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Mukinbudin - Classic, Dry, Red

Shire of Mukinbudin

Ordinary Council Meeting



Floral Emblem

Eucalyptus erythronema (Red Flowering Mallee)

At 1.00pm


The Council Chambers

Maddock St, Mukinbudin

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No responsibility whatsoever is implied or accepted by the Shire of Mukinbudin for any act,

omission or statement or intimation occurring during Council or Committee meetings. The Shire

of Mukinbudin disclaims any liability for any loss whatsoever and howsoever caused arising out

of reliance by any person or legal entity on any such act, omission or statement or intimation

occurring during Council or Committee meetings. Any person or legal entity who acts or fails to

act in reliance upon any statement, act or omission made in a Council or Committee meeting

does so at that person’s or legal entity’s own risk.

In particular and without derogating in any way from the broad disclaimer above, in any

discussion regarding any planning application or application for a licence, any statement or

intimation of approval made by a member or officer of the Shire of Mukinbudin during the

course of any meeting is not intended to be and is not to be taken as notice of approval from the

Shire of Mukinbudin. The Shire of Mukinbudin warns that anyone who has any application

lodged with the Shire of Mukinbudin must obtain and should only rely on written confirmation of

the outcome of the application, and any conditions attaching to the decision made by the Shire

of Mukinbudin in respect of the application.


Council is committed to a code of conduct and all decisions are based on an honest

assessment of the issue, ethical decision-making and personal integrity. Councillors and staff

adhere to the statutory requirements to declare financial, proximity and impartiality interests and

once declared follow the legislation as required.

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Table of Contents

1. Declaration of Opening

1.1 Declaration of Opening

2. Public Question Time

2.1 Response to previous questions taken on notice

2.2 Declaration of Public Question time open

2.3 Declaration of public time closed

3. Record of Attendance, apologies, approved leave of absence

3.1 Present

3.2 Apologies

3.3 On Leave of Absence

3.4 Staff

3.5 Visitors

3.6 Gallery

3.7 Applications for leave of absence

4. Petitions, Deputations, Presentations

4.1 Petitions

4.2 Deputations

4.3 Presentations

5. Announcements by the presiding member without discussion

6. Confirmation of minutes of previous meetings

6.1 Confirmation of Minutes of Meeting held 16th April 2014

6.1.1 Business Arising from Minutes

7. Matters for which the meeting may be closed

7.1 Nil

8. Reports of Committees and Officers

8.1 Work Supervisor’s Report

8.1.1 Work Supervisor’s Report – April 2014

8.2 Community Services Officer’s Report

8.2.1 Community Services Officer Report – April 2014

8.3 Deputy Chief Executive Officer’s Reports

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8.3.1 List of Payments – April 2014

8.3.2 Monthly Financial Report – March 2014

8.4 Chief Executive Officer’s Reports

8.4.1 Chief Executive Officer’s Report - April 2014

8.4.2 NEWROC Council Meeting – Tuesday 22 April 2014

8.4.3 Shire of Mukinbudin – Bush Fire Advisory Committee Minutes 14 April 2014

8.4.4 Treasury Corporation-Execution of Master Lending Agreement

8.4.5 Tender Universal Housing CLGF RFT 01-03/2014

8.4.6 Write off of Sundry Debtor

8.4.7 Lease of 5 Cruickshank – L & R Poultney

8.5 Environmental Health Officer’s Reports

8.5.1 Nil

8.6 Caravan Park Manager’s Report

8.6.1 Caravan Park Manager’s Report – April 2014

8.7 Swimming Pool Managers Report

8.7.1 Swimming Pool Manager’s Report – April 2014

8.8 NRM Officer’s Report

8.8.1 NRM Officer’s Report – April 2014

9. Correspondence and Information Report

9.1 Please refer to separate attachment ‘Correspondence and Information Report’ dated 21

May 2014.

10. Elected members Motions of which previous notice has been given

11. Urgent Business without notice (with the approval of the president or meeting)

12. Confidential Items – Meeting to be closed to the Public in accordance with the provisions

of the Local Government Act 1995.

12.1 Setting of Reserve Prices for Auction.

13. Dates to Remember

13.1 See attached list

14 Closure of Meeting

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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held in Council Chambers, Maddock Street, Mukinbudin on

21st May 2014

1. Declaration of Opening

1.1 The Shire President declared the Meeting open at 1.00pm.

2. Public Question Time (min 15 minutes)

2.1 Response to previous questions taken on notice.


2.2 Declaration of public question time opened (min 15 mins)

The Shire President will declare public question time open.

2.3 Declaration of public question time closed

The Shire President will declare public question time closed.

3. Record of attendance, apologies and approved leave of absence

3.1 Present:

Cr GJ Shadbolt President Lake Brown/Dandanning Ward

Cr BE Watson Bonnie Rock Ward

Cr JN Seaby Town Ward

Cr KR Sippe Town Ward

Cr SG Ventris Town Ward

Cr JD O’Neil Bonnie Rock Ward

3.2 Apologies:

Cr RJ Comerford Deputy President Wattoning Ward

Cr S R Palm Wilgoyne Ward

3.3 On leave of absence:

Cr Lancaster

3.4 Staff:

SD Billingham Chief Executive Officer

RL Edwards Works Supervisor

AL Brandis Community Services Officer

J Goldacre Environmental Health Officer

3.5 Visitors:

Mr Henk De Graaf - Waterman Irrigation

Mr Reg Tipple Waterman Irrigation Plumber

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3.6 Gallery:


3.7 Applications for leave of absence:

3.7.1 Cr BE Watson requested Leave of Absence for the next two Ordinary Council


Council Decision Number – 1062

Moved: Cr O’Neil Seconded: Cr Sippe

That Cr Watson be granted Leave of Absence for the June and July Ordinary Council Meetings.

Carried 6/0

4. Petitions, deputations and presentations

4.1 Petitions


4.2 Deputations


4.3 Presentations

Mr Henk De Graaf – Waterman Irrigation

5. Announcements by the Presiding person without discussion

5.1 Nil

6. Confirmation of the Minutes of previous meetings

6.1 Confirmation of Minutes for the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on the 16th April 2014

Voting Requirement

Simple Majority


That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on the 16th April 2014 be accepted as a true

and correct record of proceedings.

Council Decision Number – 1063

Moved: Cr Watson Seconded: Cr Sippe

That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on the 16th April 2014 be accepted as a

true and correct record of proceedings.

Carried 6 / 0

Cr Ventris out 5.48pm returned 5.49pm

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6.1.1 Business Arising from Minutes

6.1 Nil

7. Matters for which the meeting may be closed

7.1 Nil

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8. Reports of Committees and Officers

Mr Edwards and Mr Goldacre entered the meeting at 2.03pm

8.1 Works Supervisor’s report

8.1.1 Work’s Supervisor’s Report

Location: Shire of Mukinbudin

File Ref: Applicant: Bob Edwards-WS

Date: 15 May 2014

Disclosure of Interest: NIL

Responsible Officer Bob Edwards-WS

Author: Bob Edwards-WS


The Shire has submitted an application to CLEAR NATIVE VEGETATION UNDER THE


The application for a Purpose Permit to clear 0.5 hectares of native vegetation within Lot 14130 on Plan

225462, Lot 14369 on Plan 225451, Koorda- Bullfinch Road, Barbalin North Road and unnamed road

reserves, Barbalin, for the purpose of road realignment.

The application was received by the Department of Environment Regulations (DER) on the 27th March


Mc GREGOR SOUTH ROAD Gravel Road Pavement Construction. SLK 0.00 to 2.20

Work on the last 900 metres will resume by Monday 19th May. The quality of work to this point is of a

very high standard.


Will Jenkin is away on leave and the grading duties have been given to Shane Markham who is doing an

exceptional job. Graham Green has also been grading with the construction grader while there was good

ground moisture following recent rain.

The Construction Crew carried out bitumen shoulder maintenance on the Koorda- Bullfinch Rd, SLK 4.5

to 15.5. Danny and a crew of three will spend three days, May 13th to 15th, getting the shoulders into

shape using a grader, water truck, vibe roller and multi tyred roller. They will be in town on Friday 16th

where they will carry out some re- instatement work on Ferguson St and a section of footpath in

Cruickshank Rd caused by the replacement of water mains carried out by Water Corporation.

GRAHAM ROAD Culvert extensions.

Danny and two crew extended a total of nine 450mm Diameter Culverts taking them from around seven

and a half metres out to around ten to twelve metres in width to suit the new gravel pavement.

A three kilometre section of this road on the Eastern end will be sheeted with gravel as soon as we finish

pavement construction on McGregor South Rd.


