Download - Set Bajaj Allianz 1

  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1



    The importance of an academic course would gain advantage and acceptance of

    the true form, only through practical experience. Hence it is quite necessary to put

    the theories in to talk . I t is r ig idly accepted that the theory widens ones th inking

    horizons viz. oncepts of marketing philosophies, !ut practice indicates the modern

    marketing and used in variety of settings of products.

    The summer training programmers are designed to give the manager the future

    of the corporate happenings and work culture. These real life situations are entirely

    different from the stimulated exercise enacted in an artificial environment inside the

    summer training programmers and designed, so that the manager to tomorrow do not

    feel il l case when the time comes to shoulder responsi!ilities. "ractical exposure for

    the #$% students is very necessary !ecause what they study in the classroom is not

    the reality. &ituation in the market is unknown and very much unpredicta!le. &o the

    practical experience is very much necessary this is made possi!le with the summer

    training pro'ect in $a'a' %llianz (ife Insurance o. in marketing related to search for

    the "otential Insurance onsultants.

    %ll organizat ions involves in to !usiness with some o!'ect ive and one of the

    o!'ect ives is to endorse product or service which they produce. In my marketing

    pro'ect I tried to fid out the potential Insurance onsultants through questionnaire

    for the $a'a' %llianz (ife Insurance o. The product for the insurance company is its

    policies which company sale through its Insurance onsultants. &o its quite clear that

    there will !e as many Insurance onsultants. There will !e increased sales.


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1



    I wan t to thank to tho se p eo ple who h elped me in thi s summer t ra in in g

    research pro'ect . *irst of al l I would l ike to express my profound grat i tude to the

    Branch Head of Bajaj Allianz Life n!"rance Co# Aj$er# Mr% A$i& Gandhi who

    gave me this opportunity to do this pro'ect. He always remained a wonderful guide

    and supporter throughout this pro'ect.

    I am extremely grateful to %ll +*aculty, Ar'a(ha&&a Colle)e# Aj$er for providing me the proper

    guidance in preparation of this pro'ect report.

    %t the end I want to say thanks to all persons involved in this pro'ect directly

    or indirectly.


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    *% E+ec"&i,e -"$$ar'

    .% A(o"& Life n!"rance -ec&or

    /% nd"!&r' O,er,ie0

    1% Co$2an' Profile

    3% A(o"& Policie! Of Bajaj Allianz

    4% Di!&ri("&ion Channel

    5% Re!earch Me&hodolo)'

    6% -WOT Anal'!i!

    7% Findin)!

    *8% Reco$$enda&ion!

    **% Bi(lio)ra2h'

    *.% 9"e!&ionnaire

  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1



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    *irst of all we should come to know that what is (ife Insurance. The different

    definitions descri!ing life Insurance are as34

    5Insurance in which the risk insured against is the death of a particular person,

    the insured, upon whose death while the policy is in force, the insurance company

    agrees to pay a s tated sum or income to the !enefic iary. ( i fe Insurance pays a

    specified sum to the !eneficiaries upon the death of the insured. It is generally used

    to provide cash to your family in the event of your death. There are several types of

    life insurance whole life insurance provides a lifetime of protection as long as you

    pay the premiums to keep the policy active. They also accrue a cash value and thus

    offer a savings component. Term life insurance provides protection only during the

    term of the po l icy and the pol ic ies are usual ly renewa!le a t the end o f the term.

    Insurance on human lives including endowment !enefits, additional !enefits in event

    of death or dismem!erment !y accident or accidental means, additional !enefits for

    disa!ility, and annuities6.


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    #any may not !e aware that the life insurance industry of India is a s old as it

    is in any other part of the world. The f irst Indian (ife Insurance ompany was the

    9riental l ife Insurance ompany, which was started in India in ):): at ;olkata. %

    num!er of players +over -7< in life and a!out )- +non4 li fe . The

    insuran ce ! us in ess o f the cou nt ry was then ! ro ug ht u nd er two p u! li c sec to r

    companies, ( ife Insurance orporation o f India +(I and 1eneral Insurance

    orporation of India +1I.

    ?ith such a large population and the untapped market area of this population

    Insuran ce h ap pens to ! e a v ery ! ig o pp or tu ni ty in Ind ia . T od ay i t s tand s as a

    !usiness growing at the rate of )74-< percent annually. Together with !anking

    services, i t adds a!out > percent to the countrys 10". In spite of all this growth the

    statistics of the penetration of the insurance in the country is very poor. @early :

  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    "rivate ompanies with a minimum paid up capital of Es. ) !n should !e

    allowed to enter the industry.

    *oreign companies may !e al lowed to enter the industry in colla!orat ion

    with the domestic companies.

    9nly one state level (ife Insurance ompany should allow to operate in each


    E ef or ms we re i ni ti at ed w it h t he p as sa ge o f I ns ur an ce E eg ul at or y a nd

    0evelopment %uthori ty +IE0% $il l in )===. IE0% was set up as an independent

    regulatory authority, which has put in place regulations in line with glo!al norms.

    RDA > The IE0% since i ts incorporat ion as a statutory !ody has !een framing

    regulat ions and registering the private sector insurance companies. IE0% !eing an

    independent statutory !ody has put a framework of glo!ally compati!le regulations .


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    $y any yardstick, with a!out -

    There has !een an overall expansion in the market. This has !een possi!le

    d ue to imp ro ved awareness l ev el s thank s to the l arge n um!er o f adv er ti sing

    campaigns launched !y all the players. The scope for expansion is stil l unlimited as

    virtually all the players are concentrating on large cities and towns G except !y (I

    to an extent there was no significant attempt to tap the rural markets.

    Ne0 Prod"c& Offerin)! >

    There has !een a p le thora o f new p layers , main ly f rom the s ta! le o f the i r

    in ternat ional partners. ustomers have tremendous choice from a large variety ofproducts from pure term insurance to unit4linked investment products. ustomers are

    offered un!undled products with a variety of !enefits as riders from which they can


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    choose. #ore customers are !uying products and services !ased on their true needs

    and n ot 'us t t radi tion al mon ey4! ack p ol ic ies, which i s n ot con side red v ery

    appropriate for long4term protection and savings. However, there are still some key

    new products yet to !e introduced G e.g. health products.

    C"!&o$er -er,ice >

    @ot unexpectedly, this was one area that witnessed the most s ignificant change

    with the en t ry o f new p layers . There i s an a t tempt to ! r ing in in ternat ional !es t

    practices in service and operational efficiency though use of latest technologies.

