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SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME THEME [SST.2010.1.3-1.] [Transport modelling for policy impact assessments]

Grant agreement for: Coordination and support action Acronym: TransTools3 Full title: „Research and development of the European Transport Network Model – TransTools Version 3 Proposal/Contract no.: MOVE/FP7/266182/TRANSTOOLS 3 Start date: 1st March 2011 Duration: 70 months

Deliverable 9.1 - “Draft documentation of the assignment models” Document number: TT3_WP9_D9.1_Draft documentation of the assignment models_2.0 Work package: WP9 Deliverable nature: Report Dissemination level: Public Lead beneficiary: P01, Transport DTU, Otto Anker Nielsen Due data of deliverable: 28.02.2016 Date of preparation of deliverable: 09.12.2016 Date of last change: 11.12.2016 Date of approval by Commission: 23.12.2016 Abstract: This deliverable presents the different assignment models of the TT3 model alongside a list of input and outputs. The first part of the deliverable concerns the passenger assignment models while the second part concerns the various freight models that are fed to the chain choice model. The different assignment models are only a subpart of the complete model flow. The deliverable only contains descriptions for that specific part. Keywords: Route choice assignment, path assignment, utility function, value-of-time factors, assignment attributes. Author(s): Nielsen, Otto Anker, Rasmussen, Thomas Kjær and Pedersen, Thomas Ross. Disclaimer: The content of this report reflects the views of the author and does not necessarily reflect the official views or policy of the European Union. The European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained in the report.

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Note on data description for TT3 Report version 1 2016 By: Otto Anker Nielsen, Thomas Kjær Rasmussen and Thomas Ross Pedersen Copyright: Reproduction of this publication in whole or in part must include the customary

bibliographic citation, including author attribution, report title, etc. Published by: Management Engineering, Bygningstorvet 116B, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark Request report from:

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Table of Contents

Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 4

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Objective of the deliverable ............................................................................................................... 5 1.2 Methodology...................................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Perspective of the deliverable ............................................................................................................ 6 1.4 Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................... 6 1.5 Reading guidance .............................................................................................................................. 6

2. Background ............................................................................................................................ 7 2.1 Representation of spatial networks .................................................................................................. 10 2.2 Methodological frameworks underlying the modal assignments..................................................... 10 2.3 VOT factors and GA-based trip tables ............................................................................................ 12 2.4 Route cost definitions ...................................................................................................................... 13 2.5 Generic traffic assignment ............................................................................................................... 13

3. Passenger assignment models ................................................................................................16 3.1 Air assignment model ...................................................................................................................... 17 3.2 Rail passenger assignment model .................................................................................................... 27 3.3 Road passenger assignment model .................................................................................................. 37

4. Freight assignment models ....................................................................................................49 4.1 Rail freight assignment model ......................................................................................................... 50 4.2 Road freight assignment model ....................................................................................................... 62 4.3 Inland waterways assignment model ............................................................................................... 62 4.4 Sea assignment model ..................................................................................................................... 68 4.5 RoRo assignment model .................................................................................................................. 74

5. Table index ..........................................................................................................................76

6. Figure Index .........................................................................................................................78

7. References ...........................................................................................................................79

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This summary highlights some of the main obstacles alongside the chosen solution which is considered to be the main achievements of the assignment methods implemented in the TT3 model. The remaining tasks in the assignment part of the model are also listed.

• The main contributions of the TT3 assignment model are as follows: o It is hard to represent real world flight patterns, despite having detailed count data for it, due

to the dynamic and sporadic price structure many aviation companies use. To account for this the air assignment model introduces a network structure that seeks to reproduce more realistic flight patterns by emphasizing the transfer delays. This is done by “exploding” each airport into different nodes for arrival and departure for flights within Schengen, outside Schengen and outside Europe.

o The data for the rail passenger network is sparse. There are little counts, no frequencies and no schedules available for European rail transportation. To account for this a hierarchal network structure is introduced that seeks to produce realistic transfer patterns despite the sparse data.

o The road assignment network is the only network that implements congestion. This means there is a large computational effort for the road assignment. To accommodate for this the road assignment uses the new path assignment methodology that reduces the calculation time significantly.

o For the freight model the individual modes are assigned individually and their different level-of-service results are then fed to the chain choice model which then realistically can chose the mode of transportation for each of the freight corridors.

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1. Introduction

This deliverable contains a preliminary description of the assignment phase of the TransTools3 model.

1.1 Objective of the deliverable The objective of this D9.1 deliverable is to describe and document the assignment models of the TransTools3. More specifically, this deliverable will describe the model methodology of the route choice assignment, and describe the data structure of the model networks, parameter files, trip matrices, and the model output. This assigned should not be seen as data description for the TransTools3 model, for this see TransTools3 deliverable D5.2 (TT3_WP5_D5.2_Data description_1.0) instead. There is not necessarily a direct link between the data described in D5.2 and the input/outputs described here. There is some elements of data handling which is not presented in this deliverable.

1.2 Methodology The overall purpose of the assignment models is to distribute the demand for passenger travel and for the movement of goods onto the networks representing the different modes of travel. This yields the flow and also the congestion level on specific parts (links) of the network, but also produces Level-of-Service for different travel choices, which can then be fed back to the demand models for freight and passenger travel. Ultimately, equilibrium between the demand models and the assignment models should be obtained, corresponding to the situation in which the demand gives, when loaded onto the network, rise to a Level-of-Service corresponding to the Level-of-Service from which the demand was derived. The assignment models distribute the flow on the network in a realistic manner that is consistent with the underlying behavioural assumptions. Such assumptions vary significantly between freight and passenger transport, leading for the need to apply different model frameworks. For freight transport, the TransTools3 assignment models assume a high level of network knowledge when assigning goods on the Sea, Inland Water Ways and Rail networks. For passenger transport, travellers may to a higher degree have individual preferences and may not have as high knowledge on network performance (e.g. under its congested state). This requires a different modelling approach, and for this the TransTools3 utilises a recently proposed route choice model and associated solution algorithms, which have been shown to be theoretically consistent and which facilitates very fast computation obviating the need for simulation. The behavioural models used for the assignment of demand onto the different networks are described in greater detail in section 2.2. The assignment models have different parameters in the cost-functions used in the determination of how large a proportion of the travellers each route should be associated with. These and other variables of the models need to be calibrated to give a realistic distribution across routes and realistic flows on the different parts (links) of the network. For this task there are several data sources available from the ETIS+ project that are used, e.g. link counts of flow.

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1.3 Perspective of the deliverable

At this point in time, the implementation and initial validation of the model has been concluded, and what follows now is a more thorough testing and calibration of the model. Some of this thorough validation and calibration is performed through testing and adjustment of the assignment models. I.e., some elements of the assignment models (e.g. parameter values of the utility specifications) described in this deliverable can be subject to minor changes.

1.4 Abbreviations The following table shows the abbreviations used throughout the deliverable with the meaning of the abbreviation.

Abbreviation Explanation AON assignment All-Or-Nothing assignment. Assignment without stochasticity and only 1 iteration GA matrix Generate-Attract Matrix (Trip matrix for return trips) GenCost Generalised Cost IWW Inland Water Waterways LoS Level-of-Service MSA Method of Successive Averages OD matrix Origin-Destination Matrix (Trip matrix for one-way trips) RoRo Roll on - Roll off freight transportation, e.g. lorry-trailers on ships (no tractor) RSUE Restricted Stochastic User Equilibrium SUE Stochastic User Equilibrium TT2.5 TransTools2.5 TT3 TransTools3 VOT Value Of Time UE User Equilibrium SUE Stochastic User Equilibrium

Table 1.1 - List of abbreviations used in deliverable

1.5 Reading guidance

This deliverable describes the different assignment processes used in TT3. The document is divided into a part describing the assignment of passengers to the different modal networks, and a part describing the assignment of goods to the different modal networks. For every assignment model, representing one mode for either goods or passengers, there is an initial explanation of the given assignment model followed by all the input tables and all the output tables for the assignment. The tables are mainly thought of as a reference guide to the data structure while the introduction sections are the explanation of the methodologies.

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2. Background Figure 2-1 below illustrates where in the TT3 model structure the assignment model is carried out.

Figure 2-1 - Overall model structure of TT3. The assignment model described in this deliverable is highlighted

in red.

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The TransTools3 model is divided into a freight model and a passenger model. For the freight model initial assignments are run to compute level-of service results that can be fed to the chain choice model witch is the core of the freight model. Each of the different freight networks thus has an initial individual assignment. These will be described in this deliverable. The freight networks are:

• Road Freight network • Rail freight network • Sea network • Inland waterways network • RoRo network

The TransTools3 passenger model is assigned in 3 separate networks:

• Air Network • Rail passenger network • Road passenger network

There is also passenger transportation by sea, but these are integrated into the rail and road passenger networks where relevant. Furthermore, in order to capture road congestion effects realistically, road freight and road passengers are assigned simultaneously. This will be explained in further detail in sections 2.2, 0 and 0. The assignment models play a paramount role in the overall TT3 model framework. Figure 2 illustrates in greater detail than Figure 2-1 the parts of the overall model framework which relates to the assignment model.

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Figure 2-2 - Overall model flow with focus on role of modal traffic assignment models

In the figure, the assignment models are highlighted in blue. Since no congestion is modelled for all other modes than road transport, these modes only needs to be assigned twice – once when generating the initial LoS to be used in the demand models, and once when the final demand has been determined (in order to generate traffic flows). The LoS for road passengers and freight depend on the congestion level (i.e. the demand) and the demand depends on the LoS. This means that an iterative approach is needed; ensuring that the LoS derived from assigning demand induces the same demand level to be generated. I.e. the road assignment model needs to run multiple times, as illustrated in the figure. Note that the model flow requires travel times on the road network as input for the initial assignment. This could e.g. stem from assigning an a priori given OD matrix

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2.1 Representation of spatial networks

Each of the networks consists of 4 feature classes that are used in the assignment phase:

• Centroids (Point feature). The centroids represent the gravity point for each of the zones. All traffic flows start and finishes they journey in a centroid. Each model zone has one and only one centroid, 1525 in total for the TT3 area. Port and airport zones representing the rest of the world also have centroids. The centroids are the same for all the passenger networks. For the freight networks the terminals are used as centroids, since each of the unimodal assignments are producing terminal to terminal level of service for the chain assignment.

• Connectors (Polyline feature). The connectors are the connection between the centroids and the road

network. Like centroids, the connectors are not an actual physical part of the infrastructure. It is instead a simplified representation of the ‘local’ geometry, i.e. a measure of the average travel distance/time on local roads before connecting to the primary network included in the links. There is at least 1 connector for each of the centroids in the model.

• Links (Polyline feature). The links can for some networks represent the real world psychical

infrastructure, e.g. a road section or rail tracks or it can represent predetermined routes, e.g. sailing routes between ports or flight legs. Given that the scope of the model is on a continental scale, the road network only includes major roads.

• Nodes (Point feature). Nodes represent all intersections in the given network. Especially for air and

rail, the nodes are important since there are a subset of the nodes, which represent fixed access/egress point into the network, namely airports and stations.

The four feature classes are joined in a network dataset, which enables easy verification of the topology of the network. Furthermore, for some of the networks the network dataset is used in the assignment phase. The demand for travel is represented in trip matrices for each network/mode of transport. On the freight part, this may be in the unit of tonnes or containers, whereas on the passenger part this is in the unit of travellers. The trip tables are split in different trip purposes for passenger travel and freight types for the freight trips. In addition that there is a series of tables containing inputs and outputs for the assignment models. See deliverable 5.2 for a detailed description of the various networks and trip matrices used in the assignment model. 2.2 Methodological frameworks underlying the modal assignments The assignment models for the different modes for freight and passengers are based on different methodological frameworks. Moreover, considering the characteristics of the modes and the available network data (e.g. whether the possibility to model congestion implicitly exists), the best suited methodological approach is used. On the passenger side, a wide array of personal trips has to be assigned. While the demand is split by mode of transport as well as into some categories by trip purpose, individuals within each of these groups may have their own preferences. Individuals may have different willingness to pay, for example whether to use an expensive bridge to save time versus a detour, whether to use a low-cost airline from an inconvenient airport versus a conventional airline from a nearer airport, whether to use a more expensive high speed rail connection or a cheaper slower alternative. Such taste heterogeneity should be reflected in the assignment models. The traditional approach towards incorporating this has been to use the Stochastic User Equilibrium Model (SUE, Daganzo and Sheffi, 1985) as underlying behavioural framework. However, this framework suffers

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from a theoretical need to enumerate the universal set of alternatives (Watling et al., 2015). Full enumeration of the complete choice set is not feasible for most real-life applications, and certainly not for applications with the extent of Transtools 3. This issue of choice set generation is often dealt with in large-scale applications by only using a subset of the universal set of alternatives, thereby compromising the theoretical consistency. Furthermore, the generation of the subset is not trivial either, and the solution of SUE problems often requires simulation. Simulation is however computationally expensive and introduces stochasticity to the outputs. Instead, the assignment of passengers on the different modal networks will use the recently developed Restricted Stochastic User Equilibrium model (see Watling et al., 2015). The overall advantage of this model consists in its ability to combine the possibility of having unused routes with the use of state-of-the-art random utility models for used routes in a theoretically consistent manner. Corresponding solution methods have been proposed in Rasmussen et al. (2015), and Rasmussen et al. (2016) verified the behavioural realism of the framework and the computational attractiveness of the solution methods on a large-scale case study. Congestion is not modelled directly (albeit captured in the edge travel times) in the assignment to the rail and air networks. Thus, for these networks the algorithm is run in a setting where it captures taste-heterogeneity by introducing ‘pseudo-categories’ through distributed parameters for each trip purpose, but does not iterate to find equilibrated network congestion. The ‘pseudo-categories’ are not generated by simulation, but by splitting the cumulative density function of the distributed parameters into intervals of even ‘probability’-share, and a ‘pseudo-category’ is created for the mean-parameter value of each interval (i.e. 3 intervals induces three ‘pseudo-categories’). For each ‘pseudo-category’, path searches are done using the corresponding cost-function and the distribution of flow associated to the ‘pseudo-category’ (total demand divided by amount of intervals) is distributed according to the choice model using the cost-function corresponding to the ‘pseudo-category’. Congestion is modelled in the assignment to the road network, and the algorithm described in Rasmussen et al. (2015) is thus run with ‘pseudo-categories’ to represent taste heterogeneity and a sufficient amount of iterations are done to ensure convergence to an equilibrated solution where the demand for travel reflect the (congested) performance of the network. The convergence is measured through a consistent measure, as introduced in Rasmussen et al. (2015). In order to capture both the impact of lorries and passenger cars on congestion (and thus flow allocation), the road assignment is run with both the freight demand for lorries as well as the demand for passenger travel. On the freight side, full transparency and rational behaviour of the shippers is assumed for Sea, IWW and Rail. This induces all demand of a certain commodity type to be allocated to only one route per OD-pair, i.e. an All-or-Nothing assignment to the cheapest route. For lorries, an assumption of full transparency and rational behaviour is less realistic. In road networks much more alternatives are typically available, and the lorry drivers may not know all of them nor be able to predict the costs on the network. Furthermore, the lorries drive on roads which they share with cars and vans, and the drivers of these may not have full knowledge either. The lorries are thus assigned using the RSUE model framework in an assignment which considers congestion effects and lorry trips stemming from the freight model as well as passenger trips stemming from the passenger model (as argued above).

