelKaEeaBfl ISurT.

\t8TIH.-At Motmtaln viaw. N.T..on MoedMt r. « . MOT. of castors lafaattan. Dm tefant soalr and Mra. abaar Uatsr, need fiv« month*.

srpt 1171*7, Fatrkdt as yaeMala vatsita 3»fl mw, sanaattr of Canto ~

isVUW, Mr*. A.M. ,"TDS ttssSaass wis a ~

&o* M**t*alr1 4t*taie*>a-

aa <t* ta f

\afAN5iE,»tl».'*E»eQOeacirt ftieu *ad. womca,. W eteafly work atgaud wa^s in albray's' -mod--'

cmfattesies. -rorpanicuiftraadaressiOBAMBEHOE tKJMMEB0E,i31>aiJj.«.y. - v 2W»>

* • SHorttmstreeS. premises. - sp

trpom. o a ftrit floor » No,

lata location, inqaireon - . 8tf

OOSTLOA'S Husiam School, -Malone, K. t . . teache* bootkeepln?, sborthawl. typewriting

sndt telegrtipliy. StfflJeri» tasr enter si any time. Ceaafurtirenisw, 0.E.4O&TX.Ow»«8lo«e. -i3tf -

r«tSAi,1B ©JB TM> "jteKftf-jfew boose, . . ,... <3ood;'Wcii|OB:>an8:*-WiHaeaoneasyteitot. fiwrjiro fleslrablenroCero,^. .. ..._ t _. _.

et M. A. LBONAKD. ffl Frances street, H ; s . * r . •..- - •; -• - i . - • " " - : . -

•WrAl^rBO^PeorJbto'caBBpBewey semtth's yuse. SrompEsnarettsbte. lOH^TP^SSr ffro. ;33rtotbr*, -'.. ' ..." .----., «ttt-.

iSE« TO-IOAN^-M. RHavCChifiir.

/S O O O O l S U P I ' I . l E S — B t s t goods. 1 p « « s , - ^ ' B U r f a i O K ' & i •-:•


O N E S T O fcOAN-H. !:/LAIN.; . . ; - ' . V- ' ;^ .

M. CHAMBEK-.......-"- mi

A . B . P A U M E L E E A; S O N .

tfQB S A I . E ~ X l i o Kane; Pieston fciwse, Ko.S3 *•-. Pteaiantstreet. Tolapra els pleesaouy situ-aWon/Uie west side of tbe street, tbe boasa la.a good BBed one. In aood repair aba can be boncbt very-re«s6nanlf. •• njqtnre of A. B, PABMEbEE a BOSiWaloBe,.iJ.y.,; >-" / . ; / . AM

l--irtM •»*-• * M H I Q / H J VWWVUUVAI «*M<* ty«AA W«J IKMU (Ml A* U « *

train by M. B. 83EPALD. <y Park street Malone, l 'N . 'X. , '" - L.- •• ': ' " •'•."• ^ * # "

E 4 J B . 8 A l . E . — V B l a g e I o t » 3 . 30-«a 8. WuilSBl r fit, WJolnlfig jqila: Allen's toWh Biftnoxa. Thts> to*n;exceileat tot taut wilt bo eolff cbtttp..» of A.« .PARMEtEEASON. • / 4«fr

f^OB'SAjblCwfarmuf lflQ acres ta thetownof .Jav DuanewrtheoodballdiagsJind nM#ng water, andl« Known as tne Edwin J.r*ite twm. • Tbto property wu) bo soldat a bargain atttt would be an eitellentf lace for sumnier boar4e«» Intiuire-«f A. B. PAKMIXEE & SON, 3taiane, N. y. , Sw*

i j n i O B S A K E — A deslraWe a0tue.No.44; Wittow [ 17 street, Sa;oue, wnfett » a very gaol iocaMa»; 'at raain paftot tbe bouse is trita story. Frtce' nisderate ana„terms es?j. in tare of A.8,PiB-aau^aauy.jB^i(» . - > 8*6.