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Our five counters have been relocated to, Forest Ave, Borlase Rd, Graham Rd, Ogilvie Rd and Lake

Brown- Bonnie Rock Rd. They will be shifted on in about a month.


Three signs are at Muka Steel Fabrications to be reinforced, unfortunately they are busy repairing

seeding equipment for farmers and are unable to find the time to carry out the necessary changes to the



A request for signs to be erected either end of this road has been received and will be attended to

ASAP. The warning signs will be a symbolic “crossed up skid” with a “When Wet” drop tag underneath.

One will be posted at the Tee with Elsewhere Rd and the other where Cunderin tees with Walton Rd.

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority


That Council note the above Works Supervisors Report.

Council Decision Number – 1064

Moved: Cr Seaby Seconded: Cr O’Neil

That Council note the above Works Supervisors Report.

Carried 6 / 0

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Mr Goldacre left the meeting at 2.13pm

Mr Edwards left the meeting at 2.31pm

Cr Ventris out 2.31pm returned 2.33pm

Mrs Brandis entered the meeting at 2.32 pm

8.2 Community Services Officer

8.2.1 Community Services & Club Development Officer’s Report

Location: Shire of Mukinbudin

File Ref: CS.GR.1

Applicant: Ann Brandis

Date: 15 May 2014

Disclosure of Interest: NIL

Responsible Officer Stuart Billingham

Author: Ann Brandis

Community Development

Submitted Applications:

Lotterywest Spring Festival Grant 2014 – have heard that they are recommending $19,443. We applied for $21,943. The outcome of this grant should be known in June. They are oversubscribed and roughly allocate $20,000 per event that meet the criteria.

Road Safety Commuity Grant Program – Applied for money for the Spring Festival. Requirment is to display a sign – maybe a permanent sign on Drink Driving, speed and seatbelts.

Applications in Progress:

Lotterywest Equipment Grant – Mukinbudin 1950’s Working Farm Shed – they have again

contacted me and would like a laptop, printer and fridge. I am in the process of getting quotes

and as well as waiting to hear if any other equipment is required before commencing this grant.

Unsuccessful Applications

Regional Events 2014 (extra application for the Spring Festival 2014). We applied for approximately $16,000 and have heard that we were unsuccessful. They received 120 applications totalling more than $2.3 million from a funding pool of $750,000. At a recent meeting with Mia Davies MLA, Mia advised that she had tried hard to support our application however it had not been recommend by Tourism WA. Mia was disappointed with the fact that the Spring Festival wasn’t recommended and they are trying to discuss the criteria as she thought we fitted this grant. I have sought and received feedback from Emma Gaunt at Tourism WA on my application as I wish to apply again next year.

Acquittals to complete:

RAC Grass Roots Grant - Once the Wheelie Bin Stickers have been distributed, this project will require aquitting.

Community Portfolios/Other Projects:

Swimming Pool – An order number has been issued to Mukinbudin Steel Fabricators for the

supply & install of the diving board stairwell. I have spoken to them and they will now do this

after seeding and before the pool opens.

Mukinbudin Caravan Park –

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After investigating the levels Matt is confident that he will be able to install the line running north

– south. However there is definitely not enough fall to accommodate the line running west –

east. It is important though that the unit belonging to Ventris’s and the new house is plumbed

into the new line to avoid the blocking and overflow that is experienced during peak times. Matt’s

quote includes this. The existing ground level may need to be built up to obtain the correct fall

as 675mm fill is required over the pipe to comply. This will be at Council’s cost. The last time

the sewerage overflowed the main problem was with the pipes from Ventris’s house to Council’s

pit near the old ablution block. However we have experienced some problems with the line that

runs from Council’s pit to the Sewer pit. Matt had also discovered that this line is basically flat

with no fall. This is the reason that we get continued blockages so it does need to be replaced.

This has been quoted for by Matt as well and is shown on the map above by the following


It is still possible to achieve the 4 bays on the southern side of the park with drains by installing a

septic tank. All that is required is a 1500l and a 1200l septic tank. These can be purchased and

installed along with the leach drain by Council Staff. Bob has provided me with a quote for the

shire to supply and install which is $9,580 ex GST

Steve Trenfield resubmitted his quote for $15,519.45 ex GST. I queried Steve about the lack of

fall and he thought there would be sufficient fall. However when he is next in Mukinbudin he did

say he would have a look. I have not heard anything from Steve since therefore his quote does

not allow for any of the amendments described above.

Proposed Septic tanks

Council’s Pit

Existing pipework

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I have received a quote from Palm Plumbing. The total quote is for $22,585.31 ex GST. The

quote is separated as below

Part 1. Supply and install main drain with a new 1500mm pvc dwv line running to 8 sullage

points that will serve 16 caravan bays. Supply & install new 25 mm poly line in trench to serve

16 hose taps for caravan bays. $14,567.75 ex GST

Part 2 Connect up old and new toilet blocks to new 150mm main drain.

$2,164.76 ex GST

Part 3 Connect Ventris House and the proposed new house to the new 150mm main drain

$1,945.32 ex GST

Part 4 Supply & install 100mm pvc dwv pipe with vent from 2 sullage dump points to septic tank

provided by shire and lay 1 x 9m leach drain $3,907.48 ex GST

Matt also wanted Denis to work with him on this – he has itemised his labour cost and time and if

this drops because of Denis then he will drop his price. The quote also has a number of

requirements for council to cover.


If we provide for more caravan bays as above then we will also require more electrical points.

Tania & Luke have accommodated 24 bays in the past and they have been fantastic in sourcing

pipe and extension- cords to have the extra caravan’s plumbed and powered. I have asked Jeff

Peters to supply a quote to shift the existing power boards for the sites along the western side

towards the back of these sites. This will make it easier for the Caravans that will park in that

overflow area to connect to the power boards. I have also asked for a quote to supply power for

the sites on the Southern side of the park. These run off the one board which was servicing the

other park home which was removed. This will need to change when the new proposed park

home is built as it will probably utilize this board again. This will then creates another problem as

this power board is off the power board next to the old ablution block and will not be able to

support the new park home. As you can see there is a big problem with the configuration of the

existing power at the Caravan Park. Currently the old board is running the old toilet block, the

security lights and the park home owned by Ernie Ventris and the powered sites along the

western and southern side. The new power board is running the new ablution block, chalets,

railway barracks and campers kitchen. Jeff is quoting to run the new park home, Ventris’s home

and the powered sites on the Southern Side from the new power board to alleviate this load. I

am hoping to have this quote for the meeting.

Act Belong Commit Mukinbudin Spring Festival – Ruth continues to contribute a large

amount of her time each week to the festival. Unfortunately with the loss of the Regional Events

money we have had to spend a bit of time reworking the budget and making some decisions as

to what will stay and what will go. Both Ruth and I have applied for 3 smaller grants to try and

access some further funding.

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Tampu Bin – I am in contact with the Men’s Shed to complete this project. I will be budgeting for

signage and perhaps a solar light in the 2014/15 budget.

Dry Season Funding $10,000 – Money has been spent on a number of events:

Breakfast at the Shed $ 159.78

Swimming Pool Opening $ 916.55

End of Year Town Function $3,873.95

Crèche Big Hoo Haa $ 300.00

Total $5,250.28

I still need some direction as to how you want the remaining money spent.

Beringbooding Tank – Roof – Since the last Council Meeting two onsite meetings have been

held with a variety of stakeholders. The first was whilst I was away on leave held on Tuesday

22nd April with representatives from the Water Corporation GRANT FUNDING PROJECTS:

Current Successful Projects:

RAC Grass Roots Application – As advised this was held at the School last term. The stickers

were not quite handed out as expected so there are still a few to deliver to households with

instructions sheets. This will be done shortly and then the acquittal will be completed.

and Councillors attending.

The second was with the Hon. Mia Davies MLA BMM Minister for Water; Forestry;), Hon Martin Aldridge MLA Member for the Agricultural Region and staff, Pip Kirby Wheatbelt Development Commission, Michael Allen, Department of Water, Cr’s Brian Watson and Sandie Ventris, Stuart, Dave and myself.

This meeting was quite productive and important to actually show the size and of the tank to the people attending. Mia made an undertaking to have the roof removed which is programmed for the 2014/15 year subject to funding. Mia was very mindful however not just to remove the roof and leave the tank without a plan to replace. Mia requested a letter detailing the background of the tank and our requests for the reroofing. The background has been drafted and we are just finalising our requests. Mia is then going to see if there could be a number of options to fund the possible reroofing of the tank.