    %dvice and need !ased selling is emerging through much !etter trained sales force

    and advisors. There is improvement in response and turnaround t imes in specif ic

    areas such as delivery of first policy receipt, policy document, premium notice, final

    maturity payment, settlement of claims etc. However, there is a long way to go and

    var ious cus tomer surveys ind icate that the s tandards are s t il l !elow customer

    expectation levels.

    Channel! of Di!&ri("&ion >

    Till two years !ack, the only mode of d istr i!ution of l i fe insurance products

    was through %gents . ?hi le agen ts cont inue to !e the p redominant d ist r i!ut ion

    channel , today a num!er of innovative al ternative channels are !eing offered to

    cus to mers . &ome o f them a re ! an cassuran ce , ! ro kers , t he interne t and d irec t

    marketing. Though it is too early to predict, the wide spread of !ank !ranch network

    in Ind ia cou ld l ead to ! an cassuran ce emerg in g as a s ig ni fi cant d is tr i! ut io n


    The introduction of private players in the industry has added to the colors in

    the dull industry. The in i t iat ives taken !y the private p layers are very competi t ive

    and have given immense competi t ion to the on t ime monopoly of the market (I.

    &ince the advent of the private players in the market the industry has seen new and

    innovative steps taken !y the players in this sector. The new players have improved

    the service quali ty of the insurance. %s a result (I down the years have seen the

    declin ing phase in i ts career . The market share was distr i!uted among the private

    playe rs. (I market share has decreased from =7A +-

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    The following companies has the market share of the life insurance industry.

    Insurance Company Market Share (Fig. in %)

    LIC 71.44

    ICICI Prudential 11.35

    Bajaj Allianz 7.06

    !FC "tandard Li#e $.37

    "BI Li#e 1.1

    Birla "un Li#e 1.4&

    'a e* +,r- Li#e 0.&

    /A/A AI 0.7&

    Aia 0.&

    2' ,ta- 'aindra 0.6

    I aa 0.57

    8elian9e 0.37

    'etLi#e 0.$4

    Market Share of Life Insurance Companies as of May 2006


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    India with a!out -

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    T il l d ate insuran ce agent s s ti ll r emain the main sou rce throu gh which

    insurance products are sold. The concept is very well esta!lished in the country like

    India !ut s t i l l the increasing use of o ther sources is imperat ive. I t therefore makes

    sense to look at well G !alanced, alternatives channels of distri!ution.

    (I has already well esta!lished and have an extensive distr i!ution channel

    and presence. @ew players may find it expensive and time consuming to !ring up a

    distri!ution channel to have an advantage.

    %t present the distri!ution channels that are availa!le in the market are3

    0irect &elling

    orporate %gents

    1roup &elling

    $rokers and ooperative &ocieties


    To make all these channels a success the companies have to !e very alert and

    skillful to know how to use these channels in a proper way. $ancassurance is on of

    the most upcoming channels of distri!ution.


    Ind ia h as an exten sive ! an k n etwo rk est a! li sh ed o ver the year s. ?hat

    Insurance companies have to do is to 'ust take advantage of the customers long4

    standing trust and relationships with !anks. This is a mutually !eneficial situation as

    !anks can also expand their range of products on offer to customers, while the

    insurance company wil l also earn profi ts from the exposure. %nother advantage is

    tha t ! an ks , w ith the ir n etwo rk in rural a reas , h elp to ful fi ll rural and soc ia l

    o!ligations stipulated !y the

    n !" ra nce R e) "l a& or' an d D e, el o2 $en & A "& ho ri &' @ RD A recently.

    Insurance companies should see (anca!!"rance as a tool for increasing their market


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    penetration in India. It is also good for the one who sees !ancassurance in terms of

    reduced price, high quality product and delivery at doorsteps. very!ody is a winner

    here. The creation of !ancassurance operations has made an important impact on the

    financial services industry at large. This is though a new concept !ut it has gained alot of importance in the industry at present and has a great future.


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    This is an era of mergers and acquisitions. "rivate companies including #@s

    are amalgamat ing the wor ld over to get more compet it ive edge. urren t ly , the

    general insurance industry has !een opened up. The insurers are doing enough to

    raise the level of risk awareness or are they merely content to compete in the markets

    organized and esta!lished. The private players in the future would have to turn their

    attention to working in the unorganized and under served markets.

    ?hat is likely to happen is that the private players would continue to skim the

    profita!le segments of the already organized !usiness in the ur!an areas The time

    has already come for the government of India to evaluate the performance of privatecompanies.

    However i t i s h igh t ime fo r the government to real ize that impor tance o f

    merging the pu!lic sector general insurance companies into single entity. The recent

    scenario cal ls for a ! et te r p er fo rman ce f ro m p ar t o f each o f the p u! li c sec to r

    insurance companies against each other. The result what we see is the undercutting to

    retain or wrest !usiness and quoting an uneconomical rate of premium. ?hile th is

    al lows one of the "u!lic &ectors ompany to win a !usiness form another in th is

    manner. The others suffer a loss and the resultant effect is a canni!alization with a

    fall in the average premium of the pu!lic sector itself.

    The purpose of having four companies all su!sidiaries of General n!"rance

    Cor2ora&ion o f nd ia @ GC Na& iona l n!"rance Co$2an' # Ne0 nd ia

    A!!"rance Co$2an'# Orien&a l n!"rance Co$2an'# and The ;ni&ed ndia

    n!"rance Co$2an' at the time of nationalization was to have competition among

    themselves G in service and products at the same price.

    @ow with real competition coming in with most of the glo!al insurance playe rs

    setting footprints here, i t is felt that the time for merger has come and to en'oy the

    !enefits if the size. It is to !e stated that size does matter in insurance !usiness. %ll

    over the worlds mergers and acquisitions in the risk4underwriting sector is common.

    The !enefits i f the four insurance companies merge wil l !e enormous. The merged

    ent i ty wi ll en'oy h igher underwrit ing and r i sk re ten tion capacityB increase in


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    reinsurance premium, reduction in reinsurance outflow, healthy solvency margins,

    setting right the asset4lia!ility mismatch and reduction in cost. The loss of profita!le

    !usiness in view of undeserved competition among the pu!lic sector companies is

    hamper ing the su!sidizat ion o f social insurance includ ing the motor thi rd par tylia!ility +T"(.

    I t i s thu s c lear tha t i t i s g oo d for the p u! li c sec to r companies to merge

    immediately when they are still strong, lest a merger !ecomes inevita!le later after

    the independent pu!lic sector companies fail one after another.


