Page 1: Serving the Community of Edgewater Landing Vol. XXVll … · Serving the Community of Edgewater Landing Vol. XXVll No. 7 &

Edgewater Landing The Pelican’s Pouch

Serving the Community of Edgewater Landing Vol. XXVll No. 2 Serving the Community of Edgewater Landing Vol. XXVll No. 7 & 8 July & August 2015

Article on page 3 Photos by Tom Sanders














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Officer Reports President Paul Wright: Reminder, no BOD Meetings July or August; Clearwater--it will take some time for lakes to clear up after installation of new equipment; new Caution signs placed at strategic curves; please tell Vendors not to park on curves; warned about people calling claiming to be the IRS; Economic Development-Park Ave. will be widened from Mission to Industrial Park into 3 lanes. Vice President Carl Andreason: Had complaints about speeding;

children driving scooters; disappointed with the progress of the Tennis Courts. Corresponding Secretary Ann Grealis: Startled by bicycle rider w/no lights, speeding along the side of her back yard and she almost hit him with her golf cart. Recording Secretary Ginger Clark: Requested people on bikes, power wheel chairs, golf carts not drive on wrong side of the street. With Memorial Day Co-Chair, Bob Gudis thanked everyone that helped and attended Memorial Day services as well as kind words. Treasurer Annie McDevitt: Treasurer’s Report: Operating Acct.-$137,645.76; Capital Reserve-$401,307.26; HOA Fund in good shape. Meet a Board Member--Questions about washing cars in driveways (not allowed); installing garage type opener on back gate (no, too portable-can be lost); what happens to items when replaced, can items be purchased (most are trade-ins); why some residents don’t follow rules. Infractions: put in writing and send to T.J.W. Management. The BOD will be given those complaints. Any interest in: starting a band with Cuchetti Music, or in Square Dance Classes? Show of hands-negative on both. Request to eliminate background color on Pelican Pouch first page when emailed. Two maintenance items: grout at front door of CH and smell in Game Room. T.J.W. Management Ed Hunter: Third quarter bills coming; advise of a change of address; discussed online payment of dues; and violation reports. The year - end report is all good. Committee Reports Facilities: Reported on: bids for new windows/sliding doors-Information Booth; Tennis Courts; Spa VakPak; street lighting; replacing the HVAC in Club House; Brighthouse contract. Finance Committee: Starting Capital Reserve/2016 Budget review. ACC Committee: Fairly quiet. Has been questioned about ropes/chains across driveways. Civic Awareness: Report on Council Meeting. Education Committee: Requesting suggestions. Canceled May class -low response. Nominating Committee: Need candidates. Entertainment Committee: Fourth of July-Catered by Dustin’s BBQ, tickets $9.00. Bulletin Board: Nancy Mallory is retiring-Anne Brumagim is taking over. Natural Area: Trimming to start. Motions Approved: Increase the cost ceiling for lighting, Renton Electric, from $3,000 to $4,300. Update Legal Committee Policies & Procedures Update Purchasing Policies & Procedures Purchase new table saw for Woodworking shop - $530. Award bid to Francis Siding to replace doors/windows in Information Booth-$7,307. Award bid to Advanced Air for HVAC’s in Clubhouse-$18,715. Member Participation: Coast Guard Auxiliary class on boating safety; alarm went off in woodshop and no one knew what it was; fire back of Lang’s house set off by lightning. Thank You to Southard’s Recycle for seeing it wasn’t out next morn-ing and warning the Lang’s. Read the full minutes on the HOA Bulletin Board Ginger Clark Recording Secretary

NOTICE TO RESIDENTS: Starting July 7th the Clubhouse will have little or no Air Conditioning while the new units are being in-stalled. This may take from 3 to 7 days. Please adjust your activi-ties accordingly. During that time please exercise EXTREME CAUTION while in or around the clubhouse area. Thank you for your patience. HOA BOD

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Edgewater Landing holds 21st

