  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    Lkfut teg Lutefr

    Mr. Elslj @. ^. Ollselj cs lj Lsscstljt Qrfdgssfr (Lpphcgm

    Hcjiucstcns) cj teg Mgplrt`gjt fd Gjihcse !lnuht" fd

    Hljiuligs ljm #rljshltcfj $cji $elhcm %jc&grsct" ^lumc

    Lrlkcl. 'j ** eg +fr,gm ls l -csctcji Lsscstljt Qrfdgssfr cj

    teg Mgplrt`gjt fd Gjihcse Hctgrlturg ljm Hcjiucstcns ltlr

    %jc&grsct" ltlr. !rf` / tf * Eg +fr,gm cj teg

    Mgplrt`gjt fd Gjihcse Lh1`le+ggt nfhhgig fd Gmunltcfj


  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan



    ]f ` !cms

    4ldcm @lhl, ljm 4lielm

  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    2fp"rciet " Elslj Ollselj

    #eg rciet fd Elslj Ollselj tf kg cmgjtcdcgm ls lutefr fd tecs +fr,

    els kggj lssgrtgm k" ec` cj lnnfrmljng +cte sgntcfj 88 ljm 80 fd

    teg 2fp"rciet Mgscijs ljm Qltgjts Lnt *>00.

    Lhh rciets rgsgr&gm. 3f plrt fd tecs pukhcnltcfj `l" kg

    rgprfmungm stfrgm cj l rgtrcg&lh s"stg` fr trljs`cttgm cj lj"

    dfr` fr k" lj" `gljs ghgntrfjcn `gneljcnlh peftfnfp"cji

    rgnfrmcji fr ftegr+csg +ctefut teg prcfr pgr`csscfj fd teg


    Lj" pgrsfj +ef nf` cts lj" ujlutefrc:gm lnt cj rghltcfj tf tecspukhcnltcfj `l" kg hclkhg tf nrc`cjlh prfsgnutcfj ljm nc&ch nhlc`s

    dfr ml`ligs.

    L 2'Q nltlhfiug rgnfrm dfr tecs tcthg cs l&lchlkhg drf` teg 5rctcse


    '^53 >80 *6>/? 6/ *


    !crst Qukhcsegm (*6)

    Lustcj @lnluhg" Qukhcsegrs Htm.

    A 2ljlml ^ulrg

    2ljlr" Kelrd


    G*6 AH5

  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    Q # g $ l n g

    #eg tgr`s st"hcstcns ljm mcsnfursg ljlh"scs el&g lttrlntgm teg

    lttgjtcfj fd hcjiucsts ljm hctgrlr" nrctcns lhc,g cj teg hlst dg+

    mgnlmgs. #egsg tgr`s lrg mgdcjgm ljm cjtgrprgtgm cj l +cmg

    rljig ljm tegcr cjtgr1rghltcfjsecp els kggj mcsnussgm &gr"

    strfjih" drf` mcddgrgjt ljihgs ljm pfcjts fd &cg+.

    'j lpphcgm hcjiucstcns +g lpph" teg hcjiucstcn tegfrcgs tf

    teg stum" fd mcddgrgjt `fmgs ljm usgs fd hljiulig. #f stum" lhljiulig `gljs tf fddgr l nf`phgtg s"stg`ltcn stum" fd

    hljiulig strunturgs lt lhh hljiulig hg&ghs= pefjfhfi"

    `frpefhfi" s"jtlN sg`ljtcns gtn. #eg sncgjtcdcn stum" els

    lhsf lmlptgm ctsghd tf if kg"fjm +frms ljm sgjtgjngs tf

    lnnfujt dfr teg nf``ujcnltc&g prfngss fd +efhg tgNts ljm

    mcsnfursg. ^t"hcstcns ls l krljne fd lpphcgm hcjiucstcns

    sefuhmgrs teg rgspfjsckchct" fd prf&cmcji l sncgjtcdcn stum" fd

    teg hljiulig fd hctgrlturg. #eg st"hcstcncljs gNphlcj

    sncgjtcdcnlhh" teg hcjiucstcn strunturgs fd hctgrlr" tgNt +frm

    frmgr plttgrj fd sfujm ljm re"te` nefcngs fd &fnlkuhlr"

    ctg`s gtn. !fr teg hctgrlr" +rctcji cs l nrgltc&g usg fd

    hljiulig. #egrgdfrg teg hcjiucsts +fuhm &cg+ hljiulig ls l

    `gmcu` fd hctgrlturg ljm l sukgnt `lttgr fd hcjiucstcns.

    #ecs kff, cs nf`pchgm drf` tergg `lcj sfurngs= fjg plrt cs

    l `fmcdcgm &grscfj fd `" QeM tegscs lnngptgm k" tegMgplrt`gjt fd Hcjiucstcns Lhcilre @ushc` %jc&grsct" 'jmcl.

    #eg sgnfjm fjg cs l plpgr prgsgjtgm cj ':`cr %jc&grsct" fd

    Gnfjf`cns #ur,g". #eg tecrm plrt cs teg nfhhgntcfj fd `"

    `lstgr hgnturgs fj st"hcstcns. 't cs cjtgjmgm dfr teg stumgjts fd

    lpphcgm hcjiucstcns. 't lc`s tf gNphlcj teg klscn nfjngpts fd

    st"hg ljm `l,g stumgjts dl`chclr +cte teg dujml`gjtlhs fd

    st"hcstcns ljm mcsnfursg ljlh"scs cj l nhglr `ljjgr. 't cs mc&cmgm

    cjtf sg&gj nelptgrs. 2elptgrs * ljm gNphlcj teg tegfrgtcnlhkln,irfujm fd st"hg ljm st"hcstcns. 2elptgrs ?6A/ ljm 8 lrg

    gNpfsctfr" ljm gNphljltfr" +cte gNl`phgs. Lhh gNl`phgs lrg

    tl,gj drf` Gjihcse hctgrlturg ljm ljlh":gm lt mcddgrgjt hg&ghs fd

  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    hcjiucstcns. #eg prcjncphgs fd hljiulig stum" +ecne el&g kggj

    lmfptgm cj tecs kff, (^t"hcstcn Mg&cngs) lrg lpphcnlkhg tf lj"

    hljiulig cj igjgrlh. ' efpg telt teg stumgjts fd st"hcstcns +ef

    lrg cjtgrgstgm cj teg nrgltc&g ljm lgstegtcn lspgnts fd hctgrlr"

    mcsnfursg +chh dcjm tecs kff, cjtgrgstcji ljm chhu`cjltcji.

    Elslj. @. ^. Ollselj


  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    L % % # g & c l t c f j s

    #eg dfhhf+cji lkkrg&cltcfjs lrg nf``fjh" usgm cj tecs kff,=

    Lm D Lmgntc&g

    Lm& D Lm&grk

    !#L D !lrg+ghh tf Lr`s

    !K5# D !fr Kef` teg 5ghh #fhhsI3M D Igrujm

    'jd D 'jdcjctc&g

    3 D 3fuj

    D kgnt

    @^ D #eg hm @lj ljm teg ^gl

    Q D Qrfjfuj

    Qpe D Qrgpfsctcfjlh

    Q& D Qlssc&g &fcng

    ^ D ^ukgnt

    ^M D ^t"hcstcn mg&cng

    - D -grk

  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    N e l ' t g # (

    () *elt cs ^t+cstcns,

    2r"stlh (*>0A) mc&cmgm teg +frm st"hcstcns cjtf t+f plrts

    (styhg-, -stcns). ^t"hg `gljs teg +l" fd +rctcji hctgrlturg ljm

    1stcns `gljs teg sncgjtcdcn stum". ^f st"hcstcns cs teg sncgjtcdcn

    stum" fd st"hg. 2f``fjh" st"hcstcns cs l krljne fd lpphcgm

    hcjiucstcns +ecne stumcgs teg dglturgs fd sctultcfjlhh"

    mcstcjntc&g usgs (&lrcgtcgs) fd hljiulig. 't trcgs lhsf tf gstlkhcseprcjncphgs nlplkhg fd lnnfujtcji dfr teg plrtcnuhlr nefcngs

    `lmg k" cjmc&cmulhs ljm sfnclh irfups cj tegcr usg fd hljiulig.