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2.3 VOT factors and GA-based trip tables The value-of-time is known to vary across countries (TT2.5, 2010). In order to accommodate this, the TT3 facilitates the use of country-specific VOTfactors for passenger assignment, which means that for various origin countries the value-of-time can be scaled. This requires the assignment to assign Generation-Attract (GA) trip tables, rather than traditional OD-based trip tables. Assigning GA trips/matrices means that every trip starts from the origin point, goes to the destination point and ends back at the origin point. By having return trips the VOT factor from the origin country can be applied to both the outgoing trip as well as the homebound trip. The VOT factors for the countries in the model are given in the following table. A low VOT factor (e.g., 0.439 for Belarus) means that time-components (e.g. driving time in congestion) are valued lower relative to driving ‘costs’ (e.g., distance) than for cases with a high VOT factor (e.g., Switzerland). I.e., trips originating in Belarus might choose a route which is short in distance but takes longer, whereas trips originating in Switzerland will choose a route which is fast but might cover a longer driving distance.

Country VOT factor Country VOT factor

Albania 0.458 Lithuania 0.484 Austria 1.038 Luxembourg 1.095 Belarus 0.394 Macedonia 0.370 Belgium 1.064 Malta 0.671 Bosnia 0.439 Moldavia 0.350 Bulgaria 0.350 Montenegro 0.433 Croatia 0.619 Netherlands 1.079 Cyprus 0.888 Norway 1.332 Czech Republic 0.570 Poland 0.549 Denmark 1.341 Portugal 0.850 Estonia 0.577 Romania 0.427 Finland 1.158 Russia 0.427 France 1.116 Serbia 0.394 Germany 1.064 Slovak Republic 0.530 Greece 0.826 Slovenia 0.725 Hungary 0.604 Spain 0.901 Iceland 1.430 Sweden 1.164 Ireland 1.194 Switzerland 1.345 Italy 1.036 Turkey 0.575 Latvia 0.467 Ukraine 0.350 Liechtenstein 1.345 United Kingdom 1.098

Table 2.1 - VOT factors in TT3

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The following table shows which assignments that are OD and which are GA.

Assignment OD / GA Air assignment GA Rail Passenger assignment GA Road passenger assignment GA Rail freight assignment OD Road freight assignment OD Inland waterways assignment OD Sea assignment OD RoRo assignment OD Chain Choice assignment OD

Table 2.2 - Overview of OD and GA assignments 2.4 Route cost definitions The route choice of travellers and drivers of freight vehicles depend on route attributes such as (congested) travel time, drive length, tolls etc., but also on the mode of transport and trip purpose/freight type. This trade-off between route attributes are accounted for in the model, which operates based on a route cost function (or utility function as some random effects are also modelled) defining the trade-off. The deliverable describes the configuration and elements of the various cost functions. 2.5 Generic traffic assignment

Every assignment performed in the TT3 model is technically a road traffic assignment model. Obviously, each of the assignments is altered to fit the individual mode properties, but every assignment uses the same tool as the core mechanic. This means that some inputs are only present for technical reasons, but does not contribute relevant information. The data structure for the general traffic assignment is shown as a flowchart in Figure 2-2. Each zone of the model has a centroid where traffic starts and ends. The centroids are connected to the links via the connectors. These three elements are the network. The link layer has a link type table with all the link related parameters. The trip matrix contains all demand between each pair of zones for each category. The categories are the different modes and trip purposes. For each of the categories there is a traffic type, e.g. car, van and trucks. For some of these there are traffic type restrictions, e.g. sea routes that are too shallow for larger ships. Then there are the route cost definitions which contains all the elements of the utility function for each assignment and the route choice parameters that contains all the cost parameters for the different elements of the route cost definition table.

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Figure 2-2 - Flow chart of generic assignmen model (Rapidis)

The following table presents an overview of which inputs that are important and which are only there for technical reasons.

Air Road Rail passenger Rail freight Inland waterways Sea Centroids X X X X X X Connectors X X X X X X Links X X X X X X LinkTypes X X X TrafficTypes X x X X X Categories X X X X X X RouteCostDefinitions X X X X X X RouteChoiceParameters X X X X X X TripMatrix X X X X X X AssignmentConfiguration X X X X X X LinkLoads X X X X X X ConnectorLoads X X X X X X CostMatrix X X X X X X TrafficTypeRestrictions X X X X X

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3. Passenger assignment models There are three passenger assignment models in TT3, namely Air Assignment, Rail passenger assignment and Road assignment. The three models are run independently from each other, but there is some interdependence across the models. Moreover, the rail and road models provide the Air Assignment model with data about the accessibility for each of the airports when using other modes of transportation. The following table shows which trip purposes (categories) are included in the passenger assignment to the different networks. Vans, trucks and gigaliners are not directly related to passenger transport, but are assigned alongside the passenger categories in the road network since they give a significant contribution to the network congestion.

Category ID Category name Air Rail Road 1 Business X X X 2 Private X X X 3 Commute X X 4 Light trucks/Vans X 5 Normal sized trucks X 6 Gigaliners X

Table 3.1 - Trip purposes for passenger assignments The three models are presented more in depth in the following subchapters.

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3.1 Air assignment model

TransTools3 uses an air network which defines the legs connecting airports. Each leg is a separate line feature in ArcGIS that connects airport, and each airport is a separate point feature in ArcGIS. Each leg feature contains a number of attributes, such as fare, travel time and frequency. Furthermore, the legs contain information on possible size of airplanes, and counts of total number of passengers (counts from the ETIS+ dataset). Each of the airports inside the TT3 model area (1525 zones) is connected to several of the surrounding zones. For airports outside the TT3 zones there is only a single connector to the centroid of the zone the airport is located in. An example is the Paris Charles de Gaulle airport, which e.g. is connected with Lyon by high speed rail. Passengers are thus assumed to be willing to travel quite far to major airport hubs, and major hubs within passengers’ home country may appear more attractive than foreign hubs (i.e. some border crossing resistance exists). The creation of zone connectors was thus made by the following approach;

• All airports within 2 hours of travelling by rail or road • All major hubs within 3 hours of travelling by rail or road • National hubs within 4 hours of travelling by rail or road • Some connectors were made in a manual post processing step

Finally, some nearby airports (e.g. international or domestic, or several airports in the same metropolis like Orly and de Gaulle in Paris) were connected by transfer links as well to represent the possibility to – en route – shift between nearby airports. The air assignment in TT3 models all internal flights in the TT3 network over a 24 hour period. In addition, all major flights entering or leaving the TT3 area are modelled as well. The assignment is a GA based assignment accounting for taste heterogeneity (through distributed parameters). There are no capacity constraints in the model. This means that no iterative solution algorithm is needed to represent congestion, and the RSUE solution algorithm is run with a single iteration. The model does not integrate flight schedules; instead the model uses a frequency variable to make low frequency flights less attractive than those with higher frequency.

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The routes are chosen based on costs and travel times. For each combination of from zone and category, a number of ‘pseudo-categories’ are generated according to the distribution specified to represent varying perceived Value-of-Time (as introduced in Section 2.2). The generalised cost of alternative i for category m is:

Equation 3-1 - Utility function for air assignment in TT3

Where Costi is the ticket fare, VOTfactor is a country-specific factor (see section 2.3), LegTimei represents the flight time, HeadwayTimei is a time delay caused by the frequency, TransferTimei represents the transfer time in airports, TransferTimeLinki represents non-flight transfer between airports, ConnCosti and ConnTimei are related to the access egress transportation, and ε i is a normal-distributed error-term representing perception errors of the travellers. The generalised cost contains the basic travel characteristic of the flight, such as ticket price (Cost) and flight time (LegTime). These attributes are stored directly on the legs. Note that the ticket cost varies between private and business trips to represent different willingness to pay and flexibility of departure times. The model accounts for the influence of the frequency by including the headway into the generalised cost function. The headway time is calculated prior to the assignment based on the number of daily departures. It is calculated as:

Equation 3-2 - Headway time for air assignment (TT2.5, 2010)

A minimum headway time of 20 minutes and a maximum of 240 minutes are imposed. Since the model is frequency based it is not possible to compute the actual time delay caused by transfers as the flight schedules are not known. Instead, the utility function includes a fixed transfer time, which varies depending on the type of transfer (e.g. international to domestic).


= βcost,m ∙ Cost𝐴 + VOTfactor∙ �βLegTime,m ∙ LegTime𝐴 + βHeadwayTime,m ∙ HeadwayTime𝐴 + βTransferTime,m

∙ TransferTime𝐴 + βTransferTimeLink,m ∙ TransferTimeLink𝐴� + βConnCost,m∙ TotalConnCost𝐴 + βConnTime,m ∙ TotalConnTime𝐴 + 𝜀𝑖

𝐻𝐺𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝑖𝐻𝐺 (𝐻𝑖𝐺) =12∙ �


� ∙ 60

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3.1.1 Air network explosion In order to model transfers, the network is exploded as a pre-processing step prior to the assignment. Initially, the network consists of each of the airports plotted with a single point and these are connected by all the legs that are plotted as straight lines. The pre-processing explodes each airport to six points instead, as shown on Figure 3-1. The red nodes are arrival nodes while the blue are departing nodes. I.e., if this was the first airport of the trip, the traveller would enter the network from the centroid through an intermediate node into node number 4. From there it would possible to depart to other destinations within Schengen or depart with destination outside Schengen. If the airport shown were the final airport, travellers would arrive at either node 6 or 8 and leave the airport through node 7. Finally, if this was a transfer airport the traveller would arrive at either 6 or 8 and transfer to either 3 or 5.

Figure 3-1 - Airport structure with transfers, 8 nodes The time penalty (minutes) for transfers marked by green and purple are defined in Table 3.2. The purple values is actually not transfer delays, but more access/egress delays, but for simplicity it is denoted transfer as well.


exit Departure, Schengen

Departure, Non-Schengen Europe

Departure, Intercontinental

Airport, entrance 30 45 60

Arrival, Schengen 30 60 90 120 Arrival, Non-Schengen Europe 45 90 90 120

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Arrival, Intercontinental 60 120 120 120

Table 3.2 - Transfer times for airports in minutes As an example a traveller going from Stockholm to New York via London would start of by going from the Stockholm centroid to Airport A departure node 4 and from there to node 2, since London is outside of Schengen. In Airport B the traveller would arrive in arrival node 9 change to departure node 5, since New York is outside of Europe. In Airport C the traveller would arrive in arrival node 8 and exit the airport through node 7. The travel pattern would be

Start node Start End node End TransferTime Stockholm centroid Stockholm 4 Airport entrance Stockholm 4 Airport entrance Stockholm 2 Departure, Non-Scengen

Europe 45

Flight London 9 Arrival, Non-Scengen Europe London 5 Departure, Intercontinental 120

Flight New York 8 Arrival, Intercontinental New York 7 Airport exit 60 New York 7 New York

centroid Arrival

Finally, the time and cost associated to the travel to and from the airport is included. This is modelled through the connectors to represent feeder-traffic. More specifically, the travel time (𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐻𝑖𝐻𝐺) is computed based on the length of the access/egress traffic to and from the airport as is the travel cost on each connector (𝐻𝐺𝐺𝐻𝐷𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺) is a fixed cost for each connector. The access/egress values are found in the initial assignments of the road and rail network at the start of the overall model flow.

3.1.2 Air assignment input tables The following tables are the inputs used in the air assignment model. The data is mostly the same as describer in D5.2, with some elements of data handling between them. tmp_AirRC_Centroids The centroids are the urban density points for each of the zones. The centroids are the same for all the different models.

Attribute Description Unit Field type ID Unique identifier. Equal to the ZoneID Long ZoneID Unique identifier. First 3 digits are the country code Long

TT3_ZoneID Which TT3 zone is the centroids belonging to. For passenger models ZoneID and TT3_ZoneID are the same. Long

VotFactor Parameter to scale the value of time for various countries Double Table 3.3 – Air centroids tmp_AirRC_Connectors_Exploded

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The air connectors represent feeder-travel between the centroids and the airports. Each centroid must have at least one air connector.

Attribute Description Unit Field type

Shape_Length Auto generated connector length in decimal degrees Decimal degrees Long

ID Unique identifier Long OrigID Unique identifier for the non-exploded connector Long NodeID Unique identifier for the connected Airport node Long OrigNodeID Unique identifier for the non-exploded connected Airport node Long CentroidID Unique identifier for the connected centroid Long TransferType 10 means leaving the centroids, 20 means entering the centroid Short IATA IATA code for the connected airport Text Airport Name of the connected airport Text Length Value is always 0. It is required but not used by the model Meters Double TravSpeed Value is always 1. It is required but not used by the model Km/h Long ConTimeCat1 Travel time on connector for category 1 Minutes Double ConTimeCat2 Travel time on connector for category 2 Minutes Double ConCostCat1 Cost of using connector for category 1 Euros Double ConCostCat2 Cost of using connector for category 2 Euros Double

Active Dummy variable that defines whether the connector is included in the calculations Short

Table 3.4 – Air connectors tmp_AirRC_Links_Exploded The air links are line features that represent the legs between airports.

Attribute Description Unit Field type

ID Unique identifier Long FromNodeID Unique identifier for the departure airport Long ToNodeID Unique identifier for the arrival airport Long

Active Defines whether the rail link is active using a dummy variable Short

OpenFor Dummy variable defines whether the air link is open in the drawing direction. All links are one-way, so OpenFor is always 1


OpenBack Dummy variable defines whether the air link is open against the drawing direction. All links are one-way, so OpenBack is always 0.


FreeSpeed Field is always 1, but it is not used in the model Km/h Double QueueSpeed Field is always 1, but it is not used in the model Km/h Double LinkTypeID All legs have LinkTypeID=1, meaning air leg Long Length Length of link in meters Meters Double LanesFor Number of lanes in the drawing direction. Field is always 1. Short LanesBack Number of lanes against the drawing direction. Field is Short

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always 0.

LaneHCFor Since there is no capacity restraints in the air assignment the value is always -1 Double

LaneHCBack Since there is no capacity restraints in the air assignment the value is always -1 Double

CostB Ticket fare for business trips Euro Double CostP Ticket fare for private trips Euro Double LinkTime Flight time on link Minutes Double TransferTimeLink Transfer links between local airports Minutes Double TransferTime Extra transfer time on link Minutes Double

HeadwayTime Headway time in minute. This is a function of the Daily_Depart. If there is no information in Daily_Depart the values is set to 240 minutes.