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    In the insurance industry too, i t is possi!le to achieve a unique posi t ion !y

    focusing on certain category of products. Through i ts superior fund management

    capa!ilities, the insurance company can deliver !etter returns on it investment4linked

    products and there!y for itself a leadership position in this segment.Then there is the entire category of pension products, which is widely touted to

    have immense g rowth potent ial in India due to imminent pension reforms. I t i s

    possi!le to achieve profita!le positioning !y focusing and excelling in only pension


    Need! (a!ed Po!i&ionin)

    T hi s is th e mos t co mmon ly un ders to od po si tion in g and is !ased o n the

    different needs of different groups of consumers. This can !e done successfully if a

    company has unique s t reng ths to serv ice a g roup of customer needs !et ter than


    The insurance needs of young family with small children will !e quite different

    from that of a family in which the income4earner is close to retirement. However, in

    India most o f the ( ife Insurance companies have a wide var iety o f p roducts o f

    d if ferent customer needs and there i s no company focusing only on a part icu larcustomer needs.

    Acce!! (a!ed Po!i&ionin)

    "ositioning of customers can also !e done !y the way they are accessi!le that

    is d ifferent groups of customers may !e accessi!le in d ifferent ways even though

    they may have similar needs. %ccess is typically a function of customer scale.

    There is excel lent opportunity in the insurance industry to employ access4!ased positioning !y targeting the rural insurance sector. The rural market for (ife

    Insurance is very different from the ur!an market in terms of needs, income levels,

    distri!ution, penetration of media and so on. xcept for (I, no other player has paid

    any attention or focus on the rural sector. ontrary to common perception it is a !ig

    opportunity as emphasized repeatedly !y such eminent strategies like C%K%Prahlad%

    Eural market can !e a highly profita!le position if one is a!le to carefully plan.



  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    The right strategic choice is not a matter of positioning choice alone. It is the

    configurat ion of the entire value chain of the company through a different set of

    activi t ies to del iver unique value to consumers . The se t o f ac tivi t ies cover a l l

    upstream and downstream act iv i t ies, from the select ion of the product mix. &ome(ife Insurance companies focusing on rural markets have adopted innovative means

    of d istr i!ution. Instead of appoint ing agents as is done typical ly , they have used

    1ramsevaks in different v i l lages across the country to promote (ife Insurance and

    act as their sales arm.

    &o we can conclude that, the size of the market has grown and the size of the

    insura!le population in India is indeed vast and the existing players have managed to

    cover a!out one4fourth of it . The falling interest rates, the collapse of many small G

    t ime f inancial insti tu tions, the scope for entering related areas l ike !anking and

    pensions in a !id for syn ergy and the promise of the e4commerce are some of the

    other opportunities knocking at the doors of the insurance ma'ors.

    % num!er of we! sites are coming up on insurance, a few financial magazines

    exclus ively devo ted to insurance and a lso a few t raining ins t itu tes !eing se t up

    hurriedly. #any of the universities and management institutes have already started

    courses in insurance.

    (ife insurance has today !ecome a mainstay of any market economy since i t

    offers plenty of scope for garnering large sums of money for long periods of time. %

    well regulated (ife Insurance industry which moves with the t imes !y offering i ts

    customers tailor4made products to satisfy their financial needs is, therefore, essential

    if we desire to progress towards a worry4free future.


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    Mi!!ion> %s a responsi! le cus tomers focused market leader, we s t il l s t rive to

    understand the insurance needs of the consumers and translate it into afforda!le

    products that deliver value for money .

    To !e the first choice insurer for customers.

    To !e the preferred employee for staff in the insurance industry.

    To !e the num!er one insurer for creating shareholder value.

    -AM GHO-H , who was the 9 of $a'a' %llianz earlier has taken over as country

    #anager and is also the 9 of $a'a' %llianz (ife Insurance ompany .

    Bajaj Allianz Life n!"rance Co$2an' Li$i&ed

    $a'a' %ll ianz (ife Insurance o. (td is a 'o int venture !etween two leading

    c on gl ome ra te s4 , a nd $ a' a' % ut o, o ne o f t he ! ig ge st t wo a nd t hr ee 4w he el er

    manufacturers in the world and %ll ianz %1, one of the worlds largest insurance


    Bajaj Allianze Life n!"rance

    Is the fastest growing private life insurance company in India.

    urrently have over

  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    $a'a' % ll ianz 1en eral Insuran ce received the Insuran ce Eeg ulatory and

    0evelopment %uthority +IE0% certificate of Eegistration +E on #ay - nd , -

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  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    A Par&ner!hi2 Ba!ed on -'ner)'

    $a'a' %ll ianz 1eneral Insurance ompany offers technical excel lence in al l

    areas of 1eneral and Health Insurance as well as Eisk #anagement. This partnership

    successfully com!ines $a'a' %utos in4depth understanding of the local market and

    extensive distri!ution network with the glo!al experience and technical expertise of

    the %llianz 1roup. %s a registered Indian Insurance ompany and a capital !ase of

    Es.))< crores, the company is3

    *ully licensed to underwrite all l ines of general insurance !usiness including health

    with management control !y %llianz %1

    A(o"& Bajaj Allianz Life n!"rance>

    $a'a' %llianz (ife Insurance ompany has developed insurance solutions that

    cater to every segment and age4income profiles. Its products include Invest 1ain +a

    unique life insurance plan where sustenance of income is com!ined in the same plan

    that also pays a lump sum, ash 1ain +#oney $ack, hild 1ain+hildrens p lan

    where sustenance of income is com!ined in the same plan that also pays a lum sum,

    ash 1ain +#oney $ack, hild 1ain +hildrens "lan, Eisk care +"ure Term, (ife

    Time are +whole (ife , term are + term with return of premium, &warna Kishranti

    +Eetirement "lan, "rotector +#ortgage term insurance plan, Cnit1ain +Cnit (inked

    ?hole of (ife "lan and Cnit 1ain &ingle "remium.

    $a'a' %llianz (ife Insurance is poised for an accelerated growth in the market

    and has already !ecome the fastest growing private life insurance company in India.

    $a'a' %llianz (ife Insurance has a wide pan India presence of office network in )78

    cit ied of the country and is aided with a strong and trained %gency network of over


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    Bajaj Allianz )eneral n!"rance> *.3 2ercen& 2rofi& ncrea!e

    $a'a' %llianz 1eneral Insurance ompany (imited is a 'oint venture company

    !etween $a'a' %uto (td., Indias leading manufacturer of two and three wheeler

    vehicles and the %llianz 1roup.

    $a'a' %ll ianz 1eneral Insurance offers technical excel lence in al l areas of

    general and health insurance and risk management.

