Page 1: SHC at UN Climate Conference 2015 (COP21) & Oakland Climate March

Systems to Heal the Climate sends Ambassador Gerardo Omar Marín to

United Nations Climate Summit COP 21 in Paris to serve the energetic healing network, boost

connectivity, offer participatory rituals, and make art for Indigenous Direct Actions

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Supported multi-cultural movement building for NorCAL Climate Mobilization-Oakland 11/21/15—prepared for COP21

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Oakland Rally Preparations for COP21:beLeaf-Healing Visions of Climate Justice Medicine Wheel ringed with youth and family prayers on cut out leaves to integrate into

Paris Medicine Wheels

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United Nations Plaza-Pilars of FlagsSystems to Heal the Climate’s presence at COP21—Gerardo Smudges and Blesses the front entrances

with Mexican Copal

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Sacred space at the Arts Build for the Indigenous Flotilla, banners, stencils, sashes “Protect, Defend, Renew”

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Indigenous Peoples Canoe Action for Climate Justice Uniting the World with Resilience and Ancestral Wisdom

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The Eagle and Condor Unity Conference—a Multi-Cultural healing ritual to share testimony of the atrocities suffered by indigenous peoples through energy and extractive industries led by Ecuadorian spiritual leaders and

human rights networkers—closed their event with Gerardo and Peruvian Spiritual Leader Jose leading a meditation that opens up love and hope through the distribution of Corn Seeds, Chanting, and a Group Dance

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Sarayaku Community Gratitude Drum and Dance accompanied by Mexica (Meshica) Flute

(Link to making of Sarayaku canoe)

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beLeaf-Healing Visions of Climate Justice Medicine Wheel 2 @ People’s Climate Summit | Coalition Climate 21

It boosted our hearts to receive people’s kind words and energy after they put down a beLeaf offering and then made a medicine bundle gift to take to share with their community. A Celtic woman said “this reminds me of the sacredness of our work”.

Thanks to Medicine Wheel Altar Volunteers-Erika, Jonny, and Aaron for their tremendous support and spirit.

How important it is to remember that healing others through service enlivens and heals oneself!

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COP21 Zona de Regeneration- Green Zone-beLeaf in Climate Healing and Justice Medicine Wheel 3

at base of Climate Ribbons project. The prompt populating the RealiTree was “What are you afraid to lose due to climate change”

The invitation to participate in the BeLeaf in Climate Healing and Justice Medicine Wheel is to lay down your commitments and prayers to create climate stability and create your own ritual medicine bundle gifts as well. Your herb bundles are then offered to fire or water in Mother Earth healing rituals on the full moons shared with your communities upon return to your homelands.

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Indigenous Philipino Farmer Jon thanks Systems to Heal the Climate for creating a space for healing and deeper connection. “We need

this at all of these spaces and to do it with young people too”.

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Climate healers and Justice workers from Abya Yala (America) Otomi Toltec Nation, Honduras, and Alaska

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In the intermission of the Eagle-Condor Unity Conference, a Systems to Heal the Climate beLeaf in Climate Healing and Justice Medicine Wheel was created by Gerardo and

Columbian spiritual healer, Maria Arco-Iris, and her 7 year-old daughter by integrating ceremonial materials each had brought. Gerardo noted that as we built this Medicine

Wheel, we reflected on the creation of shared sacred space, beautiful ritual, music, spoken word and in making at these types of events to strengthen our hearts. Maria also

expressed that sacred space creations also “send healing out to the world.”

Join us to create a global energetic healing network through your gratitude!

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