    ^cjng teg *>As teg tgr` st"hcstcns els kggj lpphcgm tf

    nrctcnlh prfngmurgs +ecne trcgm tf rgcjstltg teg c`prgsscfjcs`

    ljm sukgntc&ct" fd stljmlrm hljiulig +cte l sncgjtcdcn ljm

    fkgntc&g ljlh"scs fd hctgrlr" tgNt. #eg st"hcstcncljs lksfrkgm

    teg mgsnrcptc&g `gtefms fd sg&grlh jg+ hcjiucstcn tegfrcgs sunels Gurfpglj ljm L`grcnlj ^trunturlhcs` #rljsdfr`ltcfjlh

    Irl``lr 2lsg Irl``lr !ujntcfjlh Irl``lr gtn. Murcji

    teg tc`g drf` teg *>As tf teg *>8s st"hcstcns kgnl`g

    rgnfijc:gm ls lj lnlmg`cn mcsncphcjg +cte cts f+j spgnclhc:gm

    furjlhs rgdgrgjng iucmgs mcsncphcjlr" ecstfrcgs ljm igjgrlh

    f&gr&cg+s. ^t"hcstcncljs cj tecs pgrcfm prfmungm gNtgjsc&g

    trglt`gjt fd tfpcns hc,g CQfgtcn -fnlkuhlr"< (@chgs *>/6)

    C-csulh !fr` cj Qfgtr"< (Efhhljmgr *>8A) fujm ^"`kfhcs`8/).

    ^t"hg ls l tgr` cj nrctcncs` elm kggj +cmgh" usgm dfr l hfji

    tc`g kgdfrg fdtgj cj l rltegr c`prgsscfjcstcn +l". 't lttg`pts

    tf mrl+ teg lttgjtcfj tf teg nelrlntgrcstcns fr pgnuhclr usg fd

    hljiulig cj l spgncdcn tgNt k" l spgncdcn lutefr cj l plrtcnuhlr

    pgrcfm. @fmgrj st"hcstcns cs l +l" tf lpprflne teg ugstcfj fd

    st"hg fj strcntgr ljm `frg `gtefmcnlh hcjgs. 't cs jft sf `une lmcsncphcjg cj ctsghd ls l nrfssf&gr pfcjt kgt+ggj hcjiucstcns dfr

    +ecne hctgrlr" tgNts lrg fjh" ctg`s fd cjtgrgst cj teg krflm stum"

    fd hljiulig ljm hctgrlr" nrctcncs`. 't stlrts drf` teg prfpfsctcfj

  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    telt lj" cmgl fr nfjngpt `l" kg gNprgssgm cj fjg fr l ju`kgr

    fd mcddgrgjt +l"s ljm telt lj lutefr gNgrncsgs l nefcng

    (nfjsncfus fr ujnfjsncfus mcntltgm k" pgrsfjlh tlstg fr teg

    mg`ljms fd teg rglmgr) cj mgtgr`cjcji teg prgncsg dfr` fd teg

    +frms tf kg usgm. ^une l prfpfsctcfj cs cjncmgjtlhh" ljlteg`l

    tf jg+ nrctcncs` +ecne rgdusgs tf mcstcjiucse kgt+ggj teg dfr`

    ljm nfjtgjt fd hctgrlturg +elt cs +rcttgj cs +rcttgj. Hcjiucstcn

    st"hcstcns pfsgs ctsghd teg lsscij`gjt fd nhlsscd"cji teg rljig fd

    hcjiucstcn nefcngs telt lrg l&lchlkhg tf teg lutefrs. 't lhsf

    cmgjtcdcgs teg +l"s cj +ecne dglturgs fd teg hcjiucstcns `l" nlhh

    lttgjtcfj tf teg`sgh&gs tegsg dglturgs `l" mg&cltg drf` teg

    lnngptgm jfr`s cj tegcr `ljjgr fd gNprgsscfj. #egsgnhlsscdcnltcfjs `l" kg lpphcnlkhg tf l plrtcnuhlr tgNt fr ju`kgr

    fd tgNts cj sune l +l" ls tf eciehciet tegcr pgnuhclr &grklh


    ()( [g+ltcfj %gt-ggj +cj./cstcns ljm +ctg#lt/#g

    #egrg cs l nfjtrf&grsclh mgkltg lkfut teg rghltcfjsecp kgt+ggj

    hcjiucstcns ljm hctgrlturg. ^f`gfjg `l" sl" telt hcjiucstcns ljm

    hctgrlturg lrg lhc,g ljm sc`chlr kgnlusg teg" kfte mglh +ctehljiulig ljm teg hljiulig cs teg `lcj nfjngrj fd teg` kfte.

    5ut teg hcjiucsts stfppgm tecs jftfrcfus lriu`gjt ljm teg"

    lirgg fj teg cmgl telt hcjiucstcns ljm hctgrlturg lrg t+f

    mcddgrgjt dcghms. #eg" nhglrh" mcddgrgjtcltg kgt+ggj hcjiucstcn

    ljm hctgrlturg. #eg" sl" telt hctgrlturg cs nfjngrjgm +cte

    tefuiet ljm c`licjlr". Lj"tecji +ecne cs c`licjlr" cs nlhhgm

    hctgrlturg. #eg klscs fj +ecne hctgrlturg cs rghltgm tf hcjiucstcnscs hljiulig. Hljiulig sgr&gs ls teg nfjtgjt fd hcjiucstcns. ^f

    teg hcjiucsts mgdcjg hcjiucstcns ls teg sncgjtcdcn stum" nfjtgjt

    ljm sukgnt `lttgr fd hljiulig. ^f hljiulig phl"s l mulh rfhg

    ls teg `gmcu` ljm nfjtgjt `gmcu` cj hctgrlturg ljm nfjtgjt cj

    hcjiucstcns. Hctgrlturg cs fjg fd teg dcjg lrts sune ls plcjtcji

    ljm snuhpturg. 'j plcjtcji +g jggm l spgnclh `gmcu` tf plcjt

    telt cs nfhfur. #eg sl`g tecji +cte snuhpturg +g jggm rfn,

    `lrkhgs gtn. ^c`chlrh" cj sl"cji hctgrlturg +g jggm l spgnclh`gmcu` tf mf ct telt cs hljiulig. #eg selpg kghf+ sef+s telt

    hljiulig phl"s t+f rfhgs fjg cj hctgrlturg ljm teg ftegr cj

    hcjiucstcns. 'j hcjiucstcns hljiulig cs teg nfjtgjt fr teg sukgnt

  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    `lttgr ljm cj hctgrlturg hljiulig cs teg `gmcu`. #eg snfpg

    telt nfjjgnts kgt+ggj hcjiucstcns ljm hctgrlturg cs nlhhgm

    st"hcstcns sf st"hcstcns cs fjg fd teg lpphcgm hcjiucstcn lrgls. 't

    stumcgs teg hljiulig fd hctgrlturg dfr` teg hcjiucstcn pfcjt fd

    &cg+. 't tghhs us ef+ teg hljiulig dujntcfjs cj hctgrlturg c.g.

    teg mcddgrgjt tegfrcgs fd hcjiucstcns lrg lpphcgm tf teg hljiulig

    fd hctgrlturg tf ic&g us l dcghm nlhhgm st"hcstcns.

    ^elpg (*) rghltcfj kgt+ggj hcjiucstcns ljm hctgrlturg

    ()1 L''#flnegs tf +ctg#lt/#g

    Hctgrlturg cs sf`gtecji telt nlj kg lpprflnegm drf` mcddgrgjt

    ljihgs ljm &lrcfus pfcjts fd &cg+. 't nlj kg stumcgm drf`

    pechfsfpecnlh ps"nefhficnlh lgstegtcn ljm hcjiucstcn pfcjts fd

    &cg+. Kelt nfjngrj us egrg lrg fjh" tergg lpprflnegs tf

    hctgrlturg telt el&g rghltcfj tf hcjiucstcns.

    * 1 Hcjiucstcn lpprflne tf hctgrlturg.

    1 Lgstegtcn lpprflne tf hctgrlturg.

    ? 1 ^g`cftcn lpprflne tf hctgrlturg.

  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    #eg dcrst t+f lpprflnegs lrg rghltgm tf st"hcstcns. #eus

    teg" +chh kg mcsnussgm cj mgtlch kghf+. #eg tecrm lpprflne cs

    `gjtcfjgm egrg ust dfr ,jf+hgmig. 't cs mcsnussgm ujmgr

    ljftegr krljne fd lpphcgm hcjiucstcns nlhhgm sg`cftcns.