Minutes Double

OrigID Unique identifier of the unexploded link Long OrigFromNodeID Unique identifier of the unexploded node Long FromNodeType Type of the FromNode. See Figure 3-1 Short FromIATA IATA-Code for origin airport. Not used in the calculations Text FromAirport Origin airport name. Not used in the calculations Text OrigToNodeID Unique identifier of the unexploded node Long ToNodeType Type of the ToNode. See Figure 3-1 Short

ToIATA IATA-Code for destination airport. Not used in the calculations Text

ToAirport Destination airport name. Not used in the calculations Text Table 3.5 – Air links sys_AirRC_LinkTypes

The air link type table specifies link types in air assignment. There is only one leg type. The air assignment does not use the BPR function, but the parameters for it are still needed as a model input.

Field Description Unit Field type ID ID of link type Long

Alpha Alfa parameter for the BPR-formula. For air assignment this is 1. Double

Beta Beta parameter for the BPR-formula. For air assignment this is 1. Double

Gamma Gamma parameter for the BPR-formula. For air assignment this is 0. Double

Description Link type description Text Table 3.6 – Air link types sys_AirRC_TrafficTypes

The air traffic type table specifies traffic types in air assignment.

Field Description Unit Field type ID ID of traffic type Long MaxSpeed The maximum travel speed of the giving traffic type. For air this is not km/h Double

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relevant. PerCarUnit Number of vehicles for traffic type. Always 1 for air assignment.

Table 3.7 – Air traffic types sys_AirRC_Categories

The air category table specifies categories in air assignment. Currently there are two different categories, namely business and private.

Field Description Unit Field type

ID Assignment category Long TrafTypeID Specifies the traffic type for the Category. Relates to the TrafficType dataset Long Name Category description Text

NoConnConn Specifies whether travellers can use connectors at other times than at the start and end instead of links. This is not possible in air assignment. Short


Specifies whether Dijkstra should be truncated or not (in the case of a sparse trip matrix). 1 for air assignment Short


Specifies whether stochastically coefficients are generated once per category or once per from zone per category (0=per category, 1=per from zone per category). 1 for air assignment.


ReturnGA Specifies whether trips are assigned as Origin-Destination or Generation-Attraction (0=OD, 1=GA). 1 for air assignment. Short

Table 3.8 – Air categories sys_AirRC_RouteCostDefinitions

The air route cost definition table specifies cost elements in air assignment. It provides a link between the route choice parameters and the link network and specifies which attributes from the link network is used in the route choice generalised cost function.

Field Description Unit Field

type ID ID of route cost definition Long

CostType Specifies the cost type for the RouteCostDefinition. 1=Length, 2=FreeTime, 3=CongTime, 4=error term, 5=Other costs used in route choice, 6=Collected as an output, but not used I route choice.


FieldFor Network fieldname in forward direction for cost type 5 to 6 Text FieldBack Network fieldname in backward direction for cost type 5 to 6 Text

Label A description field that can be used for the creation of new columns in the Cost Matrix output dataset. Text

Table 3.9 – Air route cost definitions sys_AirRC_RouteChoiceParameters

The air choice parameters table specifies cost coefficients (β) parameters in the utility for air assignment. The parameters vary for the different categories.

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Field Description Unit Field type

ID ID of route choice parameter Long CategoryID Specifies the CategoryID for the RouteChoiceParameter Long RcdId Specifies the RouteCostDefinition for the RouteChoiceParameter Long

Dist Distribution type for the coefficient (0=no distribution, 6=Log-Normal, 7=Gamma) Long

Mean Mean value for the coefficient. The unit is determined by the cost type of the related RouteCostDefinition. Double

Variance Variance for the coefficient Double Table 3.10 – Air route choice parameters tmp_AirRC_TripMatrix

The Air passenger trip matrix is given by the demand model and provides the amount of travellers between zone pairs for the different trip purposes.

Field Description Unit Field type FromZoneID ID of origin zone Long ToZoneID ID of destination zone Long CategoryID ID of trip purpose Long Val Number of passengers travelling by air per year Passengers/day Double

Table 3.11 – Air trip matrix

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25 sys_AirRC_AssignConfig

The air assignment configuration table can be used to implement Traffic Analyst matrix thinning. It also enables the NoConnConn function, which ensures that travellers uses the link network and cannot travel only using connectors.

Field Description Unit Field type Name The name of the assignment configuration parameter Text Val The value of the assignment configuration parameter Text

Table 3.12 – Air assignment configuration

3.1.3 Air assignment output tables The following tables are the output tables produced by the air assignment model. tmp_AirRC_LinkLoads

The air link loads are the traffic volumes for each of the active air links (legs).

Field Description Unit Field type LinkID ID for link Long CategoryID Trip purpose Short

TrafFor Traffic load in forward direction on the link (fromnode to tonode).

Passengers per day Double

TrafBack Traffic load in forward direction on the link (fromnode to tonode). 0 for air assignment

Passengers per day Double

TotalTraf Sum of traffic load for both directions. For air assignment it equals TrafFor

Passengers per day Double

SpeedFor Speed in forward direction. Not used in air assignment km/h Double SpeedBack Speed in backward direction. Not used in air assignment km/h Double

AvgSpeed Average speed for both directions. Not used in air assignment km/h Double

Table 3.13 – Air links loads tmp_AirRC_ConnectorLoads

The air connector flows are the traffic loads for each of the active air connectors.

Field Description Unit Field type ConnectID ID for connector Long CategoryID Trip purpose Short NodeID ID for connected node Long LoadFor Traffic load for “for” direction. Passengers per day Double LoadBack Traffic load for “back” direction. Passengers per day Double TrafLoad Traffic load for both directions Passengers per day Double

Table 3.14 – Air connector loads

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26 tmp_AirRC_CostMatrixExtended

Level-of-service results from the air passenger assignment on NUTS3 level. Each value gives the average amount for every combination of FromZoneID, ToZoneID and CategoryID. The table is also input for the passenger demand model.

Field Description Unit Field type FromZoneID ID of origin zone Long ToZoneID ID of destination zone Long CategoryID ID of trip purpose Long Length Travelled length Km Double FreeTime Time spent on flight legs Minutes Double CongTime Time spent in congestion. 0 for air assignment Minutes Double GenCost Generalized cost of transportation Euro Double Trips Travellers in OD pair Passengers Double ThinTrips Travellers in OD pair. Passengers Double CostBy Ticket fare for business trips Euro Double CostP Ticket fare for private trips Euro Double ConTimeCat1 Travel time on connector for category 1 Double ConTimeCat2 Travel time on connector for category 2 Double ConCostCat1 Cost of using connector for category 1 Double ConCostCat2 Cost of using connector for category 2 Double LinkTime Flight time on link Minutes Double TransferTimeLink Transfer links between local airports Minutes Double TransferTime Extra transfer time on link Minutes Double ConLength Length of the connector in meters Double AccessEgressLength Travelled length on connectors Km Double AccessEgressTime Time spent on connectors Minutes Double

Table 3.15 – Air cost matrix

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3.2 Rail passenger assignment model

The rail assignment model in TT3 is a frequency-based model rather than a schedule-based model (Ceder, 2007). This means that disaggregate timetables are not represented for each rail line in the model, but rather the level-of-service of each part (link) of the network are represented by an aggregate measure of operating speed representing the speed of the lines serving the link. Changes between lines at stations are modelled using a transfer penalty between different classes of railways determined by the speed of the incoming links. In general, the utility function of alternative i for category m is specified as:

Equation 3-3 - Utility function for rail assignment in TT3

where VOTfactor is a country-specific factor (see section 0), TransferTimei represents the transfer time at stations, TravelTimei represents the travel time on rail links (computed from the operating speed), FerryTimei represents sailing on ferry links, BorderTimei represents border time and ε i is a normal-distributed error-term representing perception errors of the travellers. Taste heterogeneity is represented by creating ‘pseudo-categories’ (through distributed parameters). Network congestion is to some extent expected to be represented in the design of the timetables (and thus the operating speeds on the network, see section 3.2.2), and the data does not support modelling in-vehicle congestion as there is no information available of characteristics of the rolling stock (e.g., train length, seating capacity). This means that no iterative solution algorithm is needed to represent congestion, and the RSUE solution algorithm is run with a single iteration. 3.2.1 Rail network explosion The lack of schedules, frequencies and line information in ETIS+ practically makes the representation of the rail passenger network identical to that of a road network in which there are no limitations on travel patterns (turn restrictions etc.). Such a representation is however not realistic and may lead to unrealistic route choices and level-of-service data. In order to induce a more realistic representation of the network, a network explosion similar to the one from the air model is performed as follows.



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The initial rail network has a line feature that represents the railway links. They are drawn between a series of nodes, some of which are rail stations. All the links are classified into three classes {High speed, Intercity, Regional}. The explosion is made as shown in Figure 3-2; the higher the class the more lines it is exploded into. For the highest class there are three lines and for the lowest no explosion is made, so there is just the one.

Figure 3-2 - Rail passenger network after explosion

In addition to the explosion, a hierarchical methodology is introduced in which travellers can travel on higher classes, but not at full operating speed. On Figure 3-2 the link between Station A and node 1 is a class 1, high speed. This operating speed is 220 km/h, but for each of the three classes the operating speed is adjusted according to Table 3.16, meaning that Class 1 travellers travel at 220 km/h, class 2 at 180 km/h and Class 3 at 80 km/h. Class ID Class name Max travel speed on own class Max travel speed on higher class 1 High Speed 1000 1000 2 Intercity 200 180 3 Regional 100 80

Table 3.16 - Hierarchical max travel speeds

Travellers can transfer between classes at station, but this will induce a transfer penalty of 30 minutes. Travellers from Station A to Station C on Figure 3-2 will thus have two options going through station B.

1. Travel on Class 2 between A and B and Class 3 between B and C plus a 30 min transfer 2. Travel on class 3 between A and B and between B and C

The hierarchical classes are partly based on the operating speed, but with some exceptions. If a long series of high speed links are interrupted by a short part with a lower operating speed, the part with the lower speed is still deemed as high speed. This could happen if there is a bridge crossing or similar events.

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3.2.2 Computation of operating speed Note that in the above the route choice has been based on the operating speed. This represents a measure of the actual average speed which the trains travel with on each link of the network. The operating speed typically differs considerably from the maximum speed at which the link can be traversed. The maximum speed was however the only information available in the ETIS+ data and this has been used in combination with ETIS+ Level-of-Service matrices (zone-to-zone) to compute the operating speed. The computation of this is further explained in the following section. This section describes how the operating speed is derived from the Level-of-Service matrices of the ETIS+. These matrices are based on detailed real-world timetables found in the “HaCon Fahrplan-Ankunfts-System’ software published by Deutsche Bahn (HAFAS, 2011). To do this, a ‘backward engineering’ approach has been developed, which computes the operational speeds at link level by an iterative proportional fitting approach (‘IPF’-like approach). In general, the method used seeks to map the OD-level travel times to travel times on the links in a manner such that the OD-level travel times can be reproduced as accurately as possible by performing searches in the network based on link travel times. Moreover, the travel speeds of the links of the network are iteratively updated based on comparisons between OD travel times computed by the assignment model and ETIS+ travel times for the corresponding OD-relations. Before stating the iterative routine, some notation is introduced:

T(obs)ij is the OD-demand from zone i to j. T(korr)ij is a correction-matrix for the relation from zone i to j t(obs)ij is the ’observed’ travel time between zone i and j according to the ETIS+ Level-of-Service matrix. t(mod)ij is the modelled travel time between zone i and j obtained from the assignment, based on the latest link travel time (t(mod)a) t(min)a is the minimal travel time to traverse link a, determined from the maximum speed defined on the links. t(mod)a is the modelled travel time to traverse link a. T(obs)a is the modelled flow on link a. T(korr)a is a correction factor on link a.

In general, the iterative routine is inspired by Iterative-Proportional-Fitting, and can be outlined as follows: ”IPF” algorithm;

1) t(min)a is calculated from the maximum speed and the length of link a 2) Initially, the modelled travel time on link a is set equal to the minimum travel time of link a, i.e. t(mod)a

:= t(min)a. set n=1 3) T(obs)ij is loaded (using All-or-Nothing assignment to the shortest route) to the network using t(mod)a.

Output; t(mod)ij, T(obs)a 4) A correction factor is calculated per OD-relation; T(korr)ij := T(obs)ij * t(obs)ij / t(mod)ij 5) T(korr)ij is loaded (using All-or-Nothing assignment to the shortest route) to the network using t(mod)a.

Output; T(korr)a 6) New link travel time is calculated for each link; t(mod)a,n := 1/n*t(mod)a,n-1 +(1-1/n)*t(mod)a,n-1 * T(korr)a /

T(obs)a 7) If t(mod)a >= t(obs)a , set t(mod)a = t(obs)a 8) If stopping criteria met, terminate. Else, set n=n+1 and return to 3).

Upon termination of the algorithm, the operating speed can be obtained from t(mod)a and the link length. In the present application, the stopping criteria was set at n=50.

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3.2.3 Rail passenger assignment input tables The following tables are the inputs used in the rail passenger assignment model. tmp_RoadRC_AllCentroids

The centroids are the urban density points for each of the zones. The centroids are the same for all the different models, therefore the road centroids is used.

Attribute Description Unit Field type ID Unique identifier. Equal to the ZoneID Long ZoneID Unique identifier. First 3 digits are the country code Long

TT3_ZoneID Which TT3 zone is the centroids belonging to. For passenger models ZoneID and TT3_ZoneID are the same. Long

CentroidType Type of centroid, 1=zone, 2=Airport, 3=terminal. For passenger assignments only 1 is used. Short

VotFactor Parameter to scale the value of time for various countries Double Table 3.17 – Rail passenger centroids tmp_RailPasRC_AllConnectors_Exploded

The rail connectors represent the travel from the centroids into the stations in the rail network. Every centroid must have at least 1 connector.

Attribute Description Unit Field type

ID Unique identifier Long OrigID Unique identifier for the non-exploded connector Long CentroidID Unique identifier for the connected centroid Long NodeID Unique identifier for the connected rail station node Long OrigNodeID Unique identifier for the non-exploded connected rail station node Long

Active Dummy variable that defines whether the connector is included in the calculations Short

TravSpeed Required attribute, but not used in the model Long Length Required attribute, but not used in the model Double ConTime Travel time on connector Double ConLength Length of the connector in meters Double

ConType Type of centroid, 1=zone, 2=Airport, 3=terminal. For passenger assignments only 1 is used. Short

OrigConnID Unique identifier for the non-exploded connectors from zone connectors, terminal connectors and airport connectors Long

LinkClassID The rail class of the link (see Figure 3-2) Long Table 3.18 – Rail passenger connectors

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31 in_RailPasRC_Links_Exploded The rail links are “exploded” in hierarchal classes as previously explained. The attributes of the links are as follows.