    The partnership successfully com!ines $a'a' %utos extensive understanding of

    the local market and expansive distri!ution with %llianz 1roups glo!al experience

    and technical expertise.

    $a'a ' %l lianz 1eneral Insurance i s headquar tered in "une and has a wide

    network of 2< offices spanning the country. %ll the offices are fully networked. The

    company received the IE0% registrat ion in may -

  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    ommenting on this occas ion #r. &am 1hose #anager , %l lianz and 9,

    $a'a' %llianz (ife Insurance said, we are not only acquiring a new name, but have

    put in motion a new level of energy and commitment to delivering the best products.

    The name change coupled with aggress ive s tra teg ic market ini t ia tives to reachservice customers better will give us an unbeatable position in the insurance market

    in th is coun try and bo th L i fe and Genera l companies together can un leash the

    ower of !ne" and be the leader in the insurance industry.#

    $a'a' %ll ianz (ife Insurance recently launched over )

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    ;nder0ri&in) Philo!o2h'

    Their underwriting philosophy focused on3

    Cnderstanding the customers needs

    Cnderwriting what we understand

    #eeting the customers requirements

    nsuring optimal coverage at lowest cost

    Clai$! Philo!o2h'

    The $a'a' %llianz team follows a service that aims at taking the anxiety out of

    claims processing. They pride themselves on a friendly and open approach. They are

    focused towards providing the customer a hassle free and speedy claims processing.

    Their claims philosophy is to3

    $e flexi!le and settle fast

    nsure no claim file to !e seen !y more than people

    heck processes regu lar ly agains t the g lo!al %l lianz 9"P +9perat ional

    xcellence methodology

    C"!&o$er Orien&a&ion

    %t $a'a ' %l lianz , the guid ing p r incipals are customer serv ice and c l ient

    sat isfact ion. %ll the efforts are d irected towards understanding the culture, social

    environment and individual insurance requirements4 so that they can cater to all the

    customers varied needs.

    E+2erienced and E+2er& -er,icin) Tea$$a'a' %llianz is driven !y a team of experienced people who understand Indian

    risks and are supported !y the necessary in ternat ional expert ise requires to analyses

    and assess them service engineers located in every ma'or city .

    -"2erior Technolo)'

    In order to ensure speedy and accurate processing o the customers needs, they

    have esta!lished worlds class technology, with renowned insurance software,

    which networks all our offices and intermediaries


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    Csing the ?e!, policies can !e issued form any off ice across the country for

    retail products

    Cnique, user f r iend ly software developed to make the p rocess o f i ssue o f

    policies and claims settlement simpler +e.g. online insurance of marine policycertificate

    ;ni"e For$! of Ri!? Co,er

    &pecial "% cover for %marnath Fatris

    Housing loan cover for people, who are suddenly unemployed

    *ilm insurance

    vent management cover

    Ri!? Mana)e$en& Their E+2er&i!e

    Their service methodology is tried, tested and "roven the world over and involves3

    Eisk identification3 Inspection

    Eisk analysis3 "ortfolio review and gap analysis.

    Eisk retention

    Eisk Transfer3 To an insurer as well as reinsurer +as required

    reation of need !ased products

    9ngoing dialogue and proactively


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    T he $a'a' % ll ianz ( ife g ain " lan comes w ith a h os t o f f ea tu res to a llow

    customer to have the !est of all words G regular income for customer and the added

    !enefits of providing for loved ones too. This is the perfect plan to take care of

    o ng oing and future f amily exp en ses l ik e d e! ts , exp en ses o n chi ld ren, l iv in g

    expenses, etc. I t can also take care of unforeseen expenses l ike accidents, i l lness.

    Hospitalization etc. and provides a family with a safety net.

    Ho0 doe! &he 2lan 0or?I

    The premiums paid are invested in the (ifelong 1ain *und +!ased on the allocation

    rate and units are allocated depending on the offer price of units for the fund. The

    value of the policy is the !id value of units that a customer holds in the fund. The

    life insurance cover charges are deducted through monthly cancellation of units and

    the fund administrat ion charge and fund management charge are priced in the unit


    Benefi&! a,aila(le "nder &he 2lan

    Dea&h Benefi&> In the case of unfortunate premature death the !eneficiaries

    are entitled to the greater of >

    &um %ssured less partial withdrawals

    The !id value of units

    If the age of the insured person is less than > or a!ove >

    1uaranteed &urvival $enefits are availa!le under this policy. $a'a' %llianz

    (ife Insurance will pay, !y cancellation of units in the account of the policy, A

    o f the &um %ssured every year a ft er the p remium p aymen t a re o ver t il l t he

    termination of the policy. This guaranteed amount is paya!le every year provided

    all premiums have !een paid and no partial withdrawal were made, the guaranteed


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    "rovision for full and partial withdrawals .


    0eath !enefits

    1uaranteed &urvival $enefits

    #aturity $enefits

    *ull ?ithdrawals

    "artial ?ithdrawals

    ;NT GAN PL;-?ith $a'a' %llianz Cnit 1ain "lus, % customer can invest in one life insurance

    plan that can take care of all his/her changing requirements throughout their l ife.

    This plan has !een designed to provide them with maximum flexi!ility, so that they

    do not have to worry a!out their changing need s.

    $a'a ' %l lianz Cni t 1ain " lus 9ffers the unique opt ion o f com!in ing the

    protection of life insurance with the attractive prospects of investing in securities. %

    person can choose the investment funds that he wants to invest his money, providingan opportunity to have a d irect s take in the performance of the f inancial market .

    ustomer also !enefi ts from at tract ive tax advantages and can protect loved ones

    against unfortunate events .

    Ho0 doe! &he 2lan 0or?I

    T he p re mi um s p ai d a re i nv es te d i n f un d/ f un ds o f c us to me r s c ho ic e

    +depending on the allocation rate and units are allocated depending on the price of

    u ni ts t ha t t he c us to me r h ol ds i n t he f un d/ fu nd s. Th e i ns ur an ce c ov er a nd

    admin is tr at io n charg es a d ed uc ted throu gh can ce ll at io n o f u ni ts , T he *un d

    #anagement harge is priced in the unit value .

    Mini$"$ -"$ A!!"red J 3 &i$e &he ann"al 2re$i"$ %

    Ma+i$"$ -"$ A!!"red J ' & &i$e! ann"al 2re$i"$%

    The Fi,e f"nd! offered are a! "nder>


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    a E"i&' nde+ F"nd > The investment o!'ect ive of th is *und is to provide

    capital appreciat ion through investment in equit ies. The plan is expected to

    match the returns given !y Nif&' nde+ of &he Na&ional -&oc? E+chan)e% This

    fund will invest at least :7A in equities and maximum )7A in de!t and cash.