Annual Memorial Day Ceremony

Standing room only marked the occasion of Edgewater Landing’s 21st

Annual Memorial Day Cere-mony honoring America’s fallen heroes. Approximately 50 residents assisted Co-Chairs, Bob Gudis and Ginger Clark, in making this year’s Ceremony one of the most memorable ever. Bob and Ginger could never thank everyone enough for all of their help. Whoever/whenever we called to ask, the an-swer was yes. What a wonderful community we live in. From set up to rehearsal to Ceremony to clean up, everyone pitched in and the resulting program reflected their hard work. “Cadence” signaled presentation of the Honor Guard: Rifles-Dave Guinn and Michael Hosmer as they escorted National Color Bearers: American Flag-Bob Keller, Florida Flag-Stephen Mace, MIA/POW Flag-Lin Griffith into the hall. National Colors were followed by Military Flag Bearers, each to the individual Military Song: Army-Dan Hautala, Marine-Al Keller (in full uniform), Navy-Bob Frey, Air Force-Teresa Hosmer, Coast Guard-Dale Buzby and Merchant Marine-Paul Renaud. Invocation, given by Ginger Clark, was followed by singing of the “National Anthem” A cappel-la by Dan Donnelly followed by the “Pledge of Allegiance”. Mary Anna Fanselow presented a very interesting and enlightening Patriotic Reading following the role women have played in Military Service since our Country’s inception. As we do each year, names of Veterans living at Edgewater Landing, or if deceased, have family members living here, are read and each Veteran or family members stand for the duration of reading of names from that branch of service. There were 234 names read this year—65 deceased and 189 still residing at Edgewater Landing. The names were read as follows: Army-Judy Mace, Navy-Penny Grif-fith, Air Force-George Neiswenter and Marines/Coast Guard/Merchant Marines-Ann Grealis. We thank all for their service to our Country. Patty Moody sang “The Lord’s Prayer” so beautifully and many a tear had to be wiped away. Edgewater Landing Chorus, accompanied by Mary Lou Keenan, directed by Merilyn DuPre sang three beautiful, well-known songs representing the wonderful Country we live in: “America the Beauti-ful,” “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and “You’re A Grand Old Flag.” How we love our Chorus! They always add such a special element to any celebration at the Landing. We were very honored in welcoming Miss Lillian Hill of Edgewater, recent recipient of the Congres-sional Gold Medal from President Obama, as the featured speaker. Attendees learned that Miss Hill joined the Civil Air Patrol at the young age of 13 as World War II broke out in 1941. Wanting to serve her country in some capacity, but too young to join the military, Ms. Hill served as a spotter, flying daily for the duration of the war along the shoreline of the Great Lakes. Attaining a teaching degree while raising her children and teaching special education at the high school level, she later served with the American Red Cross working such catastrophes as 9/11 in New York City and New Orleans follow-ing Katrina. We viewed with interest her numerous awards and articles on the Memorabilia Table. Her humor, as well as her vivid memories, resulted in a standing ovation. Bagpiper, Don Faull, piped out the Colors to “Amazing Grace” and following a moment of silence in honor of fallen Veterans, Dick Cuchetti played “Taps.” Upon Dismissal, refreshments were enjoyed and attendees spent time viewing the Memorabilia Tables and Picture Posters prepared over the years by Sharon Rehbaum and Ginger Clark. Again, our thanks to all who helped in any capacity and to those who sent or called with kind words about the Ceremony. Ginger Clark

Come to the Holiday Bazar No-

vember 7th, in the Main Room.

Tables available for $10.00. Appli-

cations are on the Clubs BB, Or see

Linda Walsh.

Proceeds go to our NSB Scholar-

ship Fund Drive. Sponsored by the

Quilting/Needle Group.

So Sorry—- Last month we didn’t

publish a picture of Dick

Nelson, a past President of

the HOA. Thanks to Nan-

cy, Dick’s wife, we now

have a picture. Thanks


Good Neighbor TEST!

My Good Neighbor “weeds” his

weeds before they go to “flower” and go

to seed. (Common Sense) JR

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Up Close and Personal

Meet The Nominating Committee.

Nick Bratton is the Chair with Nancy Finkley as co-chair.

Now when you see Nancy or Nick, you’re not meant to run the other way.

They are very personable people and very hard workers. They are charged

with a very important task for our community and that’s to find people to

serve on our BOARD OF DIRECTORS to run our Community.

Who knows our community better than us. It’s not such a big deal to scare the bejesus out of you,

speaking from experience (lol). Our community has so many very qualified people who serve as chair-

people of our committees. And with so many brilliant people running all the committees, the BOD is left

to do the leftovers and even at that we have a management company to attend to the incidentals.

So, take a seat. It’s your turn. Oh, why not me? Been there, done that, your turn. You get sum-mers off and you can even miss 3 meetings in a row and you just might retain your seat if you’re lucky or unlucky. What do you say? Give Nancy and Nick a break and help them out. They’ve worn out their shoes, turning every rock, searching high and low and the answer is right in front of them, you! Kudos to Nancy and Nick

Tis the Season

No, No, not that season, the other one--- Hurricane Season!

