


Civil and Criminal Law Praclil'oner,WASHINGTON, N. J.



Attorney and Counsellor at Law,Solicitor tui'l Muter in Cl«ium-ii,



Ami in tilt the Court* 0/ Xt<r ./,r«;v-


Stem Winfiing; Open Face Caso,.M»iiitruftim'<l by tiie

American Watch Co,W n l t h n m , M o s s .

Tliis <MHU id formed in ono solid pk'iowithout joint or swim, o\m\mg In front only,tlniH avoitVng 1110 tisnnl f '<//>, mul semiring^renter s,tiTiintli mul iliivuliilil.v.

ho o wiilclit:HiiiL':ill ojKiij'tKe. The liMcl,ln which 1111 cxlrn slroiijr fi'yatiil U fiiloil


Krtlicilor in CIIHPIWV, Coinmisfiiniierof Deeds.

Onice ovorr M

d Ctotliinjl Store, cor-W H lfc l iner of Market nml Wftter HIH., lk'Ivi-

ilerc, N. J . Transacts .nil 'branches oflejttil business. ftmnyly*

(J. OSMUX, '• ' KfltllKOX llK.NTIrtr,

WiiHlilnKlon.Ts', .1.With till the lutttft improvi!intJ!itst I 'am

prcparrd to du lUaL-cluss wort. Kine(Jolil nml extra Silver l-'itlings ut rciluuoil)irieM. A lui'Ko assortment of the lieslArtificial Teeth ttutt lire made.

FllKSir OAS EViittY DA Y.All brandies of the prntcssitm on re fully

iwriot'tnctl, All' work wavrntiteil, amielienti for casli.

"IT/" 1-:. HL'CKMAX.>> DJSN'X'l.'-i'l. '.


AriliMul .Sets [nojuTly itnule mi Celluloidarc irlvini: tint lnM eiiilr;fiifliuii lolhu wciu-crof miv tmiteilnl in wv, :mil fur l"\«>r KI is i\-lici-lully w>. rillliii,' iivtli with ir*i!il.'niewltli greaH'iiri'. SiMy,

• I ) "

. AVurrcn Cnuiuy



\V,\SlllM!TOX AVKi, W.V.JIIIS.iTiJN, .S. ,1.

UNlSUlt!'AS!i!^KI)..,1:1 Location, Aeco.iimiiilutitui mul MimuiK-

. input. I'oniKinuiit mul .TninsK'nl. . . . . . . Uue.sU well I'liluftaitied.

A New 'BUX1ARD*PARLOR 'Attached.; :• • 0. F. STAATKS, IW^rUt",:

• m

A«iii::iiT0x .wn HKI.VIUKUB A

Tim fmos! hotel in Nortl;urn NV.x.,. r A n tmlh- lociitoil. SulisUnlioiiunte^i to bVgii&'nnaMem or-

i e n t . UiUuml nnniiniiimriJai-b£.r

with IUI C .uler-proi>[ t;c-ii liy screwingaii'-liylit junc-

ment, H iittiK'hod to ills- c:it thcivoi!, r,iiiltltiis[iii'!iis:ition ivitli tl;o boily <>f ihc i'si«\ wliidi isproof ftgsiiiibt iltist nml iiuiistiire,

To niilrntiil men, truvtiViy, iiiimir«f

Imnliernn'ti, IIIKI others who art! almost ecu-stmitly c mid who luivt- to iiialci1 fru-qtictit rcforonw to the wntcli, tliities nre of the ini])orliiiit'i


. . o«tt s tory.VALHOJITA, (ii:oiuitA, .InK-lif) Mh'-l.

"UuMouoMryoiirl 'atciuDiiKt Pro"fI'usi'S aliout ten nioiitlia ago, tlu> olhcril.iv it cninn buck to mu witlutlif rcqitefitlo uiiilii1 it wind ciifitr. On oxiuiiiniLtionI fniinil thul tin; stem WHS nislv, itn.l 1 in-ijiiiitd into ihCuutiHti nfit. 'i lie Kvntlriiuinstntctl to me Unit he wtw stnriing sonioAAW'tngK Unit titiil lodged in'itd orIhi* riwr, when his diniii t-.m^ht in u liusli'nml threw Wm watch into nbuul twelve fWtt juf wiitttr, und !io \\-.\$ iiljout two hours find-;ing it. Wlii'ii lt» not it out it v.'.is ninutiig ;

nti.l !m thought nil ritfM. In ;&..,>:i tlireo >months ho fmnul that Mm *U>m w linrd'to turn uiitl scttt it to IIK*.

I can say lhat tlio vtitcli is nil (hut tliotoiuiuiiiv duims fur it IIIKI rccomiiipiiil itto nil railroad atul mill nwii.

Ii. W.liKNTl.Y."

. OI.IXTU.N, UUVA, Ai'isu, 2!i( ISS1." I wish yon wimlil sem! :i spring for tho

Wm. l-nii-ry W:itdi'* * * Hy tin; \v:ivthis lCliCt'y is ii wiitt'h 1 suhl in yoiii* riisrewHiswl Uii«.i! lo ii farmt-r UA fall," The Uralol' .Inmuiry lie lu>l tins watch in the woolsiitiiUmmil it this wwk in niitwt <>nu f-i-lif iVIlti'l'. 11 lliid !:iiil tlilTli miHit'uS ::mlIVIT tu Minw ami waWr, wltli liul flight

ilijurv to tint wntuh-iuilv it i]iur-s|ii*iiif;.\\ S. lUV'MONU."


"Just look ut that fellow!" tuiiit nu olildlilj* wiitchtaan ftiltirtssiug a 5»» rei>orternnJ iioiutlug to n ihiinkcn mnuTCcling c\oagthe ilod« on South strool. "Tlioro ho goorclnsi- ItniiW, with a loug leg and n short legvorklng nway ns nenr us he am yet to thewatflr. Hut that la lUo way thoy nil go.1'LJU water nccms to have n mysterious nttrocjmifordrimkomncii. V/atcliiwlnmkciimau:omin{! out of one of thoso groggcrics oa theother Hido of tho street. Ho will (daggernloiig tho BiJo-walk tor n short diatnnco;(hou ho wilt come about mul reach over here.,L ])olicctumi tuny possibly nm him over tolh* other sulo nu J eUrt him agniu. Keepyour eyo on him, end after nwhito you will'{OQ him coiao buclt. A tlcuul;cu iiinu litiiovur bo hnppy n% wheu ho is in uoino dnu-HiToiH i>Uco nenr tho water, '['hero is anomihir notion tbnt most of Uio: dciil menfountl lloillug in tho North mid Ksist IHcHjifiiiitlly in tho Kilitinier time, are tho vlr<Hum of foul piny. This Is a great mistivko;they nrc nil, or nearly .-ill, tho victim* n[ foulwlrMicy. I*OO|I1Q in grotit trouble or anxietyn!.wj nppcnr to ho nttrnctcd by tho .water.Jihl liho tho tlmnVavJi", tbey ninne nlongtlio ilncks njinnrontly without' knowingwlioro tlioy going or what thoy aro abnul

.6U'.l very often they nro ucciilontnlly drown-k h

ulitit fy

U think that thoy com

" Drunkardsaro llio oneniics n{ water, nmlcertainly water is no fri



d of ilruiiliiirdM.A ijivnt inniiydninken HiiiloM tiimblo over-board from their vessek.aioii wticii they fall into the water," become,juite color imnicdintoly, nud 8triko outboldly for their lives if they nro swimmers;Utt most o[ them drowa very nnickly. If

' liio gbotits of tho Enst Ktver coulii 1m ma.terinlizcil tho inatflriul would bo useful to thetemperance cruso."

Tho ilisnyrecablo opi'Mlion cf forcin;;liiinitl.4 into ihe honil, aud the use ut oxcit-iii" smillV, ure beiiiK superseded hy Elys'Civiuu liultti, a cute for entiirrli, culils inliii hfiid iiml liny fever. I'rice CO cents.

Apply ' " I " nostrils withliltlc tingur,.. I 'n'ni Miijnc Diiwiis. .Military Instructor

Mt. rk 'ssant Acaileiny. Sin-i Sine, N',Diirin;.' tlio fohl wcutheL'I wns stilformKwilh I'MIIIITII. J ly hi'iid mul tlimut iu:!it-ilut severely iliitt I was* OI)HKC»1 to «ive ii|icvorvttiiiiK und ktv]i quiet. Kly's Oretunlialm was siigswh-.! Wltliln nti hourfruin tint Ut^t "iipi'licalion t f.tlt relieved.

bpirm to riHl'siile. In two ilaynl-'i-l..

e lu-ynsitl n donhl, thul tor



iv i 1.1.

j ' i

W. A. \

swl Klys* Cream JJulmmuoiiuMo ifii'jtli of lime •iitriiiu w i ^ l i i i j I Imvo nswl Klys* Cream JJulm for ilry, . . I . . " , , -i " ii „ tti tm fii (wliieli 'I'verv Jv.isti-rn pfrsi'm in

watch might Li-uiulvr Kiitw .1 would re-1 . ^ t ( ( w , | o &mm- t ( J U v c ; n i h u l .(.'ivunb iifjiiry wlititi-v.Tr1-;, ;• j titu'd'.') situl fouiid it t!ir most eilit'iitioif*

\\\< hiiike theM! cast':* in livth ;:oM mid [ of uuy ftniele fvci- l»efnru t^eil. •" It hitssilwr mid us ii I'r.itiTtTi.v lU-sr-l'Huor | ("'"veil u curu in iiiy ease. ]i . I-'. -M.

.{.STI:M Wi:;in:;ii W.avi i U,V«K,C»

TIII: TO l'tmni'i'i: IT.S IV.T

;-Ol' SlVlf ll.V »I '• l">V*t- fill--* .J f

• VOULMII see lifiii 0. t i . Ve^.iv'.


K C n C ? XNTITW.I! V.'U.«AMi[From (lie Ha»t°" Clot*.]

Ttio llursora.'j whicnl Mm un

coiiM yo iv, luit thatHu lnw tlriv n t

\\. • lie hasu'iii't multe nnjnt horso iu £

I' UOUrfM, ' " . -~~~~liKl.Vll»(JUK. VJ..1.

, Tin-. uiulorsiKiietl wulit'S tu infoim' ihetnivciiiiu iiulilic tliut lia bus rcti'aivi'i! into

= • now buiUliug just ciini^Ietinl, on MinUct. Mlieut. on tlic site; of tin; old "Wui.litii(jlon

Hotel," BelvU«tu, wliere Kii U fully jne-ilnred lo furnish tiio beat ucuoimaoriatinns

•- obis past frittuJs rintl the public in "gen-eral. This hotel is to be known Iicn-uilerRS the '1'eqaost House.' I-'eeliujj ^I'ate-

. ful for pastpalrmiasc, he kindly solicit* a-^ii'ontinuunce of the same. Lurye siablts

lltnri.r... .Tlie nlinvo Is a coml likentaa of Sirs, tjilta

ham, t.f l.ynn, lla?i, wlio nbovc all M tier immnmny I* truthrslly tnlkil tlic '•I>parrricinl <•! W•uisoino of her correspondents lovi>iornll 1.bxnlously ilurota! lo her work, lrliiJi Is (h,>i

Sliavlnir. Httlrfiitlius uml SIIUIII|«K.1IH{ esw-ul-cd with grout nklll.

".Children's Haircutting a Specialty..'mcMiuvuyoiioiuie ami I .-•

• • -'•' ' nfitirwiiril. •• •

: Lawi'encG C. Huxev."'•'y^iiv-'"^-'"- - •.

zry::':;: M acke t t s tbw n~-;- "-•:.•-:

| v •••"••

l^ewarJj Cnnfercucis Saruiimry,}


Lndica* collo<;«. Prenarea young men

S~4;Hr-:-f(lr-.c?l'(16°- rnoHitici ror.umsic, art

ttud isuininetciiirIjmnclics. .Thoroughness

ii every Ocpartmcut. lltpt building, of its

Insa, with stoam-hftatcr, hns, linlnnil o l d

water, etc.- Close*o.Vpitioii'-"to"mnniiei>s,

^VifuI^ttttaiogiie'Sont free on nppli-

|llon.' Year opeuy Beptembei" ft.



ludy. o kuoi* fi, t p tlie l u r e rh

n of huirrrtntr, or Jity Rt rtloawTralile Cuinp»und b ft lncdicliiu.f«r wourposes. 1 have |>crtionally InTC6iltMlcJ ot the tnitli of thb.ccount o( lwproioiimcrllflre3cr]!icdlJ7«ln;l>.1ffiiliy>kI

ft chatlm ci 7

Ono wiyai " I t worKB'Ulsopain. It will cure entirely thu wornt furtii i

'of Ilio uteri!?,1 I-ciicorrhm.!, irrosnlnr r.nMi'liKiruatlon,all Ovarian Trouiil", IniUnunit'lCCTftlliW, UrtodtUBf. t\IITIIi'plfi™in''iili ani

"BMacnt fjilne! IVHIIHIW, IUIJ, fa i*»iHJila!l)- ai "

BOf Ihc K

n a» 'craviim tor >Hn

j ,ntiH's^, Hnt-Jlcn.7,

I;.-, Preparatory, to collcgn, businOBo uii<O prorcssion of tenbhiiigi*^ boarding and clay school,

bR YQUNG MEN AND LftDiESSik.bonpinir-Iiy BliiElo or.,Ddiit]le'ohtro*tbor-

iijlily tauffli 1.—I list ructlnn l V- -"Ciiu nuu Piano. - ThoronKii l»-iru

•*•'- t lon: ln clven In the Ocr-

, ifiSfl/ " •

ircnlalogne aud further infornmtioi'• o or, address; —. .-—.•; -vC— ;,;,.•„.,P:H.;TRACH, Principal"

fc*.35unt>,SlKlh Slreel, EASTOM.rA.

^Skinner's*on Avcniio;;1

J'BEST;;;.; ..'J'V'1..1.

licftltli by tho UEo'of tlw Vt|:ulablo Cam)tonnil, c«alili'iliii-d bnuldrciubff Itrs. I1., wllb tbnijt fur x-

licrliomelnLynn, Mats. . • -

tUebent In Urn wirid for llio euro o£!im,illlr.ot llio.llver. ...H"'- ltiomi_.

lilriderworkH womlers In Its iiptdnl IliutMul Mils futra'diuul Ihu Compoiinil In its poimliirlly.All rniiat reepcot Mr nsiui Ansul ofiluMy vhoiit ROIO

(iinh.-y. Au.l htsiiliD hrtJ a viiuniti" Imt

which «!!•.••• i:i v,le it ' l i sh of twenty-live miics

mi ii U i ut s:>.Oi)O. He liasn't tho horse

oi' tin; iuo:iey nt lit-j iircsout time, but lio enn

give you unities uf ti dozen leiuV

pi'isidi-nts nml uhief jn-itices who saw thai

tVl-ll. 'Hie llDCaQ U;ir ll'-psil't Stop

iiiuiit lii.s own horses, lint ho is always ready

to jim ii) 'iis very best !:;ks on iiuiimils IK

in-vtii siiiv. l ie is in llio couMouco

owimi-ii of all tlia eeleljrntetl cquincs. In

liis iii'iiuou stieii a truelt is short nml sticli it


\v.i:i tv«r ini.cli o£ :i lic-Ke," nil'l lio f ftl-s. tli:i(.

ho u-niM Ji'ive Oo!.lsmit!r"-M;tiil thrco"-BC'CT

oii'.i-i f>i-.tcr tliiin *,li8 over recorded.'' He i>

t"it! iilciiiticxl m:m w'.io thsL saw speed in

L';nr;i Toiiiylc, mul iC hu Iwl w»uted to be

-I:II-:ILI'Miout it, ho could have^bought -liei

for $U) and an old plougli*' nud

S.-.,O(H) out Of" lii'j trtulft-'--IIt>_J£HS

ii'..t.r.Ui):iviiijt riiiglioiiss, poll-evil, pinbeyfj

,md tjUiiders, nadflio hns a. nuro euro foi

eiiuU"oiio;""'llisssaf is on tlio bead of "the

BUtoml CMeTiorJwrrnrrmiii; tbo-stovf

oveuing through tho winter, nud .when >o;m coma uuross BOIIIQ OUO who has iuvcstoi

"6in iuid n'ijross cu'jiaw in an old plug. of nliortio to tiso in a. cider mill, he is in hi?lilory... ' t e knows nil about that borso ; boon

.uu ftwfurgootl atopper;'saw hita- ruu..ftwnjOiicc, and kill two womoii';- Ka'rotiimohiitiVbiiLLiid to givcit .up; :could go out now nud jjivo most ot llio boytthe dual; mid HU OU until tho"(urot;crUs hlei>j)\* oyus, niul regretfully H&yd:—..-;

" Oomo, you liorn, it's.time to locli up nut!no homo I11— Detroit Free Preti.

"Xo; slid lingered nml Kullcrcil tilong,iiniL'f; tiwny nil the time for j'eui'n, the

doctors (loiiijj her no gooJ; nml :it last \vnscuicd by. this IIoy Hiitcin Urn lmjiors payHO iniHih ubout. Iiuluctl ! indeed ! hosvthankful we should 1)6 for Hint medium.'."

1'hlUulcltilUfl, Va, (3) JIr«.'A. M. I). ,




Bom m I'm odtsT*,' Mr.wr: ;2 JOIIN S T . , N, Y.


; Tlia Hovidji ^"Oi-atltor" is tho poorest.Vrjceiineu^pf^hlig^civilJCTlio'ii^l; bUTPi J^' iiict,""write«"n' corroKliondont of tlioChicngo 'Tntcr.Ocmn, Kot lliat hovicious, dislioncat, or cowardly, but lionetcontinuously lazy. I stood upon tlio bridgent St.•Augustine •lo-dtiy. mid look noto ofthose coming lo market.' A (single mulono ox wns Ibo rule, and four wheels und adoublo (oiim tbpTjs^optiou. Ono tenni camby nmrlied, ''IjMt cKprcsB.";-lt.wns n.:.t'fe••heeled etivt jfyawn uy'ouu-diininutivo bludi

Rtcer about tliosi/o thoy wean ..in1 Illinois.He was, howiivur, ptillin;,'n fuirlondpr.cliar-coiil liflil up iuJmtjH, nnil ivnn Riiidod.liaiiTJrSunaTIIa'liprii».f 73iuhitiil him; cnino- along, loan unlive ustridp of n horiio slliiit'^vliuir hu iiiii'mi l.Viliii.p'Brmd Ktr hndv lo;crook hia knees lo kcop his foot clear. Tinhorso pulled a enrt by ropo harnees, inwhich was seftteil IIIH. wife- nufi a chicJtcoop, which- cpolauioil two liens iimlrooster. HislioiiHo.'aud iinproyonients cor-nj«poud,"i^'ii rule,' wilh"hw"lioKMtsniV'liiclca, nml bo vegointea ratbor than IvHoltiui-iiot--yet,-:rencao(l'tlia--apallInB.booS'and glass-S'iiidow period.

• AN when Site «vi111 liftvo used i'firker'ii Hair BaUntn .nui!


than any cimilur. propnrntionifus Mrs. Elton l ' t—'"- ! #-y, of. Colilbropk

jrnss. . '!jMy imir-.wna almost qiuircljKray but a dollar lioltlo of llio lJalanm lia!restoraTiIio BofUiess,nnil Urn biowncolorit liatl wltcn 1 waa yoiing—not a Binglo\rrny-lmii.-Joft'-iliince:'I::l]egaii:applyiniitho Balsam jay' Imirilmi slopped fallingout, anil I find that it is.^irtrfootly lmrm-

bloVirsismSj^. , ; ^ ; j


VTui. P . Muruby ABom. i l t l lonCOUNTY STATEMENT.Tlii! following \*\\\v. tinnunl Ntatnnrnt nf ttceipt* ami tixjiumllturtM of Hie reunify nfh W f'N U f h

books for County Ulerk 30 00Peti-rlN* unit John Minifh repairing Sttrei •Ucnb AtiKOtt and W 1( lloehro

K Bowffi fh'ffluuipoitutun to Httte VtUaa

K Uuw*r4iti'ITSUtev J NIJumen M. yojitir, (op*ifUi'cJi«lr* It isA.'McCamraon, linrdwsrc :. ... 1-I•Iloivlikre W»Ur Co. wnlcr Mill .IM 00It JJ, 1'rice Co. flip*, «ip«oiei incurred

irom fipt. 1.1U1, lo March 1.1883 . M l «ce, Co. SapL natirj for the j»r..t ,axi £0

tr examiner...... 3104

Edvmd l'uil, 467J b Jonaa "I-1

Da*M c. Mblcld* I'M!; 1! 90

Voter ' o Hut* VrtK Howcrs i>li'ir Htitle

J. II, llrenblncer,County.examiner 37 JJ

Wm. K.DowM-.'Sberin1; for htantt book 11 TSJ. T. Kern,«ll, *tc for J»ll,..................... *MM. a Kw-ruwclkr. tJarroMte, blankbaoki..S< -Jneob Fromcr,r-ipslriBE clock 100

d d l

tlMlly 330DII P Ilowcy lite bhcrllThatauce d

leUlcmtnttiruiicrly Id

•• \\ m. L. (lOM-liiml.fuuit leer tec'ilfrom At>r 1 lo.lnly 1, *« . . HfS LflWls W Johniton

1'UUl I) ItomannJn

phjilclan inlnr;K Bjwer*. SUerin. balanco d


» Tho Ktr.tu t*. Jduii-a Opdylic"Tliu-Slnto V<,.I<inti!tAK'tlIvr

lMlrtuell).' Uangtiul....' 1»WA. Q btnllli 12 KJ" 'Die Slate Y». .loliu Athn

" Tim Wlsto m. Ilmick i Dtiau•.)'... pcrty.... 3&Qeoruo S. Inncs, mittlns, Ac, «t Court

llunse . , . . 140 4(1Samuel FfeumaJ, tobacco for lull-'icolNii.Uank of Wn»hin/-

, ton. loan In anticipation t.t ^l '' i"""ii'""'* i'

Preeiatn Broth en, dothlni; tor J Mi l l jilDaniel l'«rry. repairs rorjnil ' '

Wm K C«weri, Sbcflff, balance dun «t f t•• John II Mucklow Ji>- N.U. I.nUnuolil tridm Itnubcr.

