
SERVANT KEEPERChurch Management Software

Table of Contents

Manage MembersPage 4

Communication Page 6

Tools for Impact Page 8

Mobile & Web Apps Page 9

Reports Page 11

Check-In Page 14

Donors & Contributions Page 12

Data Security Page 15

Deployment Page 15

Contact Us Page 16

Smart GroupsPage 4

Events & Attendance Page 5

Click this bar on any page to return to the table of contents. Click the icons below to go to the section of the brochure.

For Online Viewing

Servant Keeper is church software like you’ve never experienced. It’s designed for and by church ministry leaders to help you in every area of your ministry. Simple enough for those who aren’t tech savvy, and advanced enough to be fully customizable to meet you ministry’s specific needs. Every installation includes:

Membership Manager

This module will provide you with all the tools you need to manage your people. It includes features like personal profiles, attendance tracking, a group management tool, personalized communication functionality, reporting tools and more.

Contribution Manager

Keep track of your donations and payments received quickly, easily and accurately with the contribution manager module. Easily enter and pull information on weekly contributions and pledges. Create and send reports and statements quickly. And link with your current accounting software to eliminate double entry.

Administration Manager

Manage all your Servant Keeper users (from 1 to unlimited) all in one place. Define up to 100 layers of security and keep your data safe.


Easy to Use:The number one reason churches switch to and STAY with Servant Keeper is because the software is simple. Even though we offer some of the most powerful sophisticated tools in the industry, “ease of use” is always a top priority. Saves Time:All your data stays at your fingertips. Searches take seconds. And because this is a zero-redundancy program, you never find yourself typing the same data twice!

Customizable:Your church or ministry is unique. You need software that can fit into your mold, not the other way around. Every field in Servant Keeper is customizable and able to be tracked. You can also customize tools, events, groups, and security settings.

Accessible:Servant Keeper offers a cloud based option so that you can access your data and manage your ministry from more places.

Affordable:Servant Keeper started with the goal of providing cutting edge technology to churches of any size. That’s why we work hard to provide this program at prices and options affordable for any church budget.



Personal Profiles

Manage your individual and family profiles simply with Servant Keeper.

• Intuitive design to help you get up and running quickly.

• Customizable tabs and fields you can track.

• Rapid data entry with built in features to eliminate repetitive typing.

• Information is comprehensive and easily accessible.

• Multi-level security allows you to keep specific fields and data confidential.

Keep Track of Members and Attendees

Smart Groups with Groups Keeper

With Smart Groups, you can find and manage any segment of your ministry.

• Build groups based on any data from any fields.

• Simultaneously change information for any group in your church.

• View, print, share, email any information to any group.

• Pull, print, email and save customizable reports about groups.

Keep You and Your Team in Control


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Keep Events Well Attended and EffectiveEventbrite is a leading web-based event management application that allows you to create, promote, and host live events. Your people can sign up for events online from anywhere. You can then track registrations, past attendance, and do follow-up within Servant Keeper. Plus, you can manually sign up (or unattend) an attendee to an event from within their Servant Keeper profile.

You’ll be ready to increase attendance, improve event follow-up, and simplify your event management.

Events & A


Attendance Tracking

Event Management with Eventbrite

Keep growing your classes, events, and services.Accurate attendance tracking is important because it allows you to see a picture of the health and growth of your people and your ministry as a whole. Attendance tracking that is agile enough to let you add visitors on the fly, and developed enough for detailed reporting will keep you growing. Track attendance for every event from weekly services to annual retreats.

With Servant Keeper, you can not only track attendance, you can also:

• Automatically print rosters in a variety of formats that you can edit.

• Produce graphs and charts for visual comparison.

• Enroll and attend people, and new visitors on the fly.

• Pull groups based off attendance and put people who have been absent into an outreach campaign.

• Determine which classes, groups and activities are ministering effectively.

Personalize Communications with SK Writer and Email Writer

Create the materials and emails you need to communicate with your groups quickly and easily.

• Produce personalized emails and letters with your letterhead or any other customization for a whole group with the push of a button.

• Print customizable mailing labels, name tags, directories, and more.

• Send out weekly newsletters in the mail or through email.

• Communicate with donors.

• Do polished visitor follow-up.

• Reach out to other organizations on behalf of your church.

Mail Chimp is a free email marketing solution that can help your church or ministry to create and send professional looking emails and create email campaigns in minutes, and see reports of who is opening and

clicking through.

Because Servant Keeper integrates with Mail Chimp, you can now add and delete someone from your Mail Chimp email campaigns from within their Servant Keeper profile.

This integration will allow you to easily add new attendees, visitors, and guests to email campaigns as you create

their new profiles and add them to groups. For example, every new visitor can automatically receive a series of four emails encouraging them to come again and get involved.