    ()1)( Hcj./cstcn l''#flne tf +ctg#lt/#g

    Hcjiucstcn lpprflne tf hctgrlturg cs l &gr" +cmg lpprflne. #eg

    hcjiucsts mcsnuss ct ujmgr teg dfhhf+cji nltgifrcgs=

    ()1)()( Hcj./cstcns ljm +ctg#lt/#g

    L) Hcjiucstcns ls +g ,jf+ cs teg sncgjtcdcn stum" fd hljiulig.

    'j hcjiucstcns teg hljiulig cs stumcgm ljm ljlh":gmsncgjtcdcnlhh". ^cjng hcjiucstcns cs teg sncgjtcdcn stum" fd l

    hljiulig ct cs lhsf teg s"stg`ltcn ljlh"tcn ljm fkgntc&g stum"

    fd hljiulig ls +ghh. 'j teg hcjiucstcn lpprflne tf hctgrlturg +g

    lhsf `l,g ljlh"tcn sncgjtcdcn ljm s"stg`ltcn stum" fd teg

    hctgrlr" hljiulig.

    5) L hljiulig nlj kg stumcgm ljm ljlh":gm lt &lrcfus

    hg&ghs fd hcjiucstcns sune ls= pefjfhfi" `frpefhfi" s"jtlN

    ljm sg`ljtcns. 'j teg sl`g +l" +g nlj ljlh":g teg hljiuligfd hctgrlturg lt pefjfhficnlh `frpefhficnlh s"jtlntcnlh ljm

    sg`ljtcn hg&ghs.

    2) #eg prc`g nfjngrj fd hcjiucstcns cs hljiulig. 'j teg

    hcjiucstcn lpprflne tf hctgrlturg lhsf teg `lcj nfjngrj cs

    hljiulig. #ecs lpprflne nfjngrjs ctsghd +cte teg hcjiucstcn

    stum" fd teg hljiulig fd hctgrlturg. Hctgrlturg cs l +fr, fd lrt

    hc,g ftegr +fr,s fd lrt sune ls plcjtcji snuhpturg `uscn gtn.ct ic&gs us lgstegtcn phglsurg. 'j ftegr +frms +egj +g rglm

    hctgrlturg fur eglrt cs dchhgm +cte phglsurg ljm gjf"`gjt. #ecs

    nlj kg mgsnrckgm ls lgstegtcn phglsurg. Kegj +g igt phglsurg

    cj rglmcji hctgrlturg +g lpprgncltg ct. 'j l hcjiucstcn lpprflne

    tf hctgrlturg +g tr" tf mcsnf&gr teg lgstegtcn phglsurg terfuie

    teg mgsnrcptcfj fd hljiulig.

    ()1)()1 Hcj./cstcns mgsn#c%gs ljm ljl+

  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    pfgts ljm hctgrlr" +rctgrs nrgltg st"hg k" uscji hljiulig. 't cs

    tegrgdfrg uctg hficnlh tf stum" ljm mgsnrckg teg st"hg ljm teg

    hljiulig fd hctgrlturg. Hcjiucstcnlhh" +echg `l,cji teg

    hcjiucstcn mgsnrcptcfj fd hctgrlr" tgNt +g mf teg dfhhf+cji=

    L) Lpph" teg tegfrgtcnlh ,jf+hgmig mgrc&gm drf`


    ;) %sg teg hcjiucstcn drl`g fd rgdgrgjng.

    N) %sg teg tgr`cjfhficgs fd hcjiucstcns.

    ()1)()> Nfjt#c%/tcfj f$ +cj./cstcns tf teg st/m f$ +ctg#lt/#g

    Hcjiucstcns cs fjg fd teg `fst c`pfrtljt lrgls +egrg teg

    lpphcnltcfj fd ct nlj kg `lmg pfssckhg. Hcjiucstcns nljnfjtrckutg l irglt mglh tf fur ujmgrstljmcji fd hctgrlturg.

    Hcjiucstcns lpprflne tf hctgrlturg tegrgdfrg eciehciets teg

    dfhhf+cji pfcjts=

    L= Hcjiucstcns gjeljngs fur lgstegtcn gNpgrcgjng fd

    hctgrlturg. #ecs nlj kg jftcngm +egj rglmcji l +fr, fd

    hctgrlturg sune ls l jf&gh pfg` fr phl". #eg ,jf+hgmig fd

    hcjiucstcns eghps us tf gjf" `frg ljm igt `frg lgstegtcn

    phglsurg.;) Hcjiucstcns prf&cmgs &fnlkuhlrcgs `gtefmfhfi" ljm l

    drl`g fd rgdgrgjng terfuie +ecne +g nlj sef+ ef+ fur

    lgstegtcn gNpgrcgjng cs mgrc&gm drf` cts &grklh strunturg

    (hcjiucstcn strunturg).

    N) Hcjiucstcns nlj lhsf sfh&g `lj" prfkhg`s fd hctgrlr"

    cjtgrprgtltcfj. #erfuie hcjiucstcn `gtefm +g nlj sef+ +e"

    fjg strunturg cs pfssckhg kut ljftegr cs jft cj hctgrlr" tgNt.

    ()1)()7 Nel#lntg#cstcns f$ +cj./cstcn l''#flne tf +ctg#lt/#g

    #eg hcjiucstcn lpprflne tf hctgrlturg els `lj" dglturgs. ^f`g

    fd tegsg lrg=

    L) #ecs lpprflne mglhs +cte hctgrlr" ljm pfgtcn dujntcfjs

    fd l hljiulig.

    ;) 't cs nfjngrjgm +cte st"hg ljm nrgltc&g `gljs fd

    hljiulig.N) #ecs lpprflne cs nrgltc&g ljm ljlh"tcnlh cj jlturg.

    M) 't cs klsgm fj teg mcrgnt fksgr&ltcfj fd hctgrlturg.

  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    G) 't cs tgNt1frcgjtgm. #eg tecjis +ecne hcg kg"fjm teg tgNt

    sune ls teg hcdg ljm pgrsfjlhct" fd teg +rctgr ecs lig fr ecs

    sfncgt" lrg ic&gj jf c`pfrtljng cj hcjiucstcn lpprflne.

    D) #eg nfjnhuscfjs lkfut teg hctgrlr" tgNt lrg mrl+j fj teg

    klscs fd hcjiucstcn ljlh"scs.

    ()1)()4 9gtefms /sgm cj teg +cj./cstcn l''#flne tf


    L= Hcjiucstcn tffhs ljm tgr`cjfhficgs lrg usgm. #eg hcjiucstcn

    drl`g fd rgdgrgjng cs lmfptgm ls +ghh.

    ;=^tltcstcnlh `gtefm cs usgm cj drgugjn" nfujts.

    N=#gNts lrg ljlh":gm lt &lrcfus hcjiucstcn hg&ghs sune lspefjfhfi" `frpefhfi" s"jtlN ljm sg`ljtcns.

    M) #eg mcddgrgjt dglturgs fd st"hg lrg cmgjtcdcgm.

    ()1)1 Lgstegtcn l''#flne tf +ctg#lt/#g

    #eg +frm lgstegtcn rgdgrs tf teg kglut" fr teg lpprgncltcfj fd

    kglut" fr kglutcduh tecjis. #eg lgstegtcn lpprflne tf hctgrlturg

    cs nfjngrjgm +cte teg mcsnf&gr" fd tegsg ghg`gjts +ecne `l,g

    teg pcgng fd hctgrlturg kglutcduh ljm lttrlntc&g.'t `l" kg pfcjtgm fut telt teg `lcj purpfsg fd hctgrlturg cs

    tf ic&g lgstegtcn phglsurg ljm ct cs mgrc&gm drf` teg

    kglutcdcnltcfj. #eg pcgng fd hctgrlturg gspgnclhh" pfgtr" cs

    nlhhgm l kglutgfus tecji. 't cs teg fk fd l nrctcn tf mcsnf&gr lhh

    teg ghg`gjts fd kglut" cj hctgrlturg ljm tf ljlh":g teg`. Lj

    lgstegtcn lpprflne tf hctgrlturg cs klscnlhh" mcsnf&grcji teg

    prfngss fd kglutcdcnltcfj cj hctgrlturg.