A. n . Smith, i>und[i t Court

! W'.'.'Ai'il'ncc,t;D. Siint., vi]icn>c* Irotn March •

. liUftpt. 1.1WJ 159 31. Hank of

,oMlitlilK. s. Joel Tilt, da

•• l-uicYouitli.ilo•> Mac ISW)

rontiu'rlyl»«o»Q'.-.JS l l T«JW. (in'hllll].-

Wm K Mclit doWm K Uow«ri<, nherllT, pay roll ol ]

fur December turra iSi'i

J - T . Kern, xiniUric* for Ju l andCnilrtHy, iiluinblni; a' I'ourt I Inline.

It. N. Stnmse mylDK fliK^I'^ »t oatt II

iNTunuiT I'AID OK Tci i rorunrnnoHnr xix

Itntc fhltli!*. TreaMirar of FhflliJ'j.OOi). 1 luonili and W day* at G

ItHncSdViuM-rcaaiirer of Phif:i,00o. is date interest at 5 per cant.

I Hirrl*. $l,boO, y nionlba mite lot* re it RI

JiCut> A.Vti^urUoi • ' 4''John Klfhmu^li WMJ»!inll. Unwell • U 7 "

I. aurduet Codrt lloum repairs...A. li. limllb fimJilfs for Court l lomu.. . .(JeufKu I. Oirdncr Juli repilr^

ry pluusUirin JJII*. U'oimrd .M. Ko

. i i .. AIlCB Wn

Kir-t National IJ.nnt of W«»tilD((tuu, |.),000•10 iliyn Dotn, 1ntert»L at Slier coot 1131

First National Dine of Washington, £1,003

Klnt>A l |itldnaie |ian1eo?\VAilita: ton." f 1.500

'•"'•' .nooo4 mur.ltn note, bteie't at B percent

Flnl Nnilunul lltnk of Wmhlu^lon. (l.OOIt

It. S. I'rlcf, Co. Sii|it. <Txp«iiiui> Irani Sept. 1luMnrchl . 1SB3.

Ad.itu; it llalleuiu...Adnm Kitliu

Miyll.lSSJ,John F SItClcll

John.V.I.tualWm. Mtt'r.ickWin. Slt-rrltl, doHenry W'jlltrt, tluWu. M. llarliioDce. I'liyMdiinDrr. Win. 1. & J, t. Koi>, I'hjdcluun

J It Muck low, $1,000, 4 inoutb

L UtirlltTajlor, Attorney. tl.SM.S monthFi'm^atloiHl lUnk o* wVuhinRton, f !,0W

7 raonlh noto, lutcre»t at 5 per ceatFirct National flint ol WmhWten. f

5 month noto. lntorceI at Q per centSsraU l.Oilor. $1,300, S monlb uote, luttrcat

nt !i per centA K Cnlu.W M MibiA UStttiVJ1.GV) Otl.tT IV lllltu

A. L'. Al>vr, woikJacob »• Huaity, woifcC'.N. A F. U. Wttde, liioibw

tlrlil ttv|>., lur imhllc rowl !aMtlirou^li coiiijty lurfii,,. , , . , . • . . •

lysir, !;i:i;C!i].ii

M K HcWttt eii-t mi «3 trimW It JUbeny ttidgmenl rur cPK Yftltrcnal (or tjollurd U .Smlilt, iirti'eriiiitr » fuln

Ti. Iwi . iu April 4% 18i3,W M Jlitbtrty c«-ts on :il irn,1 (I aiiipnun a-ii'l ronnaul \W K HuWirn tlierltrcapi In1* eic-ii-^l

,[-) J J taklni: jirla. l'i in,1.. (1.) Uiedcot l , I) All


J I'MoGklUtico-utuljleCoslI,evl I»i;\Vll Tiiyl»rca-i In

onnly CanvA^cm p*y roll[>hu Merrill, ludcpcnacnce

HarmonyIIW McUruekeii. Waslilnr-t0 Larl'on. Hackettatownimc S Mnlmeh

II T Dr4ke.-Ilel

inc SXAUeffburt AO^mm

.M I) Mere. Knowttnnick.Oxf

lie Ui'cTelu*; constable co.'K Howtt*, clicflll1, due f.t

I S S I , , - •- . .

0 DuWHL, pc Voapli. Hurawlck

K H A»izar. MunsfleM

bFrome, 1ii Kulzler. 2Vtaaie. 1

••.lu!iilI;ivsMl'icp;iM, (leersi! Wildricn. old IIM-J* tumbe•• Mln» VV. DeWm, un nllkcr t ime" I dine S. Miller, old bridan !

COItONEHS.''. A. llecrick. {•<>«( nmtifm V.ditvcliUh'.J.r.ppjtl

P. *>'.vrp>::y ' •!" -*•*•• II. I). Mu'.ru tlu"John W. 1'iiiisuu il.i•• 11. T. Drnkedii• \V. S HuMiUtr Jii . . ,

.A. ikrilcB, pott uC. Vaneyi'liti-, port

V. Scott 4 J . I : It

Vm. M.Mahorrjilt! VF. .lotii] Slintilty iulints Shank-y....itsvi. Wtn.Millfi.;; : . - •te vs. Cbiirln* I'. Filch y.burii

EkT,.! 1!' Leffetts »lII Hi3l-ny, burial draltII DsinckiT, coroiierdra(t

Wm I i J I l i o o . draltft*. Bcoli Juiin»ton, coroner

"i-.mev!.. Juhn Kelly.1....-.•'!*tuie v*. MoJt-s Vaiii'fttinieu M II Leanord

O WlllitltuJ l.eadlni:C Johnsua

tYeliiicS Cook, draft • 'ss.-Mllroy t Bon,-b»r.i«l

(i AilhlSnW Mei'ealI1 ReuilM Gaatuu

TliU-».Win. F. Snyiier..Wu. l l . ThatnpwiiDu:U», * Co........UlllahJ.MUroyI'eicr Wilcver

- • ' S T A T E T A X ' - T A I D . . :..:...: .."";•.;..aur.r *IS,7flf2 ^

M. Wrieht, State TSUl'i'ORT Of I'UltUC fiCHOOLS'.

" "State School Tux. ' . Ir,.sr 4,!H!J00

r, Sue.,' uuortS«iit. Ill, 'Si l

1 .'a.n", n, ii, H,i5no||»dnu

Oiileun I.. HovvulIilciny W. Kuudie.....1 olin S. Hat!..

Vim Stulililn'tlce\bratn Soviiu ennIK McCLdlau- "

i t .;.•: -


'i. a, I'ny roll nt AuciSept. O.-l'tiy roll Bpcclnl

I fob. »mlon;v,.-.;meellni: nl No. IU

.16*1 'I'll!, Alliimucliy, *3 MiBDncVoimli.Hardwich. dnill . . . . 62U0

illcla, dralt

do Win. M. Muckoy, llelvlduie, Cm Iilmmtarry. dwU....

McCoiinchy,lllalr»l't . . . ,','IUCKBTTl

R.K.AF. Ii. Wnao; Hoinj JluU. Iludu Isaacs a. Miller, I

MuiuUoVrtu Loirn

W. W, a . u a e rIti'iibun Viir .-si ien. . . .JrtCObl!. IllllT

VttitiU Vem-ltJohn Moiiru'.lohii llslev

. 443 IIU10,000 IS


'' 11,431 M4 i

w W. OlbbH,, . . ,»rJ Swriyxe , , , , .rlea U. C'noku. A . Moore

-iiiiU:!)li:iitlL'SS--;o[ T

Tliu ubttvo report 1n H.-Hurluui;...•'..••.,.-•.. '• •.esV. Kou...

HficritV,..U].uftccountif-.Wnrrcn. .. . >..:-

M. 1>. Mniire. Kiioivltdn.'il...- OcoraoWiitiriEk,Oxford.dr«!i... . . .

(Ion, 0. Uewltt, Looittcous, - draft. « (HIu u ItobertA.Ot.wun.WuBhJntlon.dlt • M »

^.^^KiiS-dX^i r«8SUTaiL.ail. 3'iOiiriili aoof

riird,WMKhluutoulIo.(lrhn^:.£.o;1 " J i "0 McCraclcen; Wu'liluaion," dniu 6a4v

do Il'nTryWiiUerAuiW.PlillHMbttrB, • « «.do ,)i tcohFiome,l«\V.. . do , 8 00

Cbulv i M c C « , , W8. U. Larrlaon. draft ,.,1Clmlef l l l . Godfiey,dri . f l . .

tielMeU^uicliJ. dmfl


?' W*. T)eW In'.Mtornfiy. w!*r» aiiil cipowe* M **

vi^^ir:;:<-\£.-. y,->•.:,; •J-.r^JS»•™1;";itrv;.;.:-.^-r{i

Iiiuii)ESTALB^;:.iIL.r^.-.^:~Mllo K/Dewitt. posUKc&C., lor tho .joar.;. J1515

S, U. Larlion, i l o . , , . . , . . . . . . i - •••}• ;,;v— • ; ' *

''" ;;r - ^ ^ n f ^ - ^ p ^ : ^ :^?T '•' r ^ jfi

"ily J5S dii'n 1 jitii r 01 n K P i*i> ou c i- H fromiUj .%Uib>AiiBnrtM('ii!i!j:.-..-;.'..iv.'.;.-.-;v..-;jtan.M

Turnkey ICMJ S4 commitmmtirnl iKti. ' -r7:tS s:•WfttWiiir Tor prlwnets.iwi'.Ts w*oVt; at $ft".--,~-2* wUnti) fur piImmom,..,..',•;.... ,i iOuclmlf tloMnbrooms Urjall;.-.;:-;, . . . . :.OuaiOruliblntbrujli fur Jail.......V.1.... ;I-liue for jd l . . . i I . " ; . . ; . ; . . . . > . . . . . . . , . . .

•'•' —•• (Ctint|mii:ili)'i'-nd;i)n!j(>.) '.••:'•

• • ' " " " • : ^ # : % f


• • . » ' - ^ ' " ? • , ' • ; ' ; • v i -


.e Star.«(E0. II.

L.50 per Year, in Advance. ..

•TON, MY J . . J U S B 9. IWHU.

hf TIIK Bin Biinx'u-—A very

prrenco brought death totons nnd injuries to twenly-

ftf on the Brooklyn bridge*filiiy of last wueL About

i tho New York ontnmcoI two HtainviiyK of seven

Ii; with' it hiudin^ between

!wrp. Tite siii incites riso mid arc ouo

3). That day being u holidayM an unusual number of nco-

Ijcbridge; anil about-1 oV.oclcllernoou a woman carrying a

me by the he.'it,! faintedit of one of thd shtirwayH.

Jeoinnnnion looking imtrU andBi policeman, about to raise

ian, thought hop g her, and screamed; just

tli, by sonic means, stunibloi'f fell on the stain*, rolling to tliu

'•'•Tlio scream was heard byimc,'wild pushed forward to see•\u\t WIIH thcniatter, ""<-t in tho. con-

mion, soinp, of these 'fell nvov theady prostrate ."mnu ami" woman

ihil now.tho report Hew from motitl§o*moul.h'ot. those farther out on the

ratfial the stnicluu1 was breakThis was tho culmination

8%lnmity, as it outsell. a maiI tmvftnl tin* stairways where peo:

| pie in their frantic efforts to get ofi• tho bridge were pushed over one uu-

•v other down tho stall's until, beforeD* rush'could be stayed, upwnrds ol

flirty were piled up—-a heap of crush-inl, suffociiting, struggling huinauity.

'ii were extracted from tlii.s heapMs, nnd twenty-nine, more or less

r injured, wore tnlten to tho hnspi

a terrible allmr, and iiobothI scorns lo lie responsible for it. Tli

or nrose simply from tliu ten-• fif most people to lose theiii when a little excited; and thii

enoy is liable at suiy 'timo t<t another such catastrophe u

1 not worse than this one. Thlustees are endeavoring U|ome way of averting a re-

i this cahunUy but as yetPane been discovered.

(ConHimcd from 1st page.)

i r i u rorjall V.'.V.'.'.V.V.V.V.V.V."./ 1ST dajt ko*nlli>t[ prlionun, (rota Aaj;W to Nor, •:, 1KS1, m M c«oit . . . S!

turnkey feet MV«nte*n commlt'ti At .17c.ruhlng for f ruonei* twilTti wcrki it)J !

••jln/wltncMCi rot font term co'tia!'.!', 133 Wha tJilo*lni bill* of aoili due iho Coun-ty Clerk, Sheriff iml Ju.tlce*' fuel, Ut'Stpl term lu HIM. . . ,

lo ttlmr tHiriW .John 1*1RSita tlfNtrtn H DiT]f0<i W H c o l t J o l i M t o n . . .do JMIn Kdl i ' j . . . ,d J A t d n

(Ifttklb n*!ur"lav* tatrli'iic jiriwinr* frum Nov.

y Ut* ui> li cumui[iii.ii.U, ul CMtIVMM&II for t>rlum » U Wk* »t |1 IT v'kIU\9,* dsji tcmlinc cnur*. »l *J per a*j..

l'*jlnj( Uri.nJ Jury vrlincutM fur J>*r...•nvioc «ourt wltn.'Mfo f.-r Dec. terra....

I>>[.1 fur tl.e nrrc»t of l i u e K. Ko^ui^* -1Newark

raid f<.r tliu rrrcit of Alury .\nn llcuryin.I Vstucottnie lolliwine 1)111* ul iii'l* iluu Ilia Cuuii*tyCU>rlt,H!i.rltlunrt.)ifitk«* foe I w .

ssoumi oo17 SO

lfiin>l CMtiarlnt Hh-ir.l.V«K •'*>

iiMi for April irhn »c t Thui Holly April SI,'CllminD^iiOMlor Jttr

lfrk.KliciifTtrill .Iimitcti *ntlit tjhttr if lit\Uy Mu

l - d KMld

lUnrj SolJl»ro« KfJ l l l

»ncla»ncii M-t* Ch»ii»* WIIln

tlbiebUiaoky.llj-niutKiu^f.rd Klilrl.t o

inllinCharl.i Willtpl

T4U1D0U•21 fit


•J7 M

•Jl »

1883 Will:itift'J Diicnt tdtliTi

Alice VrrdcnSov2 Uu« ut Mtllfi:

•Idt.l Mtillllc)ibs:t

on Oin A uom w.If'fl fur Mine I4'J 4i

in nt ii

Win. L, Hoaglami, County Clork, in ncrnitit with the count)' o[ War run.

82, • . - Cit .j - in, H* niHnt report «f Surrf>K*ie.... J

l-lllns ti»th vt Hoonl rrwliililitiUiikiTig lumtcy |i»pti» tf John

Ti'kinK Mx iritnii*bili< of (V«t J0« S

, ll*kln(t i i i ci|>n« "if coal »t bit*.KiliilK nit coiilci of toil* at 8 cU.

)• IU lUkln* IIHUCJ papo» at 7.111 Oi-

ae. 13 . Kllititf .Dldsv-ii of Ji


Ml o l l ' " *In* lur

mi K Mil

A FIIIKT-CIASS I'.U'ici:.—Since M

Pulitzer (issumcil control of tho Xoi

1'mk 11VK he lias awakened it• from

the lethargy into which it had fallen

under its former managers. It uo-v

comesitb us every morning tilleil witl

eil in the morfi 0

r':, ItS-cCilohnU ari

to tlif,,point; nntl wi

lioRitntinn prmimince it

c~of its^cbtempbrariesJ

laraaparilla is a liifihly coiicen-Bact of Hnrsalmrilla, and oilier

* g rootfl. couibincd with lo-in ami Ircn: Its cnntrnl

diaeases is unetiualed by

n ^ unelaimcilr.,'pogt ofilcc for the-8S:J: B

)t.'"i [ o rira 11:""

de Parser,•dley C. 1'tirkLT

, P. -M.

icate the discaso aud restore you toThey ore the most perfect tonic in exist-ence. Drnggisls.

1110 A W Trimmer'.' 21 K 0 I l i u i l & Ou" 20 .Tmc|ili Ailm»" 20 Groveling A Oo"MJoicpli SOnrlw" 29 J \V Vannalli

'uneSTIioniiiiOnlgr . JKUook0 l ln to t AyrM jr8 Johrjsaon & Sun(I Win I.nrlsnn

a H anil It P Cuiiimlm10 .1 D FlockH Hubert Ayrcs jr20 Jogepli S Cnrter '" OrcnllDK * Ooti Illritm II C'rogar

(J OUcrnrJ20 a E Craft:IO Ilenrv Cummins

JO3C|)li S Ortrttr•loliuatou Si HOD

[uly 1 Dcpuc & Cn1 II O Flumml-rfell -

Iune2» I) I. >fc W II Wuly 4 James .T Mvrt-i

10 ,ln<ici<li 3 Cnrh-r11 CrovellngACn

.lohnfttiin it SnnD l . i W It IIRCl t a i r f l A C "

IS l.i'nls II IVci'll20.1olm W Pinker

Jolin A I.iiniliiTryill 1) h fc W II It

HUE 1 T II It ':l Diimrr uml \uir-f(*W.

BolviiliTu4 J W VanniittnS'riinniuH Cr.iiir

10 I) I . * IV It ItIV'kvlri 0 Flmlt

.. I.", J..r..l. Itlium'111 I) L& Wl i l i

Sept I

Impiirinj juv miAfflda»itof Uch

lk>»r<i of Cmv.Cur c*tu of ttkte't

l d

lir«n.l Jury iiiI.ri'iiHt Jtc (aril) 'MlH.i>.l-tf mitliit«fcau»« I'*c "

- —Tennor predicted a. cool Juno, amthe first few aays seemed .to verify hispredictions.

iNonorF—MATTISON.—In"laj-Mlli. byltci-.-EilsoiiW. Burr. -Sir.

gnAlnl aifrolt, ol Wurtilnflrai, anil Mist'—lo MatUmm, c.r IlackelMomi.

mouiii—COOK.—Attlicrcpliluiitcof tl:•ridcV parents in this boroueli, .Miiy Mill, liytev.C. D.Nolt,SIr.AVSlllnniS. Itiltenlioif Haektltaloivn,mid Mbii I'unii'- " "•

IIBVELINQ~CHI:VEI,ISO—On MTthe reBliluncc of tlie IjrWi

~ iv. JolinC. Civile. Join

th, In Itrfinilwuv, u

MuUldu ltcnnul, al,_ .

tlie PresUytc-riiui iwreonairc,Uclnivarcr:liyltev. U. bcruelie, Mr. \V. II. SniUti. of IlnrrUoii rnuiityJ Io . and Miss - J.auni Jliwrni,. i.f -Coiriiiibln

" ' " •; U L :

B A L , ! . . — M u y S3<1. l>y tiiultcvDr.-Jones, at tlic roBidcucu o{ John UimimllBJalrBtmvu. Koljcrt UnUlwin, of New Yorkand Anna M. Uuimell,' of BlairsUnvn.

\Noi.E.—Muy 'JStli;-iir'Uluir'stnivH liiivnsliif lolm 11. Angle, in the ?2il J oar ol Ills ti 'e.

