
SGD 2 (B)


Mrs. Caroline was a 37 years old woman with four children. her doctor informed her that

she was pregnant after she consulted for irregular periods. Mrs Caroline became very distrubed

as sson as her periode was overdue. She claimed she already had as many children as she ould

handle boh emotionally and financially. she had always thought abortion was wrong, but now

she felt dewsperate because she did not want another children.

Mrs Caroline was using diaphragm as contraception, having stopped birth control pill for

fear of their ill effects. She had spoken with her husband about abortion and he told her he would

support her decision.

The patient saw her physician to ask for a referal for an abortion. she admitted to having

thought of suicide and self-harm but did not believe she would go throught with it. She was also

concerned that no one should find out about the pregnancy because she suspected her friends and

family would not approve of her choice. She was subsquently reffered for an abortion.

Case Identification

Mrs. Caroline, 37 year old, has 4 sons, used both physical and chemical


She was pregnant and state that she couldn’t

handle it both emotionally and financially. She

thought that abortion is one of reasonable choice,

but she suspected her family and friends wouldn’t

approve this

Will the doctor approve her wish?

The major issue

The minor issue

123 West Main Street

New York, NY 10001 | | P: 555.123.4568

F: 555.123.4567


123 West Main Street

New York, NY 10001 _______________________

| P: 555.123.4568

F: 555.123.4567

Major Issues:

Medical Ethics

Health & Medical Law

Minor Issues:


Preservation of Life

Major & Minor


123 West Main Street

New York, NY 10001 | | P: 555.123.4568

F: 555.123.4567


123 West Main Street

New York, NY 10001 _______________________

| P: 555.123.4568

F: 555.123.4567


Preservation of life

Medical Ethics: Medical ethics is a system of moral

principles that apply values and

judgments to the practice of medicine. As

a scholarly discipline, medical ethics

encompasses its practical application in

clinical settings as well as work on its

history, philosophy, theology, and


The branch of ethics that examines

questions of moral right and wrong

arising in the context of the practice of



123 West Main Street

New York, NY 10001 | | P: 555.123.4568

F: 555.123.4567


123 West Main Street

New York, NY 10001 _______________________

| P: 555.123.4568

F: 555.123.4567

Health & Medical Law:



The branch of law that deals with the

application of medical knowledge to legal


Medical law is the branch of law which

concerns the prerogatives and

responsibilities of medical professionals

and the rights of the patient. It should not

be confused with medical jurisprudence,

which is a branch of medicine, rather

than a branch of law.2

123 West Main Street

New York, NY 10001 | | P: 555.123.4568

F: 555.123.4567


123 West Main Street

New York, NY 10001 _______________________

| P: 555.123.4568

F: 555.123.4567

Patient’s Autonomy: The right of patients to make decisions

about their medical care without their

health care provider trying to influence

the decision. Patient autonomy does allow

for health care providers to educate the

patient but does not allow the health care

provider to make the decision for the


Autonomy is the “personal rule of the self

that is free from both controlling

interferences by others and from personal

limitations that prevent meaningful

choice.” Autonomous individuals act

intentionally, with understanding, and

without controlling influences.2


123 West Main Street

New York, NY 10001 | | P: 555.123.4568

F: 555.123.4567


123 West Main Street

New York, NY 10001 _______________________

| P: 555.123.4568

F: 555.123.4567

Preservation of Life: Preservation of life is a will to treat a

patient's illness with the aim of

prolonging life. After all, most patients

want to live longer; most doctors may

have joined the profession to save lives.

This principle may be overruled if the

patient has made a living will stating their

desire not to be resuscitated (This only

happens in most of western country).1


Medical & Health Law Aspect

Pasal 346, 347, 348, 349 KUHP

UU No. 36 pasal 75 & 76 th 2009

Pasal 75 UU No.36/2009

(1)Setiap orang dilarang melakukan aborsi.

(2) Larangan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dapat dikecualikan berdasarkan:

a)indikasi kedaruratan medis yang dideteksi sejak usia dini kehamilan, baik yang mengancam nyawa ibu dan/atau janin, yang menderita penyakit genetik berat dan/atau cacat bawaan, maupun yang tidakdapat diperbaiki sehingga menyulitkan bayi tersebuthidup di luar kandungan; atau

b)kehamilan akibat perkosaan yang dapat menyebabkan trauma psikologis bagi korbanperkosaan.

Pasal 75 UU No.36/2009

(3) Tindakan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2) hanya dapat dilakukan setelah melalui konseling dan/ataupenasehatan pra tindakan dan diakhiri dengan konseling pasca tindakan yang dilakukan oleh konselor yangkompeten dan berwenang.

(4) Ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai indikasi kedaruratan medis dan perkosaan, sebagaimana dimaksud padaayat (2) dan ayat (3) diatur dengan PeraturanPemerintah

Pasal 76 UU No.36/2009

• Aborsi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 75 hanya dapatdilakukan:

a. sebelum kehamilan berumur 6 (enam) minggu dihitung dari hari pertama haid terakhir, kecuali dalam hal kedaruratanmedis;

b. oleh tenaga kesehatan yang memiliki keterampilan dankewenangan yang memiliki sertifikat yang ditetapkan olehmenteri;

Pasal 76 UU No.36/2009

c. dengan persetujuan ibu hamil yang bersangkutan;

d. dengan izin suami, kecuali korban perkosaan; dan

e. penyedia layanan kesehatan yang memenuhi syarat yangditetapkan oleh Menteri.

Pasal 348 and 349 KUHP law :

Barang siapa dengan sengaja menggugurkan atau mematikan kandungan seorang wanita dengan persetujuannya, diancam dengan pidana penjara paling lama lima tahun enambulan.1

Jika perbuatan itu mengakibatkan matinya wanita

tersebut, dikenakan pidana penjara paling lama tujuh tahun.2

1Pasal 348 ; 2Pasal 348; 3Pasal 349

Pasal 348 and 349 KUHP law :

Jika seorang dokter, bidan atau juru obat membantu melakukan kejahatan yang tersebut pasal 346, ataupun melakukan atau membantu melakukan salah satu kejahatan yang diterangkan dalam pasal 347 dan 348, maka pidana yang ditentukan dalam pasal itu dapat ditambah dengn sepertiga dan dapat dicabut hak untuk menjalankan pencaharian dalam mana kejahatan dilakukan.3

1Pasal 348 ; 2Pasal 348; 3Pasal 349



“ A nation that kills its own children is a nation without hope”.

-Pope John Paul II

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