Now’s the time to get ready, while we have the time. Pre-

paredness is something that saves lives. It’s no time to be out of

your medications and to hope the drug store will be open before

you have to leave town. Now’s the time before you leave town

either for the season or in an emergency, to make sure all lawn

items are put away so they can’t be blown away or into your

neighbors windows and possibly injure someone. Time is now to

make sure your boat, kayak and even RV will stay put. Secure

them now, if you can.

So make your list now and be prepared!! We are in a man-

datory evacuation zone. So when the call comes, we all must

leave our homes. And there probably won’t be time to start

looking for a shelter that will take animals. Now’s the time to

have a shelter in mind and to have a stash of extra medications

that can tide you over in an emergency.

Look for up-dated articles in the newspaper that will

list all needed supplies as well as a list of shelters.

So make your plans now. You may not have time later!

Education Committee EDUCATION SEMINAR PLANNING FOR NEXT FALL AND INTO THE NEXT YEAR: Our goal, as a committee, is to provide interesting and informative programs to the residents of our community. The seminars will resume on Wednesday, September 9, 2015. For this coming year we have several speakers lined up. Currently scheduled for September, but subject to change, is Diane Stoyka from First Call Home Care who will present the different options and services available for home care. For October, definitely scheduled, is J ill Taufer RD, from cooperative extension, who will present Healthy Eating for Seniors. We would also be interested in determining if there is enough interest in arranging for an AARP safe driving course. Any suggestions from residents for future programs are welcomed. Virginia Ciereck, Jack Rorabaugh. Ginger Clark

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Good Neighbor TEST!

My Good Neighbor “weeds” his

weeds before they’re “flower” and go to

seed. (Common Sense) JR


For anyone that attended our May 2015 $6.00 Dance Night thinking all they were going to hear is Country Western music, boy were they surprised. Jerry Mathews, though only a one-man-band, has the ability to sing not only Country Western, but Oldies, Rock and Roll, Pop—just about anything you would want. Add to that the fact that he has an amaz-ing voice and plays a mean guitar, and you have the makings of a very enjoyable evening. Now, add in great friends, good munchies and our beautiful Clubhouse and you REALLY have all you need for an enjoyable time—and we did. While our numbers were slightly less than usual, that meant the dance floor was wide open for those of us that want to get “wild and crazy.” What…. you didn’t know we get wild and crazy? Well, maybe not THAT wild and crazy, but enough to ensure a good time was had by all. Now, wild and crazy Line Dancers… that’s a different story. They were out in force. We also were happy to entertain guests, Lillian Hill (our Memorial Day Speaker) and friend Linda. Ginger and a few others had a very hard time keeping up with those two who are great dancers and never seem to tire out. Thanks again, Entertainment Guys, for bringing entertainment to the Landing even when our snowbirds have flown north. Those of us remaining really appreciate your hard work. By the time you read this we will have enjoyed the great Band, Monterey, June 26, and we will report on that in the next Pelican Pouch. In that there won’t be a Pelican Pouch edition in August, keep your eyes on the Blue Screen and on the Bulletin Board for upcoming fun times this summer.




Tickets $6 Tues/Thurs 6:30-7:30








Womens Club

Luncheon 12:00

Cook's Buffet & Bakery - Deland ?? Cindy Hautala 402-4529 or Brenda O'Brien 321-302-6797

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Updates– Call Muriel at 423-3821 (Monday thru Thursday 9 to 1 PM, Friday 9 to 5 PM

PM5PMFriday 9 to 5PM

Layout & Design- Linda Walsh - [email protected]

Distribution -Diana Young [email protected]

Calendar & proofing- Ann Grealis—- [email protected]

Please limit copy for inclusion in the Pelican’s Pouch to no more

than 400 words or 1/4 page. All articles must be submitted by 5PM,

the 18th of the month preceding publication. We reserve the right to

refuse potentially offensive material, or that which is deemed inap-

propriate. (The editors)

July & August 2015 Birthdays

Pg. 8 Edgewater Landing The Pelican’s Pouch

Updates– Call Muriel at 423-3821 (Monday-9 to 5PM, and Tuesday thru Friday 9 to 1 PM.)