    ()1)1)( *elt cs %gl/t cj +ctg#lt/#g,

    5glut" cj hctgrlturg els spgncdcn &cg+s. @lj" nrctcns lirgg fj

    teg &cg+ telt kglut" cs teg sl`g fd guchckrcu` frmgr ljm

    lrrljig`gjt ct els lhsf kggj slcm Bkglutcduh nfhfurB ljm hciet

    cs kglutcduh ftegrs sl" Bsc`phcnct" cs kglut"B. 5ut igjgrlhh"

    spgl,cji kglut" cs teg nf`kcjltcfj fd ulhctcgs +ecne ic&g

    phglsurg tf teg sgjsgs (gspgnclhh" tf g"g ljm glr) fr tf teg`cjm.

    Lh`fst lhh teg tecj,grs ljm pechfsfpegrs lirgg telt kglut"

    ic&gs phglsurgs ljm dchhs fur eglrts +cte f". 't cs kgnlusg fd

  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    tecs kglut" telt teg hctgrlturg kgnf`gs l dfujtlcj fd f" ljm

    phglsurg ljm ct lttrlnts teg pgfphg.

    ()1)1)1 Ef- %gl/t cs `ljc$gstgm cj +ctg#lt/#g

    't cs c`pfrtljt tf ,jf+ ef+ kglut" cs `ljcdgstgm cj hctgrlturg.

    #eg `ljcdgstltcfj fd pfgtr" cj hctgrlturg tl,gs t+f selpgs=

    L) #eg kglut" fd tefuiets

    5) #eg kglut" fd gNprgsscfjs

    ()1)1)1)( ]eg %gl/t f$ tef/.ets

    #eg kglut" fd hctgrlturg cs jft nfjtlcjgm fjh" cj gNprgsscfj fr

    prgsgjtltcfj kut cj `lttgr fd tefuiet lhsf. 'j lj lgstegtcnlpprflne tf hctgrlturg teg kglut" fd tefuiet fr nfjtgjt els teg

    sl`g &lhug fr c`pfrtljng ls teg kglut" fd gNprgsscfj. @lj"

    nrctcns nfjscmgr telt hctgrlturg c`phcgs irgltjgss fd tefuiet

    lhfji +cte teg kglut" fd gNprgsscfj. #eg lgstegtcn lpprflne tf

    hctgrlturg ic&gs gulh c`pfrtljng tf tefuiet prfngssgs

    nfjtlcjgm cj teg hctgrlr" pcgng fd +fr,.

    ()1)1)1)1 ]eg %gl/t f$ g5'#gsscfjs't mglhs +cte ef+ teg kglutcduh cmgl els kggj gNprgssgm ljm

    ef+ +frms perlsgs ljm gNprgsscfjs nfj&g" teg cmgls

    kglutcduhh". #eg usg fd prfpgr +frms ljm tegcr prfpgr

    lrrljig`gjt cs tegrgdfrg teg irglt nfjngrj fd teg lgstegtcn

    lpprflne tf hctgrlturg. #eg +frms ljm tegcr frmgr ljm

    lrrljig`gjt sefuhm kg sune sf telt teg" nfuhm prfmung

    `uscnlhct". #eg gupefj" (phglscji sfujms) ljm teg `uscnlhct"fd +frms `l,g teg pcgng fd hctgrlturg gspgnclhh" pfgtr"

    kglutcduh. #eg kglut" fd `uscnlhct" cs prfmungm +egj tegrg cs

    re"`cji gupefj" ljm elr`fj" fd sfujms. #egrg lrg sf`g

    dglturgs +ecne lrg g&lhultgm cj teg lgstegtcn lpprflne tf

    hctgrlturg tegsg dglturgs lrg lhsf dfujm cj iffm prfsg. 't cs slcm

    telt iffm prfsg +egj rglm lhfum sefuhm hff, hc,g pfgtr".

    5glut" fd gNprgsscfj cs lhsf nrgltgm +egj l +rctgr usgs

    mcddgrgjt t"pgs fd dciurltc&g spggnest"hcstcn mg&cngs sune lssc`chg `gtlpefr pgrsfjcdcnltcfj `gtfj"`" lhhctgrltcfj

    nfjsfjljng lssfjljng gtn. Lhh tegsg nfjtrckutg tf teg kglut"

    fd gNprgsscfj cj hctgrlturg ljm ic&g lgstegtcn &lhug tf ct.

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    ()1)1)1)> Nel#lntg#cstcns f$ teg lgstegtcn l''#flne tf


    L) #ecs lpprflne mglhs +cte tefsg `lttgrs +ecne nrgltg kglut"

    cj hctgrlturg gspgnclhh" cj pfgtr".

    5) #eg nrctcns tr" tf dcjm fut teg ghg`gjts fd f" ljm teg

    kglut" cj teg +fr,s fd hctgrlturg.

    2) #eg nrctcns gNl`cjg tefsg `gtefms k" +ecne teg pfgts

    c`licjltcfj cs gNprgssgm.

    M) 'j tecs lpprflne teg c`pfrtljng cs ic&gj tf cjtuctcfj.

    'jtuctcfj cs l iucmcji dlntfr cj tecs lpprflne.

    G) #eg nrctcn cjmuhigs cj c`prgsscfjcs`. 'j ftegr +frmsteg nrctcns lttctumg tf+lrms hctgrlturg cs c`prgsscfjcstcn.

    !) 'j tecs lpprflne lgstegtcn &lhugs lrg teg umicji &lhugs.

    #elt cs teg umi`gjts lrg klsgm fj teg klscs fd teg lgstegtcn


    ()1)1)1)7 9gtefms /sgm cj teg lgstegtcn l''#flne tf


    #eg hcjiucsts nl`g fut +cte teg `lcj `gtefms usgm cj tecslpprflne. ^f`g fd teg` lrg=

    L) #eg nrctcn `l,gs teg ljlh"scs fd st"hg ljm tgnejcugs fd


    5) #eg nrctcn `l,gs teg stum" fd nefcng ljm teg kglut" fd

    +frms. #eg" stum" tegcr frmgr lrrljig`gjt re"te`

    `uscnlhct" ljm pefjcn gddgnts ls +ghh.

    2) #eg nrctcn prfpfsgs teg kglut" fd tefuiet ljm cts gddgnt.M) #eg +rctgr cs umigm drf` teg lgstegtcn &lhugs pfcjt fd


    ()> ^t+cstcns ljm sfncf+cj./cstcns

    @fst fd teg hljiulig tegfrcgs lirgg fj teg cmgl fd teg nhfsg

    rghltcfjsecp kgt+ggj teg nfjngpt fd st"hg ljm teg pegjf`gjl

    fd hljiulig &lrcltcfj. Lnnfrmcjih" st"hcstcns ls l hcjiucstcn

    lntc&ct" nf`gs nhfsgr tf sfncfhcjiucstcns scjng kfte g`pelsc:g&lrcfus ,cjms fd hcjiucstcn &lrcltcfj. #eg mcddgrgjng kgt+ggj l

    hctgrlr" st"hg ljm l sfncfhcjiucstcn st"hg +fuhm kg fjg fd

    nfjtgNtulhc:ltcfj +cte teg dfr`gr ic&cji us hctgrlr" `gljcji

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    N e l ' t g # 1

    1) Hlj./l.g f$ +ctg#lt/#g

    1)( ]eg $glt/#gs f$ teg +lj./l.g f$ +ctg#lt/#g

    Ls +g ,jf+ hljiulig cs l `gljs fd nf``ujcnltcfj. Ljm

    terfuie hljiulig +g nfj&g" fur cmgls ljm tefuiets tf glne

    ftegr. #egrg lrg t+f `lcj t"pgs fd nf``ujcnltcfj=

    L) G&gr"ml" nf``ujcnltcfj

    5) Hctgrlr" nf``ujcnltcfj#eg hljiulig fd g&gr"ml" nf``ujcnltcfj cs mcddgrgjt drf`

    teg hljiulig fd hctgrlr" nf``ujcnltcfj. #eg hljiulig fd g&gr"

    ml" nf``ujcnltcfj cs nlhhgm nf``fj &grklh gNneljig. 'j

    fppfsctcfj tf tecs tegrg cs teg spgnclh usg fd hljiulig cj

    hctgrlturg. #eg hljiulig cj hctgrlturg fr hctgrlr" hljiulig cs

    teg spgnclh hljiulig fr teg spgnclh usg fd hljiulig.

