Page 1: Short Story About Success - Don't You Ever Quit Your Dreams

Short Story About Success – How I Fell And Got Up

Short Story About Success – A Little Mouse Once Told


Page 2: Short Story About Success - Don't You Ever Quit Your Dreams

Could it count as a short story about success? Honestly…I don’t care. Because I don’t see myself

on a pedestal dictating or instructing others how to do what they want to do. Because I only can tell

others what I have done. All I can tell others is that I am not embarrassed to say that that I have

made mistakes. That I have failed. And that I will fail to success. Because I am willing to get up and

keep going. Whether the following is a short story about success, I don’t know, I will leave it up to


Are Your Dreams Big Enough?

Short Story About Success – Walt Disney Success Story

“When the thinking’s right the facts don’t count”. – Mentor

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This is one of the best tales of triumph I have ever heard…

The story goes that my mentor, when he was in school, was not the most applied student. His

professor, in an attempt to make him feel bad, told him that he would not amount to anything. But my

mentor had been trained in mindset. Those words coming from his professor just broke apart before

they reached his young evolving mentality.

And he replied, “one day, you are going to eat those words.”

End of story…

Lol, not really…

But before I tell you what happened I am going to tell a story about me…

Undergoing political instability, my father, having built two successful companies and a medical

practice, abandoned all his material possessions because he wanted his family to be safe.

Originally from the beautiful Caribbean Colombian coast, we relocated to Florida, The States. I will

certainly tell you more about the story of my father, but this time it is my story. It is my wish that you

may use it to realize that you can do whatever you want.

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Having recently graduated and working a full time job, I knew that I could do more. I started

marketing online and navigating the internet. I knew nothing. But I kept on trying and I learned a

whole lot. I started with a big group and we started doing paid advertisement.

On every undertaking there are always challenges and you will encounter obstacles. The question

is… Are you willing to face them and keep going when you fall down?

The first group of people quit and I have not heard back from them. Deep inside I wish I could talk to

them again at some point. The other group kept going, regardless of what happened.

And they succeeded…

Right now, they are some of the most successful entrepreneurs online. All because they were

resilient. They were unstoppable. They never give up.

Seeing that half of my team dropped off really affected me. I thought their results were related to

mine. And even though I started succeeding. I had my first leads and my first sales. I had my first

day when I made $500 dollars, yes…in a single day.

Despite that I took a hit and I had almost given up…

Something inside of me kept bringing me to the attention of my craft. Something kept calling me. I

don’t know if it was the fact that I was smart enough to keep learning and studying about myself.

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Every day I just studied Bob Proctor’s You Were Born Rich. I read books and attended

other seminars.

Maybe it was that I kept plugged in or maybe it was divine intervention. Whatever it was, it caused a

change in me. All of a sudden I felt that I needed to keep going. That I had to dust off, put the

blinders on and keep moving in the direction of my dreams.

Did I Get A Wake Up Call?

Short Story About Success – I got paid

A few months back I received the automatic payment. I had got paid. And I had not done anything

online ever since I took a break. This time, my blog had generated about two bucks and fifty cents.

And then it happened again. And I thought to myself, what I had kept going? What do you think

could have happened?

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Short Story About Success – Getting paid for my onlinem marketing value

I am proud to say that I have generated my first lead online because I made a decision to keep going

no matter what. I made a decision to be resilient. Unstoppable. Invincible. To never give up. To

dust off and keep going.

Short Story About Success – I got paid again

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I don’t know where the road will take me but I know it will be very far. And I will take a bunch others

with me. Others who believe in my vision of growing a team of the most successful entrepreneurs

who learn, study, travel and inspire others.

Together as one.

Will you be part of my team or will you just stay back and watch?

So here it goes…

My Mentor’s Short Story About Success – What Happened In the End?

Short Story About Success – Telling short stories makes a better world

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My mentor’s short story about success is really unique. Years later, already achieved his dreams,

he recounts how one day he drove up to a good restaurant in Houston, Texas.

After opening his door, he gets out of the car, a Rolls Royce, and extends his hands to turn the keys

to the valet parking personnel. On the receiving end was standing the same high school professor

who had tried to belittle him.

He comments that he recognized him. Looked at him in the eyes but did not say a word and

moved on.

He tells his short success story because years ago he was told he was not going to make it. But

instead of accepting those words, he took over the power of his thoughts, feelings and actions and

offered a contradictory outcome. A success outcome.

So regardless of what is happening and what is going on in your life. You can change the outcome if

you learn how to control your thinking.


Connect with me and find out more resources and if you’d like, I can also teach you how to blog

about what you love and make sales by getting leads to your blog.

Do you think my mentor controlled his outcome and his destiny by speaking success into his life? Let

me know on your comments below if this short story about success is truly inspirational to you and

what do you think about the actions of my mentor.

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