Page 1: Sidney sheldon   master of the game

Sidney SheldonMASTER


Page 2: Sidney sheldon   master of the game

Kate Blackwell. The woman, whose name is

equivalent to the word "success".It was not used to choose the means towards a desired goal. She always

got what she wanted - power, money, love ... It does not stop at nothing - not to lie,

not to the betrayal, or even before a crime ... She has achieved much - but

how much she lost ..?

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The book begins with the fact that Kate is ninety years (the same main character of the book) celebrates anniversary and recalled

the story of her family, a story in which there were hopes and disappointments, moments of joy and sadness, love, separation,

adventure and intrigue.

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Then the author takes us back to the distant past, in

1883, to the origins, namely, to the time of Kate's father's

life, Jamie McGregor. As a young man, full of

enthusiasm and youthful extremism is sent to South

Africa in search of diamonds.

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He manages to be a victim of cruel deception, make friends with a black man by the name of Banda, rich, cruel revenge

on his enemy and set up a company under the symbolic name

for him Kruger-Brent.

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Jamie's wife, Margaret - daughter Jamie sworn enemy. The poor girl with no memory in love with the main character, has

become an instrument of revenge. Their son died, but after his death and the death of Jamie McGregor, Margaret gave birth to

a daughter named Kate.

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The following chapters tell about the life of Kate. She - purposeful, powerful and successful. She - the master of the

game, intrigante. She weaves intrigue, stepping over people, even their loved ones, and all for the main point in

his life - business.

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Subsequent chapters tell about the descendants

of Kate. About her son, Tony, to which the mother in

the first place powerful and imperious

woman, in the presence of a boy even stutter. 

And about Tony’s children, grandchildren,

Kate - twins Eve and Alexandra.

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Girls absolute opposites of each other, the

personification of evil and good; greedy, insatiable

Eve, for the sake of money and power, she is ready to

even kill her own sister; and gentle, kind, sensitive


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GWho would have by inheritance it will get to run the company? Will the good

evil? This you will find in the book!

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immaculately бездоганноfrowned насупивсяominously зловісноghoulish огиднийswarming роїтисяnausea нудота

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excruciating боліснийdour непохитний

covert завуальованийludicrously сміховинноcoveted бажанийsucculent соковитий

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sneered глумивсяmane гриваhatred ненависть

arrogant зарозумілийeminent видатний

deliberately свідомо

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concealed прихованийpenetrate проникати

veil вуальrecluse відлюдникdug викопаний

bowels нутрощі

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loomed маячилиnemesis відплатаperpetual вічнийvengeful мстивий

accentuated підкреслений

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