We currently still have $15,000 of the CWSP funding from the Department of Water to spend. Stuart has made a request to Michael Allen to utilise some of this to finish the installation of the swipe card system for the standpipe controllers at the Beringbooding Tank as detailed below. Stuart sourced a quote from Waterman Irrigation for this work as detailed below.

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This price is exclusive of GST and Michael Allen from the Department of Water has approved of this being funded from the CWSP funding. This will leave approximately $5,000 left to spend and he suggests that we could use this to fly Danny deGraf from AquaAmour over to look at the tank unless Council has any other suggestions.

Popes Hill Anzac Interpretive Site – I have now received letters of support from the RSL State

President and the Bencubbin Sub Branch of the RSL. I have also had Len Cargeeg visit and

email me regarding this project. Both declined to contribute financially. Len is very keen and has

offered to assist with the research. I have given Len some more information from our old rate

books and he is using this to give me the information on each soldier settler in the Lake Brown

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area. I also received an email from the 2/16th Battalion Association advising that they had

received my request for financial assistance and support. This was being discussed at the next

meeting which was held on the 7th May 2014. I have contacted them again asking for feedback.

Once their approval has been given I will then be able to prepare the funding application.

Mukinbudin Tourist Night – I will be taking this further after seeding has finished. I propose to call another meeting with those that were present at this night to see if we can prioritise some of the excellent ideas that were discussed

Familiarisation Tour - I am working through the inventory of items needing attention and ideas which were recorded. Those that can be actioned staight away have been started on and the remaining will be investigated for the 2014/15 budget.

Anzac Dawn Service I tried to work with the Steve Sprigg to have a Youtube clip of the song “and the band played waltzing matilda” shown just prior to the service as it had been requested by Whispie Bayley. This could not proceed due to RSL protocol. There are strict guidelines which they must follow when organising and running these events. I did not attend this service but heard that it was very well attended.

Central Wheatbelt Visitors Centre (CWVC) Stuart and I attended a CWVC workshop at the Shire of Merredin with representatives from Roe Tourism, NewTravel, Shire of Merredin, Corrigin, Lake Grace and Yilgarn. The workshop was to try and reach an understanding to develop a current MOU for the Central Wheatbelt Visitors Centre. The regions were being asked to increase their contribtuion to cover the shortfall of what it was costing the Shire of Merredin to run this centre. A good discussion was held with the Shire of Merredin being advised of the original background to the CWVC and how the regions became involved. It was decided that MOU would be between the toursim groups not individual shires – ie Roe Tourism, NewTravel and in the absence of a central tourism group, WEROC. Each Group will be asked to contribute $11,000. Currently NEWTRAVEL contribute $9,000. This will be put to NEWROC by the Tourism Officer. However Linda Vernon, Stuart and myself had a brief discussion about this and think that Newtravel could cover another $1,000 without further cost to Councils this year and that we would now ask the Shire of Dowerin to contribute annualy to cover the other $1,000. Over and above this contribution there will be a fee for service based on the cost being shared by 15 Councils.

Regional Promotion Trade Shows x 2 $333.00 Eastern Wheatbelt Brochure $2,538.00 Advertising Co-ops $200.00 The main expenditure item for Council will be the $2,538.00 as the other two amounts are already included in the NEWTRAVEL Budget. This item will be presented by Linda Vernon and Caroline Robinson in more detail to the next NEWROC Council Meeting.

Mukinbudin Complex Windows – After a recent broken window at the Complex, Stuart asked me to investigate the remaining glass windows to ascertain if they met the required safety standards. Mukinbudin Glass inspected the windows and advised that in

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the function room there was 8 pieces of glass (all top pieces) two windows in the chair room and two in the entrance of the complex (Kids room) that are 3mm float glass which is no longer legal to be put in commercial glazing buildings. When this glass breaks, it breaks with jagged edges and falls out with sharp edges which is quite dangerous. By law glaziers must install 6.38mm laminated safety glass. There is also one other low window in the function room which is loose that needs repairing. This is 5mm and David thinks this is also float glass. He has also quoted to replace this. The small window in the Kitchen near the dishwasher has also been quoted for. David thinks this may be ok to leave, however children sit up on the small ledge outside which is a concern. The total amount to replace these windows is $5,574.00. Mukinbudin Glass is not registered for GST.

Meetings Attended/Events Organised:

14th April 2014 – 28th April 2014 Annual Leave

30th April 2014 - Beringbooding Tank Meeting on Site

7th May 2014 – Kidsport Meeting & forum with Department of Sport & Recreation in Merredin

9th May 2014 – Central Wheatbelt Visitors Centre MOU workshop at the Shire of Merredin

Financial Implications:

There is no financial implication for the recommendation as the full cost of the standpipe controllers at the Beringbooding Tank will be covered by funding already received. If we do not come up with an appropriate use for this funding it will need to be returned to the Department of Water.

Strategic Implications:


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority


That Council note

1. the above Community Services Officers Report.

2. agree to reallocate $9,496.00 from the CWSP Funding received from the Department of Water to

be used to engage Waterman Irrigation to complete the installation of the Standpipe controller at

the Beringbooding Tank

Council Decision Number – 1065

Moved: Cr Sippe Seconded: Cr Watson

That Council

1. note the above Community Services Officers Report and

2. agree to reallocate $10,000.00 from the CWSP Funding received from the Department of Water

to be used to engage Waterman Irrigation to complete the installation of the Standpipe controller

at the Beringbooding Tank.

3. agree to reallocate $5,000 Department of Water CWSP grant funds to be utilised for an Aqua

Armour rep to visit the Beringbooding tank.

Carried 6 /0

Cr Seaby out 3.16pm returned 3.17pm

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Mrs Brandis Ann left the meeting at 3.21 pm

The President adjourned the meeting for an afternoon tea break at 3.22pm

Cr Ventris out 3.25 returned 3.45

The Shire President Resumed the meeting at 3.41pm

Cr O’Neil out 3.59pm returned 4.08 pm

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8.3 Deputy Chief Executive Officer Reports

8.3.1 List of Payments – April 2014

Location: Mukinbudin

File Ref:

Applicant: Dave Hannington - DCEO

Date: 14 May 2014

Disclosure of Interest: NIL

Responsible Officer Dave Hannington - DCEO

Author: Dave Hannington - DCEO

If a Councillor has any questions regarding the enclosed finances, please see the Deputy Chief

Executive Officer prior to the meeting so that a researched answer may be provided.


A list of payments submitted to Council on 21st May 2014, for confirmation in respect of accounts already

being paid or for the authority to those unpaid. (Please refer to Payment listing submitted as a separate


Financial Implications

A list of payments is required to be presented to Council as per section 13 of the Local Government

(Financial Management) Regulations 1996.

Policy Implications

Council Policy No. 1.6.5 (e) states that a list of payments is required to be presented to Council each

month in accordance with Financial Management Regulations 13(1) for recording in the minutes.

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority


That the list of payments to today’s meeting on Vouchers –

Direct Debits D/D 175.1-D/D 177.1 (3112.91)

Muni Cheques 30862 to 30894 ($71,575.01) and

Muni EFT’s – EFT 44 to EFT 111 ($407,238.47) and

Trust D/D 137.1-181.1 ,EFT – EFT 78 and EFT 113 (35,637.75)

Totalling $517,564.14

for payments made in April 2014, be passed for payment.

Council Decision Number – 1066

Moved: Cr Ventris Seconded: Cr Seaby

That the list of payments to today’s meeting on Vouchers –

Direct Debits D/D 175.1-D/D 177.1 (3,112.91)

Muni Cheques 30862 to 30885 ($71,575.01) and

Muni EFT’s – EFT 44 to EFT 89 ($407,238.47) and

Trust D/D 137.1-181.1 ,EFT – EFT 78 and EFT 113 (35,637.75)

Totalling $517,564.14

for payments made in April 2014, be passed for payment.

Carried 6 / 0

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8.3.2 Monthly Statement of Financial Activity Report – March 2014

Location: Mukinbudin

File Ref:

Applicant: Dave Hannington - DCEO

Date: 15 May 2014

Disclosure of Interest: NIL

Responsible Officer Dave Hannington - DCEO

Author: Dave Hannington - DCEO


This information is provided to Council on a monthly basis in accordance with provisions of the Local

Government Act 1995 and Local Government (Financial Management Regulations 1996).