Attribute Description Unit Field type

ID Unique identifier Long OrigID Unique identifier of the unexploded link Long FromNodeID Unique identifier for the starting rail node Long OrigFromNodeID Unique identifier of the unexploded from node Long ToNodeID Unique identifier for the ending rail node Long OrigToNodeID Unique identifier of the unexploded to node Long FreeSpeed Speed on the link Double QueueSpeed Value is -1 for rail, since there is no congestion Double Active Defines whether the rail link is active using a dummy variable Short Length Length of rail link Meters Double

OpenFor Dummy variable defines whether the rail link is open in the drawing direction Short

OpenBack Dummy variable defines whether the rail link is open against the drawing direction Short

LinkTypeID 1, only one link type used Long FerryTime Sailing time of ferry links Minutes Double FerryLength Length of ferry links Meters Double LanesFor Number of tracks in forward direction (1=if single track) Short LanesBack Number of tracks in backward direction (1=if single track) Short

LaneHCFor Capacity of forward lane. -1 for rail, since there is no congestion Double

LaneHCBack Capacity of backward lane. -1 for rail, since there is no congestion Double

TransferTime 0 for rail links, a delay value for transfer links Minutes Double Country The country which the rail link is located in Text CountryCode 2-digit country code Text LinkClassID Hierarchal rail class Long BorderTime Time delay for country borders Minutes Double

Table 3.19 – Rail passenger links

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32 sys_RailPasRC_LinkTypes

The rail link type table specifies link types in rail assignment. As it is now there is only one link type.

Field Description Unit Field type ID ID of link type Long Alpha Alfa parameter for the BPR-formula. For rail assignment this is 1 Double Beta Beta parameter for the BPR-formula. For rail assignment this is 1 Double Gamma Gamma parameter for the BPR-formula. For rail assignment this is 0 Double Description Link type description Text BprToQueue Required, but not used for rail assignment, since there is no congestion. Short

Table 3.20 – Rail passenger link types sys_RailPasRC_TrafficTypes

The rail traffic type table specifies traffic types in rail assignment, i.e. High Speed, InterCity and Regional trains. ‘PerCarUnit’ is a result of the software construct and not relevant as no congestion is modelled.

Field Description Unit Field

type ID ID of traffic type Long MaxSpeed The maximum travel speed of the giving traffic type. km/h Double

PerCarUnit Traffic type factor for passenger car equivalents. Only relevant if congestion is taken into account Double

Table 3.21 – Rail passenger traffic types sys_RailPasRC_Categories

The rail category table specifies categories in rail assignment. As it is now there are three different categories, namely business, private and vacation.

Field Description Unit Field type

ID Assignment category Long TrafTypeID Specifies the traffic type for the Category. Relates to the TrafficType dataset Long CategoryID Trip purpose, 1=Business, 2=Other, 3=Commute Short Name Category description Text

NoConnConn Specifies whether travellers can use connectors at other times than at the start and end instead of links. This is not possible in rail passenger assignment.



Specifies whether Dijkstra should be truncated or not (in the case of a sparse trip matrix) Double


Specifies whether stochastically coefficients are generated once per category or once per from zone per category (0=per category, 1=per from zone per category)


ReturnGA Specifies whether trips are assigned as Origin-Destination or Generation-Attraction (0=OD, 1=GA) Short

PDistTheta Parameter used in path assignment describing the perception error of the Double

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PSizeBeta Parameter used in path assignment describing the influence of overlap between paths on the route choice Double

Table 3.22 – Rail passenger categories sys_RailPasRC_RouteCostDefinitions

The rail route cost definition table specifies cost elements in rail assignment. It provides a link between the route choice parameters and the link network and specifies which attributes from the link network that is used in the route choice utility.

Field Description Unit Field

type ID ID of route cost definition Long

CostType Specifies the cost type for the RouteCostDefinition. 1=Length, 2=FreeTime, 3=CongTime, 4=error term, 5=Other costs used in route choice, 6=Collected as an output, but not used I route choice.


FieldFor Network fieldname in forward direction for cost type 5 to 6 Text FieldBack Network fieldname in backward direction for cost type 5 to 6 Text

Label A description field that can be used for the creation of new columns in the Cost Matrix output dataset. Text

Table 3.23 – Rail passenger route cost definitions sys_RailPasRC_RouteChoiceParameters

The rail choice parameters table specifies cost coefficients (β) parameters in the utility for rail assignment. The parameters vary for the different categories.

Field Description Unit Field

type ID ID of route choice parameter Long CategoryID Specifies the CategoryID for the RouteChoiceParameter Long RcdId Specifies the RouteCostDefinition for the RouteChoiceParameter Long

Dist Distribution type for the coefficient (0=no distribution, 6=Log-Normal, 7=Gamma) Long

Mean Mean value for the coefficient. The unit is determined by the cost type of the related RouteCostDefinition. Double

Variance Variance for the coefficient Double Table 3.24 – Rail passenger route choice parameters tmp_RailPasRC_TripMatrix

The Rail passenger trip matrix is given by the demand model and provides the amount of travellers between zone pairs for the different trip purposes.

Field Description Unit Field type FromZoneID ID of origin zone Long ToZoneID ID of destination zone Long

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CategoryID ID of trip purpose Long Val Number of passengers travelling by rail per day Passengers/day Double

Table 3.25 – Rail passenger trip matrix

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35 sys_RailPasRC_AssignConfig

The rail passenger assignment configuration table can be used to implement Traffic Analyst matrix thinning. It also enables the NoConnConn function, which ensures that travellers uses the link network and cannot travel only using connectors.

Field Description Unit Field type Name The name of the assignment configuration parameter Text Val The value of the assignment configuration parameter Text

Table 3.26 – Rail passenger assignment configuration

3.2.4 Rail passenger assignment output tables The following tables are the output tables produced by the rail passenger assignment model. tmp_RailPasRC_LinkLoads The rail link flows are the traffic loads for each of the active rail freight links (legs).

Field Description Unit Field type

LinkID ID for link Long CategoryID Trip purpose, 1=Business, 2=Other, 3=Commute Short

TrafFor Traffic load in forward direction on the link (fromnode to tonode). Passengers per day Double

TrafBack Traffic load in forward direction on the link (fromnode to tonode). Passengers per day Double

TotalTraf Sum of traffic load for both directions. Passengers per day Double

SpeedFor Speed in forward direction. There is no congestion in the rail assignment, so the value equals the FreeSpeed from the rail link table

km/h Double

SpeedBack Speed in backward direction. There is no congestion in the rail assignment, so the value equals the FreeSpeed from the rail link table

km/h Double

AvgSpeed Average speed for both directions. There is no congestion in the rail assignment, so the value equals the FreeSpeed from the rail link table

km/h Double

Table 3.27 – Rail passenger link loads

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36 tmp_RailPasRC_ConnectorLoads The rail connector flows are the traffic loads for each of the active rail connectors.

Field Description Unit Field type ConnectID ID for connector Long CategoryID Trip purpose, 1=Business, 2=Other, 3=Commute Short NodeID ID for connected node Long LoadFor Traffic load for “for” direction. Passengers per day Double LoadBack Traffic load for “back” direction. Passengers per day Double TrafLoad Traffic load for both directions Passengers per day Double

Table 3.28 – Rail passenger connector loads tmp_RailPasRC_CostMatrixExtended

Level-of-service results from the rail passenger assignment on NUTS3 level. Each value gives the average amount for every combination of FromZoneID, ToZoneID and CategoryID. The table is also an input for the passenger demand model.

Field Description Unit Field type

FromZoneID ID of origin zone Long ToZoneID ID of destination zone Long CategoryID Trip purpose, 1=Business, 2=Other, 3=Commute Long Length Length of rail link Meters Double FreeTime Travel time on rail link Minutes Double

QueueSpeed Congested travel time on rail link. Since there is no congestion in rail assignment, the value is always 0. Minutes Double

TransferTime 0 for rail links, a delay value for transfer links Minutes Double BorderTime Time delay for country borders Minutes Double FerryTime Sailing time of ferry links Minutes Double FerryLength Length of ferry links Meters Double ConTime Travel time on connector Double ConLength Length of the connector in meters Double GenCost Generalized cost of transportation Euro Double Trips Travellers in OD pair Passengers Double ThinTrips Travellers in OD pair Passengers Double

MaxID Gives the maximal ID on each route. Used to filter out routes without links.

Table 3.29 – Rail passenger cost matrix

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3.3 Road passenger assignment model The road assignment model is split in two. There is the initial Level-of-service assignment which serves as input for the rest of the model and there is the final assignment which is the final assignment of the model.

The road assignment model is a RSUE model representing taste heterogeneity (distribution of parameters of generalised cost function) and modelling congestion (i.e. iterative procedure which continues until convergence). Note that lorries stemming from the freight model is also assigned in order to obtain a realistic congestion level in the network. The assignment is performed for a whole day (average year day). The assignment does not assign zone internal traffic. However, this is preloaded prior to the assignment, in order to generate the traffic that is not represented in the model. Thereby reasonable traffic amounts are found. In terms of convergence, the iterations should be continued until a convergence level is reached which is well balanced between accuracy and computation time. In general convergence is fast, refer to deliverable 11.1 for an analysis of the convergence pattern and a recommendation of number of iterations needed to reach convergence. Since the scope of the model is continental, a correct approximation of congestion levels around larger cities is practically impossible to achieve. The reason for this is that all minor roads have been removed as these are not important at a European level. The removal of these limits all urban traffic to using only a few (major) roads, which causes unrealistically high congestion on these. To account for this, links in all larger city areas have a predefined level of congestion that is present regardless of the traffic volumes in the model. The congestion levels are defined using the congestion levels from TomTom (2014).

The utility function for the road assignment model is as follows.

Equation 3-4 - Utility function for road assignment in TT3

The beta parameters for the different costs, i.e. TollCost, FerryCost, and FuelCost, are 1, and the variance is 0, since the costs are directly given from the attributes in the road link. For the parameters associated to time components, values from the Danish National Transport Model was adopted, and consist of (different) time elements for both roads and ferries. Travel time on road is divided into free flow travel time and congested travel time, while ferry is divided into ferry sailing time, ferry wait time, and ferry arrival pre-departure. The latter two are the waiting times caused by the varying frequencies of ferries, while the other is depended on how long time prior to departure travellers need to be in the port.














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Note that all time components, i.e., BorderTime, CongTime, FerryTime, FerryWaitTime, and FerryArrPreDep, are scaled with the beta parameter for free flow travel time. This ensures a variation in time parameters among categories for time parameters which are generic across categories, e.g. FerryTime.

A large effort has been made to calibrate and estimate accurately the route choice parameters in the Danish National Transport Model and the parameters have been adopted from there. The values have been converted from DKK to Euro by multiplying by 0.1339639 Euro/DKK. In addition, the values have been divided by the Danish VOTfactor=1.340793559 to get the base values for TT3. The resulting route choice time parameters are as follows. Note that these might change in the final model validation/calibration stage.

RouteChoiceParameter CategoryID Category Mean [Euro/Min] Variance FreeTime 1 Commute 0.2008 0.0779

2 Business 0.3717 0.0739 3 Other 0.1449 0.0629 4 Vans 0.2578 0.0520 5 Trucks 0.3377 0.1349

BorderTime* 1 Commute 0.2008 0.0779 2 Business 0.3717 0.0739 3 Other 0.1449 0.0629 4 Vans 0.2578 0.0520 5 Trucks 0.3377 0.1349

CongestionTime* 1 Commute 0.2711 0.0040 2 Business 0.5799 0.0060 3 Other 0.2679 0.0090 4 Vans 0.4380 0.0070 5 Trucks 0.4052 0.0020

FerrySailingTime* 1 Commute 0.1464 0.0070 2 Business 0.2710 0.0070 3 Other 0.1056 0.0070 4 Vans 0.1879 0.0070 5 Trucks 0.2361 0.0070

FerryWaitingTime* 1 Commute 0.0803 0.0040 2 Business 0.1487 0.0040 3 Other 0.0580 0.0040 4 Vans 0.1031 0.0040 5 Trucks 0.1452 0.0040

FerryArrPreDep 1 Commute 0.0803 0.0040 2 Business 0.1487 0.0040 3 Other 0.0580 0.0040 4 Vans 0.1031 0.0040

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5 Trucks 0.1351 0.0040 Table 3.30 - Route choice parameters for road. Note that these are not the beta-parameters as input in the

model, but has been converted to ‘absolute values’ for comparisons according to cost-expression (e.g., BorderTime=𝜷𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭,𝑭*𝜷𝑩𝑩𝑭𝑩𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭,𝑭)

Congestion is modelled using BPR functions, and the speed flow relationship is as follows

𝐻 = 𝐻0 ∙ �1 + 𝛼 ∙ �𝑉𝐷𝐺𝐻 + 𝛾 ∙ 𝑉𝐷𝐺𝐻𝐵𝐹𝐹𝐵𝐴𝐴𝐹𝐴


The BPR parameters vary on the different link types in the model as shown in the following table (adopted from the Danish National Transport Model).

ID Description Alpha Beta Gamma 1 Highway 0.85 1.85 0 5 Regional road 1.1 1.75 0 6 Larger city road 0.85 1.6 0.1 9 Local city road 0.85 1.65 0.05 90 Ferry 0.5 10 0

Table 3.31 - Road link type parameters In order to make the model technically robust against congestion level (so that link-travel times does not approach infinity as demand increases high above the capacity limit), the travel speed is replaced by a link-specific QueueSpeed when the BPR curve dictates a travel speed below the QueueSpeed. This QueueSpeed is defined to reflect the speed in high congestion. Whether the BPR-speed or the QueueSpeed us used in heavy congestion can be defined by the BPRToQueue-parameter of the sys_RoadRC_LinkTypes-table, but the use of QueueSpeed is enabled as default.

3.3.1 Road assignment input tables The following tables are the inputs used in the road assignment model. tmp_RoadRC_AllCentroids

The centroids are the urban density points for each of the zones. The centroids are the same for all the different models.

Attribute Description Unit Field type

ID Unique identifier. Equal to the ZoneID Long ZoneID Unique identifier. First 3 digits are the country code Long

TT3_ZoneID Which TT3 zone is the centroids belonging to. For passenger models ZoneID and TT3_ZoneID are the same. Long

CentroidType Type of centroid, 1=zone, 2=Airport, 3=terminal. For passenger assignments only 1 is used. Short

VotFactor Parameter to scale the value of time for various countries Double Table 3.32 – Road centroids

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41 tmp_RoadRC_AllConnectors

The road connectors connect centroids with the road network. Every centroid has at least 1 connector.

Attribute Description Unit Field type

ObjectID Autogenerated GIS unique identifier Long Shape Autogenerated GIS attribute Text ID Unique identifier Long

Active Dummy variable that defines whether the connector is included in the calculations Short

TravSpeed Travel speed for the connector. Speed flow curve is not used for connectors Long

Length Length of the connector in meters Meters Double TotalConnCost Cost of using connector Euro Double TotalConnTime Travel time of using connector Minutes Double

ConLength Length of connector in meters. Special replicate field for use in LoS calculation. Calculated based on Length Double

OrigConnID Unique identifier for the non-exploded connectors from zone connectors, terminal connectors and airport connectors Long

Shape_Length Auto generated GIS connector length in decimal degrees Long FuelCostPC The fuel cost on the connector for passenger cars Double

PublicReventuePC The subpart of the fuelcost that is a tax for passenger cars and therefore an income for society. Used in CBA calculations. Double

FuelCostTR The fuel cost on the connector for trucks. Equals FuelCostPC*5 Double

PublicReventueTR The subpart of the fuelcost that is a tax for trucks and therefore an income for society. Used in CBA calculations. Double

Table 3.33 – Road connectors tmp_RoadRC_Links

Attribute Description Unit Field type

ObjectID Autogenerated GIS unique identifier Long Shape Autogenerated GIS attribute Text ID Unique identifier Long Active Defines whether the rail link is active using a dummy variable Short CountryCode 2-digit country code Text TRForbidden Stating whether trucks are allowed on link Short GGForbidden Stating whether gigaliners are allowed on link Short

ZoneID The model zone the link is located in. If the link crosses between zones the ZoneID is the zone the majority of the link is in. Used in public revenue calculations.