FOR SAI.E—Small, fans ol 25 acres,one.and cn twu* miles from Malone vmage. olid weu

'watered. Boo?a; aasaUttte mo em-isunveiblencei,. aadaje-baUdtoEsare mexcenent conairJdn. "&.U raro tas. Deeu Cam up for truck garaenlDg, and ratiitog poultry,. WiUlwsoidoa ressonabtetetinsto tbe ttgSt parry. Inautfe at * . B. PAlUtELEK * SON/Matoae, N.Y. -•- ' - / ?»«.:;

FOR -SAtt.Rwvac&ot lot on tae comer of trasiKItn afld Pieasaat utreei*. whfcH we »re

autbortzfeat& irtir sd a UiffiSa.;. toqutfe of A. B. £*AH joasr A ssiN, Matoisfe s . f. - sows

f o3T$Alfci»Ho^ia^Qt^0.8i West Main. streewtnoKn-tts tbe Ata iian>Kloiupnlaijei«rid

jst-eMrauy 4Qcated,ana i» *ery desu**bie.Bna has a very deep lot. WB- property wfli t» sold at a reasonable prtcbABd oaeatyterms. laqnirebfA.-B,PAe5HaLES48UN.Mat0tte,K<y. - fiffirt-'.

irood tttgarorcoara, well eauipped WUB sti^tr Bosse and evaporator, WIU sell wjtft, vt wttbons stocky'-tins Ua rgr«cbtooetaj»{af*rai.of tnis kma at* bftrtratn. 'ffte arm Is located near Benry Rider's laraand Is mostly tn toe town ot Bwgor> jiKitrjtte at A.8. e«w«:b£E * SON. Malone,», y. sows

FOB SALE—Hoose and bam uewjy built at Pay, N. y„ togetber' wtys, »2 acre* af land,

owned by Jonn.Jones. Tbfe place woiuamake an Weal poixttry tarai and can tw bougte at a bargain, tenure or A. B.7PABM£LE£ A SUK, iiaTone,, K. Y. . . . . . . . . . . . SOWS -

FO B IfAI-K—Houie and lot on Wellington j»tteet,kB0!»ns8tBe iucnseiO'Connor tot, »iso.'

fourvacsnt tot*, two on West Main street and two on WeiUnKtonatreet. This property w in be Isold- at a oargato. InqiUreof A, 8 . PABMSQEE A SOS. MaJooe.K.'g. 'pQwS--

D O K SfAfcE—F&nu of ifSacrtM under good state JP #t ciBtt«atiott, wits -Rood buBxtuar*. Beveb miieaftoiQMaJoo&wflicttwe cunsettttt* hirgaln. IWjutrB Of A . - B , PABiUEHtK a 80»« Malone, H. r. . . , . , . • . ' . . am* •^*SJ*.**Jft*Hou*'D»rosnd lot, 61 Jtoctlaad a . atreeu TW* aoase U braeucauy new a n d t S

£ 2 2 , . ^ » " j K ? t ""««e< *»<t * u t be sold at a

»• PAltMXLEE 4 SON. Malooe, N. Y. SUWH

••HouseaJid 'lot,"48 Morton stfeet. X W l t S a L E ' . JC otteot tbe best lqcaOons ta MalObe, wiib SU modem conveniences, wtut broad piazzas and a *pteedld ouUook. Inquire of A, B. 1-AltSfaLKB A 80H,Matoae,N,Y. 5uw»

ZU*°U£?w2DU}l*'m*>D< »Ub Plenty *f ice abi B.PAft;


I J I O B aat .B—BulWlnit lot* on the west Side of Jav Park attest, known a* tne SBepard plat. Tnese tots are very AaattmMs and will' a* aoid on easy imat b y A . B . PAAMKUEBa " (SON,

