
SI Base units

Length in meters (m)Mass in grams (g)Volume in liters (l) or meters cubed (m3)Time in seconds (s)Temperature in degrees Celsius (°C)

Powers of tenEvery prefix stands for a number, and are

multiples of 10All units use the same prefixesKilo = 1,000Deca = 10Centi = 1/100th

Milli = 1/1,000th

Left side: what would better to measure in Kilometers than Millimeters and visa versa?

Metric conversions

To change from one unit to another, you either multiply or divide by 10

You just move the decimal to the right or to the left

Example: 1m = 100 cm

Left side: Does a number gets bigger or small when you move the decimal place to the right.

Derived units When 2 or more types of measures are

combinedspeed: meters/ second (m/ s) Density: mass/ volume (g/L) or (g/m3)Area: meters squared (m2)

Measurement tools1. Graduated cylinders are used to measure volume2. Scales and balances are used to measure mass3. Rulers and tape measures are used to measure

distance4. Watches and clocks are used to measure time5. Thermometers are used to measure temperature

Lab equipment

Flask beaker Test tubes in rack

Forceps Petri dish

SummaryIn a paragraph answer the following questions

1. What is the base unit for liquid volume?2. Density is an example of a _____ unit. 3. Is a millisecond a longer or shorter period

of time than a second? 4. List what tools are used to measure

different qualities of matter.

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