    ( E"i&' Pl"! F"nd > The inves tment o!'ect ive o f this *und is to p rovide

    capital appreciation through investment in select equit ies stocks that have the

    potential for high capital appreciation. This fund will invest at least :7A in

    equities and maximum )7A in de!t and cash instruments.

    c D e( & P l" ! F "n d > T he inv es tmen t o !'ec tive o f thi s *un d i s to p ro vide

    accumulat ion o f income th rough inves tment in h igh qual ity f ixed income

    securities like G-ec! , and cor2ora&e de(& ra&e! AA and a!ove. This fund will

    !e invested fully in 0e!t Instruments and money market instruments.

    d Balanced Pl"! F"nd > This fund is a fund of funds. The investment o!'ective

    of th is fund i s to p rov ide a !alanced inves tment !etween long4 term capi tal

    apprecia tion and curren t income through inves tment in the ;ni&! of Bajaj

    Allianz! E"i&' nde+ and De(& Pl"! F"nd!% The !alanced fund will invest

  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    The customer can also change the proportion of premium allocation to various funds

    at each policy anniversary.

    ;n$a&ched Fle+i(ili&' &o !"i&! &he c"!&o$er! chan)in) re"ire$en&!

    $a'a' %ll ianz Cnit 1ain "lus offers unmatched f lexi!i l i ty to sui t the policy

    according to the customers requirements.

    Fle+i(ili&' n Pre$i"$ Pa'$en& > The customer has the flexi!ility to

    decide how long he/she wishes to pay the premiums and when he wants to cash

    out the policy !enefits. ustomer may choose to cash out the policy !enefits at

    one shot or do i t as and when you require cash through part ial surrender of

    units .

    Fle+i(ili&' &o ncrea!e &he -"$ A!!"red > The ustomer have theoption to increase the &um %ssured without any medical tests every r d year up

    to 2 times. The quantum of increase would !e -7A of the original &um %ssured

    or Es ) , The customer can decrease

    the &um %ssured + in mul t ip les o f )

  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    ?ith $a'a' %ll ianz Cnit gain "lus, the customers wil l have the f lexi!i l i ty to

    increase their regular premium amount at any time.

    $2or&an& De&ail! of &he Bajaj Allianz ;ni& Gain Pl"! Plan

    #inimum %ge at ntry3 , and ceases after age >

  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    "rovision for full/partial withdrawals any time after three full years premiums

    is paid.

    Cnmatched flexi!ility4 to match your changing needs.


    0eath $enefits

    ash withdrawal option

    Ter$ Care

    This plan not only offers the customer life insurance cover at a low cost, !ut

    also provides for return of premiums on maturity. The premiums returns at maturity

    will !e equal to the single premium or the sum total of equivalent annual premiums

    o f the co no my "ack +ex clud in g ext ra p remiums charg ed i f any . In case o f

    premature death the policy term, the full sum %ssured will !e paid to the nominee.

    Ho0 doe! &he 2lan 0or?I

    The Bajaj All ianz Ter$ care "lan offers the customer the convenience of

    choosing !etween two premium payment options.

    Re)"lar Pre$i"$ Pa'$en& > "remium payment throughout the selected


    -in)le Pre$i"$ Pa'$en& > 9ne t ime premium payment for the selected

    term at commencement.

    %part from covering the risk of natural death, this plan also provides the customer

    the option to choose up to 7 additional !enefits. The customer can select a specific

    com!inat ion o f add i tional !enef it s !es t sui ted to h is/her needs , avai la! le in 2

    attractive packages to choose from.

    I. Econo$' > This is the !asic plan, which is availa!le for !oth the regular and

    single premium payment options.

    II. Pro&ec& > This pack comes with the following in4!uilt additional !enefits >

    a %ccidental death $enefit .


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    ( %ccidental "ermanent Total/"artial 0isa!ility $enefit

    c ?aiver o f " remium $en ef it + in case o f acc id en ta l p ermanent tot al


    The "rotect "ack is availa!le with the regular premium payment option only.

    III. Heal&h > This pack comes with the following - in G!uilt additional !enefits >

    a ritical Illness $enefit .

    ( Hospita l cash $enef it . The heal th "ack i s avai la!le wi th the regu lar

    premium payment option only .

    IK. To&al > This pack comes with the following 7 in4!uilt additional !enefits >

    a %ccidental 0eath $enefit .

    ( %ccidental "ermanent Total/ "artial 0isa!ility $enefit .

    c ?aiver o f " remium $en ef it + in case o f acc id en ta l p ermanent tot al


    d ritical Illness !enefit

    e Hospital ash $enefit

    The Total "ack is availa!le with the regular premium payment option only.

    Benefi&! >

    %ccidental 0eath $enefit

    %ccidental "ermanent Total /"artial 0isa!ility $enefit

    ?aiver of premium $enefit

    ritical Illness $enefit

    Tax $enefits




  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1



    The $a'a' %llianz 5(oan "rotector6 plan is a mortgage term insurance plan that

    covers the outstanding principal amount of a loan. It is an economical way to protect

    the family from the !urden of repayment of the loan in case of death of the loaner.

    The p lan i s des igned to pay a sum insured that wi l l !e equal to the ou ts tand ing

    principal amount of the loan due.

    Ho0 doe! &he 2lan 0or?I

    The Bajaj Allianz Pro&ec&or "lan offers the convenience of

    choosing !etween two premium payment options.

    I. Re)"lar Pre$i"$ Pa'$en& > "remium payment limited to approximately

    -/ r d of loan tenure, while coverage continues for the full tenure of the loan.

    II. -in)le Pre$i"$ Pa'$en& > 9ne t ime premium payment cover ing the

    customer for the full tenure of the loan .

    oin& Life A,aila(ili&'

    The ustomer has the option to cover the co4applicant of the loan under this

    plan. Cnder this option, !oth lives will !e covered and the death !enefit will !e

    paya!le in case of death of either life. The policy terminates on death of either life.

    Da'! of Grace

    In case of non4payment of premiums, a grace period of < days will !e allowed

    for the yearly , half yearly and quarterly modes +)7 days for monthly mode. %fter

    that the policy will lapse.