    L mcstcjntcfj cs lhsf `lmg kgt+ggj teg hctgrlr" ljm jfj1

    hctgrlr" hljiulig. #eg gNl`phgs fd jfj1hctgrlr" hljiulig lrg

    lj gssl" fj sncgjng l hgnturg fj pechfsfpe" fr nf``gjtlr" fj

    ltehgtgs. 'j lhh tegsg tegrg cs teg nf``ujcnltc&g &lhug fd

    hljiulig c.g. sf`gtecji cs kgcji nfj&g"gm ljm sf`g

    cjdfr`ltcfj cs kgcji plssgm fj kut teg hljiulig fd hctgrlturg

    mfgs jft purgh" sgr&g teg nf``ujcnltc&g purpfsg. 't cs jft

    lh+l"s usgm tf nf``ujcnltg sf`gtecji. #eg nf``ujcnltc&g

    &lhug cj teg hctgrlr" hljiulig cs rgmungm tf l `cjc`u`. #eghctgrlr" hljiulig cjstglm el&cji nf``ujcnltc&g &lhug

    g`kfmcgs lgstegtcn ljm pfgtcn &lhug.

    #eg nf``fjh" ln,jf+hgmigm dlnt rgilrmcji hctgrlr"

    hljiulig cs telt ct mcddgrs drf` teg mlch" usg fd hljiulig +ecne

    cs nlhhgm nf``fj &grklh gNneljig. Ljm ct cs ls +ghh mcstcjnt

    drf` Cjfj1hctgrlr" hljiulig

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    #egsg dglturgs lrg jft lpphcnlkhg g`phf"gm cj teg g&gr"ml"

    uslig fd hljiulig fr jfj1hctgrlr" hljiulig. #eus +g `l"

    sldgh" cmgjtcd" teg nelrlntgrcstcn dglturgs fd teg hljiulig fd

    hctgrlturg cj teg dfhhf+cji=

    -Hctgrlry hljiulig els suprl-hctgrlh `gljcjis

    #eg hcjiucstcn ctg`s sune ls +frms perlsgs nhlusgs ljm

    sgjtgjngs el&g suprl1hctgrlh `gljcjis +ecne lrg ujmgrstffm

    terfuie teg nfjtgNt cj l hctgrlr" +fr,. #eg" sl" `frg telj teg"sgg` tf sl". #eg `gljcji fd l +frm cj hctgrlturg nljjft kg

    tl,gj hctgrlhh" ls cj teg nlsg fd g&gr"ml" hljiulig. Ef+g&gr ct

    nlrrcgs ljftegr `gljcji kg"fjm teg hctgrlh fjg.

    =-Hctgrlry hljiulig cs mg-lutf`ltczgm?

    @u,lJf&s,F (*>8) prfpfujms l mcstcjntcfj kgt+ggj

    g&gr"ml" hljiulig ljm hctgrlr" hljiulig. #eg dfr`gr cs

    nfjstruntgm spfjtljgfush" +ctefut tecj,cji lkfut teg +frmsperlsgs ljm sgjtgjngs. 'j ftegr +frms tegrg cs teg lutf`ltcn

    usg fd hcjiucstcn ghg`gjts cj mlch" uslig fd hljiulig. Eg nlhhs

    ct lj lutf`ltc:gm hljiulig. j teg ftegr eljm teg hlttgr cs mg1

    lutf`ltc:gm. #elt `gljs teg pfgts ljm +rctgrs lrg nfjsncfus

    ljm l+lrg fd +frms perlsgs ljm sgjtgjngs teg" usg. #eg" tr"

    tegcr kgst tf put teg rciet +frm cj cts rciet phlng. 'j dlnt teg

    &cfhltcfj fd teg lnngptgm jfr`s fd hljiulig cs nlhhgm mg1

    lutf`ltc:ltcfj. #eg `frg lj lnt cs lutf`ltc:gm teg hgssnfjsncfush" ct cs gNgnutgm +egrgls teg `frg ct cs

    dfrgirfujmgm teg `frg nf`phgtgh" nfjsncfus mfgs ct kgnf`g.

  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    kgntc&gh" spgl,cji lutf`ltc:ltcfj sneg`ltc:gs lj g&gjt ljm

    mg1lutf`ltc:ltcfj `gljs teg &cfhltcfj fd teg sneg`g.

    7-Hctgrlry hljiulig cs nfjjftltcvg

    #eg hljiulig fd sncgjng cs mgjftltc&g kgnlusg tegrg cs l

    rgdgrgjtclh ljm hctgrlh usg fd hljiulig. !fr gNl`phg cj sncgjng

    fjg phus fjg `l,gs t+f kut cj teg hctgrlr" usg fd hljiulig

    fjg phus fjg `l" jft `l,g t+f kgnlusg cj hctgrlturg tegrg cs

    jf rgdgrgjtclh ljm hctgrlh sgjsg fd hljiulig. 't cs nfjjftltc&g

    ljm lssu`gs l ju`kgr fd lssfncltc&g `gljcjis ftegr telj tegcr

    hctgrlh `gljcjis.

    4-Hctgrlry hljiulig els nuhturlh hflms

    Hctgrlr" hljiulig cs &gr" rcne cj nuhturg ljm lssfncltc&g`gljcjis. #elt `gljs ct els nuhturlh hflms +egrgls teg

    sncgjtcdcn hljiulig duhh" mcsnlrms teg nuhturlh hflms. Egjng ct

    sf`gtc`gs kgnf`gs &gr" mcddcnuht tf trljshltg l pcgng fd

    hctgrlturg drf` fjg hljiulig cjtf ljftegr.

    9-]eg hctgrlry hljiulig cs l`kciufus

    ^f`gtc`gs teg hctgrlr" hljiulig cs jft prgncsg kut

    l`kciufus ljm &liug. #elt cs +e" tegrg `l" kg &lrcfus

    cjtgrprgtltcfjs fd l scjihg hctgrlr" tgNt. Lj" hctgrlr" tgNt cs fpgjgjmgm sg`ljtcnlhh". #elt cs cj teg cjtgrprgtltcfj fd l hctgrlr"

    pcgng fjg nlj usg fjgs f+j pgrsfjlh gNpgrcgjng kln,irfujm

    ljm tefuiet.

    5-Hctgrlry hljiulig cjvfhvgs nrgltcvcty

    #eg hljiulig fd hctgrlturg lkfujms cj nrgltc&ct". #eg

    hctgrlr" lutefr `l,gs nrgltc&g usg fd hljiulig. Eg nrgltgs jg+

    +frms gNprgsscfjs ljm sf`g nf`kcjltcfjs fd +frms cj frmgrtf suct teg `gljcji +ecne egseg +ljts tf nfj&g". 5" mfcji

    sf teg +rctgr durtegr gNtgjms teg hljiulig kfujmlr" ljm

    nfjtrckutgs tf teg gjrcne`gjt fd teg trlmctcfjlh `gljs fd

    gNprgsscfj. 5" mfcji telt ls #rluiftt ljm Qrltt (*>0) pfcjt

    fut teg +rctgr cs lhsf lkhg tf prfmung ljm ujmgrstljm

    uttgrljngs +ecne el&g jg&gr kggj eglrm kgdfrg kut lrg pfssckhg

    +ctecj teg s"stg` fd l hljiulig.

    3-Hctgrlry hljiulig cs gxprgsscvg ljm lgstegtcnL hctgrlr" +rctgr `l,gs teg hljiulig fd hctgrlturg lgstegtcn

    ljm gNprgssc&g kgnlusg fd teg usg fd mcddgrgjt ^Ms tf nrgltg l

    kglut" cj teg hljiulig. #eg lgstegtcn usg fd hljiulig `l,gs

  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    teg rglmgrs lpprgncltg hctgrlturg. #eg rglmgrs mf jft rglm

    hctgrlturg dfr teg sl,g fd igttcji ,jf+hgmig kut dfr teg sl,g fd

    lpprgncltcfj. 'j hctgrlturg tegrg cs lhsf teg gNprgssc&g usg fd

    hljiulig terfuie +ecne l +rctgr gNprgssgs ecs dgghcji g`ftcfj

    ljm sgjtc`gjt. GNprgssc&g usg fd hljiulig ic&gs lj g`ftc&g

    &lhug tf hctgrlturg.

