

In the name of Allah, the most merciful the most compassionate

The Seventeen Benefits of Tribulation

By Sultan of the scholars Izzuddin Abdussalam

Translators Introduction

We would like to acknowledge Sheikh Hamza Yusuf who taught this work and brought it to the

attention of the Muslims. The text was taught in a summarised version and this is a presentation of the

text in its complete form. It would not have been possible to teach the text in its entirety in the allotted

time of the recorded class. We recommend that ever reader look for the recording of the text which

bears the same name as the translation.

The original name of the text is Al-Fitan wa Al-Balaya wa Al-Mahan wa Al-Razayya aw Fawaid Al-

Balwaa wa Al-Mahan. We also hope what Izzuddin Abdussalam did, that it would benefit all the

Muslims who read it.

Arfan Shah (Sheikhy notes).


Seventeen Benefits of Tribulation

In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most compassionate.

May Allah bless our master Muhammad, his family great blessings. The Scholar, the Imam, the proof

of Islam, support of the humans, Abu Muhammad „Abd Al-Izz ibn „Abdussalam ibn Abi l-Qasim Al-

Sulami Al-Shaf‟I, may Allah benefit the Muslims by it and forgive us and all the Muslims. (Has

written the text concerning) Calamities, tribulations, afflictions and trials; the benefits are different

depending on the rank of the people.


Realisation of the power and supremacy of the Lord.


Realisation of the submissiveness and brokenness of the servant. This is indicated in His speech,

نـآ إليو راجعون ٱلذين إذآ أصابتيم مصيبة قالوا إنا لمو وا

“Those when afflicted say, „to Allah we belong and to Him we return.‟”1 They realise they are

His possession and His servants. They return to His jurisdiction, His ordnance, His decree and His

apportioning. They cannot flee from it and it is unavoidable.

1 Quran: Al-Baqarah 2:157.



Sincerity to Allah. There is no recourse in repelling its severity except to Him. There is no support to

remove it except by Him.

ن يمسسك ٱلمو بضر فال كاشف لو إال ىو وا

“If Allah touches one with harm, it is only Him who can remove it.”2

فإذا ركبوا في ٱلفمك دعوا ٱلمو مخمصين لو ٱلدين

“So when they mount their ships they supplicate to Allah, sincere in their religion.”3


Returning to Allah (the Exalted) and acceptance.

ذا مس ٱإلنسان ضر دعا ربو منيبا إليو وا

“If man is touched by harm he calls his Lord, turning to Him.”4

2 Quran: Al-Anam 6:17.

3 Quran: Al-Anqabut 29:65.

4 Quran: Al-Zumar 39:8.



Imploring and supplicating,

فإذا مس ٱإلنسان ضر دعانا

“When harm touches man he supplicates to Us.”5

ر في ٱلبحر ضل من تدعون إال إياه ذا مسكم ٱلض وا

“When you are touched by harm at sea; misguided are those who call to other than Him.”6

بل إياه تدعون فيكشف ما تدعون إليو إن شآء

“Rather is to Him you supplicate so He removes what you supplicate to Him, if He wills.”7

يكم من ظممات ٱلبر وٱلبحر تدعونو تضرعا وخفية قل من ينج

“Say, who will deliver you from the darkness of the land and sea, call to Him humbly and


5 Quran: Al-Zumar 39:49.

6 Quran: Al-Isra 17:67.

7 Quran: Al-Anam 6:41.

8 Quran: Al-Anam 6:63.



Forbearance with the tribulation that you face.

إن إبراىيم ألواه حميم

“Ibrahim had a forbearing heart.”9

فبشرناه بغالم حميم

“We gave him glad tidings of a forbearing child.”10

(The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bestow

peace and blessings upon him) said,)

إن فيك خصمتين يحبيما اهلل : الحمم واألناة

“You possess two traits that Allah loves: forbearance and patience.”11

There are numerous levels of

forbearance according to the diverse tribulations whether large or small. So forbearance with the

greatest of tribulation is greater than all (other) forbearance.

9 Quran: Tawba 9:114.

10 Quran: Al-Safat 37:101.

11 Hadith the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings be upon him) said this about Ashaj Abdulqais.

Reported by Muslim.



Pardoning the perpetrator.