ZoneBorderCrossing Stating whether this is a zone border crossing Short Length Length of link in meters but zero for ferries. Meters Double FreeSpeed The link speed in an uncongested situation. Km/h Double

QueueSpeed The minimum speed on the link - The model used the maximum of the speed found on the speed-flow curve or the queuespeed. Km/h Double

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The value -1 indicates that the speed-flow curve speed is always used

LinkTypeID Linktype for the link (1=motorways, 5=Rural road with separate directions, 6=Rural two-lane road, 9=Urban roads, 90=ferries) Long

TollCostPC Total link cost for passenger cars. Euro Double TollCostTR Total link cost for trucks. Euro Double BorderTimePC Country border time for passenger cars Minutes Double BorderTimeTR Country border time for trucks Minutes Double CongestionDummy Stating whether the link has a TomTom congestion index Short CongestionTime Travel time fitted to the TomTom congestion index Double

ShapeLength The auto generated GIS length in decimal degrees Decimal degrees Double

OpenFor Dummy variable defines whether the road link is open in the drawing direction Short

OpenBack Dummy variable defines whether the road link is open against the drawing direction. Short

LanesFor Number of lanes in forward direction Short LanesBack Number of lanes in backward direction Short

LaneHCFor Lane hour capacity forward direction (In the model capacity per hour is calculated as: Hour Capacity Forward = LanesFor * LaneHCFor). The value -1 means no capacity restraints

#Car/h /Lane Double

LaneHCBack Lane hour capacity backward direction (In the model capacity per hour is calculated as: Hour Capacity Backward = LanesBack * LaneHCBack). The value -1 means no capacity restraints

#Car/h /Lane Double

RoadLength Length of link in meters but zero for ferries. Calculated based on LinkTypeID and LinkLength during model runs Meters Double


Link road class (OE=Other European road, O=Other road, ME=European motorway, M=Motorway, D=Dual Carriageway, DE=European dual carriageway, F=Ferry). The column is not used in calculations


FerrySailingTime Sailing time on ferry links. Minutes Double

FerryWaitingTime Average waiting time on ferry links. Calculated based on FerryFreq as: ½*(24*60/FerryFreq). Maximum 30 minutes.

Minutes Double

FerryArrPreDep The time you need to be at the port prior to ferry depature Minutes Double FerryFreq Number of ferries per day (-1 for non-ferry links) Double FerryCostPC Fee for using ferry for personal cars Euro Double FerryCostTR Fee for using ferry for trucks Euro Double FuelCostPC The fuel cost on the link for a passenger car. Euro Double FuelCostTR The fuel cost on the link for a truck. Equals FuelCostPC*5 Euro Double

Urban Indicates whether the link is located in urban areas or not (1=urban, 0=nonurban). For use in impact assessments


PreloadFor Preload forward used internally in assignment. Double PreloadBack Preload back used internally in assignment. Double

Table 3.34 – Road links

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43 sys_RoadRC_LinkTypes

The road link type table specifies link types in the road assignment. There are 5 different link types (1=motorways, 5=Rural road with separate directions, 6=Rural two-lane road, 9=Urban roads, 90=ferries)

Field Description Unit Field

type ID ID of link type Long Alpha Alfa parameter for the BPR-formula Double Beta Beta parameter for the BPR-formula Double Gamma Gamma parameter for the BPR-formula Double Description Link type description Text

BprToQueue Together with the QueueSpeed field on the link dataset, this field determines how the speed is calculated on heavily congested roads Long

Table 3.35 – Road link types sys_RoadRC_TrafficTypes

The road traffic type table specifies traffic types in road assignment, more specifically the road traffic type and maximum allowed speed and unit size for each traffic type. There are 3 road traffic types (1=Personal car, 2=Van, 3=Truck).

Field Description Unit Field

type ID ID of traffic type Long MaxSpeed The maximum travel speed of the giving traffic type. km/h Double Name Name of the traffic type Text


Traffic type factor for passenger car equivalents. Currently equal to 1 for personal cars and vans, and 2 for trucks and 3 for gigaliners. PerCarUnit is taken into consideration in the calculation of the travel times on the network links


Table 3.36 – Road traffic types

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44 sys_RoadRC_Categories

The road category table specifies categories in the road assignment. There are 5 different categories in the road model (1-Commute, 2-Business, 3-Other, 4-Vans, 5-Trucks).

Field Description Unit Field type

ID Assignment category Long

TrafTypeID Specifies the traffic type for the Category. Relates to the TrafficType dataset Long

Name Category description Text

NoConnConn Specifies whether travellers can use connectors at other times than at the start and end instead of links. This is not possible in road assignment.



Specifies whether Dijkstra should be truncated or not (in the case of a sparse trip matrix) Double


Specifies whether stochastically coefficients are generated once per category or once per from zone per category (0=per category, 1=per from zone per category)


ReturnGA Specifies whether trips are assigned as Origin-Destination or Generation-Attraction (0=OD, 1=GA 2=GA for path assignment). For road it is 2.


PDistTheta Parameter used in path assignment Double PSizeBeta Parameter used in path assignment Double ThinTraLim Parameter used in path assignment Double ÌtPrPSrch Parameter used in path assignment Double MaxTonsDryBulk Freight capacity Tonnes Double MaxTonsLiquidBulk Freight capacity Tonnes Double MaxTonsGeneralCargo Freight capacity Tonnes Double Contaiiners Freight capacity Tonnes Double AvgTonsDryBulk Freight capacity Tonnes Double AvgTonsLiquidBulk Freight capacity Tonnes Double AvgTonsGeneralCargo Freight capacity Tonnes Double

Table 3.37 – Road categories sys_RoadRC_RouteCostDefinitions

The road route cost definition table specifies cost elements in the road assignment. It provides a link between the route choice parameters and the road link network and specifies which attributes from the road link network that is used in the route choice utility.

Field Description Unit Field

type ObjectID Unique Identifier Long ID ID of route cost definition Long

CostType Specifies the cost type for the RouteCostDefinition. 1=Length, 2=FreeTime, 3=CongTime, 4=error term, 5=Other costs used in route choice, 6=Collected as an output, but not used I route choice.


FieldFor Network fieldname in forward direction for cost type 5 to 6 Text

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FieldBack Network fieldname in backward direction for cost type 5 to 6 Text

Label A description field that can be used for the creation of new columns in the Cost Matrix output dataset. Text

Table 3.38 – Road route cost definitions sys_RoadRC_RouteChoiceParameters

The road route choice parameters table specifies cost coefficients (β) parameters in the utility function for road assignment, see Equation 3-5. The parameters vary for the different categories.

Field Description Unit Field type

ObjectID Unique Identifier Long ID ID of route choice parameter Long CategoryID Specifies the CategoryID for the RouteChoiceParameter Long RcdId Specifies the RouteCostDefinition for the RouteChoiceParameter Long

Dist Distribution type for the coefficient (0=no distribution, 6=Log-Normal, 7=Gamma) Long

Mean Mean value for the coefficient. The unit is determined by the cost type of the related RouteCostDefinition. Double

Variance Variance for the coefficient Double Table 3.39 – Road route choice parameters tmp_RoadRC_TripMatrix

The road passenger trip matrix is given by the demand model and provides the amount of travellers between zone pairs for the different trip purposes.

Field Description Unit Field type FromZoneID ID of origin zone Long ToZoneID ID of destination zone Long CategoryID ID of trip purpose Long Val Number of passengers travelling by road per year Passengers/year Double

Table 3.40 – Road trip matrix tmp_RoadRC_TrafficTypeRestrictions The traffic type restrictions define which links are closed for certain traffic types. The main one being gigaliners that are only allowed in Denmark, Sweden and Finland. The table can mainly be compiled from the attributes ‘TTForbidden’ and ‘GGForbidden’ attributes of the table describing the network links (Table 3.34), but also defines links on which cars cannot travel (e.g., ferries dedicated to lorries). Field Description Unit Field type LinkID ID of the restricted link Long RestricTyp Traffic type that is restricted Long EdgeType Link or connector Long

Table 3.41 – Traffic type restrictions

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46 sys_RoadRC_AssignConfigPath

The road assignment configuration is used to define some overall assignment configuration parameters, e.g. the use of matrix thinning, various parameters defining the setup of the iteration scheme (step-size parameter, path-search frequency etc.) and path choice mechanism. The configuration table can also be used to implement the NoConnConn function, which ensures that travellers uses the link network and cannot travel only using connectors.

Field Description Unit Field type Name The name of the assignment configuration parameter Text Val The value of the assignment configuration parameter Text

Table 3.42 – Road assignment configuration

3.3.2 Road assignment output tables The following tables are the output tables produced by the road assignment model. out_RoadRC_LinkLoads The Link loads are the flow output of the assignment model. This is the dataset that can be visualized on result maps.

Field Description Unit Field type

LinkID ID for link Long

CategoryID Trip purpose, 1=Business, 2=Other, 3=Commute, 4=LGV, 5=HGV, 6=GGV Short

TrafFor Traffic load in forward direction on the link (fromnode to tonode).

Passengers per day Double

TrafBack Traffic load in forward direction on the link (fromnode to tonode).

Passengers per day Double

TotalTraf Sum of traffic load for both directions. Passengers per day Double

SpeedFor Speed in forward direction. km/h Double SpeedBack Speed in backward direction. km/h Double AvgSpeed Average speed for both directions. km/h Double

Table 3.43 – Road link loads out_RoadRC_ConnectorLoads The connector loads are the flows on the connectors connecting the centroids and the links.

Field Description Unit Field type

ConnectID ID for connector Long

CategoryID Trip purpose, 1=Business, 2=Other, 3=Commute, 4=LGV, 5=HGV, 6=GGV Short

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NodeID ID for connected node Long LoadFor Traffic load for “for” direction. Passengers per day Double LoadBack Traffic load for “back” direction. Passengers per day Double TrafLoad Traffic load for both directions Passengers per day Double

Table 3.44 – Road connector loads

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48 tmp_RoadRC_CostMatrixExtended

Level-of-service results from the road passenger assignment on NUTS3 level. Each value gives the average attributes for routes connecting every combination of FromZoneID, ToZoneID and CategoryID. The table is also an input for the passenger demand model.

Field Description Unit Field

type FromZoneID ID of origin zone Long ToZoneID ID of destination zone Long

CategoryID Trip purpose, 1=Business, 2=Other, 3=Commute, 4=LGV, 5=HGV, 6=GGV Long

Length Driven km in road network Km Double FreeTime Uncongested driving time Minutes Double CongTime Congested driving time Minutes Double GenCost Generalized cost of transportation Euro Double Trips Travellers in OD pair Passengers Double ThinTrips Travellers in OD pair Passengers Double TollCostPC Total link cost for passenger cars. Euro Double TollCostTR Total link cost for trucks. Euro Double FuelCostPC The fuel cost on the link for a passenger car. Euro Double FuelCostTR The fuel cost on the link for a truck. Equals FuelCostPC*5 Euro Double CongestionDummy Stating whether the link has a TomTom congestion index Short CongestionTime Travel time fitted to the TomTom congestion index Double FerryTime Time spent sailing with ferries Minutes Double FerryWaitTime Time spent waiting for ferries Minutes Double FerryArrPreDep Time spent waiting for ferries Minutes Double

PublicReventuePC The subpart of the fuelcost that is a tax for passenger cars and therefore an income for society. Used in CBA calculations. Double

PublicReventueTR The subpart of the fuelcost that is a tax for trucks and therefore an income for society. Used in CBA calculations. Double

MaxID The maximum ID for all routes is collected to identify zone pairs with missing links. Long

BorderTimePC Country border time for passenger cars Minutes Double BorderTimeTR Country border time for trucks Minutes Double

Table 3.45 – Road cost matrix

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4. Freight assignment models The individual mode specific freight assignment models are run initially to compute mode-specific Level-of-Service data that can be used be the freight chain choice model. The Level-of-Service data are all generated between terminals rather than between zones. Road freight is an exception, as Zone-Terminal and Zone-Zone Level-of-Service data is additionally generated. The Level-of-Service data across models are then fed to the chain choice model, which then utilise this to generate Level-of-Service data for trip chains and subsequently assigns demand between these trip chains. Subsequently, the mode-specific demand derived from the trip chains are then assigned onto the networks, to obtain link specific flows etc.

Figure 4-1 - Freight assignment structure

The freight transportation is divided into the four freight goods categories. The categories are as follows.

TT3 freight categories DryBulk

LiquidBulk GeneralCargo

Containers Table 4.1 - Freight good categories

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4.1 Rail freight assignment model The rail freight assignment model is used to generate Level-of-Service as input to the Chain Choice Model, as well as to assign the demand between terminals derived from the Chain Choice Model. In general, the assignment model distinguishes between two freight types, container and non-container, and whether the train runs on electricity or diesel. Note that a trip chain can combine electricity and diesel, but the change between diesel and electricity can only occur at terminals – this is handled in the Chain Choice Model, and the assignment model only assigns trips between pairs of terminals (i.e. a trip from e.g. Copenhagen to Rome with a switch from diesel to electricity in Frankfurt is assigned as two individual trips – one with diesel from Copenhagen to Frankfurt and one with electricity from Frankfurt to Rome). Trips done using diesel are allowed on all parts of the network where freight and diesel trains are allowed. Trips done using electric trains are allowed on all parts of the network where freight and electric trains are allowed. Overall, the combination of container/non-container and diesel/electric results in four possible categories, as shown in Table 4.2. This table also defines the capacity of each train, the hourly operating cost and distance-based operating cost.