    8) nlhhs tecs ,cjm fd +rctcji dfrgirfujmcji

    +ecne cs lilcjst kln,irfujm. 't `gljskrcjicji tf lttgjtcfj fr

    `l,cji sf`gtecji jg+. G&gr" hljiulig els cts hcjiucstcn

    kln,irfujm ljm teg usgrs fd telt hljiulig dfhhf+ telt

    kln,irfujm. 5ut l hctgrlr" +rctgr usgs l hljiulig lilcjst cts

    kln,irfujm ls l rgsuht fd +ecne ecs hljiulig kgnf`gs


  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    els ecsegr f+j cmcfs"jnrltcn st"hg. #ecs st"hg nlj kg

    rgnfijc:gm k" l spgncdcn nf`kcjltcfj fd hljiulig `gmcl ljm

    ^Ms +ecne cj tegcr cjtgrlntcfj nelrlntgrc:g teg cjmc&cmulh

    ujcugjgss ljm prgsgjt ljftegr jg+ s"stg` tf teg hljiulig.

    #ecs jg+ s"stg` frcicjlhh" cs mgrc&gm drf` teg hctgrlr" jfr`s

    ljm teg igjgrlh prcjncphgs fd teg ic&gj pgrcfm. #eg tlhgjtgm

    +rctgr `l,gs sf`g lmlptltcfj fd teg nljfj fd teg hljiulig k"

    +ecne eg `l,gs teg rglmgrs dggh teg +l" eg +ljts teg` tf dggh.

    #eus lnnfrmcji tf Ilhpgrcj (*>88) lj ^M nlj kg mgdcjgm ls l

    mghckgrltg ljm nfjsncfus cjtgjscdcnltcfj fd sf`g t"pcnlh

    strunturgs fr sg`ljtcn prfpgrt" fd hljiulig ujct (jgutrlh fr

    `gljs) prf`ftgm tf l igjgrlhc:gm stltus ljm teus kgnf`cji ligjgrltc&g `fmgh. #ecs `gljs ^Ms lrg lj lkstrlnt plttgrj fr

    hgt fjg sl" l `fuhm cjtf +ecne lj" nfjtgjt nlj kg pfurgm.

    #eg" lrg hljiulig tffhs +ecne lrg usgm k" teg hctgrlr" +rctgrs

    tf nrgltg st"hg. #eg" `l,g teg +fr,s fd hctgrlturg kglutcduh ljm

    lttrlntc&g ljm teg rglmgrs ecieh" lpprgncltg ct.

    1)1 ^t+cstcns2 cts mg$cjctcfjs ljm snf'g

    1)1)( Mg$cjctcfjs f$ st+cstcns#eg st"hcstcncljs mgdcjgm st"hcstcns cj mcddgrgjt +l"s. ^f`g fd

    tegsg mgdcjctcfjs lrg=

    (C) ^t"hcstcns cs teg sncgjtcdcn stum" fd st"hg. 'j hcjiucstcns ct

    cs teg sncgjtcdcn stum" fd hljiulig. #eg tgr` st"hcstcns els tcns

    ls l suddcN +ecne `gljs teg sncgjtcdcn stum". ^t"hcstcns cs

    sncgjtcdcn kgnlusg tegrg cs fkgntc&ct" prgncscfj ljm

    gNphcnctjgss +egj +g stum" teg hctgrlr" hljiulig. 't cs lhsf ljg`pcrcnlh s"stg`ltcn ljm ljlh"tcnlh stum". Kegj +g sl"

    st"hcstcns teg ugstcfj lrcsgs +elt cs tegj st"hg\ #eg tgr`

    st"hg cs jft gls" tf kg mgdcjgm prgncsgh". Lnnfrmcji tf ^pgjngr

    (*>/6) st"hg cs l ecieh" nf`phgN pegjf`gjfj ljm nlj kg

    &cg+gm drf` `lj" mcddgrgjt pfcjts fd &cg+. #eg tgr` st"hg els

    l `uhtcphcnct" fd mgdcjctcfjs. ^t"hg cs nf``fjh" mgdcjgm ls l

    `ljjgr fd +rctcji kut `lj" hcjiucsts el&g mgdcjgm st"hg ls

    nefcng kgt+ggj lhtgrjltc&g gNprgsscfjs. ^f`g ftegr snefhlrsel&g mgdcjgm st"hg ls mg&cljt drf` teg jfr`.

  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    #egrg cs jf mgj"cji teg dlnt telt st"hg dfr`s teg nfjtgjt fr

    teg sukgnt `lttgr fd st"hcstcns ls teg hljiulig cs teg sukgnt

    `lttgr fd hcjiucstcns.

    (CC) ^t"hcstcns `l" lhsf kg mgdcjgm ls teg stum" fd teg usg

    fd hljiulig cj hctgrlturg fr teg hctgrlr" usgs ljm dujntcfjs fd

    hljiulig. Ls +g ,jf+ telt hljiulig cs l `gljs fd

    nf``ujcnltcfj fur dgghcji g`ftcfj ljm tefuiet lrg

    gNprgssgm terfuie hljiulig. Hljiulig cs usgm dfr mcddgrgjt

    purpfsgs. 't cs usgm cj nfj&grsltcfj rghcicfus mcsnfursg hl+

    spfrts `lss `gmcl ljm cj gmunltcfj. Hljiulig cs lhsf usgm cj

    hctgrlturg. #eg usg fd hljiulig cj hctgrlturg cs mcddgrgjt drf`

    ftegr usgs fd hljiulig. 't `l" kg pfcjtgm fut telt cj hctgrlturgtegrg cs teg spgnclh usg fd hljiulig. Kegj teg pfgts fr teg

    +rctgrs usg hljiulig cj hctgrlturg teg" `fmcd" ct. #eg" `l,g

    &lrcfus neljigs cj teg hljiulig s"stg`. #eg" lhsf nrgltg jg+

    gNprgsscfjs ljm jg+ nf`kcjltcfjs fd +frms. Lhh tegsg tecjis

    `l,g teg hljiulig spgnclh ljm teg stum" fd sune t"pgs fd

    hljiulig cs nlhhgm st"hcstcns. 't `l" kg nhlrcdcgm egrg telt

    st"hcstcns cs jft sc`ph" teg stum" fd hctgrlturg. 't cs lhsf jft

    sc`ph" teg stum" fd hljiulig. 't cs teg stum" fd teg usg fdhljiulig cj hctgrlturg. r cj ftegr +frms ct cs teg stum" fd

    hctgrlr" hljiulig fr hctgrlr" dujntcfjs fd hljiulig.

    (CCC) ^t"hcstcns cs lj lrgl fd lpphcgm hcjiucstcns. 'j st"hcstcns

    teg ,jf+hgmig fd hcjiucstcns cs lpphcgm tf teg stum" fd

    hctgrlturg. Hcjiucstcns prf&cmgs teg tegfrgtcnlh ,jf+hgmig dfr

    teg stum" fd teg strunturg fd hljiulig. Kegj sf`g hcjiucstcn

    ,jf+hgmig cs lpphcgm tf teg stum" ljm ljlh"scs fd teg strunturgfd hctgrlr" hljiulig ct cs nlhhgm st"hcstcns. #eg lpphcnltcfj fd

    hcjiucstcns ljm lpphcgm hcjiucstcns rgdgrs tf teg dfhhf+cji=

    L1 #eg usg fd teg mcsnf&grcgs ljm teg tegfrgtcnlh

    ,jf+hgmig fd hcjiucstcns.

    51 #eg usg fd hcjiucstcn drl`g fd rgdgrgjng.

    21 #eg usg fd tgr`cjfhficgs fd hcjiucstcns tf sgr&g teg

    purpfsg fd ljftegr lrgl fd teg stum".

    'j st"hcstcns teg mcsnf&grcgs ljm `gtefms fd hcjiucstcns lrglpphcgm tf teg stum" fd hctgrlturg. #eg hcjiucstcn drl`g fd

    rgdgrgjng ljm hcjiucstcn tgr`cjfhficgs lrg lhsf usgm +echg

    `l,cji teg st"hcstcn stum" fd hctgrlturg. Hctgrlturg cs fjg fd teg

  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    `fst c`pfrtljt lrgls +egrg teg lpphcnltcfj fd hcjiucstcns nlj

    kg pfssckhg.

    (C3) ^t"hcstcns cs lhsf mgdcjgm ls teg hcjiucstcn stum" fd

    hctgrlturg. Egrg teg hctgrlturg cs stumcgm drf` teg hcjiucstcn

    pfcjt fd &cg+ ljm hcjiucstcn stum" fd hctgrlturg cs `lmg lt

    &lrcfus hg&ghs fd hcjiucstcns sune ls pefjfhfi" `frpefhfi"

    s"jtlN ljm sg`ljtcns.