وٱلعافين عن ٱلناس

“Pardoning people.”12

فمن عفا وأصمح فأجره عمى ٱلمو

“So whoever pardons and rectifies has a reward with Allah.”13

Pardoning when it as it great, is

better than all (other) pardoning.


Patience upon it thus necessitating the love of Allah, the Exalted, thus increasing your reward.

ابرين وٱلمو يحب ٱلص

“Allah loves the patient.”14

ابرون أجرىم بغير حساب إنما يوفى ٱلص

“The patient are given their reward without reckoning.”15

(The Messenger of Allah (may Allah

bestow peace and blessings upon him) said,

وما أعطي أحد عطاء خيرا وأوسع من الصبر

“No one has been given a gift of goodness vaster than patience.”16


Happiness with it because of its benefits. He (may Allah bestow peace and blessings be upon him)


بالرخاءوالذي نفسي بيده إن كانوا ليفرحون بالبالء كما تفرحون


Quran: Ahl Imran 3:134. 13

Quran: Al-Shura 42:40. 14

Quran: Ahl Imran 3:146. 15

Quran: Al-Zhumar 39:10. 16

Al-Bukhari 1469 narrated from Abu Sa’id Al-Khudari (may Allah be pleased with him).


“By the possessor of my soul, you should be delighted by tribulation as you are delighted in


Ibn Mas‟ud (may Allah be pleased with him) said,

حبذا المكروىان الموت والفقر

“Be joyous of two things: death and poverty.”18

Joy because it was not as rigorous and harsh (as it

could be) and in relation of its fruits and benefits. As one would be happy for a great illness (to be

cured by) drinking a definite medicine that is swallowed bitterly.


Gratitude for it. For what it comprises of benefits as the sick shows gratitude to the doctor for severing

a limb, that is a barrier to his passions. When it occurs as healing or cure.


Imam Ahmed 3/94 and Ibn Majah 4024. 18

Abu Na’yim Al-Asbahani Hilyah Al-Awilyah 1/132.



Purify one from sins and errors.

ومآ أصـبكم من مصيبة فبما كسبت أيديكم ويعفوا عن كثير

“You are not afflicted by calamity except by the acquisition of your own hands; yet He pardons


He (The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) said,

وال يصيب المؤمن وصب ال نصب حتى اليم ييمو والشوكة يشاكيا إال كفر بو عن سيئاتو

“A believer is not afflicted by difficulty, hardship, even an anxiety that causes concern, a thorn that

pierces, except that it is expiation for his wrong actions.”20


Show mercy to those in tribulations and assist them in their affliction. “People free from tribulation

show mercy to the people of affliction and show gratitude to Allah for wellbeing.”21

„Only those in love show mercy to those in love.‟


Know the value of the blessing of wellbeing and show gratitude. As the value of blessings are not

realised until after they have gone.


Quran: Al-Ashura 42:30. 20

Al-Bukhari 5640 and Muslim 2572. 21

Imam Malik Al-Muwatta 2/986 it was said by Isa/Jesus.



About what Allah (the Exalted) has prepared for them, the various benefits, of reward in the afterlife;

according to its differentiation (intensity).22


What it conceals of subtle blessings.

فعسى أن تكرىوا شيئا ويجعل ٱلمو فيو خيرا كثيرا

“Perhaps you dislike something which Allah has placed much goodness.”23

وعسى أن تكرىوا شيئا وىو خير لكم

“Perhaps you dislike something which is good for you.”24

نكم ال تحسبوه شرا لكم بل ىو خير لكم إن ٱلذين جآءوا بٱإلفك عصبة م

“Those who came with the slander are from you; do not reckon it evil for you; rather it is good

for you.”25

When the oppressor wanted to take Sarah away from Ibrahim (upon him peace); the concealed

(blessing) of this tribulation was the gift of the servant Hagar. She gave birth to Ismail from Ibrahim

(upon them both peace). And from the offspring of Ismail came the master of the Messengers and the

seal of the Prophets. So great was the good that was concealed in this affliction.