The Pelican Pouch Editorial Staff

July Birthdays 2015

Art Liebelt 2

Deborah Miller 4

Pat Yochum 4

Barbara Root 5

Don Gillis 5

Rudi Hirschbeck 5

Deems Lycett 5

Michael Cotelidis 6 Margaret Wagner 6 Susan Mohr 6 Carl Andreason 7 Lois Spollio 7 Millie Griffin 7 Edward Hinchey 7 Charles Barnet 8 Judi Adams 8 Tom Dean 8 Joe O’Brien 8 Sheila Mills 9 Linda Bailey 10 Mary Brown 10

Jeff Paxton 10

Judith Sanderson 10 Ira Kannel 11 Nancy Finkley 11 Ron Raymond 12 Marcia (Reno)Anglehart 12

Mary Anna Turba 13 Nina Cassano 13 Ruth Wood 13 Marguerite Gaynor 13 Shirley Lovett 14 Edie Haas 15 Jean McDonald 15 Richard Young 15 Doris Lee 15 Ron Hebard 15 Martha Vetterl 16

Wayne Besaw 16

Mary Ann Grathwol 16

Denise Burke 16

Harry Dewalt 17

Dorothy Melkonian 17

Mattie Thomas 17

Joann Dede 17

Ronald Grathwol 18

Robert Saari 18

Dennis Testori 19

Tom Weatherill 20

Lonny Orfitelli 20

Kandi Smith 22

Sue Barrowman 22

Sybil McCartney 22

Lana Brown 23

Jenny Keeley 24

Cynthia Camp 24

Ken Cook 24

Paula Ruggiero 25 Noreen Dunn 25

Jean Alexander 26

Elizabeth Reimann 26

Don Pierce 26

Glenda Hurst 27

Ann Keller 27

James Beckford 28

Robert McCartney 28

Richard Willich 28

Valarie Holm 28

Teresa Hosmer 29

Joseph Perog 31

Joan Winters 31

John O’Brien 31

Elizabeth Besaw 31

Alida (Lee) Crowley 31

August 2015

Lindley Griffith 1 Judy Noyes 1

Ed Meyer 1

Chris Walsh 2

Sylvia Rathbone 2

Peter Mascaro 3

Mark Searl 3

Marion Ulip 4

Bill Bessette 4

John Shuffstall 4

Margie Ferrara 4

Carol Stevens 4

Tom Brumagim 5

Kent Garrison 5

David Cook 6

Joseph O’Brien 8

Bob Gudis 8

Jean Highland 9

Virginia Ciereck 9

Bill Held 10

Ron Keeley 10

Walter Ramsey 11

Maria Gesmundo 12

Suzanne Cook 12

Jack Ramirez 12

Laura Bloomer 12

Barbara Yednak 13 Susan Ost 13

Terri Johnson 13

Linda Pomeroy 14

Chuck Milligan 16

Janis Thomas 16

Gene Sciullo 17

Aline Penta 17

Carol Kesterson 19

Mercedes Hinchey19

Jacqueline Gosewisch


Marilyn Kannel 19

Iris Sefried 19

Marilyn Osterman 20

Gary Cole 20

Dick Boenig 20 Walt Rogers 20

Sandra Lee 21

Philip Cartisano 22

Mildred Baker 22

Louise Schlosser 24

Vickey Forsee 24

Jeanne Rogers 24

Steven Dorber 25

Ken Lytle 25

Muriel Archbold 26

Dean Cotelidis 26

James Small 27

Barbara Hoffmoen 27

Chris Emter 28

Mary McCarthy 28

John Nelson 29

Marilyn Dontigney 29

Terry Moore 30

Loren Stevens 31

Merilyn Dupre 31

Clint Holmes 31

Come cruise with other Landing-ites this October to Puerto Rico, St.Thomas, Grand Turk and Nassau. Contact Linda Keller at 423-9870

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Topless Club Outing

Alan Lang, Cindy Hautula & Sandy Snell

Landing’s Navy annual B & F Flotilla to Inlet Harbor (quality not quanity– 1 boat sailed)

Dan Hautala & Alice Lang

Da, where’s da boat?

Photos by Tom Sanders

Rod Kaelin, Dale Buzby & Steve Snell

Alan Lang, Cindy Hautala & Sandy Snell

Peg Buzby, Chuck Shepherd & Irene CHMIELEWSKI

Julius Rathbone & Nancy Finkley

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Just Love to Dance

Mark Searl & Carl Kiernan

Or Listen

Wanda Cooper, Jane Burdick, Helen Holcomb & Jean Deaton

Linda Keller & El Flynn

Roy Garrison & guest, Jack & Amanda MacCormac


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