ID Name Electric Container Containers

Per Train Tons DryBulk Per Train

Tons Liquid Bulk Per Train

Tons General Cargo Per Train

Train Hour Cost

Train Kilometre Cost

17 Electric Non-Container

1 0 0 500 400 300 14.23 0.3

18 Electric Container

1 1 25 0 0 0 15.59 0.3

27 Diesel Non-Container

0 0 0 500 400 300 16.75 0.55

28 Diesel Container

0 1 25 0 0 0 17.17 0.55

Table 4.2 - Definition of categories and their characteristics The rail route choice model considers travel operating speed and travel length with separate cost functions for diesel/electric trains and types of goods, infrastructure charges, various border crossing time penalties and change of gauge size. Also, the assignment model collects the number of electric systems used (for trips with electric trains) and the number of signal systems used. These latter does not influence the route choice between terminals directly, but are used to increase the cost to, in the Chain Choice Model, express that trains capable of running on several signalling systems and electric systems are more expensive. See more on this in D7.2

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Overall, the cost of alternative i for category m can be computed as follows:

Equation 4-1 - Utility function for rail assignment in TT3

where TravelTimei represents the driving time on the links (derived from the operating speed), TravelTimei represents the delay at border crossings, GaugeChangeTimei represents the delay when changing gauge size, and Costi represents the infrastructure charge of alternative i. Note that in the assignment it is assumed that 𝛽𝑇𝐴𝐴𝑇𝐴𝑅𝑇𝐴𝑚𝐴 ,𝑚 = 𝛽𝐵𝐵𝐴𝐵𝐴𝐴𝑇𝐴𝑚𝐴,𝑚 = 𝛽𝐺𝐴𝐹𝐴𝐴𝐶ℎ𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝑇𝐴𝑚𝐴,𝑚 and 𝛽𝐶𝐵𝐴𝐹,𝑚 = 1. Congestion is not modelled implicitly in the network and it is assumed that no taste heterogeneity within the assignment categories occurs. This allows for the assignment to be an All-or-Nothing assignment to the path with the lowest generalised costs. 4.1.1 Train operating speed The rail operating speed is also tricky, since the ETIS+ network database (2014) only contains the design speed of the railway (i.e. the maximum speed the railway has been built for), not the speed of operations. However, ETIS+ also delivered Level-of-Service matrices for freight, which defines the travel times between zones for freight transport, based on various surveys (see ETIS+, 2014, and ETIS database documentation). There is a quite large difference between these ‘observed’ travel times and the travel times which would be seen when using the design speed, e.g. since freight trains are often led to a side-track to wait to be by-passed by passenger trains. As an example, a network search using design speeds may predict a travel time of 8 hours between a given OD, whereas the LoS matrices state a travel time of 18 hours (the difference is often very large). To deal with this, a “backward engineering” approach has been used, where operational speeds at link levels are calculated by a iterative proportional fitting approach (‘IPF’-like routine). This routine is similar to the approach used for the passenger part of the rail network, see Section 3.2.2. Figure 4-2 illustrates the difference between the maximum allowed (design) speed and the computed operating speed for the rail freight network in the central part of Europe. As can be seen, the maximum allowed speed is unrealistically high in many places, and in general the actual travel speeds are probably much lower. The derived operating speed seems to give a more realistic representation of the actual speeds. Figure 4-3 plots the operating speed as function of the design speed, illustrating that the speed has been adjusted to a more realistic level and that no speeds has been increased above the design speed.



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Figure 4-2 - Speeds, rail freight network. Left: Speed allowed, Right: Operating speed

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Figure 4-3 - Scatter plot operating speed as function of design speed, rail freight network










0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180



g sp




Design speed (km/h)

Speed adjustment, rail freight

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4.1.2 Rail freight assignment Input tables The following tables are the inputs used in the rail freight assignment model. tmp_RailFreightRC_TerminalCentroids The centroids are the terminals accepting rail freight. Attribute Description Unit Field type ID Unique identifier. Equal to the Terminal TermGrpID Long ZoneID Unique identifier. Equal to the Terminal TermGrpID Long ToRail Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for rail freight Short

ToIWW Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for waterways freight Short

ToRoad Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for road freight. This value is always 1. Short

ToSea Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for sea freight Short

Containers Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for freighting containers Short

Liquid_Bulk Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for freighting liquid bulk Short

Dry_Bulk Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for freighting dry bulk Short

Roro_Port Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for roro transportation Short

Draught The minimum draught of a port. Short LocatedInZoneID TT3 zone the terminal lies in Long

Table 4.3 – Rail freight centroids in_RailFreightRC_TerminalConnectors The rail connectors connect terminals to the rail network. Every terminal accepting rail must have at least 1 connector.

Attribute Description Unit Field type

ObjectID Unique GIS identifier Long Shape_Length Auto generated connector length in decimal degrees Long ID Unique identifier Long

TravSpeed Travel speed for the connector. Speed flow curve is not used for connectors Long

Active Dummy variable that defines whether the connector is included in the calculations Short

Length Length of the connector in meters Double CentroidID TermGrpID of the connected terminal. Long

Table 4.4 – Rail freight connectors

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55 tmp_RailFreightRC_Links The rail freight links are the subset of the rail links, namely the links on which freight trains can travel.

Attribute Description Unit Field type

ID Unique identifier Long Country The country which the rail link is located in Text CountryCode 2-digit country code Text ZoneID The model zone the link is located in. Long CountryBorder Stating whether the link is on a country border Short CountryBorderType Specifies the type of country border Short ZoneBorder Stating whether the link is on a zone border Short Active Defines whether the rail link is active using a dummy variable Short Length Length of rail link with ferries set to 0. Meters Double LinkLength Length of rail link Meters Double

HighSpeed Indicates whether the rail link is high speed train or not (1=highspeed, 0=otherwise)


FreeSpeedFreight Speed on the link Double Tracks Total number of tracks. Not used in calculations

Electrified Indicates whether the rail link is electrified or not (1=electrified, 0 otherwise).


Definition of electrification system. Not used in route choice assignment, but amount of different electrification systems used are collected and used in the final LoS calculation used in the freight demand model


Definition of gauge system. Not used in route choice assignment, but amount of different gauge systems used are collected and used in the final LoS calculation used in the freight demand model


Definition of signalling system. Not used in route choice assignment, but amount of different signalling systems used are collected and used in the final LoS calculation used in the freight demand model

LinkTypeID 1, only one link type used Long

Class Type (CL=conventional line, UL=upgraded line, NL=new line, FE=ferry). Not used in freight assignment Text

PassFreight Defining whether the link is for passengers or freight

ShapeLength The auto generated length in decimal degrees Decimal degrees Double

OpenFor Dummy variable defines whether the rail link is open in the drawing direction Short

OpenBack Dummy variable defines whether the rail link is open against the drawing direction Short

QueueSpeed 1, not applicable Double LanesFor Number of tracks in forward direction (1=if single track) Short LanesBack Number of tracks in backward direction (1=if single track) Short LaneHCFor -1, not applicable Double

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LaneHCBack -1, not applicable Double Freq Number of departures per day Double FerryTime Sailing time of ferry links Double FerryLength Length ferry links Double RailCost Ticket fare Euro Double TransferTime Transfer penalty for changing trains Minutes Double

Table 4.5 – Rail freight links sys_RailFreightRC_LinkTypes

The rail link type table specifies link types in rail assignment. As it is now there is only one link type.

Field Description Unit Field type ID ID of link type Long Alpha Alfa parameter for the BPR-formula. For rail assignment this is 1 Double Beta Beta parameter for the BPR-formula. For rail assignment this is 1 Double Gamma Gamma parameter for the BPR-formula. For rail assignment this is 0 Double Description Link type description Text

Table 4.6 – Rail freight link types sys_RailFreightRC_TrafficTypes

The rail traffic type table specifies traffic types in the rail assignment. There are four types that are combinations of electrified/non-electrified and container/non-container.

Field Description Unit Field

type ID ID of traffic type Long MaxSpeed The maximum travel speed of the giving traffic type. km/h Double

PerCarUnit Traffic type factor for passenger car equivalents. Only relevant if congestion is taken into account Double

Table 4.7 – Rail freight traffic types

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57 sys_RailFreightRC_Categories The rail category table specifies categories in the rail freight assignment. As it is now there are four different categories, as explained in table 4.1.

Field Description Unit Field type

ID Assignment category Long

TrafTypeID Specifies the traffic type for the Category. Relates to the TrafficType dataset Long

Name Category description Text

NoConnConn Specifies whether travellers can use connectors at other times than at the start and end instead of links. This is allowed in rail passenger assignment.


TruncDijk Specifies whether Dijkstra should be truncated or not (in the case of a sparse trip matrix) Double

CostSimFrq Specifies whether stochastically coefficients are generated once per category or once per from zone per category (0=per category, 1=per from zone per category)


ReturnGA Specifies whether trips are assigned as Origin-Destination or Generation-Attraction (0=OD, 1=GA) Short

Electric Dummy stating whether the category type is electric Short

Container Dummy stating whether the category type can use containers Short

ContainersPrTrain Describes how many containers there can be per train Short TonsDryBulkPrTrain Describes how many tons dry bulk there can be per train Tonnes double TonsLiquidBulkPrTrain Describes how many tons liquid bulk there can be per train Tonnes double TonsGeneralCargoPrTrain Describes how much general cargo there can be per train Tonnes double

TrainHourCost Gives the hourly cost for type. Not used in assignment but in the LoS calculation for the Freight Demand model. Euro/hour Double

TrainKilometerCost Gives the cost per kilometre for type. Not used in assignment but in the LoS calculation for the Freight Demand model.

Euro/km Double

ElecSystIncr Percentage increase in cost when using multiple Electrical systems. Not used in assignment but in the LoS calculation for the Freight Demand model.

SignalSystIncr Percentage increase in cost when using multiple signalling systems. Not used in assignment but in the LoS calculation for the Freight Demand model.

Table 4.8 – Rail freight categories sys_RailFreightRC_RouteCostDefinitions

The rail route cost definition table specifies cost elements in rail assignment. It provides a link between the route choice parameters and the link network and specifies which attributes from the link network that is used in the route choice utility.

Field Description Unit Field


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ID ID of route cost definition Long

CostType Specifies the cost type for the RouteCostDefinition. 1=Length, 2=FreeTime, 3=CongTime, 4=error term, 5=Other costs used in route choice, 6=Collected as an output, but not used I route choice.


FieldFor Network fieldname in forward direction for cost type 5 to 6 Text FieldBack Network fieldname in backward direction for cost type 5 to 6 Text

Label A description field that can be used for the creation of new columns in the Cost Matrix output dataset. Text

Table 4.9 – Rail freigth route cost definitions sys_RailFreightRC_RouteChoiceParameters

The rail choice parameters table specifies cost coefficients (β) parameters in the utility for rail assignment. The parameters vary for the different categories.

Field Description Unit Field

type ID ID of route choice parameter Long CategoryID Specifies the CategoryID for the RouteChoiceParameter Long RcdId Specifies the RouteCostDefinition for the RouteChoiceParameter Long

Dist Distribution type for the coefficient (0=no distribution, 6=Log-Normal, 7=Gamma) Long

Mean Mean value for the coefficient. The unit is determined by the cost type of the related RouteCostDefinition. Double

Variance Variance for the coefficient Double Table 4.10 – Rail freight route choice parameters tmp_RailFreightRC_TripMatrix

The Rail freight trip matrix is produced by the Chain Choice Model and provides the amount of goods to be moved between terminals for the different trip categories.

Field Description Unit Field type FromZoneID ID of origin zone Long ToZoneID ID of destination zone Long CategoryID ID of trip purpose Long Val Tons by rail per day Tonnes/day Double

Table 4.11 – Rail freigth trip matrix tmp_RailFreightRC_TrafficTypeRestrictions The traffic type restrictions define which links are closed for certain traffic types. This is used to e.g. hinder that electric trains use non-electrified rail links. Field Description Unit Field type LinkID ID of the restricted link Long RestricTyp Traffic type that is restricted Long EdgeType Link or connector Long

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59 sys_RailFreightRC_AssignmentConfiguration The rail freight assignment configuration table can be used to implement Traffic Analyst matrix thinning. It also enables the NoConnConn function, which ensures that travellers uses the link network and cannot travel only using connectors.

Field Description Unit Field type Name The name of the assignment configuration parameter Text Val The value of the assignment configuration parameter Text

Table 4.12 – Rail freight assignment configuration 4.1.3 Rail freight assignment output tables The following tables are the output tables produced by the rail freight assignment model. out_RailFreightRC_LinkLoads The rail freight link loads are the travel amounts for each of the different rail freight links grouped by the different categories.

Field Description Unit Field type

LinkID ID for link Long CategoryID Trip purpose, 1=Business, 2=Other, 3=Commute Short

TrafFor Traffic load in forward direction on the link (FromNode to ToNode). Tonnes per day Double

TrafBack Traffic load in forward direction on the link (fromnode to tonode). Tonnes per day Double

TotalTraf Sum of traffic load for both directions. Tonnes per day Double

SpeedFor Speed in forward direction. There is no congestion in the rail assignment, so the value equals the FreeSpeed from the rail link table Km/h Double

SpeedBack Speed in backward direction. There is no congestion in the rail assignment, so the value equals the FreeSpeed from the rail link table Km/h Double

AvgSpeed Average speed for both directions. There is no congestion in the rail assignment, so the value equals the FreeSpeed from the rail link table Km/h Double

Table 4.13 – Rail freight link loads

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60 out_RailFreightRC_ConnectorLoads The rail freight connector flows is a table showing the amount of goods/trains on each of the rail freight connectors grouped by the categories.

Field Description Unit Field type

ID ID for connector Long CentroidID ID for connected centroid Long TravSpeed Travel speed on the connector Km/hour Double Length Length of the connector Meters Double

TrafFor_Cat17 Traffic flow in forward direction on connector (centroid to node). Business trips

Tonnes per average annual day Double

TrafBack_Cat17 Traffic flow in backward direction on connector (node to centroid). Business trips

Tonnes per average annual day Double

TrafTotal_Cat17 Traffic flow on connector. Business trips Tonnes per average annual day Double

TrafFor_Cat18 Traffic flow in forward direction on connector (centroid to node). Private trips

Tonnes per average annual day Double

TrafBack_Cat18 Traffic flow in backward direction on connector (node to centroid). Private trips

Tonnes per average annual day Double

TrafTotal_Cat18 Traffic flow on connector. Private trips Tonnes per average annual day Double

TrafFor_Cat27 Traffic flow in forward direction on connector (centroid to node). Holyday trips

Passengers per average annual day Double

TrafBack_Cat27 Traffic flow in backward direction on connector (node to centroid). Holyday trips

Passengers per average annual day Double

TrafTotal_Cat27 Traffic flow on connector. Holyday trips Passengers per average annual day Double

TrafFor_Cat28 Traffic flow in forward direction on connector (centroid to node). Commuting trips

Passengers per average annual day Double

TrafBack_Cat28 Traffic flow in backward direction on connector (node to centroid). Commuting trips

Passengers per average annual day Double

TrafTotal_Cat28 Traffic flow on connector. Commuting trips Passengers per average annual day Double

TrafFor_All Traffic flow in forward direction on connector (centroid to node).

Passengers per average annual day Double

TrafBack_All Traffic flow in backward direction on connector (node to centroid).

Passengers per average annual day Double

TrafTotal_All Traffic flow on connector. Passengers per average annual day Double

Table 4.14 – Rail freight connector loads

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61 view.RailFreightRC_CostMatrix The RailRC LOS matrix is the output from the rail freight assignment that works as the input for the chain choice assignment. Each value gives the average amount for every combination of FromZoneID, ToZoneID and CategoryID.