    Re,i,al Of &he Polic'

    It is possi!le to revive a policy that has lapse due to non4payment of premiums

    within 7 y ea rs f ro m the d ate o f l ap se . T he rev iv al w il l ! e e ffec ted su! 'ect to

    underwriting. In case of 'oint life, revival would !e su!'ect to underwriting on !oth


    General E+cl"!ion

    ?ithin )7 days from the date of receipt of the policy, the customer have the

    option to review the terms and condit ions and return the policy, i f the customer


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    disagree to any of the term and conditions, stating the reasons for his/her o!'ections.

    The customer wi ll !e ent i tled to a refund of the p remium paid , su!'ect only to a

    deduction of a proport ionate r isk premium for the period on cover and expenses

    incurred on medical examination and stamp duty charges.


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    Taking care of a child is perhaps the most important 'o! a parent can have. It

    is !ut natural that a person would like to give his/her !est, and therefore, this is the

    time when careful financial planning can help them to fulfill the aspirations that the

    customers have for his/her children .

    Ho0 doe! &he 2lan 0or?I

    The Bajaj Allianz Child Gain solutions help the customer to en'oy the 'oys

    of parenthood responsi!ility, with the reassurance of a secure future for their child.

    ommon features in the 2 options of $a'a' %llianz 5hild gain6 &olutions.

    I. Li$i&ed Pre$i"$ Pa'$en& Ter$ ?hich means that the p remiums are

    paya!le till the customers child attains age ): ye ars %

    II. The c"!&o$er! con&ri("&ion! )ro0 (' 0a' of co$2o"nded ann"al

    (on"!e!# which wil l !e paid to h im with the f irst guaranteed payout +policy

    anniversary following age ): of your child, for in4force policies. In addition to

    the annual !onuses, a terminal !onus may also !e paid.

    III. The customers are also eli)i(le for Ta+ (enefi&! "nder -ec&ion 66 and -ec&ion

    *8 @*8 D of &he nco$e Ta+ Ac&%

    IK. A!!"rin) =o"r Child! F"&"re In an uncertain world, the prime interest of

    your child cannot !e 'eopardized in any way. ?hich is why the Bajaj Allianz

    has !uilt in some added !enefits in all their plans to protect the interests of your

    childs future, !y counter insuring you4 the policyholder.


    *or the customers convenience they have provided three Pre$i"$ Pa'$en&

    Mode!can !e =earl'# Half 'earl' or 9"ar&erl'%

    They a lso o ffer a Mon&hl' Pre$i"$ Pa'$en& Mode under salary deduction



    (oans are not availa!le with Bajaj Allianz Child Gain solutions.


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    *3 da'! Free Loo? Period >

    ?ithin )7 days from the date of receipts of the policy, the customer have the

    option to review the terms and conditions return the policy, if he/she disagree to any

    of the terms and conditions, stating the reasons for his/her o!'ections. The customer

    wi l l !e en t i t led to a refund of the p remium paid , su! 'ect on ly to a deduct ion o f

    proportionate risk premium for the period on cover and the expenses incurred on

    medical examination and stamp duty charges.


    The 0eath over is su!'ect to the following xclusion 3

    &uic ide wi th in one year f rom commencement o f r i sk , whether sane o r not this

    product !rochure gives the salient feature only. The relevant policy document is the

    conclus ive ev idence o f the con t rac t, and p rovides in deta il a l l the condi t ions .

    xclusion related to each of plans under the Bajaj Allianz Child Gain -ol"&ion!%


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    Acciden&al Per$anen& To&alPar&ial Di!a(ili&' Benefi& >

    %ccidents are unpredicta!le and so are the consequences. They may lead to a

    disa!ility G partial or total. This !enefit provides a financial cushion against such

    misfortunes. Fou will get 7

    %ll $a'a' %llianz, they !elieve I offering !enefits and not 'ust products. They

    realize that customers are unique and their needs for insurance vary with time. They

    therefore offer the customer the flexi!ility of inclusion of coverage or exclusion of

    coverage at each policy anniversary, su!'ect to conditions relating to such inclusions


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    and exclusion. Co$2rehen!i,e Acciden& Pro&ec&ion can !e included and excluded

    at each pol icy anniversary. *amily Income $enef it , r it ica l I l lness !enefi t and

    Hospital ash $enefit can !e taken at inception only. I and H can !e reduced or

    excluded su!sequently at any policy anniversary . 9nce reduced or excluded, theycannot !e increased or included su!sequently.

    ncrea!e n ri!? Co,era)e

    very added responsi!i l i ty in a persons l i fe cal l for increase in h is/her r isk

    cover. $a'a' %llianz provide the customer the option to increase coverage up to 7

  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    %ssured +)-A per annum is paid t i l l the end o f the po l icy term or a t leas t fo r a

    period of )< ye ars, whichever is higher. #oreover, all future premiums are waived.

    ( Co$2rehen!i,e A cciden& 2ro&ec& ion> This !ene fit pr ovi des

    comprehensive cover in case of an accident. It comprises of 3

    Acciden&al Dea&h Benefi&

    %ccidents are always sudden and sometimes fatal. Fou cant lessen the emotional

    shock, !ut you can certainly soften the f inancial one. 5$a'a' %ll ianz %ccidental

    0eath $enefi t6 g ives the loved ones something to star t af ter the permanent loss of

    income !y paying an amount equal to the &um %ssured. +&u!'ect to a maximum of Es


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    cho os in g ri ti ca l I llness cov er u p to the ! as ic &um %ssured selec ted ! y yo u

    +#inimum Es. 7

  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    to think a!out, everyday. ?e, at $a'a' %llianz, !elieve that the security and growth

    of your hard earned money should not add to these.

    ?hich i s why they have created the 5$a'a ' %l lianz &ave are conomy4 & ing le

    "remium6 the )

    In case of death during the term of the plan, the nominee will !e paid the &um

    %ssured +#inimum 1uaranteed %mount plus accrued !onuses. I case of death of a

    minor +!elow age >, the death !enefit will !e the surrender value or &ingle "remium

    whichever is higher.

    R-K CARE

    This plan offers the customer life insurance cover at the lowest possi!le cost

    for a selected term. I t is an ideal option to cover their near and dear ones against

    financial risks arising out of lifes adversities G like death and permanent disa!ility.


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    In the case o f p re4mature death dur ing the term, the &um %ssured i s paid to the

    nominee. There are no survival !enefits under this plan.

    Wha& doe! &hi! 2lan offerI

    The 5$a'a' %llianz Eisk are6 "lan offers the convenience of choosing !etween

    two payment options.

    Re)"lar Pre$i"$ Pa'$en& 4 "remium payment through the selected term.