SoepardpUt. Tnese " o n e a a y tan*

N. Y. 50w6

P © B S A t s l - H o M e N o , a, « .-. , -. — «Wds street known aa tbeMUwn C. Johnson bonsa and

wtB he sold at a Sarcaia. inquire of A. U. PAR-MgUUt A SON, Maloae, K. Y. GOwS

| S O B JP Mais and Weiijawtcai rredTlrawprn S n m B T ^ n S

SALK—Honse, barn aad kit, corner of Mais and. Weulaftop atieeta, kaowa as toe

toeaOoo and la dntraUs. MKUSIaaOK. MaMW, M. Y

> sfeesjrty at la a loqutre of A. B.

noott PAB-


I J i e a SAk. l t—Tae following property known Jav a* Uw njetendort property. About at*, acres at Mountata View near B. a . atatloa wMcb Is admir­ably located. Alao a farm of T» acres wtth good seilduigs, attaatad In t s e t o w a o t Desna, near tbe Kimptoa adlU and alsoa wood to* bt said t twa of Besaeof SQB8Q flsBsoisa. AB of UM aoows property MdeatrahUaad wta as sow at reaaoaat

of A. B. F*«1U»CX a SON IT8

|pa>B.8ai.a^UJt«TttM 'eottsas lot Vo. is, oa

by aataataOwawaaad most be aotd. btaaire of A. a. PAAMUJUt a aoat. wsisae.«. Y. SOWS

J P « B BAljaV-aatobow tea .„ Atoooaaeaa.

aOM, MaMaa, M. T.



W HEflDOUHBTERS W e carryb'ctly'^^ t ^ e best T o b a e p o s , C igare t t e !

C i g a r s . . / ; ' - ; -;./ - ; ; - : •'' • •" - . ; • • ; • ." . . .

F i » e iiiil«> o f P a q k f t ^ Cau«|ifes. ;

O u r Sof ia i s t h e B E S T | N TO%VN.

hursday, Sept. 26 IHe Beautiful

Down Hast War

Witia Bamci and Orchestra.

*il Special Scenery. the Splendid Orchestra , the Comedy Quartette ' the Good Sipging

the Realistic Bsow Storm _-the Funny Duel Scene .. the Thrilling Explosion Scene


Cleyer ChaTacter Specialties Bright Husic aad Comedy

tees, 2S, 35 ani50 fients J&ats on Sate ai %Mmfj PARADE AT NOON.


Walk-0ver Shoes Also for Queen 'Qu;

OPERA HOUSE O n e .3Srierlit OxLl^r

Wed. October 2 One Of the events of the season

F R A N K W . N A S O N

- of fers ' r

GrEOBGE F. HALL In the merry farce comedy

Q»'::"' "jf/ '-V/

y^:V':M - < - - : . ' - ' ; • • : . - . • - ; * - '

Bros., Burt Hettletoa Shoes.


Donaldsons Shoe Store


A K J N T B T J Y ,

Elsewhere unttljou •-< <' "f new line of

Horse Blankets We have the CHASE AF.L-OVBRBLANEET with iwO buckles and ft ve-iuch lai; in front. The beat blanket-made.

A. E. AUBREY, Constable, Jf.-^i


-''•-."HIT mm® B*,T8 WANTED


mlriiii M a i o n e , » •

Siiite K>ai£a6i aTJB8PAY.'sEPTEMBER"2C;

PZijjataaMnnet-* " " " " ^ aftd Taipei L sfiw4a*ps»or | ,b<Hiltfb»? toK'iw m l

' ^ t a r a o w to Insure ps!5;:;-av,..:.,

aer M a l o n e Toiwh/fr t o W t e d <><>t<i/l.«

i t i e n r s * e C W » n > W H I M , , Iff I r v t a s t o n . - . - f i n n . .