The new format out of SynergySoft Monthly Statement of Financial Activity for the period ending 31st

March 2014 are attached for Councillor Information, and consisting of;

Statement of Financial Activity

1. Acquisition of Assets

2. Disposal of Assets

3. Information on Borrowings

4. Reserves

5. Net Current Assets

6. Rating Information

7. Trust Funds

8. Operating Statement

9. Statement of Financial Position

10. Financial Ratios

11. Grants Report

12. Supplementary Information

Financial Implications

There is no direct financial Implication in relation to this matter.

Statutory Environment

General Financial Management of Council, Council 2013/14 Budget, Local Government (Financial

Management) Regulations 1996, r34, Local Government Act 1995, section 6.4

Policy Implication

Council is required annually to adopt a policy on what it considers to be material as far as variances that

require to be reported for Council. Council policy is that the material variation be set at $10,000 and


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority


That Council adopt the Monthly Financial Reports for the periods ending 31st March 2014 and note and

material variances greater than $10,000 and 10%.

Council Decision Number – 1067

Moved: Cr Sippe Seconded: Cr Watson

That Council adopt the Monthly Financial Report for the periods ending 31st March 2014 and note

any material variance greater than $10,000 and 10%.

Carried 6 / 0

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8.4 Chief Executive Officer’s Reports

8.4.1 Chief Executive Officer’s Report- April 2014

Location: Shire

File Ref: Applicant: Stuart Billingham – CEO

Date: 16 May 2014

Disclosure of Interest: NIL

Responsible Officer Stuart Billingham – CEO

Author: Stuart Billingham – CEO

1.1 Meetings - Past



23 April Executive Meeting

24 April Site Meeting Beringbooding Tank with Chris Davie Water Corp Cr Watson Cr Palm.

25 April Attended Mukinbudin ANZAC Day Dawn Service

28 April Attended Memorial Service in Kununoppin for Dr Radunovich


2 May Executive Meeting

5-6 May Housing and Building Inspections CEO, Denis Heffernan Cr Sippe Cr ??? (NB: Cr

Lancaster away LOA)

5 May Meeting Waterman Henk De Graaf

7 May IT Vision User Group Meeting in Northam with DCEO

9 May Central Wheatbelt Visitors Centre MOU meeting Merredin with CSO

14 May Toolbox Meeting Gang 7am

15 May CRC Management Committee meeting

21 May Council Meeting 1.00pm start

1.2 Meetings – Future

May 2014

27 May Derrandee Property Auctions at Shire of Mukinbudin for unpaid rates 3.00pm

27-28 May UHY Haines Norton Interim Audit and FMR Review

29-30 May UHY Shire of Somewhere Training CEO and DCEO Perth Zoo

June 2014

2 June Public Holiday WA Day

1.3. Staff


1.4 Current/Emerging Issues

1.4.1 Metro Local Government - Structural Reform – LGAB 30 Councils reduce to 15 by 1 July

2015 - Map released

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1.4.2 Beringbooding Tank – Funding for Roof and Conservation Plan meeting held with District

Manager Water Corporation-Hugh Lavery. Site Meeting with Mia Davies and Dept of

Water Michael Allen.

1.4.3 Mukinbudin Waste Water agreement expired - meeting held with District Manager Water

Corporation-Hugh Lavery potential funding for water treatment 2nd on list after Corrigin.

Mrs Angela Herzer from Water Corporation Northam to visit soon re new draft agreement.

1.4.4 Local Government Energy Efficiency Program (LGEEP) needs to be finalised 31 May

2014. DCEO House completed. CEO House installation in progress. 300L Solar system from Lot 208 Salmon Gum Alley to be installed Ablution Block in Caravan Park. 2 x 200L systems for new Houses in Caravan Park to be moved to 1 x 25 Cruickshank Road CV Park Managers House and 1 x 5 Cruikshank Road.

1.4.5 State Budget See WALGA Newsletter for further details

Voting Requirements



That Council note the Chief Executive Officer’s Report.

Council Decision Number – 1068

Moved: Cr O’Neil Seconded: Cr Seaby

That Council note the Chief Executive Officer’s Report.

Carried 6 / 0

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8.4.2 NEWROC Council Meeting – 22nd April 2014

Location: NEWROC

File Ref:

Applicant: Stuart Billingham – CEO

Date: 16 May 2014

Disclosure of Interest: NIL

Responsible Officer Stuart Billingham – CEO

Author: Stuart Billingham – CEO


A Council Meeting of NEWROC was held on Tuesday 22nd April 2014 in Shire of Mukinbudin at the

District Club. (The minutes from the meeting are submitted as a separate attachment Item 8.4.2 for

Councillors information.)


The following presentations were made to the meeting:


The following items were discussed at the Executive Meeting:

6.1. Structural Reform Workshop 6.2 NRM Strategy 2015 to 2020 6.3. Future Priority Issues

Next NEWROC Meeting dates: 27 May Executive Shire of Nungarin 24 June Council Shire of Nungarin 22 July Executive Shire of Trayning 26 August Council Shire of Trayning 23 Sept Executive Shire of Wyalkatchem 28 October Council Shire of Wyalkatchem 25 November Executive Shire of Koorda 16 December Council Shire of Koorda

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

Officer recommendation:

That Council notes the report on the NEWROC Council meeting minutes held on 22nd April 2014.

Council Decision Number – 1069 Moved: Cr Sippe Seconded: Cr O’Neil

That Council notes the report on the NEWROC Council meeting minutes held on 22nd April 2014

Carried 6 / 0

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8.4.3 Shire of Mukinbudin – Bush Fire Advisory Committee Minutes 14 April 2014

Location: Shire

File Ref: Applicant: Stuart Billingham – CEO

Date: 15 May 2014

Disclosure of Interest: NIL

Responsible Officer Stuart Billingham – CEO

Author: Stuart Billingham – CEO


The Shire of Mukinbudin Bush Fire Advisory Committee was held at the Shire of

Mukinbudin Council Chambers on Monday 14 April 2014. (Minutes are submitted as a

separate attachment)

Officer Comment



Policy Implication


Statutory Environment

Local Government Act 1995

Bush Fires Act 1954

Financial Implications


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

Officer Recommendation:

That the minutes of the Shire of Mukinbudin Bush Fire Advisory Committee AGM 14 April 2014 be


Council Decision Number – 1070

Moved: Cr Sippe Seconded: Cr Ventris

That the minutes of the Shire of Mukinbudin Bush Fire Advisory Committee AGM 14 April 2014 be


Carried 6 / 0

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8.4.4 Treasury Corporation-Execution of Master Lending Agreement

Location: Shire

File Ref: WA Treasury Corporation

Applicant: CEO

Date: 13 April 2014

Disclosure of Interest: Nil

Responsible Officer Stuart Billingham – CEO

Author: Stuart Billingham – CEO


The Shire of Mukinbudin has received correspondence from the Western Australian Treasury

Corporation (WATC) dated 7 May 2014 regarding the execution of the Local Government Master

Lending Agreement (LGMLA). (Please refer to Local Government Master Lending Agreement submitted

as a separate attachment)

The document sweeps all existing loans under the LGMLA and facilitates future borrowings under the

one agreement thereby removing the need for individual loan agreements to be executed under seal

each time the Shire of Mukinbudin borrows from the WATC.

Subdivision 3 — Borrowings

6.20. Power to borrow

(1) Subject to this Act, a local government may —

(a) borrow or re-borrow money; or

(b) obtain credit; or

(c) arrange for financial accommodation to be extended to the local government in ways additional to or other

than borrowing money or obtaining credit,

to enable the local government to perform the functions and exercise the powers conferred on it under this

Act or any other written law.

(2) Where, in any financial year, a local government proposes to exercise a power under subsection (1) (power

to borrow) and details of that proposal have not been included in the annual budget for that financial

year —

(a) unless the proposal is of a prescribed kind, the local government must give one month’s local public notice

of the proposal; and

(b) the resolution to exercise that power is to be by absolute majority.

(3) Where a local government has exercised a power to borrow and —

(a) it does not wish to proceed with the performance of the function or the exercise of the power for which the

power to borrow was exercised; or

(b) after having completed the performance of the function or the exercise of the power for which the power

to borrow was exercised, any part of the money borrowed, credit obtained or financial

accommodation arranged has not been expended or utilized,

the local government may resolve* to expend the money or utilize the credit or financial accommodation

for another purpose if one month’s local public notice is given of the proposed change of purpose.

* Absolute majority required.

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Officer Comment

The WATC LGMLA is designed to streamline the loan process when the Shire of Mukinbudin is required

to raise a future loan with the WATC. It should be noted that new loans will still require Council Approval

to be raised. Future loan applications by the Shire of Mukinbudin to WATC will still need to comply with

the WATC Credit Approval policy before funds will be made available.