Allcoek's Porous PlastersQnro .wbro other Plasters Pail - oven ';

Eoliove.,;m nu oilier oV you ivill b» illsii[

liolutcil. luslstoii'iinviiitf

1'iiu.A.. JlflS Noitm TinitD ST.,:-^-. • •:.,,• '.Febnmry 1,188!l. ':,

. ..I.havc.iiecn using ALLCOCK'S POH'OUSspi;A3Tr.r.!i:.fpr^a-iiHinber of years •siiidjii:f ways witb mnrltiid benefit. I havo beenI uiucli" troubled with Mn-seiilnr Hbouma-L tiflm; have been treated, by live of ourTbcst pliysieiaiw without' receiving tiny re-I lief whatever. 1 tlieu used Ar.t.cocK'sI Pl.AKTKllolvtlia parts afFectpd and nnu_IBban aasiire you the pain lms almost entire-" ly - left-me.--1- tlioi '

every one as Ihij' best piaster made;^have tried otlior kinds but found them

z:""nortltleas. "'• ~-H. F ;

"Weak Kidneys Cured.•..S^' ,' '.•'. • COSTOOCOOK, N . I I , , I

'^'.^•'•'W ••" • - M a r c h : - ! , l a S O )": l.liave I«oa~grea0y troubled jvith rliou/

'mattHtu niid weak kidnej'H, I'wns tidvised-_to try'Aatoci;'s'P6noiJS;Pi.\STi:Rs (lindTused twokimlsor Bo-ciOludvPuruii -Plaa-

[ -dia, which :diiViriii":nb"Kood);:~l)Utouu ofi* yours has workod liko n ciiann, giviu^ me

complete relief, and I havo not been trou-I bled. with rheumatism and kidnej com-

plnint'sinoe-using them, tiod I cousideiinyfieircurfld '

[,om#y p»pcr> D»nl l lni ;ktrOrnnd Jiry talip Apr U-rm. l ^ lScti|t'Koiitll«lofeiiii« Apr "Ttkinit ten Con«tnlil»4' »iPu Apr

Ti " "

7 K (! Ilnznnl it OnS.\ II Siuilh

tl Annul llclsnuI •_' II S llu'il.lniilUltnlii'll Ayrn jrII'. II t'um-iilin

.liililistoil & Son10 Jullll Quiek2:11) I, A W It It20 .lii»epti ri CrtNtr57 HiniM M Creaur•il) .1 1) Flock

I) I, . t W It IiOct 4 John Fnimo

~i Henry t'innn;ini,1 I) Flock

I1, I) I. A- \V It Itil .1 I) Scott

Freeman I lnn

D I. . t W Ii R10 K 0 lli.zard A Cnir, |l:,.iid Oinil31 Hiram M Cre^nr21! T I1 Frome

Xnv i Dinner at HclviilnreII II Cummin"

C'reveling A Cn4 Jnmcs M Even-It

J D Flock7 Win Qihlii

II Bixler it Carrell15 Lehigli A Hudson It II

ThomaB Craig21 ,1 I) Flock'."3 II II Vamluser21! CrevelinR A Co

r ltol.ert Ayres jrCOGrmiil

-24 .li^cpli AiJnnii.Inhil W. Piilkrr I1- ,-

" 2 5 1) I J & . W 11 Ii / -

lli-e 7 Ayns jr <1:1 ll Ii & F n TIIIIIILT .(- c14 Olia? K Stiff " / • '1.-, I Jl Everett /

Viiiilinrn it/ D.'tmiu-A V,'Tri,,iii,.i

.leseph S (Inter14 I) I. it W Ii 11!9 ft'm li-.msey r.oMerliu":

• ' • v'.ioiiiistnn if.Snn,«!« n',il!ac:e .t Kegonn

/ ' , M It N111111' II Ii it FBTIuirlier.t C,

27 Jnlin W Fnrktr2S Crm-eiins A Cn:i0 A G Sfjilh

Ereeman lirosAri:,,,, Hcllii

.Ian 4 ISS:i Hubert Ayn-s jr4 I! L it W It I!.1 II L'ununins

It! Vnnliorn .t OsmnnJ I) Flock

13 I. V Williams. y ....24 .Imcpli S Carter

G O GerardA W Triinmer =

Fi-li ,S Dinner and -horse fepd »l. llcWiilem

7 I) I. it YV Ii Ii5 Vnuhora itOmuun

10 Vanhorn it OnionJ U EverettJ I) Flock

14 .1 I) Flock15 Ii Ii Fare lo Pliilll|»bnr|

and return11 n L & W Ii It18 Iltrnm M Oreo.ar21 Henry Cumrjins '27 G II Ua«ltn»s"

'"~^~^!a^!*S"i*..- torn f.cJ .. ,-' VU crtf W—flitf \ \ J , '

' 2 30BI 00

10-.31 1.1

8.".1 2.1

4010 81

I 10II 48

S3 8011 8912 6312 71S83

78ns si1 ir,11201 202 602 404

12 000 751 2:7 001 05

4f>47• 1 7 0

ISO•V! 72

8 202 0(1




II 2. '

:t no70

«0021) 0:1.iml1 451 10

33 371 80

21) " .

or 1 0 " K Clark Clino13 " cyrun W O Nycr10 " HA Bryant20 " N TV tmndit

Jc !1 " K Clark cllne10 •' cyrus W O Nyee51 " N W condlt

Inn 7 '83 llcr cjrun W O Syn1 4 '

28 '20 '

'eb 4 ••Fell 11 '

e b l 8 '

II '25 '

Apr 1 '•'8 '15 '

Svpl Soct :n

r.oN.T IIIX'R I*. I t . 4I'.k I,I




ll A IlrtnnrN vr condllc M AndersonK dark cllnoCTrus W O NyceIi A nrynatNWconditc M Anilcrsoncjrus W O NycoEi W condlt{'. M Anilernnncyrtu W. O XycoH W cniilit

It \ nryant' m u i W OONyci;

VI. I I I . IBMI Jr .I) I.A W I t a fl.iii.b.rjr A lluBnull . ,

Ki.ouit mi.i.s.

July ' »UP'»rlII I'ro.llo]

.3 003 002 008 002 00•JOO•100

2 003 004 002 003 002 003 002 002 002 00

' 2002003 003 002 002 002 00



. . . . MOO

Un.41: i .::2W

. . . . HIHIwhcru-lii tl.u troH.-,, „_thuNnrtli "Ami , clitcf ntmtnt; tliu tjlunxtii'*!.wlik'liiin.uilii]iU-aiuulU<)iiui», wriii-t Dr. J .(I. Wnlltifb, ..i Fort I)aili>, Kin,, " N I'AHKEII'STUNIC. It NITIUM to liavu tliu world for u ficlil.

utltmir-tiif tliu ciirrvnt tllKi-iiscrt yield to IUetiiiii. I liavo ihctt It In tliu i-iioii of a ildlrutuml d>>iic|,tic ynimij Inily. wltli tliu tiiont grut-

Ifylng rwtiHu. It M'vuu-il In iici-niii|tlli>h wltlii-iuc ivlmt tliu imiuil iirocuriiitiiniH and trunt-

,cnt fur tlmt inliHTiUjle muliiily fulled wholly> lirln-; about. 1 inn utcul lo »»tntc tlmL tliuiml.iliiiJ'Kreiill.vreliuVf.liiiuin-Tr.imiilly of uiilitilcMmn; ntriiili- comliltini oflliu xtotiiuch <>(mi; MIIIKUIIJ;. It Is lliu lilcul jiiirlllcr mill ln-

Alcfuri*. Him'f.v A, Co, (Mil ci>|>criul iiltcnli<(UiofiiiUtiiiliiflorAiiril 111, 16SI, lliu mn

uml Mvlit of Hilt iiri>t>ttrultim will licreiiftt-r IJUKli»i>ly*l>AitKi:»'HVUMIII. Tl«t t t i f fd t l«lni{criii ilr<>i>iIIMI, for the Ti-.wn thnt iiii|rriiicl]>li'ililnlmunsrimttMtay (k.-i-lvli^ Iliulr i>n.wn*l.y fiilmtituliii^ Inferior iircjiarutlotitt uutlcr tin;

unit Ihiviniii-iii^rt.'illtjiilTin.iir Tuiilc, wu uru^urt; tlmt our frkml« will nitrto wltli un us tnhe iirxhrirtv nf tlio i-l.:it|i'L-. There tvlll lie lin•]i;iii^! i^u-L'viT. In Hi? i.rm.!inul"ii Iloclf;iml nil tiottlcs ri'iimiiilii^' In tliu Imii'lit of <knl-Tr*. ivrilpllt'tt tllillljr till! lltltllU III "I'AMKKIlitUstmi ToMt:," iniiciln tU<t •rmiiiluu mnlit-iiiuf Ilii^lirtiutiirc of HIM:<IX A- Co- U ul tin; l">t-

• S W m k m«nt IB B W ilmtratr*ta ViK IT tira.r

I. ' .—

1882 I'smtiers' rnltronil (arc to leave, cr." - - " l'»u[.«rfi.reU«o»* TorW

e > titivtrUflll*•• fimHj-ori fi P.tenon

M •• Kiitoooetob<r4 " HiewtitiMlItISBll ;

E»b It 1'upir foru l« Uniro* Co Pi

Totiti (ISi'i1882. KABM AND HOU3K I.AUOlt. C'lt

: 2i I'fUf Fore« ' ' J3S1 W» M*tUU 34

(}mr«8n!l!l It

at Wm Bom»r*

Jl t .^ 11 ItontlT

\ViiiwirUitUcOfUtSlNtlltLn t . l t l . .

si FIU/VVT**

Jin" 1 atari* Smith~ b • 1 Wm II. «ar:>lt


r 91 Wm II uirlill 'r 'it KultTlUt .'

••lo t**tpr . ;

•Jftiu.'jbOijmaL-.rKit* Uutltr

TotM . |

Xaim Implimeuts uml Blut-ksmithing.

K»b IS. "S3 Wia llohtn DUW

uar !• I, II I'lrc.ll.11 KtJ llowin ii

. IU HtnrjBtintm

!i 23

19 00: . 2 00

i inI 13


\ 8.11 »ij

Him2!1 7


in 1

no."1 it50


30 03S89

3 00

1 0C




4.7. &s^6 71

J :s of' 17 G2

. 1 ."

n 111 7;2 13:; uu:i 14

- t a-il 00


37 70 •WllSlOaMicHlWlT3 , 2 0 «u, 4 ( I W | r * I Dudnc

Oranges and Florida,V:t.\\* AMI Nt.O.".-*C)'

. hr.w v\..\o., iir iina •lruii£i! itri.vv* vl\

Ui\l lo Uq> II-1 j.U) lull "fliui-pl- •-iiuifort. Art Mu.t helji tmturu nwry


J. E. LYNN* Prop., STitixr,

Wasliiagton, N. ] .

Fashionable Millinery

HAMPT-GN & OBEBLYAn: ii<iiv iiri'inirt'il lo eFfi-r u full mul i-i'iuiilHi:

htn"k ot 1'i^liUmubli' .MUCniTV 11111IFmu-y liootU, litlmilwl to (hi-

S M A S H X .

i-1 I v - -

mill tlu-ir !••Tlii-rlmv

liwi mini-

tlillli] !w. Flu

•tupiiif/ a Sftevifrfti/.—

I IIIKI .•xiimliH- llK'lr »i<«-k 1><'f<T<-' juirV 'ini'K.i [ii1ltol.eMiti-n<-il. :

HAMPTON SOBERLY.:itn WiiHhhuitini. X. J.



FARM, G-ABDEN & Flower Seeils.Alw.iy-. line to ti:imt- <iu 1 »l Hi K'K ipilt!



teaU 1 IitnU'd \\\

tilcli occaflon <ta

tMMtrnI'lI'.S.S•»> '* . ,

i*nytli [




1 Ul

>s ,



iid tlicyin coia 11


and y,t.



Oabbago, Peppsr, Egg, Tomato, Cel

I ery, Sweot Potato, and Straw-

'';;, ^!._..—borrT Plant: ir. Season.,.,_:_.

The largest line of Millinery and Fan-cy Goods, and at the lowest prices intown.



!5?*A1I kintlH of work ilonu inC3r~.M:irli!u or Clranilo.^g


—1.V AM.-ITS i;lt.VNX'Ili:S—

Arlisliciilly.' and PromptlyExecuted.

Ciin.k-rT 1'Idn rnd.ucil -wttli! r,r CwnlU

wllli Mn/lilt! riQ'l' (Irnitlli) Curiiini:'


a: n

$35 03

SITTSan 1044 87|Totul

3 i5S ' ' TJm uiiiive rt'iiorts. l i inf .K Sheriff's,mnty clerk'd uml stewtrd nf tin [i»or5 40

•4 001101

0 Is17 7!1•J.18

- 1 71 1

i;-",.. ' . - : • . . : . . . ' . ! ; . . : . . . . : . . . . . . ; : ; ; ; . - ";•.'**»*«

niiil utiU-intiit of Hinrj It. Tun'H'«i, fitoie»rjin Coaatv llom*, itinwlut; mnouiit nt reiclptiilUlnirnmicnt! .lurlm HID jvnr ni.Iliif t)i* yd orn tM.T lJ.lSKJ.82 KKCEIPTS. U DK.

H»J- 10 .To ll»lnncgJn»St»tward> lisililn »a -

•IUU0 7" do do . \ \ 300 (K).]»m> D N^f lMurmy fiir ihnrpetiitic QrllU 3 onJiin«'J2 11. II. frail m l lln-wool »i SilciB. 4C 58' O O O d U H* (lit ikln ut 10c U f0O O O.rnr

89 JiioAmUrr(l ])rafton '

SilciB.* (lit ikln ut 10c U f.0

lMntumtnnO, . . . SO onColleelor S00OO


a County C,» . v -1

.. Dralt-• ;ltcc'il


Draft on (;nutitvCBlliiVmihorn A Oaniu» '«*

-A\'»< Lurlsun 37 1«-S3l.witMtnioocenti..

" n W Jolnmlnn 77 Itwl.i it onxfta iwiwa"h

*..: lliiTld Albtrt 2C) UrilO O 0 ! T7 lb T>

house, tiro correct by the ^onrtt-rlT re-ports made to tlie Hourd of Frcelioliler?,nt tkoir quarterly settlements, thereforeI rcsjiccthillj suliiiitt lliu report for puli-Hcntinn.

. - Itnlicrt AVPM, jr . ccmntv f..i)|«H,ir.8 j j ;-••••• -; ; ~ n Jc'ii pi til liVt uiTti /.". . " ' J'.'

; '.l\ Commcncing'Apni 1st 18S3--t-niiin'',1 ' ' A p r i l 1st 1833. II. U. Tonlwo, Slcwnnl,•; ?Ml)r . tntlicfolloMitit;:

r>" By i]irrntnroi1rfl[ti"on c'tycol. f 1,3130 00Tiy'sulns from product of furm 030 S3By eu*li in iniiiits April!, 1S3'I 21 00

! $i,701 881. gtiiwnr.l Cr.lullse ^1 BIS S8



SO J B K i n i ; l nS3n a T)r»f 1. on C

III J U Wit Hi

it T7 lb»; TiW>f hM« f.J «U 4 \:\\ Iwnenifikinti 312•l321Wl<. ta i t l5 -U. . - : 2 16

MI.A 11 HWr lUllr11> I) I, ,t W II ItS3 Two ilinocri at Il27 A Q H»Uh

vril 4 Oiinun 4; W«fc»r.; ' 6 Johntton.t Son

II Cummin«f) Hiram M Crteir

12 11 K ,t 1-' I! Thif111 A O H-iillh14 Joi t Clr««n

Kdwin OouM '18.Toh»FVaiiiohl»

, 20llir»mM Crejerii*iinMti r»™ . .

101) I. 4 TV It It! lFrn l l* McllurtrT

^ 3S .1D Plook

JnlySl l I A H 1' Cummin>Oil 0 A P. Dunn"te t t M»i*u Srothera .

23 If 'Aft FCiimm tut '1 M lunn-••>"---"-

<b 13 '83 W>K«» BroUi i iSI 1[ & K I1 Cutnmiui2ti UKK*A Tlrolhtra

i r l O A . H D u n u .••:.-•

r 830 OSpers rftilrond f»re t;> Uave 14'8.1

o n 'nsur*> lce • 18 5!Jy t n d ornaracntftl trt-es 22 (10

By (Ann implement!*, lilk.smithing 202 20B f l i ' 0 7 C9

yBv.cuflius.Tiy1lni1glit~"1™'"~"'By mettt and llsliBy llii!ir-.a!!:!:.fei;fl.v:.-;Ily tolmccit V-IJv tuition for jinn pu

.07 C9

807 SOr1^;;-;.r-._:;-;;.2i0,0I-

180 r.achiMrnn • So 00

tit (I*

July 21II It HUh«diui|[ SThoMin Criia

' ' -—- ito S filrtup Bkiiia nt CO eti 1 KO• Draft on Csuntr Uollittor 100 00.: John Addorton 11 TilpH at *a.;....:,„•.'» 00

Oo. G«raril ST Ib* beef hida*t •He Uul

Mo ""s i ib i iird»tin cti...'.! i--asnDrift «• Cuualj Collator 300 ooG. Gertnl, 1 3lbi cstf aklu ul lOcti , 1.10


. 1003 85i John It But?.)

1 0 10 Dinner and Uorso feed at

" l L D ' L a n d ' W I l R Co : 05" 10 Freeman Rros 10 20" 15 D L nnd.'W B It Ob •s-.T.r'" •-—'26" lOOcrt.T-.WidcnorJ •- : . 1 8 511 IS IFi.CccsmJns...\:;.;.-.- • ' ' . ; 3051116 Ureveltng ifc C o 29 (ll' M S J K C o o k ' % « 15 0011 16 A. B SearlcB ' ^ " ^ aO 08' 17 D L and.W R ;R Co '*" 1 00" 18 Tbomn Craig c I 00119 BMer & Cnrrcll „ M 79

si 40is si•J70


: i> (;2,S07 00nitliince in IIBIIII April 1, 1833 f l S3

Amniint of frain, vegetublua ami pro-Tisinns rni.aeil on tlie farm for tlio >cnrending Ajxil 1, 18S3:^iyiietit, 567 bush-els; rje, 2JtO; oata, 415; com, 000; buckwheat, 2^0; putatoea, 400; green beans,8; dry Leung,.-!: pens. 15; (mions. 13;beets, 12; mrnipF, - GU;v' cabbri"pe,sslTl00hemis; Imy, lo, cum atnltn, U,COOimtKllcs; woo], M3J pnumls; pork kill-ed, 8.280 pound.'; lieefj; 1,400 poumla;veal, 1,023 pnuRiI>; muttmi,-d00Tt!Oun[1abutler. 1,SS2;.luiil; 1.030; ttllnw, UK;beer bi.Itc, 221; uttll liirJcs, 150 piiumls.

AUKiunt na "A|iiiM,"ld8S: ^Th'viil130 IJIISIIUIS; iu'.l 'IO; oaU, SO; corn,150; bitckwhtiit, SO; potntoiu, 00; bny,-!t tons; enrn stulkii, 300 bundles; uifisnpork, '2,500 pimiuls; amokcil ham, 1,500pnuilils; yiniiketl beef, 170 pnuncls; Innl,-•150-finuiult;; fallow, 20 puuntlf. .. „,:.,

.: IJITC atock : Horse?, 4 ; ' millet*, S^cnfilT2; UOWH; 11; culvea, 3; shtep,•: 31;tiiiibs.-'-aS; alitmtP, i!!);'bruud sows, 2;iiitrs, It). Aiiinml falattsnmut nf - |iui!n(ns

„ .rtir the yenr umllng iprll I, 18911:

23CreitlirK,C34 n r viiet

* S Itabort r«iriont It « Drrt.BA VBtioensakorr A - a b l - " ^

iri'.TMOiiIUan iJin 3'81 Hit ItieharJiMar 92 U::«i'?'~-->-'«"n

- ~1882 wmAcmsd.. ,

May 8 Ituv W, II ,ITagerty

J u n e 0 " " : :)::r:~,\r~ "~"'.

11 HOT C.MAtidorflon. .J u l y 10,-•:.--•'- "-•'• -Z-fi'-^::',:-A i l g B . . . •--;;_;.v:1'..-^.^,.:.:•:..;,>

13 ". It ABrynnt24." W HHagertvJ..-.^V

32 0911104


•Sent 3 ',' N W Condit• ' ^ . jOy . n,A Brynnt

0 4 1 • ^ W . C o m l j L

•SO.Q,2 0V


, . 2 00.r-^SOO

2 (10


Our. Motto is " Good stockniul square dealing," and wewill not be undersold by anyone. We keep constantly onhand a full supply of choicemeats of all kinds ; also fruitsand vegetables, and for tileaccommodation of our cus-tomers we are preparing torun a wagon about the firstof April, and will call at theirdoors with meat Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays ofeach week, saving them thetrouble of coining to the mar-ket. ,;

iST'l'/easc call and see foryourselves.