    -in)le Pre$i"$ Pa'$en& 4 9ne t ime premium for the se lec ted term at


    %part from covering the risk of natural death, this plan also provides the option to

    choose up to 7 addit ional !enefi ts . % person can select a specif ic com!ination of

    additional !enefits !est suited to his/her needs, availa!le in 2 attractive packages to

    choose from%

    To&al> This pack comes with the following 7 in4!uilt additional !enefits3

    ) . %cciden ta l 0eath $enef it .

    - . %ccidental "ermanent Total /"art ial 0isa!ili ty $enefi t .

    . ?aiver of "remium $enefit +in case of accidental permanent total disa!ility.

    2 . r it ica l I llness $enefi t .

    7 . Hosp ita l ash $enefi t .

    The total "ack is availa!le with the regular premium payment option only.


    "remium ?aiver $enefit

    *amily Income $enefit

    9ption to "urchase future Insurance


    &uicide within one year from commencement of r isk , whether same or not .

    Th is p roduct g ives the sa l ien t fea tu red on ly the re levan t po l icy document i s the

    conclus ive ev idence o f the cont rac t , and p rov ides in deta i ls a l l the cond it ions ,

    exclusion related to each of plans under the $a'a' %llianz 5hild 1ain6 &olutions.


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1



    This p lan p rov ides you wi th the comfor t tha t your near and dear ones wi l l

    continue to live their life without financial worries, even when you are not around.



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    ( Co$2rehen! i,e Acc iden& Pro&ec& ion >T hi s ! en ef it p ro vi de s

    comprehensive cover in case of an accident. It comprises of 3

    Acciden&al Dea&h Benefi& > %ccidents are always sudden and

    sometimes fatal. Fou cant lessen the emotional shock !ut you can

    certainly soften the financial one. Bajaj Allianz Acciden&al Dea&h

    Benefi& g iv es the lov ed o nes something to s ta rt w ith a ft er the

    permanent loss of income !y payi ng an amount equal to the &um

    %ssured . +&u !'ec t to a max imum o f Es. 7

  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    i l lnesses. The customer have the f lexi!i li ty of choosing ri t ical I l lness

    cover up to the !asic &um %ssured selected !y you +#inimum Es. 7

  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    Added A!!"rance for 'o"r fa$il'

    In the unfortunate event of death during the deferent period, your spouse will

    have the opt ion to take the &um %ssured p lus accrued !onuses as a lump sum pr

    purchase an annuity to get regular income for life. *or the immediate annuity, yo ur

    spouse will have the 9pen #arket 9ption as well, $a'a' %llianz immediate annuity,

    with a mark up of -A will !e availa!le only if the spouse is a!ove 27 years of age. In

    all ages lower than 27, the &um %ssured R % %ccrued !onuses would paid out.

    Fle+i(ili&' in Co,era)e

    %t $a'a' %llianz, they !elieve in offering !enefits and not 'ust products. Theyhave realized that the customers are unique and their needs for insurance vary with

    t ime. They therefore offer the f lexi!i l i ty of inclusion of coverage or exclusion of

    coverage a t each pol icy ann iversary t i ll the vest ing date , su!'ect to cond it ions

    relating to such inclusion and exclusion. 5omprehensive %ccident "rotection6 can

    !e included and excluded at each policy anniversary.

    The Term over, *amily Income $enefit , ritical Illness $enefit and Hospital

    ash $enefi t can !e reduced or excluded su!sequently at any policy anniversary .

    9nce reduced o r excluded, they cannot !e increased o r inc luded in the pol icy

    su!sequently . The *amily Income !enefi t , once selected, cannot !e removed. The

    term cover can !e excluded at any su!sequent policy anniversary. 9nce removed, it

    cannot !e included in the policy su!sequently.


    Fou have !een working hard. Foure going to retire one day. How do you seeyour re ti rement Travel ing 1olf ing Turning a ho!!y in to a second career o r

    volunteering for a no!le cause or simply spending more t ime with your family . In

    retirement, how you choose to s pend your time is now upto you. Its also upto you to

    ensure your retirement income lasts as long as you do. The decisions you make a!out

    your money today should !e flexi!le enough to accommodate your changing needs.

    Taking charge ensures that your olden years are your golden years.

    The Bajaj Allianz ;ni& Gain Ea!' Pen!ion Plan


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    ?ith $a'a' %llianz, you can take control of your future and ensure a retirement

    you can look forward to.

    There are two packages to choose from3

    ;ni&Gain Ea!' Pen!ion Re)"lar Pre$i"$

    ;ni&Gain Ea!' Pen!ion -in)le Pre$i"$

    Wha& are &he (enefi&! a,aila(leI

    The plan works in two parts G &he defer$en& 2eriod and &he ann"i&' 2eriod%

    0uring the deferment period, the plan !uilds up the funds required to purchase the

    immediate annuity . The deferment period ends at the vest ing date. Fou are free to

    choose your age of retirement +vesting date !etween 27 and >< years.

    The (enefi&! on

  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    to get regular income for life. *or the immediate annuity, your spouse will have

    the 9pen #arket 9ption as well. The immediate annuity from $a'a' %llianz will

    !e availa!le only if the spouse is a!ove 27. If age were !elow 27, the %ccount

    Kalue would !e paid out.

    Ann"i&' o2&ion!>

    Fou wil l !e a!le to choose from al l immediate annuity products offered !y

    $a'a' %llianz (ife insurance at the vesting date. The annuity products currently

    availa!le are3

    %nnuity for (ife

    %nnuity for (ife with 7, )< or )7 years certain payout%nnuity for (ife with Eeturn of apital Fou also has the open market option to

    purchase immediate annuity.


    Fou have !een working hard. Foure going to retire one day. How do you see

    your ret irement Traveling 1olfing Turning a ho!!y in to a second career or

    volunteering for a no!le cause or simply spending more time with your family. In

    ret irement, how you choose to spend your t ime is now up to you. I ts also up to

    you to ensure your ret irement lasts as long as you do. The decision you make

    a!out your money today should !e flexi!le enough to accommodate your changing

    needs. Taking charge of your retirement !egins with $a'a' %llianz Cnit1ain (ife

    "ension, a plan that ensures that your olden years are your golden years.

    The 5$a'a' %llianz Cnit 1ain (ife "ension6 "lan with $a'a' %llianz, you can take

    control of your future and ensure a retirement you can look forward to. This plan

    has !een designed to take care of your ret irement and insurance needs, there!y

    providing yo u with a comprehensive solution for a lifetime.

    There are two packages to choose from3

    ;ni&Gain Life Pen!ion Re)"lar Pre$i"$

    ;ni&Gain Life Pen!ion -in)le Pre$i"$

    Wha& are &he (enefi&! a,aila(leI


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    The plan works in two parts G the deferment period and the annuity period.