Policy Implication


Statutory Environment

Local Government Act 1995

Local Government (Function and General) Regulations 1996

Financial Implications

Yes - Future loans raised with WATC as part of the Annual Budget process approved by Council.

Strategic Implications

Yes – More streamlined loan raising process with WATC

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

Officer Recommendation:

That the Shire of Mukinbudin

i) Enters into a Master Lending Agreement with Western Australian Treasury Corporation as

per the document tabled at this meeting.

ii) Approves the affixation of the Common Seal of the Shire of Mukinbudin to the said Master

Lending Agreement in the Presence of the Shire President and the Chief Executive Officer or

an Agent or a Senior Employee of the Shire of Mukinbudin authorised by the Chief Executive

Officer each of whom shall sign the document to attest the affixation of the Common Seal

thereto; and

iii) Authorises the Chief Executive Officer, Agent or any one of the Senior Employees of the

Shire of Mukinbudin authorised by the Chief Executive Officer from time to time is authorised

to sign schedule documents under the Master Lending Agreement and or to give instructions

thereunder on behalf of the Shire of Mukinbudin.

Council Decision Number – 1071

Moved: Cr Seaby Seconded: Cr Watson

That the Shire of Mukinbudin

i) Enters into a Master Lending Agreement with Western Australian Treasury Corporation as per

the document tabled at this meeting.

ii) Approves the affixation of the Common Seal of the Shire of Mukinbudin to the said Master

Lending Agreement in the Presence of the Shire President and the Chief Executive Officer or an

Agent or a Senior Employee of the Shire of Mukinbudin authorised by the Chief Executive Officer

each of whom shall sign the document to attest the affixation of the Common Seal thereto; and

iii) Authorises the Chief Executive Officer, Agent or any one of the Senior Employees of the Shire

of Mukinbudin authorised by the Chief Executive Officer from time to time is authorised to sign

schedule documents under the Master Lending Agreement and or to give instructions thereunder

on behalf of the Shire of Mukinbudin.

Carried 6 / 0

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8.4.5 Shire of Mukinbudin- Universal Housing CLGF RFT 01/2014,02/2014 and 03/2014

Location: Shire

File Ref: Applicant: CEO

Date: 13 May 2014

Disclosure of Interest: Nil

Responsible Officer Stuart Billingham – CEO

Author: Dave Hannington – DCEO

Background: The Shire of Mukinbudin Council at its Ordinary Council Meeting 16 April 2014 item 8.4.3 resolved:

“That the Shire of Mukinbudin forms a Tender Working Party consisting of the Shire

President and Cr Sippe, Cr Seaby, CEO and DCEO to visit the preferred shortlist of

RFT 01/2014, RFT 02/2014, RFT 03/02014 tenderers and make a recommendation

back to Council on the preferred tenderer.”


Value for money is an overarching principle governing purchasing that allows the best possible outcome to be achieved for the Local Government. It is important to note that compliance with the specification is more important than obtaining the lowest price, particularly taking into account user requirements, quality standards, sustainability, life cycle costing, and service benchmarks.

An assessment of the best value for money outcome for any purchasing should consider:

all relevant whole-of-life costs and benefits whole of life cycle costs (for goods) and whole of contract life costs (for services) including transaction costs associated with acquisition, delivery, distribution, as well as other costs such as but not limited to holding costs, consumables, deployment, maintenance and disposal.

the technical merits of the goods or services being offered in terms of compliance with specifications, contractual terms and conditions and any relevant methods of assuring quality;

financial viability and capacity to supply without risk of default. (Competency of the prospective suppliers in terms of managerial and technical capabilities and compliance history);

a strong element of competition in the allocation of orders or the awarding of contracts. This is achieved by obtaining a sufficient number of competitive quotations wherever practicable.

Where a higher priced conforming offer is recommended, there should be clear and demonstrable benefits over and above the lowest total priced, conforming offer.

Officer Comment Officer evaluation of the tenders has continued, since it quickly became apparent that further information and clarification was required from some tenderers to provide a level playing field to compare suppliers for the purposes of this tender. Some tenders have varied form the Tender specifications also. e.g. quoting instantaneous gas HWS instead of Electric Storage HWS. The CEO and DCEO have also investigated the issue of GST and Imputation credits, to establish if GST is reclaimable by the Shire on the construction price of the buildings. As a result of this investigation, it is concluded that input tax credits cannot be reclaimed on either the construction of the two Aged Care units (RFT 02/14) or the Executive dwelling (RFT 03/14).

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This will mean that the tendered prices in respect of RFT 02/14 and RFT 03/14 will require increasing by an amount of ten percent, equivalent to the GST. In respect of the Caravan Park dwelling (RFT 01/14), GST input tax is reclaimable. To allow these projects to proceed, it is suggested that the additional costs associated with this be funded via a transfer from the Building Reserve or Seniors Aged Housing Reserve funds. The exact amount of the Transfer from either Reserve cannot be quantified until the successful Tenderers and prices are established. NB: Other costs not covered in the CLGF funding are soil testing, pad prep, Water connection, Power connection, headworks, A/c connection, brick paving, fencing, landscaping, clothes lines, plants, retic, etc will need to be covered from the Shire Building Reserve to finish the houses. 10% contingency may need to be considered also for unforeseen costs.

CLGF Budget CLGF Funding of $769, 426.00 excluding gst Interest $21,746.44 excluding gst Sub Total $791,172.44 excluding gst Shire of Mukinbudin Cash $60,000.00 excluding gst Total $851,172.44 Shire of Mukinbudin 2013/14 funds amended budget Shire of Koorda CLGF Funding of $769,426.00 excluding gst Shire of Koorda Interest $21,746.44 excluding gst Shire of Mukinbudin Cash $43,442.00 excluding gst Total $834,614.44 Amount required from Building Reserve to cover gst and funding shortfall including 5% contingency of $43,930.50 is Nett Actual costs are $878,610 after gst Shortfall of $43,995.56 required from Building Reserve fund. Total required for approval from the Building reserve $87,926.06. Current balance is $197,821. Consultation CEO, DCEO, Building Surveyor and Suppliers. Policy Implication 1.6.10 Purchasing and Tender Policy Statutory Environment Local Government Act 1995 Local Government (Function and General) Regulations 1996 Financial Implications Yes – 2013/14 Budget Strategic Implications Yes – Future Shire of Mukinbudin Housing needs Voting Requirements

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Absolute Majority Vote Required for Use of Reserve Funds Budget Amendment Recommendation: That the Shire of Mukinbudin accepts the Tenders from

1. Fleetwood Homes for RFT 01/2014 for $171,297.50 including GST;

2. Mukinbudin Building for RFT 02/2014 for $399,100.00 including GST; 3. ICS for RFT 03/2014 for $323,785.00 including GST

And the CEO notifies the unsuccessful tenderers of the successful tender details including price.


That Council approves a transfer from the Building Reserve of a maximum of $87,926.06 to cover the

incidental costs. (AMVR)

Council Decision Number – 1072

Moved: Cr Seaby Seconded: Cr Watson

That the Shire of Mukinbudin accepts the Tender from Fleetwood Homes for RFT 01/2014 for

$171,297.50.00 including GST;

And the CEO notifies the unsuccessful tenderers of the successful tender details including price.


That tenders RFT02/2014 and RFT 03/2014 lay in the table for a Special Council meeting.

Carried 6 / 0

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8.4.6 Write Off of Sundry Debtor

Location: Shire

File Ref: Applicant: CEO

Date: 15 May 2014

Disclosure of Interest: NIL

Responsible Officer: Stuart Billingham – CEO

Author: Stuart Billingham – CEO


To present Council a request from the CEO to write off a sundry debtor 25 of $330 incl gst for Caravan

Park Accommodation which is now considered to have become a bad debt irrecoverable.


Invoice number 3383 for WCL Contractors was raised on 04/04/2013 for $330.00 for Caravan Park

Accommodation. Investigations by Shire staff with the Shire of Harvey have revealed the

abovementioned company also has outstanding rates on the Shire of Harvey rate book.

Staff have been advised that they have outstanding rates on this property and didn’t have any contact

details for them. The mobile phone number supplied to the Shire of Mukinbudin Caravan Park Manager

supplied is disconnected.

The Local Government Act 1995 section 6.12 states the following

6.12. Power to defer, grant discounts, waive or write off debts

(1) Subject to subsection (2) and any other written law, a local government may —

(a) when adopting the annual budget, grant* a discount or other incentive for the early

payment of any amount of money; or

(b) waive or grant concessions in relation to any amount of money; or

(c) write off any amount of money,

which is owed to the local government.

