Page 1: Should the US Encourage a United Europe?

Should the US Encourage a United Europe?

Gerard Santinelli

Page 2: Should the US Encourage a United Europe?

Should the US Encourage a United Europe?

Gerard Santinelli echoes the view of John C. Hulsman: “The United States wants Europe neither to be too successful nor to fail”.

Mr. Santinelli applies this to all nations. Mr. Santinelli believes there are no conflicts of American interest when a state is doing well by maintaining a healthy economy, providing public goods such as education, and promoting democracy. Gerard Santinelli thinks problems arise when a country becomes too successful, and more specifically too successful and with a military agenda, and begins to challenge the unipolar power structure.

Gerard Santinelli does not believe that Europe is too successful to the point of challenging the United States, especially in the wake of their fiscal woes.

Page 3: Should the US Encourage a United Europe?

Should the US Encourage a United Europe?

Hulsman echoes: “While the desire to compete successfully with America may be ensconced in many European chanceries, the ability to do so appears to be well beyond Europe’s collective means.” Hulsman reinforces this point by showing that Europe has military weakness, economic stagnation, and dangerous economic rigidity. Gerard Santinelli agrees, and believes the US has no reason to fear Gaullism as it pertains to the European Union.

The EU promotes free trade and European harmony, not military action. The EU, and the Gaullism that it supposedly fosters, poses no threat to the United States.

Page 4: Should the US Encourage a United Europe?

Should the US Encourage a United Europe?

Gerard Santinelli believes the only possible threat that could resonate with our transatlantic friends would be if European countries hopped off of the US bandwagon and began a policy of power balancing by siding with an eastern power such as China or Russia.

At the moment, with the US passively supporting the EU and its ambitions of free trade, Mr. Santinelli does not believe European nations have any reason to balance power. We may maintain peace and keep the status quo in Europe by continuing with our policy of support for the EU.

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