    L? Qefjfhfiy. Lt teg pefjfhficnlh hg&gh +g ljlh":g

    hctgrlturg cj tgr`s fd sfujms nfjtlcjgm cj l pfg`. L kglutcduh

    pfg` `l" nf`prf`csg l kglutcduh nf`kcjltcfj fd sfujms

    kgnlusg cj pfgtr" tegrg cs l irljm ujct" fd sf`g strunturg lt teg

    pefjfhficnlh hg&gh tegrgdfrg +g gNphfrg teg kglut" fd sfujmcj hctgrlturg ljm +g nfjngjtrltg fj teg pefjfhficnlh nfegscfj

    fd teg pfg`s.

    K1 @frpefhfiy Hctgrlturg nlj lhsf kg ljlh":gm lt teg

    `frpefhficnlh hg&gh. Lt tecs hg&gh +g lrg nfjngrjgm +cte teg

    strunturg fd +frms. Kg pl" fur lttgjtcfj tf ef+ teg +rctgrs

    el&g `lmg tegcr sghgntcfj fd +frms ef+ teg" el&g nrgltgm jg+

    +frms ljm gNprgsscfjs ljm ef+ teg" el&g nf`kcjgm ngrtlcj

    +frms.N- ^yjtlx ljm Irl``lr Lt tecs hg&gh +g stum" teg

    hctgrlr" nfjstruntcfj fd sgjtgjngs. Kg pl" fur lttgjtcfj tf teg

    nrgltc&ct" fd l hljiulig. 5" uscji teg gNcstcji sfurngs teg

    pfgts ljm hctgrlr" +rctgrs nrgltg jf&gh gNprgsscfj ljm

    sgjtgjngs +ecne lttrlnt teg rglmgrs. Qfgts ljm +rctgrs mg&cltg

    drf` teg jfr`s +echg uscji +frms perlsgs ljm sgjtgjngs.

    ^f`gtc`gs teg" mf jft dfhhf+ teg ruhgs fd irl``ltcnlhnltgifrcgs ljm egjng teg" mg&cltg drf` teg jfr`.

    - ^!`ljt"#$ Hctgrlturg nlj lhsf kg stumcgm lt teg hg&gh fd

    sg`ljtcns. Egrg +g tr" tf dcjm fut teg &cfhltcfj fd teg

    sghgntcfjlh ruhgs ljm ngrtlcj t"pgs fd sg`ljtcn mg&cltcfjs sune

    ls 7teg flt wls `grry, C krfg teg suj...9 gtn. #eg stum" fd

    hctgrlturg lt lhh teg hg&ghs fd hcjiucstcns cs nlhhgm teg hcjiucstcn

    stum" fd hctgrlturg ljm sune stumcgs lrg jftecji kut st"hcstcns.

    1)1)1 ^nf'g f$ st+cstcns

    'j st"hcstcns tegrg lrg t+f ghg`gjts cj&fh&gm fjg ghg`gjt cs

    hcjiucstcns ljm teg ftegr fjg cs hctgrlturg. Hcjiucstcns ls lj

  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    ghg`gjt prf&cmgs tffhs ljm `gtefmfhfi" ljm hctgrlturg

    ujdfhms teg st"hg fd teg +rctgr. 5" uscji hcjiucstcn `gtefms ljm

    tffhs st"hcstcns mgsnrckgs teg st"hg fd teg +rctgr +ecne cs

    nfjtlcjgm cj hctgrlturg. ^t"hcstcns mcsnf&grs dglturgs fd teg st"hg

    +ecne lrg kfujm cj teg +fr, fd hctgrlturg. 't cs ujmgr teg snfpg

    fd st"hcstcns telt ct `ust dcjm fut +elt lrg teg st"hcstcns dglturgs

    cj teg +fr, fd hctgrlturg. Ls +g ,jf+ telt st"hg cs nrgltgm k"

    teg usg fd hljiulig cj hctgrlturg. 't cs tegrgdfrg teg snfpg fd

    st"hcstcns tf stum" teg usg fd hljiulig cj hctgrlturg ljm tf

    mcsnf&gr teg pegjf`gjfj fd st"hg ljm dcjm fut teg dglturgs fd

    st"hg. ^t"hcstcns tegrgdfrg nfjscsts fd tecs dfr`uhl

    (HL^D8^L=HLD Hcjiucstcn Ljlh"scs

    ^D D ^t"hg !glturgs

    ^LD ^t"hcstcns Ljlh"scs

    #eg st"hcstcn ljlh"scs nf`prcsgs t+f tecjis=

    *) Hcjiucstcn ljlh"scs fd teg pcgng fd hctgrlturg.

    ) Mcsnf&grcji teg st"hg dglturgs cj telt pcgng fd hctgrlturg.

    @grg hcjiucstcn ljlh"scs nljjft kg nlhhgm st"hcstcn ljlh"scs.

    'j st"hcstcn ljlh"scs dcrst fd lhh +g `l,g teg hcjiucstcn ljlh"scsfd hctgrlturg gctegr lt l pefjfhficnlh hg&gh fr `frpefhficnlh

    hg&gh. Ldtgr +g el&g `lmg teg hcjiucstcn ljlh"scs tegj +g tr"

    tf dcjm fut teg st"hg dglturgs cj telt pcgng fd hctgrlturg. ^t"hg

    dglturgs lrg tefsg mcstcjntc&g dglturgs fd st"hg fr teg usg fd

    hljiulig +ecne lrg dfujm cj hctgrlturg. 'j l jutseghh teg snfpg

    fd st"hcstcns nlj kg su``lrc:gm ls dfhhf+s=

    (1 ^t"hcstcns cs teg sncgjtcdcn stum" fd st"hg.11 ^t"hcstcns cs teg stum" fd teg usg fd hljiulig cj


    >1 ^t"hcstcns cs teg stum" fd teg dujntcfj fd hljiulig cj


    71 ^t"hcstcns cs teg lpphcnltcfj fd teg tegfrgtcnlh ,jf+hgmig

    fd hcjiucstcns tf hctgrlturg. #elt cs +e" st"hcstcns cs nfjscmgrgm

    ls l krljne fd lpphcgm hcjiucstcns.

    41 ^t"hcstcns cs teg hcjiucstcn stum" fd hctgrlturg. 'jst"hcstcns hctgrlturg cs stumcgm ljm ljlh":gm drf` teg hcjiucstcn

    pfcjt fd &cg+ lt teg &lrcfus hg&gh fd hcjiucstcns sune ls

    pefjfhfi" `frpefhfi" s"jtlN gtn.

  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    01 L st"hcstcns lpprflne tf hctgrlturg dfr`s teg sncgjtcdcn

    pfcjt fd &cg+. #elt cs tf sl" tegrg cs fkgntc&ct" prgncscfj ljm

    gNphcnctjgss cj tecs lpprflne. #ecs lpprflne cs lhsf g`pcrcnlh

    ljlh"tcnlh ljm s"stg`ltcn.

    1)> ^t+cstcns ljm +ctg#l# n#ctcncs`

    #eg hcjiucsts lirgg fj teg cmgl telt st"hcstcns ljm hctgrlr"

    nrctcncs` lrg teg t+f lpprflnegs tf stum" hctgrlturg. Ef+g&gr

    teg `lfr mcddgrgjng kgt+ggj teg` cs telt st"hcstcns cs teg

    `fmgrj lpprflne tf stum" hctgrlturg ljm hctgrlr" nrctcncs` cs

    teg trlmctcfjlh fr fhm lpprflne tf teg stum" fd hctgrlturg. #eg"

    tr" tf mcsphl" sf`g ftegr mcddgrgjngs kgt+ggj st"hcstcns ljmhctgrlr" nrctcncs` ls dfhhf+s=

    1)>)( ^t+cstcns

    ^t"hcstcns cs klscnlhh" teg hcjiucstcn lpprflne tf teg stum" fd

    hctgrlturg kgnlusg st"hcstcns cs klsgm fj hcjiucstcns. Kegj +g

    stum" hctgrlturg drf` teg hcjiucstcn pfcjt fd &cg+ +g mf teg


    L? Kg lpph" teg tegfrgtcnlh ,jf+hgmig fd hcjiucstcns tfteg stum" fd hctgrlturg.