Someone said, „How many a blessing is concealed in the praise of the afflicted.‟

Someone else said, „Perhaps odiousness and disliked contain the subtlety of Allah.‟


Tribulations and hardship prevents from evil, hubris, haughtiness, conceitedness, pride and forcing

oneself (over others). Nimrod was poor, ill, devoid of hearing and seeing when Ibrahim came with


The greater the tribulation the greater the reward. 23

Quran: the Women 4:19. Imam Al-Qurtabi (may Allah be pleased with him) says perhaps/'saa means definitely/qad. Its reads like this: "Definitely you will hate something which is good for you and you will definitely love something which is evil for you." 24

Quran: Baqarah 2:216. 25

Quran: Al-Nour 24:11.


proof from his Lord; yet he displayed arrogance over his dominion, in this (matter). Allah, praised and

Exalted be He, had distracted him by giving sovereignty to him.

ألم تر إلى ٱلذي حآج إبراىيم في ربو أن آتاه ٱلمو ٱلممك

“Do you not see he who Ibrahim argued over His Lord and Allah gave him sovereignty!”26

Pharaoh was afflicted by something similar when he said,

فقال أنا ربكم ٱألعمى

“I am your lofty lord.”27

وما نقموا إال أن أغناىم ٱلمو ورسولو من فضمو

“They could not take revenge except if Allah and his Messenger enriched them from His


كال إن ٱإلنسان ليطغى أن رآه ٱستغنى

“Mankind is insolent; he sees himself as self-sufficient.”29

زق لعباده لبغوا في ٱألرض ولو بسط ٱلمو ٱلر

“If Allah expands provision for his servants they would be insolent on the Earth.”30

وٱتبع ٱلذين ظمموا مآ أترفوا فيو

“They followed the oppressors in their luxuries.”31

لنفتنيم فيو وألو ٱستقاموا عمى ٱلطريقة ألسقيناىم مآء غدقا


Quran: Al-Baqarah 2:258. 27

Quran: Al-Naza’at 79:24. 28

Quran: Tawba 9:74. 29

Quran: Al-‘Alaq 96:6-7. 30

Quran: Al-Ashura 42:27. 31

Quran: Hud 11:116.


“If they had certainty would have given gushing water; to afflict them by it.”32

ومآ أرسمنا في قرية من نذير إال قال مترفوىآ إنا بمآ أرسمتم بو كافرون

“We did not send a warner to a village except those in luxury said „we reject what you were sent


The poor and the weak are the men of Allah who follow the prophets and this is a great blessing,

أشد الناس بالء األنبياء ثم الصالحون ثم األمثل فاألمثل

“The people given the severest tribulation are the Prophets, the righteous, then those like them...”34

They were ascribed with insanity, being magicians, soothsayers; and were mocked and subject to jest.

فصبروا عمى ما كذبوا وأوذوا

“They were patient under their denial and persecution.”35

It was said to them,

رآء وزلزلوا حتى أم حسبتم أن تدخموا ٱلجنة ولما يأتكم مثل ٱلذين خموا من قبمكم مستيم ٱلبأس آء وٱلضآمنوا معو متى نصر ٱلمو أال إن نصر ٱلمو قريب يقول ٱلرسول وٱلذين

“Do you think that you will enter paradise and you will not be afflicted by what came to those

before you of misery, hardship and earthquakes until the Messenger and those who believe say,

„when is the victory of Allah?‟ the victory of Allah is close.”36

ابرين ولنبمونكم بشيء من ٱلخوف وٱلجوع ونقص من ٱألموال وٱألنفس وٱلثمرات وبشر ٱلص

“We shall test you by some fear, hunger, loss of wealth, life and fruits; glad tidings are for the



Quran: Al-Jinn 72:16-17. 33

Quran: Saba 34:34. 34

Imam Ahmed 1/172 and Al-Darami 2783. 35

Quran: Al-Anam 6:34. 36

Quran: Al-Baqarah 2:214. 37

Quran: Al-Baqarah 2:155.


لتبمون في أموالكم وأنفسكم ولتسمعن من ٱلذين أوتوا ٱلكتاب من قبمكم ومن ٱلذين أشركوا أذى كثيرا

“We shall afflict you in your wealth, yourself and you will hear much harm from those who

were given scripture before you.”38

(Ponder the sacrifice of the first community of Muslims) those who were driven out of their homes,

(had their) wealth (taken) and expelled from their homeland to another land. Those who were killed in

Uhud, Bir Mu‟unah, other than those killed, the wound afflicted on the Messenger of Allah (may

Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him), his tooth was broken, damaged the helmet on his head,

the nobles (Hamzah) were killed and mutilated, their enemies became haughty, grieved over their

patrons, (look at) the tribulation of trench.

