
Session 2C: Understanding the Session 2C: Understanding the Old TestamentOld Testament

Misconception # 1Misconception # 1

The Old Testament cannot be read in the The Old Testament cannot be read in the samesame way as the New Testament.way as the New Testament.

The Marcion ControversyThe Marcion Controversy

Marcion’s BibleMarcion’s Bible 1. Romans,1. Romans, 2. 1 Corinthians2. 1 Corinthians 3. 2 Corinthians3. 2 Corinthians 4. Galatians4. Galatians 5. Ephesians5. Ephesians 6. Philippians6. Philippians 7. Colossians7. Colossians 8. 1 Thessalonians8. 1 Thessalonians 9. 2 Thessalonians9. 2 Thessalonians 10. Philemon10. Philemon + Luke+ Luke

The Roman Symbol

Positive Results of MarcionPositive Results of Marcion’’s s ControversyControversy

1.1. Acceptance of the Jewish Scriptures as the Acceptance of the Jewish Scriptures as the Christian Old TestamentChristian Old Testament

2.2. Canonization of the BibleCanonization of the Bible3.3. The ApostleThe Apostle’’s Creeds Creed


1.1. Spiritualization and allegorical reading of OT.Spiritualization and allegorical reading of OT.2.2. Reading OT only from NT lens.Reading OT only from NT lens.3.3. Reading OT only as an illustration of the NT Reading OT only as an illustration of the NT

and with seemingly and with seemingly ““lesserlesser”” authority than NT. authority than NT.

Misconception # 1Misconception # 1

The Old Testament cannot be read in the The Old Testament cannot be read in the samesame way as the New Testament. way as the New Testament.

Example 1:Example 1: Reading the Song of Songs/Song of Reading the Song of Songs/Song of

Solomon Solomon allegoricallyallegorically

Example 2:Example 2: Reading the Old Testament only important Reading the Old Testament only important

as a witness to Jesus a witness to Jesus Christ.

Misconception # 2 Misconception # 2

The Old Testament is about The Old Testament is about IsraelIsrael, the New , the New Testament about the Testament about the ChurchChurch..

Misconception # 3Misconception # 3

Old Testament ethics have been Old Testament ethics have been supersededsuperseded by New Testament ethics by New Testament ethics

There are different kinds of ethics in the whole Bible, not There are different kinds of ethics in the whole Bible, not just in one part or the other.just in one part or the other.

Ethical principlesEthical principles::

Represent the essence of what God requires (Love Represent the essence of what God requires (Love God/neighbor, quoting Deut 6:4-5 and Lev. 19:18)God/neighbor, quoting Deut 6:4-5 and Lev. 19:18)


Which are the practical outworking of ethics. But these Which are the practical outworking of ethics. But these outworking often represent accommodation to what was outworking often represent accommodation to what was possible (in the situation, context, time, or culture) rather possible (in the situation, context, time, or culture) rather than what was ideal. In other words, what was less bad than what was ideal. In other words, what was less bad rather than what was good.rather than what was good.


Tell us what people actually did. However, they do not Tell us what people actually did. However, they do not always follow a cause and effect principle.always follow a cause and effect principle.

Misconception #4Misconception #4

The Old Testament is about The Old Testament is about LawLaw, the New , the New Testament is about Testament is about gracegrace


4. How do we study the Old 4. How do we study the Old TestamentTestament

a.a. Begin with the plain meaning, i.e., Begin with the plain meaning, i.e., exegesisexegesis..

b.b. Understand the Understand the contextcontext

Today, I saw the biggest trunk I have ever seen in my life.

4. How do we study the Old 4. How do we study the Old TestamentTestament

1.1. LiteraryLiterary Context Contexta.a. Immediate contextImmediate context

b.b. Remote contextRemote context

When I was looking at the zoo When I was looking at the zoo elephants today, I saw the elephants today, I saw the biggest trunk I have ever seen in biggest trunk I have ever seen in my life.

4. How do we study the Old 4. How do we study the Old TestamentTestament

2.2. HistoricalHistorical Context Context

a.a. Dealing with time and culture of Dealing with time and culture of the author and his readersthe author and his readers

b.b. The occasion for a particular The occasion for a particular writing.writing.