i 4 o'clock P, '--.'ii.. VT,' .-'j ••:-.: 3rd, Mtes -Oerir/j •..-

Ihter of Mrs, .iiirai. •., • v.. . i and a former mer.-.t : -. :, ; iDklia AcadeiHv. >.v, . < • .

feage with -pr. ;:VA.-igton-oP-.HudWE; .

j performed ,at •.-: M . • K feb by Re\>'4 .Ci'-'h/:-'. :: • purg, wfao^wa." f , v . . - . . - . iriflg tne/'^'ereiii •:.> -t i-eld at the'-. •'.;.--./-}

IingtOBfitreei.. "-issued in/:U.'»:;. . .' and of :the/f,-i-- •

t cb'urdftnrid ;.-» personpjei • .' • •

lows; Of 'hor. :• '•'

Ipfthebr;; . bgelo J. ~--. k-of-'v--;. • •-

Mrs. u i .rpoii.'1;...-.

• Mrs . ' . . . . . . .-- •' - l t

fe -Mis.- .V.,-. - . . - - . -I ; .Mite . ' . . - ; ' . , . - . , - . • •

l a ; / f t M y. - . • • - . - ;•;.-.•;.

U f i h r r ; - , I >;ii.ti - : ; . . ; : . -\ : :

ggroom. '•{ •.• -:• • :- .. . H e n r y i i a y e s v , ! ' - - « : -i

f s h m a n , of l -rvinj;t . : --- • '.''

Bin, o f B u r l i D g t o n .

|tBB C b e s l e y lb a g r a J . u a t t of Frac

ay a n d of V a s s a r C o l l e a e .

| b t a t F r a n k l i n A c a d e m y B U y^

-there in Jun»-. *,'"'.': '.< ,i :.

itS'^offl'-e ii'. A:tiai.> . w i.i re.-n.e |

SJnsible i>>-i: iui; ^II ' IM ,JU«-I.

;St'Prict. ,et-<n ar . i , , i i'.i;^-!.

Ore r e c e n t l y at l r v u . g ; , ti ,

| A s a t e a c h e r of Kti^i . - i . HI. ' ,

' .won a n er .v .a; . lr \ la l o g profesa-ion. It. !>ojr;t of

; h n e s 3 a n d cwn.-. i e n t . u a - j m

j . s h e d e s e r v e s to be rar,KPiati i t e a c h e r s in the .~>(,i'e A. :

I f O - b s abser,t i f !;. M;u- r.<- .-.

| f t h e t i m e .n .r . i - f ;».- [.-!-'

MiSS Che?.!e\ -' .. '.:i- a :.

i f n e h u r c h ai, i ; - . . :y i •--

l ^ p o m U ai. .,• - , • \ -

a n d .a t h a i , • .' . ' .•-:

sional 'an.i f\ . •. . H e i± h , u ; • : . - . :••!. :

gt&n'-.bOaril ..f e : . .1. •:.

poaFing-:Mie w- ; - •• r ;•• > ::•• eside at lr\::./: .-. « i,- .-• • • • . j f fesuuinn-r !!.( >;.-.i :, i.:>'.

lesidenr. ' . - : . • : ..;.,,:. l e n d - j , ,;i. H i l l , t h e I l i a n v II

t o f t: .- M a t e in w ••'...x.lz '- • I IB l i fe for t h e -worthy •• -ai >

cetK'ev n i e I><»< ior S e e u r r * a U<llH

feifr.ltt- Prp<- tor " n n r r l - i l 1 l o r t i .

