Page 1: SF Activities in Indonesia: the Government Target and ......II. SOCIAL FORESTRY MAJOR ACTIVITIES ... • Visit to MHA Ammatoa Kajang di Bulukumba, Sulsel. Facilitation •Coffee from

SF Activities in Indonesia: the Government Target and Contribution to ASEAN


ASEAN Corner - PeSoNa Festival - Jakarta 6-8 September 2017

Page 2: SF Activities in Indonesia: the Government Target and ......II. SOCIAL FORESTRY MAJOR ACTIVITIES ... • Visit to MHA Ammatoa Kajang di Bulukumba, Sulsel. Facilitation •Coffee from


Leader:Ms. Erna Rosdiana, Director of Social Forestry Land PreparationDirectorate General of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership (DG SFEP)Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) IndonesiaEmail: [email protected]

Focal Point:Dr. Eri Indrawan, Deputy Director of Business Development for Partnership, Private Forest and Customary ForestDirectorate of Social Forestry and Customary Forest Business Development, DG SFEP, MoEF IndonesiaEmail: [email protected]

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Social Forestry Schemes

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(i) How Social Forestry/community forestry contributes to the ASEAN Economic Community Building?

(ii) Extent of forest managed by community in the country?(iii) Volume of community-based forestry enterprises: the

approximate number of community forestry/ social forestry non-timber forest products enterprises, and the kinds of non-

timber forest products developed?

Indonesia Forest Area % PIAPS Realization(forest) ('till August 2017)

Size of land 190 million Ha 120 mil Ha 63,1 13,4 mil Ha 1,04 mill Ha

Number of villages

74.000 25.863 35,9 9.800 villages 636 villages 214.958 hh

Number of poor people

32 million 6,9 million 21,5

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(i) (ii) (iii) ... Continuation

Scheme aplied by farmer group

2015- August 2017 Facilitation

Area & Institution

Entrepreneur Productive Tool Aid


Community Forest vvv vv vv+50%

Village Forest vv vv vv

People Plantation Forest v v v

Forestry Partnership vv v v+50%Customary Forest v - v

Private Forest vvv vvvv vvvv

Total 2,460 groups

Note: *)First and prerequisite is the targeted farmer should develop 5 year plan

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(i) (ii) (iii) ... Continuation

Scheme applied by farmer grups

Intensity of Product/ Service Facilitation(2015- August 2017)

Timber Non Timber Forest Product

Environmental Service

Community Forest - vvvvv v

Village Forest - vvv v

People Plantation Forest v - -

Forestry Partnership - vv -

Customary Forest - v v

Private Forest vvv vvvvv -

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NDC process

▪ NDC is a new thing for any country ▪ Need a strong commitment not only from the government ▪ MoEF cq. DG Climate Change as NFP for UNFCCC just

formulated 9 Implementation Strategies:

(1) Develop commitment and ownership(2) develop capacity(3) enabling environment..........(8) NDC Implementation(9) Monitoring and Review

▪ SF team has started to involve in the process

(iv) How Social Forestry/community forestry contributes to the Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change (in the Nationally

Determined Contributions) and How Social Forestry/ community forestry contributes to Sustainable Development Goals?

Page 8: SF Activities in Indonesia: the Government Target and ......II. SOCIAL FORESTRY MAJOR ACTIVITIES ... • Visit to MHA Ammatoa Kajang di Bulukumba, Sulsel. Facilitation •Coffee from

Goals:▪ Economic resilience ▪ Social and Livelihood Resilience ▪ Ecosystem and Landscape Resilience

Enabling conditions for climate resilience:▪ Certainty in spatial planning and land use ▪ Land tenure security ▪ Food security ▪ Water security ▪ Renewable energy

↑↑↑ Realized through SF

Adaptation in NDC

(iv) ... Continuation

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▪ Visit to MHA Baduy diLebak, Banten


• Visit to MHA Ammatoa Kajang diBulukumba, Sulsel

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• Coffee from HKm Tanggamus

▪ Wild honey from Kapuas Hulu, Ujung Kulon, Tesso Nilo dan Sumbawa

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equipment/ tools

▪ 2 units of palmsugar cristalization for farmer groups in West Bandung andSouth Subang, West Java

▪ 7 Young livestocks for farmer groups in Pringgarata village and Mangkung village, NTB

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▪ HKm Kalibiru, Kulonprogo Distric,

▪ HKm Sumber Jaya, Lampung Barat

▪ HKm Sesaot, Lombok, NTB

Env service -Renewable Energy

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▪ PeSoNa Mart in Manggala

▪ HKm Mart in Lampung

Outlet/ Networking

Page 14: SF Activities in Indonesia: the Government Target and ......II. SOCIAL FORESTRY MAJOR ACTIVITIES ... • Visit to MHA Ammatoa Kajang di Bulukumba, Sulsel. Facilitation •Coffee from

No. Food2014 2015 2016

Ha Ton Ha Ton Ha Ton

1. Rice 33,170 112,875 43,021 108,594 55,945 139,918

2. Corn 45,162 169,261 117,648 396,120 276,458 1,047,137

Total 78,332 282,136 160,668 504,714 332,403 1,187,055

*) 2017 still in progress

Food Production in Java

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Food Production in Java

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How Social Forestry/community forestry activities contribute to the Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change (in the

Nationally Determined Contributions) and How Social Forestry/ community forestry activities contribute to Sustainable

Development Goals

• Key success indicators for SF in Indonesia from socio-cultural aspect

(v) How Social Forestry/community forestry Contributes to the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Building (ASCC Blueprint): in

this regard, how Social Forestry contributes to Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) and in Reducing Illicit Harvesting of

Timber (Illegal Logging)?

Gradually implement 4 principles of governance

Consistent leadership for learning process through continuous

monitoring &evaluation

Increasing cohesiveness &

better teamwork

• Four principles of governance :

(1) transparency, (2) participation, (3) collective

responsibility, and (4) accountability

► SF has trigerred strong enhancement to SFM implementation in Indonesia

Page 17: SF Activities in Indonesia: the Government Target and ......II. SOCIAL FORESTRY MAJOR ACTIVITIES ... • Visit to MHA Ammatoa Kajang di Bulukumba, Sulsel. Facilitation •Coffee from

Activities done by ASFCC partners:▪ NTFP-EP: Meet the makers, ROLES initiative, etc▪ RECOFTC: Training Syllabus for SF▪ CIFOR: Policy brief ▪ ICRAF: Policy brief▪ SEARCA: Immediate Support

Kemitraan (Partnership for Governance Reform) support in the process of regulation reform

Major NGOs focusing in Customary People Engagement fully support (AMMAN, Huma, Epistema, etc)

Many Others

(vi) Civil Society Engagement in Social Forestry and Climate Change

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Regulation reform to accelerate SF targetsDevelopment of national and provincial SF-WGRecognition of the first 9 (nine) Customary Forest on

December 2016PeSoNa Festival ► brand-name of SF Festival in

September) Socialization and Training accelerated by the Regional

GovernmentCollaboration & Synergy among sectorsPeSoNa Mart as NTFP outlet of NTFP farmer producerTraining Extension worker to understand legal aspect Soft Reform in the Forest State Enterprise

III. List of Activities implemented thus far that has proven to be useful in relevance with Country priorities

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