Page 1: Signs that your teenager is using drugs and what to do about it

Signs that your teenager is using drugs and what to do about it

What are the signs that your teenager is using drugs and what can you do about it?

Now, most parents do not want to think about their teenager using and abusing various drugs and alcohol. However, ignoring it and pretending it does not exist is not the best idea either. It will only make it worse, as the end result. It could go from alcohol to marijuana to prescription medications to heroin use quicker than you might even realize. Just think of the old saying, in a blink of an eye.

There are quite a few common symptoms that are fairly easy to recognize. No matter how hard your teen may try to hide them. This list goes as follows:

● Runny nose (from snorting drugs)

● Sudden weight loss

● Loss of interest in favorite hobbies

● Chronic coughing

● Inappropriate clothing (the most common one among teens attempting to hide needle marks with long sleeves)

● A sudden drop in grades (an A student to a C student)

● Uncommon behavior at home and school

Page 2: Signs that your teenager is using drugs and what to do about it

● Skipping classes or school all together

● Changes in friends

● Stealing

● Appetite changes like excessive hunger or loss of an appetite

These warning signs should be taken very seriously. If you notice any of the above signs in your child, you should take more consistent notice. You need to see if theses changes are becoming common. There are a few things you should do:

● First of all, get help

● Do not play the blame game

● Talk to your teen on a regular basis

● Lastly, join a support group or even two

If you consider doing all of the above it will really make a great difference. Treatment can be very positive and uplifting, especially since, addiction can be complicated. Finding the right program for your teen and family can and will make all the difference in the world.


Coalition Against Drug Abuse: Teen Drug Abuse


to learn more on what to do if you find yourfamily in a teen drug use situation

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