POOL & RANGE,•-. Eclvidcro Avemo,


Ou Ills! Introduction to Mr*. Sh.nio, of .\'.>. I"*I'MTOiilii iivctiUL1, Jersey City, t!*« writer ut tUialittle (Ki'tcti at onci: coucluilcil Iha'. \w miisi^oniuhovv have Ktnmbl <l upon tho wroo^ lioit^cnnil the wnma poraon. Tcntlcrliii: :m ajwhay nml


FOK MEN,*-* BOYS' AMD 5HSLDREW,A T - — • : : * • • : * • . *• - .

PRICE,i*!I :i l i c t i ' T j ^ r a i l o o f (J lo t l i i i i j^ for l o s s w o r m y t t i a n MIIV n i t c clnt> iii


M. nmSHPIELD,Mai £S Kl-ly IWiirr tit mil Xiirlimii'iileii «•-., K.I.S'7'O.V, /'/I.

iig Uctci'iiiinod lo Attract HID Attention ol'

f :u.. bllui-ii:'' ono of tlio largest atul. besf Fclcloctcil Stock of FKM'S,1JOVS' ami CIIU.DKKN'S CLOTHING in E A S T O N



Tin- Only ciloililntv^un't* In 1'ort<M>-* Itliicu;

X. Ii,—'I'liu lniiMin^ f:iccs thu Hinmre. Only six ,loors I'roni lln»

This is no Sham Advertisement,


f a ington |tar.—IT ISA—

, County' Paper,AuJ . contains wtckSj ii »:oia|n.-[iiliiiui

news 'which is of interest tu nil

Will tic sont to.nny address in tlio United•.- - :- - • S l i i t o H tor • :, • •

'I'm:. STAK W imlilislicd every 'I'hursilnyniornitif,' nt Wusliington, N. .)*., l»y

Ucnltv IliiiMin-r, next duor I" tlie jiost olliet;. Ilooma liir{.'(! :...*! ooinmoiliou:!, TitbleHtiftwnml man ii Fuc tu red by the CL>!climt<<il .1. M. lSiinswicIc & Uullw Co., N . .Y.. noilnre [ironouncod by good jud-jos lo lie tlw'beat in tlio world. Come and fieo oven it you.don't iiluv. No pay! ' Itoom Tor nil. Heat brands oft;i{j:irs nlwijs on linnd. .

JOHW S. GAEiTON .Pecorietor.

Tor the past twelve years with Johnston k Kon,


r Kcpairs anci "Grates ari ii Bncks for raii"Kindsrof~Stoves^iinu: H eaiorsi -_ . .

ay btt

tl.« liuly:•'lint I am MM. Shi1

"No doubt, lint theliidy ot tlia Mine ituma. The uiiu I nui luukius

jtardon lor the IICHOIIHI ru re run ce—nobody would

- "Ali," laiicliuil the !:idy. "I ton li'ow il I'.... Vnu .nr«loDl£liiKfortheMri.Shaiicthnw.i-, nutl -ireeonrruiittdwllhtheMr*. Shano.'timt I s . ' . I . can.Holvt! the iitiKxlb. I think."" For'twou'.y year* «admore I was sick—sick uiiuu^li from (UBIIUHC ul the

mother?, who II w* nt the eonior ol [lasbruii^taveniifl and Mmt,ay etrect, Hnndout. N. Y,. k 'wlilch Disc* l>r. IJavIrt Kuuneity's otllcn Is louiiho periuidod me to-itry.-jf ;i"iitilv's- t'AVOliHEitB'lXiTtorsiV troubk. To [iloitfiit hue I diiand Itpoomlitl me inort* sond llian ,ali tlic i-cine 1 h&.\ ttkcti byforo., My mother whenrecuininenileii ll to Mrs. Booyfeampcr, one ol

'%>'•VlAtc tell your niotlicr when you wrltu 1»

•noch'i)r. Itonuedy'a i-'AVORITH J|EHEl>YiclpitiR inu." • • ; • • . • • •

Havo Something to Say. to You !

We ti&ve in'our marltet on Uolvidoro Ave-nue (i litrge nnd clioico selection of

BI- vnn-ii:mi l l ' " \\x\\.ntli'liliiPtiiitlir <

Warlil.", ,--'-.Hl'Jlt'i

m n i

1! 11.,' l l iu

Any cvci-tmi!;!)!« |ii

!J Of

WzAN 0111)HI!


..SATUllOAV.JUNB-IKilti-iotki'. w..theStsmi dl

L'llI CILIl'limoitr.: |)tomldc

ilousuniia hiuu sciaed, ultuaiu I

I lie it.'1 LTI1J

II NOIltil Etltlu '

• <w •

• \ii'fvnl lU 1)11



Kit wlilch Ki-ll Hhi

i)Mli;slil--,1ilCiil> ifler.111

Ulid l l iu loicomloruliiu

llcr limn |iui

ro thetlay'nf•'• USCAttu

I \*u 1liuni.i

ciinyu I.• I'luanWllO."i-wrci


M. ii'li.

Ids vnln-


Ajiril Mill, jSSl-St

COOPER,• ! • , " -% n. Kdwnnl*uml bliiiinn or'Knir-

lnnl;ll"TliuN-<iiuU!i.iinyii^iv,"L'|l;.-*t«ll'U|it:r. Ulcli-; cltilli- 35 cU! Hull lCtisrlii.. 33 els.rn:limo fimtips taUon. Nnl, void liy d^ik'tt^prlculr.".ik«w.--Al-<-Ui'.'-f-ilKm:itt;{;-!rf'a'.':-lvjf»,---m"'-'

"•" itipVVn Wlukl<!,t>j Wiij>lilnKlon Ir»l»n....--;..5c.,B»ruH'it Briloiuo. liy Uunou Farrtiy...:.. . .;. . .-ic,

1 Amtrlmin itiininriKtiArlninne W u r d ' I tI 11 • i i I I i i • • • I ' n— •• , .w •— ii* — F % - - " . . » * ^— .

IVHbrc."."/."."";"'.".".;1 ' Jl r - p - - M - •- •.•;[•-*> I'oltur1* BriUirUiiy NlKln, elc.;l(olicrtllurii(i..1 . .ac'

PrnukHh. . . - . • ; . . . • . .'•.•..:.;PrelinehujHcnGrcemvicliVv.. . . . . .Harmony . . .•..,;.".-."IIopo. ; . ,llnckcttatowii 'Han lv l ck . . . . "IndepoiulencoIChowltORLnpiitcougV."ilftnafieldOxford. . . . . . - . . . . ' ; . . ,Philli jifllii.irg 'C T.~.:~ . ' . _.:

I'nliaqunrryWaalitngton",".".":'. ,T,WaahingtoiiMloro.....PolmtconR ".

|lnr> houR ol tlio lioli, and n tli or I'OOIIIB. ...3n'Sfn-surneins (if .Scluncu, Auitruw WIInuii.;Su.•Id-Smiicliliif. by W; M.illlou WlllUmg,. ..'Jo,

.1O11N 11. JM.UUN. I'ublltilier, lS.Voscy bt.. N. .Y

NOTICE; •• Jn.-the .mutter .of the • Estate of. John/fitter deceased—Jlule to Mtif Creditors..ijURgUANTTOTHKOHBCR OB1. TUB SUK-

iiliti dny of May, A; 1)., nna thoiiismid cli-lit-nntlrpd nnd cl Klity-ilirei!, .IIOIICB ts hereby g\\e\nil uetwm* linvlnc claims atralnet ilio •.iletiilo _.John Halter, Into of tho County t.f '\VSi'ren;(lecPBa;crt to 'ircHcnt liiu twin* to ite.ei)li^(ii1)i~'i,;lilii ex*editor," on orlicforo Iho filth dny ofFolininry,A.'IK clEhi««vlmiiclrcU ami elRhty.fonr, IJUIIIK

, iiltio-- moiitlif IriinthCflalofi! falUordaf; ami nn.v"i errrtitor nefilectluK lo brine Iimn.l exhibit lili «r

1 4 iicr clnlmi. under »ath or nlurmatlon, wltliln tlio

J, .• '•••• . J ^ N : ? .WW

nlurmatlon, witliln tlitorevflr bnnod or )<U o

PCutor. •J/W.BAKElt,


wliiulrWiVuie selling ul prices that cannotbe Ijottlen. \Vc tr.iti nlcnse tlic most fua-t i l i ' Ci ll A\ro nlso wUibe jottlen. \Vctiilimis.'- Cive

nlctsnll. A\ro nlso wtiilimis. Cive tiH :i tsnll. o

to fimiouiice lliat on 'I'uesiltiy, the27th tilt., wu bcgiin runuiiigf a witgonitboitt t(t«n,'. mii! lici-citflui- will-visit our.ctiatomei-a llirec times each .week, onTuesday;' Thurtirtuy r.nd -Kntunlny,. andsupply tlieiii witli tiiont i "oi l" tloorn. • • •


V/ashintjlon, JY. »7-

ilry oiiil vovy ulce la for fulu at H.-uity'a

>ry .1,'fi.C'I^r.r;^;/

i™.Sslivorci io.aajiParl- of tie City.™:;;i

IlHliOlUAttl.TI}ftllliE*lalflOlU ICLKTli IU11Wl 1.1.1* M KlUIJ.llH, DCCCMHCI). I SI' (JKIUIITOIIK.

IJUKSUANTTO'TllBOllDBll 'OF TUB SIJU-. r ro^^tu *nf the county ot Wwri^U! tiifiit>) nn tho

illthilsy aCAnrll, A .D. , miu ilioiimml cluhlliiin-c'rgil and nlghtv ihrtf.1." lmlito lii"-UoreUy,.'iil¥cn..;,lo

nwi|Ii'inm°bnli;!!lI'l»toMn'll|« *iMiuly-i.l VTrtnJii,Vu-cuaactl,. 1n:iircacnt'thQ. S>;HIIB-!O ilus pulwcrlbcr".hm ndmluiHirntiirti.mi ur.littuie. tlio Rllnlay^pr•inuuatyTA.1.- D.i'clRhtccn linndrcd atU ciglity !oar,Thclni; Ditto inoilUis from tin: (liitc ul tUo — if "ilcr: .uml atiy creditor.ncijifei.liiit tolirliujli

. . or .hcrtklmaj. t imioroalh - - 'tlob

or . her tthd tlw


a; timior rtallvor iilimited, will Ito t

iou nsiilnatthu r.t lon, wttliln thd tlwo BO l i m i d , ill to nrcrvrbnrrud of his or liuractiou nsii lnatthu r.M Ail-lltt , • " V - ' " •

; • WM.SHIELUH. Jit,. •"»"-' ' J A M K S T H l i m i b S ^ •

Hot Air Furnaces a Specialty.•crlvil i>r by mall receive |>rompt ntl^n;!^:;.- Prko* low ni:d f:ili!-liict!oni;u::. tilvu muii cull. ATI'S' OI,DST;\N1I, ASIllXCmW, N..J.

CAHPETS, JfirealExcilemenfi


ON :,--.:_

iituiinir Sl'ECI.vr. ao.DAV'of tu*»A* til--l»'W.I »f ut imrS \ l F fcoii-ieciicnt- lo the ^h ' i u i 'wn Uiivu

SPECIAL PRICES..Clts>'tliuii i-.wnif iiuumfm-liiro.) •«»".«


ml cMira- Biiuiln freo "f "-•''"!¥«. I""™illniiiil -liitinn wiinlii il ill^utiyu «'i H.O n• n n . f c VnrH rlljv -We have mi

ELEGANT ASSORTMENTf'bvwv kliul tmd uruiloof Qar^'''''loilic, 'Ac. sulccti'i! for |iresc»t seusiin's t•illi the ulniont I'tii'r, nnd mniisidti mid col

.un lillke Im liniitlsonnil.v U!"ll'.")'l1Wriii]

Klnco'rariMils wens' usuti. t'onw early, wUiies aru.lull. . . .

^luCi'iickcn nt Wftsliihyfon, New.Jersey, lias lii.s (li'posilovy 'near-,

ly'IWml'wiLh line Rirringn.1 ••'"..:: of.tltfijntest style— . . !'...

Ave.Ll!'LI I J l H i P l - . J l l ^ l I l i l l i l , *>l* i l l . i - - i l l . i i i n i i H i '

i i M i r a w i i l i i n r V ( X l n l i i vU, fllitll»n 3 d u v c n u i !I c v i l l u i ! tW(» blocl i r t i t w a j * . . . .



S iMl lHtOl 'M.

N K W Y O I I K . )

open n

iKAlllIllY * JO1iieti—AtyoiirYcjiaeat I haveiat pnmiiloi cf 'llns»o.1'1K Crum and Alkock's Po«ms Tuilltctl:; them t« .chcmX^]. &'

ccl, Oil-lc in pored"Sfl.*BtIN«S, nnd .


riuges arc neatly ^ •"•'-"

Upholstered and i'amuVu,—

llcady for the Spring Trade.

Zdif"Anyone wishing to jnircJiiiso'Vr-.r(ic-.riui/c. gotten vp Kith ncatncan, proportionand highjinhh will SUM money by callingrt lianfiietoi'tf and making a thorough r.v-



Dbliiinc-d In j ~ -,I-CINI:1V,H- . .

I nnd in Ucseus's C.»rciNK

tbuy tiru eiipcrlur io Ihu^n.of

' i'riif. iifClifmUtrr and Phy


. E. W. ALLEGth,

\i VAtS.' Hi" prt'iH. l.rtinloii -' yruitcliKfTim ilovtilvd i ' .(«I»« 'll:o IiUtlUn

" inrltcr: Tim IM»!»1« l»l i l laniuroti ts itralcd, over 111 cncmvnisu, llmu cliftiitts io

vnii:.\hl\ find BtibslnnUtU. ini5lninioiilarroiiHltfl 11'stops.""1: >"'""• -----•— -.-- •.;•••togus Stops at B Conts Each. .

' V, N". .1.

oivu- -WITH


.irr"ALSOALAiiaE1 STOCK OLumber, Susli, BliutJH, 1).

: ;Atw ( .yB .on-nand:J


TTi>- ^ •*•-'•••*-' '-—' u t u -t_»j,.Mora nn trail itiiicliBlnrtloijoiimMiiM;fVANlll.\(l'l-ii\..\..t.,jl!.>i: j / iss:t . * I nfl iloPB tin; mm which ul ttiis


.Hi* fcidrnn Hint wo arc -called upon d

iopa t i m hi lr painful duly id ri'litlc.l i i i 1 " ' '"

; , o r p in u y rliutfrcd>a the /W-O/fcVc at UWi/si</-! tliln,',', tuino ill win-1'

Ion, .\'.J,,n* wond-chm mutter. ! wlifii it UIHUM viikh l i

is a «iiU mny, bu

:, Kiiatchlng

LOCAL • IXTfiLLKJJSiVOK.. • - COM, , \T ir i lTAII . , - -• M Hie D. L. J: W. It, It. Cu't>. dov'ntM Vchiiic

Urnlf •.l»Sl»«l'»n..Kflf . .-., 3.M per Inn.%»*?•" . ^ P " ' " " -a.M tir Ion.


• Ailv'lH '.rills

•l'UASTKIt for HIII.'l.y Henry Win-It-r, Wellington,' N*. •!.

—All kinds of timvoil; nnd piniliHie promptly by .v. Mi

near 1'. 0 . Shaving,hairi;iittin;(,oto. ['-•'.!Wtinted—li young ladies to learn inilliu-

t-ry trade apply utonce to Crcvoling & Cu—Mr. S. S. Tccl 'a building it new \wm

on Kr»ad Rlroct: tho worl: is pro:jre.-.stmrapidly.

—Tho i-mwly statement appear* in tlax

: should examine it. :—The organ U3ed in tlit newly arrang-

ed chapel at tlia State I'risou lit Trentoiwas presented liy Mayor jtuatty,

—An able article on tlio temp"ranecipiestion, by llev. I*. A. Tiviioy, of Ox-litnl, will appear In ihia paper next wed;.

—Mr, iffls'jph l». Cornish is itiriiiff hishotisi! on ISelvidiW avenue an attractivei'oal 'of jinint; II improves, tlic appearancevery inucli.'

—A gold breastpin was found on thestreet in this place last week. Tlio ownercan learn of its whereabouts by ini[Utrinirat tin's (tlllrc, . . .

" '.' —On Wednesday .of this \\\yk Mr. .1.K, Hoii^liiiidjiliKCd in his billiard parlortwo line new tables, otu1 it billiard uml the

.other a fool table-—Tho 1 .miles' Aid Soekty of Hi,.. IVci-

bvU'rian clnnvli will hold a (air mid festi-val iu 1'eatty Hall on Friday and K.itur-

. day evening.*'. June l.'i mid 111.-Anil so our Mayor !i::s jttiuvd ilie

"Hoys in Him'!" Wu licur tlmt at tliolast Meeting of tlio t.if.iu"l Army Post lie

.,„ .was elected nn honorary member.'—Do not full'lo rt'aii tim interesting

t'SM'" on books by .Mr, K. li. Wi-bb. Itapticar.-t in tliU iitua and its 'pcriiral will

'• hpip to lighten tin? burdens of Hie.' •'—Fiissell's ice cream tit F. M. Udilurn's

?uU> ngent for .Washington and vicinity.All onler? for wedding.*, iveentions, ptir-

1 -.ties anil festivals promptly attended to.. —Next 'Spring township commit tecs

will be elected under a law reiiuiriiif- one•.-ini»mbc-r tn serve for uiio year, another for

two yem-.-s, and thn third lor tiirec \vaid.— Turk, of Vienna, had the

nwnyn khul friend ntt'l •j;i'iriul rmnpiiitiifrom cur initial, it casts a pall upon us tin!is not easily HIIIIICCII PIV.

.Last TbiiMtliiy .uioriiint,' Mr. UharloaFisher, tho cuclncer in 'Mayor Hcatty'afartory, Lcgan Inn ivotk ns.mual, nntl atten initnitea before seven o'clock liis vnrltwas done forever. "»o riufcMy tlml it is diillcuH lo give, witlicertainty, tlio ntcp» tliat led lo it. IIseems tliat he was oiling tlieunyim1, whiclwas running, anil in oiling ono part hehud to ritt'p upon n narrow ptacu within afew indies ol tho Inrpo fly-wlnn-l; thlifb'»lf«ji was covered with oil nr.ct hf« foolor ttet must have flipped off and been

"t In ilu<-wine); liy-wlilrii lift WIWd round two or three ttmi's and then

thronn iij-ain.Ht tlu1 board I'l-ilitigof thu) room with such terrible lurte OH toa hole In i t ; fulling from tlic a-Uing

hi! stnii'lc one of tin1 ilrivini: roils nnd wasJ by it Uict; upon nnother part of tlu

enKi>'*' where lie lay n mangled, lifi-liwurn-. All thin oi'curn-d in ksi tini.! tliatiit. takoa to rond it, Ix^iiiniti^ ur.d undin;;'morit i\itliin t!ie ;aiii>> m-onil,

Tim i'inji!o}i'.t v/tru in tliulnuldiiif; riudi• ei'iniin'iK'rt tlieir day's work, lull wen1

informed that tlic factory wmiid \K closedfor tlio tun-iiooti, nnd silently and cadlytheydispi/r.-cil to their IIOIIKM, divply hn-pivsR'd bv the Fiid Cito cf tlioir conimde.

Mr. l*i»h(*r ItmwH it wifit nnd I wo chil-ilri'ii, a dau^litcr am! a ^teii-dunirhtor. AtI he tinii1 of IIH di-at!i, liis wile was ntPliillij^bnr},' ntleiiuiiif; a wikk inolhi'r,\vhetic(! s\w wan sutniiioiicd hy the terribleMown from IIOIIH*. Hut JIr j . FINIUT wasdestined to pitll'er a tloni.'lo nillicllon, (or onFriday phtr received the nnws of IUT nuith-er*s dcntli.

Mr, Fhhrr tame tu this phu«> fromI'liiUipslnirj,' two yeai;i ii^o anddurin<; thetiiMC ot UU r«;.-iMoLiM hi-re neciipied' theiiosiiion wtucli In; hold at the Ijiik-oriuHh'titli. Uf wiit; it skillful nux'tnink- mid airnstwdrlliy man. having a lnr;;i' cirdo utwarm frinni.-t whieh his p!i>;is.inL fOutaltpialilics won k-v him. : .