    0uring the deferment period, the plan provides valua!le life cover and !uilds up

    the funds required to purchase the immediate annuity. The deferment period ends

    at the vesting date. Fou are free to choose your age of retirement +vesting date!etween 27 and >< ye ars.

    The (enefi&! on Fou have the option to take up to )/ r d of the

    account value on the vest ing date as a lump sum. This amount would !e tax

    free in your hand, as per current tax laws. The !alance amount will !e used to

    purchase an immediate annuity .

    . O2en Mar?e& O2&ion> Fou have the opt ion to purchase an immediate

    annui ty f rom $a'a ' %ll ianz o r f rom any o ther company . I f the immediate

    annuity is purchased from $a'a' %llianz, the amount availa!le for purchase of

    the annuity will !e up !y -A.

    2 . The min imum ins tal lment o f annu ity f rom $a'a ' %l lianz i s Es .)

  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1






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  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1



    The approach to the research is considered in this chapter, from the theoretical

    underpinning to the collection and analysis of the data. It !egins with the extent of

    the r esea rch to p ro vide the speci fi c g uide lines o f s tu dy in g. T he n ex t p ar t i s

    concerned wi th the method of the research that refers to the data co l lec t ion and

    analyzing which is used in the research.


    %s the o!'ective of the research focuses on the research of potential Insurance

    onsu l tan ts wi th specia l emphasis o f $a'a ' %l lianz . I t wi ll he lp the company to

    increase i t s sa les, which i s the p r ime o!'ect ive o f the company a t th is t ime. The

    research at tempts to generate awareness among the people of 0elhi regarding the

    agency of $a'a' %llianz.


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1




    0ate co llect ion fo r this research was done p r imar i ly through f i ll ing up o f

    questionnaire. The sample for the research including different individuals of various

    age groups and having different professions and qualifications. 0ata was collected

    through the in terview of individuals. The quest ionnaire was containing quest ions

    regarding the personal details of individuals and then some light questions regarding

    their primary knowledge related to private insurance companies. Then there werequestions related to their interest in !eing the Insurance onsultants of company.


    % large amount of secondary data has !een collected from secondary sources.

    &ome of the sources are34

    Eeports on Insurance &ector of India.

    %rticles from @ewspapers and magazines.

    Karious we! sites of the insurance companies and related s ites .

    DATA ANAL=--

    There are some features of analyzing data that need to !e !orne in mind when

    choosing the method for analyzing the research. The questionnaire were prepared to

    explore the psychology of individuals a!out !eing associated with $a'a' %llianz asInsurance onsultants and to help the company grow !y increasing its sales. Instead

    of testing a hypothesis, a qualitative analyst may demonstrate evidence showing that

    a theory, generalizing, or interpretation is plausi!le .

    -AMPLE -E>

    Karious areas o f 0elh i were covered in o rder to f i ll the ques tionnai re . I

    interacted wi th -

  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1






    $usiness persons


    % research design provides the framework to !e used as a guide in collecting

    and analyzing data.

    Descriptive Research : #arket survey is one of the !est example of descript ive

    research. This is a one shot research study at a given point of time, and consists of a

    sample of the population of interest. Its advantages are that it gives a good overall

    picture of the position at a given time. It can cover many varia!les of interest, and is

    not affected !y the movements of elements in the sample, !ecause other elements can

    !e su!stituted for them.



    Na$e ;r(an R"ral To&al

    $%D%D %((I%@S (I* I@&CE%@9. (T0

    -:=)- >8: -8:7=< ):= )>>>=

    %#" &%@#%E I@&CE%@ 9.(T0. 2--8 >:>77

    %KIK% (I* I@&CE%@ 9 I@0I%"KT. (T0.


    H0* &T%@0%E0 (I* I@&CE%@9. (T0.

    =-2 )2>-2

    ;9T%; #%HI@0E% 9(0 #CTC%((I* I@&CE%@ 9.(T0.

    ->>- -8

    &%H%E% I@0I% (I* I@&CE%@9. (T0.

    ) 7

    -"( To&al .73 #.54 *64 #57/ 16. #847

    DATA ANAL=-->

    %fter collection of data, the analysis of it was done through various graphs34


    "ie 0iagram

    $ar 0iagram



    %ccording to the data collected through survey with the help of quest ionnaire, the

    !reak up with respect to income of individuals is as follows 3


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1



  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    Co$2an' Pre$i"$ nco$e


    Mar?e& -hare @

    HDFC -&andard /3.%*1 /%**

    Bajaj Allianz 41/%37 3%46

    CC Pr" Life 6*7%53 5%.1Birla -"nlife .85%7/ *%61

    Ta&a AG *67%.1 *%45

    9* % 0o you know a!out the $a'a' %llianz (ife Insurance companiesAn!% The response of individuals are as 34

    =e! 48 No18











    !FC "tandard

    Bajaj Allianz

    ICICI Pru Li#e

    Birla "unli#e

    /ata AI

  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    9.% ?ould you like to earn some extra money

    An!% The response of individuals is as follows 3

    =e! 78 No*8

    9/% ?hat is desired or expected monthly income

    An!% The response of individuals are as follows 34

    MONTHL= NCOME of 2eo2le

    83888 83888*8888 .

    *8888*3888 *8

    *3888.8888 53

    .8888 and a(o,e */

    >,rati,n ,#India


    ICICI Prudential Li#e Inuran9eC,. Li:ited


    Birla "un;Li#e Inuran9eC,:>an Li:ited

    ***.:ent Aut,rit


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1



    #arketing management !y Mr% Phili2 Ko&ler%

    "rinciples of marketing !y Mr% Richard Ar$!&ron)%

    #arketing &trategy and #anagement !y Mr% Michael % Ba?er%

    #arketing hannels !y Mr% Lo"i! -&ern

    $usiness Eesearch #ethodology !y Mr% C%R% Ko&hari%


    The Times of India

    The conomic Times

    2"s, "itch, $usiness N conomy


  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1



    9*%0o you know a!out the $a'a' %llianz (ife Insurance companies

    Fes @o

    9. % ?ould you like to earn some extra money

    Fes @o

    9/% ?hat is desired or expected monthly income

    < G 7

  • 8/12/2019 Set Bajaj Allianz 1


    Fes @o

    96% ?ould you l ike to come our company office and spend your sometime with our people in a seminar

    Fes @o

    97% 0o you want that a sales manager should approach you for agency

    Fes @o

    9*8% How many people do you know in 0elhi

    Fes @o

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