Mfirritt 'Pro<-tor, a ' r .11.. r

or,of-Maipoe,• wi... i.,.-st»-: Ivilleafew we>-k- :.ft- ' •

Mii3'profession. i«- i ;.i,.i;i.»; ..:. jpraOt'ice'as to M ,.>-I wdrb necessary. \W \^t- m

I'/la fc. week secuni-p; u ..< .p, i. ' J a y , S e p t . W h . at liie ' ' h u r e

j u r a t i o n , in N c » "i .J:k|

S e d M t S S There--.H i 1 ir-k>.k. a lo;

i w r e n c e c o u n t y ^::\. ai, ,! a g r . J

ajfB N o r m a l , w h o for t h e pa^tj

i t8S . f o l l o w e d t h e f>r,.fe^.si..i.

p u r s e , b e i n g a g r a d u a t e . f

iyn City Hospital. I a t t u O u n c e m e n t nf ? I •• mnrr1

. f o r t h , t b e c o c g r . , ; , ,at;vi,.- . f I

iorVrnany frieD i- ;:. Ma. i:. iot , whlO h a s recent ly :••••:. I a u

hieepSie, ia.said : :•• . • sharniing.yout,; w ..., :

u b t e d l y b e a i p / j i u / a : .;. . - .

f faer-husband h a i ; r •••>-: '.

icOupleoame to l^wreiu-e\ pf the week .to tut- .; :>.• i t i lf ire. O n - F r i d a y e \ e i , n i K V\

| . t h e p e o p l e of t h e t< « n , w m I t i o n i p l i a r m o i;b i

p m e t h e m .

; P r o c t o r ' g r a d u a t e . i fr .:.

l . f j j l l e g e last -';";r:n^ a: Lawri-i. . i.,.,--.. f r i e n d l i n e s s an...

j h a v e w o n h i m a l,>s:

psiBgly short tiifi'e ,.i well establish-:

|hextending/ contra; went of last v.- k


r.- -ien(

f r i e n d s

.1- ; ri< •ne

prvisor J . - C ; \ \ . T p i n s O n - H c i H - d l J

?'-30.orclcr'k: :ya- 'Tui-, 'i>> . " ' weeJLa.ttIie,bt.iiie..6f ..;.-• Bangor, oocurreu the :;.a.:.;

^vlsor -. John c . . Wtinam-..--, pe,-a:.-l.-Mrs. Ella A.Srttlth.of -N or.' 'I';,- -v-re/mony wasper'fofc

ev, 0/..: -'-•' ••-•»t'o"n., pastor of,thi aurch.'". '-"-"

.' :.y Mr... and ': a i / :ext«f

. • • • ' ' ><: I'Utii

<\ l i : ' s |

-:;. ia • * ' ,

WOwing; is,- .••:.' :.y laoujon "- e: .--:••. l ingtrip.n'; jthey will . v. »on East &•;> 1 - : - - ' vill be al ho:',:>-:; b i d d i e o f Ov'i<.!-.-

conglfaluia*.; ;.'-'.

it Of b o t h ;/r: :>.: n d e d . M r : .AV-ia.;v-r

^Be'a most ..'prou'/.:.. o t e d c i t i j sepa, an ; -a

own his acta have J oval of everyone.

WtUlauison is the wi.ji.iv if tCharlee Smith, of-'liatigar,;' Hhe pan of r&te qualities -f.f ''h^arr

' and justly jvopuW in i><;r i % e PAfj^Anlij-M; join:-;; v. ji h

" friends of i h i c o u p l e i n xuiiij;

-;i;-»'rv is

T - t » T * l » p K B p t t a l * O c t o b e r S!(|

i have been rge'eived, in. | the marriage of.

• **SBtwsaectady,, a son - of.' Mr. j ifOBrir: Levy, uf Malonp. to.

ftopp, of Topper 'Lak:? By$B occur at the'^yna^ogc

l-**Np>' oo TMBday evening* «Sjj v »'ak^w-o'c lock. Mr, L€vy.

> of, Franklin Academy «pd'j , _ In Sohenectadys

^^tai.llftma for several ye *~*gaeA law practice and

prominence in poij iMXx'*:-;.;. ^ ;

ie A * daughter of a | .£«»]BB anerchant,

'a* Sjrtaooae Univa p)«va| having

like « »

l4ii-:V- .;


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