The fiuural touts plauu nn Sumtuy :it'hil!iiismirf.'. Tin1 proa'.-Moa started fromIIH plsuv alioiii 1U::>U o'clock A.M.,'uml(us . wcorlCil nut of lov.-:t by ReynoldsVwt, (I. A. !!., In-mlvil by the HutUy

Utimut ititiuU Mr. l-'itlit-r linvinj; been n

ieinber nt'tin.! I Tin; jirocej-si

n i : c « i t A T i o . \ »AV.In our last Usim Tfl worn cniniwlled to

Fpeiik very liriclly of the DiTfiraiion "LifirmonicH on avcomit of Ro!n;{ to ]the Minu ev<Miiu(,'; liut wo uix now nlilc lo«|h>al( further in u'(;nrd to ilietn. AfterdetitmiitiK tliOKniveif in ttm M. K. churcli-ynrd on Wiutliiii^lon avontio, thu ]iniccH'Hion moved to tho t'tiuetcry osi tlio lull intint following onler:: Oxford Cornot Hand.

Uimnl of Honor.Flower Wagun, ,

, Iteynohli IVt , O. A. It.niiivivorof War of liil'J. •

('onimoii Cuiuk'il.Ii'ndii'H1 Committei)Cliildroii of Votcrnn*. . -iJi'jitty Hilvcr Cornvt Kami inuVr tln<

Ivuik<tHhl|i ur l'mr. Ijmrvmv. .

('lU/etH nfinit.Ai tlvitiy ut tin! ivnuitery the tii*sl t<xer-

iHi win tlmt ut decorating soldiers'graves. When t'ii« beautiful nnd im[>roi-ivn cereiuony wn.« over Iho people repnfr-il to lIn* {•rovit wliert; tho Rpoaktng WUH toh l " ' • - "

COUNCIL l'llOCHEIHSKJ.S,Tim llc«iilur moiitlily mcetmg of Coon

il was hphl in (tin Town llnll on Mondayvi'dinir, June-1th.

Members proMtmlMcuirj. llttwerx, Lynn.Mllroy, Hlutwirl and Wiulor.

Mayor Ucatly byiiitf alwcnt Mr. Mllroyvox appointed chairman.

Minutes of lost meeting read and apprnved.

Tin; following billH were pruaunlod andft-rrld to tim t'initncu Committee:

Robt/ltokf.UL' Com,, pay rollfur May 81.11 M

•lot. 0. Tliampson, police for May SO 00W i i polie f

3 00

ot. 0. Tliampson, police for MayJ . W, Hlirolis, xiwini police, for

Muy :m ; .A. !l. Hinitli, Npeciul iiolict1, for

May KO.. - ' 3 00Washington STAI:, printing nnticcH 1 2"»Win Itiirnod c a r t i n g ' 2 05

g , pWin. Itiirnod, carting.1. If. Siorri*, Uahting Umpf,-etc.S. it.Kinitli, rtcaitini;Town Hull-" mill lnc]{-npK W AlU'gi-r -wviii)

pK. W. AlU'gi-r, -

. . . . .t Culk'cl-

'2 05

53g ,

o r . . . Hill 1)0K. W. Allcyer, itciiiizoil billM.... •>! 20

On niution the ' rulisi wcru H i i w lmil drafts ordered for the abont billn.

l f flVuycr was ollercd liy Itov.j Mill of A, ItrHohi-rer, ftr §1.1.90, wasK. (J. t.'liin-. A tileynim from Mayoi reported coircct and draft ordered,llculiy, was read, to tlie iiT«:t tlial ho had Oommunirnlion fnmi -Mayor I lenity,y, romformuutt'lyi£ nd

t t lil the train thnt inorn-

l bi and eonsc({nenlly

The orator vf.lliu Auy, llev. C. 1). Xoti,«i» tlii-n mm on need, and he delivered uiiosl vM'ulItitit addrew. Tlilrf wua followed

by the reading of tin original imom writtenfor the occastoa hy Itov. 0'. J . . \Voc«l.After the iradinjj of tlu* poem uddre.i^i'Svero iiiade by Uuvrf. Ueruar.l Fitzpatn'ekmil K, ('. Cline. Tlie siK'nkin^ was intrr-

speru'd witli miiiii! by the ham!*. In thealisfticc of Mayor Jtuatty, the speakersivcro inlioihtoed by Ciil. t'lias. Scranton.

Ho many have asked for the publicationif tho nnTchcs pivcii tm thn uccsUifon tlmtthat ihu conuniLtcc lias made a Hpculal ef-fort in comply with ttiu rctjitests. Thooenuif \ia\\ 0. J . Wood appears below,ltd Hit: aildroits of Ur. Notl will appear

next »rt'k. Tim speeches of Ruv. K. U.(Him-ami l!i>v. ltelimid Fitzpatrick, ex-celli'iit us they wi^re. cannot lie iiroeineii

they wero lint given from nolea.

r ill iiflin iktllllUlUi

misfortune to be badly shot in the hand by j , . .tho accidental tlis-uhinge of a revolver, one • ••'' Jli;M»»tAM.

ve uf eoiurade FT h e bereaved f a y

ivinpathy of »U in tliid t'oiimuiiiily.ily havn tiiu sinc

l i il

day lately as lie was riding alonjj tlie road.••*—John J.itca.', a man living along therequest on the rtfid from •Umlgviilu In

...Belvidcre, found thf litado of ait Tiidinn.itomahnM'k on his land not long shux1. Uis fjnitc a enriostty. .

"''— >VIien Howard wrote: "1 'iiml a pitylianfrs iiiioti liis breast." ilic fellow had

"evidently li'iioH mul had im: yi-L Uvu iu-;fovnw(l,ihnt l)r. Jtoll's^Uou^li_Syrnj.». Jiva^

lie oniyi-aiureiiiL'dy.-"11- -• •" .•• ' • ~ -"• ." ' " -The" Motiiuiia Tnwb.vtirian olurch

will hold u strawberry and iee cream festi-val in the basement oE the church on Sat-urday afternoon and evening, J u n e IGtli,

•••lor the benefit of the church.\ . —The people of St . .Joseph's church• will hold u picnic in 1'arks' grove, nt-ar""this place, en tbtt-Hh oNuly . Mu?icai:ii. refreshnieiils will bo piuviilud, FurlhiT... particulars will l c yiven hi-iviii'ti.-r.. . . '

—A. little cltilil of Win. UmmU'ii, ..I"Danvi l le , fcli into n tub of water last wo<

-i ind was'Jr'.'^!i'»l:'-.l''!-i IIUV-IJ"1*1!! ._ _..••.•the w'r.ler sonio time when .'found fur every j —llev.\eirorOvi\s']iuiiIe-io rC'Hist'itato i t ' . l int . uli [S^VIJRU <•

•-—-About "itwenly iiicmbci'd of V.'arnin day fro

jcrcnisi;:. Junu -llli, tlie 1bit! l.Ml ilfiilutttT.!i WC

iii »( tnairlwlicrM?,


mmiy Him

lil iifthu

III t»;i.'L lli>' >:

rived at rhilliprhurj,' uWm tinoit, whereit was met tiy tin- Aimy I'I.-'.S of thatjilaoo and nnd i-scurtfil li> V.w. late im t»»l>li' '•"esidoiii'o of IIH miit!u-r-i:i-l.iw, Mis, Marv i;.n!Siiiii.'hillil'H. wlifii;' liuii'ral was t<> tnt«> TIIIK-'I- Vot i[<i!li' <-vu;ii-!iM frnm ih!^ ni.rl.l u!in tho sumo diiy. . About two o'clock tlie | l.ikir wtiti-li-ilrc* hi iln- il:irkiu>.* uf HKiiticrat procession, which had uowhtiMine-i dciiblu one, p receded to llm Mnin Ht.M. K. phureh. TIIM i* Ihw lawi•?( clmreti;ti riiillipsliiir^r, but it %\ai iiieapablt! «fliolditi',' more limn linlf of tlm'u wlm «!o-ir.;d tontteiid the services. .U.vs. ,l)ic!c-Uton, Meai'hom and Toiviisi'inl, of I'hil-.iiislmrfr, nii.l Itt-v. \\\ K. Tmiinm, i.f thisplace, occupied tlio pulpit. The hcnnonWHS preaelied by Itnv. J-:. Meat'hein, andthen ihu I'nllins wire taken t't the ceuiou'ryivhi'ii thu liist token-! of iv.<pi'(;t weiv iniui

ihodt-parlwl. The burial tcrt'iutmiestho ti . A. li. went performed over tlio

Bui uml


,-.•,• M


•riii--u HK <

Ni«i: li.-





, ( l l t i


it ti.ttir ii|> IIkiimvlliatin

WO. l l l . -11 'UH

u IK.I.V lu-avu•-bonl. l WL-k

hjirfiiij'iiia vi-t

w- In gully"*n-ht lull [ii-aii nil your cyi!

ami jn.viin

" j \Vi-. "«• 11 c..«» U VL- - 1 . > 11 u : f r.-


t sirniis tnuku jir>IV.S-WI; hhmir bu

: i!ii not live. Ijtit ui^i.fnn^ I W l i a l I 'n"' ' !lrlVl! Wv f"r " l l r "H'"r-V !lillll!i

Our liliflict illsln Is low,

(ill fited, Tl'i:it in n token of rviixiir llicaitiir slid l*«>til in hioiii:.!!.- r.»r tlitrtv 'i'i|, Tlist UI.;>L- rfSfihllit.,1 in thK&itrftinl Itcrlcw.

llv OnU-r-.f the |»o-t.-J . ' T . Lai>«st:LlV. 1*.

: !P. M. IVrry, Ailj.

received a ploasiint call on^fr. I). A. Dcrry, of Hov niiijt's-lli'. with r

' Hit- winu\<<;

• i l , • ] : . : . . n l i i i . u t v r , . I tii.. 'HI

i -L i i ! i J rc i i .~ rca tyo : i r . !« i l i i !•in u-mil.l liitvc tli(.-in wi :

y ynppoh'liiig Frank M, t'ook, M. 1). mem-ber of llio lEoard of )U.ilth, WUH rend andappointment conllnncd by Council.

Communication from tlio lluilJing andLoan Association askfny permission toopen Itclvidcrc nvcnuo mid Itrontf Htrcotto hty a drain pipe was reud uml privilegegmntod.

Communication from lkccl*inr Firu Co.was vcatl aud rc:«ivcd.

On moiinu uf Wiiitcr uml StewartJacob W. Slirope was appointed ChiefKuginccr of Firo ncpnrtimml.

On inolioii of Winter mid Itowcrs thoCollector was instructed to collect thetax of ISBl, bv July Ut, nud nil not paidby that time to tnfco nroccodinud by lawto collncl.

On motion of Hteivart and WinterSamuel I. ISiirncMs wna nppninted lamp

ghlcr nt $'JH per month until further'lllTf. ' '(m nioiioi: <if Stiwurt tiud Winter, J .

II. ilorrin WUH disoiiitiuiiL'iI iia lampliy liter.

On mutton the Lump Cununitteo wasinstructed to nut up imothcr lamp ijiVelilclown.

J . II . .Muriii iircsciilcd u bill for serviceas lamp lighter for May, gii.flO, whichwas rec 'vtd anil draft ordered for same.

Ilcc •••..d from .1. K. Ucaglmul $75 torhoic-l licunso; C. R Sluiiica 3T:» as hotellii'i'iiFL'; James Nulnn STf* ua hotel 1!, Stewart glli IM license fcr tliovtp.

Adjounivd..1. K. TtHTI'IIKII, Uf.KlIK,

' '))i rr'u.-iullv tn the ticM |>iiKriiuidlv to II h t . t i i ' l rDntiiotli- life In

ml ff

l ied I

1(1, .hinior 0. I*. A. M., • cf i* fnokiitg haln and hearty, ami appeal!ce,~visited Malunlisi (;*)unuil, ,of ''just as yotm*r J'-S. m ' HSt!,(' to.bii.'1

, Inirp- lust Thuisdiiy ovfiiiitL'. .—Mr. Jlubt. '5. Yard,%"uf llicsctiiuri-laitook supper "with 'their .friends sit at. I'rineulon college, spent a few ,inyn i

his home in tliin placo'flnrinir the early nn[—Tho evidence in Ihu liceiiso ui:;e.-> i?=

being taken, anil it is no: y d known,JI it will be iinisbed. l>«l nn-^flbi-t•lie'mnde to flaish in time to -havJi-tln;riarEjite'd \ii: tho •'pri'su'iil; teni'i i.f tin;ireme. Court, ii

-Tlio Warren County liible Sotioly: engaged llev. AV. i). 0. Koihock. ufrstown, tneanvaSH the county in their

linlf. ; A better choice could not have'li'-uiuile,-.un-MiY-Ituilr»ii'k";hill do -the

H'k thoroughly and satisfactorily.—jnittliias Eisetibergei',' tlio' nian who

SlcJacobiWooilrufl'.'s lior«o.iit Tort Mnr-jy,osked fora.lrial before the tluuvtei'Ses:|ns, : where ho'pleiitletl guilty," and thon r t conulutleil heliiid better retiro froml ive life nnil spend two years in Trenton• t h e expense .of this State.

-Vrof. Lawrence entertained aboutjnty of liis friends, ladies and gentiemua,

• t h e St. Cloud hotel on Tuesday evening.Sc^pi'ogrnm eouaiated of vocal nnd iu-Bu'mentul solos and diiiHsj. There was• o somo exceiient singiojj by the mniofti'rtetto.', The t'rolcsssor, nftitr tlio music,lated his iriei'uis'io'a;t•yei'V line . assori-Int of refreslnaenU.-'-';T~-!--Si:~..'--; .'.'..-

I—Last :"\VcdiiCEduy:..a(tcnioon-:ia-:..:.|Hock'Mr. Win. P.Hlenhouso^one ol1 the \^blishers of tho "r-iJ-ViJ^l'jjvn

n:o Cns!»^.v,,.... .jafiod in


of this week.' llo will graduate on'tin;2lst lust.

—.Mr. William A. Strykur ami wifo «x-_peel in start, next Wednesday," lor1 Can-'Inn, Oiiio, where lliev will visit ex-MayorShields of ilnit city." They will also viiitBeveral otluir cities* of the wust bofuro thoyreturn.

*"—"We rocoived a call on Monday fromMr. Chink's Jtutcnliouse, editor of the

nesis as . jjood nnd .>yti.,J\iiow..,of. no.iuiinhotter capabli of taking" care of"(f goodImniiieia than bimEclf. • • • • • • • I

.- toUf Ik'il

(H filllillL allsTltu t'littlu jw

i ' l •.T

i lliut l

i, mid :!iu cliu cries, it ml

uf .lylut; in

A large sleek ol the lincst gold undl A i t l v r i thi k

nt Him\\*l»j U tliu Coil uf battlus.

i~ unu u!t-!ii- Ptr:tiii..lilL'li iiltdici] nA'mi'rfiijriViij'ua'ilic vuti-u of setup

lyslie liyiim of tclf-tluvoOf ilOiilh f'-V right; '

Tliis liru vijur-Iifu'Tniiii rm-'<if I'-I.This l.rln-jn nvcr nmru imd im

flml's i Might."

—1 (.•••lllio (n'tta-mil wiilclies if yo

ever in this mark- ,.,.

lirinR in your clocksg ywnul; tlioin i't!paive:l to

0. C>. Vmxun.

bei'ger Urcs.', just below thu post oilieo

—Now jcwelr-y, buaulilul puttoriis, justcivcil at.l'renuh's. .'- _1C.

iiAmcncati silver walohcascH, dust and water. proof

jled'iii the oveninj; on rb i d l ' i Th

pan extend-1

h I

lediii the oveninj; n a e x e . ., wf to'iir.. .They buvc iho best I 1000 lbs. oE old, clean raft?, in largo'islios of the• STAII otilcc for u hajipv pieces, cotton or woolen, Four cents a

" - d ill l i l f l liefuture.^"^(Vt-a're^uliir meeling-nf -I* -V.-VM}-hiiids I'ost, G. A. R., held Juno"ltliV*iiresolution ol thanks wfia-passcd to_ cnrlttiml: every, one who co-operated .in .iliu•ftbsci-vancQ of Deeonition i 'ny. . Ho. manyearricd.upon that occasion a grateful .;re-

,pound .will ljoiiniilfersBoml rnE«.liver ut ItenUy'd JLuiwjiffiitory, AVnton, Now Joraey. • | « ; J 1


.....1 !>ANiJKIlOI!S COitXTKJti-'JilT.•v.-TliCM a r c dan^erims - eonalerfeilacirculntion pnrponiny tolic"\Viilimt LeafHair llosiorev." . The'Strongest evidence

. , . - - , . . . „.. • - , ) — • • , v l | " " / . | n ' " " " " • • " i " 1 1 ' • t " " 1 J v a

/ol any nainpfi except in one instance: for (knowing its great dllcacy try to umlttie-•':; J\m.. repeated ^courteaicH aiid .donations'(,7, Kll{!]] bottle of thu i/enuhw has a J'«e

( IVnicl l'V Uoalty was voted -worthy uml \,,}Mik of n. walnut hmf—blown in the glasV;:' -rormidly made an honorary. raeniber.-.rV?~hmt1ra lirecn Leaf on tlio outside wrapper.

—Wo.' have con tin nit] !y ...wnrned ,'otif The flltaloror" is as hurmless as watur,

r™ -Hiby'nSn^overioau of'tiiesn'iiiisifjliliy li_ "., nn Itcckpart street uVidwcre'iipBet. They

, Pliiliidoliihiiijfuud HulYork, wholcsrili! n'genlf.

worgjbplh thrown out aiul .I'm!/ l,(iwrencu vrhe'eoiicert given iii -Jleiilty Hall lastag5mleWvci'ely bhiise^, biit-KiiciVeeded. li'ruWy night by J'roffir'Ai NT .ToliiimnijpSgSmguig lliuhutso3. .T.liey.cfimt!j)aek"|'and:J.--lay Watson ""cmled' tho jnunicnl^^^lUlarcntJon'HoasdliadrserifHotiiiliS- fjoi;vbnlioaJiel(l..hor^diirinjr jlio^llrfit. of

Jr'of',,who 'was 'si^ clearlyji".tho.t he B'eti'.ctl at oiir-ev'^Tiitirb'jiri!kVloMn lnnro. of 'thuae •-dirUmid . anh

J; tha t iilionld bo ronioyr| T I I O Jiextlhinjc wo .shall, liear. from

0 our (sidewalks'." Somo'of tiicm'- are™.i V'txlrcmelyi-, diinRerbos' .eondition.a ' Botncboay.has brokei^n.Iimb- atitl iiibill, jprdaniftgcsj.liBa.''oeca^cplle^tcil,

th'tV'-week. -We uro' worry to Fayiifithoi'"iho convention" n o r ' : i h o c oi'"iho-1

ell i

e u r o y yvention" nor' :iho^coiicurt

hiivfi heon considering the talent of ti'voso!whu had.them Vn cliarge.. The Einfthip; attlic coiioevt WP.H good, but ilio" principalattraction was l'rof. WalRon's music on'the'violin, ,antl the cntluiaiasticapplnusofrom tlie .audience.- testified,,., their -appi'p-ciatioii<' *'"""'" '"'' ---™,j(-i-» ™•——-j,™-!-."—-r~

tllllll \i ))(!ii' tomri tw tin

The pimt [ew dava have witut'sssil in ourboroitgli no k*s3 tliaii three of these joy-ou-j, we may my blissful, ocintsions, for

"I if eiirtlilv L'Ofwls. HiA Ijinl, the filtturei't

On the cveninj; of Decoration Day,lanlly before this songj of tlie sweet birdslied uwuy and yet tlie air was rudulent uEilooming flowers, a wedding was being

enacted nt the residence of Pntiiel Terry,Ks'I. His eldest, daughter, MIEH AnnieMcArthur, was uuitcil in wedlock to Mr,C. X. Smith, of Noftark, X . J . , the Itev.'Mr. Ilolliihivoflieifiting.

On Thursday evening, at the rcsidoncoil Ooorgo Simhim, Mr. John llillliinl

aiid Miss Lizzie Wilson ivere inaile one iubowh of. marriage.: The. Rev., Mr..

Lamb perfunncd th« ceremony. Friendllilltml is an ice iltaler, but «u sincerelytrust that no f.thlnn.i will ever / i v w bis

lefiljon ami iilicnato him from liii loving

On Momlny^ninn'ifnV. "l.ilo - ll.o birdswere Einpng their matin lays ami the[lowers, fresh dipped in dew. were noddingaud smiling to tlie vising sun, two lovinghearts were crosstii!,' the bridge of siyhsinto the pi'omisod lanil of nuptial joys andmiuitid SiappincKs. Tlic partic-H lo thecompact'were Mr. Aumin T. Miller andKlla, ilaitytiter cf lint genial host of theWarivu llrnwi', .Buecher Sniilh. Tho

diiiff was privntL' and was cntiductedafter thu Kpiscopiit si-rvk-e, by thu K«v.Uliarlw»las. The bridal purty leftforXcw..ror!:.:.t!u'«co- to 'Asburv. Part,where they will make Uitir home, Mr;Miller being in btidincsa then

— Jlut as the diirkest night has itsrura so liiu briyhlfrtl day hits iltf clouds.