4. How do we study the Old 4. How do we study the Old TestamentTestament

c. Determine the type of literature (genre)

i. Historical narrative/epic:

The role of the narratorThe role of the narrator

1 Sam 2: 17:1 Sam 2: 17: Narrator Narrator’’s summary:s summary:Their sin was Their sin was ““treating the LORDtreating the LORD’’s offering s offering with contemptwith contempt

The props of a narrative: scenesThe props of a narrative: scenes

1 Sam 3:1-31 Sam 3:1-3

Scenic depiction:Scenic depiction: 5 depictions of darkness:5 depictions of darkness:

-v1-v1 word of the LORD was rare. word of the LORD was rare.

-v1-v1 not many visionsnot many visions

-v2-v2 nightnight

-v2-v2 eyes becoming weak that he could barely eyes becoming weak that he could barely seesee

-v3-v3 lamp is going out in the tabernacle (but not lamp is going out in the tabernacle (but not yet pitch dark)yet pitch dark)

The props of a narrativeThe props of a narrative

b.b. CharacterizationsCharacterizations2:11 Samuel serving2:11 Samuel serving

2:12-17 Liturgical sins2:12-17 Liturgical sins

2:18-21 Samuel serving2:18-21 Samuel serving

2:22-25 Moral sins2:22-25 Moral sins

2:26 Samuel growing2:26 Samuel growing

2:27-36 Prophecy of judgment2:27-36 Prophecy of judgment

3:1 Samuel serving3:1 Samuel serving

The Devices of NarrativeThe Devices of Narrativea. Repetition1 Samuel 81 Samuel 85 …now appoint a 5 …now appoint a kingking to lead us, such as all the other nations have." to lead us, such as all the other nations have."6 …Give us a 6 …Give us a kingking to lead us," to lead us,"7 … they have rejected me as their 7 … they have rejected me as their kingking..9 … let them know what the 9 … let them know what the kingking who will reign over them will do." who will reign over them will do."10 Samuel told all the words of the LORD to the people who were 10 Samuel told all the words of the LORD to the people who were

asking him for a asking him for a kingking..11 …This is what the 11 …This is what the kingking who will reign over you will do who will reign over you will do18 When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the 18 When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the kingking you you

have chosen, and the LORD will not answer you in that day."have chosen, and the LORD will not answer you in that day."19 …We want a 19 …We want a kingking over us. over us.20 Then we will be like all the other nations, with a 20 Then we will be like all the other nations, with a kingking to lead us and to lead us and

to go out before us and fight our battles."to go out before us and fight our battles."22 … "Listen to them and give them a 22 … "Listen to them and give them a kingking."."

B. Inclusions/B. Inclusions/InclusiosInclusios

1 Sam 16 v14 and v231 Sam 16 v14 and v23

Spirit of God and evil spirit forms inclusiosSpirit of God and evil spirit forms inclusios

iiiiii ChiasmsChiasms

A.A. Philistines defeats Israel: 4:2-9Philistines defeats Israel: 4:2-9

B.B. Philistines capture the ark: 4:10-22Philistines capture the ark: 4:10-22

C.C. The LORD retaliates against the The LORD retaliates against the Philistines: ch. 5Philistines: ch. 5

BB’’ Philistines return the ark: ch. 6Philistines return the ark: ch. 6

AA’’ Israel defeats the Philistines: ch. 7Israel defeats the Philistines: ch. 7

ii) Lawii) Law

iii) Wisdomiii) Wisdom

iv) Poetryiv) Poetry

v) Prophecyv) Prophecy

• d. Interpret Figurative languaged. Interpret Figurative language• e. Let Scripture interpret Scripturee. Let Scripture interpret Scripture• f. The NT inspirational interpretations of f. The NT inspirational interpretations of

OT that readers cannot repeat.OT that readers cannot repeat.


“…“…then I shall know fully, even as I am fully then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” 1 Cor 13:12known.” 1 Cor 13:12

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