Keep in Touch Through Email Campaigns

Help Your Ministry to Communicate WellCom


Our Friendly, Loving Church

SKNotify: Advanced & Complete Notification System

Spread the Word and Get People Involved

SK Notify lets you alert your entire ministry or group via any mode of communication in both emergency and non-emergency situations.

• Voice, Email, Text: Send messages in whatever method you choose, or allow recipients to choose how they would like to receive them.

• Administrator Dashboards: Administrators can easily send messages, look at metrics for past messages, and build and reuse templates.

• Church Member Dashboards: Members can access archived messages and update their contact information.

• Mobile App: Administrators can send messages to any group in the system from their phone.

• Audit Trails: See a complete history of who sent which messages.

• Voice to Text and Text to Voice: Type out emails or speak a voicemail, then have the system convert it to voice or text respectively.

• Language Translation: Automatically post contributions to any Quicken/QuickBooks compatible accounting program.

• Social Media: Send messages to your social networking accounts.

How Churches Use SKNotify

Every church, no matter its size, needs to be able to communicate quickly for both the expected and the unexpected. Consider how you could improve your communications for the following:

Emergencies and Cancellations: Alert your whole congregation at once that a service or activity has been cancelled or rescheduled due to weather or an emergency.

Increase Involvement: Send out event reminders via text, or last minute calls to get more event volunteers or attendees.

Prayer Chain: Update prayer chain members in any communication mode they prefer, or reach the whole congregation with urgent requests.

Schedule Alerts: Set up alerts and reminders days before you need them to go out. Schedule a related series of messages all at once.



Tools For Making an Impact

Verify Ministry is Happening with Touch Point Tracking

Your ministry needs to serve people and make an impact on their lives with a genuine, personal touch. This requires your team to reach out at the right moment, follow-up appropriately, manage appointments and make sure people don’t fall through the cracks.

Counseling and Pastoral Care Ministry Whether you have one pastor, or several pastors and a whole team of counselors, your team is equipped to serve.

• Schedule and complete appointments.

• Confidential and shared notes.

• Reminders and follow-up

• Touchpoint tracking.

Outreach Tools Increase the effectiveness of your ministry and more easily build relationships with new visitors.

• Easily add visitors to your database.

• Visitor follow-up.

• Online event registration.

• Easy communication.

• Completed appointments

• SK Writer letters and or Email Writer emails sent.

• Events registered for through Eventbrite.

• MailChimp email campaigns.

• Background checks done though the Servant Keeper integrated background check.

Servant Keeper is designed to help you ensure that ministry is happening and that nobody is falling through the cracks. Now you can see a full picture of how your ministry is interacting with each individual member. Through the Touch Point tab, you can see:

Tools for Impact

Do Ministry on the Go

The Mobile Ministry App for Servant Keeper keeps all your church members and their contact information at your fingertips for ministry on the go for visitation and counseling.

It’s Monday morning and you just finished a hospital visit. Servant Keeper reminds you to visit one of your members at his house before lunch. You go into his profile to pull a map to his home. You quickly review notes from your last conversation, are reminded it’s the 3 year anniversary of his wife’s death. You’re now better prepared to serve and minister to him.

Mobile Ministry App

Greet & Attend AppThe Greet & Attend app simplifies attendance taking and enhances welcome ministries and visitor centers.

Welcome Ministry: Greeters, ushers, and visitor centers will love having the ability to add visitors (including their picture) to Servant Keeper with their phones. They can check for duplicates to see if they’re already in the system.

Attendance for Sunday School Classes and Other Events: Teachers, small group leaders, and event coordinators can quickly pull up the list of people enrolled in their class and take attendance. Several features make this simple:

• Add new events.

• Tap names to attend people at the event, or take attendance by quick count.

• Add people who were not previously enrolled even if they are not already in the database.

Mobile A


Web Apps for You and Your Members

This password protected directory allows your members to access their own profile and contribution information, as well as the public profiles of other church members.

• Free with Servant Keeper Cloud

• Customize the directory to show only the information you want.

• Control how your church members can filter search results.

• Responsive design looks and feels natural on any device.

• Embed it into your website or create your own an app to your phone.

Online Directory and Member Portals

Online OfficeAccess Servant Keeper Online Office from anywhere. All you need is an internet connection.

• Look up and edit basic family and individual contact information and notes

• Add new records, pictures, and family members.

• Add records to an existing family.

• Manage the Online Directory settings.

• Manage user access.

• No additional Servant Keeper installation is needed to access this. All you need is a device and an internet connection.

Web A


Do More with the Data You KeepEdit and Build Reports, Plus Share with Other Churches

Browse, Share, Download and Rate Reports From the Servant Keeper Community

As a Servant Keeper user, you’re part of a growing community of tens of thousands of ministries. Leverage the experience and resources of others in ministry with Servant Keeper shared reports. You can now browse others’ reports, download them, and rate them to help others find the best reports. Have a report that has helped your ministry? Pass it along by sharing it with the Servant Keeper community for others to use.