Thus with us. . Whilo the. wedilinn: bellswere rinj,iii)j" the ci'ajii! Iiinig/im' tlii; doorsof Hire! home?, suddeneil by the departureof loved ones. X strange coiiieiitutice "

Ihe doatli, on Friduv lust, of .MrSummers anil Clinrley Stearns. Theybot'i had been very low for several days,and strange'to say they qnit'this troubie-soinc world within an hour of each other,Uhurlcy dying at half-past eleven undWill at quarter past twelve. IJotb fell 11victim to couautnptioii, UieToraier at theage of -10 and the latter at \i3. Will wassingle,,,white Charley leaves 11 wifithree intoreatiug little girla.""Uharle_. —buried on 'Moniiny. Will's funeral .willnut lake place until nest Saturday, owingto \m brother's absence in llio < Kuulhweslund whose presence ii jmrticuhirly. (Icsireiat the funernl. Another sail deatli is that01""Witlifi Cole, a bright boy of 11 sum-mers, who had been ill a number of weekswith liio'iwurlet fever, lie, liowp.ver, badrecovered from this v\vtion drojisy st;t it.lie was tlie sonof Wiluoir Colu,'ivliosodecease occurred some years since. ,-Wcdeeply syuioaihiM with tlie niolheifriends in tiieir Had bisrc-avumwil.

—James Simpson, whom yonr readersmay rcmembor of rcadinpf about o.fovrwevkH ago in tbo STAR, whilo repairing abnrn bchiiiftina to Wm. Kimplo, on MiooHill, tost Friday, Tell from tlio roof, u dis-taucu of about IB fcot, striking libbre.tsl ugaiusl imvcral lareo roclta Umt Itubctldu U10 barp, crushing several riu3and othenriao injuring him internally.Lying very low lout Monday inoniiug, hercquentPil that his mother flliould bo tentfor. She was sum mooed, arriving here outho 12:47 r. M. trnin, Monday, She isdeeply grieved to eco her xon In micli arrlticnl condiiloi

—Six other ilcnths, those of Hltlo chil-dren, nro reported sinco my la«t letter,from llio cflectH of what is pronoanced byour medical genta as measles. Mr. Cor-nelius OWcif lost thren bright little cliil-drcn laxt week, Mr. Aldeu Wilkinson one,and Frit/. Clino two. . For tho benefit ofour citizens w« would recommend llictn togiro Dr. T. M. A'llcronJunrtlon, u t.ill. A child belonging toMr. Thomas Mountain was seriously illwith llio Hamo dLscaHO prevalent in tonn.Dr. A'jlcrou visited thu child twice and it

now rapidly prospering.—Wo HIIOIIM Hupposo that tho late pic-

nie held in .Spring Grove, Oxford, was sofiunncially successful thnt it would boon in-ducement fnr other Societies to soon lioldanother, l'ic-nicii "take" wrll in • Oxford.There In at them enjoyment for lite young,besides they help tbo printer and in allonsen benetit the Bociety. Posters, tick-ets and programmes gotten up in artistic.shape und ut reasonaolo prices, at theSTAII olilca.

—Thomas JJyrnc, ulio fitted up verynicely and Htoclceil willi whiskoy, beer andcignrs a saloon in Oxford, n few weeks ngo,wo iinderHtatid will remove from here,shortly. Wo are told he hai bnen ullcrcil

il openiiif,' in JutNtoii or Xew Vork. though he has not yet decided us to:li place ho will go. l i e ha3 not been

overrun with hnsim'SH ninco liis openingIJ* in Oxford. • • • ; • •

—A. .r, Hyler, 'together with .severalother of our cili/mn, went with great an-tii-ipitions for a bright futiiro to (.'alifor-nia uhout 11 nirmlli ugn. llyler returnedlast tti'fk considerably ilisappolntcd.

'husc who weiit with him mv 8till there,:liou«h they uto getting tired of thnt ate-tiin of the country, und, up doubt, theywill soon return to the town of their na-tivity.

—Mr. .lohn Murphy, funuerly a residentT O.\ford Intt now of l'aterson, wiis in-ilantly killed in that city, on Monday•'••" by 11 drill tiiigiuu 111 Ihu niilnnul

liu wurked about tho yuril, andiv Ink1 ntlempting to jump on the engineii* I'ciit Klii>i»-d uml lie fi'H under and ir.ctii KJII fato. liis juncntH anil HOVUIIVIirollulrrf and sister.-t reside in I'aterson.

— Wo lifivc not yet heard of any pnblieibcLTViinci; of thi) I'oitrth uf .Inly in Ox-

fnrd. There usually H nn observance ofKomo kind, mid though it U timu enoughyet to make an announcement uf il. «'» do

it think uiir |Ktlribtic citi/ciitt will allow:1m day to pass unnoticed in Oxford,

•Tins strawberry und ice crcum Icalivaliield in the M- K. church on Suturdi

•tiiiiiji of last week wa* a profitnblo a:


ayve.iitt(r f lust e k t a profitble af-uir. The proeocd. ate to be appropri-.ted toivardd the above church.

—Miss Kitty Shay ami brother b'rcildiof Wateiloo were veiling friemU last, wcok

in Oxford. Jj.ui'itx.

t usual on Wednesday Ust.Uiit everything pitsscil oil1 piemantly, aaiiwith cicdit to tlioss in charge. Tim i>re-cession 'wo3 funned ut 10.IJ0 iti tin; depul,

?adiid by Major 11 U. Jtudd und .Mr. L.',, Salmon. The Hoc van formed us fol-

A Monster MusicalEstablishment.

From (he Jv. J* DallyGraphic, Feb. 24, 1882.—Daniel F . Beatty, of Wash-Inpton, N. ,1,, proprietorand founder of Bcatty'sGreat Ortjan and PianoM a n u f a c t o r y , in thatthriving city, which is thosubject of u double I>U(J<IIllustration in thin IHHUU of,the Graphic, is to-day onoof tlio forcmo3t and mostaucccaaful busineas men inthis country. :. Bcgmnfag-twelve ycarii ago, young,fticxpcrlcnrci1, nnd without."ajtital, ho ban by Ma owntact, enterprise and nerve,amassed a fortune, builtllio greatest manufactoryin the, world, and 19 doinga bimncsft tlia* is ainstrvelto his slow-growing rivals,and which weekly is In-creasing so rapidly thateven liis present colossalestablishment will HOOD beinadequate 10 .supply theorders that are pouring in,.Twelve yearn ngo... thoHcatty organ mul piano -were unheard of. To-dnythey sitperHCilo all otherimiitls anil arc tho fovoritciistruments in thousandsif liotiwholdg througlioiit'tho country, a n d thisjrsweet, puro tones,superiormechanism and cheapnesslavo created a market for:hc!r Hale in thi* country,Europe, Mexico, South andJentnd Auierica, uncfpinll-id by thnt of any otherirm.

Tlio great ambition ofIliu life has boon to turiiir.Iito llio public -superior in-struments ut jnicL-.t withinl:o reach nf all. uml on

basis of one Htniill uian-nfacturer'rt proiit, givinj:

sry one llio bcnellt oflit; lu'r^u coiiinn's^i'iii that'ways (,'icH tt'Ui the pnek-4 of middlemen. Tliatli aim it) licit)j; carried

tut success fully is ilemoit-str:itctl by IIH MICK und.he popularity of liis iti-itrumetit.-i. Tlie ucople ofIViishin 'toti idofizu Mr.lieatly for li*. enterprise.ud generosity and thriceImve elected him Mayoriver iiojiiitar titizctiH. He

received many J1 "„ affvtA from the c

of other cities toho location of his factory, but iu every

instance be has declined, preferring to re-main nMoug thoS! who know him andbefriended him when he needed friends,imd because lie regard Wasliingtim as one[<f the•moHt ctigilil'i points for liis businesslo be found within the greatest businessojiilrw of thu U'lion.

Mrv Daniel 1\ Ueatiy i» thu ROIL of a,.rmer and was born thirty three yenw

ago in Lebanon Township, lluuterdoncoiinty, X..T. ,,Wlicn;al:i'J;lie;cyitir-H;:a-taste for niusie, which, as he became older,grew into a passion. This wan intensifiedwhen titi was about twenty yearn old, when

11* stepmother purchased a melodeon, nnd

the jealousy n[ hi* 'stepmother overHuoee.j.s and eventually BIIC locked up theuiL-lodcon. Young lieatly r"«oitnd tovarious strate;;i'Uis to recoverSiiosscsiiouof his treasure, but at Inst war was de-clared airainst hint, nnd he WUH driven fromhome by liirf imtc rival, who used a broomupon him vigorously to speed lii.4 dcpurt-uiv. ' 'To luv stetiutulliur'tt hostility,"KnM Mr. lluatly to ilm wri ~ ''•I owo all my success, il I.driven from my ho:;:c by.licr,"?(hat I would have stayed on the fallwould liiive grown up like the other" 11 have long «!{<*» forgiven her. nnd. slio hii?

but a.i liis now busingsBlow in his methods and lacked (according to hta ideas, Mr. Itcatty bought :hk interest and commenced the mantifao-ttiro of organs by contract, intending, wheulhis capital was lurfxe, to branch out in the Iuiiiiml'acturiug business himself. ;muimgeinont and the display of aiiparlbr.*?buwineas tact. lie made money rapidly, anil""1

' 1 1870 ho built a factory iii Washington. :- -—-•- - - • • • - • ' MdulTorUfrouithbr"

'j factory was da- ,

ir ]»iiv

i I.rl«imblc.iiiii

our to iW

lull, i ?l, uml yciom uidrc

h Uny

0 volculc^ t.ii-yn^uljout us, iiiisctiii" "" :.jiS'vl full, we liatl you witli our hcarisyAboreyui lowurtL,

3)BAii But:—About eight nionthaago 1Dpgun j'|o Htifl't'i- terrible pains in the Mom-

. , i : ; K ( Y e U e i n i t ;country nnd specialiststrie'!,- :-bniJ l l ld d f l

y 7 .in the eiiy-weru

1 S, : r . y ; . .dreadful worn my HiifTcrings that -'nisinytime's. l.:>vls''fd: myself. denO.;;.!i!ially:.l: .wastold tliat I had symptoms of in word can-cer, and but little hope of recovery wasyivL'ii iiU!.;":/riu'im|;l> Iho-advwe uf-a-lricmlI consulted. llr.iV'Heroii, of Junction,'lui. pi'oiibiuia-d hiy ciiso dyspepsia in Iho.

t f i l h ' " l h r i l l i t i

aluy tiliHiikJiJnu-h from iiKiru i|tiiw-

—Micliacl Eigcnberyer, t!iu self-confess-ed.home thief, who plc-aded guilty to grandlarceny before lite court, last week, uiuVwas fjiven two yearn ii^ atuto I'nsou, wasconveyed-: to ::lii3-''Bowers itn Siilurdav ' ' ' ' '

il.,;•;„ ^ . _ W o . urn. Ijoconiing-- qnito" notc-d for'"" .{eiits of "|judeslriaii'isni at'thc eonnty sent'

Tho latest iiccomplislnnoiit in • tills linugocs,lp the credit of a^'merchnnt and nlai'roadofiicinl.' Those youtiK geiiUonionpaid a social visit tu Washington, on Sab-bath lust, but unfortunately had a bulky"hoss." Their gentle porfitiasioiWtC-.lheii,kind words, their lhreala,.ull were of 116avail. The uiilmal wouldn't go. .Heevidently was solving in liis mind somedilHcult problem in Jinclid. Our friendsgrew ri'StlcsJi and unensy, I'lioaaV.grew llrmer in hit) winvictinns that Sa.b-

t y . p l s u i i K . . J s t . t h o Vand he jil-opoRcd to outer Ilia "prot«st"i thenand there. As a last resort tliOf'ni. andr. o. started irjino on foot.,. ,TusL-i^ink ofi t ! 'Nearly 400 pounds avoirdni^iri otho hilly rond from .WnHliin^ion t(T*"l!elv.deio ! iiviiuo ttino they firnved,Tool sore,•Unrd.-duHiyi-tlM.—.iiii^i^r.rrirrri'i.UV'kiiiy.-disgusted and dcjcelcd pcdestiians wo ImvcTseen in alonK-v.'hili!. • Aauit.will .lio In-stituted for dani'iges againsl'lho owner oftli AL-i-'licsa.'' ::zr-:-;::-::-'. r" .^ : r , 1 c . r .7^rr

—Our I'rt'sliyjerian folk^, first, c-hurcli;/ye just Hlupiii'^i^box of iisuljil nrtif'los

. p a y cis y p pworst form, wilh'ii"Oiilari'h:iriiilliuf h h d h l

iitioiiof llio'stomach und .enlarged:jntes>lities.From, tho moment! conmiciicpd his nicili-'ciiie's'my recovery wna jjrailii'dl'J an\rt(i-'day~1'nm ulmost' entirely euretl.";;"-ri^iis'I do ofmy own,fniis will, thinking it .mny reiieh,some one who is sntliiring IIH Ifw'itS'; and us1

ti grateful Irilmte io I)tr. A'Ifeion, tovwhom •1.owo ray life I nlsb wish 10 thnnk niy'brother, Daniel P. Uoalty, who etood Uy |me in financial lnat'cra during my illnossjj"jVTi'ieji(V|n need iVa friend indeed."^

liaye just Hluto l ' o l l ' V

of jiisuljil nrtif'losto a r V e s i f i ^ i r i i i i S o i / i h i s H i o i i t i n P s ,The Voutin'lmdie.4' Mission IJainl did licutly.. and ...artistically...[..They-.tle-strve'greut crcsiit-lor' thus Inlwring tolighten the bnvdons" of thoso who go ..into*itr-uidluuli;Vin]a lu eiJloudtUo-GoMpul; of

•-' -^Theiii was no public; demonsIrntioui'vi.lowiiou Deeorntion 'Diiy.V.We .hopowhen.^nbriel'8 trumpet blown: thcro. willbe enough eriergy in i i ' i b l t o ' c n c

aud .setMvhal'/vs:thoy go baolc. ng iin

" i a o o 7 A , . " ' "' •"•*""•'"'

. . .—,..J to.cnmciig on even though

. " . . . • - \ f

cauie earriaf;e3 coiilainiu;; the Mayor,Common Council and other town otllciala.The lino was halted at tho uld I'resby-teriiin church yard, where the living vet-erans did commemoration to the bravemen who had sacriticed their lives in theirlove for Iliu Union. From thence thoprofession moved on to tlio Union ceme-tery. Returning, the line halted at A.Urown .t Son's building (formerly theschool huiise) nnd hero nn u.m'llcut ad-ilrohS was delivered by W. A. Kerr, A. .M.Tin; people were loud 1:1 their piMi o ofMr. Kerr, who\yas iii(ltiedJilweivti!jf...T!ielmlicii of ilic I'rcabyteriLiH uliurcli held afestival in. the;'"iift(;rii6oii^iin(l eveningwhich netted them ubout SCO. Tlie In-stitute Line beat 11 .scrub nine from towiut base ball, in the afternoon. .Score 2lJto I*.!.1 "Several of rour. former iowusinuiivisited their untivo lown.-ainimjf whom wonoticed, Uca Pyle, WY.U. Slurp,'"It. U.Uook, Clisus. Jlird, ;John Ha^erty, .(.JuasWinters and Win. Oiiuuu. Severalparlies spent the diiy very pleasantlyut Utidd's lake. In the evening IL cuuipliiii.wuH held in the G. A. It.roomd., Herotim old vetfirans spont a very social timetelling anecdotes, otc. Music was furn-islicd by tho Public School Orchestra, andpork and beans were served in abundance.

—Some time ago a Kcutleimtu visitedthis • place,'., taking sketches of all tliehouaea ami principal buildings in town,preparatory to completing a skotclrof thewliole town. Another gcuLluuum h-.nowin t'ownilakiog subscribers for the Hkutch,which, by the way, w an excellent repre-sentation. : . . - - • . - • . .-.: : !, T : / - '--)•'

—The M. 0. chuwh aro "making ar-nuijicinenLs to rnu an excursion to NowYork on Thursday next. Several now at-tractions added to.; Now Yorkin llio past year, and, aa this is the firstexcursion from hero, tho'cnterpri&t will nodoubt be well {introniwd. : • (i.

—Waaliingtonians no doubt Imvo allheard of iho. marriage of Mr. Wm. Ititten-lionso, of Hackottatoiyn, to Miss Tumi;-Cook, of Washington,'and of Mr. BernardKugrolV, of Washington, to M m llatlieM attisou, of Httckcttstown. -J —The alumni Bociely, formed of tho

graduates of tho public school Jaa't year,met lust Friday evening to arrange a -pro-•pvaiirforcominoncomeut day nt. tlic publicschool. ""'We uuilerstatiil they intend lohold a bunquct at tho school house.: r, ';"—Mr. A, O« Freeman lias been repair-

ing and Ijcuiilifying Ms re5idence."~;.-;A baywindow iu tho second story-Has' beencinnplijted, 1111 alloy-way from Mam Blreetto the vear of his MHidcucoj ifl now under

way._. ; ; ' : ; " % T K ^ J J S R" • ( A p

— I'rof. W. L I,lankin,,of,..C:arioir Uol-le{.jo Academy,' (.W

nMkeslin, \Yis., find(Jhiirlea A, Waiker./tlf tho ncnior elm's atLafuyotto CollcKor.'eiW"1 SttM"> l!! Jast ut'tlia"ivsideiico" of. lliivi"T.fA. Bunson.1' Sun-

iy (-voiiiug Jfr. .ILinkiiiVuvu iii> nn oxoel-icnlli.-iilorur.ri tlic'irt'iici'iitlinssoftliii'.Osii-cnil Assembly. Mr. Walker also lookpurlin tbo i'xorcl«!!t. Tlicic-wus~qiui« alaryc aud iutcrasled aiidieneo prcHiuit..

Ducoriilioa i)nv was mH'to"]wws un-noticed in ihis town. A t two o'fl.ifk in

.tlieiarii-rnc'on.lJij'^lfldoitJK^iiJiliiULA^nul^iiiy'gatlu'vi'ti iu'llu.' (ii:iiiolery to' covi-i-ihofrmvtK-..ol'..tlio., tioldiers.'with (IOWOM.VorvumTfoiJriftlouxoriiises' »voro litiltl,-"v'i 1 Iihurl-nthllvgHW -from ..Itev, Ilr.MoniM 11111I'rof. 'CiwiL • i ' " r r •'" T T ' '~ '" " ' '"-r•. A in'.w liuiij-liihle li.iH bi'i'it issui:d upim

h e X ; Y . . S.-J£-..,W.U!JR.-wl!ir!i\it!«ik. (Vf."Tlie liwimfcii- Hi'l-

i i h

i h e X . .feel on jMumliiy lasl.awaro leave lu're al-t-'lftyi-ij iu tho miirim.ftand , six in ' tho eveniw^ and it-'luni limaamo time an' usual. y •" . ; , J-1 ••; '•' •j , —Kditor...Uunm;ll:li_ii!t:plHced;a bifimli-iil^igti"In ffbnfoTHlie7'r«ia.ofllctf, f i l emilts everyone to know ••where .thc.../'n.'**fpiibliKlieil -. " "\ . !'": " 7'•""•""•;'

—Examination luok'uUco'u't liluir KnlllastTuL'Mlay and Wwliiosjlny. 1AH .UKUHI

iiu- u-iiUiid)t!i'"of f-traiiRevs-vycfci in town,'—itisa Itachul Gregory rotujjffi'il1 humo

" day, after_tiavolling.,A»I-43crtnanyl n d for nyor ti\'i> ^BTi'fl A ' •

money he catnottuVi'giii'ii i;ia''iij). uiiiwhteh he took hotny,;r.tid plaeedbfilroom in the farm house gnrih t h i t l h hi t

ieuii,in liis

I hirebfilroom in the farm house g n r i the spent the intervals oh hi-s time afterworking hours iu iiiiistering tho scale,which ho did. His melodoou, however,rente d discord iu this household owing to

(hem lur $151) for one yenr. Tim3 trpiip- j tlie year nre so numerous that he is uin

there obtained employmentorgans on commission. His'first y e a r s ' h'onturc iu this business. iv!t«v1 him -§"nn eventually ho was so sticeessful that

, -and j lo keep ahead, and nvnn 11017 he contemp-cllinsr lates enlnrging the working capacity of

unensB place oflmsijiess. .