    ;? Kg `l,g teg hcjiucstcn drl`g fd rgdgrgjng.

    N? Kg `l,g usg fd teg tgr`cjfhficgs fd hcjiucstcns +echg

    stum"cji hctgrlturg)

    'j st"hcstcns +g lrg `lcjh" nfjngrjgm +cte teg ljlh"scs fd

    teg st"hg fd teg hctgrlr" +rctgr ljm st"hg cs nrgltgm k" teg usg fd

    hljiulig. #egrgdfrg st"hcstcns cs nfjngrjgm +cte hctgrlr" usg fdhljiulig. 2f``fjh" cj hctgrlturg tegrg cs spgnclh usg fd

    hljiulig. G&gr" +rctgr els ecs ujcug usg fd l hljiulig. #eg

    hctgrlr" hljiulig cs ecieh" frjl`gjtlh s"`kfhcn ljm duhh fd

    dciurgs fd spggne. 'j lmmctcfj tf tecs hctgrlr" hljiulig lhsf

    mg&cltgs drf` teg jfr`s ljm cj tecs +l" ct kgnf`gs l

    hljiulig +ecne cs ecieh" dfrgirfujmgm. Lhh tegsg lspgnts fd

    hctgrlr" hljiulig lrg tl,gj nlrg fd cj st"hcstcns.

    ^t"hcstcns cs lhsf l sncgjtcdcn lpprflne tf teg stum" fdhctgrlturg kgnlusg tecs lpprflne cs fkgntc&g s"stg`ltcn ljm

    fksgr&ltcfjlh. #eg dfhhf+cji lrg teg nelrlntgrcstcns fd teg

    st"hcstcn lpprflne tf hctgrlturg=

  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    *1 #ecs lpprflne cs fkgntc&g kgnlusg ct stumcgs teg

    hljiulig fd hctgrlturg fkgntc&gh".

    1 't cs l sncgjtcdcn ljm prlntcnlh lpprflne kgnlusg cj tecs

    lpprflne teg mltl cs eljmhgm prlntcnlhh" ljm cts `gtefms lrg


    ?1 't cs fksgr&ltcfjlh kgnlusg +g fksgr&g teg hcjiucstcn

    mltl +echg `l,cji teg stum". 't cs jft klsgm fj c`licjltcfj cj

    +ecne mltl nljjft kg fksgr&gm.

    61 't cs l s"stg`ltcn lpprflne kgnlusg teg ljlh"scs fd

    hctgrlr" hljiulig cs `lmg s"stg`ltcn.

    A1 't cs l mltl1frcgjtgm lpprflne kgnlusg cj tecs lpprflne

    +g dfnus fur lttgjtcfj fj mltl fd teg tgNt. Ljm fj teg klscs fdteg ljlh"scs fd teg mltl fd teg tgNt rgsuhts ljm nfjnhuscfj lrg

    mrl+j. 'j tecs lpprflne +g mf jft nfjscmgr teg hcdg

    pgrsfjlhct" lig ljm teg sfncgt" cj +ecne teg hctgrlr" +rctgr

    hc&gs. #egsg lrg jft c`pfrtljt tecjis dfr st"hcstcns ljlh"scs fd

    hctgrlturg. #eg c`pfrtljt tecji cs teg tgNt +ecne teg hctgrlr"

    +rctgr els +rcttgj. #ecs tgNt `l" nf`prcsg pfg` sefrt stfr"

    jf&gh phl" gtn.

    1)>)1 Hctg#l# n#ctcncs`

    Hctgrlr" nrctcncs` ls slcm glrhcgr cs l trlmctcfjlh lpprflne tf

    teg stum" fd hctgrlturg. 't cs lhsf nlhhgm lj fhm ljm nhlsscnlh

    lpprflne tf teg stum" fd hctgrlturg. Hctgrlr" nrctcncs` cs

    prc`lrch" klsgm fj teg c`prgsscfjs +ecne nrctcns iltegr +egj

    teg" if terfuie teg hctgrlturg. #ecs lpprflne cs klsgm fj teg

    pgrsfjlh hc,cji ljm mcshc,cji fd teg nrctcn. #elt cs +e" hctgrlr"nrctcncs` cs nlhhgm c`prgsscfjcstcn nrctcncs` kgnlusg teg

    hctgrlr" nrctcn cs iucmgm k" ecs c`prgsscfj. 'j hctgrlr" nrctcncs`

    jft `une lttgjtcfj cs plcm tf hljiulig usgm k" teg pfgts ljm

    +rctgrs. 't mglhs +cte teg ftegr lspgnts fd hctgrlturg sune ls

    stfr" phft nelrlntgrs egrfgs egrfcjgs nhc`lN trligm"

    nf`gm" gtn. @frgf&gr hctgrlr" nrctcns +echg `l,cji teg stum"

    fd hctgrlturg lhsf mglh +cte teg hcdg ljm pgrsfjlhct" fd teg

    lutefr. Eg lhsf dfnusgs ecs lttgjtcfj fj teg pgrcfm ljm tegsfncgt" cj +ecne teg +rctgr hc&gm. Hctgrlr" nrctcncs` tegrgdfrg cs

    lj gjtcrgh" mcddgrgjt lpprflne tf teg stum" fd hctgrlturg. #ecs

    lpprflne els teg dfhhf+cji dglturgs=

  • 8/13/2019 Series of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics by Hasan M. S. Jaashan


    *1 Hctgrlr" nrctcncs` cs c`prgsscfjcstcn kgnlusg teg hctgrlr"

    nrctcn cs &gr" `une iucmgm k" teg c`prgsscfj +ecne eg dfr`s

    +echg stum"cji hctgrlturg.

    1 't cs l sukgntc&g lpprflne kgnlusg cj tecs lpprflne teg

    pgrsfjlh hc,cji ljm mcshc,cji fd teg nrctcns `lttgrs l hft. 'd teg

    nrctcn hc,gs l pfgt fr lj" pcgng fd hctgrlturg eg +chh lpprgncltg ct

    tff `une kut cd eg mcshc,gs l pfgt fr l pcgng fd hctgrlturg eg

    +chh nf``gjt fj ct klmh".

    ?1 't cs teg lpprflne cj +ecne hctgrlr" tgNt cs jft ic&gj teg

    ngjtrlh pfsctcfj kgnlusg lplrt drf` stum"cji hctgrlr" tgNt teg

    nrctcn pl"s lttgjtcfj tf teg hcdg ljm pgrsfjlhct" fd teg pfgts ljm

    +rctgrs. Eg lhsf mcsnussgs teg pgrcfm ljm teg lig cj +ecne tegpfgt+rctgr hc&gm.

    61 't mfgs jft nfjngjtrltg duhh" fj hljiulig. 't mcsnussgs

    `lttgr ftegr telj teg hljiulig sune ls teg`g stfr" nhc`lN

    ljm nelrlntgrs prgsgjtgm cj hctgrlturg.

    A1 't cs jft l sncgjtcdcn lpprflne tf teg stum" fd hctgrlturg

    kgnlusg teg sncgjtcdcn `gtefms tf ljlh":g teg hctgrlturg lrg jft

    dfhhf+gm cj tecs lpprflne +echg stum"cji hctgrlturg.

    /1 #ecs lpprflne `l,gs tff `une igjgrlhc:ltcfj ljm ctsdcjmcjis lrg jft mrl+j fj teg klscs fd teg ljlh"scs fd teg

    hctgrlr" tgNt. 'j tecs lpprflne teg nrctcn cjmuhigs cj

    gNliigrltcfj ljm teg" usg &gr" pf`pfus hljiulig +ecne cs

    duhh fd &grkfsct". #eus +g dcjm telt tegrg lrg l hft fd

    mcddgrgjngs kgt+ggj st"hcstcns ljm hctgrlr" nrctcncs`. 5fte

    lpprflnegs selrg teg cmgl teg" stum" hctgrlturg kut teg" lrg

    gjtcrgh" mcddgrgjt cj `lj" +l"s.

    1)7 ^t+g cts mg$cjctcfj

    17)( ]eg tg#` st+g

    #eg tgr` st"hg els kggj mgrc&gm drf` teg Hltcj +frm 7stchus9

    +ecne `gljs teg +rctcji cjstru`gjt fd teg 4f`lj. ^t"hg cs

    igjgrlhh" nelrlntgrc:gm ls lj lutefr

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