* Absolute majority required.


Given the age of the sundry debtor and the cost of a skip trace it is supported for Council to write this

amount off as a bad Debt.

Financial Implications Reduced Income and reduced outstanding Sundry Debtors over 90 days

Statutory Environment

Local Government Act 1995

Strategic Implications


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Policy Implications


Voting Requirements

Absolute Majority Vote Required


That Council agrees to write off Sundry Debtor 25 WCL Contractor amounting to $330incl gst for

Mukinbudin Caravan Park Accommodation fees.

Council Decision Number – 1073

Moved: Cr Sippe Seconded: Cr Ventris

That Council agrees to write off Sundry Debtor 25 WCL Contractor amounting to $330incl gst for

Mukinbudin Caravan Park Accommodation fees.

Carried 6 / 0

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8.4.7 Lease of 5 Cruickshank – L & R Poultney

Location: Shire

File Ref:

Applicant: CEO

Date: 15 May 2014

Disclosure of Interest: NIL

Responsible Officer Stuart Billingham – CEO

Author: Stuart Billingham – CEO


To present Council a request to lease a Shire Staff House at 5 Cruickshank Road Mukinbudin.


The Shire has received correspondence form L & R Poultney dated 14 May 2014 requesting the lease of

5 Cruickshank Road Mukinbudin for $150 per week. (Please refer to letter submitted as a separate


c3.58. Disposing of property

(1) In this section —

dispose includes to sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of, whether absolutely or not;

property includes the whole or any part of the interest of a local government in property, but does not include


(2) Except as stated in this section, a local government can only dispose of property to —

(a) the highest bidder at public auction; or

(b) the person who at public tender called by the local government makes what is, in the opinion of the local

government, the most acceptable tender, whether or not it is the highest tender.

(3) A local government can dispose of property other than under subsection (2) if, before agreeing to dispose of the

property —

(a) it gives local public notice of the proposed disposition —

(i) describing the property concerned; and

(ii) giving details of the proposed disposition; and

(iii) inviting submissions to be made to the local government before a date to be specified in the

notice, being a date not less than 2 weeks after the notice is first given;


(b) it considers any submissions made to it before the date specified in the notice and, if its decision is made

by the council or a committee, the decision and the reasons for it are recorded in the minutes of the

meeting at which the decision was made.

(4) The details of a proposed disposition that are required by subsection (3)(a)(ii) include —

(a) the names of all other parties concerned; and

(b) the consideration to be received by the local government for the disposition; and

(c) the market value of the disposition —

(i) as ascertained by a valuation carried out not more than 6 months before the proposed disposition;


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(ii) as declared by a resolution of the local government on the basis of a valuation carried out more

than 6 months before the proposed disposition that the local government believes to be a true

indication of the value at the time of the proposed disposition.

(5) This section does not apply to —

(a) a disposition of an interest in land under the Land Administration Act 1997 section 189 or 190; or

(b) a disposition of property in the course of carrying on a trading undertaking as defined in section 3.59; or

(c) anything that the local government provides to a particular person, for a fee or otherwise, in the performance of

a function that it has under any written law; or

(d) any other disposition that is excluded by regulations from the application of this section.


The Staff house in question 5 Cruickshank Road has been vacant since Shire employee Mr Green

moved out in April 14 and is now considered available for the public to rent or lease, surplus to


Financial Implications Yes – Possible Rental Revenue in 2014/15 Budget of $150 per week for 12 months total $7,800.

Statutory Environment

Local Government Act 1995

Strategic Implications


Policy Implications


Voting Requirements

Simple Vote Required


That Council;

1. Advertises by way of Local Public Notice it wishes to rent 5 Cruickshank Rd for $150 per week for 12

months to Mr L & Mrs R Poultney.

2. Subject to no submissions being received the CEO be authorised to sign a tenancy agreement for 12

month @ $150 per week. Otherwise comments to be considered by Council.

Council Decision Number – 1074

Moved: Cr Ventris Seconded: Cr O’Neil

That Council;

1. Advertises by way of Local Public Notice it wishes to rent 5 Cruickshank Rd for $150 per week

for 12 months to Mr L & Mrs R Poultney.

2. Subject to no submissions being received the CEO be authorised to sign a tenancy agreement

for 12 month @ $150 per week. Otherwise comments to be considered by Council.

Carried 6 / 0

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8.5 Environmental Health Officer’s Reports


8.6 Mukinbudin Caravan Park Manager’s Report

8.6.1 Mukinbudin Caravan Park Report – March 2014

Location: Mukinbudin

File Ref:

Applicant: Tania Sprigg

Date: 10 April 2014

Disclosure of Interest: NIL

Responsible Officer Stuart Billingham

Author: Tania Sprigg

May has been steady with patronage. We had a few campers over the Easter Weekend, which meant

the camper’s kitchen was well used, BUT a lot of complaints it was too HOT inside!!!

Also still getting complaints with NO TV!! . It would be great if reverse cycle air-con and a TV for the

camper’s kitchen could be a must for the budget.

We had another mains blockage again causing an issue with toilets etc would be great to see the new

powered site-water and plumbing re done on the West side of park.


Tania Sprigg

CEO Comment

CEO inspection of Caravan Park with Arborist has advised River Red Gums species shed limbs

without warning. Currently planted in large numbers in the Mukinbudin Caravan Park and

Townsite. Some River Gum trees beyond recovery due to previous tree pruning programs.

Signage regarding TV reception to be purchased and installed explaining Shire of Mukinbudin

District is Direct to Satellite on the Viewer Access Satellite Television (VAST) Platform.14/15


Condition of ceiling and floor coverings in the Caretakers house has been inspected by CEO May

2014.Budget 14/15

Power Supply upgrade completed April 2014 by Transfield Future Grid contractor and

Mukinbudin Electrical.

Draft Employment Contract for Tania received from Workplace solutions

Cleaners Ross and Dianne as Assistant Caravan Park Managers no longer require moving into

town in a Shire CV Park Managers House.

2013/14 2013/14

Budget Actual YTD

Power Connection $ 9,339 $9,339 in prog ($2,521+$6,818) Budget Amend+$4,397

Sewerage Line $ 9,300 $ 0 In progress express int for quotes

Ringlock Fencing $ 1,000 $ 0 In progress

Total $19,639 $9,339

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5 Rivers Plumbing Quote increased to $15,519 excl gst and Matt Palm quotes followed up by

CSO for Waste water line (see CSO report for further details)

Mukinbudin Caravan Park Annual Income

Self Contained

Units Barracks Sites Washing Machine Total

2005/2006 19358.08 11082.32 10521.76 1171.16 42133.32

2006/2007 22820.21 9753.06 17095.2 981.35 50649.82

2007/2008 27304.76 5422.75 11244.47 678.16 44650.14

2008/2009 37214.39 10554.55 16773.76 663.63 65206.33

2009/2010 33567.84 9096.35 15504.7 1036.36 59205.25

2010/2011 38054.93 15604.59 15817.92 845.55 70322.99

2011/2012 34724.53 11056.46 18753.08 773.19 65307.26

2012/2013 44682.83 17477.98 24860.15 1050.17 88071.13

Mukinbudin Caravan Park Income and Expenditure

Self Contained

Units Barracks Sites Washing Machine

Total Income Expenditure

July 13 5131.83 872.72 1240.90 181.82 7427.27 5582.10

Aug 13 5072.72 1418.16 3252.60 203.68 9947.16 16520.12

Sept 13 5310.89 2912.68 5443.76 189.09 13856.42 8203.55

Oct 13 3727.30 945.46 4899.53 219.00 9791.29 10809.85

Nov 13 2990.04 1679.98 1494.55 0.00 6164.57 5928.27

Dec 13 7409.10 801.81 552.27 0.00 8763.18 8117.43

Jan 14 3909.11 1390.91 1696.13 144.64 7140.79 6548.61

Feb 14 954.54 1336.37 385.45 75.45 2751.81 3378.18

Mar 14 1500.02 992.70 1465.46 0.00 3958.18 5402.00

Apr 14 3872.73 1209.1 1956.38 18.48 7056.39 9811.29

May 14

Jun 14

Total 39878.28 13559.89 22387.03 1032.16 76857.06 80301.40


That Council note the above Caravan Park Managers Report.

Council Decision Number – 1075

Moved: Cr Watson Seconded: Cr Ventris

That Council notes the above Caravan Park Managers Report.