Field Description Unit Field type FromZoneID ID of origin zone Long ToZoneID ID of destination zone Long CategoryID ID of trip purpose Long Container Stating whether containers can be used Short Electric Stating whether electrification can be used Short Kilometres Average travelled length Km Double Hours Average time spent Minutes Double Cost Average cost of trips Euro Double Gauges Number of different gauge systems used Short Signals Number of different signalling systems used Short ElecSystems Number of different electric systems used Short

Table 4.15 – Rail freight cost matrix

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4.2 Road freight assignment model In order to capture congestion effects realistically, road freight is assigned to the network alongside the passenger demand (see section 3.3). The assignment of the road freight is thus based on RSUE, as opposed to the other assignments where all flow is assigned to the shortest path. This seems reasonable, given that a lot more alternatives are available for road traffic drivers may have some degree of freedom in choosing their route and certainly have much more freedom in adapting their route choice to ‘react’ to congestion. For the freight part of the road assignment, three types of trucks are added to the assignment:

• LGV – Light trucks for the most part vans. • HGV – Normal sized trucks • GGV – Gigaliners. These are only allowed on certain road segments in Denmark, Sweden and Finland

The three types of trucks are assigned from terminal to terminal as opposed to the passenger cars in the road assignment model. For zones that have no terminals, the zone centroid is used instead. For a detailed explanation and data tables see chapter 3.3 and Deliverable 7.2 (TT3_WP7_D7.2_Freight and logistics model).

4.3 Inland waterways assignment model

The inland waterways (IWW) network consists of rivers and canals. These have a low depth, which typically hinders larger ocean-going ships to enter. However, the inland waterways can be used by vessels with a certain draught. These vessels and the inland waterways will therefore often be used as connections for inland transport and as feeder mode from or to harbours where larger amounts of goods can be shipped on ocean-going ships. Different types of vessels exist (CEMT-classes), and the depth of the rivers/canals determines which types of vessels can use these.

Initially the IWW assignment model produces Level of Service for all terminal-to-terminal relations between which goods can be moved on the IWW network. A search is done for all CEMT classes, and CEMT classes which do not return a feasible path are discarded. Then, the terminal-to-terminal Level of Service is calculated as the cost of the cheapest feasible path among the remaining CEMT classes. The Level of Service data are then subsequently fed into the Chain Choice model (see Deliverable 7.2, TT3_WP7_D7.2_Freight and logistics model). This produces the terminal-to-terminal demand by CEMT classes, and the demand is subsequently assigned to the IWW network to obtain demand for travel on links (rivers/canals). The assignment is an all-or-nothing assignment to the cheapest path, where the generalised cost function is defined as:

Equation 4-2 - Utility function for IWW assignment in TT3

4.3.1 Inland waterways assignment input tables The following tables are the inputs used in the inland waterways assignment model. tmp_IwwRC_TerminalCentroids The layer defines the Terminals accepting IWW.


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Attribute Description Unit Field type

ID Unique identifier. Equal to the Terminal TermGrpID Long ZoneID Unique identifier. Equal to the Terminal TermGrpID Long ToRail Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for rail freight Short ToIWW Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for waterways freight Short

ToRoad Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for road freight. This value is always 1. Short

ToSea Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for sea freight Short Containers Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for freighting containers Short Liquid_Bulk Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for freighting liquid bulk Short Dry_Bulk Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for freighting dry bulk Short Roro_Port Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for roro transportation Short Draught The minimum draught of a port. Short LocatedInZoneID TT3 zone the terminal lies in Long

Table 4.16 - Inland waterways centroids in_IwwRC_TerminalConnectors The connectors connect the terminals accepting IWW with the IWW network. The attributes for the inland waterways connectors are as follows. Attribute Description Unit Type

ShapeLength Auto generated connector length in decimal degrees. The field cannot be used for computing distances.

Decimal degrees Double

ID Unique identifier Integer

TravSpeed Travel speed for the connector. Speed flow curve is not used for connectors KM/Hour Double

Active Dummy variable that defines whether the connector is included in the calculations. The default value of every connector in the finished model is 1, meaning active.


Length Length of the connector in meters Meters Double

ConLength Length of the connector in meters. Special replicate field for use in Level-Of-Service calculation. Calculated based on Length. Typically it will equal the Length attribute.

Meters Double

ConTime Calculated based results from initial road and rail assignment in minutes Minutes Double

Table 4.17 - Inland waterways connectors in_IwwRC_Links The inland waterways links are the network of rivers and canals that can be used for transportation on the inland waterways. Attribute Description Unit Type ID Unique identifier Integer

FreeSpeed Internal speed on the link used in assignment calculations. Calculated based on CostSpeed and Class KM/H Double

Active Defines whether the IWW link is active using a dummy variable Dummy Class See TT3 D5.2 Integer Length Length of link in meters Meter Double

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Shape_Length Auto generated length in decimal degrees Decimal degrees Integer

Table 4.18 - Inland waterways links sys_IwwRC_LinkTypes Field Description Unit Field type ID ID of link type Long

Alpha Alfa parameter for the BPR-formula For inland waterways assignment this is 1. Double

Beta Beta parameter for the BPR-formula. For inland waterways assignment this is 1. Double

Gamma Gamma parameter for the BPR-formula For inland waterways assignment this is 1. Double

Description Link type description Text Table 4.19 - Inland waterways link types sys_IwwRC_TrafficTypes

The IWW traffic types are the various boat types in the model with their different restrictions of depth and width of canals.

Field Description Unit Field

type ID ID of traffic type Long

MaxSpeed The maximum travel speed of the giving traffic type. For air this is not relevant. km/h Double

PerCarUnit Traffic type factor for passenger car equivalents. Only relevant if congestion is taken into account Double

Table 4.20 - Inland waterways traffic types sys_IwwRC_Categories The IWW category table specifies the categories in the IWW assignment. The different categories are the CEMT classes. See TT3 D5.2.

Field Description Unit Field type

ID Assignment category Long

TrafTypeID Specifies the traffic type for the Category. Relates to the TrafficType dataset Long

Name Category description Text

NoConnConn Specifies whether travellers can use connectors at other times than at the start and end instead of links. This is not possible in IWW assignment.



Specifies whether stochastically coefficients are generated once per category or once per from zone per category (0=per category, 1=per from zone per category)


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TonsPrShip Capacity in tons per ship Double EuroPrTonPrH Price per ton per hour Double EuroPrTonPrKm Price per ton per kilometre Double EurPrContainerPrH Price per container per hour Double EurPrContainerPrKm Price per container per kilometre Double

Table 4.21 - Inland waterways categories sys_IwwRC_RouteCostDefinitions The IWW route cost definition table specifies cost elements in IWW assignment. It provides a link between the route choice parameters and the link network, and specifies which attributes from the link network that is used in the route choice utility.

Field Description Unit Field

type ID ID of route cost definition Long

CostType Specifies the cost type for the RouteCostDefinition. 1=Length, 2=FreeTime, 3=CongTime, 4=error term, 5=Other costs used in route choice, 6=Collected as an output, but not used I route choice.


FieldFor Network fieldname in forward direction for cost type 5 to 6 Text FieldBack Network fieldname in backward direction for cost type 5 to 6 Text

Label A description field that can be used for the creation of new columns in the Cost Matrix output dataset. Text

Table 4.22 - Inland waterways route cost definitions sys_IwwRC_RouteChoiceParameters The rail choice parameters table specifies cost coefficients (β) parameters in the utility for IWW assignment. The parameters vary for the different categories.

Field Description Unit Field type

ID ID of route choice parameter Long CategoryID Specifies the CategoryID for the RouteChoiceParameter Long RcdId Specifies the RouteCostDefinition for the RouteChoiceParameter Long

Dist Distribution type for the coefficient (0=no distribution, 6=Log-Normal, 7=Gamma) Long

Mean Mean value for the coefficient. The unit is determined by the cost type of the related IWW Route Cost Definition. Double

Variance Variance for the coefficient Double Table 4.23 - Inland waterways route choice parameters tmp_IwwRC_TripMatrix The IWW passenger trip matrix is given by the demand model and provides the amount of goods/vessels to be moved between IWW terminals.

Field Description Unit Field type FromZoneID ID of origin terminal Long

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ToZoneID ID of destination terminal Long CategoryID ID of trip purpose Long Val Demand for IWW goods tonnes or containers/day Double

Table 4.24 - Inland waterways trip matrix tmp_IwwRC_TrafficTypeRestrictions The traffic type restriction for inland waterways gives the link restrictions defined by width and depth of the canals in the network. Field Description Unit Field type LinkID ID of the restricted link Long RestricTyp Traffic type that is restricted Long EdgeType Link or connector Long sys_IwwRC_AssignConfig The inland waterways assignment configuration table can be used to implement Traffic Analyst matrix thinning. It also enables the NoConnConn function, which ensures that travellers uses the link network and cannot travel only using connectors. Field Description Unit Field type Name The name of the assignment configuration parameter Text Val The value of the assignment configuration parameter Text

Table 4.25 - Inland waterways assignment configuration 4.3.2 Inland waterways assignment output tables The following tables are the output tables produced by the inland waterways assignment model. out_IWWRC_LinkLoads The IWW freight link loads are the travel amounts for each of the different inland waterways freight links grouped by the different categories.

Field Description Unit Field type

LinkID ID for link Long CategoryID The different CEMT classes. See TT3 D5.2. Short

TrafFor Traffic load in forward direction on the link (FromNode to ToNode). Tonnes per day Double

TrafBack Traffic load in forward direction on the link (fromnode to tonode). Tonnes per day Double

TotalTraf Sum of traffic load for both directions. Tonnes per day Double

SpeedFor Speed in forward direction. There is no congestion in the IWW assignment, so the value equals the FreeSpeed from the IWW link table Km/h Double

SpeedBack Speed in backward direction. There is no congestion in the IWW Km/h Double

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assignment, so the value equals the FreeSpeed from the IWW link table

AvgSpeed Average speed for both directions. There is no congestion in the IWW assignment, so the value equals the FreeSpeed from the IWW link table Km/h Double

Table 4.26 – Inland waterways link loads out_IwwRC_CostMatrix The cost matrix from the inland waterways assignment functions as input for the chain choice assignment. Each value gives the average amount for every combination of FromZoneID, ToZoneID and CategoryID. Field Description Unit Field type FromZoneID ID of origin zone Long ToZoneID ID of destination zone Long CategoryID ID of trip purpose Long FreightTypeID Type of freight Long Kilometers Average travelled length Km Double Hours Average time spent Minutes Double TonsPrShip Capacity in tonnes per ship Tons/ship Double EuroPrTons Price per tons Euro/ton Double ContainersPrShip Capacity in containers per ship Containers/ship Double EuroPrContainer Price per container Euros/container Double GenCost Generalised cost between zones Euros Double Trips Number of trips between zones Travellers Double

Table 4.27 – Inland waterways cost matrix

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4.4 Sea assignment model The Sea network is the shipping network that can be used by the large ships. Since much of this network is intercontinental, the TT3 world zones (see TT3 D5.2) are also used for the Sea network. For the modelling of the sea transport network, it is assumed that ships always choose the shortest path, but that large ships may need to sail detours based on the draft or width of the ship. These route restrictions are defined by the traffic type restrictions. The Sea assignment is thus quite similar to the IWW assignment. Moreover, demand is assigned according to all-or-nothing to the cheapest feasible path (note that not all ship classes can use all harbours, due to the depth of these), where the generalised cost is as a combination of distance, time and cost.

Equation 4-3 - Utility function for IWW assignment in TT3

4.4.1 Sea assignment input tables The following tables are the inputs used in the sea assignment model. tmp_SeaRC_TerminalCentroids The sea network is assigned as a terminal to terminal network. Thus the centroids for the sea network are not the gravitational points for the zones, but rather each terminal. The centroids are a subset of the terminal feature class, but restricted by ToSea=1. The table is as follows.

Attribute Description Unit Field type

ID Unique identifier. Equal to the Terminal TermGrpID Long ZoneID Unique identifier. Equal to the Terminal TermGrpID Long ToRail Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for rail freight Short ToIWW Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for waterways freight Short

ToRoad Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for road freight. This value is always 1. Short

ToSea Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for sea freight Short Containers Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for freighting containers Short Liquid_Bulk Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for freighting liquid bulk Short Dry_Bulk Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for freighting dry bulk Short Roro_Port Dummy stating whether terminal can be used for roro transportation Short Draught The minimum draught of a port. Short LocatedInZoneID TT3 zone the terminal lies in Long

Table 4.28 – Sea centroids


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69 in_SeaRC_TerminalConnectors The Sea connectors connect the terminals (denote as zone centroids in the following description of network structure) with ports from the Sea network. Each of the ports are only connected to the centroid of the zone the port belongs to, meaning there is only one connector for each of the ports. The attributes for the Sea connectors are as follows. Attribute Description Unit Type ObjectID Auto generated unique identifier Integer

Shape Auto generated ArcGIS geometry ArcGIS geometry

ShapeLength Auto generated connector length in decimal degrees. The field cannot be used for computing distances.

Decimal degrees Double

ID Unique identifier Integer

TravSpeed Travel speed for the connector. Speed flow curve is not used for connectors KM/Hour Double

Active Dummy variable that defines whether the connector is included in the calculations. The default value of every connector in the finished model is 1, meaning active.


Length Length of the connector in meters Meters Double

ConLength Length of the connector in meters. Special replicate field for use in Level-Of-Service calculation. Calculated based on Length. Typically it will equal the Length attribute.

Meters Double

ConTime Calculated based results from initial road and rail assignment in minutes Minutes Double

Table 4.29 - Sea connectors in_SeaRC_Links The Sea network links allow for ships of different types to travel the shortest possible path between ports taking draught, length and costs into account. See Deliverable 5.2 for details regarding the computation of the costs. The attributes for the sea link features are as follows. Attribute Description Unit Type

OBJECTID Auto generated unique identifier Integer

Shape Auto generated ArcGIS geometry ArcGIS geometry

ID Unique identifier Integer

Draught The length from the keel to the waterline. Minimum depth of Sea. Meters Integer

Width Width of the sea passage Meters Integer

Length Length of the Sea link Meters Integer

Cost The cost of using the Sea link (when it is a canal) Euro Double

MultiModalTerminal ID of multimodal terminal that is connected to Sea link Integer Table 4.30 - Sea links

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70 sys_SeaRC_LinkTypes The link types are the types of sea routes in the network. Field Description Unit Field type ID ID of link type Long

Alpha Alfa parameter for the BPR-formula. For sea assignment this is 1. Double

Beta Beta parameter for the BPR-formula. For sea assignment this is 1. Double

Gamma Gamma parameter for the BPR-formula. For sea assignment this is 0. Double

Description Link type description Text Table 4.31 - Sea link types sys_SeaRC_TrafficTypes The traffic types are the different ship classes in the model. The larger the ship the more restrictions there is on routes throughout the network.

Field Description Unit Field type

ID ID of traffic type Long MaxSpeed The maximum travel speed of the giving traffic ship type. km/h Double

PerCarUnit Traffic type factor for passenger car equivalents. Only relevant if congestion is taken into account Double

Table 4.32 - Sea traffic types tt.sys_SeaRC_Categories The sea category table specifies the categories in sea assignment which are the different vessels.