HAMPTON*.—On Sunday morning, the 3ril iiist.,

Mr. Jolin SM'rall, one of the oldest resi-dents of this place and head of thu lirui ofJ h S P l l t ' S b i L k

on Books.••The siihjcx'L fnr tlii.s week slmll

books. So large :i topic; must of 11c-•ccauilybc.iliviclctl into -several ••see;John S. Prall - .t'. Sous, eabiueLtnakers,.

wnd'btriekeu with imralysis in his left arm .and mcc reiidering.liimalniost-.SDeechk'sa.JJ ions. :_ llio ypvy tirst to oecur to liny

At Ibis time weurc happy to say he is Vell-regulnieil niiiul l)oing llio noek- IS S , S b l ^ - r r 1 . £ ] »' "oolc. Ttoo avo Sovc™. «nih of jd i s t a n c e . • ' ; ' ' . ' . . . ' .• .•

—There is some talk' of holding a ttThere is some ta o olding abony aiid ice cream featival in thosqua'rc.of this place soon. :-

—Mrs. CV"\V. .Sharp lias large and •finestrawberries for sale fresh from tlio vines.

-rSotue old potato-bugs are aroundprospecting. Prepare your Paris (.'rcen.

—Temporanee is saining strength. •••S

ijiocl.iet1 books—Uussia leather, seal jsl;iii, nilf sl;in, 51oiocc:o, plush, full

SCIIOOI. KKlMHtT.: llopoi'L of our public school for May,

Instead of reporting tho names of thosedistinguished, 1 give below'the' ii'iiiiea 'ofthose who are promoted to higher : rooms-It must be remembered, however, that thepromotions from class 10 another art*almost as important _aa..those, to.higher.rooms; hut it would be taking too tiiueiiof your valuable 'space to have all pub-lished. Tho following aro the graduatesin t h e i r o r d e r : ...- ,-:•;••• . v..:.. .•..:.•...-,.V.;;.M •.-.-.••

Kmlly ir i t r tponuc, Kuth Swt'eay, Anna Mll-ILT, VicUirla I lurr lck. J enn ie flowtbv, KosaFri I Kll K t a Kll ll Anna limvlliy,

TO i-mxcn'Ai.'s IIOOM.Marv SmlUi, Ptmiiic EiiijcrUm. Jliimiu.Mlu-

Omriu Hiin.lltoii,11'riuik IHlii.-, SoynnmrM e t 'il Mary lliwnmn, Marv

j •

.::::r:;.;;~": TO Mlta. I'KOUTV'a HOOM.!<t Uoliloln. Cdia Diivix. Jtanic Cooku,I I I ' H l L l l A V i A

•ivr. Omriu Hiin.lltoii,Toiiiii;, Milieu t'islicr,SimnjVcuberi;

,T.itin!<t Uoliloln. Cdia Diivix.Hurry I.DVOII. I.u'cy Hiinlly, LlKzaio Siuivcr, (!eiirt;u lliill", Sue C.Wollcr; Cliurlw VVarno.; . _

Carrie CnuV, Lulu lltglm-. Ktnmu Unsli, Kni-..m'MUIer, Iluruina MeLuury, Lmilo •Gviiliersj,Carrie Jtiiub. Kiiiii^.Voimh.- Henry, Stcrrull;" y Diivtl.^FIorcneo Carter,"Juttii I.iieey, Udti

.''HIUU, l-*runk l^ulir, Lulu Ivctchluil^o. Mui1"glo Notl. _ . . " / ; ' • •'

~ "'TON1S9 STOCKBll'S IIOOM. ". '"arie PlotLs'Jciinlc nolliiigslitail, I.ldn Ros-

iiiibcrger, Mattlu Vumtorcit, llci(lo Scurfosw,Eddie relly, Eddie Lynn, l'tttsey Boston, Clitm.Cus.-WHlle Felir,- George- Crocker, I.iiiini^'••"lurdet, Corn Stewart, Clifford Losey, Kulu.

"• '. TO MRiCwiTTBVMOOlr;

liari, Willie' Cnrlmrt,'' I'hlllp'llaiinully, •It'itinGlrnn, Jdscpli GlciiKmi, Delia Halm, SnllloMcMiirtrtu, iviUllo Mcl'ucli,' CliimTroiitvi Ini'Pliii-BOii; Klld-l'oakcr, Wultcr Snlllvwi, Atinim :Shroiiu, Isuae Tctlunncr, Carrie Wrlglit, Mu-,

TO ;;ifls COOKU'S HOOM. 1," j• ClmrlOH-Bowiby,- Van"cik'r-lUHaT;-V!!!li» 'McMurlrlo', Mniiuu Johnston,. l.Uililu WiAmm Nott. UZKIO Doattv. Carrlo

.Uililu Waipwr,Sillier, itmulo

jti>trrvi;r, r.ivti uuriui^r,ltanb, Miuilie Ncrnuy,Vutr'" Dorunr'I.anra; J3

Ciirrle Ilancc, Alvn ^toimt, Sndio Ciirtor,

unison, flenrgo' Conrad; Cora Ac'kcrnitui,uol ClirlHtlnc. Mlnnlo Dorcftinisr, Hct:!ali

KtHlnr, Hurvpy Tlinlclinr, Sfnggln DiTmnirr,Arlic Taylor, llcnnlo Wnsoniir, .Innius Sklti••:•icr.'Fnin'k Him" "' • - . . • . ;

,''fl employed BOIIIO of tlio beat pbyai-oiana here.'Vjwroto^Wm. •]& Tauuer^of;Dayton; Ohio. --"Thpy nil -nniil-my cliiid;ciuhl ^npt live for throb', wlieka,10 It hnd 50

iaiii'houra. Wo gave it^Sawmitan•vine and the..modicuio cITcclfcl a p3r-

ininentenre," ' Rnntgifltu.JI-

nnd ;.enipty pocket j ljoolis,for iisr,'for bills, foi-.coin, .mul for'sale, the latter beinjr at the "Wan-onCounty Dm# Store, l;ironi poeketbooks tlie mind naLumlly revorls toblank books, there "boitiy a. tcmitemiyiu such things us Miiuk boolw loempty pocrket books or to till poekctbooks us the case mny be. Of blankbuoiv»™-'tlvo;-'Siiyc'i"iil-kiii('ls nro ledgers,.

'odds and ends"

iu.t<-gnip!i ull.i is][books, pho-lograph albums, joiiriiJils, sera]) books,".bill/books,:.roi:<.>i|illKM'kr;, dntfL books,-note books, diarien,' check books;1

and bank deposit books; are somotiincHnearly.:. blank. ..: Story . .books z. c6nienext—fairy storiss, liislorios, mysto-rios, funny stories, thrilling stories,true stories, false stories, biographies,

.mul such, fieliool books include ge-jrfipliios, pi'inici'S, joke books, uljjc-.riia, spellers, diiiio novels, gramiiiavs,

copy books; slates and pencils. Sci-ontille booka arc very muncrous audnot much rend....Iiut. enough..aboutbooks for this^oncc. . At the "WarrenCounty..Pnig^Stui^ 5 n 0 1 ' e - '•n°y ^books " t liey ~' wil 1"" teli~yn IVMUIVi c-ili i n'g

M f i k ^ ''

mean by odds arid endsthat we have a large lot ofSingle Coats, Pants and Vestswhich we have broken fromsuits that we -

MUST DISPOSE OF.So for the,next 14 days we

will have.Jthem 011 Counter

No. 1, and sell them at 60c

the; dollar. ; , . • -'rr^- •


Philadelphia One Price

-A line lino of gold Imulinj; niul.Ojieti.fnco watches, now styles. (Jull nmV.sce"tlienil Lowir tlimi ihe. Icwosl at J/rench's.'

[ lop 11111 ITN tiro t l tc l'm-HU »ml It o i l

They are'eompourided from Hops, Malt,Bucliu, Mandrake, niid. Dandelion,—tlu^oldest, best and luost.viiiuablcinciHcinca int!iC-»or!d^i!ie best.xantl

ist cnniitive.properlies.'! other rein-

ver iieguIatoivTuHl'!' i J! i'tj :r uiul "*"11 cal th"i.^s'toniig-igent'.Qa.tlio.i'A^t'li.' Noilisensoor ill healih can 'possibly IIUIK exist where,tlicso Uilici'a aroused, so vui'ted and per-fect nre their operations.- ,

• now lil'o and \\;.(i>r to llio aged

ciiuso irregularity of ihu bnwela or urinaryorgans,"or-who ri:(i«ire aii.-.Apctiaci-v'JL'oiiieand inilil Stiimdant, Hop I titters' arc in-'V'tliii'.blo; lieiii(j-highly uur.aivo,- loiiiii and

hJfil'.itiiifi, w'tbtmL intoxkatin^.Nn tnii.tti'r y.;ii it.your ftu'linga or syirip-

iduw'nre1; what "tlio <'~<-i- ailment in,iso Hop JJttter.j. IJoii'.i-wnk until you aie.110k, lint, ifyoi; .lily-feel bud or miBcrublo,isp HopJ l i l i eC tit once. It inny Haverou'r'Uwrrlitinclrcclshave bpeii •• saved by

iksdoiiijf." $900 will liu piiid"fur u WIN) tlii*/-will iiotcnriiijr.hclp..-7'^':;.•.•';~^X.^-' :.-IJ:

Do not aiuTcr or let your tnendH ouiier,it use. and, iTrire.lliem tpjiso Uop Bitters.rtuinoiiiher,^3oi) Uillera is no vilo, drug-d, druiilfcn ivba^uiii, but tl/ppurcat and

id HoW,' aiid no person of *.in\ily


To Lawyers!

,i'f UKVISKli.'tiTA'l'liTKlJ In nii«

M irooil lit; neiiulilo 1'i-K'o.

. P. Bowlby.

'!£."'"l "tJ1 o1 JH^>P 1 is *' 1 \ViiBliliy1inriiiiiV vii'iniiy'- "•'i-HHzi

•" : l i i ' s t r ue t l ons . ' i rTWlus l c '""'" "•"illliUMir. nMliiiiplnV-'oiw Klvna nt Us liuuu!1 1 , • t h e - T i ' K i i ! v i n : i : t i f U i i s i i i i i i i l . - ' i ' f r i i i s 1 V U - -

il)lc. ' J A M B S I.. 11OSKN11KUKV,in1. i'.ntnil d i r ec t , AVaMiilimlou. N . .T, . i

rintf i ,nirciit, ill I

' LuliialiA'ii

ktt^lirstfins^Sfiimil.iiiiiriipplv to'S.']tmcf«,-r'>Vei»l(JNi''iu old reliable•.Westom ticl;tt":rl D i v r t , Huston, I'a. Ma\m.

t Ut in j lo •">:i! to OiTltii!il.inn;» -• " > ^ : - o L ? i ? . . ~ r.;.;.;.U'-;:-:-i. i i iap/iAitim.-:- , ,1 ; :^/ , ;^^^



k tonb ich our earth bo>Jlho exm, Uio groivt ccn-• o f four ianer pianola,^rth and H a n j a itrarra

i, and four outer.Uranus and Ncp-

j tffouty satellltlcf, ori hundred comot/, unltnbor of motors,i tbo raombcrt ot t ie

fewlflh tooftll atlontloii,pitUa pianola uow uuinbtn

(1 and fitly member*, bnti was, discovered until tlio

K prciont cpntnry. - ;I b&4 long noted Ibo great gapItwMQ Mars and JApitcr, aud

g t :n; planet wonid bo fonudr out tho symmetry of 1'ie

!Dt BO fur tlitkl iu 1800 nil A3-rCDly.four observer* was form-

| ft Bj-Btemntio search foe ttie_ . „ u» o(tcn happens iu utrononiL

— rerlos, bcVoro tlio society bad com-d 1U Heareb, (in outsider captured llio |

zl, of Palermo, on tbo lit of"rj, 1801, detected Ibo long.looltcd-for

Jot, and named It Ceres. It is tbo UrgentPber of tbo group, though leas tb&n three

d miles in diameter, ond tlia only onebio to tbo nnkcit aye. A Eccoud nstcrokl,

WAS found in 1S02, a third, Juno, In_nd Rfourlh, ,Vesta, iu 1607, The

p e t retfttnod possession of their broadl u l u without a rival till 1815, when ft fifth[net was added to tbo list. Sluca tinto thoro has been no cussatbi: In tbo work

, g u p (K^oroids, nud wo are probably: from reaching tho limit of tbu tluy

tbnt move in orrntiu paiks bctwcnii/ Mars and prlnooly Jupiter. The

loiincomoul of now iwtoroiila luw crce7 _. mo monotonous, wid tho Uttla orbs,

twenty miles tn diameter, whoso njtctit iscabled ovor tha world, ccu'so to excite iiitor-

i an nuouinloiH family, vitUeach other nnd st

rond tho limits wilhin which tlio but.| ter-bebaved members of Ibo system uuiy boI found. -... They nro nlso troublesomo membersf of the physical economy, for tha Inr;

o often discovered over; again, mid lh(tjmnller ones got loit so often, tint tln'.v ntunt worth tbotroublo of kovpiug.'

Aiinn n^tronoiuer-t think there an- lli-u[BV.I1, of tiitmi. niul tlmt, <w lbs i-mv^r <

SL'OJIO itu'ivini'S numerous ttl-1 :;->iwill bo mrule to tlm list. O I W M '.lilal: tli

11.1 in IKWl.V'J.^i'hey were a', ilivt supposed lo K> U:\{

iitx of n mtt iil.inot 'bit oiifo cUi.^l ini,"ivj-lnti wln'rn thsy, wciv [omul.* liiwiry is ilUoimlctl. Tli.iir orij

imti'il. for - liy tho iiebulnr ;Uyjxititch iwmiu'c tlmt n vnst iie'.wln onco fltleJil stretuheil far lieyoml tlia Imimiliirk's <u soliir .s>*hteui,' tbnt In tUs milliom c\TH tho ticry ni.ish ecmtr.ietci nml coiu^pil, some portion* of it hitn planets mi

. moon!!, and some iuto ustitroiils, white tli! central portion exists its tho glorious t.un,

tbo source of life nud light to his family

Rev. Father Wilds'EXPERIENCE.

m l l cv . Z. It»U»lntmry lr» NeU l J i

•Wlhli". well-known r l l jYork , and brother of lh«

ic tU Si i i t renioCnurl , wrllP»n»fi»11o«"t'H /;. BlfJi St., ,Vrtr Ynrt. M>W IC, W2.

.J. V. AVKttti CM.,<i'-iiltcnitii!

forUMo UchEiiil Imtimr M1W Injr nww «•« Hilnllymy Hint*. wlilHi «• lnl» lit iilriil,MulliuriKHlMltitottwiy.lliiit I oniM wnrwljf I*1""1

4 r«. Mv nt<|

renl»tr>inii<-r,niiil IUH- i.l tho S.tiioAi'with nil .•..iil|ll.-ho.'K M dcrhml. I l<time* n il:iy. nii'l u>><I vlnrr (lnVfnrt*

i i t l y ^l iKbftiiMllty «rntrc «>f nil i l lvn'c


Aver's SarsaparillarlMiMtf.ctirk1iPK.Mbl Mrpuialwii« tl.el.lo";!,HIIIIHIMC.I the nelltin »r Hit'

iiu:v.\ui:nDP. J. C. Ayer-A. Co., Lowell, Mass.



"" PILLS— Best Purgativo Medicino—


W.E&IL BURNETT,IT Aciuli-my .M(i.!.'C.

Ncwaik, N . J , ,

.iliiininu/liii'.ti1'. "I".


Dolmans , IPaletuts


(1 iiiid RKl'AlltlNl.wilii /«• HK-l>YKI>r.m,lfmtiaj\lttm-:!ij,lnriuj

Ike Summer.

''•••"Alt JtlNB

wzn for tli-J l-jtitiiin'reil•auaii'M AIXl.^s

moth or liru' :iL :ismall i)(jrconta»e

on tlioir ' .-

ipKlflo (orand KnlllnKtljr rcllrvri

titooit nmt (1'ikki-ns uliunii'UI! t ril-rsso ana «

• Tho only knowAlto for Spumi\VfOVor«i It In

[FSKEPTIC SAID]u d r Motcliri anil itui^born liloml torci. EllmlnildIMif mrtmnrte* unil Sc»1J<. tzriVmiitietitlr tnJliwmjiiiy ciifi-l p»r»li(t». Yd, It U» charming waliealiliful Aperient. KIIU Scrofula and Klnm KTII.Ulii 1-rottivr". ChangM bi4brcatlitOBood,KDi<iv.

Inp ihe num. Rout* Wllflui temlencle* and insir*c | N r complexion.. K-iuiUfJ bf iiuac In the delii«il (cttr. A ch.irnilnB n-tolvcnt and a nwlt u n t i t c It drlTM Sltk llcadachc like ilia *lDd.t i r run t i lm no drastic cathartic or opiate), ltc

Ilrliliiff l'llcH-!<yini»lom« nTbo uyiaptotns nro mointurfl, Ukc per- :

ci»lmtion, iiitcmo Ucliini;, Increaioi l»yKntd i lng , very ilUlr;BaIng,particu!nrlyntniRbt, ficcms aa I( pin-worms were crawlingiu and about tho rectum; the privato partsare komelimes niTccteJ. It oltoweJ to con*tinno very scriotis m u t t s . nwy Mlnw.' •SWAYNK'SOlNTMKNTMd o, pli-u-nit, Btiro euro: AUo for Tetter, Itcb. S:tlt[Uicum, Scald Head, Kr)-Hipclimf IS-irl-cru'Itcli, Motuliea, id) Ecaly, crusty SUlu Dis-cuca. HcDt by wail for 50 cents; ^ >o**e*. SI.'•!•">. (In EtompR). Ad«li\t:K, 1)1»SWAYNK & S O S , Pliilailclphla, Pa.Sold by druygist.t.


Many years ngo a. I'ilUbiirgh Iron findturchucd n lot ot comlemucJ bomUbclUfor uU frou, TLo *Ut\U weru not loaitcjant in onlerto nifll Ibem it v u ncccisnrythat tbey hbouM bi) J>roUin» ii|>. 'DiU xtftiftttcuijitcd with tloJfja haumiery, but tiniaborere inmlo but Uttlo progress nml it trmfinally given tip as n Lad jut). Ono tlrtji> loug, hllm Vaulcca ctuno nlcu^ nml said:

" I ntidcriitntiil yon bnvo n job for ft manberc."'.' "Vcn,"wiH tlio reply; "wo wntit Hintpilo of bombt out tlioro broken."

"How much will you pay?"" U'a will tjivo you ii lip npicco (»ix nit J •

ilunrlerconlM) If you will n^roo t b lllicm nil."

i'1'lltnko tbo 'cimtmrt," nnv-vcrcil tboVnn':co. Tho ilny.was n toW one, »ml tboItionnumcter ilnwn to zero, Tlio matinmirtlhtrly went to work, but rfisitnincri t<tako tlio Lirgn KUM^C hnium^r which '.wa-olTercJ him. Tint Yniiiu>t» UM every Lombout mi tho Rrouml with tlio holu ii|i. lieprocured n biickcl, lilluJ them nil with waterthen ho cmio into tb<> house, mndn out biibill, mid mid ho wonlil cull (ironntl Iti thoniornini; for th» money. Evtry ono WIXFtunch mystified, but in Ibo mcrning tbchnfitonishment wn« [;rent, Tho water Imilf roica during the night, * and in tho mom.log n pilo of ecrnp iron vriu foutni, "w tinfroczlng wnter bnd broken every bomb Intot t least n, dozen pieces.