Carried 6 / 0

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8.7 Swimming Pool Manager’s Report

8.7.1 Mukinbudin Swimming Pool Report April 2014

Location: Mukinbudin

File Ref:

Applicant: Luke Sprigg

Date: 15 May 2014

Disclosure of Interest: NIL

Responsible Officer Stuart Billingham

Author: Luke Sprigg

No Pool Managers report this month

CEO Comment

Budget Actual YTD

Retaining Wall/Paving $13,610 $10,672 completed

BBQ Shelter $15,800 $11,800 completed

Shelter plumbing and Trenching $ 2,258 $ 1,148 completed

Engineering Plans $ 1,000 $ 818 completed

Soil, Turf and Retic landscape $41,430 $41,430 completed

Upgrade of Lights $12,200 $ 5,535 completed

Mens changerooms Disabled Toilet $ 6,000 $ 0 pending plans Pending design/Quote

Ablution Building re roofing $ 2,000 $ 0 pending plans design(Quote $4,650)

Woodchips $ 0 $ 3,000 complete

Other (Shire in kind Labour Plant) $ 0 $ 6,630

Other $ 0 $ 1,404

Optidrive $ 0 $ 10,110

Steps $ 0 $ 0

Total $94,298 $92,547

Budget Amendment – Opti-drive installed by Western Energy Services on 10 April 2014

Diving Board Step ordered from Mukinbudin Steel Purchase Order $10,700 excl GST

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority


That Council note the above Pool Managers Report.

Council Decision Number – 1076

Moved: Cr Sippe Seconded: Cr Seaby

That Council notes the above Pool Managers Report.

Carried 6 / 0

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8.8 NRMO Report

8.8.1 NRMO Report April 2014

Location: Mukinbudin

File Ref:

Applicant: Claire Baker - NRMO

Date: 14 May 2014

Disclosure of Interest: NIL

Responsible Officer Stuart Billingham - CEO

Author: Claire Baker - NRMO

NRMO Report – Claire Baker

April 2014 – May 2014

Shires of Koorda, Wyalkatchem & Mukinbudin


8th April – Wyalkatchem – Meeting with Gardener Re: Rabbit control

8th April – Wyalkatchem – Meeting with Trevor Webb Re: Gravel Pits

10th April – Koorda - RBG EO CWDSG Meeting

10th April – Koorda – Meeting with Rick Storer Re: Farmers Group

10th April – Koorda – Meeting with EO from CWDSG Re: Project Support

11th April – Koorda – BioFund Site Survey – George Collins

14th April – Mukinbudin – DRF Site Survey (North Barbalin Rd)

30th April – Koorda – NRMO Biodiversity Fund Meeting

7th – 9th March – Busselton – State NRM Conference

12th March – Koorda – Meeting with Darren West Re: Refuse Site

STATE NRM GRANT – Feral Pest Eradication through use of 1080 and research into bait

palatability, attractiveness and non – target species attraction”

Shire of Koorda, Wyalkatchem & Mukinbudin

Bait Trial sites; Koorda: Confirmed: Greg Westlund, Carl Fushbishler, Rick Storer & David Nairn.

Wyalkatchem: in contact with Terri Jasper for suitable sites.

Mukinbudin: In contact with Gary McDonald/ Cameron Wild (Bio-Security Officer) about sites

where dogs are present.

If trial sites seem slim in some shires I may look at monitoring sites just out of shire boundary

where there is an issue to raise awareness before it is a problem (approved by DAFWA)

Drafted documents such as expenditure sheets, advertising, trial site information, supplier

information such as prices/ licence numbers/ contacts.

Approved advertising through DAFWA and have sent out to local papers and places suitable to


Baits still being advertised in the three shires

Camera’s & accessories have been ordered and delivered

Pindone oats & phostoxin tablets has been ordered for the rabbit issue in Wyalkatchem town

In contact with contractors who may be able to assist in project delivery met through the State

NRM Conference

CWDSG sponsoring the project as well as contracting my services for camera monitoring –

invoice has been sent to the EO of the CWDSG.

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All invoices collated and sent to the Koorda Shire for records and payment

All permit applications & records on file in Koorda NRM Office

Change of S7 retailer from Boyd Agencies to Koorda Elders

1080 Rabbit oats have been sent to Koorda Elders from Wyalkatchem Elders to supply Koorda


Koorda, Wyalkatchem & Mukinbudin Shires have sent SMS for bait orders to landholders



Cat De-sexing

1080 baits

Bio-Fund EOI media release

Bio-Fund EOI Application

Refuse Site works notification & Recycling of Steel


Due to an existing sewage reserve plans need to be modified

Budget has been modified and has been submitted to the CEO

Maps and overlays have been drafted

Plans for the smaller site have been completed – Shire only

Steve Williams (City & Regional Waste) sent through a quote & invoice

CEO & DCEO approved quote

Plans have been drafted for completion

Works to commence; estimated on the 19th May

Shire Works Crew to place signs & traffic cones so traffic can only access trench for waste



Will work on a plan with Darren West (Works Supervisor)

Will complete a Water Audit for Koorda once the Refuse Plans are completed.


Visited a farmer within the Shire of Koorda who has sited skinks on his property, Fencing has

been approved through BioFund Project, all documents finalised and farmer to invoice, may

continue with some motion camera monitoring at the site.


Updating spreadsheet as invoices are received and vouchers used


Unable to attend meeting due to being off sick; Rick Storer reported the meeting was beneficial

with soil acidity and a PH tester being topic of the meeting; next meeting to be advised after



Had a meeting with NEWROC NRMO’s in regards to re-writing the NEWROC NRM Strategy

2005 – 2010; we have decided to form the old document into two documents; a project plan and

a strategy; Meeting arranged for Monday 19th May.

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Successful in Funding from Wheatbelt NRM for NRM Professional Development; Funds to the

total of $665 were received by the Shire of Koorda for help in funding attendance for the State

NRM Conference held in Busselton on the 7th of April until the 9th of April.

Ordered Nature Play passports for the local school children to get them outdoors and more

aware of the environment.

Revegetation of the 1ha lot on the airstrip is to take place; writing a Reveg Plan & collating a

budget; This will be a community project funded and supported by the Shire with volunteers as




1080 baits


Completed a basic water audit/project plan.

Drafted plans for a project for storm water usage in parks and gardens which has been passed

onto Trevor and included into plans for the White Dam maintenance grant through the

Department of Water.


Currently on hold due to loss of members, hopefully can team up with CRC in future for future

events – liaising with Lynsey Gawley from the CRC.


Written a draft clearing permit

Working on offset proposal

Need more documents in regards to size of area etc.

Continuing plans into a report form of eligible sites that fit the requested criteria – on hold

Awaiting road works plan from Trevor Webb

Due to change of CEO – a topic that needs re-visiting for future plans


Directed by CEO to draft two policies for the Shire of Wyalkatchem

- Roadside Vegetation

- Gravel Pit Rehabilitation

Have drafted the Gravel Pit Rehabilitation Policy and drafting plans such as the map of current

and abandoned pits and a Rehabilitation Plan.

Currently drafting Gravel Pit Rehab Project Plan.

Looking into direct seeding versus planting of seedlings and revision of budget

Roadside Conservation Vegetation Policy being advertised for community consultation.


Discussion with Trevor Webb in forming a small project for management of invasive species in

roadside reserves for 10km out of town; this will be a small project and each year will target a

different route out of Wyalkatchem Town site. Year 2014 - 2015 will target the Koorda –

Wyalkatchem Road.

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Plan formed and sent through to CEO & Works Supervisor for comment, budget also sent



Had a meeting with NEWROC in regards to re-writing the NEWROC NRM Strategy 2005 – 2010;

we have decided to form the old document into two documents; a project plan and a strategy. –

Meeting has been organised for Monday 19th May.

Had a meeting at the KorRestore Garden; looking at future plans and improved community


Research into Rabbit damage at the Rec Ground and possible control methods; ordered

Phostoxin tablets & Pindone oats through Wyalkatchem Elders; used Feral Pest Eradication

Project Funds.


Successful in Funding from Wheatbelt NRM for NRM Professional Development; Funds to the

total of $665 were received by the Shire of Koorda for help in funding attendance for the State

NRM Conference held in Busselton on the 7th of April until the 9th of April.

Ordered Nature Play passports for the local school children to get them outdoors and more

aware of the environment.



1080 baits


Have contacted Whispie Bayley and she is away with family commitments; will be meeting with

the MCG and herbarium to check the progress with the MAX software from the previous grant.


Currently liaising with Katrina Kingston in regards to the BioBlitz report, still waiting on some

documents from the leaders to draft a report, due to Katrina being in a new position and no

longer working for local government this is taking time however.