ىنالك ٱبتمي ٱلمؤمنون وزلزلوا زلزاال شديدا

(“The believers were given severe tribulation) they were met with a severe shock.”39

ذ زاغت ٱألبصار وبمغت ٱلقموب ٱلحناجر إذ جآءوكم من فوقكم ومن أسفل منكم وا

“When their eyes swerved and their hearts reached their throats.”40

They were in constant fear;

they were constantly exposed, abject poverty until they tied stones to their stomachs out of hunger.

The master of the first and the last (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) was not satiated

by wheat two consecutive days.41

So they were harmed by many types of hurt until being discarded

was more beloved to them. Then they were tested for the last time by Musalimah, Tuliyah and Al-


What the companions faced at the army of Usarah, they were killed and thrown into the well by the

Jews over a Saa‟43

of wheat. The Prophets (upon them peace) and the righteous remain pledged to

tribulation time after time. A person is afflicted according to the extent of his religion. As firm as he is

in his religion as sever is the tribulation. One had saw placed over the centre of his head and this did

not make them turn away from their religion.

He (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) said,

مثل المؤمن كمثل الزرع ال تزال الريح تميمو وال يزال المؤمن يصيبو البالء

“The believer is like plantation. It is not free from wind moving and a believer is not free from being

afflicted by tribulations.”44


Quran: Ahl Al-Imran 3:186. 39

Quran: Al-Ahzab 33:11. 40

Quran: Al-Ahzab 33:10. 41

Muslim 2970. 42

Musalimah, Tuliyah and Al-Anasi were also false Prophets that the companions defeated and killed. 43

A portion. 44

Al-Bukhari 5644 and Muslim 2916.


He (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) said,

تفيؤىا الريح تصرعيا مرة وتعدليا أخرى حتى تييج مثل المؤمن كمثل الخامة من الزرع

“The similitude of the believer is a cane in a field, moving in the wind, being lowered once and

straighten the next, until it dries out.”45

So the state of a servant in severity and affliction is directed to Allah (Mighty and Majestic). The state

of the servant in wellbeing and affluence is that he away from Allah (Mighty and Majestic).

ر دعانا لجنبو أو قاعدا أو قآئما فمما كشفنا عنو ضره مر كأ ذا مس ٱإلنسان ٱلض ن لم يدعنآ إلى وا ضر مسو

“When man is afflicted, he calls Us on his side, sitting or standing; but when We have removed

his affliction from him, he moves as if he was not afflicted by harm.”46

So for these reasons that there is a decrease in your food, drink, clothes, partners, gatherings, homes,

mounts etc. So being in this state means that you turn to Allah, the Exalted, Mighty and Majestic, by

accepting it.


Joy according to the pleasure of Allah the Exalted. Afflictions descend on the pious and unrighteous.

So whoever is angered by it has lost the world and the afterlife. Whoever is pleased with it is pleasing

(to Allah). Being content is better than Paradise and what it contains, by the speech of the Exalted,

و أكبر ورضوان من ٱلم

“The pleasure of Allah is the greater.”47

Meaning the garden of Eden and abodes of goodness.

From these fragments we have proved the benefits of misfortune.

We ask Allah, the Exalted, for pardon and wellbeing in the world and afterlife; and that we are not the

men of misfortune.

May Allah give us success in our actions by what he loves and pleases; and frees us from trials and


The benefits are complete by the praise, gift and gentleness of Allah. May Allah bless Muhammad,

his family, his companions with the greatest salutations; He is sufficient for us and a great protector.


Al-Bukhari 5643 and Muslim 2810. 46

Quran:Yunis 10:12. 47

Quran: Tawba 9:72.


It was nine days remaining for Rabi Al-Awwal to leave in the year 655. May Allah forgive its reader,

those who hear it, who write, all the Muslims and all praise belongs to Allah alone.

All praise belongs to Allah, the Almighty and Exalted, for his assistance and support in the

completion of this text as nothing can be completed without his support. And may endless salutations,

benedictions and blessings be upon the final Messenger, the Prophets, the Ahl Al-Bayt and the


This translation was completed on the 25th Shaaban 1433/15

th July 2012 by his worthless and broken

servant Arfan Shah Al-Bukhari (Sheikhy Notes).

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