'Business DirectorvA S D

***<? " " ^ A


M.Uic Lroln of morbid fancies. I'romptlr ctirvi Klieii-motlun 1>r routine It. HcMOrcs Ufe-filTtDB VW*-t ln to lhc tiood. IdpiArnntccdtocurcatl ncnuuadlaordcm. (JTliell-ible wLcn nil oplatei (all. UP.(rctbM tlic m!ad jrs-1 InrtKurate* the loJj1. Cunidjipep"!* or mtin*y n fumlcd.

i .vnyiu '- IMlls-t 'omnirllnv •« «•»«Tbouttandit ilic Troin ncgloct lo v r o p .

irent lmptiro Hlood, Consilnitimi, l)ysiwnsin, Mahtriii, Apoplexy, Liver, Kidiioytlt'art DiwiuifH. Drapiy.aml ltlicmnatism,13ut to the ilcbUttntctl, burdened with HUCIserious sickncHH, wo eunsctciitioualy rccommciul"S\VAYXK'S 1'ILl.S," wl.u-h contain medicinal ]>roparticd po330»£Cd by mother remedy. Senlbytmiil for la centsbox of :M» itill*; "• \mxwt 81 , (hi Htomrw:Aildrrw. JMt SWAYNH k SON, I'tutn

l i ! ' H>l 1 l M

n wrlttns by OTorfidf Itiomnnd lcadlni; rlitun*krpjmi'n nml pliyiicbni In U. S. nnd Eumpi. .i t t - F o n n l e by nil kodlnKilm^lslt. (!-'->.!Thc l>r. S. A. Richmond Medical Co. rro|>4.,

PI . JOKI>1 ' .M" . «

jLUnci S. CriitvQton, ABi-nt, Sew Ywk C


p y ^giants in tho business," Enid J. E. Rnckett,in answer to a question, "and thry Rot nitthe way from'§50 to ?.'00a week.-•Colonel-Oi'ihon gets S7(i • IJniRtad, - the Korwcnian,gets $"fi; *ChangV""tho*"Ohinfttufln, nowIn London, is paid £70 a week andbia ptpanseB." Murphy," who is•• also' ovti

""there and who is tho tbe tallest man la thoworld, gets about the fiama Knlnry. Cooper,who was with I'orepaugh last Boafion, got$'.'00. Midgets nro more numerous thangiuutfl There are over ono bnndred ofthem now on exhibition. Tom Thumb is,of coarse,,ft high-iuilarieil curiosity. Che-llah gets §12.1 a week. Jennie Quigloy~re-"ceiTes S-'O a week and Little Jewel is paiilSV>. General Mite anil Lucia Zarata,, vrliotravel together^Bet S-r'00"a week iind ten percent, of • tbo" profits'; of. the1,'inaungement.-General Totman is pnid §M; Major Atpni1/$75, and Major Dot, SM. An .nni

""Wo"iurQr,'Tiko f!hl*i"|>" T* ''' V E

and otherwise uses bis (cot nsuse their bands, is worth -*1O nonly legless man in existence oittnido clWalter Stuart, is Eli Bowcn, who 1ms onlyfeet and ankles growing out from liis body,lie commandsJJilOaweekand !H independentowning two largo and valuablo fnnns jiiHichigon. Fat women are numerous andwith one or two exceptions, do not Rot morethan $13 ,or$20. ..Mile.-Myers, the bendedlady, icceWes SAO n week. They average.about that figure. . <:'

" VentriloquiaU reoeivo a. weekly salnryof from $20 to SfiO. . Cassenovin tho. chop•ffho oats men to pieoos on the stage, got$125. Othor jugglers rnngVas low as %12.-Pire-eatars rocoivc from £35 to §50.- •Pattitho trained. monkey man, got . 6 1 5 ;Giovanni, tho biri-tnihicil, S^U; Anolli audhli trained birdu, §20."




of Crockery, >I1 pieces iHMr Chnmbcr Sft ii..rt0

1 i Utass Toa S.:U from CO cents to 2.00 .[ tioblet.s, from 7i> cents to J'J.fii) per tloz-H, from 73 cciit t ? .

loiH, from 00 cents to ;(i3 .

At'iuo Oi-uutlM *»«nr.v . . inn---TUB WOItl.ll. llt'V OKI*. AXD HE Att l i tOU Vulhurn Lumber V«n). I'iiw Alkm.

MTV. For d.«b» -.I ..rlcc. ^ " jK ' K'^?.111^;! V l SAdilrco II. U*. AI.LK(IE«. j 1'luw* ami I'luw Cio-tlng*. I.UWKJ'1' MUCK-.

K. A. l l»o. floudiiuiirttM'H for OUflxlimiB

AMI SKW YBAItS. • ' , , . , , _ , . . . . „ Uneof Ibeinuil \vlt*MWBl;«l'iil>criili. incCUlitl.-'ny arul w«tfdl»e tiin*. ! nwiiiau.^. ( U u ) y { 1 ^ u J w r < _

—-WAKItKN (Yti'STV Ili;i7(l hTOIili i HATii * CAI'P. (IKSTS KLUMSMINu «>(;ulM> j linvrmltni'Vii]


I rii 31« iCi ' iml t (MiMntmlacUtcrnf •!! .lylc- uf Cinki;c#. Itnw-

itcr Side ll:irt llcsti-rljitcen, Kllpllcl<prlns.Factory vn lkhldcie Avu. (litii-rnl II«>nlrlt)K,

1'Aluiiiix an<l Trtmniltij' nl I.'olkc.

tt I I i '» t l i iM>. i I - \ M . U e h l o U i , ' W U u l H o r I I , > n - . - .

• coudaiitlyuiiUnd. I Caudtw Ws»Ulnctoo A»c. ' JEKSIIY. J.K. Hossl.ind, I'rj[irt«:br.

So. It Ucitlibra Aw

C.VplH'fH 'I'lH* 'J'llllor. ..;r «t .MttliTHtn l'rlc*, I'orclijii nml I'n-j s.if'i,lle fabilc4 tiiMilv Hi uolvr. I'ji.t. Jl , Hul

l«(*ti». Hull* $11 t» fin. !.

il., Doi>i», MunlJii.i;*, at) kii.J*^ M*IUIJII, Tuinliii: n( cvciy di--ilinloii. Factorr-IlrimaSt.

• A,. .IS. <»l'i»»'*lfc I S r o . I . l u l i i i M t o n i A r . H o n .A«uitlaTltii-hI.JiiU|ih«win.'Miirti!uL-. llojlii l:i i I'caUt* Iu IlardHSM.*. llcatvtr. I'tii



. J o i n t rl*. l . i u i i iF t t i-r In Vliii! nsuteri»j.' Uji[.o>ile

AUn AKCU: l(ir !>.]..& W. UX

l i l t 111 p i 4)11 A M o l - r i l H M IMII.[.INRIIYA::II K.VSCV coons, SMITH'S

iiuir.iMNcu'ASHir.m'ux AVESI:E.

iiTOSIW.'rAKi.KTrt.SriiliitJirln!; !'••'!


!"HM1S!I«:-!O Orrlt-r. VUH r]:i«* \Vot!;in.iii"li!p. '.Whln-li.:! Avc.

Cur. >i*tnwl Mn'ot.

', pibiinil', fi.ii(;rwiinJ*, roek«. It nro. rtrpi.

Trniisr.v--.vr-i.Aw, mu7JiM>u-iiii<rwiini<i

i < » s « i i i ' . J < - H « i - y , .-Iriiri'. ' ':lJUN^I'I.UIt-AT-I.AW, WASHINCTO.V .\VK ! j

yi.J rimtu r«i:l»ry DOM-IO loll

n. Cull tnd fco ni .


VtiHlilittri (>ii l t o v l t n v ,will' Ual , Htftte &FJ KOICISD NewtruiOuc UulUro Vertr, Simp!*


1 of riow, Vt* Onr Try Oue.

lllml.r. Cnneaodice U work.



toia?mr, Mflil aud l t t iWAG0.NH.

A. M.<\'. itoftoimvov

KluwL-rfnailariillllne of Faneyi'yood*.Stnm(>Ini> and Kmbroldcry material*.

Mtrry, i-'ulu t n j Hxctinns* HUhlc«, farfi*s;ei JtIliitii w,ij;(,n. fiirnUhciIcn Short Nollco

day or i-Uht. Hear Wlud^orllouic

Ui i l tWtl L»Ht<*iitrLT, A i c o n t,

(•«.«al Mtii: til «ut,U[.iIil l'liti-lturc. One ituurlirfoivSt. Clund il«!«t.

Iv. Al . . (SIc ln i )u i 'lUKKKv ASI>COSFECrjO>'E!lV. T»K I1KST




iL'.ss men do CM not rc|ni.',-ic*iit nil, bill is :i Wai ot tlio»u who :iru IIUL alr.-ml to m


IU1.L LINE ~ fcmuiiiuaiMK isL&SD sriOitifcKi


A TORPID LBVER.IiOBaofAppcate,KanBcri>BowolBcostivo

.viI).C.,Mayl5,'8O..:- — ;'mg been'a"sufferep for

aloug time from netvona prostrhtton midRcneral debility, I was (uiviecil to try HopBitters. 1 have tukeii one bottle, anil I

,; have been rnpidly getting bettor ever sinceand I.think it the best medicine I everuaed.'; gaining strength nnrlappetito, which was all gone, nnd 1 was indespair until I tricil.-j'onf.BiUcrsr^Ilntn.

. Jiow^oll.-.nlilc to po about and do my ownwork, Before taking it, I was completelyin'ostrateit, MBS. MAHV HTL'AUT.


•^Th8:_Saa:;PraBcisco':: Call'stiya:' "Kim'-- Wing in tho namo of a Chiuu:iiau about tc

entor tho field for journalistic honors; hitplaco of basicoue boing on Jnekaon, ccfliDupont Btreet, and tlio namo ot jhc news-paper ho is about to iisuo is to bo kaoivu nptbo Wah'ftfay; or, iu morn comprehcusiYotanns, l\x&iChiiUM American. Tho sheetfor & time will bo iflfiued weokly, nnd aftor

" abort time sorai-WAnkly, aud ultimately, If a--•Buceees, daily.^.Th'Bpni^^ill-.bft.-nE fouri; pagee, the firut two.coDtnitiing tlm news to;:ithe,pb{p«He.lai!E1JagOt"^!ii?li lv'll bo trana-

latod into Englinh on tho thii'ditnd fourthpftgus. ^thoCO.000 OhinoflO word o Wtctere are not ropresoutod by typ&, theaethod ot piibliBbiug will bo for tho editor

~~or ay.ompioyo to writs or pnint LIB nows on:/ paper, from which'it •will be i>hqtg4iibo-

Rmpheil.^Kim/Wirig/thQ editor"-•~.pttbliabcrrproprietor, .reportor,,.(lnvil, An.,,

put icx his appoaranco at ttie Central utfition•«~ Ust uigbt, soekiog particuhM ot llio Ghineso. ^Vacas which look place in Chinatown during

the eToning. BeinR Bskod why he was BO; ' particular as to details, bo gnve'tho procod*"vtagibformatiop, and raagnanimouBly pro-^

,MMod if tho prosft represoritativcB proaont''"would kiudly aooomodato him-, with general"•'aowfi hn:-1wo5ild1ru*nra''tno.:eoinpli!nont liy

.tarnishiDg oboiCB bita pE Chiuatoivn gossip."

J_J X X 1 \ X 1 \ J \J \ J \J W 'me* of road OCt™«n tlm Ailantio Bnd the I'MSIO- I' Mnj, bdnf cpmuoaed or Uo« Comfoti.&lJ »ad

Alw.iys on lianJ. Also all kinds of '"" "—*•-- « — . - . . . -

OILS,iful Day Coicbei,; Chair Cat*. 1'U:, l'ulliuaa'a

ibu Util Lito T a i b t

Kerosene,; ,_;: ;Meatsfoot and.

- Machine OilsA SPECIALTY.;/

mccpiup CiM-t,tba wotltl. Tlirto Trains betwee caa^ouri Ktver Voint*. Two Trtjnii b«twe*


t rtfac«inff c a ncaco find

f 1?H4 and Direct Xitne,vla Sc

liiijiannpolm £ILILI Hiiyctio* and O

• • ; : • : : H U L S I Z B H , <Sc M E B S ' H O N

Dealers* in Havclware, Stoves^.Tinware.and ^Vgricultural Xmplements,


Lan;, Glass ajd.Crccta;. Store,JOSEPH.LOSMY, Pro'p.

TUTO HAIR BYE.G i n y Hi t i r nurt 'WIi Inkers clinikucil t u a

<ilodsy If l a c k h y w s i n g l e ajnill tnUiin or

i l » I l . T C T T ' S J1IAIV11A Ii « fVn lunh lcY

IThe -- great superiority ' of DR.3BUlX'S,1 .COUGH. SYRUP, over| a! 1 other cough rcme.rlies iV attested| by the iniinense popular demand

: that old established remedy.

CI : M i t A i . H. it. <>F X K W J K K S I : V -T1ME TA11LE JAN. S'J, ISS-'l.

Trains Leave Junctionfc'Oll SEW YOKK, SKWAHK and INTEKME-

UUTKSlatlQtitf:J-T.1MA. M.—Es[iru?H, connecilni; ntSomenllle|f«r.l'l«miiigUni,iit_tij_Eli/abelh fur Lot>c llmnch,

7*li'l" A*.M.—C<mnVciInc iiYI11 cli" HHd«c IVr IiTiTiiUrltlco Hraneh.'.at I ilound Urook lor Trentonmill rhlloilclphia • . : v -

" - • A, M - - Connectinir nt ' Illeh Dr1di:e lor

4 J17—r.M.CiiiinccllncntlllRli llrlslpe tor IIirlileoltratich, iilSoiuiTVllIu for FlcinlBKlontmiml :iriKiK for Truuton iiml riilliiddiililii;iltaiiooili fur I .OUR branch Divlclon.Occim Oro

A Y S : • .-illulntloiig." -ill BUMOIIS.

Leave Vh'dUpihurij,

FOK JUNCTION:I.mvo Now YnrK,'font of Llb'Tiy' Ktn>n(— 6A"ilHi A. a.; 1 0'!, 10U, a 801'. M.Suiiilnye, Slid vtnStwsrk, UririirlStrout stalUm, il'JO, nw,a,15, 4 OB, B 3.1 |i. in. ' """<Elliillii'lli,7.1S), B.;tO a.m. i.37,4 -H7, 0.05 p in. Hun-

* hi I n fVeV-'l ,* 7! 4?>, rt.,1.'-, n. Di.3.04. .5.04, CM p.

W V ' . W", n.!)2. 6.57A'

j :.^B«cl«wpnll>1.!' _.uick, complete enro, allftpni

II. v. HAi .nwi s . nf.n. r t i i . Agi.W. W. STEAUN3. den. Hupt.

t , Tho SUREST CUBE Wri:^


Ladies.-n Itacsa

E h fl i In ntln nooo ropyd

itUipc diSOLD

i iri^,M:For>i'.M0 A. M.—For c11 30 A.M.—IMf ScnS..|7 I1. M.—for Mau0.5.11'. M.—PorScra8 11 1'. J l , - i ' o r Aluu

ton, Ac.intnn, *c, ' .h Chniik, Ac.'iou, Ac,Clmnk, .Jfcc.


The reason wliy.we'fein offer special inducements to our [W-.i i - i ' ^ " . . ^ , . ^J.1 {UU5y SbrOOtlS- trons is our carrying nearly $200,000 worth of j JSI1W -feltOCS, v ¥ a l l

'' m e r c h a n i l i s e i n o u r f o u r s t o r e s . .•:..• , j - . —. . __. -

The Largest Stack of Silks,The Largest Stock of Dress Goods,

,/-• The Largest Stock of Domestics, - - .• •••.;:. • The Largest Stock of Hosiery,

- . vr:: . TliaLargestStDckcf-Untisrweaf, -•• .. .- ..:.- ;' The Largest Stock of Gloves."

A.T THE . .,.


30jJ,'3f)7 i 3D!) KortliaijU!|oii St.. Kiislon,I'a,.,.

i : , 2counttlM,ls Uio ovMunca of lliclr \-ulun.' TholeWIBto-(iar.iai!io.Ui!ii«i.«.'?!<•« u r«r.£rw«tM uiui Buy ctUor unlliwtiiJ mciiieliio. 'i'liLi dciuanil In.~not Bpaamomc, It I-t ra-iubr niul rltiily.' It la not .'

po t Liklayw.j'cftTclay.ii U a;i liicreawtliat liaab?»nL-chntillyKtowloif, tar the last tUity.iWcycarsi"\VtutriTBM tlio rtaaoiia Iiir llitj urwt KmiETOVfIua«lfimaniir .Dr . Sdimi«-U'fl 3I«:i<ln,!;e I»Klii«intaIn nowB>'"tury, unit yi-t limy hut «Uh wonilcrfiil effort ni»tt

-loi»liv««V'ri'liiiy cluauso tho Hiumtrli uiilboicelaoE ' 'rll'irriUttiii; i:ii.U«r, vliM,. nyfllnffml (fl rniualn.'poIwiuitaonoaiuullriaidansOllltad11"Fav

itaonoa.i.uuiluuil iruny "Uiaru ^ h t U Ui

nUicrorltlaniloten lo rcial nliHr. ficbcnclt'o J l

• ( U t t i ?(i

idns.OlilltaBnd.'Xhny fitvo hoalUi'r

t Uio Uiiroiilvi,! onranB. They cronlajjlvort'Torto tho wt'olcspitmn. ihtty-.uiiiQillcluQ cf »<1 ctlicm which Dhoultl '

Illiu tlia ]'nu:ont,\vlicn imOarklanil .rt hl'rcpnrothotiyiu

ctcrycharactar.'Vncl to Jlmnlrntco I'illa nMBoi ?(ic. i»c bi>ii ov cent by mul!. IH

Custom Dress ShirtsTo measure,. made from soloc.lM Wnni-Hiittn imiEliii, \vitli eslni lino tlime'-ply"linen liosoit!a-rci!jroi'''wl.- llavd.Uio-Vrcncli:rrni:ket"SletiS"(rhml 'initial on iho"tubHnty-

uulity mu] workmiinsliip i^uimtntccil. <

MY STOCK SHIRTS••-' -* - ' -',lty, made of \Vnmpiiltiuiuia-i

i, rtiiiifoicotl, ait loiiKtliwIie,I'k'Kniitly flufelu>a. llnvu tin;rr«icli I'lnchntKiMVui;., . . . . .

,-. J . T. Robey. ^29 Southed St., E ASTON, Pa.


V m t F l i 1 . l i c k V m ,

"7 i'Mini;SWM1 wni is^MTii"" ' • JOHN'M'itniEit ' ""TOliyilASS AOVAS8ICKI.B


•JACOHSKVDKU..-. . .. .-,i .KiUly ' •" ' v

jiul ftll'nilloua ComptalniJ mo Tc'Ji'i-ml l*y t»WnS•"Wright's IinHaH-Yeg<riab!o Pills.

' " (inrfywllILnyH. Muni'«f<•'•«'*i|("1*»">""«•jjjV ItrlclHtl iV Ciili'VabUfiliiTfl, h'W Vork. «

ami Caps, Windowlied Holland, Fashionable?Dress Making, 15utterick's Pat- •teirsissi,; ""ioiis.....;


; •{133i r

I.'ltat—l^C'iH^' we =«mir:idnra (Iti Iviielon) all imr lioat J,'OOI!^, favlnc frulijlit, thco «nj expeutr. _ WSIMOIHI—lli-cnu^M wolmvoiio (luiibiu iinilli H)].ay Iho inanufiiciiiror iind Jobber. - -•' >' Tliitil—HI'IWUBU \vu nrc not nSli^cd tu mirry «ncli Q br«o atin-'l; to kcup uti n^ortD'.cul (a. we c»_

^^SoromiUin-^ i i r l i i i i ' f i oo i l a w'u^wlll^l! tlm kilmicc of our Fall 'u»,i-Winter Boola nud Slioejit irfirrtllv milncciL inlccs. " . . . . * - —..~ —~*<*-- .

Uovs1 Hfloy ill nil.nijiia »flca<f lo c ln fe . • l 'nnci- SIlpi>tr9 for J i« : i , Lad le* nml lloyn in end less - : : : ' . o ly ,UllIilllT lilH*lfl nlill'Slll'CS lit Itny ]lflCO. '•

/^ ' . • ^'-.; '' . - .:.._

-.-':.".:^,-' . - . ,'

stom Work a Specialty.'' . ' ; - r Allonr!;oo;]i Wnfrnnl-1'!.. • . ' :»'l>n Bi.n'ii. H i ^ t _ ^ ; ; ; . _ ; : ^ i ^ ; . . . v ~ ; ; ; ^ ^

l.-OItliFoN- AND DOMESTIC FBUITS Ar,WAY3- " ' • • - • • O S ' T I A N I ) . — ; ; T , v , — .:. .•=.....-;£..._L«K^


OI1O10H VAUIKTIES OP; • - ( . • • - " • • ; • • ' • " ' • • " •

WE"II'AVK" JUST .ltKCIUV-Ei) A IFJXB LOT OV.NO. 1 :.f.VoKKRE£ litAT.WJi[Kfl.AT:i;xTni.:jri:rA'"T.ow rnicEsi-N' v.vcKAaiis pit IIY T m ^ _..I'O'.b;]).. _ALSO A.F1XP. L0T.Ol'..X. p..MOT..VSS1;s.or '••'' ;^~? 1

:^AlJr^MtiC!I£ER?L and W. O^ilOLASSES "a S p S i i f

X ' ^ " " WM.O.cniiYEUsii. " ciiAa.aiiiviii.iNa. ,ujfe., ' n«

• " - • " " • " ' " " ^ : " ' ; ' " • • " • • ' ' > ' — : • • -

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