Field Description Unit Field type

ID Assignment category Long

TrafTypeID Specifies the traffic type for the Category. Relates to the TrafficType dataset Long

Name Category description Text

NoConnConn Specifies whether travellers can use connectors at other times than at the start and end instead of links. This is not possible in sea assignment.



Dummy specifying whether stochastically coefficients are generated once per category or once per from zone per category (0=per category, 1=per from zone per category)


TonsPrShip Capacity in tons per ship Double EuroPrTonPrH Price per ton per hour Double Euro PrTonPrKm Price per ton per kilometre Double

EurPrContainerPrH Price per container per hour Double EurPrContainerPrKm Price per container per kilometer Double

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IsContainer MOA category Container IsDryBulk MOA category Dry Bulk IsLiquidBulk MOA category Liquid Bulk

Table 4.33 - Sea categories tt.sys_SeaRC_RouteCostDefinitions The route cost definition for sea provides the elements of the utility function previously shown.

Field Description Unit Field

type ObjectID Unique Identifier Long ID ID of route cost definition Long

CostType Specifies the cost type for the RouteCostDefinition. 1=Length, 2=FreeTime, 3=CongTime, 4=error term, 5=Other costs used in route choice, 6=Collected as an output, but not used I route choice.


FieldFor Network fieldname in forward direction for cost type 5 to 6 Text FieldBack Network fieldname in backward direction for cost type 5 to 6 Text

Label A description field that can be used for the creation of new columns in the Cost Matrix output dataset. Text

Table 4.34 - Sea route cost definitions sys_SeaRC_RouteChoiceParameters The rail choice parameters table specifies cost coefficients (β) parameters in the utility for sea assignment. The parameters vary for the different categories.

Field Description Unit Field

type ObjectID Unique Identifier Long ID ID of route choice parameter Long CategoryID Specifies the CategoryID for the RouteChoiceParameter Long RcdId Specifies the RouteCostDefinition for the RouteChoiceParameter Long

Dist Distribution type for the coefficient (0=no distribution, 6=Log-Normal, 7=Gamma) Long

Mean Mean value for the coefficient. The unit is determined by the cost type of the related RouteCostDefinition. Double

Variance Variance for the coefficient Double Table 4.35 - Sea route choice parameters tmp_ SeaRC_TripMatrix The Sea freight trip matrix is given by the demand model and provides the amount of goods between terminals for the different trip purposes.

Field Description Unit Field type ObjectID Unique Identifier Long

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FromZoneID ID of origin zone Long ToZoneID ID of destination zone Long CategoryID ID of trip purpose Long

Val Amount of goods tonnes or containers/day Double

Table 4.36 - Sea trip matrix

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73 tmp_SeaRC_TrafficTypeRestrictions The traffic type restriction for sea gives the link restrictions defined by width and depth of the ports and seas in the network. Field Description Unit Field type LinkID ID of the restricted link Long RestricTyp Traffic type that is restricted Long EdgeType Link or connector Long

Table 4.37 - Sea traffic type restrictions sys_SeaRC_AssignConfig The sea assignment configuration table can be used to implement Traffic Analyst matrix thinning. It also enables the NoConnConn function, which ensures that travellers uses the link network and cannot travel only using connectors. Field Description Unit Field type Name The name of the assignment configuration parameter Text Val The value of the assignment configuration parameter Text

Table 4.38 – Sea assignment configuration 4.4.2 Sea assignment output tables The following tables are the output tables produced by the sea assignment model. out_SeaRC_LinkLoads The sea freight link loads are the travel amounts for each of the different sea freight links grouped by the different categories.

Field Description Unit Field type

LinkID ID for link Long CategoryID The different types of vessels. See TT3 D5.2. Short

TrafFor Traffic load in forward direction on the link (FromNode to ToNode). Tonnes per day Double

TrafBack Traffic load in forward direction on the link (fromnode to tonode). Tonnes per day Double

TotalTraf Sum of traffic load for both directions. Tonnes per day Double

SpeedFor Speed in forward direction. There is no congestion in the sea assignment, so the value equals the FreeSpeed from the rail link table or the maximum vessels speed.

Km/h Double

SpeedBack Speed in backward direction. There is no congestion in the sea assignment, so the value equals the FreeSpeed from the rail link table or the maximum vessels speed.

Km/h Double

AvgSpeed Average speed for both directions. There is no congestion in the sea assignment, so the value equals the FreeSpeed from the rail link table or Km/h Double

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the maximum vessels speed. Table 4.39 – Sea waterways link loads out_SeaRC_CostMatrixExtended The cost matrix from the sea assignment functions as input for the chain choice assignment. Each value gives the average amount for every combination of FromZoneID, ToZoneID and CategoryID.

Field Description Unit Field type

ModeID Sea mode ID CategoryID Trip purpose Long FreightTypeID Type of freight Long FromNodeID Node ID for origin node ToNodeID Node ID for destination node FromNodeType Type of origin node ToNodeType Type of destination node Distance_km Travel length in kilometres Km Double Time_min Travel time in minutes Min Double CostPerTons Cost per ton of freight Euros/ton CostPerContainer Cost per freight container Euros/ton IsContainer Stating whether good is containers IsDryBulk Stating whether good is dry bulk IsLiquidBulk Stating whether good is liquid bulk

Table 4.40 - Sea cost matrix

4.5 RoRo assignment model The RoRo network describes the ferry connections which facilitate truck trailers without the need of a tractor or driver. The RoRo network is very simple, inducing that there is no route choice since there is only one alternative between terminals. I.e., the assignment model is very simple in that the demand on the links (RoRo ferries) can be directly and uniquely inferred from the matrices. Attribute Description Unit Type

ID Unique identifier Integer

FromPortID Unique identifier of origin port Integer

ToPortID Unique identifier of destination port Integer

FromPort Name of origin port Text

ToPort Name of destination port Text

FromCountry Name of origin country Text

ToCountry Name of destination country Text

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RoRoSailingTime Sailing time with RoRo ferry Minutes Double

RoRoHeadwayTime Headway for using the RoRo ferry Minutes Double

RoRoHandlingTime Loading/unloading time for using RoRo ferry Minutes Double

RoRoCost Cost of using RoRo ferry Euro Double Table 4.41 - RoRo links

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5. Table index Table 1.1 - List of abbreviations used in deliverable .............................................................................................. 6 Table 2.1 - VOT factors in TT3 ............................................................................................................................ 12 Table 2.2 - Overview of OD and GA assignments ................................................................................................ 13 Table 3.1 - Trip purposes for passenger assignments ........................................................................................... 16 Table 3.2 - Transfer times for airports in minutes ................................................................................................. 20 Table 3.3 – Air centroids ....................................................................................................................................... 20 Table 3.4 – Air connectors .................................................................................................................................... 21 Table 3.5 – Air links ............................................................................................................................................. 22 Table 3.6 – Air link types ...................................................................................................................................... 22 Table 3.7 – Air traffic types .................................................................................................................................. 23 Table 3.8 – Air categories ..................................................................................................................................... 23 Table 3.9 – Air route cost definitions .................................................................................................................... 23 Table 3.10 – Air route choice parameters ............................................................................................................. 24 Table 3.11 – Air trip matrix .................................................................................................................................. 24 Table 3.12 – Air assignment configuration ........................................................................................................... 25 Table 3.13 – Air links loads .................................................................................................................................. 25 Table 3.14 – Air connector loads .......................................................................................................................... 25 Table 3.15 – Air cost matrix ................................................................................................................................. 26 Table 3.16 - Hierarchical max travel speeds ......................................................................................................... 28 Table 3.17 – Rail passenger centroids ................................................................................................................... 30 Table 3.18 – Rail passenger connectors ................................................................................................................ 30 Table 3.19 – Rail passenger links ......................................................................................................................... 31 Table 3.20 – Rail passenger link types .................................................................................................................. 32 Table 3.21 – Rail passenger traffic types .............................................................................................................. 32 Table 3.22 – Rail passenger categories ................................................................................................................. 33 Table 3.23 – Rail passenger route cost definitions ................................................................................................ 33 Table 3.24 – Rail passenger route choice parameters ........................................................................................... 33 Table 3.25 – Rail passenger trip matrix ................................................................................................................ 34 Table 3.26 – Rail passenger assignment configuration ......................................................................................... 35 Table 3.27 – Rail passenger link loads .................................................................................................................. 35 Table 3.28 – Rail passenger connector loads ........................................................................................................ 36 Table 3.29 – Rail passenger cost matrix ............................................................................................................... 36 Table 3.30 - Route choice parameters for road. Note that these are not the beta-parameters as input in the model, but has been converted to ‘absolute values’ for comparisons according to cost-expression (e.g., BorderTime=𝜷𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭, 𝑭*𝜷𝑩𝑩𝑭𝑩𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭, 𝑭) ............................................................................................... 39 Table 3.31 - Road link type parameters ................................................................................................................ 39 Table 3.32 – Road centroids.................................................................................................................................. 39 Table 3.33 – Road connectors ............................................................................................................................... 41 Table 3.34 – Road links ........................................................................................................................................ 42 Table 3.35 – Road link types................................................................................................................................. 43 Table 3.36 – Road traffic types ............................................................................................................................. 43 Table 3.37 – Road categories ................................................................................................................................ 44 Table 3.38 – Road route cost definitions ............................................................................................................... 45 Table 3.39 – Road route choice parameters .......................................................................................................... 45 Table 3.40 – Road trip matrix ............................................................................................................................... 45 Table 3.41 – Traffic type restrictions .................................................................................................................... 45 Table 3.42 – Road assignment configuration ........................................................................................................ 46 Table 3.43 – Road link loads................................................................................................................................. 46

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Table 3.44 – Road connector loads ....................................................................................................................... 47 Table 3.45 – Road cost matrix .............................................................................................................................. 48 Table 4.1 - Freight good categories ....................................................................................................................... 49 Table 4.2 - Definition of categories and their characteristics ................................................................................ 50 Table 4.3 – Rail freight centroids .......................................................................................................................... 54 Table 4.4 – Rail freight connectors ....................................................................................................................... 54 Table 4.5 – Rail freight links................................................................................................................................. 56 Table 4.6 – Rail freight link types ......................................................................................................................... 56 Table 4.7 – Rail freight traffic types ..................................................................................................................... 56 Table 4.8 – Rail freight categories ........................................................................................................................ 57 Table 4.9 – Rail freigth route cost definitions ....................................................................................................... 58 Table 4.10 – Rail freight route choice parameters ................................................................................................ 58 Table 4.11 – Rail freigth trip matrix ..................................................................................................................... 58 Table 4.12 – Rail freight assignment configuration .............................................................................................. 59 Table 4.13 – Rail freight link loads ....................................................................................................................... 59 Table 4.14 – Rail freight connector loads ............................................................................................................. 60 Table 4.15 – Rail freight cost matrix .................................................................................................................... 61 Table 4.16 - Inland waterways centroids .............................................................................................................. 63 Table 4.17 - Inland waterways connectors ............................................................................................................ 63 Table 4.18 - Inland waterways links ..................................................................................................................... 64 Table 4.19 - Inland waterways link types ............................................................................................................. 64 Table 4.20 - Inland waterways traffic types .......................................................................................................... 64 Table 4.21 - Inland waterways categories ............................................................................................................. 65 Table 4.22 - Inland waterways route cost definitions............................................................................................ 65 Table 4.23 - Inland waterways route choice parameters ....................................................................................... 65 Table 4.24 - Inland waterways trip matrix ............................................................................................................ 66 Table 4.25 - Inland waterways assignment configuration ..................................................................................... 66 Table 4.26 – Inland waterways link loads ............................................................................................................. 67 Table 4.27 – Inland waterways cost matrix ........................................................................................................... 67 Table 4.28 – Sea centroids .................................................................................................................................... 68 Table 4.29 - Sea connectors .................................................................................................................................. 69 Table 4.30 - Sea links ............................................................................................................................................ 69 Table 4.31 - Sea link types .................................................................................................................................... 70 Table 4.32 - Sea traffic types ................................................................................................................................ 70 Table 4.33 - Sea categories ................................................................................................................................... 71 Table 4.34 - Sea route cost definitions .................................................................................................................. 71 Table 4.35 - Sea route choice parameters ............................................................................................................. 71 Table 4.36 - Sea trip matrix................................................................................................................................... 72 Table 4.37 - Sea traffic type restrictions ............................................................................................................... 73 Table 4.38 – Sea assignment configuration .......................................................................................................... 73 Table 4.39 – Sea waterways link loads ................................................................................................................. 74 Table 4.40 - Sea cost matrix .................................................................................................................................. 74 Table 4.41 - RoRo links ........................................................................................................................................ 75

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6. Figure Index Figure 2-1 - Overall model structure of TT3. The assignment model described in this deliverable is highlighted in red. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Figure 2-2 - Flow chart of generic assignmen model (Rapidis) ............................................................................ 14 Figure 3-1 - Airport structure with transfers, 8 nodes ........................................................................................... 19 Figure 3-2 - Rail passenger network after explosion ............................................................................................ 28 Figure 4-1 - Freight assignment structure ............................................................................................................. 49 Figure 4-2 - Speeds, rail freight network. Left: Speed allowed, Right: Operating speed ...................................... 52 Figure 4-3 - Scatter plot operating speed as function of design speed, rail freight network ................................. 53

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7. References

Ceder, A., 2007. Public Transit Planning and Operation – Theory, Modelling and Practice. Elsevier, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, UK. ETISplus (2014). Panteia/NEA: Sean Newton, ISIS: Riccardo Enei, TRT:Claudia de Stasio, KIT: Eckhard Szimba, NTU: Michael Stie Laugesen, TIS: Daniela Carvalho, NTUA: Athanassios Ballis, ITC: Kristiana Chakarova. D8 ETISplus Final Report. Zoetermeer HAFAS, 2010. HaCon Fahrplan-Auskunfts-System. See more information at: Daganzo, C.F., Sheffi, Y., 1977. On stochastic models of traffic assignment. Transportation Science, 11 (3), 351-372. Nielsen, O.A, Rich, J, Pedersen, T.R., 2015, Deliverable 5.2 – Data description Rapidis, Traffic Analyst Manual. Revision 4.0 Rasmussen, T.K., Watling, D.P., Prato, C.G., Nielsen, O.A., 2015. Stochastic user equilibrium with equilibrated choice sets: Part II – Solving the restricted SUE for the logit family. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 77, 146-165. Rasmussen, T.K., Watling, D.P., Prato, C.G., Nielsen, O.A., 2016. The Restricted Stochastic User Equilibrium with Thresholds: Large-scale application and calibration (paper to be submitted for publication in European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research). TomTom, 2014. TomTom Traffic Index based on 2014 data. retrieved at: . Trans-Tools 3 website – Watling, D.P., Rasmussen, T.K., Prato, C.G., Nielsen, O.A., 2015. Stochastic user equilibrium with equilibrated choice sets: Part I – Model formulations under alternative distributions and restrictions. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 77, 166-181. TRANS-TOOLS v2.5 (2010). General documentation. Url:

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