Don’t just keep your data, pull it into one of over a hundred practical report and material templates that you can use in your ministry.

Edit Report Templates to Meet Your Needs

Servant Keeper provides you with over 100 templates to use with your Membership and Contribution data. Use these templates as they are, or edit them with report editor tool to meet your needs.

Create Your Own Reports

There is a new custom category in Report Manager that you can use to create new reports for Servant Keeper based on available datasets.


Contribution Tracking

Keep givers informed.

Keep Complete Records of Tithes and Giving

From pledges, to weekly contributions, online giving, to loose change in the plate, family to individual. You have a variety of contributions you need to track quickly, easily, and accurately.

• Easy Viewing and Entry: Streamlined entry screens for fast and easy recording of giving by name or envelope number,

• Auto-Entry: Auto-entry of previous gifts, including split transactions.

• Adjustments: Make adjustments before or after contributions.

• Fast, Detailed Reports, Graphs & Charts: Produce reports, graphs, and charts to keep your finger on the pulse of what’s coming into your ministry.

• Quicken/QuickBooks Integration: Automatically post contributions to any Quicken/QuickBooks compatible accounting program.

• Vanco and Swipe Away Poverty Integration: Integrates with online giving options.

• Paperless Statements: Go green by quickly sending giving statements through email.

Increase Giving

“Our giving went up by 15%.

More importantly, our donors

feel appreciated...” — Pastor Gary,

Kansas City

Help those contributing to your ministry see the good their money is doing.

Customizable Contribution Statements — Build a contribution statement template, or use one of Servant Keeper’s and pull in information for all your donors with one click.

Pledge Tracking— Quickly see pledges, how much has been contributed towards that pledge and how much is outstanding. Easily send this information to all individuals or families who have pledged.

Easy Fund Updates— Servant Keeper makes it simple to quickly send emails or letters to anyone who has contributed or pledged to a particular fund so they know how their money was used, or how much help is still needed.


Automatically Post Contributions to QuickBooks

Your weekly giving is tracked in Servant Keeper as a batch. Once posted, in Servant Keeper, these batches are automatically posted/uploaded into QuickBooks.

This integration with QuickBooks further speeds up the process and increases the accuracy of entering weekly contributions.


Provide Your Donors With More Ways to Give with e-Givinge-Giving options allow your members and attendees, as well as event-goers to donate or pay for events. And because Servant Keeper integrates with different e-Giving providers, like Vanco and Swipe Away Poverty, you can easily track this money with the rest of your contributions. Use e-Giving for:

• Online Tithes and Offerings

• Kiosk or Online Event Payment

• Easy collection of payment for childcare

... I also use the contribution module and have found that to be user-friendly as well. It works so well for me, the pastors, and this church, that 3 other churches have purchased it based on our experiences and recommendation...

-Nancy Walters, Pitman United Methodist Church

Child Check-In Options

• Check-In kiosks.

• Fingerprint Check-In Additional Ways Your Ministry Will use Check-In

• Attendance automatically tracked at check-in

• Robust reporting

• Add notes, allergies, and print “bag tags”

• Name badges and claim tickets print and/or email on check-in

Servant Keeper Check-In helps you to keep your church’s event and classroom space organized and safe. You’ll be able to offer parents and guardians peace of mind, children a safe place to learn about God, and your children’s ministry team the tools they need for managing events and classes from check-in through pick-up.

Child Check-In

Keep Your Children Safe with Check-In

Event Set Up

• Set a room capacity for each of your classrooms

• Set a threshold at which point to be notified by email that your room is almost to capacity.

• View room conflicts for times and dates of your events booked to the same room. Claim Tickets Options

• Print or email claim tickets for parents

Deployment OptionsChoose Servant PC Cloud or Local

Cloud Host your data on the cloud and eliminate the need to manage information on your network. Purchase a site license, then use Servant Keeper on an unlimited number of computers and mobile devices. Pay a small monthly fee based on the number of staff logging in to Servant Keeper. You’ll be able to access your database from anywhere, even on mobile.

Some added features of the cloud are:

• Your data is hosted securely on an Amazon Server with Military Grade level security

• Mobile Apps

• Online directory and web apps

• Free Unlimited Seats (Devices)

LocalManage your database on your own network. Purchase a site license, and then for a nominal fee, activate additional computers.

Keep Your Data SecureData Security

Your ministry needs to balance top notch security with agility. Servant Keeper gives you the security necessary to protect even the most sensitive member information (like contributions, private contact info, confidential counseling notes) with the agility that allows you to offer different levels of system access to everyone from the pastor to a brand-new volunteer.

• Advanced User Security: Over 100 levels of user security, and reusable user templates.

• Automated Online Backup: With an automated online backup, your data is always safe from disasters, viruses, and other threats.

• Centralized Database: Data is automatically updated across your database.

• View User Access : See a complete list of dates and times of user sign in, and who changed what information.

Security & D


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