Continuing to chase Katrina up on the report and documents needed.

Speaking with the final leaders who are yet to submit their species record sheets for collation.


Completed a site survey into an area for proposed works with DRF located within the site, liaising

with RCC and DER.

The site will need an “Application for DRF”.

Area may need to be inspected by DER/DPAW as information must be gathered about the DRF

in question.

Liaising with Natasha Moore from DPaW and Gillian Stack from RCC

Permit has been drafted and checked over by Natasha Moore.

A site inspection has been completed with the Works Supervisor to see what DRF will be

effected in the area during works – Stuart & Bob stated that this area is not of majour concern at

this present time so the permit is on hold.

DER has been notified.

A new site has been declared as being a high priority for works and also contains DRF.

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New Site (Nth Barbalin Road) – Have been in contact with DER & DPaW as road is covered by

both departments.

Written consent to clear maintenance zone from DER as comes under an exemption

DRF/Environmentally sensitive areas will need a “Permit to take” permit; currently drafted and

have been in contact with DPaW (local officer & Head-Office in Perth).

Site Survey took place on 14th April

Results collated and formed into a spreadsheet, finalising “Permit to Take”.


Had a meeting with NEWROC in regards to re-writing the NEWROC NRM Strategy 2005 – 2010;

we have decided to form the old document into two documents; a project plan and a strategy,

this is a work in progress as we are still re-viewing the document.

Agenda has been organised for a NEWROC Meeting; Meeting organised for 19th May.


In contact with the MCG & CS Officer (Ann Brandis) regarding grants for rehabilitating the

botanical walk trail in Mukinbudin. Unable to attend meeting on Thursday 19th April; await next

steps while researching possible funding opportunities and direction from the Shire & MCG.

Ordered Nature Play passports for the local school children to get them outdoors and more

aware of the environment.

Successful in Funding from Wheatbelt NRM for NRM Professional Development; Funds to the

total of $665 were received by the Shire of Koorda for help in funding attendance for the State

NRM Conference held in Busselton on the 7th of April until the 9th of April.



Joint position with Sabin Acharya (Merredin NRMO); Group Secretaries

General duties; promotion, advertising, site selection, site management, landholder

communication, case studies etc.

Completed a Project Management Course through Scope Training, now currently completing a


Producing Agendas, Minutes & sending invites to CEO’s for meetings.

EOI’s Advertised and sent out – 10 received from Koorda Farmers

See minutes for further actions and motions


Voting Requirements



That Council note the above NRM Report.

Council Decision Number – 1077

Moved: Cr Seaby Seconded: Cr Ventris

That Council note the above NRM Report.

Carried 6 / 0

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9. Information Report

Please refer to Correspondence and Information Report submitted as a separate attachment

10. Elected Members Motions of which previous notice has been given

11. Urgent Business without notice (with the approval of the president or meeting)

12. Confidential Items – Meeting to be closed to the Public in accordance with the provisions

of the Local Government Act 1995.

12.1 Setting of Reserve Prices for Auction

Item 12.1 is Confidential in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, Section 5.23

(2) If a meeting is being held by a Council…..the Council may close to members of the public

the meeting, or part of the meeting if the meeting or the part of the meeting deals with any

of the following –

(a) a matter affecting an employee or employees;

(b) the personal affairs of any person;

(c) a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which

relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting;

(d) legal advice obtained, or which may be obtained, by the local government and which

relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting;

(e) a matter that if disclosed, would reveal -


(ii) information about the business, professional, commercial or financial affairs of a


(3) A decision to close the meeting or part of a meeting and the reason for the decision are to be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

Voting Requirements



That Council close the meeting to members of the public in accordance with the Local Government Act

1995, Section 5.23 as Item 12.1 deals with matters contained under Section 5.23 (2) (a).

Council Decision Number – 1078

Moved: Cr O’Neil Seconded: Cr Seaby

That Council close the meeting to members of the public in accordance with the Local

Government Act 1995, Section 5.23 as Item 12.1 deals with matters contained under Section 5.23

(2) (c).

Carried 6 / 0

Meeting went behind closed doors at 5.40pm

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Council is now required to re-open the meeting to the public.

Council Decision Number – 1079

Voting Requirements – Simple Majority

Moved: Cr O’Neil Seconded: Cr Watson

That Council reopen the meeting to members of the public in accordance with the Local

Government Act 1995.

Carried 6 / 0

The meeting was reopened at 5.44 pm

13. Dates to Remember


Date Details

January No Council Meeting this in January

February Chief Executive Officer and Works Supervisor to inspect all plant evaluate and/or amend its plant replacement programme for

recommendation to Council.

Audit Committee to review Statutory Compliance Return, meet with Auditor and report to next full Council meeting

Local Government Compliance Return 1 January to 31 December each year.

Plan for the Future – commence review process (Every two years)

March Buildings inspection Shire buildings with Property Manager and report to Council’s March or April meeting

Roads Inspection – Annual Road inspections to prioritise items of roadwork’s for forthcoming year. Councillors to present road

proposals to CEO for consideration prior to this inspection.

Complete review of Annual Budget (FM Regulations (33A)

Completion of Statutory Compliance Return (LG Act 7.13, Audit Regulations 13-15) to be sent to Department of Local

Government prior to 31 March.

Arrange Bush Fire Advisory Committee meeting with Chief Bush Fire Control Officer for April

April Present any items Councillors or Community requests for Budget inclusion – Community & Recreation Grant Forms.


Undertake Review of Delegation of Authority Register to Committee and CEO.(written confirmation to staff concerned)

May Undertake Staff Annual Performance Reviews.

National Volunteer Week

Send out recoups of roads and other projects so grant funding can be received by 30 June

Review Councils Fees and Charges for all Council services and facilities including rubbish service and charges

DCEO to review and renew Council’s insurance policies with LGIS

June Sitting fees – Reminder to Councillors re: forthcoming years fees

FOI Return (Note: not necessary if Nil return)

FOI Statement – Review this month

Works Supervisor to provide comments on RRG Submissions, which are due to go to Council in the August meeting.

DCEO to conduct a Finance & Audit Committee meeting and meet with Auditor as per Committee Roles Council’s Audit

Committee to meet to discuss Interim Audit

Every 4 years Financial Management Review due before 30 June

Local Government Convention deadline for nominations

30 June each year – Public Interest Disclosure Return to be submitted for previous period 1/7 to 30/6.

Chief Executive Officer’s performance and remuneration review – commence this month

July Draft Budget submitted by Chief Executive Officer

Issue Employee Group Certificates

Councillors and Senior Staff issued with Annual Interest Returns for completion

Issue eating house licence renewals

CEO performance review

August Councillors and Senior Staff – reminder of Annual Financial Interest Return to be completed to CEO prior to 31 August

Completion/Adoption of budgets (absolute majority). Send copy to Department of Local Government within 30 days (LG Act

6.2, FM Regulations 33)

Resolution regarding timing of Annual Electors Meeting

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September CEO to commence a full review of Policies & Procedures manual

Completion of Annual Financial Report & submitted to Auditor. AFR sent Dept. of Local Government within 30 days (LG Act

6.5, FM Regulations 5.1)

October Policy / Procedures Manual Review – Commence review process by including as last item on Council Agenda (if necessary)

Review of Council’s Code of Conduct – Section 5.103 (if unable to complete full review at this meeting discuss with Council the

need to convene a Special Meeting to finalise review at this meeting or simply complete review at December Ordinary Meeting)

Local Govt is to review its Code of Conduct within 12 months after each ordinary election day & make such changes to the

code as appropriate.

Advise Council in the October Information Bulletin of the time, date and venue for the annual staff end of year function.

Special Meeting (Election Years Only) advertise special meeting to swear in Councillors, Elect President, Deputy President,

Committee etc. for Monday immediately after the Saturday elections.

November Pensioner rates rebate claim to be lodged

Call for nominations for Shire of Mukinbudin Citizens of the Year (Australia Day)

December Annual Financial Report – Acceptance by Council within two months of receipt of the Auditors report

Newsletter & Local Newspaper – advertise date, time and venue of all Council and Committee meetings for next calendar year

(with delegated authority, if any) (S.5.251 (g) & Reg 12).

Council’s Audit Committee to meet to discuss Final Audit Report and Management Letter.

Close of nominations for Shire of Mukinbudin Citizens of the Year (Australia Day)

14 Closure of Meeting

14.1 The Shire President declared the meeting closed at 5.59 pm

Next Ordinary Council Meeting - Wednesday 18 June 2014 9.00am.

Councillors Second Policy Manual Workshop TBA

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